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Photographic Views of Residences, Business Places, Churches,
Schools, Public Buildings, Landscapes and Places of
Interest In and About Parkersburg,
Symposium of the Industrial, Commercial, Professional, Social and Religious
Life, together with a Complete City Directory of
Parkersburg and her Suburbs.
Copyr'ght, 1907. by
Parkersburg. West Virginia.
It is with great p'easure we offer to Park-
ersburg our New Industrial Souvenir and
City Directory of this beautiful city. We
have sincerely tried to present the manifold
constructive interests of the city in a pleas-
ant and interesting way, and to give you a
book that would serve as a guide to the
social, professional, commercial and indus-
trial life of the city, and have illustrated
same so profusely that the pictures aloae
tell nearly the whole story. While we have
spared no expense to verify facts and pro-
vent blunders, and have bent every effort to
give you a correct City Directory and Sym-
posium of the Industrial, Social and Ra-
ligious life of the city, we know that owiug
to the training of new help in the work,
some mistakes will creep in or some names
or facts be overlooked. These errors will be
corrected in future editions, when assist-
ants more fully understand their work.
Our gratitude goes out to those who have
so earnestly helped us in making this work
of interest and of such educational value,
that it should be in every home for the in-
struction of the youth, and some not so
young, regarding the merits and advantages
of their home city. Our purpose has be 211
to make a work not only useful but neces-
sary in the home, as well as a beautiful
Souvenir to send to friends elsewhere, and
so secure their interest in Parkersburg and
her future.
Especially do we wish to thank the force
of Parkersburg young ladies who personally
canvassed the city and obtained the names.
occupations and addresses for the Directory;
and to those enterprising citizens who have
given us of their time and encouragement
in preparing this work, notably Col. Charles
B. Kefauver, the President of the Dispatch -
News, that hustling and wide-awake news-
paper man who is earnestly laboring for a
greater and better Parkersburg; to A. C.
Davis, general manager of the West Virginia
Western Telephone Company, who is a
double-distilled and forceful compound of
brains, energy, courage and grit, whose con-
structive work in Parkersburg's interest has
made telephone rates so reasonable that a
telephone exists in almost every home; to
Mr. T. R. Cowell, the Vice Fresident of the
Cairo & Kanawha Railway, who is repre-
sented in many of the city's leading indus-
tries as a stockholder or director; to Mr.
C. R. Kerr, the photographer, for the por-
trait work herein; to Mr. H. C. Fischer, of
Marietta, for the many beautiful views of
Parkersburg taken in the summer time, as
well as the winter scenes; and to mam-
others too numerous to mention for helpful
work in preparing this beautiful Souveni.,
showing the social, professional, commercial
industrial and religious life of our city, il-
lustiated so profusely that every one must
see the beauty and desirabiluy of our city
as a place of residence, of business, as a
manufacturing center, or a shipping point,
trade center and outlet for the natural
wealth of West Virginia to the markets c.l
the North, Northeast and West.
Index to Advertisers
The Telephone Numbers in parenthesis following the name and address throughout
this Book are the subscribers' numbers of the West Virginia Western Telephone Co.
Page, rag".
Adair R. H. (architect) IC
Acme Fishing Tool Co Gb
Anderson Shoe Co t'J
Baab, Chas. E. (jeweler and optician)... 71
Harlow's Pool & Billiard Parlors 73
Beisser, Alice ( millinery ) 76
Belcher, Chas. B. (furniture and stoves). 77
Bentley & Gerwig Carpet Co. (furniture
and carpets) 7S
Blennerhassett Pressing Co SO
Brady Construction & Engineering Com-
pany, The 21
Branlger's Business College 79
Broida & Adams (dry goods) i2
Brown-Kendall Co, The (wholesale no-
tions and furnishings) US
Brown, Mis. S. T. (hair dressing) S4
Bryan & Speece (men's furnishers) .v>
Bufflngton Millinery Parlors 8G
Burke Supply & Plumbing Co S3
Bush Plumbing Shop SO
Camden. C. C, & Co. (electricians) 90
Cambron & Lewis (advertising) :i,
Camden Theater 33, 34
Camden Theater 94, !>5
Central Banking & Security Co, The 12
Citizens Transfer & Storage Co %
Commercial Banking & Trust Co, The... 15
Crotty, J. J., & Co. (manufacturers of
drilling and fishing tools) 102
Crystal Springs Water !0
Curry, John W. (general contractor) 103
Cutlip, J. D. (attorney-at-law) 104
Davis Studio (photographer) 10G
Hotel DeWitt 108
Dils Bros. & Co. I dry goods) 109
Discher's Exclusive Umbrella Store 110
Dunkle, B. P. (livery and sales stables) . .112
East End Plumbing Co 114
Epstein. Sid., Toggery Shop 11G
Farmers & Mechanics National Hank 1'!
Feldner Transfer Company 118
First National Bank, The 10
Fleming, C, & Son (shoes) 120
Flower, M. 11. I insurance, real estate) .. .I'M
Globe Printing & Binding Co 126
Gold Mine Store 127
Graham-Bumgarner Co. (manufacturers
and jobbers of boots and shoes) 29
Greek-American Candy Kitchen 123
Grogg & Dudley (real estate) 130
Hall & Prescott (furniture, carpets and
stoves) 132
Halsey. Memel & Strong (funeral direc-
tors and embalmers) 133
Hanes, B. E. (real estate) i!4
Herschel's Turkish-Russian Baths 137
Hotel Monroe \.w
Hotel Schaefer 141
Hub Clothing Co 142
Jackson, A. G., & Co. (fire insurance) ... 144
Johnson & Mead (furniture, carpets and
stoves ) 145
Jones, Thos. A. (dancing school) 116
Jenkins. M. G. (paving contractor) 148
Kahn, S. (clothing) 149
Kesselman & Co. (drilling and fishing
tools) 22
Key. Elizabeth P. (manicuring and hair
dressing) 152
Leavitt, G. E., & Co. (undertaking, ve-
hicles and harness) 15G
Leonard, A. D. (auctioneer) 167
Locke Bros, (shoes) 158
Lloyd-Baxter Music Co 159
Logan, N., & Son (meat market) 160
McGregor-Amiss Furniture Co 164
Maihl & Loritsch (tailors) 103
Marchetti, Astolfo (candies, cigars, etc.).. 169
Mather, John W. (jeweler) 171
Mead, Geo. G. (optician) 173
Mehen, Thos. G. (plumbing) 174
Mitchell, John M. (real estate and life
insurance) 170
Moss, H. P.. Bookstore Co 17S
Mountain Iron & Supply Co 179
Muncy, H. P. (livery and sales stables) . .ISO
Nathan, lien (clothing) 1S2
National Plaster & Supply Co., The 26
Neal, Olin V. (jeweler) 183
Newberger, Harry, & Co. (hatters and
furnishers) iSl
Niswander, G. W., & Co. (hardware) 185
Niswander, G. W. ) millinery ) 186
Oppenheimer, M. (clothing) 187
Paden & Luttrell (insurance) 138
Parker & Co. (painters and general con-
tractors) 1S9
Parkersburg Artificial Stone Co 2;>
Parkersburg Brewing Co., The 32, 33
Parkersburg Candy Kitchen & Bakery... 190
Parkersburg Dispatch-News, The 35
Parkersburg Furniture Co 191
Parkersburg Iron & Steel Co, The IS. 19
Parkersburg Mi'l Co 192
Parkersburg National Bank, The ll
Parkersburg Steam Laundry 193
Parkersburg Mantel & Tile Co 194
Parkersburg Transfer Co 207
Parkersburg Supply & Plumbing Co 196
Patton & Neal Co. (furniture, carpets,
stoves, etc. ) 195
Patton, Wm. Howe (architect) 197
Perkins Grocery Co 198
Peoples Credit Clothing Co 199
Peters Cafe : 200
Powell & Co. (real estate) 144
Radeker Lumber Co, The 21
Rauch, Henry (clothing) 203
Reid, W. H., & Son (jewelers) 205
Richardson & Smith (real estate) LOG
Robinson, J. N. (paving contractor) 208
Rymer, E. M., & Co. insurance 210
Safford, Mrs. J. H. (bakery and confec-
tionery) 211
Reps & Co. (house furnishers) 212
Scherf & Hodgkiss (groceries) 215
Second National Bank of Parkersburg... 14
Sellers Grocery Store 216
Setron, A. H. (jeweler) 217
Smith, Wm. F. (attornev-at-law) 222
Smith W. H., The, Hardware Co 27
Spence, Smith & Kootz (second-hand oil
well supplies) 20
Standard Oil Company, The 22, 2 '.
St ar Grocer Co., The 31
Stein Brothers (clothing) 227
Sliles Foundry & Supply Co 229
U. S. Grocery Co 235
Varley Bros, (livery stable) 236
Waxelbaum, Max (tailor) 239
West Virginia Mantel Co 241
West Virginia Western Telephone Co.. 16, 17
Wentz, Chas. C. (real estate) 242
West Virginia Veneer Door Co 213
West Virginia Real Estate Co 244
White. Hull & Co. (shoes) 246
Wetherell & Son (jewelers) 245
Woodward Manufacturing Co. (saddlery) .250
Young Plumbing Co 251
PARKERSBURG, a hustling and up-
to-date city of 25,000 population, lies
at the confluence of the Ohio and Lit-
tle Kanawha Rivers, and at the termi-
nus of the canal now being' construct-
ed to connect the Great Lakes at
Cleveland with the Ohio River, and be-
ing situated at the crossing of these
waterways, iron ore and cokeing coal
can be assembled here at less cost than
at any other place in the United States,
making it the best location in the Ohio
Valley for manufacturing enterprises,
and it is now one of the valley's prin-
cipal manufacturing cities.
It was settled more than one hun-
dred years ago, but its modern devel-
opment began not more than fifteen
years ago. It now has fifteen miles of
brick-paved streets, twenty miles of
electric street railways, good sewer-
age, good water and light systems,
splendid schools, handsome churches,
public library, costly club houses, two
large theatres, three daily newspapers,
and many advantages of a city even
larger than this.
The people are cordial, hospitable,
and extend a warm welcome to stran-
gers. The population is practically all
American, and is about equally divid-
ed between the Old Virginia element,
the first settlers, the Ohio element,
and the Pennsylvania element, and
happily blends the comfortable home
lift of a Southern city with the hust-
ling business enterprise of a Northern
one, making an ideal city 'both for
residence and business.
Parkersburg has ten banks, all in
a flourishing condition. Their depos-
its are, in round numbers, Five Million
Dollars, and their aggregate resources
are more than Eight Million Dollars.
The average deposit in Parkersburg
banks per capita is $232, while in the
United States the average is about
$85, a fair illustration of the comfort
of its citizens. In addition to the
banks there are three Building and
Loan Associations with aggregate re-
sources of more than Two Million Dol-
Parkersburg, owing to its splendid
railroad and river facilities, is a nat-
ural distributing point in a commer-
cial way, and its wholesale houses keep
about 125 salesmen on the road. They
View Up Market Street, Parkersburg, W. Va.
do an annual business of about Five
Million Dollars, making this city a
wholesale center for almost all lines
of merchandise.
There are nearly two hundred indus-
trial establishments here, employing
three thousand persons, paying out a
million and a half dollars a year in
wages, and turning out six million dol-
lars worth of finished product annual-
ly The lines of manufacture include
steel products, foundries, forges, ma-
chine shops, wood working plants of
all kinds, including furniture fac-
tories, chair factories, mantels, house
furnishings and cabinet works, oil re-
fineries and chemical plants, potteries,
tile and brick works, artificial stone
works, engine works, brewery, railroad
repair shops, boiler works, and a great
variety, of other factories.
As a manufacturing site, Parkers-
burg has many advantages. It pos-
sesses the three essentials for suitable
manufacturing sites, cheap raw
materials, cheap cost of manu-
facturing, including labor and
power, and accessibility to market,
with cheap transportation. Parkers-
burg has cheap raw materials of al-
most every variety. Especially is this
true of all kinds of timber ami hard
woods, iron and steel, which enter
largely into most lines of manufacture.
It is elose to the immense forests of
West Virginia, where every variety of
timber, known to the temperate clime
is found. Much of it is floated from
forest to factory on the rivers, making
the cost here about the same as in the
forests. Iron and. steel can now be
had by water transportation from the
furnaces at little more than the cost
at the furnace. When (he canal to
Cleveland is completed, within two
years, iron ores from the Great Lakes
can be delivered here at 40 cents a ton
less than at Pittsburg, and with coke-
ing coal of the finest quality at the
very door of Parkersburg, this city
will become a great iron making cen-
ter. Fire ami potters clays, glass
sand, fruits and vegetables for can-
neries, wool, cotton and a great varie-
ty of other raw materials for manu-
facturing are to be had here at such
low rates that all raw material may be
said in a general way to be cheap
ami plentiful.
The best steam coal can be had de-
6 —
View Down Market Street, Parkersburg, W. Va.
livered in factory here at $1.25 per
long ton, but it is not used because
natural gas at eight cents per thou-
sand feet is so much cheaper and more
satisfactory in every way. At this
price gas is considered the equivalent
of coal at 95 cents per ton.
Labor is plentiful and reliable and
is native American. The heads of
several large manufacturing concerns
her-c, who have had years of experi-
ence in other places, say that labor is
the best to be had. The cost of living
is Low, and labor troubles are practic-
ally unknown. Plenty of good female
help can be had for work which is
suitable for women.
Parkersburg is centrally located and
accessible to the general markets. It
is about the same distance from New
York, Chicago and St. Louis. It has
ample railroad facilities in every di-
rection, with five roads running into
the city, and is also on the Ohio Riv-
er, which United States Engineers say
affords the cheapest transportation in
the world. Freight rates are satisfac-
tory to all points and railroad rates
are regulated by the competition af-
forded by river transportation, thus
— 7
insuring a permanent equitable ad-
One of the most important fea-
tures of this city is the low rate of
taxation, being less than one half of
one percent on each hundred dollars
of valuation in the city and about two-
thirds of one percent for county pur-
poses. After the year of 1908 no tax-
es whatever will be paid for State pur-
poses. Therefore Parkersburg and
West Virginia can offer greater in-
ducements to manufacturing enterpris-
es seeking location than any State in
the Union.
More than $2,750,000, is being ex-
pended at the present time in improv-
ing industrial conditions and making
a permanent and solid foundation for
a great industrial city. The greater
portion of this amount is being used
to improve the railroad and water
transportation facilities and to supply
additional and cheaper fuel. More
than $500,000 is being expended in the
erection of additional industrial
plants or the enlargement of present
ones. The permanent improvement of
industrial conditions helpful to the
varied manufacturing interests at
View on Ann Street, Parkersburg, W. Va.
present with us and to attract new
ones, is the Parkersburg idea, and it is
along these lines that the organized
commercial forces of the city are
working, so as to improve its already
favorable conditions in order that suc-
cess and prosperity will attend every
factory which is established in the
The United States Government is
constructing a lock and dam in the
Ohio River five miles above the city
of Parkersburg, at a cost of $850,000.
which will provide continuous naviga-
tion between the Little Kanawha Riv-
er and the Muskingum River in Ohio.
Five miles below Parkersburg another
lock and dam iD the Ohio River will
provide a permanent pool of deep wa-
ter in the Parkersburg Harbor. More
than $125,000 has already been appro-
priated for this work, which will cost
in the neighborhood of $850,000 when
completed. A lock and dam to cost
$110,000, has been provided for in the
Muskingum River by the United
States and will be completed next sea-
son. From the Muskingum river to
Lake Erie at Cleveland the State of
Ohio is re-constructing, widening and
deeping the old canal. It will be com-
pleted and boats will be passing
through it within twelve months. So
that, within the next year direct water
communication between Parkersburg
and Cleveland will have been estab-
lished, with a minimum depth of five
feet, and after years of persistent ef-
fort Parkersburg is about to realize
her dream of a waterway connecting
the ore fields of the Great Lakes with
the coal fields of West Virginia, and
water transportation of the product to
the wide markets of the world.
Fully $300,000 is being expended in
Parkersburg for the improvement of
its freight terminals by the Baltimore
& Ohio Railroad Co., the construction
of new roundhouses, repair shops and
yard improvements, and upon the com-
pletion of these improvements a large
and comfortable passenger station will
be constructed here.
Parkersburg has suffered from a
lack of suitable sites for factories. To
remedy this condition, the Parkers-
burg Industrial Company, headed by
United States Senator J. N. Camden,
C. H. Shattuck, Judge Reese Blizzard
and others, have secured about 1500
View on Juliana Street, Parkersburg, W. Va.
acres of land on the south bank of the
Little Kanawha River, near the Eas-
tern part of the city. A bridge is now
being constructed across the river and
as soon as completed, the Parkersburg,
Marietta and Inter-Urban Railway
Company will extend its electric lines
across the bridge and through the
property, providing adequate street
ear facilities. The Little Kanawha
Railroad already runs through the
property and the Little Kanawha Riv-
er with water transportation passes in
front of it. And a macadamized boule-
vard eighty feet wide and two miles
long is being constructed, thus pro-
viding ideal sites and transportation
facilities for manufacturing enter-
With cheap natural gas which has
not failed for a single day since its in-
troduction thirteen years ago, with
the splendid coal fields of West Vir-
ginia at her door, with manufacturing
sites ideal in character, with cheap
transportation by both water and rail
to the markets of the world, with
$850,000 being expended on Lock and
Dam No. 18; with $125,000 being ex-
pended on Lock and Dam No. 19 be-
low Parkersburg: with $83,000 being
expended improving Locks and Dams
on the Little Kanawha River; with
$300,000 being expended on the Balti-
more and Ohio shop improvements;
with $300,000 being expended on
bridge and street railway and boule-
vard to South Side ; with $500,000 be-
ing expended on enlargements at Stan-
dard Oil Refinery and $50,000 having
just been expended on betterments
and improvements of the Parkersburg
Iron & Steel Company's Plant: and
with thousands more to be expended
upon additions to their plant to care
for their increasing business through-
out the country; with .$50,000 being
expended on the Agricultural Fair
Grounds and buildings, making a
grand total of approximately $2,758,-
000, being expended on industrial im-
provements, a wonderful development
is with us, bright prospects are before
us, and Parkersburg will take front
rank as one of the leading commercial
and manufacturing centers of the
Great Ohio Valley, the Richest Indus-
trial Valley in the World.
— 9
The First National Bank
Corner of Market and Seventh Streets
( W. Va. 316.)
Has watched over the growth and develop-
ment of Parkersburg from the time when
she was a struggling village of three thou-
sand inhabitants, with an uncertain future,
until now, when she stands the second city
in the State in population and importance.
Not a little of this development is due to
the direction and care of the officers and
directorate of this old and conservative bank.
Always to the front when the needs of the
city are in question, many a deserving enter-
prise has been nursed- and brought from a
weak and questionable future to a pros-
perous fruition by her helpful fellowship,
and hardly a street exists in the city but
what bears her imprint, among them such
beautiful edifices as the new First National
Bank building, in which is located the Hotel
Chancellor and the First National Bank.
The First National Bank was organized in
1863 on a capital stock of $50,000. Twice it
has been compelled to increase this capital,
the first time to $150,000, and again 'to
The President of the Bank, Senator J. N.
Camden, and the Vice President, Mr. W. N.
Chancellor, have been connected with the
institution since its organization, Mr. Cam-
den as its first President and Mr. Chancel-
lor as its first Cashier. Mr. H. H. Moss, the
present Cashier, has been identified with the
bank for fifteen years, being formerly cashier
fit the Parkersburg National Bank for about
twenty-three years. Mr. W. Armstrong has
also been in the service of the bank since
shortly after it was organized.
When the First National Bank commenced
business they were located on the east side
of Juliana street, a little north of Third.
Later on a building was erected on the
southwest corner of Juliana and Third
streets, which was occupied for about 25
years, from whence they removed to the
corner of Market and Fourth, ind when It
was found that these quarters were inade-
quate for their great and increasing volume
of business, the present magnificent struc-
ture was erected at the corner of Market and
Seventh streets, in which they are now lo-
cated, the banking fixtures of which, de-
signed in beautiful mahogany, are consider?d
among the' most elaborate to be found any-
where in the country.
The present officers of the bank are: J. N.
Camden, President; W. N. Chancellor, Vice
President; H. H. Moss, Cashier, and W.
Armstrong, Assistant Cashier, and the Di-
rectors are J. N. Camden, W. N. Chancellor,
T. B. Camden, W. T. Wiant, C. C. Martin, VV.
W. Van Winkle, F. S. Smith, E. L. Davidson
and George M. Whitescarver.
The Capital Stock is now $250,000, togeth-
er with a surplus fund of $170,000, and the
bank is also a United States Depository.
A prosperous future, the result of the
careful and conserving management of every
interest entrusted to their care, is but the
just reward to this tried and tested faithful
friend of Parkersburg. ■
The Parkersburg National Bank,
Corner of Fourth and Market Streets,
(W. Va. 367.)
The Parkersburg National Bank was orig-
inally called the Western Bank of Virginia,
and was doing business about 1815. It was
afterward changed into the Northwestern
Bank of Virginia, about 1830, and was in-
corporated as the Parkersburg National
Bank in 18G5.
From 1830 until 1904 the old bank building
on Third street was occupied. In 1904 they
removed to their present beautiful and com-
modious quarters in the Blennerhassett Ho-
tel Building, corner of Fourth and Market
The capital stock is $150,000, and the
surplus fund is $105,000, and this solid old
institution has over $400,000 deposits. Its
history has been one of uniform success
throughout the many years of its existence,
an existence that almost spans a century.
In fact, the Parkersburg National Bank i&
the oldest banking institution in the city,
and is commonly spoken of as the "Old
Mr. C. Nelly (of the wholesale grocery
firm of C. Nelly & Co.) is the President of
the Bank, and has been identified with the
bank as a Director, and later as President,
for many years. Charles A. Bukey, the
Cashier, has been connected with the Bank,
occupying various positions, since 1881. The
Directors are: C. Nelly, H. B. Hogg, Jas. S.
Wade, W. D. Paden, W. Vrooman, M. W.
Mullen, B. F. Tracewell.
This bank does a general banking busi-
ness, issues drafts on all foreign countries,
payable at sight; makes collections, etc., and
in short, transacts all the various kinds of
business usually conducted through such an
institution. As a financial agent, its many
patrons have always found this bank emi-
nently worthy of confidence, and a safe
guardian of their interests.
The liberal patronage accorded the Park-
ersburg National Bank by the business firms
of the city, and the public generally, shows
how firmly established is its reputation in
this community for stability and souud
financiering. The safe deposit vaults of this
bank are among the strongest in the city,
and are provided with the most effectual
precautionary devices against loss by burg-
lary or fire, being proof against the attacks
of either.
If you are seeking a new banking home for
your account, the old Parkersburg National
Bank will serve you faithfully and well.
The Central Banking & Security Co.
615 Market Street, Parkersburg, W. Va.
(W. Va. 256 )
The Central Banking and Security Com-
pany, located at 615 Market street, has been
successful from its inception. Organized
under charter dated June 24, 1900, it opened
for business April 22, 1901, with an auth-
orized capital stock of $300,000, of which
$150,000 was paid in. Already its resources
amount to $600,000, with a surplus fund of
$22,000. Since their organization they have
declared and paid nine semi-annual divi-
dends. The bank owns its own building; the
banking rooms are furnished in mahogany,
and is otherwise as well equipped as any
in the State for banking purposes.
The Central Banking & Security Company
has a large and growing Savings Depart-
ment, and pays interest on savings deposits
at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum, pay-
able January and July of each year. Nearly
4,500 depositors have availed themselves of
the opportunity to deposit their saA ings hej-e.
The management have tried to make it the
people's bank, and certainly the large num-
ber of depositors show how well they are
succeeding. In the Commercial Department,
the company welcomes the accounts of all,
and on inactive, or time deposits, pays the
usual rate of interest. They also have a
Trust Department, which is fully equipped
to handle fiduciary business of every kind,
and 3i eks appointment as Executor, Admin-
istrator, Guardian, Assignee, Receiver, Trus-
tee, etc., as well as the collection of Rents
and Management of Estates. To business in-
trusted to them in this department the best
of attention is and will be given. Their
policy has always been conservative fair
dealing with all, whether a depositor or bor-
rower, of small or large amounts. The stock
of the company is owned by citizens of Park-
ersburg and vicinity, who are among the
best in the community. The officers are: W.
H. Smith, President; Levin Smith, Vice
President; W. H. Ogden. Cashier; J. V.
Langfitt, Assistant Cashier; and the Direc-
tors are W. H. Smith, Jr., Olin V. Neal, E. J.
Humphrey, S. B. Langfitt, S. B. Crawford, F.
D. McCoy, Levin Smith, J. V. Langfitt, Win.
Kirk, J. T. McMechen, B. D, Stout.
Farmers & Mechanics National Bank
Corner Market and Fourth Streets
Capital, $100,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits, $25,000 00
iW. Va. 594.)
The Farmers and Mechanics National
Bank was organized in 1900, and since its
organization has had a rapid growth. While
it is one of the youngest financial institu-
tions in the city, it is one of the most sub-
stantial and leading financial institutions
of the State, having assets exceeding
The Directors are some of the best busi-
ness men of the city. The following is a
list of the officers and directors of the Bank:
President — W. W. Walker, proprietor B!en-
nerhassett Hotel.
"Vice President — John M. Crawford, Secre-
tary and Treasurer Parkersburg Rig and
Reel Company.
D. A. Beatty, oil producer.
D. P. Connolly, oil producer and manager
Associated Producers Company.
J. W. Solley, superintendent South Penn
Oil Company.
R. J. A. Boreman, capitalist.
W. S. Tracewell, real estate.
F. O. Havener, president Holly Lumber
H. O. Smith, Jeweler.
C. T. Hiteshew, Cashier, has been cashier
of the institution for the last three years, and
is also President of the West Virginia Bank-
ers Association.
This Bank does a general banking busi-
ness in all its branches, including the hand-
ling of commercial accounts, the carrying of
commercial deposits for business men, a
savings department which pays the highest
rate of interest on savings deposits, rents
safety deposit boxes for the storage of val-
uable papers, wills, deeds, notes, mortgages,
jewelry, and other valuables; issues drafts
on all foreign countries payable at sight;
makes collections, and acts as financial
agent for its patrons with the utmost dili-
gence and care, and in all ways and for all
purposes for which a bank is desirable will
be found a conservatively managed but en-
terprising, financial institution that enjoys
the respect and support of many of the
largest commercial interests of Parkersburg,
and has the hearty good will of the entire
commercial life of the city.
A careful scrutiny of the personnel of the
officers and directors of this Bank will please
us when you are seeking to open a new
banking account.
The Second National Bank of Parkersburg
Corner Fifth and Market Streets
Capital, $156,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits, $73,000
(W. Va. 375.)
The Second National Bank of Parkersburg,
corner of Fifth and Market streets, was or-
ganized in 1805, with a capital of $103,500,
with General J. J. Jackson as its first Presi-
dent, who continued in this office until his
death in 1877, and with W. H. Wolfe as iis
first Cashier. In the thirty-two years of its
existence it has built up a large and profit-
able business, early being compelled to in-
crease its capital, which is now $156,000.
General Jackson was succeeded by James
W. Dils, who continued President of the
Bank during the remainder of his life, niie-
teen years. Its other Presidents have been
W. H. Wolfe, W. Vrooman and Dennis
W. H. Wolfe continued as Cashier for over
thirty years, when he was succeeded by G.
M. Gilkeson, who in turn was succeeded by
George H. Carver, the present Cashier.
The Second National Bank was the second
bank in the city to organize under the Na-
tional Banking law. This Bank has pros-
pered from its very inception, and during the
various panics the country has passed
through since 1865 has never suspended
specie payment nor failed to pay its obli-
gations in full upon demand.
The Second National Bank gives close and
careful attention to the interests of its
customers, extending as broad and liberal
accommodations as prudent and conservative
banking will permit, and their wise discre-
tion is shown in the unif rm prosperous re-
sult and the reputation for integrity which it
The approved accounts of banks, bankets, .
merchants and corporations are received,
loans and discounts made, collections at-
tended to, and the bank issues drafts on
principal cities and traveler's letters of
credit available anywhere. Convenient safety
deposit boxes for the storage of valuable
papers, such as notes, deeds, wills, jewelry
and valuables, etc., are at the disposal o!
the public. This Bank is an acknowledged
factor in the welfare of the business com-
munity, and the city has profited by reason
of the efficiency and sufficiency of its bank-
ing facilities.
The officers of this Bank are: Dennis
O'Brien, President; H. S. Wilson, Vice
President; George H. Carver, Cashier. The
Directors are; W. H. Wolfe, H. S. Wilson,
W. N. Miller, A. B. White, R. J. A. Bore-
man, J. S. McKown and Dennis O'Brien.
Commercial Banking & Trust Company
Corner Third Street and Court Square
i W. Va. 1471- I
November 17, 1903, was the date of the
opening of the Commercial Banking & Trust
Company, with an authorized stock of $300,-
; paid up capital stock of $105,000.
In these days of keen competition the suc-
cess "of a Bank is largely dependent upon
the liberality of treatment accorded deposi-
tors. Recognizing this fact, it has been the
policy of its officers to extend such accom-
modations to its customers as conservative
banking methods would admit. Funds o!
individuals, merchants and others are wel-
comed, and investments of surplus money io
bonds and other securities made when de-
This Bank has every facility and power to
be and has become one of the Important
factors in the business and finance in the
city of Parkersburg. It is authorized to act
as administrator, executor, trustee, and in
any fiduciary capacity. In addition to this,
it has a Savings Department, where any de-
positor may deposit any small amount at any
time and be enabled to receive interest at the
rate of 4 per cent on his deposit.
The Savings Department of this Bank iri
a growing feature, where the small depositor
as well as the large one is able to add to his
savings, and at the same time receive a lib-
era] interest on his accumulations. This
particularly should appeal to that class of
people whose income is limited to little more
than every day requirements. A fund may
be accumulated in this way, available in
times of sickness or other misfortune, or for
any special object. There is a feeling of
security and satisfaction in having such a
fund in this Bank at your command when
wanted. Safety Deposit Boxes are at the
service of customers at small expense.
This Bank has deposits amounting in the
aggregate to $200,000, which are constantly
increasing, and is controlled by men of good
business judgment and conservative ideas on
strictly business lines. Its officers are: B. S.
Pope, President; James A. Wetherell, Vice
President, and T. J. Wetherell, Cashier. Its
Directors are: B. S. Pope, H. M. Spence,
Otto Schultz, George W. Strong, Louis Mans-
bach, R. Wild, C. P. Morrison, J. A. Weth-
erell, T. J. Anderson, Robert Wilson, Fred
Graff, E. G. Stephenson, W. S. Keever, Geo.
W. Carney, V. L. Bartlett, W. E. Stout. J. W.
Dudley, J. H. Shaw, Jacob Radenbaugh,
Chas. H. Betts, F. P. Ames.
West Virginia Western Telephone Company
Parkersburg, West Virginia.
The West Virginia Western Telephone
Company is the oldest independent tele-
phone company in West Virginia, and their
history is an inspiration to every patriotic
American who sees threat in the amalgamp-
tion of large interests and the centralization
of power into the hands of the few. "As a
man thinketh in his heart, so is he," and
when there gathered together a few men
with ideas and the courage of their convic-
tions, who determined to introduce an in-
dependent telephone service into West Vir-
ginia, nothing daunted them, and the his-
tory of their struggle against the wiles and
power of a gigantic and merciless octopus,
entrenched behind a fortification of patent
laws, and against the apathy or supineness
of their victims, is a memory that should
ever be preserved. That these men succeed-
ed goes without saying — such courage when
used with caution and with judgment has
ever succeeded — and today this Company
stands as leader in the independent tele-
phone movement ,and the names of these
men ar» a household word where\er tele-
phony has its quarters.
The West Virginia Western Telephone
Company was organized in February, 1898,
and commenced business in Parkersburg in
189S, and after an aggressive campaign open-
ed for business with three hundred sub-
scribers in November of that year. Imme-
diately their competitor cut rates for all
classes of service to three dollars per year
less than they offered, coming from an ex-
cessive charge to a ridiculous one, and the
fight waged merrily on, for the octopus
found that they were up against fighters
who could and would fight, and who were
keenly aware that it was only the last blow
that counted. In 1902 The West Virginia
Western Company had eight hundred tele-
phone in service, when the octopus an-
nounced that they would restore their old
rates, and the fight was won ,and now the
West Virginia Western has twenty-eight
hundred telephones in use in Parkersburg, a
large and growing Exchange in Marietta,
many of the counties of West Virginia an
covered with their wires, and prosperous
exchanges of the company are located at
West Union, Harrisville, Pennsboro, Ellen-
boro, Cairo, Auburn, Sistersville and Wil-
liamstown, and connections with Clarks-
burg, Fairmont, Grafton, Philippi, Elkins,
Beverly, Belleville, Ravenswood, Spencer,
Ripley, St. Marys, Goose Creek, Belpre, Cool-
ville, Pomeroy, Athens, Ohio, and covering
Lewis, Braxton, Gilmer, Calhoun, Harrison,
Wetzel, Wood. Ritchie, Tyler, Wirt and
Jackson counties, their wires connecting the
subscriber with over fifty thousand business
places and homes in West Virginia and
Ohio, from the farmer living back in the
hills to the busiest merchant in the State.
And the fight that was won was one that
insures permanent equitable telephone rates
to subscribers, for the principle around
which the fight has been conducted has been
the introduction of the most satisfactory
The Operators at the Switchboard.
service at the least possible cost, and re-
sults speak for themselves.
At no time has this Company placed rates
upon the old trust principle of "all that the
traffic will bear," but always on the prin-
ciple of enabling the workman, no matter
how humble his circumstances, to find an
economy and a profit in having a telephone
in his home and at his service. Great credit
should be given to these gentlemen for stick-
ing to principle through thick and thin, and
for not losing courage where less forceful
men must have laid down their arms.
The officers of the company are: J. H.
Lininger, President; J. E. Carle, Vice Presi-
dent; R. H. Rutherford, Secretary; C. ±\
Hiteshew, Treasurer; A. C. Davis, General
Manager, and the Directors are: Robert H.
Browse. G. D. Jeffers, Ben S. Pope, J. P.
Sharp, Richard Wanless, and H. G. Feller.
This is a strong and able directorate, and
several of its members have been connected
with the company from its organization,
notably Messrs. Carle, Davis, Rutherford
and Lininger. Mr. Lininger is cashier of
the People's Bank at Harrisville, and an
official in several other corporations. Mr.
Carle is a leading farmer, stock raiser and
oil producer of Wood County. Mr. Ruther-
ford is the general manager of the Oakland
Pressed Brick Company of Zanesville, Ohio.
Mr. Hiteshew is cashier of the Farmers and
Mechanics National Bank of Parkersburg.
Mr. Davis, the Napoleon of the Independent
telephone movement, devotes his attention
entirely to the telephone business, and be-
sides having the active management of the
Company, and the Marietta Telephone Com-
pany, is a director in several other telephone
companies, and is Secretary of the West
Virginia Independent Telephone Association,
and one of the best known telephone men
in West Virginia. Mr. Wanless is Presi-
dent of the Bank of Cairo, Cairo, West Vir-
ginia. Mr. Browse is capitalist and Vice
President of the Pleasants County Bank of
St. Marys, West Virginia, and a Director in
several corporations in Wheeling and else-
where. Mr. Feller is Director of the First
National Bank of St. Marys. Mr. Sharp is
a farmer and interested in several business
enterprises, where he is valued for his con-
servatism and good judgment. Dr. Jeffers
is a leading physician of Parkersburg, and
a prominent business man. Mr. Pope is the
General Manager of the Parkersburg Dock
Company, he being one of the proprietors,
and is also the President of the Commercial
Banking and Trust Company of Parkersburg
and a leading timber dealer.
And under this able and talented super-
vision the growth, development and health
of the West Virginia Telephone Company,
and of the independent telephone movement
in Southern Ohio and West Virginia, is se-
The above illustration shows some of the
operators at work on the switchboard. The
West Virginia Telephone Company employs
in this department, at their Central Ex-
change in Parkersburg, 31 operators to look
after the needs of their constantly increas-
ing number of subscribers.
The Parkersburg Iron & Steel Company
Beechwood, Parkersburg, W, Va,
(W. Va. 3218.)
One of the most important industries of
Parkersburg is the Parkersburg Iron & Steel
Company. Situated beside the Ohio River,
at Beec'iwood, the plant has ample grounds
for development, as well as for present use,
and the hum of industry that greets the ob-
server telLs of business that is well man-
aged and prosperous, and constantly running
to its full capacity day and night. The
Parkersburg Iron & Steel Company was or-
ganized in 1901, commencing operations De-
cember 18th of that year, and since tnat time
has run steadily and prosperously. They
operate their plant continuously, working
day and night, and have nearly five hundred
employes on the payroll.
It is well to pause and reflect once iti
awhile on the magnitude and diversity of
a city's interests, and what the addition of a
great enterprise means to a city, and this
growing concern will serve well for an illus-
tration. They employ five hundred men.
Five hundred employes at an average i f
twenty dollars per week (and a large per-
centage of their skilled workers receive
much more than this), means a distribution
weekly of ten thousand dollars which is ex-
pended for the support, care, education and
maintenance of this army of employes, their
wives and children, among the merchants
and business interests of our city. All of
this wealth is originated in other places and
brought to our city by the sale of the pro-
ducts of this concern in world-wide markets.
Nor is this all of the wealth that they in-
troduce into the commercial life of our city.
There are other commercial needs that must
be bought and paid for by them, in hand-
ling, transporting raw materials and finished
products by railroads, by boat lines and
teaming, supplies to be purchased, and the
multitude of collateral expenditures. It is
but fair to believe that Parkersburg receives
directly and indirectly from this concern for
distribution among her merchants and pro-
ducers fully $000,000 each year. What
would it mean to withdraw this vast
sum yearly from the arteries of commerce of
our city? The result would be the demoral-
ization, impoverishment and paresis of many
and many a business and family now pros-
perous, and a general lowering of the whole
business tone of the city. But another en-
terprise of this magnitude brought here
would bring business health and business
life to us, and rejuvenate the same com-
mercial life with bounding health. Read it
again. Think it over.
The Parkersburg Iron & Steel Company
are manufacturers of Sheet Iron, Sheet Steel,
and finished steel products. Their sheet iron
is greatly in demand for use in making
galvanized iron, corrugated iron siding, for
roofing, and for many other purposes. Their
Sheet Steel is probably the most popular
brand in the country for use in making auto-
Coal Barges Going Down the Ohio River.
mobile bodies and similar work, where light-
ness and toughness and strength must be
combined in one perfect whole. Their special
product is "Parkersburg Blue" Sheet Steel,
a uniform colored sheet for stovepipes, el- .
hows, dripping pans, and work wiere high
polish and uniform color is needed.
Their finished steel products are used in
making tacks, roofing, dashers, milk cans,
show cards, powder kegs, soda drums, metal
whee's. metal ceilings, umbrella rods, satch-
el frames, bicycle tubing, soda fountains,
gas stoves, gasoline stoves, oak stoves,
stamped ware, enameled ware, metal lath-
ing, metal screen frames, automobile parts,
and for many other purposes.
Their equipment is up-to-date in every
way, including electric cranes and all mod-
ern machinery, and both electric and steam
power is used, natural gas being used for
fuel. They have their own machine and
blacksmith shops for constructing tew an 1
repairing damaged machinery. All of the
work of this firm is done under one roof,
their business being entirely self-contained,
and therefore receiving that personal super-
vision that insures the greatest production
and the highest quality. They also have
more than half a mile of private railway
track, which is kept constantly filled; an 1
also< have a private landing on the Ohio
River. Their manufactured product averages
over two thousand tons per month.
The Beechword property adjacent to the
Steel Plant is controlled by the Parkersburg
Iron & Steel Company, and is operated un-
der the name of the Parkersburg Specialty
Company. Home sites and homes for work-
ers in the plant, and also to residents of
the city, are offered at very reasonable prices
and terms. They also have some desirable
manufacturing sites which are offered on
equally advantageous terms. On account of
river facilities and railroad trackage, and the
level nature of the land, these sites are pe-
culiarly desirable.
The company also operates the Budke
Manufacturing Company, which makes stove
pipes, elbows, dripping pans, box bands,
metal lath and air-tight heater stoves. The
"Acme" goods of the Budke Manufacturing
Company are known throughout the country
as the standard of quality in elbows, drip-
ping pans and stove pipes.
The officers of the Parkersburg Iron &
Steel Company are: C. F. Niemann, Presi-
dent and Treasurer; A. H. Geilfuss, Secre-
tary; John Stephens, General Manager, and
C. A. Orr, Auditor.
Spence, Smith & Kootz.
The firm of Spence & Smith was organized
in 1S98, to deal in Second-Hand Oil Well
Supplies and Machinery, and is composed of
Mr. H. M. Spence and Mr. W. S. Smith, both
gentlemen having been formerly engaged in
the same line in Pennsylvania. Believing
Parkersburg to be a point well adapted >o
their particular line of business, they came
here in 1S98, and after thoroughly investi-
gating the locality formed a partnership.
Their business was originally established to
Spence, Smith & Kootz
Works, 116 to 120 Ann Street
Boiler Shop, Corner Williams Court Alley and First Street
(W. Va. 194.)
deal in Second-Hand Oil Well Material sole-
ly, pot-chasing non-productive wells, pulling
out the casing, pipe, &c, and remarketing
the same, together with boilers, engines, an.l
all material pertaining to an oil well. Each
year their business increased, not only in
the West Virginia oil fields, but throughout
the different states of Pennsylvania, Ohio,
Indiana and Illinois, and extending also into
the different coal mining districts of the
same states.
For some years Messrs. Spence & Smith
have felt the need of a Machine and Boiler
Shop in connection with their business, and
in the spring of 190G, after investigating the
different oil centers, determined upon mak-
ing Parkersburg their permanent headquart-
ers, and establish shops here; accordingly
they purchased a lot 75x175 feet on lower
Ann street, and erected thereon a brick
building, 36x110 feet, with commodious of-
fices attached. They also purchased the
machine shop and business of Fisher &
Kootz on First street, and removed the
machinery to their present location. They
then organized a new partnership, taking in
Mr. Albert Kootz, who was born and raised
in Parkersburg, acquired his trade here, an3
was one of the firm purchased by Messrs.
Spence & Smith. He is an able machinist, a
master of his trade, and well qualified to
superintend the works of the new enter-
prise. In addition, Messrs. Spence, Smith &
Kootz have splendidly equipped the new
works with all necessary new machinery, in-
cluding Pipe Machines for the cutting and
threading of all sizes of pipe, and in the old
shop on First street have installed a modern
Boiler Shop, with Power Shears, Punches
and all machinery necessary to repair old
and manufacture new Boilers. This part of
the enterprise is under the superintendency
of a Master Boiler Maker and Draughtsman.
Particular attention is paid to repairing
Steamboat Boilers, and government tested
Machine Sheets are constantly kept in stock.
Messrs. Spence, Smith & Kootz have made
a valuable addition to Parkersburg's indus-
tries, and their increasing business, not only
lrom the oil fields, but from the Mill, Mine
and Steamboat trades justify them in the
belief that just such an institution has been
needed in Parkersburg.
In addition to the new works, Messrs.
Spence & Smith will engage more exten-
sively than ever in the purchase and sale of
all kinds of second-hand machinery, tubing,
pipe and supplies, and are always ready to
inspect and make price on all kinds and
quantities of the above material and will
offer for their customers to choose from a
larger and better stock, one that has been
thoroughly repaired in their own Shops.
The Radeker Lumber Company
Office and Yards, Foot of Fifth Street.
(W. Va. 364)
West Virginia is now one of the leading
lumber producing States of the Union. Her
hills are still covered with the primeval
growth, and many of the interior counties
are yet to feel the blow of the lumberman's
axe. There is timber now standing that
will keep the woodsman busy for twenty
yeais to come. But the internal develop-
ment, the construction of new railway lines,
the extension of her manufacturing inter-
ests, calls for this timber, and it will be
many years before lumbering interests cease
to prosper.
Parkersburg is the natural distributing
point for the lumber of the Little Ka-
nawha, the Big Kanawha, and the
Elk River Valleys and their tributaries,
to the Northern and Northeastern mar-
kets. Here the output of these Valleys is
most easily and cheaply assembled, stored,
anu held in readiness for transportation to
these markets. It is the logical meeting
point of all interests — manufacturer, distri-
butor and user.
The Radeker Lumber Company is organ-
ized to supply this need. This Company is
composed of a body of men each individual
of which has a thorough knowledge of the
timber and lumbering business in all its
branches, and taken as a whole are a com-
posite picture of the lumbering interests of
West Virginia.
Mr. C. W. R. Radeker, the President, is
the President of the Nicolette Lumber Com-
pany, of Nicolette, West Virginia. Mr. J.
R. H. Radeker, the Secretary and Treasurer,
is Vice President of that Company, and Mr.
\s . W. Watterson, Vice President and Gen-
eral Manager, is President of the W. W.
Watterson Lumber Company and Treasurer
of the West Virginia Veneer Door Company.
The Radeker Lumber Company organized
with a capital stock of $25,000, fully paid in,
will Wholesale and Retail Lumber through-
out West Virginia, Southern Ohio and
Pennsylvania. The Company have their
purchasing agents along the Big Kanawha
and Elk Rivers and their tributaries, along
the Coal & Coke Railroad and along the
Little Kanawha, and their selling agents in
various West Virginia and Ohio towns, in
Wheeling and in Pittsburg. The lumber
they handle is mostly Oak, Poplar and Hem-
lock, in all grades, dimensions and thick-
nesses, and the firm do especially large
business in car oak for building freight
and passenger cars. The firm also caters to
local needs, carrying nearly 500,000 feet In
stock, and are prepared to meet the de-
mands of the building trade promptly with
the best of West Virginia timber, and also
are ever ready to ship quickly to surround-
ing points both by water and rail.
Kesselman & Company
122, 124, 126 and 128 Ann Street
(W. Va. 210)
When a
tury, and
business i
panding. i
business man is continuously
for over a third of a cen-
when in all that time the
constantly growing and ex-
is an assured fact that two
conditions are present — sterling integrity
and a thorough knowledge of the customers'
needs. The business of Kesselman & Co.
was started over a third of a century ago —
thirty-six years ago — by Kesselman & Ban-
ser, at Parker's Landing, Pa. Three years
later William Kesselman, Sr., moved the
business to St. Joe, Butler County, Pa., and
eight years later he moved from there to
Butler, Pa., following the development of th?
oil 0eld, and the business was conducted
there until 1887 by himself. In 1887, Charles
Brandberg was admitted into partnership,
under the firm name of Kesselman & Co.
The Parkersburg branch was established
eleven years ago, by Mr. William Kessel-
man, Jr., and has flourished ever since, un-
der his enterprising and energetic adminis-
tration. Growing up with the business, there
is not a need of a customer that he is not
keenly alive to, and prompt to supply, and
among the many good thing- which he has
promoted and developed for tne trade might
be mentioned the "Casing Bowl," of which
he is the owner of the patent and sole man-
ufacturer, and also the Kesselman & Watson
Tubing Catchers, which are also patented.
The firm manufactures a superior line of
Drilling and Fishing Tools of all kinds, and
also do all kinds of forgings and general
machine work. The firm does a large busi-
ness throughout West Virginia, and also in
other States, covering a large field in their
Mr. William Kesselman, Sr., is one of the
oldest manufacturers of oil well tools in the
country, and is still actively engaged in the
business, his headquarters being at Butler,
Pa., and is known throughout the trade as an
honorable and upright business man, who
has built up a great and successful business
by strict application to and a masterful
knowledge of his chosen work.
The Standard Oil Company.
If "grace'' and "grease" are synonymous,
the most graceful concern in America is the
Standard Oil Company, and Parkersburg
shares in the distribution of their grease in
a graceful way. For their great Camden
Refining Plant is here, employing hundreds
of busy workers, and adding materially to
the wealth of the city.
The reflective mind is not forever in-
fluenced by tarbellations, and when one
thinks of what great human good has been
accomplished by this wonderful business or-
ganization, under the inspiration of thnt
more wonderful man, John D. Rockefeller,
petty differences in policies and econimics
pale into insignificance, and a just public
mind heartily commends their every work.
The Standard Oil Company
(,W. Va. 344)
Think, for instance, how rich in mineral
wealth West Virginia was from tve begin-
ning of time, so much so that oil lay on the
surface of many streams, and gas bubbled
from the porus ground in many places. And
in spite of this evidence of wealth, these re-
sources lay undeveloped. And again, think
how many small farmers dwelt beside these
streams, suffering in an apathy of poverty
and malaria and lack of education, their off-
spring dying from blighting afflictions, and
they powerless to defend them from the ty-
phoid and malarial conditions, in their
wretchedness and lack of knowledge, and
compelled to watch them suffer and to die.
And yet again how many places in this coun-
try are rich today in a wealth of mineral
resources, whose population suffers from a
lack of their development. In this light,
look upon the countenance of "Uncle John,"
grace and grease oozing from his smile, for
wherever that smile rested there came de-
velopment. Wealth that was wasted he
gathered, the volume so great that the insig-
nificant percentage he retained, and that
made his collossal fortune, was but a pygmy
beside the wealth he developed for you and
me. The man in the isolated district beside
the stream found that he was suddenly
placed near a center of population, could efl
ucate his children, could give them proper
medical supervision, could build better
homes, could wear better clothing, and could
look w'th equanimity upon the future of his
growing sons, and find them profitable em-
ployment. And the former apathy gave way
to cheerful optimism. For he had all he had
before, was disturbed in none of his customs,
and received both a direct and and indirect
profit upon every operation of "Uncle
John's." And more, all that science and
chemistry and metallurgy could do was ap-
plied to the solution of the problem of the
essential qualities of the "grease." Valuable
medicines were discovered that add to the
comfort of living in material ways. New
commercial uses were developed, and the
"by-product" became the real product and
the oil itself became the "by-product," and
thousands of families throughout this section
are living in affluence today because of It,
and are pleased with "Uncle John" and his
greaseful ways, secure in the knowledge that
the utmost will be done that brains and sci-
ence can do to get the greatest good to the
greatest number, and to save and conserve
the source of supply, for of course for every
barrel that is taken from the earth means
that much forever gone, as there is no way
of replacing the original fluid, except in the
alchemy of ages and of nature.
Thus, the Standard Oil Company stands
not only as a great business enterprise, the
highest commercial development reached by
the human mind, but also stands as a bar-
rier against the wanton waste of a mineral
that once exhausted can never be replaced,
and for the highest development of that min-
eral to the needs and uses of mankind.
And in their Parkersburg field of develop-
ment, their Camden Works, of which the
above picture is a birdseye view, they give
employment to several hundred men, and
are a material factor in Parkersburg's in-
dustries and progress.
Masonic Temple of Fairmont, just com pleted by the Brady Construction & Engi
neering Company.
The Brady Construction & Engineering Co.
507 to 512 Union Trust Building
(W. Va. 1776)
The Brady Construction & Engineering
Company is a splendid example of the de-
velopment that is accomplished when science
and skill are reinforced by push and enter-
The Brady Construction Company, the
parent of the present concern, was incor-
porated in 1901, with its principal office ru
Clarksburg, West Virginia, and was capi-
talized at $10,000. In February, 1903, thoy
removed to Fairmont, West Virginia.
So rapid was their development that In
June, 1906, they increased their capital stock
to $50,000, changing the name to the Brady
Construction & Engineering Company, and
locating their principal offices in the Unio.i
Trust Building, Parkersburg, West Virginia.
No contract is too large for them to under-
take, and no contract has been taken that
nas not been pushed to a prompt and suc-
cessful conclusion. Their work includes
Banks, Office Buildings, Soucol Buildings,
Factory Buildings, Plain and Reinforced
Concrete Construction, Light Frame Con-
struction, such as miner's houses; Heavy
Timber Construction, Coal Tipples, Washers,
Grading, Railroad Construction, etc.
Among other large contracts for grading,
they now have in process the 80-foot ave-
nue for the Parkersburg Industrial Com-
pany ,and also the Concrete Masonry Piers
and grading of approach for the Parkersburg
& South Side Bridge Company, all on the
south side of the Little Kanawha River, at
They also do High-Class Engineering,
Railroad Surveys, Mine Work, etc., and
•lurnish estimates on any class of construc-
tion or engineering work in any part of the
country upon request.
The present officers of the company are
S. D. Brady, President; G. E. Suck, Secre-
tary and Treasurer.
Parkersburg Artificial Stone Company
Corner of Jeannette and George Streets
(W. Va. 19)
One of the new enterprises of Parkersburg
that deserves more than passing mention is
the Parkersburg Artificial Stone Company,
which is located at the corner of Jeannette
and George streets.
This Concern was established in 1903. In
1905 it was incorporated by W. W. Watter-
son, C. F. Hannaman, S. H. Lowther, L. Ken-
dall and T. F. Campbell, and is now a thriv-
ing and prosperous industry. The factory
occupies a building 35 feet wide by 144 feet
in length. It is situated within convenient
distance of the B. & O. Railroad, and when
the new yard tracks are laid a line will ex-
tend to the dioor of the factory. The build-
ing is constructed of artificial stone, is one
story high, and perfectly frost-proof, so that
work can be carried on at all times. It is
equipped with the most up-to-date machin-
ery, consisting of steam engine, mixer, steel
trucks and other appliances, and now has
1,800 feet of trackage, which is utilized to
the full extent in carrying on the work.
The factory manufactures but one thing-
artificial stone — made from concrete by a
patent process, of sand and cement, and is
produced at the rate of GOO square feet a day.
A large stock is constantly kept on hand,
usually about 20,000 feet, enough to build
four or five moderate-size houses.
The stone is made both plain for use in
walls, and ornamental for use in trimming,
and is used for a wide variety of purposes.
Whole buildings are made of it, and experi-
ence shows them to be the cheapest build-
ings in the world. Such houses cost about
the same as ordinary brick, and much less
than pressed brick houses. They are as
durable as stone. Owing to the peculiar
ventilating system used, they are dryer than
either brick or stone, and easier to heat. All
over the country an increasing number of
artificial stone houses are being built each
year, and reports from them have all been
favorable. Very few people realize the last-
ing qualities of concrete, but when it is re-
membered that concrete of substantially the
same composition made 3,000 years ago is
still well preserved, and shows no signs of
crumbling or decay, while stone cut in the
same period has crumbled into dust, some
idea of the wonderful endurance of this ma-
terial can be obtained. Impervious to 'heat
or frost, hardening by exposure to the
weather, never shrinking, cracking or warp-
ing, it is the best substance ever discovered
for fire walls, and is the ideal building ma-
terial, both for houses, and for foundations,
chimneys, sustaining walls, colonial columns,
trimmings, and many other purposes.
At the present time the company employs
fifteen men, and with increasing appreciation
of the value of this form of building ma-
terial, is bound to have a steadily increasijg
The National Plaster & Supply Company
On B. & O. R. R. near George Street
( W. Va. 1408)
The National Plaster & Supply Company
is a West Virginia corporation, organized
in March, 1905, with a capitalization of $15,-
000; this being increased in January of this
year to $25,000, the increased capital being
necessary in order to meet the requirements
of the growing business.
The present officers are: S. T. Mallory,
President; Senator Thomas Gartlan, Vice
President, and J. B. Arbour, Manager.
The manufactured product of the company
consists of "EGYPTIAN" Hard-Wall Plaster.
The factory buildings, which are located ad-
vantageously on the B. & O. R. R . near
George street, being completely equipped for
the manufacture of this material, having a.
capacity of forty tons per day. Present
plans include improvements in the present
plant, permitting of more rapid and econo-
mical handling of materials. Extreme care
is used in every detail of manufacture, none
but the highest grade materials of their kind
are allowed to enter into the composition
and all materials are so throughly mixed as
to make an absolutely uniform Plaster. By-
reason of the policy of the company aiming
always toward High Quality, "EGYPTIAN"
has come to be recognized as the Standard
Plaster; commands in many markets a high-
er price than competitive materials, and is
conceded to be a leader among Wall Plas-
ters. The features commending "EGYP-
TIAN" are Hardness, Durability, Great Ten-
sile Strength, Sanitary (containing no vege-
table matter), and ,t is affected by neither
heat nor cold. Is also Fireproof, and men-
tion is made of the fact that instances have
been known where Egyptian Walls have
stood intact without support, after all stud-
ding had been burned away. With such dis-
tinct advantages over other materials, the
popularity of this high-grade material is ac-
counted for, and prospective builders look-
ing for the best should consider no substl
Shipments are made over Southern Ohio
and West Virginia, and the scope of opera-
tions of the company are constantly broad -
ening. In order to more efficiently serve Us
customers in that territory contiguous to
Huntington, W. Va., there has been estab-
lished in that city a branch office an 1 ware-
room, andi the present quarters being out-
grown, a new modern wareroom, meeting
the requirements of the company, wiil be
erected there within the next few months.
This company is also an extensive dealer
in all lines cf Builders' Supplies. Among
these might be mentioned "DRAGON" Port-
land Cement, being a strictly high-grade
American Portland, extensively used by the
government and the leading railroad com-
panies. Locally, Dragon is extensively used
in sidewalk construction and concrete work
The W. H. Smith Hardware Company
117 and 119 Third Street. Parkersburg, W. Va.
iW. Va. 330)
in general. Particular mention is mads,
however, of its use in the two most import-
ant pieces of concrete work in the city, viz:
the concrete foundation supporting the six-
story Brown-Kendall building, and the piers
of the new bridge to the South Side, 6,000
barrels being used in the latter mentione I
work alone.
Other lines include "EGYPTIAN" White
Rock Finish, the highest grade white finish-
ing material for interior walls on the mar-
ket. "J. M." Asbestos Roofing, Natural Ce-
ments, Sewer Pipe, Lime, etc. In all ma-
terials in which the company deals it is in
position to name competitive prices for eith-
er less than carload or for carload ship-
ments, and inquiries from the trade are
earnestly solicited.
The W. H. Smith Hardware Company.
The business of The W. H. Smith Hard-
ware Company was established in 1874, first
as a partnership; later it was incorporated
under the laws of West Virginia, with W.
H. Smith, Sr., as its first President. Upon
the death of W. H. Smith, February 22, 1906,
W. H. Smith, Jr., succeeded to the presi-
dency of the company. At this time W. H.
Smith, T. P. Smith, Levin Smith, C. W.
Edelen and J. T. McMechen compose the
Board of Directors.
The officers are: W. H. Smith, President;
C. W. Edelen. Vice President; T. P. Smith,
Soon alter its organization the company
embarked in the wholesale business, sending
iis salesmen into nearly all sections of the
State, as well as Southeastern Ohio. In this
way, and by judicious advertising, it has
done much to establish the reputation of
Parkersburg as a distributing point and
commercial center, as well as assist in the
growth and prosperity of the city.
The company, with one exception, a dis-
astrous fire in August, 1S99. by which it
sustained a heavy loss, has iiad an uninter-
rupted growth and prosperous career. The
management, by correct business methods,
always abreast of the times, public spirit,
enterprise and fair dealings, have developed
a leading position in the Wholesale Hard-
ware business cf the State, and now has
probably the best equipped establishment of
the kind in the Central Ohio Valley. The
company confidently look forward to greater
growth and increased prosperity for Park-
ersburg, in which, with other interests, it
hopes to share.
The Brown-Kendall Company
Wholesale Notions and Furnishings
514 Juliana Street, Parkersburg, W. Va.
(W. Va. 1581)
A very successful enterprise, newly organ-
ized in Parkersburg, West Virginia, is that
of the Wholesale Notions and Furnishings
firm known as The Brown-Kendall Com-
pany, at 514 Juliana street. Incorporated
under the laws of the State of West Virginia.
June 20, 1904, with J. S. Brown, President;
M. A. Kendall, Vice President, and J. A.
Brown, Secretary and Treasurer. The Brown-
Kendall Company began active business op-
erations the following February, in a build-
ing owned by the Graham-Bumgarner Com-
Soon after the beginning of their success-
ful undertaking their quarters were found
far too small to. accommodate their rapidly
increasing business, and in the fall of 1906
they built one of the most modern business
buildings in West Virginia to care for their
large and rapidly expanding trade.
"Great oaks from little acorns grow." Be-
ing amply financed and managed with busi-
ness judgment and energetic zeal, buying
merchandise admirably adapted to their
trade, and then letting the trade know that
they had the goods, has brought this enter-
prising firm abounding success, and they
have had the pleasure of seeing the acorn
planted in 1904 develop into the sturdy oak
of 1907, with its branches extending over all
parts of West Virginia and Southeastern
Well satisfied customers throughout the
State insure their continued success, and
they are rapidly becoming the leading
Wholesale Notions and Ladies' and Gents'
Furnishing House of West Virginia.
The same fidelity to their customers' inter-
ests which has brought them such deserved
success still continues and characterizes the
methods of this enterprising firm, and their
permanent success is assured.
Graham-Bumgarner Company
Paid up Capita], $200,000.
Manufacturers and Jobbers of Boots and Shoes. Exclusive Agents for
Hood and Old Colony Rubbers,
516 and 518 Juliana Street, Parkersburg, W, Va.
(W. Va. 553)
Parkersburg people have seen our business
develop from infancy into the strength and
vigor of youth. It has been a period of
steady growth, every year showing a satis-
factory gain over the former one. We at-
tribute this to our constant effort to always
serve the best interests of our customers.
Our sales have now reached an annual
volume considerably larger than those of
most shoe jobbers in cities the size of Park-
ersburg. In fact, we cannot expect to great-
ly increase our business as jobbers, because
the local jobbers' territory is necessarily
limited. But the manufacturer has no limit
to his opportunities for expansion. For this
reason we are now erecting the FIRST
tory we will make a high grade line of shoes
l r workingmen. Just as rapidly as is ex-
pedient, we expect to erect factories for the
manufacture of other lines, the next prob-
ably being for women's medium-priced shoes.
Our success as manufacturers means much
to Parkersburg. It means steady employ-
ment at good wages to scores of men and
women. Now, we want every Parkersburger
to "boost" for us when he can. Ask your
dealer for "Parkersburg-made" shoes, and
tell your out-of-town merchant friends about
don't you think it would be good policy to
boost your own business by boosting home
Ml iiirfl^
Crystal Springs Water
Springdale, Parkersburg, W, Va,
(W. Va. 221)
The health of a city depends upon the pur-
ity of its water suppy.
The common mistake that filters purify
water is misleading. Miost impurities and
the bacteria of most diseases caused from
impure water are held in solution, and only
the material vegetable matter is removed b:
filtering, leaving a transparent and beautiful
water, but like the Isle of Cyprus, "filled
with dead men's bones."
Parkersburg is blessed in having at her
door one of the finest springs of pure chaly-
beate water to be found. The discovery of
this wonderful Spring was made but a few
years ago, and with each succeeding year
since that discovery the merit and quality of
this water has increased its popular favor,
and added a constantly increasing number of
consumers, and it is now in daily use in all
the leading hotels and homes of our beauti-
ful city.
Crystal Springs Water is rature's purest
and most wholesome remedy for most of
mankind's ills. Given plenty of wholesome
exercise in pure air, and with pure water to
clear the system and cleanse the blood,
sickness among humankind will be as rare
as among the brute creation.
Crystal Springs Water, the purest of table
water, contains all the goodness and power
of prevention that is claimed for the besc or
imported waters, because it is absolutely
free from all possible contact with decaying
animal or vegetable matter, but gushes from
the earth pure and undefiled, and in such
volume as to adequately supply the needs of
Parkersburg for all drinking and culinary
Every precaution is taken in the handling
of this Water, that no bacteria or dirt of
any description approaches it. Bottles are
sterilized before filling, and securely corked
against the decomposition by atmospheric
influences, so that when it reaches you it
is pure and free from any disease-bearing
germs. One trial will convince you of its
delightful purity. "It adds years to one's
life and life to one's years," and continued
use brings purer blood and better health.
The price of Crystal Springs Water makes
it no longer a luxury. It is within the easy
reach of every family, no matter how humble
their circumstances. For Crystal Springs
Water the charge is 50 cents per dozen half-
gallon bottles, and 25 cents for 5-gallon
Telephone for a trial sample bottle. Call
up West Virginia Western phone 221 today,
and prove for yourself the value in health
and comfort we offer you, and that Crystal
Springs Water is the purest and best of
nature's waters.
F. M. Gould, Prop.
-^HouT&eiW^ K
The Star Grocer Company
Corner of Juliana and Second Streets, Parkersburg, W, Va,
(W. Va. 290)
The Star Grocer Company is the young-
est Wholesale Grocery House in Parkers-
burg. and the most vigorous. From a small
concern, but full of push and enterprise,
they have in less than ten years won first
place as the leading Wholesale Grocery
House in Parkersburg, and, for that matter,
in this section of West Virginia. Nothing
has been left undone that could be done to
make their business more successful, and
their never failing tact, courtesy, enter-
prise and careful consideration of their cus-
tomers' needs, has won them this distinc-
tion in this remarkably rjhort period of
time. They have ever been prompt to meet
the changing conditions and needs of a
growing business, and had little more than
started when they found their space inade-
quate for their needs and resolved upon
more commodious quarters, and decided to
build a modern Wholesale Grocery Ware-
house especially adapted to their use.
Therefore, in 1901, they obtained a piece
of ground in the very heart of the shipping
district, only a block and a half from the
boat landing and one block from the freight
depot, and on it built a Warehouse 43 x 85,
with four stories and basement, and equip-
ped it with every modern device that was
practical for the better care and handling
of their goods. This building was planned
by men who knew from practical experi-
ence just what was needed to make it con-
venient, and especial attention was given to
the classification of goods and adaptability
to the quick assembling of orders to insure
prompt shipment, a very necessary feature
in caring for the retail trade's most urgent
needs; with the result that there is nowhere
in West Virginia, and probably nowhere in
the country, a more modern and up-to-date
Wholesale Grocery Warehouse to be found.
Among other advantages they installed a
private railway track to enable them co
handle goods at the least cost and with the
least delay and waste, and also insuring
quick shipments of large orders to their
That their trade in general appreciate this
consideration of their needs is shown in the
steadily increasing business that comes to
this hustling firm, and the fact that a custo-
mer once gained remains a loyal friend as
well as customer.
Everywhere throughout their warerooms
business is moving like a piece of well oiled
machinery, without confusion and with
clock-like regularity, bringing a maximum
net result, the warehouse being equipped
with every appliance that will aid the em-
ployee in his work, and facilitate the as-
sembling of orders.
On the road the House is represented by
an active and aggressive force of traveling
The Parkersburg Brewing Company
Seventh Street, between Green and Swann
(.W. Va. 5)
salesmen, who have worked zealously for
the House's interests and have proven of
far more than the average ability, and who
have made of business a pleasure, and won
a legion of friends for both themselves and
the House they represent, a genial friendly
company of travelers whom it is a pleasure
to meet and do business with. And the
House thoroughly appreciates their services,
realizing that the old saying is true, "A
house is what its salesmen make it."
Thus the Star Grocer Company stands at
the beginning of 1907 not only as the lead-
ing Wholesale Grocery Company of Park-
ersburg, and this section of West Virginia,
but with the brightest of prospects for a
still greater trade. And notwithstanding
the hustle incidental to an active and we!l-
cared for business, the man calling on busi-
ness will be met with a heart-warming wel-
come that at once places him en rapport
with the House, and will find it a pleasure
to place his interests in their care, knowing
that he will have as careful personal atten-
tion given to his needs as he himself could
give, and that courtesy, prompt shipment
and perfect goods are an undeviating rule
with the House, and that everything possible
will be done to make it both a pleasure and
profit to do business with them.
The officers of the Company are W. T.
Wiant, President; J. C. Brohard, Secretary,
and W. C. McConaughey, Treasurer and
The Parkersburg Brewing Company
The Parkersburg Brewing Company was
incorporated under the laws of West Virginia
June 24, 1889, with M. Rapp as President, C.
Goetz, Vice President, and W. H. F. Kelly,
Secretary. The first beer from the new
brewery was delivered in August, 1890, and
the demand for the product has steadily in-
creased from that time, entailing a constant
enlargement- of the plant and the introduc-
tion of improved machinery from time to
time to meet the growing demand. The
buildings of the company now cover several
acres of ground, and are built of the most
solid masonry. A fine electric plant furn-
ishes the light for all the buildings, and the
latest improved ice machine supplies the
large quantity of ice used in the manufac-
ture of the thousands of barrels of beer made
here. The first impression one receives on
entering the plant is of the courtesy of the
attendants, and the absolute cleanliness that
prevails everywhere throughout the place.
The buildings are most conveniently divided
off. Everything is handy and convenient.
The plant keeps fifty men constantly em-
Nothing but the finest seasoned imported
hops enter into the composition of their
beers, and the water is the purest artesian,
which, with the sanitary precautions taken,
make their beers the purest, most delicious,
and most wholesome— the beer that replaces
others but is never replaced.
Lock and Dam, No. 18, Parkersburg, W. Va.
The brands of beer made by the Parkers-
burg Brewing Company are "Genuine Pil-
sener," "Extra Old Lager," and "Club Ex-
port." The latter is bottled for export and
has obtained a high reputation for its medi-
cinal qualities and for family use.
The brewing is under the personal super-
vision of Head Brewer Frank Hemmrich, a
thorough master of all the details of the ait
of brewing, whose long experience under
German instruction makes him take front
rank with the best in America, who has
been with the company ever since its organ-
The Bottling Department is under the
management of Mr. G. L. Fries, an old Park-
ersburg citizen, being born and raised here,
and is well known and popular with a wide
circle of friends and acquaintances. This de-
partment is supplied with all the latest ap-
pliances and conveniences, and is kept con-
stantly busy to supply the large demand.
Mr. Carl Goetz is collector and traveliag
agent for the firm, and is a well known and
popular salesman, with a large circle of
friends throughout Southeastern Ohio an J
West Virginia.
Mr. Frank McKim is now bookkeeper, the
position formerly held by Mr. Goetz.
The present officers of the company are:
Daniel Schafer, President; J. H. Kelly, Vice
President; W. H. F. Kelly, Secretary; Con-
rad Goetz, Treasurer and General Manager.
Of these officers, Mr. Conrad Goetz and Mr.
W. H. F. Kelly have been identified with the
firm from the beginning.
Visitors to the plant are always welcome,
and are shown every courtesy, and polite at-
tendants take pleasure in explaining the
minutest details of the brewing from the
malt and hops to the great vats of finished
product, ice cold, in the seclusion of the
cellars, three of which are required to hold
the stock kept constantly on hand.
The Camden Theater
The Camden Theater, of which the above
photograph was taken during the perform-
ance of "The Girl That Looks Like Me," by
Kathryn Osterman, New Year's matinee, U
the finest theater in any town of this size In
the Southwest. It is modern and has a seat-
ing rapacity of 1400, and its stage will ac-
commodate the largest road production. This
Theater brings to Parkersburg a magnificent
line of high class attractions, and the grati-
fying success which it has achieved shows
that the effort of the management to secure
<>nh high class attractions is keenly appre-
ciated by the theater-going public. Fully
50,000 people make The Camden their the-
ater home. Three street car lines pass the
entrance, and the Inter-Urban line is but a
block away, making it easily accessible from
all parts of the city, the suburbs and ad-
jacent towns. In fact, so pleasant and com-
fortable is the seating arrangement, and so
fine are the acoustics, that a steady clien-
The Camden Theater
West Side Market Street, bet
iW. Va
tele from neighboring towns prefer this
theater to those located in their own place,
and visit here regularly. The theater is but
two blocks from the B. & O. depot, and near
all the leading hotels, making it ideally con-
venient in every way.
Under the able management of Mr. L. M
Luchs this theater has played to capacity
houses this season such plays as Kathrvn
Osterman in "The Girl That Looks Like
Me," "The Lion and the Mouse," "Wonder-
land," Lew Dockstader's Minstrels, "The
Maid and the Mummy," Mildred Holland in
"A Paradise of Lies," Richard Carle in "The
Mayor of Tokio," Little Johnnie Jones,"
"Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch," "The
Clansman," Wm. H. Crane and Ellis Jeffreys
in "She Stoops to Conquer," Malcolm Ar-
buckle in the "County Chairman," Jess
Dandy in the "Prince of Pilsen," Marie Ca-
hill in "Marrying Mary," Dustin Parnum in
"The Virginian," Al G'. Field's Minstrels,
Paul Gilmore in "At Yale," Robert Edesnn
in "Strong Heart," and has in prospect many
of the leading plays on the American stage,
such as "The College Widow," "Squaw Man,"
"Red Feather," Mme. Modjeska, "Coming
Thro' the Rye," and others, including many
of the reigning stars.
Especially noteworthy are conveniences
not usually found in theaters of this class,
notably the promenade foyer, and check
room, the ample space for ingress and exit,
making a panic scarcely possible; the unusu-
ween Seventh and Eighth
ally comfortable seats, the excellence of the
orchestra; in fact, the stranger in the town
is surprised at the many little finishing
touches for his pleasure, convenience and
comfort, so seldom found, as to be a con-
stant and pleasant surprise.
The "Star" dressing rooms are magnifi-
cently equipped, and have been pronounced
by the "profession" to be as handsome as
are found anywhere in this 'Country. As to
the remainder of the dressing rooms, noth-
ing has been left undone that will add to Che
comfort and convenience behind the foot-
The theater is equipped with commodious
boxes, handsomely furnished to accommo-
date theater parties, etc. Great attention
has been paid to the construction and equip-
ment to prevent fire. The walls of the build-
ing are twenty-eight inches thick. A very
heavy wall running from the basement to
the roof, divides the stage from the audi-
ence, and with the heavy asbestos curtain
the stage is entirely separated from the
main auditorium.
Automatic tire shutters are located at
every opening between the stage and the
auditorium room. A fire hose is located on
every floor, which is connected with the city
In fact, the theater is constructed as near
fire-proof as possible, and every precaution
has been taken to make the theater abso-
lutely safe.
The Parkersburg Dispatch-News
City Hall Place, Parkersburg, W. Va.
( Business Offices, W. Va. 503. Editorial Rooms, W. Va. 520 I
The Camden Theater has recently been
leased to a corporation projected by the
well known theatrical firm of Nixon & Zim-
merman. This will assure the public of a
very fine line of attractions for the corning
The Opera Block Investment Company
built and own the entire block in which is
located the Camden Theater, this being one
of the most attractive business blocks in the
city of Parkersburg. The Directors of the
Company are: Senator J. N. Camden, Pres.;
H. H. Moss, Vice Pres.; S. D. Camden, Secy:
H. P. Moss, Treas.: W. N. Chancellor.
The Parkersburg DispatclvNews
Published every morning by The Park-
ersburg Dispatch-News Company; offices
City Hall Place, Parkersburg, W .Va.
Charles B. Kefauver, President.
John Marshall, Secretary-Treasurer.
Member Associated Press. Largest circu-
lation of any paper published in the Ohio
Valley between Wheeling and Cincinnati.
A morning newspaper is recognized as the
best advertising medium in the world. Ap-
ply for rates.
Telephone Nos. Bell.
Business Offices 503
Editorial Rooms 386
Delivered by carrier to city subscribers
W. Va.
every day in the week, including Sunday, at
10 cents per week.
Seven papers for 10 cents, including Sun-
day issue.
By mail in advance, postage prepaid.
Daily, including Sundays, one year, $5.00;
six months $2.50; three months, $1.25; one
month, 45 cents.
Liberal advertising rates on application.
The Parkersburg Dispatch-News is the
foremost newspaper published in West Vir-
ginia within the vast region of the Ohio
Valley between Wheeling and Cincinnati. It
is the only morning newspaper published in
Parkersburg, and serves a wider scope of
territory than any other newspaper in West
Virginia. It has the world-wide Associated
Press service, thereby giving its readers
news of both hemispheres.
Locally it covers the state of West Vir-
ginia and in particular detail all the coun-
ties tributary to Wood, and within a radius
of 50 to 100 miles from Parkersbuig.
It is without a rival in Parkersburg in cir-
culation, in news service, and in usefulness
and value to reader and advertiser. Outside
of Parkersburg it has subscribers in every
county in West Virginia. Its particular ter-
ritory outside of Parkersbuig and Wood
county embraces a wide area of populous and
prosperous country, wherein it servos thou
sands of readers, the majority of whom take
no other daily newspaper. Among the coun-
The Parkersburg High School.
ties embraced in this territory are: Ritchie,
Wirt, Pleasants, Calhoun, Doddridge, Roane,
Jackson, Harrison, Gilmer, Braxton, Mason
Lewis, Taylor, Barbour, Wetzel, Tyler.
This field of newspaperdom is almost ex-
clusively tributary to Parkersburg and The
Dispatch-News, and through this territory
the local news of Parkersburg and of West
Virginia and the leading news events of the
United States- and of the world, are pub-
lished by The Dispatch-News fresh from the
midnight and early morning types of the
printer ahead of all competitors, going out
on the early morning trains in all directions
from Parkersburg.
In the undisputed field of such a wide and
populous territory, with the splendid city of
Parkersburg for the base of its operations,
The Dispatch-News is growing and will con-
tinue to grow to the influence, power and
circulation of a truly metropolitan news-
No intelligent individual, no up-to-date
family or home, no business man within
these borders, can afford t» be without this
paper. It gets there first, it has the best, and
its circle of daily readers is limited only to
the population within its natural territory.
Besides the foregoing, the following are
many other manufacturers and large em-
ployers of labor in Parkersburg:
A. B. Copen, Brick Maker.
M. B. Stephenson, Brick Maker.
O. O. Tolles Brick Co.
Logan Carriage Co.
Parkersburg Chair Co.
Parkersburg Dock Co.
C. C. Camden & Co., Electrical Supplies.
U. S. Engine Co.
The Peerless Milling Co.
Bent ley & Gerwig Furniture Go.
C. C. Martin & Co., Wholesale Grocers.
H. C. Jackson Co., Wholesale Grocers.
The C. Nelly Co., Wholesale Grocers.
Chancellor Hardware Co.
R. L. Neal & Co., Hardware.
<;. W. Niswander & Co., Hardware.
Rector Bros. & Rardin, Hardware.
H. F. Harnish & Co., Saddlery.
Woodward Manufacturing Co., Saddlery.
Parkersburg Ice Co.
Citizens Lumber Co.
Parkersburg Mill Co.
Nicolette Lumber Co.
W. W. Watterson Lumber Co.
H. S. Wilson & Son, Lumber.
Parkersburg Mattress Co.
Parkersburg Mantel, Tile and Mfg. Co.
International Harvester Co.
Acme Fishing Tool Co.
J. J. Crotty & Co.
National Supply Co.
Oil Well Supply Co.
Parkersburg Rig & Reel Co.
Stiles Foundry & Supply Co.
Globe Printing & Binding Co.
B. & O. Railroad Co.
Little Kanawha Railroad Co.
Parkersburg, Marietta & Inter-Urban Ry.
Case Manufacturing Co.
Col. Charles B. Kefauver
President of the Parkersburg Dispatch-News.
Of the men who have the interests < t
Parkersburg at heart and are working earn-
estly for her welfare and advancement, one
of the most prominent is Col. Charles B.
Kefauver. A daily newspaper is always i
strong weapon, and when used with judg-
ment and conservatism, can be made i
mighty force in the constructive work of a
city. The whole history of Col. Kefauver
shows that The Dispatch-News is in the
hands of a man who will wield it mightily
for the city's welfare. Col. Kefauver has
been always active in political life in the
State, and has been a strong factor in help-
ing many a deserving man to a higher polit-
ical position. He stands by his friends, and
his worst enemy will not accuse him of
truckling or trading. He can take a licking
gracefully, but he cannot stand aside an 1
see a friend whipped. He has occupied num-
erous responsible political positions, nearly
or quite all of them by appointment without
request or solicitation upon his part. He
began his political career and became iden-
tified with the Republican politics of the
State while a correspondent for newspapers
at Grafton. His first official position was as
Secretary of the Taylor County Republican
Executive Committee and as confidential
secretary to Hon. Thomas E. Davis, who was
Republican candidate for Governor in 1892.
Later he was Secretary of the Second Dis-
trict Congressional Committee in 1896, for
Judge Alston G. Dayton, who was re-elected
to Congress from that district. During the
administration of Governor Atkinson he
was in charge of the Insurance Department
in the State Auditor's office, and was ap-
pointed by Governor Atkinson, without sol-
icitation as State Bank Examiner, serving th.3
last year of Atkinson's administration.
Prior to that, in 1898, Col. Kefauver was ap-
pointed by Gen. George W. Curtin as Brig-
ade Adjutant General of the West Virginia
National Guard, with rank of Lieutenant
Colonel, serving in this position for nearly
three years, and surrendered same when he
entered the Government service as casiiisr
in the local Revenue Office under Thomas
E. Davis.
After this Col. Kefauver became Secretary
and General Superintendent of the Cairo &
Kanawha Railway Company, which position
he now holds.
The Dispatch-News will receive the most
of Col. Kefauver's attention, and the results
he is bringing teil more than volumes of
fulsome praise can tell of his adaptibility to
Hie management of a successful newspaper.
Col. Kefauver was born in Baltimore.
Maryland, and was educated in the Balti-
more City College. He is a member of the
Blennerhassett Club, but no society circum-
scribes his sphere of influence. He num-
bers his friends as a tree numbers its leaves,
and many a grateful man looks back to the
time when "Charlie" Kefauver's friendship
was the controlling force that lifted him
into the position which his ambition crave 1.
Democratic and unassuming in manner, he
is one of the most approachable men in th"
city, and is a type of the active young busi-
ness men on which the future of Parkers-
burg depends.
A. C. Davis
General Manager West Virginia Western Telephone Company
To tell you the story comprised within the
forty-one years of active and aggressive life
of the subject of this sketch would take sev-
eral volumes. To condense it is almost im-
possible, for he has lived more to the square
inch than most men have to the cubic yard.
The dominant note is that A. C. Davis is a
man who so dearly loves peace that he will
fight for it — and always has. He can't \>e
whipped, for he don't know when you have
got him whipped, and will fight from ar>\
position, up, down or sidewise.
And when he fights, size don't scare him,
nor time doesn't count. He doesn't fight by
rounds and rules, but fights till he whips.
That he is self-made goes without sayln
Usually when you say a man is self-made
you mean he is the good one out of a bad
bunch. Davis isn't. He comes from a fine
family and a fine home. But he just had
to have an independent career and had ro
make it for himself. He was too enthusi-
astic and progressive to follow precedent, so
he cut his own way through the commercial
wilderness and cleared his own ground. Na-
turally the point of greatest resistance was
the point that attracted him most. A "at,
easy and dreamy proposition don't attract
Davis. It has got to have bumps and angles,
and rocks strewn along the way, to loik
inviting to him. He is always at high pres-
sure and in working order, and to tell what
he has accomplished is simply to write the
history of what he has undertaken. TV.ie
for instance the following list:
General Manager of the West Virginia
Western Telephone Company, Parkersburg,
W. Va.
Secretary and General Manager of the
Marietta Telephone Company, Marietta, O.
Secretary of the Caldwell-Marietta Tele-
phone Company.
Secretary and Treasurer of the West Vir-
ginia Telephone, Telegraph and Transpor-
tation Co.
Secretary West Virginia Independent Tele-
phone Association.
Secretary Parkersburg Novelty and Speci-
alty Co. •
Secretary Oakland Pressed Brick Co.
Director Parkersburg Banking and Tniot
Vice President Caldwell Independent Tel j-
phone Company.
Director Ravenswood Telephone Company.
And an officer or director in many other
corporations in West Virginia and other
Any time you want to find Davis go in the
fore front where the crowd is greatest and
the fighting is the thickest — bui if you don't
want to get hurt keep back of him. There
is no one man today who has done more to
lift the mask from the bugaboo of hypothet-
ical power supposed to have been centered in
great corporations where it could not re
governed or controlled, and who has shown
that the largest octopus is but a bubble to
be pricked by determined and aggn ive
Mr. Davis was born in Harrison County,
West Virginia, September 21, 18GG, and was
educated in the public schools of West Vir-
ginia, and afterward in Alfred University,
New York, and Central University of Indi-
ana. He is a graduate in Civil Engineering,
and in his earlier business career taught in
public and private schools, and later was
bookkeeper and auditor. He was Auditor
and Office Manager of the West Virginia
Western Telephone Company from 1898 to
1901, and has been General Manager of that
Company from 1901 to the present time. His
whole business career has been one of ag-
gressive constructive work, and Parkers-
burg is proud to claim him as her own.
T. R. Cowell
Vice President Cairo & Kanawha Railway Company
Among the many oil producers who came
to this field during the oil excitement of
twelve years ago at Sistersville, and who re-
mained to invest in and upbuild the city i
industrial life, no man is better or more
favorably known than T. R. Cowell.
Mr. Cowell began his career in the oil
field here, in the employ of the Fisher Oil
Company, getting up at five o'clock in the
morning and riding all day inspecting the
drilling of their various wells, and thus
gaining a fundamental and practical experi-
ence in the oil business, which naturally led
him into oil production for himself.
Since that time Mr. Cowell has drilled
more wildcat wells, developed more new ter-
ritory, has opened up more oil pools, and
has organized more oil companies than any
other one man in West Virginia, and a pe-
culiar feature of his whole oil producing ca-
reer is that every man identified with him
has always prospered When one considers
the risks attendant upon the development
of wildcat fields this is truly remarkable.
He was one of the first ones to drill in the
Elk Fork field in Tyler County, West Vir-
ginia, and also drilled in one of the firsi
wells in Ben's Run pool that opened up one
of the best Cow Run pools in Pleasants
County, West Virginia. He promoted the
company that drilled the first well in the
Bloomfield pool, Washington County, Ohio,
and many others.
Mr. Cowell is interested in oil properties
in West Virginia, Illinois and Kentucky,
owning 12,000 acres of oil leases in Ritchie
County, and buys and sells more large o'l
properties than any other one man in the
State. Mr. Cowell moved his residence -to
Parkersburg four years ago, and is one of
the city's wide-awake and progressive busi-
ness men, probably being best known out-
side of the oil business because of his con-
nection with the Cairo & Kanawha Railway
Company, of which he is Vice President.
Among the many industries with which
»Mr. Cowell is identified or which he his
had a material influence in establishing in
Parkersburg is the National Plaster & Su >
ply Company, of which he is a Director,
which was recently enlarged and recapital-
ized, and which maintains about fifteen em-
ployes: the Ohio Valley Bending Company,
employing about thirty-five men. the Cairo
it Kanawha Railway with a veritable army
of employes; and he is a stockholder in num-
erous other concerns and enterprises.
Mr. Cowell was born at Oil City, Pennsyl-
vania, and was educated at Holbrook Mi'i-
tary Academy. Ossining, New York, and th?
United States Military Academy at West
Point, New York, and for a time was As-
sistant Military Instructor at Holbrook. He
was appointed First Lieutenant Adjutant.
Second Infantry, West Virginia National
Guard, in 1902. by Governor White, and w.is
appointed Captain Adjutant. Second Infan-
try, West Virginia National Guard, Feo-
ruary 3, 1905, by Governor Dawson. Mr.
Cowell is a member of the Elks Club, the
Blennerhassett Club, the Country Club, and
stands high in Masonic circles, and is every-
where regarded as one of the best of Park-
ersburg's coming young business men.
J. Mentor Caldwell
J. Mentor Caldwell, a graduate of the
Columbian University of Washington, D. C,
is one of Parkerstrarg's popular and pro-
gressive young attorneys, who had confi-
dence in fhe future of his home city, n 1
therefore established his every interest here.
Being an optimist in the highest sense if
the word, the travail of the day does no^
discourage him, and he identifies himself
with those interests that tend to develop
and upbuild a better and a greater Parkers -
burg. He never loses an opportunity at
home or abroad to tell of the progress and
prosperity of his native State and of Park-
ersburg, the coming industrial city of the
great Ohio Valley, knowing that from her
superior geographical position, natural ad
vantages and proximity to the great natunl
wealth of West Virginia, she must act as a
distributing center for this wealth to the
north, northwest and northeast, and th it
also from her superior stragetic position she
furnishes to manufactures of coal, iron and
lumber a ^enter where these commodities
can be assembled cheapest, be manufactured
at least cost and distributed to the great
marts of the world at the lowest price.
Mr. Caldwell is Republican in politics, feel-
ing that it is the duty of every good citizen
to take a deep and abiding personal interest
in the political as well as the social ami
industrial progress of his city, State and
Nation, and is active and aggressive in hi,
party's interests. He is Chairman of the
Senatorial Committee; Member of the Exec-
utive Committee of Wood County, and Se>
retary of the City Republican Executive
Committee, and is a speaker and indefatig-
able worker in each campaign.
Mr. Caldwell is charitable, jovial .; id
warm-hearted, and has a good word tor
everybody. The poor have found in him a
friend in time of trouble, and in times "t
distress he has always been a willing worker,
using every effort to succor the afflicted a id
to re-estab'ish normal conditions.
Whatever adds to the interests of Park-
ersburg finds in Mr. Caldwell an enthusiastic
supporter, and whatever he gives his sup-
port finds in him a tireless worker, as he
acknowledges no such word as "fail." Real-
izing the value of a Red Book, showing the
commercial, industrial and social advant-
ages of his home city, he disregarded any
mi' stion of financial loss to himself and
lent every energy to produce a book that
would be a credit to the city and show the
many advantages comprised within her
borders, and to him may be ascribed the
credit for the present unique work, which
we herewith present to you.
Mr. Caldwell is an attorney with a large
and growing practice, and is a "hustler"
whose evevv effort is for progress and pros-
perity, and whose tireless energy is devotel
both politically and socially to make a better
and a greater Parkersburg.
The Willard School.
Parkersburg Schools
Parkersburg schools are among the best
to be found anywhere in the country, involv-
ing a modern educational system complete
in all its branches. Not only is a sound
training in English and mathematics given,
but also the collateral branches, including
Deportment, Music, Drawing, Physical Cul-
ture, German, etc.
Her school buildings are modern and up-
to-date, with careful attention paid to heat-
ing, lighting and ventilation, and will
compare well with the best to be found
anywhere. Her corps of teachers are well
trained and enthusiastic in their work, and
are under the supervision of a superintend-
ent whose years of training in the schools
qualifies him to know tbe every need of the
schools, and to give them direct personal
Tuition is free to all residents of the
city. Especial emphasis must be laid upon
the fact that from the primary grade to' the
time of graduation books are furnished free
of charge, placing a fine scholastic training
within the reach of even the most humble.
Non-residents pay a tuition fee of one dol-
lar per month in the grade schools and of
two dollars per month in the High School.
President— Talbot O. Bullock.
Secretary — Geo. D. Heaton.
Commissioners — J. W. Solly, R. B. Taylor,
Chas. A. Musgrave, G. G. Quick.
C. W. Boetticher, Principal; Miss Rogers,
English; Miss Bailey, Mathematics; Miss
Moore, German; Miss Henderson, Mathe-
matics; Miss Taylor, English; Miss Merri-
man, Latin; Miss Morris, History; Miss
Vinton, Arithmetic; Mr. Knabenshue, Sci-
Miss Virts, 8th year; Miss Davis, 8th year;
Miss Alexander, 7th year; Miss Adcock,
8th and 7th years; Miss Barber, 7th year;
Miss Wiedman, 6th year; Miss Gale, 6th
year; Miss McCarroll, 6th year.
L. L. Headley, Principal', 8th year; Miss
Anna Smith, 8th year; Miss Tracewell, 7th
year; Miss Spencer, 7th year; Miss Stutler,
7th year; Miss Neale, 6th year; Miss Alle-
man, 6th year; Miss McCurdy, 5th year;
Miss Woodyard, 5th year; Miss Anderson,
4th year; Miss Snodgrass, 3rd year; Miss
Armstrong, 2d year; Miss Mabel Smith,
1st year.
A. B. Cummins, Principal, 8th year; Miss
Beckwith, 5th year; Miss Crooks, 5th year;
Miss Wells, 4th year; Miss Mallory, 2d and
3d years: Miss Heydenreich, 3d year; Miss
Rexroad, 2d year; Miss Hendershot, 1st
year; Miss Weyer, 1st year.
G. L. Hall, Principal, 5th year; Ely Petty,
5th year; Miss Hoffman, 4th year; Miss
I.owther, 4th year; Miss Harrigan, 2d
year; Miss Kerr, 3rd year; Miss Hutsler,
2d year; Miss Marlowe, 3d year; Miss
Williams, 1st year; Miss Daley, 1st year.
R. A. McPtoerson, Principal, 6th, 7th and 8th
years; Maude Spencer, 4th and 5th years;
Grace Warner, 3d year; Clara Lytle, 2d
year; Lydia Wilcox, 1st year.
T. J. Wigal, Principal, 4th, 5th and fitn
years; Leona Wertenbacker, 1st, 2d and 3d
The McKinley School.
Mrs. Caldwell, 3d and 4th years; Lulu Mc-
Henry, 2d and 3d years; Francis Bolvin,
1st year.
J. A. Givens, Principal, 3d and 4th years;
Jessie Farrow, 1st and 2d years.
Ethel Creel.
Dora Alleman.
T. E. Powell.
S. B. Gainer.
Grace Leavitt.
The Jefferson School.
Convent of Visitation, DeSalles Heights.
Jeannette Baughrnan.
J. B. Jefferson, Principal, 8th and High
School; Esther Colston, Sth and 7th
years; Alberta McClung, 4th and 5th years;
Grace Julius, 2d and 3d years; Bernadine
Miss Bryan, Music; Miss Swope, Physical
Culture; Miss Cleveland, Drawing; Miss
Hinckley. General Substitute; Miss De-
Vaughan, Substitute Jefferson; Miss Mc-
Kay, Substitute McKinley; Miss Musgrave,
Substitute Willard.
Rosa L. Curry, Principal, 4th year; Ethel
Wa lulling, 3d year; Blanche Kendall, 2d
year; Hattie Worman, 1st year.
Flora P. Cooper, Principal, 5th year; Lue
Sleeth, 4th year; Miss Tavenner, 3d year;
Miss Roberts, 3d and 1st years; Miss Van
Winkle, 21 year; Miss Leonard, 1st year.
Interior St. Francis Xavier Roman Catholic Church.
Parkersburg Churches
Corner of Sixth and Market streets.
Membership, 2200.
Sunday services, 7.30, 9.00 and 10.30 a. m.
and 7.30 p. m.
Daily services, 5.45 and 8.00 a. m.
Sunday school, 9.30 a. m.
Ladies' Altar Society meets fourth. Tuesday
of each month.
Angels' Sodality meets at Visitation Convent.
Sodality of the B. V. M. meets everv Friday
League of the Sacred Heart meets first Fri-
day of each month.
Pastor— Rev. Father Hiekey, 532 Market
Assistant Pastor— Rev. Father Walsh, 532
Market street.
Superintendent of Sunday School — Rev.
Father Walsh.
H. L. Caswell, president; Conrad Goetz, vice
president; M. J. Hughes, secretary; Col. J
F. Partridge, treasurer; Col. D. H. Leon-
ard, John C. Altman, Matthew Reich.
Elizabeth turnpike, Tavennerville.
Sunday services, second and fourth Sunday
mornings of each month, 11.00 a. m.
Sunday school, 2.30 p. m.
Rector— Rev. A. B. Mitchell, 1023 Laird ave-
Parish Visitor— S. H. Sniff en, 1036 Lynn
Vestry — Simms Powell, warden; A. W. Wag-
enknecht, recorder; W. G. Peterkin, treas-
urer; T. S. Hannan.
Sexton— J. V. Mayhall.
Northeast corner of Fifth and Juliana SI I.
Membership, 714.
Sunday services. 11.00 a. m. and 7.30 ;>. u,.
Sunday school, 9.45 a. m.
Epworth League, Sunday, 6.30 p. in.
Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7.30 p. iu.
Minister — Rev. Chas. Kelley Jenness, 1005
Juliana street.
Superintendent Sunday School — \V. 3.
Superintendent Primary Department — Mrs.
G. P. Morgan.
Secretary Epworth League — Stanley Hig-
President Epworth League — C. C. Echols.
Fitsiaent Home Missionary Society — Mrs. J.
President, Foreign Missionary Society — Mrs.
President Social Union — Mrs. Laura Doyle.
Organist — Miss Winifred Mayhall.
Choirist— Florence Bryan.
Trusteef — Daniel Gould, B. S. Pope, O. S.
Jones J. W. Vandervort, R. B. Taylor, F.
G. Ogdin, B. F. Stewart, Dr. H. Campbell,
C. W Archbold.
Stewards— J. A. Bryan, Wesley Hull, S. L.
Gould. M. A. Kendall, E. L. Davidson, D.
W. Heyl, G. P. Morgan, J. R. Anderson,
S B. Crawford, H. H. Dils, W. G. Reid,
Dr. J. C. Callander, A. T. Kreps
Sexton— Pleasant Reeves.
Corner of F and Main streets.
Services every other Sunday of each month.
Pastor— Rev. E. D. W. King, 2007 Ohio
Ohio avenue north of Nineteenth street.
Sunday services, first Sunday in each month
at 10.30 a. m.; thin! Sunday in each month
at 7.30 p. m
Sunday school at 2.30 p. m.
Prayer meeting, Tuesday at 7.30 p. m.
Pastor— Rev. E. S. Deane, 2017 Murdoch ave
nue extension.
Sixth avenue near George street,
Membership, 5b.
Sunday services first and third Sundays of
each month; first Sunday, 11 a. m.; third
Sunday, 7.30 p. m.
Sunday school, 10 a. m.
Prayer Meeting — Sunday and Wednesday,
7.30 a. m.
Pastor— Rev. E. D. W. King, 2007 Ohio ave-
Superintendent Sun lay Soliool — L. M.
Trustees — Martin Buchheimer, W. A. Cole,
Samuel Yoho.
Class Leader — Samuel Yoho.
(Colored) Corner of Ann and Sixth streets.
Membership, L36.
Sunday servces, 11.00 a. m. and 7.45 p. m.
Sunday school, 2.30 p. m.
Epworth League, Sundays, 0.30 p. m.
Prayer meeting, Wednesdays, 8.00 p. m.
Pastor— Rr-v. G. W. W. Jenkins, 123 Seventh
Superintendent of Sunday School — Rev. A.
F Tuck.
President of Ladies' Auxiliary — Maria Fergu-
President Helping Hand — Anna E. Tuck.
Stewards — John Carter, Wm. Watkins, Jo
seph Peters, James Watkins, Harry Slash.
Wm. Hays, Wm. A. McClung. Wm. H. Fer-
guson, Samuel Custus, Luke Johnson.
Board of Trustees — George W. Edmondson,
Lewis H. Dickson, Charles Ellis, John Ca-
ter, Monroe Jackson, Pleasant Reeves.
James Watkins, Wm. H. Ferguson.
Sexton — Maltha Brown.
Northeast corner of St. Marys avenue and
Nineteenth street.
Membership, 400.
Sunday preaching, 11.00 a. m. and 7.30 p. rr.
Sunday school, 9.30 a. m.
Epworth League, Sunday, 6.30 p. m.
Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7.30 p. m.
Pastor — Rev. S. S. Klyne, Ph. D., 1810 Dud-
ley avenue. At home, mornings. (W. Va
Superintendent of Sunday School — Prof. D.
C. Tabler.
Secretary of Sunday School — Miss Minnie
President Epworth League — C. S. Wash-
Secretary Epworth League— Herman Lynch.
Superintendent Junior League — Mrs. Maggie
President Ladies' Aid Society — Mrs. Maggie
Exhorter and Class Leader — Jacob Stealey.
Trustees— C. S. Washburn, president; C. \Y.
Deem secretary ; J. E. Richardson, Daniel
Gold, S. S. McCandless, W. E. Smith, M.
K. Davis, Abraham McOonnell, Hugh R.
Stewards — M. H. Flower, recording steward;
F. A. Kinch, D. S.; W. H. Neal, James
Trissler, J. E Richardson, Maggie Bailev,
Anna McCand'ess, C. M. Marquis, M. K.
Davis C. C. Lynch, L. L. Headley, T. L\
Smth, Tillie Buzzard.
Sexton — Herman Lynch.
(Clored) East side of Clay street, near
Membership, 45.
Sunday services, 11.00 a. m. and 8:00 p. m.
Sunday school, 3.00 p. m.
Prayer meeting, Wednesdays, 7.30 p. m.
Pastor— Rev. E. E. Obrient, 820 Clay stre;:.
Stewards — Washington Maddison, Calvin
Taylor, J. T. Payne, Robert Lotterberry ,
Wm. Mason.
Stewardess Board — Mrs. Frances Cusist,
Mrs. Elizabeth Lotterberry, Mrs. Ellen
Smith, Miss Martha Jones, Mrs. Malissa
Lotterberry, Mrs. Florence Robson, Mrs.
Anna Payne, Mrs. Sopha Spencer, Mrs
Lavina Dews.
Organist — Mrs.# Maggie Shellcrof.
Choirist — Mrs. Luella Collins.
Sextons — Mrs. Margaret Clark, Miss Lizzie
Corner of Charles and William s'
Sunday services — First, third and fit
clays of each month, 11.00 a. m., an Sunda>'
Sunday at 7.30 p. m.
Sunday school, 3.30 p. m.
Rector— Rev. A. B. Mitchell, 1023 I.ai
Parish Visitor— S. H. Sniffen, 1036 Lynn
jird ave
Vestry — Simms Powell, warden; A. W
enknecht, recorder; W. G. Peterkiir trei,s"
urer; T. S. Hannan.
Sexton— J. V. Mayhall.
Membership: Communicants, about 300; bap-
tized, about 000.
East side of Juliana street, between Fourth
and Fifth. Rectory, southeast corner cf
Juliana and Fifth streets.
Sunday services, 11.00 a. m. and 7.30 p. m.
Sunday school, 10.00 a. m.
Rector — Rev. S. Scollay Moore. Office in
Rectcry, 9 to 10 a. m., 1 to 2 p. m. Resi-
dence, 430 Juliana street.
Senior Warden — Dr. T. B. Camden.
Junior Warden — W. "M. Trevor.
Registrar — W.,M. Trevor.
i ,.si. lent -er— Dr. W. H. Sharp.
Bryan. _b. M. Ambler, J. N. Camden. Dr. T.
Presidentamden, W. N. Chancellor, F. Fowler,
Doyle. Martin, H. H. Moss, W. J. Robb, Dr.
President- Sharp, B. D. Spillman, W. M. Tre-
Organist W. Vrooman.
Choirist-lst and Choir Master — DeWitt C. Gar-
i — Robert Lindsay.
G. Ogt
C. W
Gould. 1 Creek road, North Parkersburg.
W. Hi Membership, 200.
S B.
Junior League. Sundays, 4.00 p. m.
Prayer meeting, Wednesdays, 7.30 p. m.
Pastor— Rev. J. D. Stalnaker, North Parkeis
burg. (W. Va. 1419— ring 4).
Superintendent of Sunday School— E. R.
Superintendent of Junior League— Miss Ly-
dia Wilcox.
President of Epworth League— John Burge.
Official Board— T. J. Wigal, Emmett Kid-
well. I. J. Poling, Ernest Tortner, Wm. Ad-
cock. C. R. Mayhew, B. Ellis Johnson.
Board of Trustees — H. H. Custer, Wm.
Wells, James Flint, C. R. Mayhew.
President Home Mission Society — Miss Cora
Sexton — Ralph Wilcox.
Dr. J
y services, 11.00 a. m. and 7.30 p. m.
school, 10.00 a. m.
Sexton— th League, Sundays, 6.45 p. m.
Northwest corner of Eleventh and Market
Sunday services, 11.00 a. m. and 7.30 p. m.
Sunday school, 9.45 a. m.
Epworth League, Sunday, 6.45 p. m.
Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7.30 p. m.
Pastor — Rev. U. V. W. Darlington, 217 Elev-
enth. At home, all hours.
Superintendent Sunday School— Levin Smich
President Epworth League — Thomas Cole-
President Women's Foreign Mission Soci-
ety— Miss Lucy Smith.
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Bethany Methodist Protestant Church.
President Women's Home Mission Society —
Mrs. E. E. Fuller-ton.
Board of Trustees— E. P. Chancellor, A. B.
Chancellor, J. W. Kight, G. W. Niswander,
Levin Smith, W. H. Smith, Jr., John S.
Board of Stewards — J. S. Brown, C. W. Ede-
len, E. P. Chancellor, Jr., Levin Smith, B.
D. Stout, H. P. Moss, E. S. Wolfe, J. W.
Wolfe, T. G. Martin, O. V. Neal, J. T.
Ringer, G. W. Niswander, J. S. Wade, Joe
Sexton — William Carpenter.
(Colored) West side of Green street, near
Membership, 50.
Sunday services, 11.00 a. m. an 1 7 . o 0 p. m.
Sunday school, 2.30 p. m.
Prayer meeting, Wednesdays, 7.30 p. m.
Class meeting, Fridays, 7.30 p. m.
Pastor — Rev. Frederic Jones, Green near
Eighth street.
Officers — Peter Brock, Andrew Brent, Alex-
ander Williams, Thomas Corsey, Joseph
Steward — Peter Brock.
Trustees — Peter Brock, Thomas Corsey, Jo-
seph Peters.
Sexton— Gertrude Williams.
Northeast corner of Lynn and Wood streets
Membership, lit).
Sunday services, 11.00 a. m. and 7.30 p. m.
Sunday school, 9.45 a. m.
Christian Endeavor, Sundays, C.30 p. m.
Junior Christian Endeavor, Sundays, 2.30 p.
Prayer meeting, Wednesdays, 8.00 p. m.
Pastor — Rev. A. J. Allman, 914 Lynn street.
At home mornings.
Superintendent of Sunday School — C. W.
President Y. P. S. C. E. — M. D. Lewis.
Superintendent Junior Y. P. S C. E. — Mrs.
A. J. Allman.
Board of Trustees — G. D. Wells, president.
Financial Board — Chas. Flemming, presi-
dent; Col. C. C. Showalter, secretary.
Corner of Thirteenth unci Avery Street:
Sunday services, 11.00 a. m. and 7.30 p. u
Sunday school, 9.45 a. m.
B. Y. P. U., Sundays, 6.30 p. in-
Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7.45 p. in.
Southwest corner of Ninth and Market Sts.
Membership 750.
Sunday services, 11.00 a. m. and 7.30 i>. m.
Sunday school, 9.30 a, m.
B. Y. P. U., 6.30 p. m.
(May to September, services 30 minutes
Pastor—Rev. W. H. Henry.
Board of Deacons -C. M. C ffman, Sieve Da
vidson, W. (!. Grogan, William Elliott, J.
II. Knapp, John Vahn, Charles McD naid,
H. Neni.
Board of Trustees .1. \Y Dudley, D R Con
gleton, John Vahn.
Sexton— I. eke Johnson.
Pastor— Rev. William J. Cambron, D. D., Ph.
D. Study hours, 8.00 a. m. to 12.30 p. m.
At home, 12.30 to 2.00 p. m. (W Va. 192 M
Board of Deacons — L. Dudley, Dr. I. W.
Hutchinson, J. L. Marlow, G. L. Morford,
M. H. Pease, Elias Lemaster.
Board of Trustees— L. Dudley, J. S. Hout, .1.
S. Warnick, Albert Pearcy, J. H. Grogg.
Executive Board — L. Dudley, Albert Pearcy,
J. S. Hout, J. S. Warnick, William Rich
ardson, J. H. Grogg, G. C. Enoch, M. H.
Treasurer — John D. Nowrey
Clerk— John W. Dudley, Jr.
Corner of Twenty-fourth street and Dudlee
Sunday school, 2.30 p. m.
Corner Main and 1) streets.
Services every other Sunday of each motr i
at 11 a. m.
St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church.
County road near Fifth avenue extended.
Membership, 30.
Sunday servces every filth Sunday at 11.00
a. m.
Preaching, Thursday night.-;, before second
and fourth Sundays of month, at 7.30 p. m.
Sunday school, 10 a. m.
Pastor— Rev. H. C. Cofer, Pottery Junction.
Superintendent of Sunday Scbool — W. A
Deacons— W. A. Golden, B. S. Hopkins.
Board of Trustees — B. F. Mount, Wm. Coop
er, Loge Taylor.
Clerk of Church — Bessie Gooden.
Treasurer — Frank Spriggs.
Sexton — Bessie Gooden.
Corner of Avery and Nine and One-Half Sts.
Lord's Day — Sunday services, 11 a. m., Di
vine worship (German), 7.30 p. m., Divin-J
worship (English).
Special services on Holy Days.
Sunday school, 9.30 a. m.
Luther League, Tuesday, 8.00 p. in.
Litany and address each Wednesday at 8.00
p. m.
(Colored) Southeast corner Eighth and Clay
Membership 155.
Sunday services, 11.00 a. m. and 8.00 p. m
Sunday school, 2.30 p. m.
Prayer meeting Wednesdays and Fridays,
8.00 p. m.
B. Y. P. U., Sundays, 6.30 p. m.
Pastor — Rev. Wm. Toney, 403 Eighth street.
Deacons — James Madison, Tandy Brown,
Thomas Gooden, Isaac Carr.
Board of Trustees — Wm. Carpenter, Lee
Bowlles, Jacob Smith.
Prudential Committee — Cornelius Wadkins,
Frank Spriggs, Lee Bowlles.
Ordained Minister — J. L. Davis.
Pastor— Rev. F. C. Longaker, 931 Avery. At
home Thursdays and Fridays.
Deacons — John Busch, Henry Kramer,
George L. Muhn, Jacob Young, Albert
Rockenstein, M. T. Helm.
Sexton — John Maloney.
Northwest corner of St. Marys avenue uul
Sixteenth street.
Membership, 325.
Sunday services, 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m.
Sunday school, 9.45 a. m.
Prayer meeting, Wednesdays, 7.30 p. m.
Past i— Rev. M. L. Weekley, 1007 Seve>-
teemh street. Study hours, morn'ngs.
Superintendent of Sunday School — l). E
Stalnaker .
President Y. P. C. U.— J. J. Shore.
President Ladies' Aid Society — Mrs. F. Cec;.'.
President Woman's Missionary Society-
Mrs. S. C. Warner.
Chinch Treasurer — J. J. Shore.
Coard of Trustees — P. L. Jones, president,
W. H. Cecil, secretary; D. W. Fauss, treas-
urer; J. T. Arnold and J. J. Shore.
Sexton— W. H. Stalnaker.
Corner of Sixteenth and Briant streets.
Sunday services, 2.30 and 7.30 p. ni.
Sunday school, 10.00 a. m.
Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7.30 p. m.
Pastor— Rev. M. L. Weekley, 1007 Seven-
teenth street. Study hours, mornings.
Superintendent of Sunday School — H. S.
President Y. P. C. U— J. W. Whitlatch.
President Ladies' Aid Society — Mrs. Nettie
Church Treasurer — T. M. Dickson.
Board of Trustees — J. W. Whitlatch, presi-
dent; T. M. Dickson, secretary; Thomas
Lowther, treasurer; H. S. Carpenter au<l
Luther Mtorland.
Sexton — Clarence Dickson.
Southwest corner of Fourteenth street and
St. Marys avenue.
Membership, 400.
Sunday services. 11.00 a. ;n. and 7.30 p. m.
Sunday school, 9.45 a. m.
Y. P. S. C. U., Sunday, G.30 p. m.
Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7 30
C. W. B. M— First Thursday of e,
2 p. m.
p. m.
ich month.
Pastor— Rev. J. M. Helm, 1413 Covert street.
At home, mornings.
Sunday School Superintendent— B. E. Hanes.
Assistant Sunday School Superintendent —
Miss Kate Flinn.
Secretary — Vernon Lytle.
Treasurer — Harry Pennybaker.
Elders— I. Dotson, D. O. Mozena, Dr. P. N.
Moore, W. M. Stealey.
Deacons— E. L. Nash, J. \V. Goudy, A. Plate,
J. B. Knapp, S. S. Shares, S. C. Van Camp,
G. G. Quick.
Secretary — John Marshall.
Trustees— H. H. Pennybaker, George Quick,
S. C. Van Camp.
Southeast corner of Tenth and Markel Si
Sunday services, 11. (in a. in. and 7.30 p. m.
Pastor — Rev. .1. W. Francis, 608 Thirteenta
Ruling Elders — L. F. Thompson. J. W. Math-
er, Josephus Rowland, H. M. Strouss, John
T. Cooper, L. E. Simmons, E. E. Woo-1-
Board of Deacons — H. S. Wilson, H. F. Har-
nish, E. M. Gilkeson, J. M. Crawford, C.
M, Showalter, W. H. Wolfe, Jr., F. J.
Bradford, G. L. Dudley, E. M. Enright.
Board of Trustees— J. W. Mather, W. K.
Wolfe, Sr., H. S. Wilson, J. H. Fischer, J.
M. Brown, H. M. Strouss.
Sexton— C. A. Leach, 435 Twelfth street.
ul the Firsl Presbyterian Church.
Lubeck road, Marrtawn.
Sunday services, morning and evening *il-
ternately at 11.00 a. in. and 7.30 p. m.
. . : ii la j sch< ui, 9.30 a. m.
; rayer meeting, Tuesdays, 7 p. m.
Saferintendent f Sunday School — Charles
i. well.
Presideni of Christian Endeavor — Marshall
of First Presbyteiian Church.
I ubecfe avenue, nea Ferrace avenue, South
Sunday services, alternate Sundays, 11. (in a
in. and 7.30 i' in
Sunday school, 'J,:.\u p. m.
Chiistian Endeavor, Thursday, 7.30 p. m.
Superintendent l -Sunday School — Frank
Lincoln near Murdoch avenue, Beechwood.
Membership, 93.
Sunday services, 11.00 a. m. and 7.30 p. m.
Sunday school, 9.45 a. m.
Christian Endeavor, Sundays, 6.30 p. m.
Prayer meeting, Wednesdays, 7.:'.n p. m.
Pastor —
Elders — Wm. Auberle, C. D. Merrick.
Deacons — J. W. Lenhart, Wm. Auberle.
Trustees — Wm. Auberle, Joseph Templeton,
T. T. Foster.
1300 Market street.
Sunday services, 11.00 a. m. and 8 p. m.
Sunday school, 12.15 p. m.
Wednesday evening services at 8 p. m.
First Reader — Mrs. E. P. Noonan.
Second Reader — Miss Mabel P. Houston.
Reading Room — Room 700 Union Trust
Building, corner of Seventh and Market
streets. Open from 10.00 a. m. to 5.00 p.
m. daily, except Sunday.
Barracks, 112 Third street.
Membership, 75.
Daily services, each evening at 8 o'clock.
Sunday services, 10.30 a. m , 3.00 and 8.00
p. m.
Sunday school, 3.00 p. m.
Captain J. G. Haag, 324 Ninth street.
Captain Mrs. J. G. Haag, 324 Ninth street.
The Young Men's Christian Association Building.
Eighth street between Market and Juliana.
Membership, more than 1000.
Rooms open every day, Sundays excepted.
from 8.30 a m. until 10.30 p. m.
Gospel meetings for men every Sunday at
3.45 p. m
President — E. L. Davidson.
Vice President — H. P. Moss.
Recording Secretary — W. G.
Treasurer — C. T. Hiteshew.
General Secretary — T. W. Stewart.
Physical Director — R. L. Weston.
Board of Directors — H. H. Dils, James A.
Bryan, E. M. Gilkeson, Wm. M. Hall, 13.
P. Chancellor. Jr.. John T. Cooper, G. L
Watson, W. G. Peterkin, B. S. Pope, H. P.
Moss. George McDonald, W. H. Wolfe. Jr.
Executive Officers — T. W. Stewart, Gensr.i]
Secretary: A. M. Pennybacker, Assistant
Secretary; R. L. Weston, Physical Direc-
The Association building, costing with
equipment more than $85,000, is located on
Eighth street between Market and Juliana.
about one block from the Chancellor Hotel.
Uni ii Trust Building, and Camden Theab-e
It is lour stories high with splendid base-
ment, giving five wbrking floors with every
facility for modern association work. Th -
basement contains the gymnasium, bath
rooms, swimming pool, locker rooms, bowl-
ing alleys and boiler room. The first floor
is occupied with the business office, Lobby
Reading Room, Board of Directors Room.
Billiard Room, Grand Stairway and Gjni
iiasinni Gallery. On the second floor are I lie
1« ys rooms, Parlors, Banquet Hall, Au-
dit1 Hum and Camera Room. The third floor
contains the educational class rooms and the
auditorium balcony. On the fourth floor are
thirty sleeping rooms for members. Above
the fourth floor is the space to be used as a
roof garden.
I loo seventh street, corner of Staunton ave-
Services each Saturday, 11.00 a. m.
Sabbath school, Saturday, 10 a. m.
Prayer meeting, Wednesdays, 7.30 p. m.
Pastor — Rev. P. W. Province, 1200 Seventh
Superintendent Sabbath School — C. J. Poota.
Librarian — Mrs. S. F. Ross.
Secretary— Hazel Amick.
Deacon — S. F. Ross.
Clerk— M. L. Meridith,
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The Blennerhassett Club.
Secret, Fraternal and Social Orders
Headquarters Second Regiment of Infantry- -
C. E. Morrison, Colonel; Capt. R. G. Beck-
with, Acting Adjutant and Quartermaster.
Headquarters Third Battalion, Second Regi-
ment— Companies E and L, Parkersburi;
and Company A, Sistersville; Jesse L.
Kramer, Major; H. B. Hogg, Adjutant.
Second Regiment of Infantry — Company E
meets Mbndays at the Armory, 515 1 -2
Market street. J. B. Payne, Captain; R.
C. Wandling, First Lieutenant.
Second Regiment of Infantry — Company I.
meets Tuesdays at the Armory, 515 ! 2
Market street. Clyde O. Boomer. Oaptaii,
Walter White, First Lieutenant.
Brigade Staff of West Virginia Nationa.
Guard— Maj. P. D. Neal. Chief Coram i<
sary; Maj. W. G. Peterkin, Judge Adv.)
cate; Maj. S. D. Brady, Chief Engineer.
G. A. R.
Meets on the first and third Thursdays of
each month, in G. A. R. Hall, 404 L 2
Market street.
Thos. A. Black, Commander; A. T. Kreps
Sen. Vice Com.; John H. Crippen, Adjt. ;
James F. Hull, Jr., Vice Com.; N. B.
Schwartz, Q M.; Henry Stahl, Post Sir-
geon; Richard Starr; Officer of the Dav;
A. Mehl, Officer of the Guard.
Meets on the first and third Thursdays o\
each month, in G. A. R. Hall, 404 1-2
Market street.
Miss Mattie Clouse, Pres. ; Mrs. Margaret
Alexander. Sr. Vice Pres., Mrs. Fannn
Ceci', Sec; Mrs. W. S. Nugent, Treas.
Meets first Tuesday of each month, at 41 !
Juliana street.
Edgar Heermans. Adjt., 905 Ann.
Cas. M. Martin, Com.; Jas. S. McClure, Vice
Com.; Mason G. Ambler, Adjt.
Meets on the first Tuesday 11 each month,
at Carnegie Library.
Mrs. J. G. McClure, Pres.; Miss Kinnie
Smith, Vice Pres.; Mrs. Simms Powell,
Vice President; Miss Mabel Moss, Sec;
Miss M. Saunders, Treas.
The Country Club.
Stated communications on the second an 1
fourth Mondays of each month, in the
Masonic Temple.
R. J. Boreman, H. P.; James A. Bryan, Sec;
J. H. Brookhart, Treas.
I. O. O. F.
Meets every Wednesday evening, in I. O. O.
F. Temple.
Orlando Stevenson, C. P.; Granville Tjhl, H.
P.; M. T. Helm. Sr. W. ; C. C. Young,
Scribe; L. D. Byrd, Treas.; J. D. Silcott,
Jr. W.
Stated communications on the first Monda;
of each month, in the Masonic Temple.
Ed. R. Patton, H. P.; James A. Bryan, Sec;
James A. Wetherell, Treas.
Meets every Thursday evenins. in I. O. O.
F. Temple.
J. C. Gray. X. G.; W. G. Franklin, V. G.:
James Scullen, Rec Sec; W H. Cecil,
Fin. Sec; G. M. Fought, Treas.
Stated conclave on the third Monday of each
month in the Mascnic Temple.
C. E. Morrison, E. C; James A. Bryan, Re-
corder; James A. Wetherell, Treas.
Meets every Friday evening in I. O. O. F.
Temple, Fifth street.
C. F. Geiger, N. G.; F. G. Deutsch, V. G.; C.
C. Young, Rec. Sec; J. F. Schrader, Fin.
Sec; Theo. H. Hiehle, Treas.
Stated meetings held on the second Tuesday
of each month, in the Masonic Temple.
George E. Stout, V. M.; J. H. Brookhart,
Sec; W. T. Rittenhouse, Treas.
Meets every Wednesday evening, in I. O. O.
F. Temple.
T. J. BaU, Capt.; J. W. Raybould, Lieut ;
W. H. Cecil, Ensign; L. D. Byrd, Picket-
C. C. Young, Clerk; M. H. Pease, Acct.
Meets on the first Monday of each month. :n
the Masonic Temp'e.
W. T. Rittenhouse, W. M.; James A. Bryar.
Sec; J. H. Brookhart, Treas.
Meets every Tuesday evening, in I. O. O.
F. Temple.
Mrs. Wm. T. Stephenson, N. G.; Miss Ella
Young, V. G.; Mrs. Martha Ferrell, Sec.
The Elks Club.
B. P. O. E.
Meets every Tuesday evening, :n Elks' Home
Juliana street.
A. C. Murdoch, E. R.
Nelly, Treas.
N. M. Kight, Sec; E
HOPE LODGE, No. 10, K. OF P.
Meets every Monday, 7.30 p. m., at 312-31 i
Fifth st reel.
H. H. Nelson, C. C. , ('. E. Hughes, K. of K.
& S.; W. N. Smcot, M. of F.; G. M.
Fought, M. of E.
Mrs. Elizabeth Stevenson, P. G; Mrs. Grace
Cecil, M. E. C; Mrs. Helen Moon, Sr. ,
Mrs. Martha Farrell.Jr. ; Mrs. Fannie Cecil,
Mgr.; Mrs. Ida Allen, M. of R. & S.; Miss
Nan Gardway, M. of F.
W. K.
Meets on the first Sunday of each month, in
I. O. O. F. Hall.
A. F. Loritsch, Pres.; John Kaltenecker.
Vice Pres.; Carl Goetz, Fin. Sec.; J. N.
McNamare, Treas.; Fran; Kaltenecker,
Cor. Sec.
Meets on second Thursday of each month, in
K. of P. Hall, 421 1-2 Mark ■! street.
W. E. Price, Capt.; E. W. Warnick, 1st
Lieut.; Bruce West, 2d Lieut.; L. V. G.
Morris, Rec. ; W. H. Dunbar, Treas.
Meets every Friday, 7.30 p. ru., at K. of P.
Hall. 424 1-2 Market street.
J. J. Shore, C. C: P. C. Parkei, K of R. &
S.; L. V. G. Morris, M. of F.; W. H. Dun
bar, M. of E.; P. C. Parker, D. G. C.
Meets every Monday, 7.30 p. m:, at K. of P.
Hall, 424 1-2 Market street.
Meets the first and third Fridays of each
month, at 8 p. m., in K. of C. Hall, over
Wood County Bank, corner Fifth and Mar-
ket streets.
D. B. Leonard, D. D.; James A. Mathison,
G. K.; C. A. Andre, Rec. Sec; John Har-
rigan, Jr., Fin. Sec; Peter Devlin, Treas.
Meets second Sunday of each month, at 420
Market street.
R. S. Murphy, Pres.; Thos. Cleary, Vic-j
Pres.; M. J. Hughes, Fin. Stc; J. T. Ms-
Guinness, Rec. Sec; P. Oliver, Treas.
Lovers' Lane, Blennerhassett Island.
Meets first Tuesday of each month at 120
Market street.
Miss Kate Hughes, Pres.; Mary Kelly, Rec.
Sec; Mrs. Mary Corberry, Fin. Sec.; Miss
B. Halloran, Treas.; Miss Sarah Moran,
Sentinel; Miss Mary McNicholas, Co. Pres.
I. O. O. R. M.
Meets every Wednesday, 7.30 p. m., in G.
A. R. Hall.
W. S. Dement, Prophet; C. E. Elliot, Sach-
em; J. W. Kaggart, Sagamore; Jen-
kins, Jr. Sagamore; J. B. Goudy, Chief
Rec; J. C. Theis, Collector of Wampum;
H. Timmons, Keeper of Wampum.
Meets every Wednesday night in Eagle
Building, corner Third and Juliana streets.
A. O. U. W.
Meets every Thursday night, at 417 1-2 Mar-
ket street.
J. M. Guinn, P. M. W. ; Henry Buchheimer,
M. W.; H. A. Loper, Foreman; S. J. McCue,
Overseer; J. A. Mathison, Rep.; J. F.
Schrader, Financier; Thomas Maloney, Re
ceiver; Wm. Daly, Guard; C. L. Mason,
Inside Watch; George Mehen, Outside
Watch; E. 0. Hiehle, M. T. Helm, J. W.
Burk, Trustees; Jos. Galvin, Guide; J. W.
Burk, Representative to Grand Lodge.
Meets first and third Wednesday night, at
417 1-2 Market street.
Mrs. Ella Danforth, C. L H.; Mrs. Cora
Joyce, L. H.; Miss Blanche Beem, L. of
C; Miss Angelica Murphy. Recorder; Mrs.
James Mathison, Treasurer.
K. O. T. M.
Meets every Monday. 8 p. m., in Maccabees
Hall, 424 1-2 Market street.
John A. Kinch, Com.; H. S. Carpenter, R. K.
L. O. T. M.
Meets every other Thursday, 7.30 p. m.. in
Maccabees' Hall, 424 1-2 Market street.
Mrs. Ruth Langfitt, Lady Com.; Mrs. Fran-
ces Cecil, Lady R. K.
PHOENIX CAMP, No. 6961, M. W. OF A.
Meets every Monday, 8 p. m., in their hall at
506 1-2 Market street.
A. J. Minx, V. C; L. E. Simmons, W. A.; P.
Dye, Banker; O. S. Bailey, Clerk.
CAMP No. 8512, M. W. OF A.
Meets at their hall, Elizabeth pike, near Lo-
cust, Tavennerville.
Water Tanks on Baltimore & Ohio Railroad.
Meets every Tuesday, 8 p. m., in Fraternity
Hall, 50G 1-2 Market street.
W. B. Pedigo, P. C; E. J. Savage, C. C; A
C. Chaddock, A. L.; P. Arnold, Banker;
J. J. Shore, Clerk.
Meets every Thursday, at Lemaster's store.
North Parkersburg.
Elias Lernasters, Clerk.
Meets on the 9th day of each month in
Wetherell's Hall, 417 1-2 Market.
S. S. Hazen, Pres.; W. H. Walker, Sec; C.
M. Jones, Treas.; Samuel Newberger, F. R.
R. A.
Meets second Wednesday night in each
month, in Wetherell' Hall, 417 1-2 Market
Theo. Starbuck, Regent; Eugene M. En-
right, V. R.; J. H. Burk, Sec; G. B.
Bowles, Treas.; Adam Heckler, Collector.
Meets the first and third Tuesdays of each
month in I. O. O. F. Hall.
F. B. Burk, Chief; p. C. Tarker, Scribe.
O. U. A. M.
Meets every Friday evening in A. O. U. W.
J. R. Freed, Com.; J. T. Piggott, Rec Sec;
G. H. Tucker. Fin. Sec; C. R. Cra'K,
Asst. Rec; J. L. Marlow, Treas.; T. M.
Dixon, Conductor; Sherman McNutt, Ex-
aminer; David Baker, Inside Conductor:
Henry McNutt, Outside Protector.
JR. O. U. A. M.
U. A. M.
Meets, every Friday evening in Fraternity
M. K. Davis, C; O. C. Kidd, R. S.; O. Walk-
er, F. S.; J. A. Vaughan, Treas.
LAUREL CAMP, No. 3696.
Meets on second and fourth Wednesdays of
each month, 7.30 p. m., at Fraternity Hall.
Mrs. P. D. Dye, P. Oracle; Mrs. G. B. Sam-
uels, Oracle; Mrs. Lizzie Logan, Vice
Oracle; Miss Gertrude Mathews, Chancel-
lor; Miss Stella Samuels, Recorder; Miss
Ida Young, Receiver.
Meets every Thursday evening, at 424 Mar-
ket street.
J. M. Carfer, Pres.; J. L. Marlow, Sec;
Henry Nern, Accountant.
-- r
After the First Snow.
Meets every Thursday, 7.30 p. m., in Fra-
ternal Hall.
A. F. Freed, Pres.; Citizen Stevenson, Vice
Pres. ; H. B. Reese, 2d Vice Pres.; Amos
Cooper, Sec; Citizen Full, Prelate; Citizen
Lyons, Orderly; Citizen Postlewait, Ser
Meets every Saturday. 8 p. m., at Loyal
American Hall, Nicelyville.
A. J. Nicely, Pres.; Harry Nicely, Sec.
R. T.
Meets second and fourth Sunday of eaen
month in Fraternal Hall, 506 1-2 Market
C. D. Lang, Master; J. W. Deem, Vice
Master; T. A. Bailey, Past Master; R. E.
Utterback. Secy; D. H. Kemp, Financier;
C. Harris. Conductor; H. R. Vance, Jour-
nal Agt; W. Beatty, Chaplain; F. A., In-
ner Guard; E. A. Milton, Outer Guard
B. OF L. E.
Meets the first and third Sunday of each
month in the Royal Arcanum Hall, at
415 1-2 Market street.
E. F. Augustine, Chief Engineer; L. M. Sor-
rell, First Assistant; E. M. Leech, Second
Assistant; J. J. Daniels, Insurance Secy.
B. OF L. F.
Meets in the W. O. W. Hall, on the second
and fourth Sundays of each month.
J. T. Boothby, Master; F. W. Johnson, Vice
Master; Dan Watt, Collector; E. E. Cole,
Treas.; T. J. Jonas, Secy.
O. R. C. DIVISION No. 369
Meets first and third Sundays in each momh
at 2 p. m., in Fraternal Hall, 506 1-2
Market street.
L. W. Woodruff, Cliief Conductor; E. J. Law-
rence, Asst. Chief Conductor; G. H. Bailey,
Secy and Treas.; G. H. Bailey, Cipher
Agt.; Trustees: B. J. Patton, Alden Wil-
liams. Chias. W. Ebert; Local Grievance
Committee: Chairmr.n, L. W. Woodruff,
Monongah division; T. C. Hogan, Ohio
River division; T. J. Stafford, Little Kan-
awha R. R.; W. W. Lord, Zanesville
Meets first Monday in each month in Ma-
sonic Club rooms, on Juliana street.
Ed. R. Patton, Pres.; A. W. Solly, Vice
Pres.; A. E. Whitney, Treas.; W. T. ftit-
tenhouse, Sec.
Meets in Elks Home, Juliana street, above
A. C. Murdoch, Chairman; Newton M. Kight,
All that Remains of the Old Mansion on Blennerhassett Island.
402 Juliana street.
S. T. Mallory, Pres.; B. F. Stewart, Vice
Pres.; Geo. W. Summers, Sec. and Treas ;
Robt. B. Stiles, Chairman of House Com
On Inter-Urban Line.
W. N. Miller, Pres.; S. D. Camden, Vice
Pres.; W. S. Smith, Sec; W. E. Davis,
On Inter Urban Line, near Country Club.
J. T. Mallory, Pres.; F. E. Mallory, Sec. and
Club House on Kanawha River, 15 miles
above Parkersburg.
Wm. Buehler, Pres.; Amiel Zipple, Vice
Pres.; E. O. Hiehle, Sec; Edward Nelly,
Boat House foot of Second street,
G. B. Gibbens, Pres.; Chas. Kreps, Sec; N.
L. Russell, Treas.
Meets every Sunday afteroon in club rooms
at 510 1-2 Market street.
Fred Walker, Pres.; Theo. Hiehle, Sec;
Chas. Barlow, Treas.
Headquarters: Citizens Trust and Guaranty
Building, 217 Fourth street.
J. N. Camden, Pres.; O. S. Hawkins, Vice
Pres.; Geo. W. Summers, Sec; C. T. Hite-
shew, Treas.
W. N. Miller. Pres.; W. G. Peterkin, Vice
President; H. M. Russell, Sec; Mason G.
Ambler, Treas.
525 Market street.
J. Robert Anderson, Pres.; Oscar Jenkins,
Dr. T. A. Harris, Pres.; Dr. Brown, Vice
Pres.; Dr. Barker, Sec.
Meets second and fourth Monday afternoons,
in Carnegie Library.
Mrs. Mary E. Rathbone, Director; Mrs. Wal-
ter F. Thayer, Cor. Sec; Miss Margaret
McKee, Treas.
Meets Monday afternoons at 3 o'clock in
Carnegie Library.
Miss Laurane Boreman, Pres.; Mrs. W. H.
Smith, Jr., 1st Vice Pres.; Mrs. C. .1.
Proudfoot, 2d Vice Pres.; Mrs. Harry Wil-
son, Sec; Miss Lulu Wetherell, Cor. Sec;
Mrs. R. B. Taylor, Treas,
The Parkersburg City Hospital.
Meeis each Wednesday in Carnegie Library.
Mrs. M. A. Kendall. Pres. ; Miss Clara De.n
ing, Vice Pres.; Miss Edith Drake, Treas. ;
Mrs. W. I. Boreman, Sec. Advisory Board
— Miss Shattuck, Mrs. Chas. Forrer, Mrs.
M. A. Kendall, Miss Clara Deming. Miss
"Edith Drake, Mrs. T. I. Boreman.
■514-516 Thirteenth street.
Corner Fifth and Avery streets.
Visiting Days — Sundays, Tuesdays and
Thursdays. Hours, 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m.
Meets in Germania Hall.
H. P. Boette, Pres.; E. O. Hiehle, Sec.
N. Strong Gilbert, Director.
Meets every Monday, 8 p. m., in Room .",
415 1-2 Market street.
E. O. Hiehle, Pres.; C. E. Lewis, Sec. and
Treas.; N. Strong Gilbert, Director.
240G Murdoch avenue, corner Twenty-fifrh
Mrs. J. W. Kight, Matron; Rev. S. S. Moore.
President; W. G. Peterkin, Treasurer.
326 1-2 Juliana street.
Thos. Coleman, Agent.
City and Inter Urban Lines
LOOP— Green
Spring streets — Every
6.20 a
m. to 11 p. m.
LOOP— Green
streets — Every 20
minutes from 6.10
a. m.
to 11.10 p. m.
LOOP— Red car-
a. m. and every
7.00 a.
m. to 11.40 p. m.
OUTER LOOP— Red car— Up Murdoch ave-
nue— Every 40 minutes from 6.40 a. m. to
11.20 p. m.
BEECHWOOD CAR— Yellow car— Every 40
minutes from 5.30 a. m. to 10.50 p. m.
car — Leaves at 5.50 a. m. and on even hour
from 7 a. m. to 11 p. m., and on half hour
from 8.30 a. m. to 8.30 ;i. m.
River Steamer Under Way.
Steamboat Lines
All steamers arrive and depart from Harry
Good's wharfboat, foot of Ann street (W
Va. phone 607).
Steamer Excel, for Creston and way ports.
Captain Albert Monteith. Leaves Parkers-
burg Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays,
11 a. m. Arrives Tuesdays, Thursdays an3
Saturdays, 2 p. m. Passenger and freight.
Freighters Ellanora, Albatross, Return, Reli-
ance and Orena L., between Parkersburg
and Glenville. No regular schedule.
days. 5 p. m. Freight and passenger.
Steamer Virginia. Captain Alf Pennywitt.
Up, Mondays, 10 a. m. Down, Thursdays,
5 p. m. Freight and passenger.
Steamer Ben Hur. Captain Harry Donnelly.
Up, Tuesdays, 4 p. m. Down, Fridays, 8
p. m. Freight and passenger.
Steamer Valley Belle. Captain T. B. Wilkin-
son. Leaves Tuesdays, Thursdays and
Saturdays, 10 a. m. Arrives Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays, 7 p. m. Passen-
gers and freight.
Steamer Bessie Smith. Captain Heury
Kraft. Up, Tuesdays, 4 a. m., Thursdays,
4 a. m.. Saturdays, 6 p. m. Passengers and
Steamer H K. Bedford. Captain Gus Frantz.
Up, Wednesdays, 4 a. m., Fridays, 4 a. m
Sundays, 6 p. m. Passengers and freight
Steamer Greenland. Captain Mrs. Gordon
Greene. Up, Wednesdays, 11 a. m. Down,
Saturdays, 5 p. m. Freight and passenger.
Steamer Kanawha. Captain E. F. Maddy.
Up, Saturdays, 12 noon. Down, Wednes-
days, 5 p. m. Freight and passenger.
Freighter Rayman. Daily, except Sundays.
Arrives, 10 a. m. Departs, 3 p. m.
Freighter Katydid. Daily, except Sunday.
Arrives, 10 a. m. Departs, 2 p. m.
Steamer Keystone State. Captain C. W.
Knox. Up, Thursday, 12 noon. Down, Sun-
Steamer Nina Paden. Captain John Stone-
Leaves, every 15minutes from 5.45 to S.30
a. m., and every 20 minutes till 7.20 p. m.,
from wharfboat, foot of Ann street.
Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Depot.
Railroad Lines
Leave from Sixth Street Station, between
Market and Green streets. Eastern Time
*Daily. ?Daily, except Sunday. ! Sunday
AND CUMBERLAND. Depart *1.15 a. m.,
-3.05 p. m., *6.55 p. m. Arrive *3.33 a, m.,
*12.35 p. m„ *7.20 p. m.
*6.45 a. m., ?3.40 p. m., !i5.30 p. m. Arrive
*10.50 a. m., ?C50 p. m., !9.30 p. m.
?8.35 a. m., ?4.00 p. m. Arrive ?1.40 p. rn.,
'.'6.10 p. m.
Depart ?4.00 p. m. Arrive ?1.40 p. m.
MARIETTA. Depart ?8.55 a. m.,*1.05 p.
m„ ?4.00 p. m., *7.35 p. m., ?10.30 p. m.,
and 1.15 a. m., except Monday. Arrive
*12.20 p. m., ?1.40 p. m., *5.35 p. m., ?6.10
p. m., ?9.35 p. m., ?12.35 a m.
Leave from O. R. Station, corner of Second
and Ann streets. Eastern Time.
*7.00 a. m., ?12.45 p. m., *3.10 p. m. Arrive
♦12.15 p. m., ?4.27 p. m., *9.0o p. m.
*7.00 a. m., ?4.00 p. m. Arrive ?9.32 a. m..
?4.27 p. m.
*/.20 a. m., *12.24 p. m., °4.35 p. m. Ar-
rive ?12.30 p. m., *2.45 p. m., *7.50 p. m.,
*9.35 p. m.
?5.00 a. m., ?5.00 p. m. Arrive no.55 a.
m., *7.50 p. m.
Depart ?9.40 a. m. Arrive *3.50 p. m.
Leave from Sixth Street Station, between
Market and Green streets. Eastern Time.
Depart *3.38 a. m., *12.40 a. m.. *7.25 p. m.,
?3.15 p. m. Arrive H.10 a. m., *3.00 p. m.,
*6.50 p. m.
Leave from Third Street Station, between
Green and Avery streets. Eastern Time.
Depart ?7.00 a. m., ?3.20 p. m. Arrive ?10.40
a. m., ?7.00 p. m.
The City Government
The city offices are located in the City Hall,
at the northwest corner of Fifth and Mar-
ket streets.
Mayor — D. H. Leonard.
Recorder — D. B. Leonard.
Auditor — Frank Good.
Asst. Audiror — F. B. Burk.
Collector —
Chief of Police— Pat Oliver.
Chief of Fire Department —Win. Hey den -
Lieutenant of Police — W. A. Smith.
City Attorney — D. C. Casto.
Asst. City Attorney — Dorr Casto.
Health Officer— Dr. W. D. Row.
Wharf Master— Harry Good.
City Engineer — John V. Dunbar.
City Electrician — A. D. Hastings.
Street Commissioner — Fred Baker.
Supt. Waterworks — Geo. T. Clark.
Asst. Supt. Waterworks — T. H. Murphy, Jr.
Clerk of the Market-
Treasurer— Citizens National Bank.
Park Superintendent — E. B. Young.
Water Rent Collector — T. E. Quinn.
Meter Attendant — Henry F. Clark.
President— W. A. Elletson.
Members — C. D. Forrer, Frank S. Smith,
E. G. Stephenson.
The regular meetings of the City Council ar3
held at the Council Chamber, in the City
Hall, on the second and fourth Wednesday
evenings of each month at 7.30.
First Ward — L. L. Jones, Frank Braden-
Second Ward— W. O. Foley, Frank Shields
Third Ward— W. H. Terry, J. S. Paxton.
Fourth Ward — F. A. Saik, Chas. Fleming.
Fifth Ward— C. P. Morrison, J. L. Clark.
Sixth Ward — G. B. Samuels. F. Heydenreich
Seventh Ward— W. W. Monroe, J. M. Lytle.
Eighth Ward — J. S. Dunn, Jr., K. B. Steph-
Finance — Bradenbaugh, Jones and Paxton.
Ordinances — Dunn, Samuels and Clark.
Wharves and Landings — Heydenreich, Sam-
uels and Lytle.
City Park — Monroe, Stephenson and Flem-
The Parkersburg Police Department.
Streets and Alleys — Saik, Bradenbaugh and
Lights — Stephenson, Samuels and Morrison.
Pumps — Samuels, Heydenreich and Stephen-
Fire Department — Lytle, Jones and Fleming.
Scales and City Building — Foley, Stephenson,
and Monroe.
Hospital — Morrison, Shields and Dunn.
Prager Bequest — Jones, Samuels and Paxton.
Police — Terrv, Jones and Samuels.
Commerce — Shields, Foley and Terry.
Waterworks — Clark, Samuels and Terry.
Claims — Paxton, Lytle and Foley.
Health — Foley, Shields and Dunn.
Sewers — Fleming, Clark and Jones.
Chief— P. Oliver.
Lieutenant -W. A. Smith.
Sergeant — A. L. Schwartz.
Clerk — J. H. Jennings.
Night Clerk— B. F. Nern.
Patrol Driver — G. L. Buckley.
Night Patrol Driver — A. H. Lo#ln.
Patrolman — H. J. Wigal, W. J. McMannus,
C. G. Gordon, W. E. Deem, G. F. Bodie, E.
D. Pickering, W. F. Hickmau, E. D. Wil-
liams, L. L. O'Neal, D M. Taylor, \V. S.
Clark, B. I King.
Chief — Wm. H. Heydenreich.
City Building, Fifth street.
Driver — Wm. J. Andrews.
Firemen — Thomas Daly. F rrest Knight, Cas.
Lowers, Joseph Mahoney.
Seventeenth street, bet. St. Marys aven'ie
and Beaver street.
Captain — J. S. Shuman.
Driver — Ford Mendenhall.
Firemen — Wm. Emerick, Thomas Gaston.
832 Lynn street.
Captain — Charles E. Goosman.
Driver — W. S. Barrett.
Firemen — W. L. Gaston, M. J. Duga-a.
1-2 — Ann and First streets.
1-3 — Ann and Third streets.
1-4 — Ann and Fifth streets.
1-5 — Ann and Eleventh streets.
2-1 — Market, between First and Second sts.
2-3 — Third and Market streets.
2-4 — Seventh and Market streets.
2-5 — Eighth and Juliana streets.
2-6 — Tenth and Market streets.
3-1 — Third and Avery streets.
3-2 — Fifth and Green streets
3-4 — Seventh and Green streets.
3-5 — Harris and Marietta avenue.
3-6 — Thirteenth and Avery streets.
3-7 — Prospect Hill or Jackson Heights.
4-1 — Seventh and Lynn streets.
4-2 — Charles and Lynn streets.
4-3 — Seventh and George streets.
4-5 — Dilloway and Thirteenth streets.
4-6— George street and B. & O. R. R.
5t1 — Covert and Sixteenth streets .
— 61—
Parkersburg Postoffice and Custom House.
5-2 — Latrobe and Seventeenth streets.
5-3 — St. Marys and Nineteenth streets.
6-1 — Murdoch avenue and Sixteenth streets.
6-2 — Ohio avenue and Nineteenth street.
6-3 — Ohio avenue and Twenty-fifth street.
7-1 — Oak and Twenty-first streets.
7-2 — Dudley avenue and Twenty-fourth st.
8-1 — Staunton avenue and Camden street.
8-2 — Seventh and Briant streets.
1 Bell— Fire out.
4 Bells — General alarm.
City Water Works — Office, City Building
Geo. T. Clarke, Superintendent; T. H. Mur-
phy, Assistant.
Government Building, southwest corner Ju-
liana and Fifth streets.
Frank S. Smith, Postmaster; Henry F. Har-
nish, Assistant Postmaster.
Office Hours — General Delivery, from 7 a. tn.
to 7.50 p. m.; Sundays from 9 to 10 a. m.;
Money Order and Registry Departments,
from 8 a. m. to 6 p. m.
Clerks— W. L. Coffman, H. H. Earle, R. K.
Enlow, E. D. Edmondson, John T. Glenn,
John T. Jennings, F. P. Kelly, N. M. Kight,
C. D. Rosser, Arthur See, F. G. Shaw, M.
H. Virts, Howard Wible, J. K. Partridge.
Carriers — Chas. Anderson, F. D. Bailey, C.
H. Caswell, W. H. Crawford, T. C. Devol,
C. G. Farrow, J. T. Horr, E. A. Ingersoll,
John M. Penn, D. G. Walton, R. E. Whit-
lock, W. T. Murphy, Chas. E. Jordan, sub;
W. G. Loper, sub.
Assessors — Daniel Flint, J. M. Cochran.
Judge Circuit Court — Hunter H. Moss, Jr.
Clerk Circuit and Criminal Courts — John G.
Deputy— C. B. Wells.
Clerk County Court — W. E. Stout; Deputies:
H. M. Radenbaugh, H. E. Sigler, A. D.
Commissioners — C. Hugh Kerr, Perry Nicely,
Wm. McDowell.
Coroner — W. J. Davidson.
Commissioner of Accounts — K. Snodgrass, T.
O. Bullock, W. E. McDougle, John T.
Prosecuting Attorney — John F. Laird.
Sheriff and Treasurer— W. H. Carfer.
Surveyor — Sidney F. Shaw.
Superintendent of Schools — C. L. McVey.
Superintendent of Infirmary — George Nicely.
Judge Criminal Court — Chas. M. Showalter.
Commissioners of Circuit Court — J. W. Van-
dervort, Levin Smith, A. G. Patton, W. G.
Sessions of the County Circuit Court begin
on the second Monday in February, July
and November.
County Board of Health— Dr. A. K. Ross,
Pres. ; J. S. McPherson, Secy; J. F. Laird,
C. H. Kerr.
Justices of the Peace of Wood County — Wil-
liams District: J. W. Chichester, G. W.
Callihan. Walker: G. W. Dollman, J. A.
Farr. Parkersburg: R. H. Thomas, J. H.
Ruttencutter. Slate: G. A. Buckner. Ty-
gart; S. N. Black; C. E. Ruble, Steele;
Jarrad Florence, G. B. Barlca. Union: C.
P. Corbet, W. C. Wingrove, Harris; E.
Shumway, J. K. Marlow. Lubeck: G. Cun-
ningham, W. Bibbee.
Scene in Terrapin Park.
Physicians' Directory
DR. O. D. BARKER. Office, 525 1-2 Market
street. Office hours, 2 to 4.30 and 7 to .)
p. m. Morning by appointment only.
(W. Va. 640.) Residence, 405 Thirteenth
DR. C. B. BLUBAUGH. Eye, Ear, Nose and
Throat. Office, 417 Market street. Office
hours, 9 a. in. to 1 p. m. and 3 to 5 p. m.
DR. C. M. BOGER. Homeopathist. Office,
225 Seventh street. Office hours, 8 to 10.30
a. m., 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p. m. (W. Va.
298.) Residence, St. Marys road (W. Va.
DR. W. N. BURWELL. Physician and Sur-
geon. Office, 307 1-2 Sixth street. Office
hours, 9 to 11 a. m., 2 to 4 and 7 to 8.30
p. m. (W. Va. 839). Residence, 810 Market
street (W. Va. 1066).
DR. ROLLA CAMDEN. Office, 600 1-2 Mar-
ket street. Office hours, 11 to 12.30, 2 to
4.30 and 7.3u to 9 p. m. (W Va. 759), (Bell
759). Residence, 616 Ann street (W. Va.
residence, 1206 and 1208 Market street.
Office hours, 8 to 9 a. m., 2 to 4 and 7 to S
p. m. (W. Va. 159), (Bell 159-J).
DR. W. J. DAVIDSON. Office, 529 1-2 Mar-
ket street. Office hours, 2 to 5 p. m. (W
Va. 398), (Bell 398).
DR. H. B. DEPUE. Office and residence,
709 1-2 Market street. Office hours, 8 to il
a. m., 1 to 5 and 7 to 10 p. in. (W. Va.
127), (Bell 403-J).
DR. M. O. FISHER. Eye, Ear, Nose and
Throat. Office, 603 1-2 Market street. Of-
fice hours, 10 bo 12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. (W.
Va. 1030). Residence, Chancellor Hotel.
DR. A. N. FRAME. Office, 311 Juliana
street. Office hours, 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4
and 7 to S p. m. (W. Va. 705). Residence,
1018 Murdoch avenue (W. Va. 380).
DR. WADE GASTON. Office, 700 1-2 Sev-
enth street.
DR. HARRY GLANCY. Office, 609 1-2 Mar-
ket street. Office hours, 9 to 11 a. m., 1
to 4 and 7 to 9 p. m. (W. Va. 763.)
DR. J. J. GOFF. Physician and Surgeon,
Office, 511 1-2 Market street. Office hours,
8 to 10 a. m.. 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p. m. (W.
Va. 890), (Bell 392-J). Residence, 521 Ju
liana street (W. Va, 891), (Bell 480-R).
DR. T. A. HARRIS. Office, 500 Market
street. Office hours, 8 to 10 a. m., 1 to 4
and 7 to 9 p. m. Residence, 936 Juliana
(W. Va. 721).
DR. GEO. D. JEFFERS. Office. Devore
Building, 128 1-2 Third street. Office
hours, 11 until 12 noon. 2 until 4 and 7
until 9 p. m. Sundays, 11 until 12.30 p.
m. (W. Va. 164). Residence, 314 West
Tenth street (W. Va, 165).
DR. L. F. KEEVER. Office, 519 1-2 Market
street. Office hours, 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p. m.
Residence, 1333 Lynn street (W. Va. 953).
A View Up Market Street.
DR. W. S. LINK. Ear. Nose and Throat.
Office. G15 1-2 Market street. Office hours,
!i in 12 a. m. and 2 to 1 p. m. (W. Va.
1-1). Residence. 1031 Quincy street (W.
Va. 1-2).
DR. T. J. McGUIRE. Office and residence,
807 Market street. Office hours, 9 to 10.39
a, m., 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p m. (W. Va.
358), (Bell 297-J).
DR. M. McNEILAN. Office and residency
703 Market street. Office hours, 10 to 12
a. m., 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p. m. (W. Va. 253).
DR. L. O. MARTIN. Office, 307 1-2 Sixth
street. Office hours, 9 to 11 a. m., 2 to 4
and 7 to 9 p. m. (W. Va. 1076). Residence,
320 Eighth street (W. Va. 1190).
DR. C. L. MUHLEMAN. Physician and Sur-
geon. Office, 611 1-2 Market street. Office
hours, 8 to 10 a. m., 1 to 3 and G to 8 p. m.
(W. Va. 294; Bell 294).
DR. C. E. PARK. Office, 619 1-2 Market
street. Office hours, 10.30 to 12 a. m., 2 to
4.30 and 7 to 9 p. m. (W. Va. 915; Bell
DR. HORACE D. PRICE. Office, 515 l-'i
Market street. Office hours, mornings by
appointment, 2 to 4 p. m. (W. Va. 404),
(Bell 258-J). Residence, 928 Swann street.
(W. Va. 407), (Bell 258-L).
DR. ROBINSON. Office, 615 1-2 Market
street. Office hours, 10 to 12 noon, 2 to 4
and 7 to 8 p. m. (W. Va. 622).
DR. LONZO O. ROSE. Practice limited to
diagnosis and treatment of diseases of
Stomach, Intestines, Kidneys and Bladder.
Office. 510 1-2 Market street (W. Va. 60G).
Residence, 1219 Avery street (W. Va.
G00 2).
DR. W. D. ROW. Office and residence,
615 1-2 Market street. Office hours, 9 to 10
a. m., 2 to 4 and i to 9 p. m. (W. Va. 485),
(Bell 486-J).
DR. SAMUELS. Office, 603 1-2 Market
street. Office hours, 9 to 1 1 a. m., 2 to 5
p. m., and 7 to 9 p. m. (VV. Va. 475-1).
Residence, 425 Eleventh street (W. Va.
475-2). Night calls (W. Va. 475-2) ans:
wered at office.
DR. W. H. SHARP. Office, 529 1-2 Market
street. Office hours, 1.30 io 4 and 7 to 9
p. m. (W. Va. 254), (Bell 448-1). Residence,
941 Market street (W. Va. 254-2).
DR. J. W. SHELLCROFT. Physician and
Surgeon. Office, 328 1-2 Sixth street. Of-
fice hours, 8 to 11 a. m.. 2 to 4 and 6 to 9
p. m. (W. Va. 1592). Residence, 812 Tefft
street (W. Va. 1011).
DR. GENEVIEVE SOUTH. Office, 604 1-2
Market street. Office hours, 10 to 12 a.
m., 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p. ni. (W- Va. 1883).
DR. W. S. STILLE. Office, 609 1-2 Market
street. Office hours, 10 to 12 noon, 2 to 4
and 6 to 9 p. m. (W. Va. 741). Residence,
1118 Twenty-fourth street IW. Va. 937).
DR. H. B. STOUT. Physician and Surgeon.
Office, 600 1-2 Market street (W. Va. 124).
Residence, 1130 Market street (W. Va.
Acme Fishing Toolj[Co.
G. L. McKain, Manager.
Manufacturers of and Dealers in Oil Well Fishing Tools.
Shops and Main Office :
814 Depot Street,
Parkersburg, W. Va.
Fishing Tools for Sale or Hire. Services of Expert Fishermen.
(W. Va. 609)
Mannington, W. Va. Robinson, 111.
Clarksburg. W. Va. Bridgeport. 111.
TELEPHONE COMPANY are given in par-
eninesis following their name and address,
viz iW Va 1018).
Abbott James H (& Mrs), hotel clerk, 1721
St Marys av.
Abbott Odie, 400 3d.
Abdella Mike, candy store, 801 Market.
Abeles G W (& Mrs), trav. slsmn, 1310 Pa-
Abrams Creek Coal & Coke Co, S. D. Brady
pres, 509 Union Trust BIdg (W Va 1776)
Academy of the Visitation, Murdoch av ext,
DeSalies Heights.
Acker Alta Grace, waitress, 940 Avery
Acme Fishing Tool Co (G. L. McKain, pres
and mgr, L M Morton sec'y), 814 Depot
(W. Va. 609).
Acton Anna, mgr. Atlantic Tea Co, 928 Ju-
Acton Cecelia, 928 Juliana.
Acton Clisinford. 928 Juliana.
Acton Winifred, clerk. 928 Juliana.
Adair A C (& Mrs.), bkkpr, 1805 Covert.
Adair A R (& Mrs), bkkpr, 1207 George (W
Va 1261).
Adair Arthur, clerk, 512 Avery.
Adair John (& Mrs), 512 Avery.
Adair John T (& Mrs), B & O, 1601 Avery
Adair Ruth, student, Murdoch av. ext.
Adair R. H, architect, 222 5th (W Va 57),
h Murdoch av (W Va 12).
Adams C E (& Mrs), train di^p, 1505 Averv.
Adams Co, C F (J B Oliver mgr), install-
ment house. 127 5th (W Va 1769).
Adams Express Co, 218 4th (W Va 359),
Ann cor 2d and B & O depot.
Adams Frank, clerk, 202 Terrace av.
Adams John, oil driller, 202 Terrace av.
Auams J S (& Mrs), tool dresser, 202 Ter-
race av.
Adams Martha, domestic, 1706 Latrobe.
Adams R E (& Mrs), 1907 Ohio av.
Adams Ruffiner, cabinet mkr, 202 Terrace av.
Adams Sarah, 307 Ann.
Adcock Ella, housekeeper, 565 6th.
Adcock Emma Mrs, 565 6th.
Adcock Fred (& Mrs), Chem Wks, Bull
Creek rd.
Adcock G W, plstrer, Johnson av.
Adcock Sallie V. teacher, 565 6th.
Adelberg & Berman, clothiers, 117 Market
(W Va 1723).
Addis D A, engineer, 1120 Lynn
Addis W F (& Mrs), bridge bldr, 1120 Lynn.
Affolter Emma M, 911 Fairview av.
Affolter Jacob, 911 Fairview av.
Affolter Jeremiah W, 911 Fairview av.
Affolter Vallie, 911 Fairview av.
Agey A G (& Mrs), oil drlr, 1502 Covert.
Aggas Addison E (& Mrs), bkkpr, 334 9th
(W Va 43).
Aggas Rose S, 334 9th.
Aiken Anna, 1108 Juliana.
R. H. Adair, Architect
222 Fifth Street
The above is one of the many residences built after the plans and specifications
furnished by him.
(W. Va. Phones 12 and 57.)
Aippersbach Herman (& Mrs), 715 Tefft.
Albright Anna, 1230 7th.
Albright Balser, mach, 1230 7th.
Albright F P, steam stillman, Standard Oil
Albright Fred (& Mrs), laborer, 1222 7th.
Albright Henry G (& Mrs), butcher, 1502
St Marys av (W Va 1885).
Albright Henrv G, meat mkt, 220 4th (W
Va 314).
Albright John (& Mrs), engineer, 1230 7th.
Albright Lulu, nurse, 1230 7th.
Albright Mary E, 1230 7th.
Albright Wm, meat shop, 303 5th (W Va
1491), h 1027 Lubeck av (W Va 1745-2).
Alexander Anna, teacher, 1320 Avery (W Va
Alexander Cecil, lab, 816 2d av, S Side.
Alexander Claude, lab, 816 2d av, S Side.
Alexander Charles B, clerk, 1333 Spring.
Alexander Elizabeth, student, 1018 16th.
Alexander Ellen Mrs, 322 4th.
Alexander Elbert, stenographer, S04 Market.
Alexander Harriet Mrs, 1333 Spring.
Alexander James F, bkkpr, 1018 16th (W
Va 1275).
Alexander John W (& Mrs), paperhgr, 1332
Alexander Lulu, 1320 Avery.
Alexander Mary J, clerk, 1320 Avery.
Alexander Margaret, 1018 16th.
Alexander Martin, clerk, 1018 16th.
Alexander Nancy, 322 4th.
Alexander R Mrs, 1018 16th.
Alfrice John (& Mrs), barber, 1002 Avery.
Alleman Albert H, boilermkr, 1325 Covert.
Alleman Bess A, teacher, 2403 Dudley av.
Alleman Dora A, teacher, 1325 Covert.
Alleman E L, machinist, 1312 Paden.
Alleman Hattie M, stenographer, 2403 Dud-
ley av. (W Va 1608).
Alleman L E Mrs, 2403 Dudley av.
Alleman Nell B, student, 2403 Dudley av.
Alleman Scudder, student, 836 Mary.
Alleman Sampson P (& Mrs), farmer, 833
Alleman Sue V, teacher, 2403 Dudley av.
Alleman Washington, student, 836 Mary.
Alleman W H, 1325 Covert (W Va 684-1).
Alleman W S (& Mrs), oil prodr, 2408 23d.
Allan Ann Mary, domestic, 1026 Ann st ter.
Allen Annie Mrs, cook, 18 Grant.
Allen Capwell, 218 7th.
Allen Belle, 630 Camden.
Allen David E (& Mrs), oil contr, 831 Lynn.
Allen E I (& Mrs), P O inspector, 1807
Allen Eliza, domestic, 925 Juliana.
Allen Ernest, 1509 Staunton av.
Allen Eugene, 1614 Staunton av.
Allen Fred, porter, Phoenix Cafe.
Allen J P (& Mrs), Blackford Flats, 6th (W
Va 1400).
Allen Ralston, bkkpr, 209 1-2 6th.
Allen Thomas, driller, 550 5th.
Allen W C (& Mrs), confectnr, 1223 Market
(W Va 1921), h 1217 Market
Allen Will, Homestead Hotel, South Side.
Allen Wm (& Mrs), laborer, 635 Bird.
Allen Wm H (& Mrs), porter, 40 W 12th.
Allen Wm S (& Mrs), atty, 114 12th (W
Va 444).
Airman A J (& Mrs), pastor M P Churcii,
914 Lynn (W Va 1734).
Allman Clarence, clerk, 914 Lynn.
Alls Edward, painter, 1803 Covert.
Alls Lena. 1803 Covert.
Allton Beryl, student, Neals av.
The Public Library.
Allton G W (& Mrs), steel wkr, Neals av.
Allway John, hostler, 337 Ann.
Alter Conrad (& Mrs), bartendr, 38 W 8th.
Altaian Alice, housekpr, 1041 Latrobe.
Altman Christopher J, baker, I Oil Latrobe
(W Va 1412).
Altman Joseph A (& Mrs), liquor dealr, 716
7th, h 952 Avery.
Altman George, 1041 Latrobe.
Altman Jce (& Mrs), saloon. G17 7th (W Va
269), h 952 Avery (W Va 498).
Altman J C (& Mrs), upholsterer, 563 7th,
h 1701 E 7th.
Alton Newt (& Mrs), oil drillr, Dudley rd.
AJvis B H (& Mrs), cabinet mkr, 825 19th.
Alvis Lida, dressmkr, 1127 19th.
Alvord Sara Mrs, 1225 Avery.
Alvord Theodore (& Mrs), supt Anti-Saloon
League, 1225 Avery (W Va 1704).
Ambler B M (& Mrs), lawyer, 306 Juliana,
h 109 W 12th.
Ambler Katherine, 109 12th.
Ambler Mason G, lawyer, 306 Juliana, h 109
W 12th.
Ambrose C TJ (& Mrs), laborer, 636 Camden.
American Clothing House, 239 3d (W Va
American Express Co, 218 4th and B & 0
Amick Arthur, painter, 841 Mary.
Amick Charles B, painter, 847 Mary.
Amick Carlton, clerk, 645 7th.
Amick Lena, 129 Juliana.
Amick Loring, music teacher, 841 Mary.
Amick Hazel, clerk, 645 7th.
Amick Myrtle L, 1602 Park av.
Amick Nellie B, student, 1602 Park av.
Amick Nora, student, 1602 Park av
Amick Norman W (& Mrs), paiatr, 910 13th.
Amick P P (& Mrs), baker, 812 7th (W Va
382), h 1602 Park av (W Va 1146).
Amick Wm T (& Mrs), painter, 841 Mary.
Amiss A B, Washington Bot (W Va 3235-J).
Amiss Adelaide, 1735 St Marys av.
Amiss Jessie, Bull Creek rd.
Amiss John (& Mrs), drvr, 610 Wm Court al.
Amiss Julia, 812 Avery.
Amiss Maria C Mrs, 1735 St Marys av.
Amiss Martha, 812 Avery.
Amiss Mar}', 812 Avery.
Amonette Nettie, 312 1-2 3d (W Va 1243).
Amos C D (& Mrs), 1202 Main.
Amos Cecil, porter, 531 Market.
Amos Charles O, general store, Midway.
Amos Cora, 114 7th.
Amos Elsie, dressmkr, 810 Grafton.
Amos Mida, stenographer, 810 Grafton.
Amos Phoebe E Mrs, Midway.
Amos Sarah Mrs, 810 Grafton.
Amrine A H. 519 4th.
Amsbery J W (& Mrs), fireman, 1216 15th.
Anderso'n Alex (& Mrs), 1408 Garfield av.
Anderson A D (& Mrs), laborer, 59 W 18th.
Anderson Bessie J, 815 Murdoch av.
Anderson Ben, engineer B & O, 320 Green.
Anderson Chas (& Mrs), laborer, 60 18th.
Anderson Chas (& Mrs), Lubeck av (W Va
Anderson Ed F (& Mrs), driller, Eng. Wks.
Anderson Elizabeth, clerk, 1128 Avery.
Anderson Emmet J, rec teller Commercial
Bank & Trust Co, 1029 Swann.
Anderson Eva C, 1029 Swann.
Anderson Edward P (Anderson Shoe Co),
815 Murdoch av (W Va 651).
Anderson Homer, butcher, 2309 Clement.
Anderson Ida May, 815 Murdoch av.
Anderson Isabella, teacher, 112$ Avery.
Anderson James R (Anderson Shoe Co), 815
Murdoch av (W Va 654).
Anderson J C, laborer, Standard Oil Co.
Anderson Jennie, domestic, 550 6th.
Anderson Jennie, bkkpr, 1128 Avery (W Va
Anderson J H (& Mrs), grocer, 215 Market
(W Va 620).
Anderson J L (& Mrs), laborer, 907 Latrobe
Anderson J Robert (& Mrs), lawyer, 4th and
Market (W Va 627), h 1123 Ann (W Va
The Parkersburg Fire Department.
Anderson Jessie, 117 Williams Court al.
Anderson Junius, 934 Murdoch av.
Anderson Leo, clerk, 1911 Covert.
Anderson Lloyd, 320 Green (W Va 1929).
Anderson Mary, 1128 Avery.
Anderson Minnie, 320 Green.
Anderson Milly, 400 4th.
Anderson M J Mrs, 815 Murdoch av.
Anderson Sara Mrs, 934 Murdoch av.
Anderson S B, laborer, 400 4th
Anderson Shoe Co (Edward P Anderson pres,
James R Anderson secy and treas), 508
Market (W Va 549).
Anderson Theodore R, 1029 Swann.
Anderson T J (& Mrs), trav salesman, 1802
Avery (W Va 1293).
Anderson Thos J (& Mrs), real est, 1029
Anderson Walter, 1920 19 1-2 st.
Anderson Walter, 400 4th.
Anderson Walter (& Mrs), steel wkr, 1920
Ohio av.
Anderson Wm P (& Mrs), 1030 24th (W
Va 936).
Andre Albertina Mrs, 1719 Beaver.
Andre Carl A, bkkpr, 1719 Beaver (W Va
Andre Julius, printer, 1719 Beaver.
Andrew Wm J (& Mrs), fireman, 1514 St
Marys av.
Andrew Mary, 312 7th.
Andrews Marie LeB, 112 13th.
Andrew Una, boarding house, 312 7th (W
Va 1283).
Angus Sarah Mrs, 1913 Ohio av.
Ankrom B & Co, grocers, 1111 19th (W Va
Ankrom R L (& Mrs), grocer, 1109 19th.
Ann Street Hall (colored) rear s w cor 6th
and Ann.
A O V W Hall, 417 Market.
Applegate Cecil, student, 1209 Avery.
Appleton Chas, farmer, N Parkersburg.
Appleton Lewis (& Mrs), farmer, Phelps av
(W Va 223).
Appleton Martha, clerk, N Parkersburg.
Archbold C W (& Mrs), 1045 Ann.
Archer A E, credit clerk, 401 Ann.
Archer C B, student, 1107 17th.
Archer Clarence, 1118 18th.
Archer Columbus, motorman, 906 2d.
Archer Ed, driver, 226 Ann.
Archer Ella Mrs, seamstress, 218 13th.
Archer Elizabeth Mrs, 1202 George.
Archer Emory (& Mrs), foremn, 711 Central.
Archer Everett, 218 13bh.
Archer Henry C (& Mrs), lineman, 1202
George (W Va 1164).
Archer J N (& Mrs), brakeman, 410 11th.
Archer Lincoln H (& Mrs), driver, 918 Clay.
Archer Marshall H (& Mrs), pkr, 1C05 14th.
Archer M L (& Mrs), clerk, 1107 17th.
Archer Man- B, 918 Clay.
Archer M L, 1503 Tefft.
Archer Ocie, domestic, 1040 Juliana.
Archer S E, tinner, 1107 17th.
Archer Spencer (& Mrs), saw filer, 1005 E
12th (W Va 1637).
Archer Stephen (& Mrs), eng B & O, 1059
Archer Vachel B (& Mrs), lawyer, 312 Ju-
liana (W Va 281). h 816 Juliana.
Archer W H, 1107 17th.
Archer W L, 1107 17th.
Arendt Christian, meat mkt, 610 Market and
811 7th (W Va 652), h 618 Depot (W Va
Arendt Jessie, 618 Depot.
Armour & Co, wholesale meats (Walter \
Huff mgr), cor Green and 5th (W Va 575).
Armour Robert (& Mrs), bartender, 1820
Garfield av.
Armstrong C T (& Mrs), mason, 1007 Vir
ginia av.
Armstrong E J Mrs, 621 13th.
Armstrong Gertrude, teacher, 621 13th.
Arnold C C, brakeman, 937 Avery.
Arnold Edith, 653 E 8th.
Arnold Edward, news depot, 653 E 8th.
Arnold Eddie, musician, 653 E 8th.
Our Specialtiesj
Our "Anderson" Shoe made in all leathers, - - - 13.50 and $4.00
Our ''Low Instep" for men with low instep and small heels
and HIGH ARCH. If you are hard to fit, let us fit you
in the most comfortable shoe you ever had on, - - - $5.00
J. & M. (Johnston & Murphy) in any Leather - - $5.00 and $6.00
Our "Anderson" GUARANTEED PATENT Shoes, - $4.00 and $5.00
Harry H. Gray Shoe, most comfortable shoe made — any leather $3.50 to $5.00
Our "Empress" $3.00 Shoe, made in any leather,
Our "Low Instep" for high arches and tender feet.
We make any kind of footwear to match any color gown.
W. VA. 'PHONE 549.
The Anderson Shoe Co*
Blennerhassett Island from Fort Boreman.
Arnold Edward, clerk, 418 7th.
Arnold Frank, civil engineer, 329 Avery-
Arnold Gus, news dealer, 418 7th.
Arnold Harry H, engineer, 937 Avery.
Arnold J B, sheet tin wkr, 610 Marietta av.
.a in ild Jessie O, telephone opr, 1006 13th.
Arnold J C (& Mrs), musician, G53 E 8tih.
Arnold J Gus, musician, 653 E 8th (W Va
Arnold J T (& Mrs), carpenter, 1411 19th.
Arnold May, dressmkr, 937 Avery.
Arnold Otto, druggist, 653 E 8th.
Arnold Richard, musician, 653 E 8th.
Arnold Richard, clerk, 418 7th.
Arnold Solomon D (& Mrs), mach, 1006 13th
Arnold Stella B, 1006 13th.
Arnold S E Mrs, 937 Avery.
Arnold Sylvester, wks steel mills, 937 Avery
Art Club Pool Room, 203 Market.
Arthur' D D (& Mrs), wks steel mills, 117
Susquehanna av.
Ascom R (& Mrs), section man, 636 6th.
Ashbum Jane, dressmkr, 500 13th.
Ashburn Mary L, 500 13th.
Ashburn M J, 500 13th.
Ashby Ben, wks Sentinel, 410 5th.
Ashby Blanche, 2108 Ashby.
Ashby Grover, student, Blennerhassett av.
Ashby Leora, Grand View Heights.
Ashby Marion (& Mrs), railroader, 32 Ann.
Ashby Martha, 2108 Ashby.
Ashby Mollie, Grand View Heights.
Ashby T J (& Mrs), blksmith, Grand View
Ashby Win, rig builder. 2108 Ashby.
. su.ey ,l;.s W (& Mrs), carpenter, 170G 19th
Atchen Clarence (& Mrs), plumber, 1414
Athey A W, insurance agt, 1224 Murdoch av.
Athey Blanche M, 417 12th.
Athey Chas K (& Mrs), -ferry, ft George.
Athey Chas W, steel wkr, Blennerhassett av.
Athey Prank (& Mrs), S Side.
Athey & Garvin, meat shop, Camden av.
Athey Gertrude, clerk, Blennerhassett av.
Athey G W, grocer, 321 11th (W Va. 597-1).
h 417 E 12th (W Va. 597-2).
Athey Jessie M, 1021 24th.
Athey John S, ferry, ft George.
Athey J W (J W Athey & Co), 521 Avery.
Athey J W & Co (J W Athey, R R Taylor),
feed store, 220 Juliana (W Va 297).
Athey L L Mrs, Blennerhassett av.
Athey Rose, 1016 19th.
Athey Sarai E Mrs, 1016 19th (W Va. 1658).
Athey Sardis R, 920 Depot.
Athey Wm, clerk, 1016 19th.
Atkinson Ben, clerk, 121 Ann.
Atkinson Clarence, brakeman, 601 Juliana.
Atkinson C (& Mrs), carpenter, 627 Depot.
Atkinson Clarence K, bklayer, 319 Division.
Atkinson J P (& Mrs), 1613 Staunton av.
Atkinson J K (& Mrs), carp, 319 Division.
Atkinson L, plumber, 627 Depot.
Atkinson P T (& Mrs), timekpr, 1127 Avery.
Atkinson Rebecca, upholstering, 627 D-jpot
Atkinson S T (& Mrs, laborer, 632 6th.
Atkinson V.Tiberi, laborer, 319 Division.
Atkinson Wm E (& Mrs), porter, .'2 - St
Cloud rl.
Attkisson F E, brakeman, 633 Harris.
Attkisson Lelia, 633 Harris,
Charles E. Baab, Expert Optician
410 Market Street, Parkersburg, W. Va.
Eyes Tested Free. Bargains in Watches. Repair Work a Specialty.
( W. Va. 1197)
Atlantic Tea Co (Anna Acton rngr), 525
Market (W Va S04).
Auberle August (& Mrs), roller, Queens lane,
Auberle Wm, Beechwood (W Va 1237).
Auch George F (& Mrs), salesman, 413 13th.
Auditorium Theater The, s w cor Avery aud
5th (W Va 771).
Auditorium Orchestra, J Gus Arnold leader,
G53 E 8th.
Augustine Alfred, millman, 622 Depot.
Augustine E F (& Mrs), eng O R, 901 19th.
Augustine George (& Mrs), lab, G22 Depot.
Augustine Norman, painter, G22 Depot.
Ault C W, timekpr, Refinery, 1030 George.
Ault Irene Mrs, dressnikr, 912 13th.
Ault Loretta, 1030 George.
Ault Ralph (& Mrs), bkkpr, 1030 George.
Aumiller Anna, 1030 Laird av.
Aumiller W H (& Mrs), carp, 1733 E 7th.
Austin B O (& Mrs), electrician, 1002 Lynn.
Austin Cynthia, domestic, 2403 Oak.
Austin O B, supt Myer Newberger & Co, 316
Austin Walter (& Mrs), cook, 906 Clay.
Auto-Parcel Delivery Co (Rolla Camden, M
D, prop), 6001-2 Market.
Ayers Anna, 816 Oak al.
Ayers C W (& Mrs), carpenter, 816 Oak al.
Ayers Elizabeth, 932 1-2 Market.
Ayers F M (& Mrs), baggage mstr B & O,
117 5th (W Va 1615-1).
Ayers F M (& Mrs), brakeman, 1005 Vir-
ginia av.
Ayers Lorena, student, 117 5th.
Ayers Russell, bartender, 932 1-2 Market.
Baab Chas E (& Mrs), jeweler and optician,
410 Market (W Va 1197), h 9 Park pi (W
Va 1662).
Baber Monroe (& Mrs), plumber, 1330 7th.
Bacchus Daniel N (& Mrs), eng, Buena Vista.
Bacchus Newton (& Mrs), mach, Buena
Bachman Edward L (& Mrs), blksmith, 1420
Backus Brant E (& Mrs), wks Cement Wks,
1117 E 12th.
Backus C E, machinist, 1720 Covert.
Backus Edward (& Mrs), chairmkr, HID
Backus Eva, 1308 Fifth av, S Side.
Backus Guy C, student, 1012 E 12th.
Backus Ira (& Mrs), carpenter, 1114 E 12th.
Backus James, Smith av, N Parkersburg.
Backus Jasper (& Mrs), grocer, 1116 E 12th.
Backus Julia Mrs, 1720 Covert.
Backus Lloyd H (& Mrs), motorman, 1012
E 12th.
Backus L M. lab, 130S Fifth av, S Side.
Bacon Benj F, grocer, 25th st and Dudley av
(W Va. 1055).
Bacon & Dudley Produce Co (A. G. Dudley,
L D Bacon), 115 First (W Va 537).
Bacon Clara, 251S Dudley av.
Bacon Henry L, 2518 Dudley av.
Bacon Julia, seamstress, 707 Jeannette.
Bacon Lysander D (& Mrs), (Bacon & Dud-
ley Produce Co), Washington av.
Bacon Lillian, 707 Jeannette.
Badgley Charles, carpenter, 1218 Lynn.
Badgley George (& Mrs), Nicelyville.
Badgley Mary, Nicelyville.
Bailey Bertha, 111 Market.
Bailey Bessie, student, 949 Avery.
Bailey Beulah, 1610 19th.
Bailey Edna, compositor, 949 Avery.
Bailey Elizabeth Mrs, 525 Gth.
Bailey F D (& Mrs), 550 5th.
Bailey T F Mrs, 525 Gth (W Va 1054).
Bailey Georgia, milliner, 823 Ann.
Bailey G H (& Mrs), pres Parkersburg Coal
& Ice Co, 558 Gth.
Bailey Guy, 949 Avery.
Bailey H R, laborer, 1315 Staunton av.
Bailey Hugh <& Mrs), carp, 1610 19th.
Bailey J B (& Mrs), tallyman B & O. 949
Bailey James K (& Mrs), mail clerk, 10G 9th
<W Va 27).
Bailey J M, harnessmkr, 234 Court sq, h Bel-
pre, O.
Bailey Jane Mrs, 1315 Staunton av.
Bailey Kenner (& Mrs), plumber, G12 Green.
Bailey Lucretia, 612 Green.
Bailey H Madge, 106 9th.
Bailey O S (& Mrs), secy and treas Parkers-
burg Coal & Ice Co, 566 6th (W Va 55).
Bailey R S (& Mrs), 612 Green (W Va 1562).
Bailey R P (& Mrs), tool dressr, 638 Camden
Bailey Dr S E (& Mrs), physician, 529 1-2
Market (W Va 592), h 219 9th (W Va 373).
Bailey T A, conductor B & O, 525 6th.
Bailey Winton (& Mrs), 1509 Spring.
Bailey Wm, plumber, 625 Juliana.
Baker Bessie, stenographer, 660 E 8th.
Baker David (& Mrs), plasterer, 1743 E 7th.
Baker Erne A, student, 1515 19th.
Baker F C, clerk, 400 Lubeck av.
Baker Frank, cook, 815 19th.
Baker Frank C, painter, 400 Lubeck av.
Baker Fred (& Mrs), street com, 1330 7th
(W Va 1042).
Baker George D, wks bbl factory, 1743 E 7th.
Baker Gilbert W (& Mrs), plumbr, 1330 7th.
Baker Jeannette, 1413 Spring.
Baker Jos H (& Mrs), blksmith, 1515 19th.
Baker J F (& Mrs), railroader, 611 Division.
Baker John A (& Mrs), pntr, 400 Lubeck av.
Baker J H (& Mrs,) wks steel mills, 146 Lin-
coln av.
Baker J M (& Mrs), pianos, 413 4th.
Baker Lena, seamstress, 1743 E 7th.
Baker L F Mrs, 41 W 12th.
Baker L L (& Mrs), motorman, 19th and
Baker Mamie, 1413 Spring.
Baker Monroe H (& Mrs), gas fittr, 1330 7th.
Baker W H jr, elk B & O, 1413 Spring (W
Baker W C, bkkpr, 611 Division.
Baker W H (& Mrs), foreman, 1413 Spring.
Baldwin Edith, seamstress, 16 Almeda.
Baldwin E E (& Mrs), brding house, 120 6th.
Baldwin E E (& Mrs), cigars, 2d & Juliana.
Baldwin Jennie M Mrs, 1303 Murdoch av
(W Va 543).
Baldwin John, 16 Almeda.
Baldwin Lath (& Mrs), teamster, 1221 La-
trobe (W Va 1011-2).
Baldwin Lula, 1303 Murdoch av.
Baldwin Mary Mrs, 409 6th (W Va 1485).
Balderson A L (& Mrs), wits steel mills,
Balevanz C P (& Mrs), janitor, 649 6th.
Ball A L (& Mrs), gov. elk, 1115 19th.
Ball Emory F, Int. Rev. office, 323 7th.
Ball Spencer H (& Mrs), printer, 427 11th.
Ball Thomas (& Mrs), elk B & O freight
office, 1007 George.
Ball Willarl (& Mrs), car inspr, 809 Juliana.
Ball Wm (& Mrs), laborer, 3d av.
Ball Wirt (& Mrs), steamboatmn, Riverview.
Ballentine W E (& Mrs), blksmith, 1022 19th
Ballentine W Herbert, printer, 1022 19th (W
Va 1928).
Ballway George, railroader, 509 Ann.
Ballway Henry, railroader, 509 Ann.
Ballway James, railroader, 509 Ann.
Balmer J G (& Mrs), wks steel mills, Blen-
nerbassett av.
Balsley Ida, 115 F.
Balsley J N (& Mrs), laborer, 115 F.
Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. General of-
fices cor 2d and Ann. Passenger depot s
side 6th bet Green and Avery and cor 2d &
Ann. Freight depot cor. 1st and Ann.
Baltimore & Ohio R R Co Shops, ft Julius
Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern R R Co, pas-
senger depot, 6th bet Green and Avery.
Baltimore & Ohio R R Co (O R div), freight
office, ft of 5th.
Bank Block Investment Co, s e cor 7th and
Banks Edward, 200 3d.
Banvalin H D, foreman B & O, 608 Harris.
Banebridge Rachel, student, 1209 Avery.
Barbee Ethel, 222 1-2 2d.
Barlow's Pool and Billiard Parlors
.1. H. Barlow, Proprietor.
Cigars and Tobacco. News Depot. Fine Pipes a Specialty,
602 Market Street, Parkersburg, W. Va.
(W. Va. 819)
Barber Bert (& Mrs), machinist, 559 7th.
Barber Catherine D, teacher, Gun Club.
Barber Charles L, painter, G-un Club.
Barber Melvin (& Mrs), laborer, Gun Club.
Bargeloh H K (& Mrs), Elizabeth av.
Barinette Gladys, tailor, 319 Juliana.
Barker Alice, domestic, 1431 Washington av.
Barker A L, mgr John Church Co, Kanawha
Barker M, railroader, 226 Ann.
Barker Dr O D (& Mrs), 5251-2 Market (W
Va 640-1), h 405 13th (W Va 640-2).
Barkin Patrick (& Mrs), laborer, 611 Green.
Barlow Chas E, news dealr, 602 Market, h
311 8th.
Barlow Jennie, milliner, 311 8th.
Barlow John H (& Mrs), pool and billiard
parlor, 602 Market, h 311 8th.
Barlow J H (& Mrs), cigars and tobaccos,
308 Market.
Barmore Mary, domestic, 1011 Market.
Barnes Catherine, tobaccos, 823 14th.
Barnes George, fireman, 120 6th.
Barnes H A (& Mrs), transfer, 623 Avery.
Barnes H P, wks Parkersburg Mill, 920 16th.
Barnes Jas (& Mrs), teamster, 823 14th.
Barnes John A (& Mrs), steel wkr, 1206 La-
Barnes Maggie, dressmkr, 536 7th.
Barnes Margaret, tobaccos, 823 14th.
Barnes Pearl, 2010 Ohio av.
Barnes Raymond, chair factory, 823 14th.
Barnes Wni (& Mrs), Phelps av, N Pksburg.
Barnes W M Directory Co, rm 301 Union
Trust Bldg (W Va 1256).
Barnett Bertha, 419 Ann.
Barnett Ella Mrs, 524 6th.
Barnett Ethel, seamstress, 419 Ann.
Barnett E W (& Mrs), 419 Ann.
Barnett George W (& Mrs). 419 Ann (W Va
Barnett Gladys, tailoress, 419 Ann.
Barnhart C W (& Mrs), agent, 1509 19th.
Barnhart Mazie, domestic. 837 Jeanette.
Barnum E D (& Mrs), roller, 325 Lincoln av.
Barnum Ray, wks steel mills, 325 Lincoln av
Barr J (& Mrs), wks steel plant, Logans av.
Barr Beulah, 1117 19th.
Barr Clara, Columbia terrace.
Barr Donald, delivery man. Columbia ter.
Barr Hagan (& Mrs), 1117 19th (W Va 1267).
Barr M C, railroader, 226 Ann.
Ban- Myrtle, Columbia terrace.
Barr Walter S, meat insp, Columbia terrace.
Barrett Alonzo T (& Mrs), horse dealr, 208
4th, h 538 6th.
Barrett Anna C, grocer, S40 7th (W Va
1025), h 538 6th.
Barrett C O (& Mrs), clothing store, S Side.
Barrett F A, storeman, 942 Market.
Barrett F F (& Mrs), clerk, 942 Market (W
Va 76).
Barrett Jo^n B, mail elk, Dispatch-News, 921
Baltimore & Ohio Bridge Over the Ohio River at Parkersburg.
Barrett Faustine, student, 538 6th.
Barrett Margaret, clerk, 932 7th.
Barrett Mary Ellen, 926 7th.
Barrett Maud H Mrs, 409 13th (W Va 1873).
Barrett Rita, stenographer, 92G 7th.
Barrett Russell, student, 538 6th.
Barrett Wrn I, oil operator, 926 7th.
Barrett Wm S (& Mrs), fireman, 312 7th.
Barrett W J (& Mrs), fireman, 821 Lynn.
Barrick Ethel K Mrs, 712 1-2 Market (W Va
Barrick Frank O (& Mrs), engineer, 712 1-2
Market (W Va 1513).
Barringer Albert Lee, barbr, 2536 Garfield av
Biarringer Ben (& Mrs), 710 261. .
Barringer C C, wks steel mills, 2530 Garfield.
Barringer E (& Mrs), wks steel mills, 2536
Garfield av.
Barringer F M, carp, 1911 Murdoch av.
Barringer G W B (& Mrs), coach cleaner,
2536 Garfield av.
Barringer Wm A (& Mrs), farmer, 2509 Mur-
doch av.
Barron H B (& Mrs), janitor, 1701 16th.
Barrows W J (& Mrs), 922 E 12th.
Barry J C (& Mrs), engineer, 42 W 8th.
Bartels H L (& Mrs), road foreman, 1228
Bartlett C A.Washington Bot (W Va 3235-D)
Bartlett Chas H (& Mrs), dentist, 1026 Ann
st terrace (W Va 114).
Bartlett Clyde, bell boy, 646 Marietta av.
Bartlett D M (& Mrs), 135 Spencer av.
Bartlett Edna H, Springdale.
Bartlett Ernest, elevator boy, 646 Marietta av
Bartlett Etta, domestic, 125 13th.
Bartlett Frank, trav slsrnn, 646 Marietta av.
Bartlett Frank, janitor, 590 5th.
Bartlett Fred, waiter, 646 Marietta av.
Bartlett Harriet C, prin High School, Wil-
liamstown, Springdale.
Bartlett House, 802 Jeannette.
Bartlett Harry L, 1026 Ann st terrace.
Bartlett J B (& Mrs), fireman, 646 Marietta.
Bartlett Jennie Mrs, 821 Jeannette.
Bartlett J R (& Mrs), carp, 628 Camden.
Bartlett J W.Washington Bot(W Va 3235-K)
Bartlett Lydia, clerk, Springdale.
Bartlett Mary Mrs, 1003 Ann.
Bartlett M B, 815 Jeannette (W Va 273).
Bartlett Milan, student, 1003 Ann.
Bartlett Olive, housekpr. 313 9th.
Bartlett O L, bartendr, 801 Julius.
Bartlett S J Mrs, 821 Jeannette.
Bartlett T G (& Mrs), dairyman, Springdale.
Bartlett Thos (& Mrs), dairyman, Springdale
Bartlett V L (& Mrs), feed store, 1003 Ann
(W Va '978).
Bartlett W C, artist, 415 Market, h Spring-
Barter Walker (& Mrs), teamster, 1212
Bartlett W A (& Mrs), liquor dealr, 801 Ju-
lius (W Va 387).
Barton Alice Mrs, domestic, 804 1-2 Lynn.
Barton John (& Mrs), laborer, Central av.
Basim Harry B (& Mrs), engineer, Logan's
Basley Jas W (& Mrs), lab, Tavennerville.
Bassett Geo (& Mrs), janitor, 1060 Avery.
Battin Aaron (& Mrs), lumberman, 706 Ju-
Bastable George, 213 8th.
Battin Samuel S <& Mrs), bartendr, 1311 St
Marys av.
Batton C L (& Mrs), painter, 1516 Park av.
Bauchmann Ed, blksmith.
Bauer C J (& Mrs), prop Commercial Hotel.
Baughman Anna, student, 1012 Market.
Baughman Chester C, midshipman, 1012
Baughman Paber D. mail elk, 1042 Market
(W Va 1G75).
Baughman Jeannette. teacher. 1042 Market.
Baughman Samuel (& Mrs), 1042 Market.
Baum Maggie, domestic, 710 Jeannette.
Bauman Benj T (& Mrs), plstr, 1346 Latrobn.
Bauman J A (& Mrs), carp. 1319 Staunton.
Baxter C W, lab, Standard Oil Co.
Baxter David A (& Mrs), freight office B &
O, 701 1-2 Swann.
Baxter Wm, still fireman, Standard Oil Co.
Bay Anna, cashier, 537 5th.
Bayes Jane, laundress, 1107 Quincy.
Bayes John Mrs, cook, 1914 Murdoch av.
Bayes Mont, waiter, 1107 Quincy.
Bayles John R (& Mrs), eng, 1311 Cornwall.
Bays Lucretia, Johnston av.
Beabout Bertie, 240 1-2 Court sq.
Beabout Chas H (& Mrs), mach, 2405 Ohio.
Beabout John (& Mrs), wks O R shops,
Blennerhassett av.
Beabout L P (& Mrs), blksmith, Blenner-
hassett av.
Beabout S (& Mrs), boilermkr, 240 1-2
Court sq.
Beabout Wm (& Mrs), Blennerhassett av.
Beach Clarence, clerk, 1626 19th.
Beach Grace, .student, 1G26 19th.
Beaoh Hattie, 1626 19th.
Beach P G (& Mrs), electrician, 1626 19th.
Beard Vivian, student, 1355 Market.
Beard D C, 525 5th (W Va 713).
Beard Wm (& Mrs), lawyer, 312 1-2 Juliana
(W Va 1395), h 1355 Market.
Beaty A E (& Mrs), grocer, 429 1-2 6th.
Beatty Benton, student, 1011 Market.
Beatty D A (& Mrs), oil producer, 1011 Mar-
ket (W Va 1006).
Beaty G W (& Mrs), engineer, 1111 17th
(W Va 129S-2).
Beaty Emmet, eng O R, 400 Green.
Beatty Jacob, filler, 941 Swann.
Beatty Oil & Gas Co, D Beatty pres, 21 Citi-
zens Bank Blog.
Beaty Mrs. Ellen, restaurant, 429 6th.
Beaty & Son (Alexander E and Frederick
W), grocers, 431 6th.
Beaty Wm F (& Mrs), brakeman, 1812 Avery
Beaver Carrie. 841 1-2 7th.
Beaver Columbus (& Mrs), raihoader, 1937
Garfield av.
Beaver Thomas, laborer, 841 1-2 7th.
Beck George W (& Mrs), cook, 60S Stout-
Beck Mamie, 608 Stout.
Peebe A, railroader, 226 Ann.
Becker Frank (& Mrs), bartendr, 500 1-2 7th.
Becket Albert (& Mrs), janitor. 536 Marietta.
Beckley Marion, fireman, loo Green,
Beckner Nellie. 202 Juliana.
Beckwith Alice Mrs. 1506 Spring.
Beckwith Belle, nurse, 812 15th.
Beckwith B F, barber, Lubeck.
Beckwith Celestine, 653 1-2 7th.
Beckwith Clayton, printer, 1604 Staunton av.
Beckwith Ebb (& Mrs), 804 Market.
Beckwith Emma, printer, 1004 Staunton av.
Beckwith Flora, clerk, S12 15th.
Beckwith Freda, elk, 1727 Park (W Va 1421)
Beckwith Geo C (& Mrs), pipe fitter, 100*
Staunton av.
Beckwith Heat a clerk, 653 1-2 7th.
Beckwith J N, auctioneer, 1727 Park
Beckwith Joel (& Mrs), 708 Ann !W Va 463)
Beckwith May, teacher, 1727 Park.
Beckwith Kayme, 812 15th.
Beckwith Oscar J, laborer, 812 15th.
Beckwith R G, 2319 Latrobe (W Va 1489).
Beckwith W A, cash elk B & O freight of-
fice, 513 Avery.
Beckwith Will G, printer, 1604 Staunton av.
Beckwith Wm (& Mrs), blksmith, rear 61S
Beddow John M (& Mrs), blksmith, 1609
Beddow Naomi, student, 1609 19th.
Bee Addie L, seamstress, 1441 20th.
Bee J A, prop Parkersburg Furniture Co,
101-103-105 3d, h 32S Ann.
Bee Glen D, 1441 20th.
Beebe Alvin W (& Mrs), foreman, 817 18th
(W Va 1899).
Beecher Mining Co (Gilbert L Watson pres),
producers and contractors, 402 Avery.
Beechwood Chemical Co, Beechwood (W Va
Beechwood School, Walnut nr Atlantic av,
Beers A L, lab, Standard Oil Co.
Beeson Clarence, pressman, E 17th.
Beeson C W, collector, 1827 17th.
Beeson Lucy, compositor, 1827 E 17th.
Beeson Mary, domestic, 806 Murdoch av.
Beeson Roy, butcher, 1827 E 17th.
Beeson W A (& Mrs), 1827 E 17th.
Beha Ella, domestic, 1203 Avery.
Behen Guy, furn embosser, 2533 Garfield av.
Behen Henry, driver, 1901 Murdoch av.
Behen Jay, clerk, 2533 Garfield av.
Behen Lily Mrs, laundress, 930 Market.
Behen Oscar, wks steel plant, 2533 Garfield.
Behrens H, waiter, 608 Julius.
Beighley Frank, cook, 201 1-2 Ann.
Bekurs Charles, 1024 Ann.
Alice Beisser
Fashionable Millinery
712 Market Street, Parkersburg, W. Va.
We visit the New York markets twice a year in order to secure the latest patterns.
(W. Va. 1918)
Beisser Alice C, milliner, 712 Market (W Va
Bekurs Charles (& Mrs). 1024 Ann.
Belcher Chas B, 2d-han<3 store, 116 Market
(W Va 7G4). h 41S 1-2 7th.
Belle Anna, seamstress. S45 7th.
Bell Carl, waiter, 815 Swarm.
Bell Earl, waiter, 815 Swann.
Bell Clarence C, contractor, Riyerview.
Ben George (C E Brady Construction Co),
Chancellor Hotel.
Bell Hayes H (& Mrs), concrete mfr, River-
Bell John, sexton, 927 14th.
Bell J W (& Mrs), oil well driller, 1 00 4 19th.
Bell Minnie A, Riverview.
Bell Mollie B Mrs, 815 Swann.
Bell Wm (&. Mrs), real est, Riverview.
Bell Wm J (& Mrs), drillr. 1724 St Marys av.
Bell Telephone Co, 318 5th.
Bennett Chas. lab. Standard Oil Co.
Bennett Benj (& Mrs), lab, 31S Loibeck av.
Bennett Edward, laborer, 318 Lubeck av.
Bennett Eli. lGth near Briant.
Bennett Fred, lGth near Briant.
Bennett Wm E (& Mrs), lGth near Briant.
Benninger D G (& Mrs), asst elk B & O, G2G
Bennington Andrew (& Mrs), electrician,
414 16th.
Bennington Demas (& Mrs), truant officer,
326 9th.
Bennington T D (& Mrs), engineer, 907 Vir-
ginia av (W Va 1372).
Bennington Icy I, bkkpr, 32G 9th.
Bennington T A, electrician, 16th.
Bennington W H (& Mrs), eng B & O, 040
Bentley & Gerwig Furniture Co (Wm Bent-
ley mgr), 419 Market (W Va 320), cor 6th
and Ann. 516 Ann (W Va 347).
Bentley Wm, mgr Bentley & Gerwig, 925
Juliana (W Va 90S).
Benton M D Mrs, 1715 Park.
Bentz Geo, tinner, 413 Market, h Bradley av.
Bentz John (& Mrs), tinner, Bradley av.
Beorn Gecrge (& Mrs), salesman, 1018 7th
(W Va 1050).
Beorn George, farmer, Red Hill (W Va 31-A)
Beorn Gertrude, clerk. 1018 7th.
Beorn Sophia, clerk, 1018 7th.
Beotticher C W (& Mrs), 1413 Washington
av (W Va 1560).
Beotticher Ida, 1413 Washington av.
Berdine Joseph, fireman B & O. 220 1-2 7th.
Berg P T (& Mrs), grocer, 600 Juliana.
Berlin Edna, 903 10th.
Berlin Edna, book binder, 1110 George.
Berlin Harry, driver, 312 7th.
Berlin Oliver W (& Mrs), oil driller, 1110
Bernard, Charles, railroader, 509 Ann.
Berney Frank (& Mrs), mach, 1507 St Marys.
409 Ann.
f ■"■•jljyiiljflgl
Chas. B. Belcher
116 Market Street, Parkersburg, W, Va.
Second Hand Furniture, Stoves, Etc., Bought and Sold.
Office of the Parkersburg Carpet Cleaning Company. Carpets Taken Up, Cleaned
by Machine and Relaid. I W. Va. 764 )
Bernard E, foreman, Bentley & Gerwig Co,
Bernhardt Bettie, 1013 14th.
Bernhardt Fred, drug clerk, 1013 14th.
Bernhardt Jacob (& Mrs), 1013 14th.
Bernhardt, W W, trav salesman, 517 Market.
Berry Bess, 1208 Market.
Berry Benj F (& Mrs), cleaning and press-
ing. 202 7th (W Va 530).
Berry B F (& Mrs), 2d-hand clothing, G01
Berry Chas A (& Mrs), cigar and news stand
G30 7th, h G05 East.
Berry David R, shaemkr, 1417 St Marys av.
Berry Frank R, painter, 1501 St. Marys av.
Berry Frank (& Mrs), painter, 1501 St
Marys av.
Berry Jennie Mrs, 601 Juliana (W Va 1919).
Berry L H, carriage trimmer, 431 E 12th.
Berry Plina Mrs, 1117 Latrobe.
Berry Raymond, clerk, 630 7th.
Berry W M (& Mrs), car repairer, 1702
Staunton av.
Best B G (& Mrs), 317 9 1-2 st.
Bethelle Junius, barber, 1035 Juliana.
Betsall George, meat shop, 114 Spencer av.
Betsall George, meat mkt, 213 Market (W
Va 183), h S Side (W Va 494).
Betsall Harry, meat cutter, 114 Spencer av.
Betsall Mildred, 114 Spencer av.
Bettis Walter A H, clerk, 614 Avery.
Betts Chas H, supt U S Roofing Tile Co,
1605 Avery.
Betts Anna E, 1005 Avery.
Betts Samuel (& Mrs), railroader, Lubeck av
Bever Cary (& Mrs), rural mail car, 614 2d.
Beymer George, 1046 Market.
Bibbee Alonzo V (& Mrs), cartmn, 1110 13th
Bibbee A M (& Mrs), laborer, Staunton av.
Bibbee Carl S, delivery man, 1110 13th.
Bibbee C S (& Mrs), gen delivry, 611 Market
Bibbee John, laborer, S Side.
Bickel Anna, 905 Lynn.
Bickel Selma, 905 Lynn.
Bickel W H (& Mrs), oil well contractor,
905 Lynn (W Va 431).
Biddle H T (& Mrs), wks steel mills, Queens
Biddle Harry L (& Mrs), clerk, 915 Swann.
Biddle James (& Mrs), 1025 Laird.
Biddle .IB (& Mrs), gen mdse broker, 122
3d, h 1025 Laird av.
Biddle Job D (& Mrs), blksmith, 1725 Park.
Biddle J B, broker, 122 3d. h 1025 Laird av.
Biddle Lloyd W (& Mrs), freight inspector,
1326 Spring.
Biddle M R, laborer, Williamstown.
Biddle S H (& Mrs), insurance, 1121 Mur-
doch av (W Va 428).
Biles Chas (& Mrs), teamster, 1026 Garfield.
Biles Dee, driver, 1216 Garfield av.
Biles Frank D (& Mrs), teamster, 1216 Gar-
field av.
Bills R E (& Mrs), 205 4th (W Va 816), h
621 Juliana.
Bentley & Gerwig Carpet Co.
Furniture, Carpets,
419 Market Street, Parkersburg, W. Va.
(W. Va. 320)
Birch Ella, waitress, 802 7th.
Birch Mary, cook, 802 7th.
Bird Campbell, laborer, 524 Camden.
Bird E F (& Mrs), teamster, 524 Camden.
Bird Mary, wrapper, 524 Camden.
Bird Mayme, clerk, 524 Camden.
Bird Will, bricklayer, 524 Camden.
Biser Dr F H (& Mrs), 1715 Park.
Bishop A B Mrs, 1351 Avery.
Bishop N F. prop Model Lndry, 1351 Avery.
Bishopp L P (& Mi's), frght elk, 1210 6th av.
Bissett Chas F (& Mrs), oil driller, 1727
Beaver ( W Va 1386).
Bissett James, 1727 Beaver.
Bissett Marie, 1727 Beaver.
Black A M Mrs, 1100 George (W Va 1465-1).
Black Chas (& Mrs), painter, Tavennerville.
Black Ellen, teacher, 114 7th.
Black George, 577 Cth.
Black Ray T, clerk, 1504 Latrobe.
Black Buy, clerk, 120 3d.
Black S N (& Mrs), Elizabeth av.
Black T A (& Mrs), carp, 1215 Lubeck av.
Blackford B R, insurance, 407 Union Trust
Bldg (W Va 10), h 1206 Murdoch av (W
Va 906).
Blackford Harriett Mrs, 835 Murdoch (W Va
Blackford M V Mrs, 1024 Juliana.
Blair A H (& Mrs), treas Little Kanawha B
R, 938 Murdoch.
Blair J T, 521 Juliana.
Blair Dr S F (& Mrs), physician, 122 Spen-
cer av (W Va 1889).
Blake A Mrs, 017 Pike.
Blake James, boilermkr, 617 Pike.
Blake W H, engineer, 617 Pike.
Blaker D H (& Mrs), lab, 1202 4th av, S Side
Blanchett Paris, laborer, 823 Green.
Blass Catherine, 1509 Covert.
Blass Clara. 1509 Covert.
Blass Emil, 1509 Covert.
Blass Max (& Mrs), lodge organizer, 1509
Covert (W Va 1577).
Blass Roland, 1509 Covert.
Blennerhassett Bar, 308 Market.
B'.ennerhassett Barber Shop, cor 4th and
Market (W Va 554).
Blennerhassett Club, 402 Juliana, meets 2d
Monday of each month (W Va 168).
Blennerhassett Hotel (Wm W Walker prop),
oar 4th and Market (W Va 372).
Blennerhassett Printing Co, 325 Juliana (W
Va 1S14).
Blennerhassett Pressing Co, 618 Juliana (W
Va 1495-1).
Blizzard Cora, 1715 Murdoch av.
Blizzard Elizabeth Mrs. 1715 Murdoch av.
Blizzard Judge Reese (& Mrs), 3d fir gov bldg
(W Va 802), h 1914 Murdoch av(WVa 1235)
Blizzard Pearl, student, 1914 Murdoch, av.
Blizzard Reese Jr, 1914 Murdoch av.
Blizzard W S. lawyer, office 3d flr gov bldg
(W Va 8G2), h 1715 Murdoch av.
A Section of* the Interior of
Braniger's Business College
310 U2 Market Street, Parkersburg, W. Va.
Office: W. Va. Phone 234. Bell 200-R. Residence: W. Va. Phone 1318.
Blizzard Roy, student, 1914 Murdoch av.
Block Building, n w cor 3d and Juliana.
Bloods L W (& Mrs), coal, 1335 Market (W
Va 797).
Blouir George (& Mrs), laborer, 1304 14th.
Blubaugh Dr C B, 417 Market (W Va 732).
Blue Alice Mrs, telephone opr, 1119 Murdoch.
Blue Walter, barber, 5CG Gale av.
Board Andrew J (& Mrs), farmer, Club
Board C B, clerk, 603 Market.
Board Claude B, Club Grounds.
Board George A, mgr, Club Grounds.
Board Lida, tailoress, Gil Depot.
Board Oliver P, roller, Club Grounds.
Boards Will (& Mrs), 1217 Lynn.
Boardman Mary, clerk. 1319 1-2 Spring.
Bode Edith, 1207 William.
Bode J R, tailor, 1207 William.
Bode J O. oil refinery, 1207 William.
Bode Louis (& Mrs), 1207 William.
Bodie George F, patrolman, 1020 William.
Bodie J A (& Mrs), mach. 921 15th.
Bodie John, underpresser, 1207 William.
Bodie & Payne, restrt, 131 Ann (W Va 17611.
Boem Gertrude, clerk, 1018 7th.
Boette Edgar, 912 Avery.
Boette H P (& Mrs), tailor. 912 Avery.
Boette Walter (& Mrs), teller 2d Natl Bank.
910 Avery (W Va 178).
Boger Dr C M (& Mrs), 225 7th (W Va 298),
h St Marys rd (W Va 1731).
Boggs A M, Muhlman Bldg 3d fir (W Va JWi)
Boggess Delia, bkkpr. 310 5th.
Boggs E O. 200 11th <W Va 740).
Boggs Drilling Co (J F Boggs pres), oil well
conl factors, 130 1 2 3d.
Boggs Jas F, treas Federal Oil Co. 130 1-2 3d.
Boggs 0 P Mrs, 809 Market (W Va 15G9).
Boggs Stella, stenographer, :;:; 12th.
Boggs O P. 809 Market.
Boggs L E Mrs, 33 12th.
Boggs Jas T (& Mrs), oil opr, 100 9th.
Boggs Ida M, stenographer. 33 12th.
Bohn Dora, elk. 941 Avery.
Bohn Floyd M. shipping clerk. 1129 Avery
Bohn George, stenographer, 941 Avery.
B tiii Joseph (& .Mrs), cabinet mkr, 941
Avery (W Va 47).
Bohn J \\m (& Mrs), mach, 1009 Laird av.
Bohn J Herman, mach, 1129 Avery.
Bohn Hal tie A. clerk, 1129 Avery.
Boice Charles (& Mrs), saloon, GOO 1-2 7th.
Boise Levina, 1012 13th.
Boils Joseph, varnisher, 320 Luheck av.
Bolen Henry T (& Mrs), wks B & O, 2403
Boldtman Mrs Wm, 123 13th.
Bolin W O (& Mrs), car f reman, 172G SI
Marys av.
Bolvin Bessie. 103G Laird a v.
Bolvin Blossom, 1036 Laird av.
Bolvin J .hn W (& Mrs), oil contractr, 1036
Laird av.
Blennerhassett Pressing Co.
Dorr Smith, Proprietor.
Dry Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing.
618 Juliana Street,
( W. Va. Phone 1495-1 )
Bell Phone 119-R.
Bolvin Francis, teacher, 1036 Laird av.
Bond Dora, clerk, 421 Market.
Bond Ena, 105 1-2 2d.
Bond Joseph, cabinet mkr, 419 Market.
Bond Laura E, 1015 Market.
Bond Mary Mrs, 1015 Market.
Bonnett C A (& Mrs), laborer, Tavennerville
Bonnett J H (& Mrs), lab, 1038 Elizabeth av.
Bonsell Thos H (& Mrs), wks O R shop, 1006
17th (W Va 1772-1).
B'oofman Grace Mrs, 622 Depot.
Bookman Lena, 1312 Latrobe.
Bookman Lulu, 1312 Latrobe.
Bookman Mary, seamstress, 1312 Latrobe.
Boomer Clyde, capt Natl Guard, 1613 Beaver
Boosby John, engineer, 120 6th.
Booth Charles, railroader, 226 Ann.
Booth E B (& Mrs), oil opr, 1020 Murdoch.
Booth James, fireman B & O, 400 Green.
Borelli Augustine, tailor, 527 4th.
Boreman Block, 326-328 Juliana.
Boreman A I Mrs, 405 Avery.
Boreman Drug Store, 515 Market (W Va 139)
Boreman Florence, bkkpr, 528 5th (W Va
Boreman Henry, 528 5th.
Boreman Kenner Mrs, 1109 Ann.
Boreman Katie Mrs, 509 Ann.
Boreman Lurane, 405 Avery.
Boreman Mary Mrs, 528 5th.
Boreman Myrtle Mrs, 625 Depot.
Boreman M Therese, 426 Market, 2d floor.
Boreman R J A, 1109 Ann (W Va 854).
Boreman R J A, 204 4th (W Va 825).
Boreman W I (& Mrs), druggist, 128 8th
(W Va 330).
Borrelli Gus, tailor.
Borum Frank J (& Mrs), trav salsmn, 915
Bosbury Bros (A E and J E), roofers and
cornice, 212-214 Gth (W Va 467).
Bosbury A E (& Mrs), slate contractr, 1317
Bosbury A E, tinner, 1347 Lynn.
Bosbury C J, 904 15tti.
Bosbury J E, tinner, 904 15th.
Bosbury Mary Mrs, 904 15th (W Va 453-2).
Bosbury Ross, contractor, 904 15th.
Bosbury Wm W (& Mrs), tinner, 37 8th (W
Va 897).
Bosley Nora, stenographer, 1212 Market.
Bosley R L Mrs, Almeda.
Bosley Thomas, catcher, Almeda.
Boso C E, machine man, 415 Green.
Boso C W (& Mrs), motorman, Queens lane
Boso Clarmont, laborer, 415 Green.
Boso Clyde (Congleton, Boso & Strong,
clothing), 239 Court sq, h 543 Avery.
Boso Ella, laundress, 316 1-2 4th.
Boso E (& Mrs), foreman, Homestead Hotel.
Boso J R (& Mrs), laborer, 1208 Main.
Boss Robert (& Mrs), 200 Market.
Boston Shoe Store (M Friedlander prop),
603 Market (W Va 914).
Bostable Raffle, section man. 845 Jeannette.
Bostwick Jessie Mrs, 931 Market.
Bosworth Mabel, nurse, 51G 13th.
Bowen J F (& Mrs), carpenter, GGS E 8th-.
Bower Elmer (<& Mrs), lab, Tavennerville.
Bowers C Fred, mach, 1523 19th.
Bowers G Clifton, student, 1523 19th.
Bowers C G (& Mrs), laborer, 638 Bird.
Bowers Emma, laundress, G38 Bird.
Bowers Kathryn, laundress, 638 Bird.
Eewers Pearl, domestic, 638 Bird.
Bowers Rosa K, stenographer, 1523 19th.
Bowers Virginia, 638 Bird.
Bowers Wni T (& Mrs), conductor, 1523 19th
Bowers Willie, Gil 6th.
Bowersox J L, mgr 5 and 10c store, 421 Mar-
ket, h 1221 1-2 Market.
Bowie Rose, domestic, 1335 Market.
Bowles Geo B (& Mrs), teller Pksburg Natl
Bank, 1609 Spring (W Va 1309).
Bowles Mary J, 1G15 19th (W Va 628-2).
Bowles Lee (& Mrs), butler, 1615 19th.
Bowman Edna, Court sq.
Bowman Effie. 410 Ann.
Bowman Sarah, 813 16th.
Bowman Wm, wks steel mills, Queens lane.
Bowsaw Ellwood, carpenter, 222 Market.
Boyce Catherine Mrs, 910 Genter.
Boyce C E (Boyce & Lyons Cate), GOG 7th.
Boyce F L (& Mrs), driver. 723 Lubeck av.
Boyce Jesse (& Mrs), plasterer, 1111 E 12th.
Boyce John H (& Mrs), laundymn, 1208.15th.
Boyd Belle, stenographer, 325 Gth.
Boyd Chase, 325 Gth.
Boyd H P Jr. bkkpr, 212 4th.
Boyd J O (& Mrs), engineer, 1123 Avery.
Boyd R C, bkkpr, 40S 4th.
Boyd Theo (& Mrs), newspaper cor, 325 6th.
Boyer Adelbert (& Mrs), oil wkr, 1716 La-
Boyer C Leroy, student, 1716 Latrobe.
Boyer H F (& Mrs), oil driller, 1105 16th.
Boyland Jas (& Mrs), condctr, 1330 Dilloway
Boyles David (& Mrs), steambtmn, 1925 Ohio
Brabhan Harriet, domestic, 1035 Ann.
Bracey Albert, 727 Lubeck av.
Bracey Maggie, 727 Lubeck av.
Bracey N T (& Mrs), 727 Lubeck av.
Bracey Raymond, engineer, 727 Lubeck av.
Bracy A Mrs, cigarmkr, 520 Gale av.
Bradbury Mary J. laundress, 1337 St Marys.
Braden Charles W, fireman B & O, 822 Wood
Braden Charles, clerk, 811 Virginia av.
Braden G W Mrs, opr, 811 Virginia av.
Braden John, teamster, 811 Virginia av.
Braden May, student, Sll Virginia av.
Braden P T (& Mrs), grocer, 805 7th (W
Va 11 Gl).
Braden Wm. student, 811 Virginia av.
Bradenbaugh Frank E, mgr R L Neal & Co,
1223 1-2 Market (W Va 1775).
Bradenbaugh Nannie B Mrs, 1110 Ann.
Bradford C B (& Mrs), planer, 218 Lubeck.
Bradford C H (& Mrs), mach, 218 Lubeck av
Bradford Chas W (& Mrs), railroader, 1232
Bradford D H (& Mrs), ydmster, GOO Juliana
Brad lord Fannie, smstress, 131G Juliana.
Bradford Frank J, elk. 314 Market (W Va
Bradford Floyd, 805 Jackson av.
Bradford Geo, laborer, 906 Luverne.
Bradford George, 600 1-2 7th.
Bradford Harry, driver, 1415 St Marys av.
Bradford Harry, delivery boy, 90G Luverne.
Bradford Harry H, drug clerk, 600 Juliana.
Bradford Harry H, meat cuttr, 1015 Latrobe.
Bradford Herbert, plumber, 1316 Juliana.
Bradlord Jacob (& Mrs), boilermkr, 1015
Bradford Kenner, railroader, 218 Lubeck av
Bradford Mary Mrs, 1316 Juliana.
Bradford Olin, messenger boy, 218 Lubeck.
Bradford Olin V, clerk, 1237 Murdoch av.
Bradford Reese (& Mrs), tank bldr, 907 Lu-
Bradford Simon, mgr Natl Candy & Gro Co,
SOI 7th.
Bradford Sarah, 1316 Juliana.
Bradford Thos (& Mrs), rig bldr, 203 George.
Bradley David, lab, 150 Bradley av.
Bradley John, grocer, 150 Bradley av.
Bradley John Jr, lab, 150 Bradley av.
Bradley Sallie, 150 Bradley av.
Bradley Will (& Mrs), stillmn, 150 Bradley.
Brady S D (& Mrs), pres Brady Construc-
tion & Eng. Co, pres Abrams Creek Coal
& Coke Co, chief eng L K Syndicate R R
lines, 101 13th.
Brady Construction and Engineering Co, S
D Brady pres, G E Suck secy and treas,
rms 507-512 Union Trust bldg (W Va 1776)
Braidon Blanche, 1340 Avery.
Braidon Edward Mrs, 1340 Avery (W Va
Braidon Frances Mrs, 1340 Avery.
Braidon Will, driver, 623 Monroe.
Brake Delia, teacher, 1336 Avery.
Brake Josie D, stenographer, 600 Juliana.
Branch Restaurant The, N H Ray prop, 318
Branch The, Sam Costello prop, 318 6th.
Brand D T, wks O R yds, 930 Lynn.
Brand Minnie, 930 Lynn.
Brandom Georgiana, 637 Leafy Glen Court.
Brandon Pearl, domestic, 433 8th.
Brandon Rachel, domestic, 1315 Market.
Brandon Savilia, domestic, 1351 Market.
Brandhart E C, lab, Standard Oil Co.
Braniger Lulu, student, 1107 Lynn.
Braniger Chas A, prin Braniger's Business
College, 1107 Lynn (W Va 1318).
J.S.BROXDA Broida & Adams,
Dry Goods, Ladies' Furnishings and ReadyvtcWear Garments.
Do you like Style ? — We have the latest. Do you like Quality ? — Our goods have it.
Do you like Value ? — We give the best.
Don't speculate — don't gamble: Go where the wise one's go, to
Broida & Adams, The Value Store, 427 Market Street.
(W. Va. 1238)
Braniger's Business College, Chas A Brani-
ger prin, 310 1-2 Market (W Va 234).
Brant Rachel Mrs, 1115 Pa. Ion.
Brast Ed, prop Chancellor Hotel (W Va 32).
Breedlove S (& Mrs), wks O R shops, 1501
Garfield av.
Breen Pat (& Mrs), laborer, Johnston av.
Breisinger Apolonia Mrs. 012 Depot.
Brenan Fred P (& Mrs), bkkpr, Rosemar.
Breniger Win, eng Standard Oil Co.
Brennen Anna, 210 7th.
Brent Andrew (& Mrs), bricklyr, 803 Green.
Bretney Bernard R, bkkpr, 810 Murdoch av.
Brewer G C (& Mrs), lab, S17 Dickel av.
Bridges W T (& Mrs), grocer, 2317 Oak (W
Va 1107).
Bridges Win F, carp, 2317 Oak.
Briggs Carrie, 2006 Garfield av.
Briggs Chas (& Mrs), lab, 2006 Garfield av.
Briggs Lula. domestic, 1501 Staunton av.
Briggs Lulu, 2006 Garfield av.
Briggs Willie, 2000 Garfield av.
Brinegar W J (& Mrs), pumper, 617 Camden.
Britton Benj s (& Mrs), farmer, Vienna.
Brill- n Lydia, 112:; L9th.
Broadwater J F (& Mrs), condctr, 605 Stev-
enson av.
Brohard John C, 643 Mark (W Va 528).
Broida & Adams (J S Broida prop), 427
Market (W Va 1238).
Broida J S (& Mrs), prop Broida & Adams,
dry goods, 1318 Avery (W Va 798).
Brokard H L (& Mrs), shipg elk, 641 Mark.
Bronnen Lawrence (& Mrs), butcher, Nicely-
Brookhart Frank, 1700 Latrobe.
Brookhart John H, treas Citizens Bldg Assn,
224 5th (W Va 875).
Hi- okover Bert, teamster, 1333 Dilloway.
Brookover Carrie, domestic. 916 Ann.
Brookover Geo (& Mrs), collector, 629 6th.
Brookover Mary A, Tavennerville.
Brookover Robert, floor walker, 322 7th.
Brookover S H, rivermn, A, Tavennerville.
Brooks C A (& Mrs), mach, 2017 Murdoch.
fir oks Edward, driller, 550 5th.
Brooks Howard Ray, clerk, 2017 Murdoch av.
Brooks Lottie Mrs, 909 Clay.
Broom Dora, 649 6th.
Broom James, engineer, 649 6th.
Broom Robert, sawyer, 649 Gth.
Broughton C H, broker, 520 Gth.
Broughton Emma, 520 Gth.
Broughton L M (& Mrs), railrdr, 8fl Avery.
Broughton Sara, music teach, 811 Murdoch.
Brown Anna, cook, 922 Juliana.
Brown Benj F. porter, 1321 Cornwall.
Brown B W (& Mrs), merchant, Lincoln av.
Brown Carrie Mrs, 212 1-2 4th (W Va 1805).
Brown C Bernard, chief elk, 934 Murdoch av
Brown Charles, laborer, 312 vth.
Brown C C (& Mrs), pumper, 817 Main.
Brown Charles N, mgr Star Employment
Bureau, 816 Clay (W /a 97).
■. i/ .
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Scene in the Oil Field Near Parkersburg, W. Va.
Brown C L, 1507 Avery.
Brown Cora Mrs, domestic, 35 Gth.
Brown David (& Mrs), teamster, 808 Frank-
lin av.
Brown E (& Mrs), cigar store, 237 Court si.
Brown Edward, cook, rear 912 9th.
Brown E P, druggist, 529 Market (W Va
547), h 934 Murdoch av (W Va 1481).
Brown E W (& Mrs), oil driller, Bradley av.
Brown Ed (& Mrs), 223 1-2 Ann.
•"Brown F A, trav salesman, 1028 Market.
Brown F H (& Mrs), shoes, 1028 Market.
Brown Frank (& Mrs), civil eng, 330 Lubecfc
Brown Geo W (& Mrs), tobacconist, 1412 St
Marys av.
Brown Gertrude, 1014 Murdoch av.
Brown H S, 1507 Avery.
Brown Isabella, 1203 Juliana.
Brown J A, mgr Brown-Kendall Co, 1507
Avery (W Va 1206).
Brown J A (& Mrs), merchant, 1502 Avery.
Brown James K, roofer, 1324 25th.
Brown J C (& Mrs), 524 4th (W Va 190).
Brown Jesse (& Mrs), 200 Juliana.
Brown J E (& Mrs), teamster, 533 4th.
Brown J E (& Mrs), wholesale shoes, 1023
Market (W Va 899).
Brown John (& Mrs), waiter. 546 Marietta av
Brown J N, sergt police, 1627 19th.
Brown J S (& Mrs) (Brown-Kendall Co),
1507 Avery (W Va 860).
Brown Joseph, teamster, 533 4th.
Brown J W N (& Mrs), mgr Henry C Jack-
son Co. 1711 Avery.
Brown-Kendall Co The, wholesale notions,
518 Juliana (W Va 1581).
Brown Julia S, 1028 Market.
Brown Lillie Mrs, seamstress, 1321 Cornwall
Brown Mabel F, 1028 Market.
Brown May, seamstress, S Side.
Brown Marshall L, student, 1201 Juliana.
Brown Martha Mrs, janitress, 43 6th.
Brown Mary I, 1324 25th.
Brown Mary F Mrs, 1701 Lynn.
Bi ivn M R (& Mrs), tool dresr, 2516 Ohio.
Brown Millie, 114 Juliana.
Brown Milton, cook, 1321 Cornwall.
Brown M J (& Mrs), plumber, 203 Avery.
Brown Newton Mrs, 1027 19th.
Brown Pearl M, hair dresser, 816 Cla>.
Brown Pharmacy, 529 Market (W Va 547).
Brown Rebecca, Bradley av.
Brown R E (& Mrs), mgr J W Dils, 1808
Brown Dr Robt L, (& Mrs), physician, 1201
Brown Robt L Jr, student, 1201 Juliana.
Brown R L (& Mrs), rm 707 Union Trust
Bldg, h 1012 George.
Brown Sara, 323 2d.
Brown Sallie Mrs, 1717 Spring.
Brown S T Mrs, 816 Clay (W Va 97).
Brown S G (& Mrs), plasterer, 1905 Ohio av
Brown-T A (& Mrs), lawyer, Eagle Bldg,
Juliana (W Va 610).
Brown Tandy (& Mrs), contractor, 816 Clay.
Brown Tandy Mrs, hair dresser, 816 Clay.
Brown J Tandy Jr, bricklayer, S16 Clay.
Brown Willard, stonemason, 1324 25th.
Browne H H, plasterer, 1511 19th.
Browne Rebecca, seamstress, 1511 19th.
Browne Winifred Mrs, printer, 320 E 10th.
Mrs. Tandy Brown
Fashionable Hair Dressing, Manicuring and Massage.
816 Clay Street, North of Public Library.
All Hair Work made to order. Will Call at Residence.
(W. Va. 97 i
Brownfield W C (& Mrs), stonemason, 903
16th (W Va 1G41).
Broyles Charles>4& Mrs), jeweler, 1232 22d.
Broyles Eva, 1008 1-2 12th.
Broyles G D Mrs, 1008 1-2 12th.
Broyles Norma, 1008 1-2 12th.
Bruckner Frank (& Mrs), wks steel mills,
Bruckner Threse, 426 Market, 2d floor.
206 Susquehanna av.
Bruner Joseph (& Mrs), mgr Palace Hotel.
Bruncardi Eugene, 208 1-2 Court sq:
Brunicardi Bajiloo, clerk, 622 7th.
Brunicardi G B (& Mrs), fruit dealr, 427 6th.
Brunicori Anito, clerk, 427 6th.
Brunicori Joe, fruit store, 622 7th.
Bruny Chas W, 209 1-2 Ann.
Bruny Delmar, 209 1-2 Ann.
Bruny Sarah Mrs, 209 1-2 Ann.
Bryan C E, supt B & O, 1020 Ann (W Va
Bryan C P (& Mrs), eng, G03 Depot (W Va
Bryan Bess, 1020 Ann.
Bryan Beverly G, druggist, 114 Market (W
Va S06), h 603 Depot.
Bryan Dora, housekeeper, 1033 Quincy.
Bryan Fannie, 603 Depot.
Bryan Flora, 1020 Ann.
Bryan Florence, supt music pub schools, 62 +
Bryan Jas A (& Mrs), (Bryan & Speece),
1334 Market (W Va 1150).
Bryan O'Connor (& Mrs), engineer, 1816
Bryan Owen, plumber, 603 Depot.
Bryan & Speece, tailoring, 609 MarKet (W
Va 559).
Bryan Will, student, 1020 Ann.
Bryan W'm, engineer, 603 Depot.
Bryan Wm T, oil pumper, 1710 Latrobe.
Bryan O H, foreman, 603 Depot.
Buchanan M E, 558 Marietta av.
Buchannon, Addie M, 1263 24th.
Buchhannon Harvey B (& Mrs), teamster,
1400 25th.
Buckhannon & Northern R R Co, Guaranty
Buchannon S C, laborer, Standard Oil Co.
Buchannon W M (& Mrs), teamstr, 1263 24th
Buchheimer Henry (& Mrs), blksmlth, 1017
Buchheimer Martin (& Mrs), laborer, 830
Buchheimer Stella, seamstress, 433 E 12th.
Buck Alvilda Mrs, cook, 208 7th.
Buck James H (& Mrs), iceman, Atlantic av.
Buckhannon L C, railroader, 24 19th.
Buckhannon W R, railroader, 24 19th.
Buckeye Traders, 2d-hand goods, 109 3d.
Buckley Charles (& Mrs), 1925 Ohio av.
Buckley Charles, laborer, 711 Division.
Buckley E A (& Mrs), teamster, 711 Division
Buckley Geo (& Mrs), patrol drivr, 1206
Jas. A. Bryan
W. S. Speece
Bryan & Speece,
Men's Furnishers
609 Market Street.
( W. Va. Phone 559 )
Headquarters for Men's Wear.
Sole Agents for Hawes Hat, $3.00.
Sole Agents for Albert Hat, $3.50.
Stetson's, $4.00 and $5.00.
Dudley's ( London ), $5.00.
Also a Line of Cheaper Hats and Caps.
Shirts, 50cts., $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00, $3.00,
Negligee, Dress and Full Dress.
Suits to Order, $20, $25, $30, $35 and $40
&S" Agents for Headlight Overalls and Sargeant Gloves.
Buffington Millinery Parlors.
219 Seventh Street.
Mrs. N. L. Buffington, Proprietress.
When examining our goods, note the quality, then the price.
Sole agent for the celebrated " Wade Corsets." ( W. Va. Phone 1713. )
Blake Edna E, dressmkr, 1027 Avery.
Buckley Henry (& Mrs), laborer. 211 George.
Buckley H S, bartender. 221 Juliana.
Buckley Joseph L (& Mrs), 101 13th.
Buckley Lucretia, tailoress, 311 1-2 4th.
Buckley M H, laborer, Standard Oil Co.
Buckley Mollie, seamstress, 311 1-2 4th.
Buckner Arthur N, solicitor, 3511 Murdoch.
Buckner B M, clerk, 1901 Murdoch av.
Buckner D W (& Mrs), slsmn, 915 Virginia.
Buckner Jerry (& Mrs), teamster, 14 Frank-
lin av.
Buckner Jas (& Mts), janitor, 251G Clement.
Budd Beulah, secretary, 415 Market.
Budd Geo, chief opr W IT T Co, 411 Ann
(\V Va 45G).
Budd Nellie M. 411 Ann.
Budke Manufacturing Co, Beechwood (W Va
Budwell J B, 1705 17th.
Buehler Dorothea Mi's, 428 1-2 Market.
Buehler's Bar (Win Buehler prop), 310 5th
(W Va 397).
Buehler Wm (& Mrs), prop Buehler's Bar,
310 5th (W Va 397).
Buffington Arianna, 1213 Juliana.
Buffington Emma S, 1213 Juliana.
Buffington Leila E, 1213 Juliana (W Va
Buffington's Millinery Parlors (Mrs N L
Buffington prop), 219 7th (W Va 1713).
Buffington N L Mrs, prop Buffington's Milli-
nery Parlors, 219 7th,.
Bukey Chas A (& Mrs), cashier Pksburg
Natl Bank. 125 13t (W Va 4S3).
Bullock John O (& Mrs), 1G00 Avery.
Bullock Talbot O, lawyer, 240 1-2 Court sq
(\V Va 715), h 405 Avery (W Va 449).
Bumgarner C D, cashier, 415 Market, h 1407
Spring (W Va 1103).
Bumgarner C H (& Mrs), section foreman,
610 Avery.
Bumgarner J P (4 Mrs), 2d-hand store, 223
Bumgarner Okey (& Mrs), carpenter, Vienna
Bumgarner's 2d-hand Store (J P and Z O),
223 Juliana (W Va 283).
Bumgarner S F Mrs, 1407 Spring.
Bumgarner Wm, adv agt, Vienna.
Bumgarner Wm (& Mrs), brakeman, 1000
Virginia av.
Bumgarner Wm M (& Mrs), adv elk, Vienna
Bumgarner Z O (& Mrs) (Bumgarner's 2d-
hand store), Vienna.
Bunch F O (& Mrs), dairyman, Phelps v
(W Va 1714-4).
Bunnell & Co, jewelers, 309 6th.
Buntin G A (& Mrs), mgr Club Rooms,1031
Burch Ella, chambermaid, 614 George.
Burch Emaline, 614 George.
Burch F S Mrs, 931 Juliana (W Va 1023).
Burch Mary E, cook, 614 George.
Burch W O (& Mrs), plasterer, 1427 19th.
Burchard E M (& Mrs), laborer, house boat.
Burchard Ed (& Mrs), laborer, 533 4th.
Burchard G R (& Mrs), trav. slsmn,827 Lynn
Burd Delia, telephone opr, 114 7th.
Burdett A B (& Mrs), driver, 324 4th.
Burdett Lovel C, farmer, Riverview.
Burdette Mollie G, domestic, Riverview.
Burdette Arthur (& Mrs), driver, 324 4th.
Burdette Okie L, teamster, Riverview.
Burdette Wm P (& Mrs), farmer, Riverview.
Burdette A B (& Mrs), blksmith, 314 9 1-2
Burdette Bertha, 314 9 1-2 st.
Burdette C (& Mrs), 1605 Dewey.
Burdette E M, contractor, 1910 Spring (W
Va 1287).
Burdette Eva, laundress, 324 4th.
Burdette Flo, 1910 Spring.
Burdette Hattie, stenographer, 1910 Spring.
Burdette Lelia, tailoress, 324 4th.
Burdette Maude, 314 9 1-2 st.
Burdette Myrtle, 1G05 Dewey.
Burdette Willie, 314 9 1-2 st.
Burdette Lelia B. laundress, 324 4th.
Burrield H W, bkkpr, 1802 Spring-
Burg, grocer, 600 Juliana.
Burge J W, gen store, Briscoe(W Va 3202-D)
Burge J W (& Mrs), mach, Bull Creek rd.
Burgess Chas (& Mrs), steel wkr, Buena
Burgunder Fannie, 918 Ann.
Burgy Anise, domestic, 5G2 1-2 Gale av.
Burgy Chas E (& Mrs), carp, 808 Virginia.
Burgy Ed, cement, 562 1-2 Gale av.
Burgy Elizabeth, 562 1-2 Gale av.
Burgy Emma, 138 Terrace av.
Burgy George, carp, 138 Terrace av.
Burgy Lewis (& Mrs), teamster, 226 Bradley.
Burgy Laura, 138 Terrace av.
Burgy Mintie, 138 Terrace av.
Burk Anna, 1121 Avery.
Burk Charles, 1218 Lynn.
Burk Delia A, 508 William.
Burk D S (& Mrs), driver, 1063 Avery.
Burk Edith M, 1405 St Marys av.
Burk F B (& Mrs), lawyer, 811 19th (W Va
Burk Frank (& Mrs), cabman, 1213 Swann.
Burk Harlie (& Mrs), laborer, 1224 Swann.
Burk Janet, 1501 Spring.
Burk Jas H (& Mrs), jeweler, 1501 Spring
(W Va 805).
Burk John J (& Mrs), 508 William.
Burk J W (& Mrs), bag mstr, 1129 Avery
(W Va 998).
Burk Laura B, bkkpr, 1063 Avery.
Burk Libbie, 612 Wms Ct al (W Va 73).
Burk Lucy L, 1501 Spring.
Burk Louise Mrs. 1405 St Marys av.
Burk Margaret, stenographer, 1121 Avery.
Burk Matthew, mach, 1121 Avery.
Burk O V (& Mrs), engineer, 1222 Swann.
Burk W J (& Mrs), bricklayer, 1121 Avery.
Burk Wm Mrs. clerk, 1405 St Marys av.
Burk Wm (& Mrs), painter, Marrtown rd.
Burke Bessie, 508 William.
Burke Catherine, 508 William.
Burke Clara G. 1121 Avery.
Burke Dennis (& Mrs), telephone man. 932
Swann (W Va 768).
Burke's Grocery Store (Mrs Catherine Burke
prop), 718 1-2 7th.
Burke James, plumber, 034 Depot.
Burke John C (& Mrs) (Burke's Supply i
Plumbing Co), 016 6th.
Burke John H, asst eng City Pumping Sta,
932 Swann.
Burke John, porter. 818 Clay.
Burke Joseph, 1121 Avery.
Burke Marguerite, musician, 932 Swann.
Burke Mamie, 508 William.
Burke Mary R. 1121 Avery.
Burke Matthew, 1121 Avery.
Burke Patrick (& Mrs) (Burke's Plumbing
& Supply Co). 034 Depot.
Burke Patrick Mrs, grocer, 508 William.
Burke's Plumbing & Supply Co (John C and
Patrick), 405 6th (W Va 1536).
Burke R H (& Mrs), gardener, N Pksburg.
Burke Virginia, 634 Depot.
Burke Walter E. bottler, 932 Swann.
Burke W J, bartender, Commercial Hotel.
Burke Wm J (& Mrs), 1121 Avery.
Burkey Bertha Mrs, nurse, 1014 Swann.
Burkey F L, laborer, 1707 Staunton av.
Burkey Lulubell. student, 1014 Swann.
Burkey W M (& Mrs), pumpr, 1707 Staunton
Burkey W R (& Mrs), lab. 1707 Staunton.
Burlingame Murray (& Mrs), lab, 1314 La-
Burner Banty (& Mrs), plasterer. Midway.
Burnfleld F E, wks steel mills, 109 Susque-
hanna av.
Burnfleld J R, wks steel mills, 109 Susque-
hanna av.
Burnfleld S W, wks steel mills, 109 Susque-
hanna av.
Burnfleld T R, wks steel mills. 109 Susque-
hanna av.
Burns Annie, 820 Mary.
Burns Cecelia, tailoress, 820 Mary.
Burns C H (& Mrs), laborer, 1118 Main.
Burns Charles, railroader, 223 19th.
Burns Edward, railroader, 223 19th.
Burns Frank, steel wkr, 223 19th.
Burns Gertrude, 212 1-2 4th.
Burns James (& Mrs), 1213 Water.
Burns John (& Mrs), oil driller, 906 Avery.
Burns John, fireman, 3 3d.
Burns John (& Mrs), saloon, 906 Avery.
Burns Maggie, domestic, 902 Market.
Burns Thomas (& Mrs), 223 19th.
Burns T P (& Mrs), foreman, 1212 Juliana
(W Va 753).
Burke Supply & Plumbing Co.
Chandeliers, Globes, Mantels, Etc. Sanitary Plumbing, Gas, Steam and Hot Water
Fitting. Gas Ranges and Stoves.
If our work pleases you, tell your friends. If not, tell us.
405 Sixth Street, Opposite B. & O. Depot. Parkersburg, W. Va.
( W. Va. Phone 1536 I
Burns Susan Mrs, 820 Mary.
Burns Warren, railroader, 24 19th.
Burnsville & Eastern R R Co, Guaranty Bldg
Bun-ell Richard (& Mrs), bridge carp. Tav-
Burroughs Adding Machine Oo (Jos C Rus-
sell sales mm i. 515 Union Trust Bldg (W
Va 1821).
Burrows W J, lab, Standard Oil Co.
Burton A R (& Mrs), tie insptr, 2009 Ohio.
Burton Esther E, 2517 Ohio av.
Burton Henry E (& Mrs), 909 Tefft.
Burton Martin L (& Mrs), carp, 2517 Ohio av
Burwell N C, clerk, 810 Market.
Burwell Dr W N (& Mrs), physician, 307 6th
(W Va 839), h 810 Market (W Va 100G).
Busby W R (& Mrs), patrolman B & O,
1320 5th av.
Busch B B, insurance, 412 1-2 Market (W Va
1780), h HOG Avery.
Busch Blackburn B, bkkpr, 1106 Avery.
Busch Carrie B, 1106 Avery.
Busch E L, student. Si:; Ann.
Busch J C W (& Mrs), insurance, 412 1-2
Market (W Va 911-1). h 411 11th (W Va
Busch J W H, tailor, 205 3d.
Busch John (& Mrs), 1106 Avery (W Va 841).
Busch Julius R, student, 1106 Avery.
Bush Bennie B, tailor, Court sq.
Bush E L, student, S17 William.
Bush John, brakeman, 400 Green.
Bush M S (& Mrs), c'erk. 817 William.
Bush Plumbing Co, 313 6th (W Va 1578).
Bush Wm H (& Mrs), carp, 1226 Swann.
Bush w H (& Mrs), tailor, 1003 Latrobe.
Bush W H Jr, tailor, 1003 Latrobe.
Bush Tailor Shop (W H Bush prop), 205 3d.
lii; hong Harper (& Mrs), billing elk, 604
Business Men's League, hdqrts Pksbg Bank-
in ■; & Trust Co, 415 Market (W Va ±090).
Buskirk Benj, laborer, 908 Laverne.
Buskirk Frank, laborer, 908 Laverne.
Buskirk M V (& Mrs), blksmith, Nicelyville.
Buskirk Wm, 908 Laverne.
Buskirk W H (& Mrs), lab, 533 Marietta av.
Butcher A C (& Mrs), painter, 1212 15th.
Butcher Allen (& Mrs), driver, 1226 7th.
Butcher B F (& Mrs), cigar mir, 1602 Park
(W Va 131G-2).
Butcher B F (& Mrs), yard elk O R, 1317
Butcher F W, baker, 1602 Park.
Butcher Celia, 527 Juliana.
Butcher D M (& Mrs), lab, 1709 Staunton av
Butcher E R, student, Tavennerville.
Butcher Gordon (& Mrs), clerk, 216 7th.
Butcher H G, clerk, 613 Market.
Butcher Isaiah C (& Mrs), laborer. 1407 20th
Butcher Joseph (& Mrs), locksmith, 527
Butcher Joseph, repair shop, 3d and Juliana.
Butcher Josephine, 527 Juliana.
" Honest Piumbing."
The Bush Plumbing Shop
313 Sixth Street,
Sanitary Plumbers, Gas Fitters and Heating Engineers.
iW. Va. 1578)
Butcher Minnie A, 1C03 Park.
Butcher Olivia Creel, socy> ed State Journal,
902 Swann.
Butcher O S (& Mrs), riverman, Tavenner-
Butcher Randolph (& Mrs), carp, Camden av
Butcher Thos P (& Mrs), bkkpr, 902 Swana.
Butcher W A (& Mrs), niach, 1704 Staunton.
Butcher W F, student, Tavennerville.
Butcher W S (& Mrs), car inspcr, 1706
Staunton av.
Butler Roy A, discount elk Pksburg Nail
Bank, 604 Harris.
Butler S Garland, 604 Harris (W Va 1933).
Butler O (& Mrs), inspector, 1227 Murdoch
(W Va 1630).
Butsc.her Joseph (& Mrs), locksmith, 3d and
Juliana, h 6th and Juliana.
Buzzard Blanche, stenographr, 1110 10th (W
Va 1545-1).
Buzzard Bertha, clerk, 1110 16th.
Buzzard Eva, dressmkr, 702 Ann(\V Va 1774)
Buzzard John M, 702 Ann.
Buzzard John (& Mrs), guard, 1110 E 16th.
Buzzard Joe, 222 Market.
Byer M J (& Mrs), livery stable, 1603 Spring
(W Va 220).
Byers B, boardg stable, 324 7th (W Va 462).
Byers Lewis S (& Mrs), sheet heater, 217
Blennerhassett av (W Va 1152-1).
Byers Sylvester (& Mrs), wks steel mills,
Atlantic av.
Byers Elijah (& Mrs), lab., 644 Marietta a/.
Byers Wm (& Mrs), mack, 613 Harris (W
Va 1183).
Byrd E W (& Mrs), news depot, 619 Aver?
(W Va 1074).
Byrd Ed, news and cigar stand, 326 6th.
Byrne Minnie M, stenographer, 712 Latrobe
l\V Va 1071-2).
Byrd Edward \Y. cigar store, 326 6th, h 619
Avery. ■
Byrd Zetha, S17 16th.
Byrd L D, clerk, 619 Avery.
Byrd Nelson, bkkpr, 002 Ann.
Byrd Perry (& Mrs), miller, 602 Ann (W
Va 1047).
Cabell J R (& Mrs), eng B & O, SOS Jean-
Cady Ed B, decorator. 123C 7th (W Va 1561).
Cady Ella A, 1236 7th.
Cady & Howell (E B Cady, C W Howell),
decorators, 207-209 6th.
Cady Ida F, 1236 7th.
Cage Kate Mrs. 1019 Jeannette.
Cage Robert, tailor, 1019 Jeannette.
Cahill Frank M (& Mrs), elk,. 1017 Laird av.
Cain A T (& Mrs), plasterer, Marrtown.
Cain Albert W (& Mrs), carp. Marrtown.
Cain E L, laborer. Standard Oil Co.
Cain Eva, stemmer, 826 Lynn.
C. C. Camden
W. D. Camden
W. Va. Phone,
Residences 787, lh04; Sto.e 2U9
C. C. Camden & Company,
Electric and Gas Supplies, Electrical Contractors.
Gas, Electric and Combination Fixtures. Everything in the Gas and Electric Line.
714 Market Street, opposite Camden Theatre, Parkersburg, W. Va.
Cain Harry (& Mrs), driller, 1757 E 7th.
Cain Jeannette, 909 Avery.
Cain Lowanna, 909 Avery.
Cain H C (& Mrs), carpenter, 826 Lynn.
Cain O L (& Mrs), carpenter, Marrtown.
Cain Ora, 818 Avery.
Cain R I (& Mrs), wks steel plant, Johnston.
Cain T E (& Mrs), laborer, Johnston av.
Cain W R. laborer, 5th av.
Cairo & Kanawha Railway Co, 406 1-2 Mar-
ket (W Va 162).
Calbert Joseph (& Mrs), wks oil refinery,
1008 E 12th.
Calder Byron, wks steel mills, Bull Creek rd.
Calder J A. steel wkr, Bull Creek rd.
Calder V V (& Mrs), farmer, Bull Creek id
(W Va 410-1).
Calder W C (& Mrs), bank clerk, 31G 8th.
Calder W W, car foreman. Bull Creek rd.
Calder Wm, 1207 Juliana.
Caldwell Belle, bkkpr, 320 9th.
Caldwell Earl E, student, Vienna.
Caldwell Howard (& Mrs), gardener, Vienna
Caldwell J Mentor, lawyer, 504 Union Trust
Bldg (W Va 589-1), h 322 W 10th (W Va
Caldwell & Watson (Chas T, Jas A Watson),
405 Juliana (W Va 236).
Cale J W, laborer, 328 4th.
Cale W A (& Mrs), oil, 1103 5th av.
Calebaugh C H, grocer, 1005 Staunton av
(W Va 1086-1).
Calhoun G W (& Mrs), laborer, 140 Bradley
Calhoun Jessie, laundress, 140 Bradley av.
Callahan Ernest, section man, 315 Ann.
Callahan Frank (& Mrs), teamster, 1030 7th.
Calluskia Will (& Mrs), boilermkr, Bradley.
Callanan J T (& Mrs), supt Pksburg Ma-
chine Co, 1406 Avery (W Va 655).
Callanan J T Jr, student, 1406 Avery.
Callanan Ralph, student, 1406 Avery.
Callander Fannie Mrs, 1119 Market.
Callander J C (& Mrs), veterinarian, 521
Ann (W Va 231).
Callander Mildred, student, 1119 Market.
Callander Willa, student, 1119 Market.
Callihan C M (& Mrs), freight agt, 1340 Cov-
ert (W Va 1056-1).
Callihan Ed, turnkey, 2 Court sq.
Callihan Estella, telephone opr, 1743 E 7th.
Calvert James, laborer, Standard Oil Co.
Cambron Ethel, 1303 Market, student.
Cambron Lloyd, 1303 Market, advertising.
Cambron Pauline, 1303 Market.
Cambron W J (& Mrs), pastor Calvary Bap-
tist Church, 1303 Market (W Va 1924).
Camden Bernard H, 622 Ann.
Camden Carroll (& Mrs), electrician, 225 1-2
7th (W Va 1804).
Camden C C & Co, gas and electrical contrs,
714 Market (W Va 209).
Camden Flora Mrs, 715 Ann.
Camden H P. atty, 405-406 Union Trust Bldg
(W Va 1100), h 1024 Juliana (W Va 1239).
Camden Johnson N (& Mrs), 705 Union
Trust Bldg (W Va 479), h 717 Ann (W Va
Camden John S (& Mrs), 225 1-2 7th (W
Va 787).
Camden Lena, 225 1-2 7th.
Camden Nelle, 225 1-2 7th.
Camden Dr Rolla (& Mrs), physician, GOO 1-2
Market ( W Va 75G), h GIG Ann (W Va GO).
Camden Sprigg D (& Mrs), 70G Union Trust
. Bldg, h 629 Ann (W Va 917).
Camden Dr T B, physician, GOO 1-2 Market
(W Va 75G), h G22 Ann (W Va 1097).
Camden Theater The, w side Market bet 71n
and 8th (W Va 402).
Camden Theater Orchestra (J C Arnold,
Camden Wm D (& Mrs), electrician, 1040
Laird av (W Va 1213).
Cameron K M Mrs, 801 19th (W Va 1292).
Camp John H (& Mrs), laundry, 131 7th.
Campbell A E (&. Mrs), bkkpr, 318 Ann.
Campbell, Allene, student, Dudley rd.
Campbell Austin, shaper, 833 Jeannette.
Campbell Calvin (& Mrs), grocer, 211 Mar-
ket (W Va 217).
Campbell Floyd, student, Riverview.
Campbell Geo Q (& Mrs), day elk Hotel
Blennerhassett, 903 19th.
Campbell Harry L (& Mrs), physician, 1208
Market (W Va 159).
Campbell Henry (& Mrs), trav slsmn, 207 1-3
Campbell Jas A, bkkpr, Maplewood.
Campbell Lawrence (& Mrs), carp, Riverview
Campbell Levi {& Mrs), carp, 833 Jeannette.
Campbell M B (& Mrs), grocer, Dudley rd
(W Va 1G95).
Campbell M J Mrs, laundress, 910 Oak short.
Campbell Mary P, stenographer, 909 Market.
Campbell Odelia, domestic, 201 1-2 Grant.
Campbell Thornton F (& Mrs), Maplewood.
Campbell Wm (& Mrs), stone mason, 2510
Grand av.
Candy Edward (& Mrs), driver, 637 Leafy
Glen Court.
Candy Minnie Mrs, G37 Leafy Glen Court.
Canello Peter, candy kitchen, 533 Market
(W Va 856).
Canello Peter, cigar store, 623 Market tW
Va 69).
Canning Patrick (& Mrs), oil producer, 45
Citizens Natl Bank Bldg, h 1502 20th.
Cannon Chas (& Mrs), brklayer, Midway (W
Va 3202-H).
Cantwell H E (& Mrs), baker, 1509 Beaver
(W Va 1900).
Capell Charles (& Mrs), fireman B & O, GoO
Caplinger Abraham (& Mrs), lab, Nicelyvilie.
Caplinger Alfred H, laborer, 525 Marietta av
Caplinger D (& Mrs), 514 Gale av.
Caplinger Isaac, butcher, 605 Market.
Caplinger J H, laborer, 526 Marietta av.
Caplinger Walter, butcher, Nicelyvilie.
Carberry Mary, 603 1-2 Market .
Carder J M (& Mrs), carp, 2543 Garfield.
Carder Maud A, seamstress, 2405 Ohio av.
Carder P O (& Mrs), endctr B & O, 641 Bird.
Carder Thomas (& Mrs), 648 Mark.
Carter Boyd, student, 1021 Avery.
Carter J Frank, student, 1021 Avery.
Carter John M (& Mrs), contractor, 554 7th
Carter W H (& Mrs), sheriff, 1021 Avery
(W Va 750).
Cariens Erastus (& Mrs), Blennerhassett av.
Cariens Rachel, stengphr, Blennerhassett av.
Cariens Phoebe, Blennerhassett av.
Cariens W S (& Mrs), eng, Blennemassett
av (W Va 1404).
Cariens J C (& Mrs), carp, Beechwood Hgts.
Carle I H (& Mrs), collector, 1011 19th (W
Va 1597).
Carle J E, merchant, Eatons (W Va 3204-E).
Carlin Clarence, student, 419 8th.
Carlin John (& Mrs), contractor, 419 Sth.
Carlin Thomas, 1205 Market.
Carll S P (& Mrs), 408 Ann.
Carmichael Wm B (& Mrs), carp, 616 Green.
Carnegie Library Building, s w cor 8th and
Green (W Va 508).
Carnes Andrew J, bartendr, 917 13th.
Carnes Frank B (& Mrs), laborer, 917 13th.
Carnes Walter, press feeder.
Carnes Elisha (& Mrs), bartendr, GIG 1-2 Ttfi
Carney E G (& Mrs), bartendr, GIG 1-2 7th.
Carney Geo W (Carney & Mullen), 502 7ch
(W Va 962).
Carney J V, 519 Market (W Va 1077), h 957
Avery (W Va 1620).
Carney J V, grocer, 406 6th, h 502 7th.
Carney Mary, 502 7th.
Carney & Mullen (G W Carney, E M Mul-
len), furniture and undertaking, 510 Mar-
ket (W Va 304).
Carney T V, grocer, 401 6th.
Carroll Lucy, operator, 736 3d.
Carroll Virginia, 129 1-2 3d.
Carothers Lillian, domestic, 1012 Swann.
Carpenter Carrie S, student, 807 Swann.
Carpenter Chas (& Mrs), laborer, 561 Leafy
Glen Court
Carpenter Frank A (& Mrs), freight agent
B & O, 211 11th.
Carpenter Gertrude, 211 11th.
Carpenter Howard (& Mrs), secy Knights of
the Maccabees, 807 Swann (W Va 477-2).
Carpenter J C (& Mrs), engineer, 621 Bird.
Carpenter Leonard, expressman, 551 Gth.
Carpenter W M (& Mrs), 323 9 1-2.
Carr Harry H, mgr Blennerhassett Hotel
Bar, 422 E 12th.
The Mail Carrier;
Carr Carroll (& Mrs), 957 Market.
Carr Harrington, student, 646 Harris.
Carr Isaac (& Mrs), blksmith, 640 Harris.
Carr James E, bartender, 422 E 12th.
Carr Oil Co., rms 28-29 Guaranty Bldg (W
Va 265).
Carr Walter, student, 1209 Avery.
carrington W A (& Mrs), porter, 916 Corn-
Carroll Anna, 736 3d av, S Side.
Carroll Lucy, smstress, 736 3d av, S Side.
Carroll T J (& Mrs), motorman, 1801 Spring
i\V Va 1112-1).
Carson Earl E (& Mrs), fireman, 1309 Corn-
Carson W W (& Mrs), foreman, 402 Ann.
Carter Albert L (& Mrs), stonecutter, 1139
Carter Emma, housekeeper, 32 6th.
Carter Emma Mrs, 1015 19th.
Carter J M (& Mrs), saloon, 417 6th (W Va
309), h 1019 19th.
Carter John, laborer, 32 6th.
Carter John (& Mrs), bartender, 1019 19th.
Carter J L, brakeman, 702 Jeannette.
Carter L (& Mrs), lab, 618 Chancellor av.
Carter Minnie, domestic, 32 6th.
Carter Nelson (& Mrs), coachman, 736
Carver G H (& Mrs), 618 Ann (W Va 1740).
Case George (& Mrs), prop Case Mtg Co, 923
( ase Karl M, student, 923 Swann.
Case Manufacturing Co (George Case prop),
315 Juliana.
Case Nannie G, 923 Swann.
Case Ruth, student. 923 Swann.
Cash Eli : 7th.
Cash Furniture Store, 121 3d i\V Va 1657).
Cash Grocery Store, 1300 Latrobe (W Va
Cashen John C (& Mrs), oil operator, 144S
Oak (W Va 1532-2).
Casino Theater, Terrapin Park (W Va 928).
Caskey Leannah, 621 Market.
Caskey Will, 021 Market.
Caskey W E (& Mrs), confectionery store,
C21 .Market (V Va 685).
Caskin Jane, 117 Williams Court al t \V Va
Casper Col F (& Mrs), train master, 11
Park Place.
Casper Harry (& Mrs). 1025 Mary (W Va
Casteel William, riverman, S10 1-2 7th.
Casto Or C E T, Tracewell Bldg Court sn
(W Va 1912). h 1013 George i W Va 1800).
Casto David (& Mrs), lawyer, office Court
sq (W Va 243), h 816 Quiney (W Va 86).
Casto Dorr (& Mrs), lawyer, Tracewell Bldg,
h S16 Quiney.
Casto E C, lawyer, Tracewell Bldg, h 816
Caswell Carl (& Mrs), mail carrier, 1010
Caswell Mattie Mrs, 907 Avery (W Va 053-27.
Caswell Nathan, 1010 Mary.
Caswell W S, real estate, 305 11th.
Cauley D W, stenographer, 934 William.
Cecil C H (& Mrs), trav salesmn, 1715 Lynn.
Central District and Printing Telegraph Co,
318 5th.
The Lobby of
The Camden Theater
Market Street.
(W. Va. 402)
Cemetery I O O F, Murdoch av, nr 19th.
Catlett W D, insurance, 318 9th.
Uecil Nellie M. student, 120G Lynn.
Cecil Wm H (& Mrs), secy, 120G Lynn (W
Va 1698).
Cemetery Mount Olivet, cor 23d and Park r.v
Cemetery Riverside, Ann nr 13ih.
Cemetery St Xavier, Park bet 14th and 15th.
Central Banking & Security Co, C15 Market
(W Va 256).
Central Conservatory of Music, 415' Market.
Chaddock A C, laborer, Standard Oil Co.
Chaddock Chas E (& Mrs), plasterer, 132G
Chaddock Harry L (& Mrs) (Parker & Co),
h Marrotwn.
Chaddock Harry, Lubeck rd (W Va 322G-B).
chaddock Ina, telephone opr, 132G Latrobe.
Chaddock James {& Mrs), lab, Marrtown.
Chaddock Kate, Marrtown.
Chaddock K C (& Mrs), laborer, 1312 Oak.
Chaddock Scott, Marrtown.
Chaddock Scott, painter, Marrtown.
Chaddock T M (& Mrs), laborer, E 17th.
Chaddock W F (& Mrs), driver, E 17th.
Chadwick B C, bartender, G03 Ann.
Chalfant Edith E, clerk. 1117 Paden.
Chalfant T r (& Mrs), boilermkr, 1117 Paden
Chamberlain Chas. floor wlkr, 404 4th.
Chancellor A B (& Mrs), 911 Market (W
Va 1384).
Chancellor Barber Shop, First Natl Bk Bldg.
Chancellor B F (& Mrs), fmr. Bull Creek rd.
Chancellor Bessie A, student, Vienna.
Chancellor Charles B (& Mrs), hardware,
Vienna (W Va 410-2).
Chancellor E P Jr, insurance, 4th and Juli-
ana (W Va 8G5), h 534 5th (W Va 203).
Chancellor E P. insurance, 4th and Juliana,
h 424 Green (W Va 1724).
Chancellor Hardware Co, wholesale hard-
ware, 1st and Juliana (\Y Va 17:::; i.
Chancellor Hardware Co, 517 Market (W Va
Chancellor Hotel. Market and 7th (W Va 32)
Chancellor Victor r', student, Vienna.
Chancellor Wm C, insurance, 4th and Juli-
ana, h Sand Plains (W Va 10G2-2).
Chancellor Wm C, student, 534 5th.
Chancellor W C (& Mrs,, dairyman, West
Virginia av.
Chancellor Wm N (& Mrs), 4th and Juliana,
h 904 Juliana.
Chancey Clyde, laborer, 522 Thomas.
Chancey H M (& Mrs), enginr, 522 Tliom.is.
Chandler Ethel C, Johnston av.
Chandler Malinda Mrs, Johnston av.
Channell A T, restaurant. 121 Ann.
Channell Elias E (& Mrs), carp, 1512 20th.
Channeil Odie L, student, 1512 20th.
Chapin W H O (& Mrs,, oil producer, 1102
Charity Society, WTood Co, Court House (W
Va 931).
Interior View Showing Seating Arrangement of
The Camden Theater
Market Street.
i W. Va. 402)
Chamock Mary E Mrs, 524 6th.
Charter C A, agt Singer Sewing Machine,
501 Juliana, h Belpre, O.
Chase F C (& Mrs), carpenter, 653 Mark.
Chase George P, lawyer, 2U-22 Citizens Bank
Bldg (W Va 1091), h 944 Juliana.
Chase Mabel, student, 653 Mark.
Chase Octa, stenographer, 1336 Avery.
Chenoweth G H (& Mrs), lumber, Blenner-
bassett av (W Va 3237-M).
Chester Irene, 121 Market.
Chester James, fireman, 809 Ann.
Chevalier A H (& Mrs), 1122 Market.
Chevalier Block, cor 6th and Market.
Chichester A J, Dudley rd.
Chichester Ellen, Bradley av.
Chichester George T (& Mrs), uplifter, 2507
Grand av.
Chichester John A (& Mrs), foreman, 2507
Grand av.
Chichester Laura, seamstress, 1915 Park av.
Chichester M D (& Mrs), pressman, Brad-
ley av.
Chichester S D (& Mrs), dairy, Bradley av
(W Va 1533).
Chichester Walter, driver, Bradley av.
Chidester Charles (& Mrs), eng, 1115 Paden.
Children's Home, 2406 Murdoch av (W Va
Childer C C (& Mrs), machinery, 1237 Mur-
doch av.
Childers Lucy, domestic, 918 Ann.
Childers Charles (& Mrs), stone mason, 1606
Staunton av.
Childrey V Mrs, 5,2 6th.
Chinese Laundry, 306 1-2 5th.
Chinn Benj F (& Mrs), brakeman, 1221 23d.
Christian James (& Mrs), brakemn, 424 Ann.
Christian Moerlein Brewing Co. 2d and Ju-
liana (W Va 121).
Christian R (& Mrs), barber, h 572 6th.
Christian Science Reading Room, 700 Union
Tiust Bldg. Hours, 10 a m to 5 p m ex-
cept Sunday (W Va 218).
Christly B I) (& Mrs), bartender, 214 11th.
Christmyer George (& Mrs), bartender, 1047
Christmyer G F (& Mrs), elk, 1047 Cornwall.
Christopher George C, machinist, 108 4th.
Church Lily R, piano teacher. 417 4th.
Church Marion Louise Mrs. 417 4th.
Circle C B, clerk. 207 1-2 7th.
Circle C M, bookkeeper. 207 1-2 7th.
Circle H H, clerk, 207 1-2 7th.
Circle J M, grocer. 629 Juliana I W Va 631),
h 207 1-2 7th.
Circle Nettie, 207 1-2 7th.
Circle S B, clerk, 207 1-2 7th.
Circle S D, clerk, 2002 Ohio.
Citizens Building Association of Parkers-
burg. 224 5th ( \V Va 92).
Citizens Coal Co (B D Spilman, Phil D
Neal), 2d and Avery <\V Va 338;.
Citizens Concert Band, 128 1-2 3d.
Located above High Water.
Citizens Transfer and Storage Co.
Peter Devlin. Proprietor.
All Kinds of Hauling and Storage.
Dealers in Hay, Straw, Corn, Oats and Potatoes. Most modern warehouse in West
Virginia. We pack household goods. Fine moving cars. Wagons for picnic parties-
Office and Warerooms 319 and 321 Avery St., Parkersburg, W. Va.
( W. Va. Phone 146. ) Bell Phone 146.
Citizens Insurance Agency, 217 4th (W Va
Citizens Lumber Co (G L Dudley pres, Li
Dudley mgr), 1st (W Va 109).
Citizens National Bank Building, n w or
4th and Market (W Va 106).
Citizens Telephone Co The, 119 1-2 Spencer
av, S Side.
Citizens Transfer & Storage Co (Peter Dev-
lin prop), 319-321 Avery (W Va 14G).
Citizens Trust & Guaranty Co (W W Jack-
son pres, J H Knapp secy and treas) (W
Va 1572), 217 4th.
City Auditor, City Building (W Va 329).
City F D (& Mrs), general store, 215 11th.
City Hall, n w cor 5th and Market.
City Hospital, 514-516 13tn (W Va 558).
City Park. Park av and 17th (W Va 1351).
City Water Works. Pumping station foot of
12th (W L Crolley, chief eng), office City
City Police Department (W Va 24).
Clark Albert, driver, Redwood.
Clark's Bar Room, 504 Market.
Clark Catherine, nurse, 516 4th.
Clark Charles, driver, Redwood.
Clark Charles P (& Mrs), bartender, 1909
Beaver (W Va 1285).
Clark Distilling Co James, 300 Market (W
Va 94).
Clark Edward, liquor dealer, 504 Market
<\V Va 683), h 131 13th.
Clark David E (& Mrs), clerk, 1041 Swann.
Clark Edward (& Mrs), house cleaner, 810
Clark Edward (& Mrs), wholesale liquor,
1224 Market (W Va 1455).
Clark Elsie Mrs, nurse, 114 7th.
Clark E, laborer, Redwood.
Clark Eunice, 1116 Garfield av.
Clark George T (& Mrs), supt City Water
Works (W Va 1083), 1608 Beaver (W Va
Clark Goldie, clerk, 1709 Beaver.
Clark G W, clerk, cor Smithfield and Co-
lumbia av.
Clark Hazel, student, 1334 St Marys av.
Clark Henry (& Mrs). 213 4th.
Clark H F, 516 4th (W Va 1281).
Clark Howard H (& Mrs), 809 Market.
Clark Irene, cashier, 531 5th.
Clark Isaac, driver, Springdale.
C'aik J L (& Mrs), salesman, 1618 Beaver.
Clark J M (& Mrs), 520 4th.
Clark John W (& Mrs), jewelr, 2501 Ohio av.
Clark Joseph M (& Mrs), merchant, 520 4th.
Clark Katherine Mrs, 516 4th.
Clark L E (& Mrs), overseer, 1700 Staunton.
Clarke Alonzo, mate, 1217 Water.
Clarke Ed (& Mrs), brakeman, 1217 Water.
Clarke John G (& Mrs), clay business, 1515
Clarke Matilda Mrs, 1217 Water.
Clark L G, 810 19th.
Clark Lucy Mrs, 115 W 12th.
Clark Mary, 131 13th.
Clark Mary B, 510 1th.
Clark Mary, housekeeper, 1015 Juliana.
Clark May, 129 1-2 3d.
Clark Mrs, 531 5th.
Clark P W, machinist, 51G 4th.
Clark Winnie G, 1515 20th.
Clark W L, 1334 St Marys av (W Va 1935).
Clark S G (& Mrs), miller, 1709 Beaver ( W
Va 903).
Clark T V (& Mrs), 017 Gth.
Clark Walter A (& Mrs), paperhgr, 824 14th.
Clark Wm (& Mrs), slsmn, 1334 St Marys av.
Clayton W O (& Mrs), 1047 Laird av.
Lleavenger Marie, 400 3d.
Cleavenger & Goodwin, livery stable, 404 3d.
Cleavenger & Goodwin, saloon, 400 3d.
Clegg Armstrong, pipe fitr, 1325 Staunton av.
Clegg Bertie C, helper, Vienna.
Clegg Mary Mrs, 118 7th.
Clegg O G (& Mrs), boilermkr, 1800 Staun-
ton av.
Clemens Belle, 1006 Juliana.
Clemans Ferguson (& Mrs), lab, 1010 Tefft.
cl nnmens John S (& Mrs), night watch-
man, 1210 Swann.
Clemens Olive, 1006 Juliana.
Clendenning M L, cafe, 625 Market (W Va
Clifton George, laborer, 312 7th.
Cline A J, laborer, Standard Oil Co.
Cline Dora, 920 16th.
Cline Ella, waitress, Blennerhassett Hotel.
Cline H A (& Mrs), lab, 1040 Elizabeth av.
Cline Herman W (& Mrs), Buena Vista.
Cline H H (& Mrs), wks engine works, Ma-
Cline J P, grocer, Lubeck av.
Cline John W, 1103 E 12th.
Cline Milton, wks steel mills, Maplewood.
Cline Minnie, Maplewood.
Cline Wesley, wks ice plant, Maplewood.
Cline Wm W (& Mrs), wks engine works,
Buena Vista.
Clinton Esetlle, stengphr, 17th near Briant.
Clinton M A, 17th near Briant.
Clinton Mollie, stengphr, 17th near Briant.
Clinton Thirza, student, 17th near Briant.
Clotworthy Jane, 436 13th.
Clouse Anna, student, 708.13th.
Clouse Carrie, 708 13th.
Clouse H Caswell (& Mrs), tinner, 8221-2
Clouse Charles B, pipe fitter, 708 13th.
Clouse Jacob J {& Mrs), motorman, 70S 13th.
Clovis John, foreman, Tavennerville.
Clovis Orpha, student, Tavennerville.
Clutter Albert D (oc Mrs), lab, Tavennerville
Clutter Alfred (& Mrs), tile setter, 630 7th.
Clutter Henry, 1210 Skirven.
Clutter Lewis i& Mrs), foreman, 1831 E 7th.
Clutter 3 A (& Mrs), lab, 1210 Skirven.
Clutter Wm, 1210 Skirven.
Cobb Blanche, 1G1G Staunton av.
Cobb Isaiah, 1616 Staunton av.
Cobb Joseph L, laborer, ±616 Staunton av.
Cobb W W (& Mrs), lab. 161G Staunton av.
Cochran A B, bookkeeper, 1709 Park.
Cochran Burt (& Mrs), bkkpr, 1709 Park.
Cochran D J, laborer, Standard Oil Co.
Cochran Elsie, laundress, 1709 Park.
Cochran Ezra, linemn, Greenmount, Midway.
Cochran James, machinist, 2 Court sq.
Cochran James Q (& Mis), farmer, Green-
mount, Midway.
Cochran J W (& Mrs), 5th.
Cochran Wm J (& Mi si. laundry, 1709 Park.
Cochran Zona, student, 1709 Park.
Coca-Cola Bottling Works, 200 3d.
Coe J A (& Mrs), furniture, 1226 Murdoch
av (W Va 1S74).
Cofer Anna, 2407 Murdoch av.
Cofer Rev H (& Mrs), pastor, 2407 Murdoch.
Cofer Sue, stenographer, 2407 Murdoch av.
Cofer Virginia, student, 2407 Murdoch av.
Coffey Margaret, dressmkr, 5601-2 7th.
Coffman Charles F (& Mrs), clerk, 1052
Market (W Va 1101).
Coffman C M (& Mrs), 12 11th.
Coffman Frank (& Mrs), plumber, 1106 24ih
(W Va 582).
Coffman H Clay (& Mrs), clerk, 1031 Avery.
Coffman H J, plumbing, 217 6th.
Coffman T L (& Mrs), grocer, 1204 Avery
i\V Va 286).
Coffman Walter A, plasterer, 12 11th.
Coffman Wm (& Mrs), 657 E Sth.
Coffman Wm L, 1031 Avery.
Cohn Lillie, millinr, 417 Market (W Va 665).
Coleman Emery L, 1242 Lynn.
Coquill A E (& Mrs), carpenter, S Side.
Cokely D R, night watchmn, 1628 Marietta av
Cole Alfred H (& Mrs), Riverview.
Cole Catha-ine J, clerk, Brenmar.
Cole Chester A. tool aresser, Riverview.
Cole Edith, student, 607 13th.
Cole Ernest E (& Mrs), fireman, 607 13th.
Cole Ethel, 1333 Spring.
Cole Hannah Mrs, 652 Depot.
Cole James (& Mrs), steelwkr, Brenmar.
Cole Katie, clerk, 527 Market.
Cole Lily, student, 607 13th.
Cole Margaret A, student, Brenmar.
Cole Wm, 329 Avery.
Colebaugh C H (& Mrs), grocer, 1605 Staun-
ton av.
Coleman Bertie, 118 6th.
Coleman Charles, clerk, 634 7th.
Coleman Charles, delivery, 1242 Lynn.
Coleman E L (& Mrs), lawyer, 310 1-2 Mar-
ket (W Va 785), h 1334 Spring (W Va 688).
i ^ Jt'«*^*J,E*««^U^?*'^
A Wheat Field Near Parkersburg.
Coleman Ethel, seamstress, 1242 Lynn.
Coleman Ethel, 1319 Spring.
Coleman George W (& Mrs), machinist, 1319
Spring. ' .
Coleman John R, trav salesman, 413 Market
(W Va 1922-1).
Coleman J W, collector, 1319 Spring.
Coleman Mary A Mrs, 1319 Spring.
Coleman Susie B Mrs, 1334 Spring.
Coleman Thomas, lawyer, 32G 1-2 Juliana
(W Va 572), mis 21S 1-2 4th.
Coleman Wm J, clerk, 1319 Spring.
Coleman W R (& Mrs), carpenter, 1242 Lynn
Coles Thomas, 202 Market (W Va 1753).
Collard John {& Mrs), Atlantic av.
Collett Charles (& Mrs), boilermkr, 639 Bird.
Collett Estella, 639 Bird.
Collett Everett, student, 639 Bird.
Collett James G, clerk, 639 Bird.
Collett Myrtle Mrs, 524 Thomas.
Collins Alonzo L, 427 13th.
Collins Annie, telephone opr, 22S 1-2 3d.
Collins E A (& Mrs), veterinarian, 816 Main.
Collins George B, trav salesman, 427 13th
(W Va 1383).
Collins Henry B (cc Mrs), plumber, 1338
Spring (W Va 1126).
Collins Isaac, porter, 214 Market.
Collins Joseph E (& Mrs), farmer, Midway.
Collins Kate Mrs, 228 1-2 3d.
Collins Linna, 427 13th.
Collins Lulu, milliner, 913 13th.
Collins Maine V, 427 13th.
Collins Nora A, stenographer, Midway.
Collins Patrick Mrs, 561 5th.
Collins Perry, 816 Main.
Collins Wm, agent O R, 404 E 9th.
Collins Wm, driver, 321 Avery.
Cologn Tillford, stenographer, 537 5th.
Colonial Oil Co (G L Watson mgr), oil pro-
ducers, 402 Avery.
Colonial Plate Glass Co, Beechwood.
Colvin Elza (& Mrs), laborer, 630 Bird.
Colvin John, teamster, 630 Bird.
Combs Thomas (& Mrs), porter, 900 Clay.
Comedy Carrie, 802 Avery.
Comedy Flora, domestic, 1206 Murdoch av.
Comedy Fred, restaurant, 818 Clay.
Comedy Henry (& Mrs), restaurant, 1015
19th (W Va 1818).
Comedy Mamie, domestic, St Marys pike.
Cornel T F (& Mrs).
Commercial Bank Building, cor 3d and
Court sq.
Commercial Banking and Trust Co, 212 3d
(W Va 1471).
Commercial Hotel, Court sq (John F Dowd,
C J Bauer) (W Va 332).
Compton Beulah A, Tavennerville.
Compton J, tail sticker, 110 Lubeck av.
Compton J W, railroader, 226 Ann.
Compton Raymond L, boilermkr, Tavenner-
Compton T J (& Mrs), lab, Tavennerville.
Conaway Benjamin W (& Mrs), salesman,
1702 St Marys av.
Conaway Matilda Mrs, 1702 St Marys av.
Coughlin Patrick J (& Mrs), tie inspector,
648 13th.
Congleton, Boso & Strong, clothiers, 239
Court sq.
Congleton Celia, dressmaker, 1815 16th.
Blennerhassett Island.
Congleton David A, teacher, 1316 Oak.
Congleton DRii Mrs), merchant, 1520 19th
(W Va 1G3).
Congleton Emma C, laundress. 1310 Oak.
Congleton Lizzie, teacher, 1815 16th.
Congleton L O (& Mrs), railroader, 1314 Oak.
Congleton Lucie, 1316 Oak.
Congleton Mary Mrs, 1316 Oak.
Congleton Tina. 1815 16th.
Conger J M (& Mrs), laborer, S Side.
Congo Clias (& Mrs), teamster, 201 Avery.
Congo Jessie, 603 1-2 Market.
Congrove Albert, plumber, 1221 Market.
Congrove A, farmer, Saunders av.
Congrove Fred (& Mrs), SOS Lubeck av.
Congrove I F (& Mrs), mgr, 1015 William
(W Va 1931).
Congrove \V H i& Mrs), pprhgr, 1508 Beaver
Conkle J M (& Mrs), machinist. 517 Gth.
Conley Anna, 938 Juliana.
Conley A F (& Mrs), machinist, 1608 19th
(W Va 11S6-1).
Conley Cecelia Mrs, 938 Juliana (W Va 1777)
Conley C M (& Mrs), Central av.
Conley Daniel, stenographer, 944 William.
Conley Julia, 1500 Avery.
Conley Mary, dressmaker, 938 Juliana.
Conley Rose, 938 Juliana.
Conley Susie, cashier, 421 Market.
Conley Walter, boilermaker, 938 Juliana.
Conley W S. tel opr, 921 Market.
Connard Charles (& Mrs), barber, 307 11th.
Connolly D F (& Mrs), oil prodr, 1017 Market
Connolly Genevieve, 1017 Market.
Connolly Henry J (& Mrs), real estate, 1212
Washington av.
Connelly J M (& Mrs), state deputy Modern
Woodmen, 1114 E 16th.
Connolly Regina, 1017 Market.
Confer Wm (& Mrs), wks steel mills, Cen-
tral av.
Convent of the Visitation, Murdoch av ext
(W Va 623).
Conway O S (& Mrs). 817 Ann.
Conwe.ll James, janitor, St Cloud.
Cook A B, driller, Engine Works.
Cook A C, Washington Bot (W Va 3235-F).
Cook Anastasia, 819 Ann.
Cook A V Mrs, Engine Works (W Va 53-3).
Cook Belle, dressmkr, Engine Works.
Cook Billie, liquor dealer. 323 Juliana.
Cook Brothers, saloon, 323 Juliana (W Va
Cook Chas W (& Mrs), pntr, 130S St Marys.
Cook David, saloon. 575 5th.
Cook Elizabeth, Engine Works.
Cook Flora. 1350 Market l\V Va 368).
Cook Harry, brakeman. 1335 Spring.
Cook Harry J, lawyer, 3d and Juliana (W
Va 1690).
Cook Harry R, brakeman, 640 13th.
Cook J A Mrs, farmer, Engine Works.
Cook James D (& Mrs), bartndr, 212 1-2 4th.
Cook John E, foreman, 321 Avery.
Cook J F (& Mrs), engineer, 1122 Avery.
Cook J V Mrs, grocer, 817 Ann.
Cook J W, railroader, 1917 Murdoch av.
Cook Laura A, 112 13th.
Cook Mary C Mrs, 1917 Murdoch av.
Cook Nellie F. teacher, Engine Works.
Cook Nellie, artist, 1301 Murdoch av (W
Va 1063).
A Winter Scene on Ann Street, Parkersburg.
Cook Ralph, liquor dealer, 323 Juliana.
Cook T J, engineer, Engine Works.
Cook Seldon S, Rosemar.
Cook Virginia, student, 1122 Avery.
Cook Willie, Engine Works.
Cook W S (& Mrs), policeman, 423 Ann.
Cook Nellie Mrs, 1006 15th.
Cooksey Fred (& Mrs), barber, 237 Court sq.
Cooper Annie. 1917 Murdoch av.
Cooper Amiss B, laborer, Tavennerville.
Cooper A J (& Mrs), car repairer, 1051
Laird av.
Cooper A L. Tavennerville (W Va 150C-2).
Cooper A P (& Mrs), freight clerk, 5th.
Cooper A R (& Mrs), salesman, 823 Lynn.
Cooper Cage, N Parkersburg.
Cooper C E (& Mrs), steel wkr, Dudley a v.
Cooper Dot, collector, 542 7th (W Va 1063).
Cooper Edgar (& Mrs), 1104 George.
Cooper E M, railroader, 1917 Murdoch av.
Cooper Flora, teacher, IOCS Avery.
Cooper Frank (& Mrs), steel wkr, 2006 Ohio.
Cooper Harry (& Mrs), baker, 611 Depot.
Cooper Houston (& Mrs), carp, 1315 Oak.
Cooper James R, laborer, 1068 Avery.
Cooper John R {.& Mrs), 803 14th (W Va
Cooper John T, lawyer, 106S Avery (W Va
Cooper J P, railroader, 1917 Murdoch av.
Cooper John T, director Y M C A, 1068 Avery.
Cooper Kenneth, driver, 217 Juliana.
Cooper K H (& Mrs), salesman, 7 Almeda.
Cooper L A, laborer, Tavennerville.
Cooper L M, clerk, Dudley av.
Cooper Laura Mrs, Bradley av.
Cooper Lizzie Mrs, clerk, 812 7th.
Cooper Louis H, oil man, 1051 Laird av.
Cooper Louisa Mrs, 1068 Avery.
Cooper Lucy, 308 11th.
Cooper Lucy, Tavennerville.
Cooper Lucy, seamstress, 611 Depot.
Cooper M H (& Mrs), mechanic, 422 Division
Cooper N N, meat market, 542 7th.
Cooper Nora, seamstress, 1917 Murdoch av.
Cooper Omer J (& Mrs), steel wkr, 118 Lin-
coln av.
Cooper P R (& Mrs), carp, Tavennerville.
Cooper W D (& Mrs), steel wkr, 2006 Ohio.
Copen Allen Bassett, mgr Copen Brick
Works (W Va 1094), h 800 Juliana (W
Va 8S9).
Copen Brick Works The, foot 12th.
Copen Edith F, 800 Juliana.
Copenhaver Alonza (& Mrs), laborer, 19 6th.
Copenhaver James, foreman, 48 6th.
Corbin Anna B, seamstress, 1231 16th.
Corbin A L (& Mrs), laborer, 1231 E 16th.
Corbin Bessie, Maplewood.
Corbin Blanche, tailoress, 1231 16th.
Corbin Rebecca, dressmkr, 1402 Spring.
Corbitt Felix H, shearman, Queens Lane.
Corbitt Hannibal T (& Mrs), charman,
Queens Lane.
Corbitt Nannie, tailoress, 311 1-2 4th.
Core Edward E, bookkeeper, Buena Vista.
Core Ertha L, clerk, 815 Lynn.
Core J F, carpenter, Standard Oil Co.
Core Martin L, sawyer, Buena Vista.
Core S M (& Mrs), conductor, 815 Lynn.
Core Thos H (& Mrs), farmer, Buena Vista.
Corey John v& Mrs), rig builder, 618 6th.
Cornell I W (& Mrs), tile setter, 1306 15th.
Correll Anna Mrs, 1112 Juliana.
Correll Grace E, Li2 Juliana.
Corse Frank (& Mrs), fireman, 630 Camden.
Covanan Ketta Mrs, cook, 1045 Ann.
Cosentine Vincenzo, presser, 634 6th.
Costello T F, bartender, 509 Julius.
Costelo Lu, Belpre, O.
Costelo Sam (& Mrs), 318 1-2 6th (W Va 1G6).
Costelol Anna, 500 Julius.
Costelol Henry, car epairer, 509 Julius.
Costelol Patrick Mrs, 509 Julius.
Costelol Thomas, bartender, 509 Julius.
Coston S (& Mrs), liquor dealer, 318 6th.
Cothem Anna L, 121 J Market.
Cothem James E (& Mrs), 1520 20th.
Cothern Norman L (& Mrs), motorman,
1117 1-2 15th.
Cothern T C (& Mrs), 1212 Market (W Va
Cothem Warren T, 1212 Market.
Cottle C C (& Mrs), 1217 1-2 Market.
Cottle Frank Mrs, stenography 1108 William
Cottle's Restaurant, 121 Ann.
Cottley Harvey, cook, 21S 1-2 4th.
Cotton Book Store 718 Market.
Cotton Frank T, teller, 1119 Murdoch av.
(W Va 99).
Cotton G H, book store, 405 Avery.
Cotton Herbert (& Mrs), books, 405 Avery-
Cotton Thomas Rev, 1119 Murdoch av.
Cottrill Burns (& Mrs), 211 Avery.
Cottrill & Fouse, repair shop, 709 Juliana
(W Va 562).
Cottrill Frank, 405 1-2 Market.
Cottrill John L (& Mrs), 415 Juliana (W
Va 85).
Cottrill L J, cabinetmkr, 415 Juliana (W
Va 85).
Cottrill Lon J (& Mrs), cabinetmkr, 1016 7th.
Cottrill Wm B (& Mrs), 1016 7th (W Va
Counts Silas B (& Mrs), 1217 Latrobe.
Coull Effie, teacher, 114 7th.
Coull Isa, dressmaker, 114 7th.
Coull Mary, dressmaker, 114 7th.
Coulter Delia, 6th av.
Coulter Hugh (& Mrs), carp, 6th av.
County Jail, 3d and Market (W Va 778).
County Clerk's Ofllce, Court House (W Va
Country Club, Vienna (W Va 3202-A).
Coursey T (J (& Mrs), clerk, 818 15th.
Court House, 3d and Market.
Courtney Theo D (& Mrs), lab, 324 Gi-een.
Covanovan J M, 2521 Murdoch av ( W Va
Cowan Flora, 1613 Bryan.
Cowell Thomas R (& Mrs), oil operator, 217
13th (W Va 786).
Cox Anna L, 1819 Liberty.
Cox Cora G, student, 927 25th,
Cox C W (& Mrs), foreman, 1204 15th
Cox Edward L, student, 1S19 Liberty.
Cox B S (& .Mrs), agent, 1819 Liberty.
Cox Fo'-es,, fjieman. Vienna.
Cox G I, laborer, Standard Oil Co.
Cox J G (& Mrs), railroader, 1221 Swann.
Cox Leola C, domestic, 027 25th.
Cox Leota, domestic, 102 Blennerhassett av,
Cox Mahala Mrs, 1324 Oak.
Cox Minnie, student, Vienna.
Cox Wm 1! (& Mis), turner, 927 25th.
Cox Wm W (& .Mis), carpenter, Vienna.
Coyne John, engineer, 720 Jeannette.
Cozad Bertha, 28 5th.
Craig Charles, cooper 613 Mark.
Craig Dessa, domestic, 613 Mark.
Craig Myrtle, 613 Mark.
Craig R D (& Mrs), motormkr, 613 Mark.
Crall Martha Mrs, 322 4th.
Cralley Andrew (& Mrs), SO? Lynn.
Cralley Howard, laborer, Standard Oil Co.
Cramer Carrie, 118 7th (W Va 1765).
Cramer Henry, bookkeeper, 1030 Lynn.
Cramer Jesse L (& Mrs), bkkpr, 5 Park pi
(W Va 879).
Cramer L & Son, coal and lumber, 122 3d.
Cramer Rosa'. 1030 Lynn.
Crandal Anna, waitress, 629 Leafy Glen Ct.
Crandall Carl C, cabinetmkr, 1714 Covert.
Crandall E W, musician, 1714 Covert.
Crandall G W ■ (& Mrs), cabinetmkr, 1714
Crandall's Orchestra, 1714 Covert.
Crane John, clerk, 419 Green.
Crane M W, messenger, tl9 Green.
Crane Paul, 419 Green.
Crane Silas F (& Mrs), laborer, 419 Green
(W Va 492).
Crawford David B (& Mrs), treas National
Sucker Rod Co, 13-3 Market.
Crawford Ella, telephone opr, 1100 William.
Crawford G B, conductor, 1100 William.
Crawford John M, secy and treas Parkers-
burg Rig and Reel Co, 1035 Ann.
Crawford Mary, 1100 William.
Crawford Sarah Mrs, 1229 Skirven.
Crawford S B, 608 Harris.
Crawford W H (& Mrs), mail carrier, 1100
Crawford W J, clerk, 1225 Market.
Creel Dona, student, 645 7th.
Creel Edith, teacher, 1023 19th.
Creel Ella E, student, 645 7th.
Creel Frances, stenographer, 410 5th.
Creel Frank, 645 7th.
Creel Grace, 240 Bradley av.
Creel Hannah P, 1220 20th.
Creel Mabel V, stenographer, 645 7th.
Creel Virginia M, bkkpr, 645 7th.
Creel W A (& Mrs), engineer, 246 Bradley
av (W Va 1320).
J. J. Crotty & Co.
Manufacturers of Drilling and Fishing Tools,
Heavy Forgings a Specialty. New and Second Hand Steam and Gas Engines for sale.
All kinds of Machinery repaired promptly. We rent Fishing Tools.
(W. Va. W. 272)
Creighbaum Augusta, domestic, 1212 Gar-
field av.
Creighbaum Jennie Mrs, domestic, 1212 Gar-
field av.
Creighton James (& Mrs), 41G E 12th (W
Va 1C46).
Cribbins James (& Mrs), carriage shop, 309
2d (W Va ISO), h 41C 16th.
Crim Grace, 950 Avery.
Crim R C (& Mrs), foreman, 950 Avery (W
Va 1816).
Crippen Alice Mrs, 1807 Plum.
Crippen Bernice, 1807 Plum.
Crippen Edith, 1807 Plum.
Crippen John, pressman, 210 11th.
Criss Dremus (& Mrs), carp, 1208 Garfield av
Criss J L (& Mrs), carpenter, 1324'Oak.
Crist F A (& Mrs), rig builder, 1033 Lyan
(W Va 395).
Crist Glenn, 1033 Lynn.
Crites Emory P, clerk, 1022 Lynn.
Crites J P Mrs, 1022 Lynn.
Crites Ophas T, insurance, 1022 Lynn (W
Va 1G84).
Crofton G W (& Mrs), conductor, 1045 Laird
av (W Va 1232-1).
Crofton Walter T (& Mrs), brakeman, 1010
Crofton P J, brakeman, 828 Jeannette.
Crolley Annie, 931 Lynn.
Crolley Isabel, seamstress, 931 Lynn.
Crolley George, boilermkr, 931 Lynn.
Crolley John, engineer, 931 Lynn.
Crolley Win L, chief eng City Water Works,
931 Lynn (W Va 1710).
Cronin Anna, laundress, 1001 E 12th.
Cropp A J (& Mrs), clerk, 1915 Ohio av.
Cross Alva (& Mrs), tel helper, 520 5th.
Cross B E, woodwkr, 053 Depot.
Cross Emory (& Mrs), 608 George.
Cross Flossie, 610 Marietta av.
Cross Frank (& Mrs), checker, 1209 Lynn.
Cross James M (& Mrs), saloon, 614 1-2 7th.
Cross Jennie, 610 Marietta av.
Cross Jessie, 1209 Lynn.
Cross Joseph B, woodwkr, 653 Depot.
Cross John M (& Mrs), chief eng, 7 Bradley.
Cross Leonard (& Mrs), 7 Bradley av.
Cross Marguerite, cook, 335 3d.
Cross' Restaurant, 208 Juliana.
Cross R B (& Mrs), carpenter, 653 Depot.
Cross Samuel, cafe, 208 Juliana (W Va 416).
Cross Sarah, boarding house, 608 George.
Cross Thurman, student, 813 Ann.
Cross W D, tinner, 610 Marietta av.
Cross W H, stone mason, 653 Depot.
Crosley Joseph, oil, 1723 Lynn.
Crotty J J, mgr J J Crotty & Co, 315 Sth
(W Va 1277).
Crotty J J & Co, 2d and Jackson al (W Va
Crotty J W, asst mgr J J Crotty & Co,
405 1-2 Market.
J. W. Curry,
General Contractor
Of Excavating Cellars, Foundations, etc. Yards Graded and Sodded in latest designs.
Hauling of all kinds. Special attention to Boilers and Engines of all kinds. Contrac-
tor of all kinds of Sewers — both Storm and Sanitary. All work done at reasonable
prices and fully guaranteed. Best of City References given. Give me a call.
Office, 1336 Latrobe Street. I W. Va. Phone 983 I.
Crouser Richard, car cleaner, 1312 19th.
Crowley Ada Mrs, 1120 E 12th.
Crowley Herbert B, cooper, 1120 E 12th.
Crowley Howard B, cooper, 1120 E 12th.
Cruise James (& Mrs), laborer, S Side.
Crummitt Anna. 120 Central av.
Crummitt G W (& Mrs), carp. 120 Central av
Crummitt Lily, 126 Central av.
Cumblidge Elza G (& Mrs), lab. Club Grds.
Crummitt Zella, 120 Central av.
Crumley H G, oil, 1304 Avery.
Crummett Aubrey D, clerk, 1210 Avery.
Crummett George, deliveryman, S Side.
Crummett Rev S P, minister, 1210 Avery
(W Va 241-1).
Crystal Springs Water Co, Springdale av,
Cuff Sara Mrs, 951 Avery.
Cuudiff Austin, fireman, 400 Green.
Cunningham A M, Lubeck av (W Va 81).
Cunningham A C (& Mrs), grocer, 1835 E 7th
Cunningham C C. 1002 24th.
Cunningham Clifford, carp, 1S02 Liberty.
Cunningham Clinton, student, 1802 Liberty.
Cunningham Con l& Mrs), barber, 1240 7th.
Cunningham Daisy, stengphr, 1S02 Liberty.
Cunningham Fay, student, 1835 E 7th.
Cunningham G M, justice of peace, 100
Bradley av.
Cunningham Grace, clerk, is:'..". E 7th.
Cunningham H B (& Mrs I, machinist, 1933
Garfield av.
Cunningham Harland. carp, 1S02 Liberty.
Cunningham Harry S, wks steel mills, 1933
Garfield av.
Cunningham J F, night watchman. Johns-
ton av.
Cunningham Mat tie, stengphr, S02 Liberty.
Cunningham M V (& Mrs), contractor. 1802
Cunningham Roy, clerk. 1S35 E 7th.
Cupler Henry H (& Mrs), oil contr, 331 9th.
Cupler Ruby, student. 331 9th.
Curfman Margaret Mrs, Susquehanna av.
Curry Ada B, 1020 Park av.
Curry Alice ,1620 Park av.
Curry Chas (& Mrs), engineer, 1010 Tefft.
Curry Chas S (& Mrs), hackman, 1802 Gar-
field av.
Curry Clyde (& Mrs), carpenter. 1013 15th.
Curry W Edward. 1336 Latrobe.
Curry E C (& Mrs), M of W elk, 1118 Market
Curry Eliza J Mrs, 2502 25th.
Curry Harry E (& Mrs), hammer driver.
1337 Latrobe.
Curry John T. wks O R shops, 1802 Garfield.
Curry John W (& Mrs), contractor. 133G La-
trobe (W Va 983).
Curry Leander, laborer, 908 Laverue.
Curry Nellie G. 1620 Park av.
Curry Nina B, timekeeper, 1020 Park av.
Curry Robert C, civil eng, r 12, 209 1-2 4th.
Curry Rose A, teacher. 2502
Curry Thos (& Mrs), sewer work, 1234 22d.
J. D. Cutlip,
and Notary Public with Seal. Office with Caldwell & Watson.
405 Juliana St. ( W. Va. Phone 236. ) Residence, 14 Hall St. i W. Va. Phone 1529 )
Curry Virginia L, 1G20 Park av.
Curry Win C, wks steel mills, 1802 Garfield.
Curry Win E (& Mrs), supt chair factory,
1620 Park av (W Va 419-1).
Curry W H (& Mrs), saw filer, 1224 Lynn.
Curry, Win, laborer, C08 George.
Curtis Carrie Mrs, dressmaker, 207 8th.
Curtis Elsworth, wks barrel factory, 17th.
Curtis Francis, 821 Green.
Curtis Dr H S (& Mrs), dentist, 3101-2 Mar-
ket (W Va 1291), h 1335 Covert (W Va
Curtis Isaac (& Mrs), butler, 821 Green.
Curtis Logan, 912 Center.
Curtis Samuel, porter, 821 Green.
Curtis W S, wks ice plant, 17th.
Custer H H (& Mrs), carpenter, Bull Creek
rd (W Va 815).
Custer Jessie, student, Bull Creek rd.
Custis J N (& Mrs), porter, 1501 Park.
Cutlip E K (& Mrs), railroader, 14 Hall.
Cutlip Hannah, 317 3d.
Cutlip J D, lawyer, 14 Hall.
Cutlip Reuben (& Mrs), 319 3d.
Cutlip Reuben R, 2d-hand store, 217 3d,
Cyrus Andrew, cook, 585 5th.
Cyrus Clara V, laundress, 575 5th.
Cyrus Ellen, laundress, 585 5th.
Cyrus Golden F, cook, 575 5th.
Dabney Wm, laborer, 1003 Ann.
Daesch Edward A (& Mrs), prop Parkera-
burg Felt Mattress Co, 1G1G Beaver.
Dailey Dosia, student, Worthmore.
Dailey Geo W (& Mrs), janitor, S22 1-2 Wood
Dailey H M (& Mrs), carpenter, G30 Bird.
Dailey J W (& Mrs), conductor, 418 William.
Dailey S D, S Side (W Va 1168-2).
Dakan Jennie L, seamstress, 624 1-2 Juliana.
Daley Albert, railroader, 419 William.
Daly Angelina Mrs, 419 William.
Daley Charlie, bell boy, 1110 Swann.
Dailey D W, architect, 1221 Lynn (W Va
Daley Elvie, teacher, 1221 Lynn.
Daley Frank, machinist, 1221 Lynn.
Daley Ida M, 1110 Swann.
Daley John J (& Mrs), pumper, 1110 Swann.
Daley John F, laborer, 419 William.
Daley Michael Mrs, 1221 Lynn.
Daley Mollie, 1221 Lynn.
Daley Willie, boilermaker, 1110 Swann.
Dalla Louie, fruit store, 529 Ann.
Dalston Harry (& Mrs), laborer, 318 7th.
Daly Henry, clerk, 612 Avery.
Daly Mary Mrs, 612 Avery.
Daly Thomas Mrs, 612 Avery.
Daly Thomas, fire dept, 612 Avery.
Damon Club, 529 1-2 Market (W Va 1260).
Dana way John (& Mrs), janitor, 809 Farrow.
Dando Thomas (& Mrs), grocer, 810 7th.
Dandridge Wm (& Mrs), porter, 417 8th.
Danforth Robert (& Mrs), laborer, 222 19th.
A Winter Day in Parkersburg.
Danhart George C, clerk, 1341 Spring.
Danhart J P (& Mrs), tel linemn.1341 Spring
Danhart Rosa M, 1341 Spring.
Danks W L, mechanic, Savage Flats, 13th.
Daniels I W (& Mrs), paperhgr, 218 11th.
Daniels J H. 800 Quincy (W Va 996).
Daniels M J (& Mrs), lodging, 422 Ann (YV
Va 1881-1).
Daniels Okey, student, 1314 Lubeck av.
Daniels Win J (& Mrs), bricklayer, 1314
Lubeck av.
Darts Rosa, seamstress, 1335 St Marys av.
Danser Elizabeth Mrs, milliner, 018 7th (W
Va 699).
Danks W L, 411 13th (W Va 1891).
Dare Allen, student, 802 Market.
Dare Block, 508 Market.
Dare Goodall, carpenter, 1724 Covert.
Dare J M (& Mrs), 802 Market (W Va 949).
Dare Mildred, 802 Market.
Daris Rachael, domestic, 706 Ann.
Darlington Sarah, 217 Eleventh.
Darlington Rev U V W (& Mrs), pastor St
Paul's M E Church S, 217 11th (W Va 900).
Darnell C B (& Mrs), book binder, 119 7th.
Daubenspecii E F (& Mrs), oil contractor,
1G02 19th (W Va 1127-2).
Daugherty Chas, farmer, Murdoch a v.
Daugherty Emma, waitress, Blennerhassett
Douglas Howard L (& Mrs), carpenter, 1126
Dowd John F, prop Commercial Hotel.
Davey Robert (.& Mrs), gardener, N Parkers-
burg (W Va 593).
Davenport E H, clerk, Chancellor Hotel.
Davenport John A (& Mrs), 1615 St Marys
av (W Va 956).
Davenport Lucy, 1615 St Marys av.
Davidson Albert H (& Mrs), trav salesman,
808 Swann.
Davidson Block, 61a-617 Market.
Davidson E L, pres Y M C A, 1331 Market.
Davidson E L (& Mrs), secy and treas Park-
ersburg Mill Co, 1331 Market (W Va 292).
Davidson F E (& Mrs), lumber merchant,
725 Market (W Va 1279).
Davidson Geo A, contractor, 119 13t(i.
Davidson J Mitchell (& Mrs), clerk, 1907
Avery (W Va 389).
Davidson Stephen (& Mrs), contractor, 415
Phillips Court (W Va 1266), h 119 13th
(W Va 1137).
Davidson T T & Son, N Parkersburg (W
Va 145).
Davidson Dr W J, pres Parkersburg Ice Co.
office and res 529 1-2 Market (W Va 398).
Davis & Abbott, club room, 311 1-2 Market
l\V Va 1879).
Davis A C (& Mrs), mgr W Va Telephone
Co, 214 1-2 4th (W Va 4), h 1333 Spring
(\V Va 171).
Davis Andrew C (& Mrs), fireman, 915 14th.
Davis Annetta, presser. 915 14th.
Davis Agnes B, music teacher, 1322 7th.
Davis Alden R (& Mrs), motorman, 1408
Washington av.
Davis A R, 130 1-2 3d.
Davis Arthur, wks steel mills, 218 Belnner-
hassett av.
Davis Ava W, clerk, 1800 St Marys av.
Davis A W (& Mrs), clerk, 1007 17th.
The Davis Studio
603'. Market Street.
Photographs that please, at popular prices. Children's pictures quick as a wink.
We make everything, from penny photos to the largest. Call and see samples.
Davis Charles A (& Mrs), roller. 1102 19th. Davis
Davis Chas E (& Mrs), steel worker, 1808 Davis
Beaver. Davis
Davis C E. burner, 1705 Staunton av. Davis
Davis Daisy, domestic, 205 Avery. Davis
Davis Elizabeth, seamstress, 915 14th. Davis
Davis Erwin (& .Mrs). laborer, Johnston av. Davis
Davis F C (& Mrs), steel wkr, 1S01 Beaver. Davis
Davis F G (& Mrs), machinist, 410 Green Davis
<\Y Va 844). Davis
Davis Frank, laborer, 1112 Garfield av. Davis
Davis Gaynell, student, 1027 Ann. Davis
Davis G Ed ward, lineman. Dudley id. Davis
Davis George A (& Mrs), foreman, W Va Davis
Tel Co, Dudley rd I W Va 306-2) Davis
Davis George (& .Mrs), coachman, West Davis
Virginia av. Davis
Davis G M (& Mi si. Nicely ville. Davis
Davis Hayes B (& Mrs), clay modlr, 130C 7t!i. Davis
Davis Helen, manicurist, 417 Market. Mai
Davis Herbert () (& Mrs), lawyer, 103 7 1-2 Davis
(W Va 1250). Davis
Davis Herman, clerk. 1058 Avery. Davis
Davis H H (& Mis), oil, 1027 Ann. Davis
Davis James H (& Mrs), steel worker, Ball Davis
Creek rd. Mai-
Davis James W (& Mrs), steel worker. 1723 Davis
St Marys av. Davis
Davis Jennie, dressmaker, US 7 1-2. 300-
Davis Jesse G, laborer, 935 Swann. Davis
Davis J H (& Mrs l. doubler, 218 Blenner- Davis
hassett av. . Davis
Jesse R (& Mrs), engineer, 935 Swann.
.1 L (& Mrs), minister, 1200 14th.
J M L (& Mrs), teamster, Dudley rd.
John L (& Mrs), car repairer, 1012 21st
Joseph (& Mrs), inach, Queens Lane.
Joseph M, lawyer, 118 7 1-2.
Joseph T, clerk, 1324 7th.
Julia. 4*8 William.
J W (& Mrs), barber, 7121-2 Market.
Kate Mrs, 1801 Beaver.
Laura, domestic, Park av.
Lenna, teacher, 118 7 1-2.
Marshall K {& Mrs), driver. 1517 21st.
Maude E, 935 Swann.
Mary J Mis, 1012 21st.
Mary, 118 7 1-2.
Mattie. 1300 Juliana.
.Morgan D (& Mrs), grocer. 1322 7th.
M W (& Mis), photographer, 003 1-2
ket, h 1112 Quincy.
Nettie, presser, 915 14th.
O M (& Mrs), foreman, 702 Jeannette.
Orvis {& Mrs), clerk, 1819 16th.
S A, 311 5th.
Samuel T (& Mrs), salesman, 1325 St
ys av iW Va 437-1 ).
S E, salesman, S Side.
Spencer, lineman, Dudley rd (W Va
T John, clerk. Dudley id.
Virginia, Dudley rd.
Walter, car dispatcher, 1408 21st.
Davis W E {&. Mrs), cashier, 914 Market
(W Va 1770).
Davis W J (& Mrs), deliveryman, 1703 La-
trobe (W Va 1008-1).
Davis Wilber E. 9i4 Market.
Davis Willa, seamstress, Lauckport.
Davis William, laborer, 802 7th.
Davis Wm (& Mrs), laborer, 1112 Garfield av.
Davis Wm (& Mrs), laborer,1318 19th.
Davis Wm (& Mrs), barber, 712 1-2 Market.
Davison Clarence, student, 901 1-2 Ann.
Dawkins J W (& Mrs), policeman, 552 Mari-
etta av.
Dawkins R S (& Mrs), grocer, 305 Division
lYV Va 585).
Damn Ida Mis, 1330 Dilloway.
Dawson Alma, domestic, 1824 Murdoch.
Dawson Charles, student, 1334 Avery.
Dawson James (& Mrs), liveryman, 9011-2
Ann (W Va 1269).
Dawson James, stable boss, 337 Ann.
Dawson Mary C Mrs, 1809 Covert.
Dawson Mollie A, stenographer, 1747 Covert
(W Va 1353).
Dawson Sara, Dudleyville.
Dawson Susa, tailoress, 2412 Vaughan av.
Day C M (& Mrs), barber, 428 Market, h
COS 1-2 Market.
Day Charles (& Mrs), porter, 546 Marietta.
Day Thomas v& Mrs), barber, 808 Clay.
Dayton Alston G Hon, r 9, Government Bldg.
Dayton C W (& Mrs), railroader, Marrtown.
Dean Blanche, cook, 1103 Juliana.
Deaner Albert, laborer, 1216 Lynn.
Deaner Laura, 1216 Lynn.
Deaner Sarah, laundress, 1216 Lynn.
Deanforth Charles (& Mrs), eng, 506 Julius.
Dearth F C, tinner, 2511 Vaughn av.
Dearth H A (& Mrs), 2511 Vaughn av.
Dearth James (& Mrs), 923 Mary.
Dearth Lucy, domestic, 1213 Murdoch av.
Dearth M C, 1324 Maine.
Dearth Nina, clerk, 1335 St Marys av.
Dearth T H (& Mrs), engineer, 1907 Murdoch
av (W Va 1343).
Dearth Thos H (& Mrs), eng, 1211 Garfield.
Dearth W H, clerk. Chancellor Hotel.
Deble Harry, railroader, 804 Market.
DeBussey Herbert R, clerk, 716 Juliana.
DeBussey Maud, stenographer, 716 Juliana.
DeCamps Ida J, 411 7th.
Deem A H (& Mrs), baggage master, 1909
Murdoch av.
Deem A J (& Mrs), carpenter, 602 Camden.
Deem Bessie, domestic, 1913 Murdoch av.
Deem Carl, carpenter, 1241 Latrobe.
Deem Charles W (& Mrs), grocer, 1007 E
15th (W Va 1170).
Deem Chas M (& Mrs), 609 Stephenson av.
Deem Channie, clerk, 1007 E 12th.
Deem Clara, tailoress, 1504 Latrobe.
Deem Clyde, student, 1403 Lubeck av.
Deem Cyrus. 1241 Latrobe.
Deem E Mrs, 2509 Murdoch a v.
Deem Elizabeth, bkkpr, 1201 Latrobe.
Deem Eliza E Mrs, 1201 Latrobe.
Deem E R (& Mrs), R F D carrier, 1041
Cornwall pi.
Deem Garnet, student, 1909 Murdoch av.
Deem Garnet J, 1241 Latrobe.
Deem Gerald, student, 2013 Murdoch av.
Deem Harry W, 1241 Latrobe.
Deem H M, physin, Lubeck (W Va 3220-A).
Deem John, 1012 Main.
Deem John, plumber, 1221 Market.
Deem J W, plumber, 329 Avery.
Deem J W, plumber, 328 4th.
Deem J W (& Mis), brakeman„ 1115 Mary.
Deem Lewis T. salesman. 1007 E 12th.
Deem Lizzie, tel opr, 1201 Latrobe.
Deem Mary C, 1403 Lubeck av.
Deem M E (& Mrs), lineman, 2009 Ohio av.
Deem Monroe (& Mrs), lab, 410 2d av S Side.
Deem Nannie, 1012 Main.
Deem Orville, bell boy, 2013 Murdoch av.
Deem Pearl W, metal worker, 1012 Main.
Deem Rae, foreman. 508 4th.
Deem Ruby, student, 1241 Latrobe.
Deem S A (& Mrs), carpenter, 14u7 Lubeck.
Deem Scott W (& Mrs I. carp. 1241 Latrobe.
Deem S P Mrs, 50S 4th.
Deem Vibert, cook, 1241 Latrobe.
Deem W A (& Mrs), carp. 1403 Lubeck av.
Deem Warman E (& Mrs), patrolman, 1504
Deems Lillie, 502 Green.
Deerrs Osmond O (& Mrs I, nil contr, 1808
St Marys av.
Deems Ottie L. laborer, 1007 E 12th.
Deener Lizzie, 812 Race.
Deever Carl, machinist, 624 1-2 7th.
Deever Lillian, milliner, 624 1-2 7th.
Deever Nellie, clerk, 624 1-2 7th.
Deever Nettie Mrs, 024 1-2 7th.
Degener Edward Mrs, 22 1-2 7th.
Degler Emma, 1509 Covert.
Deitch Fred (& Mrs), barber, 610 Fast (W
Va 500).
DeLancey A (& Mrs), carpenter, 806 15th.
DeLancey Cora Mrs, 1235 Swann.
DeLancey Mary, 12o5 Swann.
Delaney J C (& Mrs), carpenter. 531 6th.
Delaney John W (& Mrs), photographe'%
1017 St Marys av.
Delaney T J (& Mrs), farmer. 1831 E 7th.
Delaney Wm (& Mrs), carpenter, 1110 Mary.
DeLong Joseph P, laborer, 944 Latrobe.
Dell A B (& Mrs), oil, 3211-2 11th i \V
Va 72S).
Delia Lewis, merchant, 529 Avery.
Dellieker L B <& Mrs), elk U S Circuit
Court, 941 Juliana (W Va 888).
Hotel Dewitt
L. Dewitt, Pro]).
European and American Plan — $1,00 and $1,25
Rebuilt and Refurnished. No better in the city.
At O. R. R. Depot, corner Ann Street, Parkersburg, W. Va.
(W. Va. 38)
Dement Harry C, 1211 Staunton a\.
Dement W F (& Mrs), painter, 1211 Staun-
ton av (W Va 1082).
Deming Adelaide Mrs, 1117 Juliana (W Va
Deming Clara T. 1117 Juliana.
Denbow Llllie, dressmaker, 205 Avery.
Dennis Alonzo, laborer, Standard Oil Co.
Dennis George B (& Mrs), 923 E 12th.
Dennis (1 E, steel worker, 023 E 12th.
Dennis Oscar, S Side.
Dennison Annie K. 120o Swann.
Dennlson Alary A, stenographer. 1203 Swann
Dennison O S (& Mrs), real estate, 4th and
Juliana (W Va 20), h 1720 19th (W Va
Dennison Patrick A (& Mrs), car inspector,
1203 Swann.
Dent Wesley, dishwasher, 409 Sth.
Depew Ed (& MTrs), clerk, 70S Juliana.
Depue Dr H B, physician, 709 1-2 Market
i\V Va 127).
Depue Margaret, clerk, 708 Juliana.
Deperney .1 I' (& Mrs), chef, C15 1-2 Marker.
De Quasie L B {& Mrs), lab, 715 Central av.
Despard Charles S Mis, 1015 Juliana.
Despard C S Jr, J.015 Juliana.
Despard Laura E, 1015 juliana.
Detention Hospital, near White Bridge (W
Va 1743-1).
DeVaughn Andrew J (& Mrs), prop Hotel
St James, 802 7th.
Devannah Mary, 817 Murdoch ct (W Va 613).
DeVaughn Clyde T (& Mrs), express mesng,
1S17 E 7th.
DeVaughn Edna, clerk, 802 7th.
DeVaughan Hays, 1342 Latrobe.
DeVaughn Howard (& Mrs), 813 7th.
DeVaughan Jessie, teacher, 1342 Latrobe.
DeVaughan M T (& Mrs), liveryman. 1342
DeVaughan Warren M, student, 1342 Latrobe
DeVann Wm, 419 William.
Devaul W K (& Mrs), teamster, 42 W 12th.
Devers Nelson (& Mrs), porter, 635 Leafy
Glen Court.
Devers Squire (&Mrs), laborer, St Cloud.
Devine Charles R (& Mrs), exp agt, 534 7th.
Devine Nellie. 835 Main.
Devine Wm (& Mrs), shoemaker, 835 Main.
Devlin John (& Mrs), transfer man, 510 410.
Devlin Peter (& Mrs), prop Citizens Trans-
fer & Stge Co, 828 Murdoch av (W Val46).
Devlin Transfer Co, 519 4th (W Va 276).
lie Vol Bessie L, 216 Sth.
DeVol Bess, student, 715 Grafton.
Devol Chas B (& Mrs), tool dresr, 114 0th.
DeVol Frank E (& Mrs), grocer, 715 Graf-
ton (W Va 69S).
Devol Fred, electrician, 942 Market.
Devol F E, grocer, 1001 Lynn.
DeVol Madge, 715 Grafton.
Devore Frank W (& Mrs), oil well contr,
17CC Latiobe (W Va 1595).
Parkersburg s Largest Dry Goods Store
DRY GOODS, with ail its important branches
Ladies Tailored Outer Garments, Full Costumes and Gowns
Dress Making Parlors of the very Highest Standard
Millinery Department complete in each and every detail
Fine Wall Papers, Decorations, Draperies and Rugs
The Daylight Store
Modern Equipment
Improved Facilities
Prompt Service.
Largest Mail Order House in West Virginia.
Phones: W. Va. 21 : Bell 536. 521,523 Market Street.
Discher's Umbrella Store
222 Fourth Street, Parkersburg, W. Va.
We have opened our Exclusive Umbrella Store with the most complete line of Men's,
Women's and Children's Umbrellas ever put on sale in Parkersburg. Prices Range
from 35 cents to $12.50. Repairing and Recovering.
(W. Va. Phone 781).
DeVol T C (& Mrs), mail carrier, 216 Stli.
Devore James .\1. cir mgr Dispatch-News
(W Va 1909), li 637 Madison av.
Devore Joseph, 413 Ann.
Devore .Mary, 108 4th.
Devore Win (& Mrs), 637 Madison av.
Dei Z Taylor (& Mrs), prop The Fair,
413 Ann (W Va 529).
Dewar D (& Mrs), contractr, 910 Virginia av.
Dewar R A, clerk, 910 Virginia av.
Dews Jasper (& Mrs), porter, 1932 Ohio av.
DeWees Audry, clerk, 1015 Quincy.
DeWees Don. deliveryman, 709 Market.
DeWitt H D (& Mrs), chef, US 6th.
Dewitt Hotel (Lewis Dewitt prop), cor 2-1
and Ann (W Va 238).
Dewitt Lewis (& Mrs), 2d and Ann.
DeWitl .Minnie Mrs, 201 1-2 Ann.
Dewoodj A (& Mrs), blacksmith, 820 Oak al.
Dexter George, laborer, 49 6th.
Diamond Restaurant, 202 Juliana.
Dick Eaton, steel wkr, Sand Plains.
Dickel II F. I inner. 206 Market (W Va 97G).
Dickel John (& Mrs), tinner, 1020 Swann.
Dickell John (& Mrs), hardware, 732 2d.
Dickel John Sr, merchant. 1020 Swann (W
Va 1032).
Dickel John & Son, hardware and roofing,
206 Market (W Va 790).
Dickel Lewis, tinner, 1020 Swann.
Dickell Nellie, 732 2d.
JJickson Anna Mrs, 014 Camden.
Dickson C A, wholesale tobacco and cigars,
409 0th (W Va 1330).
Dickinson Nancy Mrs, St. ^ioud.
Diggs Mary M Mrs, dressmaker. 418 10th.
Dilley Hugh (& Mrs), engineer, 1018 Avery
(W Va 1634).
Dillon John (& Mrs), engineer. 203 8th (W
Va 1892).
Dils Annie, domestic, 700 Ann.
Dils Bert, blacksmith, 902 Ann.
L>ils Bros & Co, dry goods, 521 Market (W
Va 21).
Dils Camden, fireman, Rosemar.
Dils Catherine, Rosemar.
Dils Charles B, clerk, 90- Ann.
Dils Clara, stenographer, 902 Ann.
Dils Frank C (& Mrs), painter, 810 1-2 7th.
Dils P M, painter. Marietta av.
Dils Henry H, 903 Market.
Dils H P (H P & J W Dils), 521 5th CSV
Va 716).
Dils H P & J W, wholesale dry goods, 211-
213 6th (W Va 278).
Dils Homer (& Mrs), 2514 Murdoch av.
Dils James R (& Mrs), engineer, 931 25th.
Dils J W (H P & J W Dils), 503 Avery (W
Va 902).
Dils Kathryn, 963 Market.
Dils Lavina, student, 902 Ann.
Dils Mary, 903 Market.
Dils Nettie H Mrs, 902 Ann.
Dils Rebecca, 963 Market.
Dils Sherman (H P & J W Dils), 521 5tn.
Dils Virginia, stenographer, 902 Aim.
Dils Wm H (& Mrs), farmer, Ros?mar.
Dinger B D, oil driller, 545 4th.
Dinsmore Caroline, stenogphr, 1108 Juliana.
Dirth Carrie, 1211 Garfield av.
Discher Wm G (& Mrs), umbrella maker,
222 4th (W Va 781), h 1311 Avery.
Dispatch-News Co, City Hall Place (Ed of-
fice W Va 520) (Bus office W Va 503).
Ditton Frank J (& Mrs), oil drilr, 022 1-2 Ttli.
Dixon Amanda, domestic, lzlt) Ann.
Dixon George W, tinsmini, G10 Marietta ;iv.
Dixon Harrison L (& Mis), carp, 1501 19th.
Dixon Sarah, 1501 19th.
Doak J R, stenographer, 815 Murdoch court.
Doak N B, stenographer, 817 Murdoch court.
Doak Rosa, 1813 Spring.
Dobbins H Jesse (& Mrs), cooper, 322 Lu-
beck av.
Dobbins A, 400 4th.
Dobdin Sarah Mrs, 1407 Lynn.
Dock John, stonemason, 617 Monroe.
Dodd Charles (& Mrs), hostler, 117 9th.
Dodge H B (& Mrs), lawyer, 205 4th, h 012
17th (W Va 816).
Doleman J \V, barber shop, 322 6th, Ji 566
Gale av.
Dollman Elizabeth, 1710 Covert.
Dollman Margaret, clerk, 1710 Covert.
Dollman Wm, tag factory, 1710 Covert.
Dollmeyer Albert E, clerk B & O, 318 4th.
Dollmeyer Doll Mrs, 318 4th.
Donaghho Company, pottery (W Va 323).
Donaghho Walter, Bull Creek rd (W Va 56.) *
Donahue Roy, clerk, Buena Vista.
Donahue Win H (& Mrs), shipping elk,
Buena Vista.
Donaway Agnes, laundress, 913 Clay.
Donaway John (& Mrs), assist janitor, 90S
Fair av.
Donald George, 2031 Dudley av.
Doneldson Alexander (& Mrs), plumber, 1308
Doneldson Daisy, e'erk, 1308 Avery.
Doneldson Mary, seamstress, 1308 Avery.
Londle Alice Mrs, domestic, 1330 Market.
Dondle Nellie, domestic, 1330 Market.
Doney Chas A (.& Mrs), bricklyr, Midway.
Donnelly A B (& Mrs), 1006 17th.
Danks W L (& Mrs), master mech, 1019 Ann.
Donovan Esther, student, 906 Ann.
Donovan J W (& Mrs), blksmith, 906 Ann
(W Va 1153).
DoiiG^n Will, POO Ann.
Dorsey Chas, janitor, 911 Latrobe.
Dorsey Harry, 911 Latrobe.
Dorsey Hattie, 911 Latrobe.
Dorsey Jos P (& Mrs), master mech, 1033
Dorsey T H Mrs, 911 Latrobe.
Doisey Sallie, domestic, 109 12th.
Doisey Sarah, domestic, 911 Latrobe.
Doisey Charles, porter, 911 Latrobe.
Dotson Anna, 1101 Main.
Doison A (& Mrs), music tchr, 1222 Market
Dotson Calvin N (& Mrs), timber, 17th and
Dotson Clarence, engineer, 509 Gth.
Dotson Commodore (& Mrs), real est, 411 4th
Dotson Grace, 1101 Main, seamstress.
Dotson G W (& Mrs), carpenter, 1101 Main.
Dotson Harry, carpenter, 132 Main.
Dotson Ida, clerk, 1222 Market.
Dotson James A .(& Mrs), steel wkr, Blen-
neihassett av.
Dotson J S (& Mis), carpenter, 132 Main.
Dotson Lillian, tel opr, W Va office, h Vienna
Dotson Saiah E .Mis. 1003 Covert.
Dougherty J T (& Mrs), eng, 1403 Spring.
Dougherty Walter Ross. 140... Spring.
Douglass C W (& Mrs), civil serv, Riverview.
Douglass H Arthur (& Mrs), timberman,
Douglass John (& Mrs), boilermkr, 1720 Si-
Marys av.
Dovener Robert Mrs. 716 Juliana.
Dovener Mattie, 716 Juliana.
Dovis M R (& Mrs), clerk, 1517 21st.
Dowd A H (& Mrs), 1114 7th.
Dowd James T, rll4 7th.
Dowd John F, mgr Commercial Hotel.
Dowdney L V (& Mrs), 206 1-2 3d.
Dowell Harry, machinist, 312 7th.
Dowerty W F (& Mrs), 1027 Elizabeth av.
Dowler Geo (& Mrs), steel wkr, Johnston av.
Downing Wm H (& Mrs), 1710 St Marys as'
(W Va 414).
Downing W H & Co, oil well tools, 326 1-2
Downing Winfield H (oi Mrs), oil driller,
1712 Latrobe.
Downs F M (^ Mrs), train caller, 1927 Mur-
doch av.
Dowson Hiram, laborer, 1501 Staunton av.
Doyle Ada, 750 Quincy.
Doyle Catherine Mrs, 750 Quincy.
Doyle Cleve (& Mrs), laborer, Marrtown.
Doyle Emma, 750 Quincy.
Doyle James, oil driller, 312 7th.
Doyle Laura Mrs, 1225 Juliana.
Doyle M J (& Mrs), laborer, 1019 Jeanuette.
Doyle Raymond, machinist, 750 Quincy.
Doyle Rosie, 751) Quincy.
Drake Anna B, asst photographer, 1004 i3th.
Drake C B Mrs, 030 1-2 fth.
Drumel Edgar, moulder, 2007 Onio av.
Drake Edith, 1220 Lynn.
Drumel Edward (& Mrs), harnessmkr, 2007
Ohio av.
Drake Frank (& Mrs), plasterer. 1440 Wash-
ington av.
B. F. Dunkle
Livery, Feed and Sale Stables.
Transfer, Moving, Heavy Hauling and Storage. Both Phones — call 331.
337 Ann Street, Parkersburg, W. Va.
(W. Va. Phone 331).
Drake Evelyn, 1220 Lynn.
Drake George W, electrician, 1220 Lynn.
Drake Hoit S, bookbinder, 1004 13th.
Drake Lester Mrs, Chancellor Hotel (W
Va 1501).
Drake Lucy E, 1220 Lynn.
Drake L Evelyn, 1224 Lynn.
Drake Russell H, clerk, G30 1-2 7th,
Drake Shirley S (& Mrs), printer, 1004 13th.
Drake Walter (& Mrs), clerk, 1302 Market
(W Va 1715).
Drake Willie, driver, G30 1-2 7th.
Drennen J H (& Mrs), clerk, 905 Avery.
Drennen John (& Mrs), laborer, 1304 7th.
Drennen John S, laborer, Lubeck av.
Drennen Lavinia A, 807 Swann.
Dressel C W, asst gen agt, 401 Ann.
Drollinger Fred, bartender, Schneider's cafe.
Drumel Ed V, harnessmkr, 2007 Ohio av.
Drummond S E (& Mrs), riverman, 1800
Staunton av.
Duckworth S G (& Mrs), insurance, 906 Vir-
ginia (W Va 1618).
Dudley Albert G (& Mrs), rngr Bacon &
Dudley Produce Co, 1103 24th.
Dudley Bessie, 1344 Market.
Dudley Blanche, 1344 Market.
Dudley Brainard, 929 25th.
Dudley Chas P (& Mrs,, 2417 Dudley av (W
Va 100).
Dudley George L (& Mrs), pres Citizens
Lumber Co, N Parkersburg (W Va 668).
Dudley Elizabeth, 929 25th.
Dudley James B (& Mrs), lumberman, 1709
Spring (W Va 1691).
Dudley John W Jr (& Mrs), real estate,
Rosemar (W Va 3237-A).
Dudley J W (& Mrs), 929 25th (W Va 932).
Dudley J W & Son, 5th and Juliana (W
Va 277).
Dudley Lewis (& Mrs), lmbrman, Foleys lane
Dudley L (& Mrs), mgr Citizens Lumber Co,
1344 Market (W Va 607).
Dudley Mary, 1344 Market.
Dudley Wm, 1111 24th (W Va 1656).
Dines Celia Mrs, 58 19 1-2.
Duff Daniel, plasterer, 321 Ann.
Duff Robert, laborer, 524 4th.
Duffield E L, oil driller, 207 7th.
Duffy Catherine 121 1-2 Ann.
Duffy James, 121 1-2 Ann.
Duffy John W, bartender, 521 Avery (VV
Va 1360).
Dufur D F, agent, 512 Ann.
Dugan Edward, steel wkr, Johnston av.
Dugan F A, brakeman, 318 9 1-2.
Dugan Harry (& Mrs), laborer, 1221 Water.
Dugan Jas W (& Mrs), watchmn, 318 9 1-2.
Dugan John, catcher, Johnston av.
Dugan Lucetta Mrs, Johnston av.
Dugan Margaret, elk, 318 9 1-2 (W Va 1571).
Dugan Mary, oomestic, 1616 Avery.
Dugan Michael J, fireman, 318 9 1-2.
Dugan Patrick, steel worker, Johnston av.
Dulin Addie, student, Atlantic av.
Duke Edward (& Mrs), foreman Lock IS,
Dulin B Frank, steel worker, Atlantic av.
Dulin Erma, domestic, Atlantic av.
Dulin G S (& Mrs), laborer, Atlantic av.
Dulin Versie, helper, Atlantic av.
Dulin Vena, Atlantic av.
Dumont Catherine, 129 1-2 3d.
Dunbar Ella, 1128 7th.
Dunbar Frank M (& Mrs), barber, 411 Avery.
Dunbar F M (& Mrs), barber shop, 402 Mar-
ket, h 411 Avery.
Dunbar J T (& Mrs), lumberman, Park av.
Dunbar J V (& Mrs), civil eng, 1128 7th.
Dunbar Laura, Park av.
Dunbar R W H, 2d-hand store, 205 Market,
h N Parkersburg (W Va 1123).
Dunbar Ralph (& Mrs), civil eng, Park av.
Dunbar V A (& Mrs), real estate, 1128 7th
(W Va 62).
Dunbar Second-Hand Store, 205 Market.
Dunbar Wm H (& Mrs), merchant, 1602 St
Marys av (W Va 1728).
Dunbar & Welch Lumber Co (J T Dunbar,
James Welch), 219 1-2 Juliana.
Dunbarger George S Mrs, 528 4th.
Duncan Bros (H C and C J), saloon, 221
Juliana (W Va 1882).
Duncan C J, saloonkpr, 1211 Logans al, h
Lauckport (\V Va 1161-1).
Duncan H C, saloonkeeper.
Duncan T F (& Mrs), 1015 Mary.
Dunfee D S, wholesale confectionery and ci-
gars, G26 7th.
Dunham F M (& Mrs), 559 5th.
Dunham Mary Mrs, 1312 Avery.
Dunham W W (& Mrs), driller, 1724 Oak.
Dunkle B F (& Mrs), livery, 337 Ann, h 1211
Market (W Va 331).
Dunkle Charles W, clerk, 1211 Market.
Dunkle John, clerk, 1211 Market.
Dunkle Percy K, clerk, 1211 Market.
Dunlap E (& Mrs), teamster, 20S Court al
(W Va 645).
Dunlap S F (& Mrs), plumber, Dudley rd.
Dunsmoor Dayton L. bookkpr, 1225 22d.
Dunmire Minerva, 325 Lincoln av.
Dunsmoor Perley (& Mrs), mail carrier,
1225 22d.
Dunn Charles, driver, 5C9 6th.
Dunn J R (& Mrs), shearman, Lincoln av.
Dunn J S (& Mrs), tel opr, 1310 7th (W
Va 1247).
Dunn John, student, Lincoln av.
Dunn Mary Mrs, 569 Gth.
Dunn Margaret. Lincoln av.
Dunn Reede, student, Lincoln av.
Dupuy J A, lawyer, 220 1-2 4th (W Va 1185).
Duquesne Saloon, 724 7th (W Va 682).
Durand Mame, 129 1-2 3d.
Durkin Agnes, clerk, 524 5th.
Durkin Etta A, 410 5th.
Durkin Gertrude, 521 5th.
Durkin James, clerk, 524 5th.
Durkin John, elevator opr, 524 5th.
Durkin John, clerk, 524 5th.
Durkin John. 410 5th.
Durkin Martin J, 410 5th.
Durkin Mary B, 410 5th.
Durkin Mary Mrs, 524 5th.
Durkin Nellie, 524 5th.
Durkin P (& Mrs), 410 5th.
Durts Mina, clerk, 1335 St Marys av.
Dutton Clair C (& Mrs), salesman, 821 14 ih
(W Va 1711).
Dutton Clyde T (& Mrs), 1507 Cover! (W
Va 1188).
Dutton Lee 0, sander, 712 13th.
Dutze Catherine, laundress. 638 Bird.
Dutze C E (& Mrs), 652 E Sth.
DuVal G A (& Mrs), engineer, 1508 Avery
(W Va 1144).
DuVol J M, brakeman, 210 1-2 3d.
Dye Custer M (& Mrs), barber, 560 1-2 7th.
Dye D P (& Mrs), insurance, 217 4th.
Dye Elijah V (& Mrs), clerk, 1104 13th (W
Va 1727).
Dye Franklin (& Mrs), crater, 1002 13th.
Dye George, driver, 656 E 8th (W Va 1514).
Dye H E (& Mrs), blksmith, 1313 Oak (W
Va 403-2).
Dye I E (& Mrs), grocer, 1513 Garfield av.
Dye J W (& Mrs), grocer, 813 16th (W Va
Dye Leore, 1331 Latrobe.
Dye Laura Mrs, 1331 Latrobe.
Dye & McMillan's Barber Shop (C M Dye,
R E McMillan), 205 3d.
Dye Otho (& Mrs), wks 0 R, 750 Quincy.
Dye P D (& Mrs), horseshoer, 1629 Park av.
Dye P D (& Mrs), driver, 1334 Dilloway (W
Va 1041).
Dye Roy, shop foreman, 60S Harris.
Dye, Rutter & Dye, blksmiths, 314 Williams
Court (W Va 807).
Dye R N, engineer, uOl Juliana.
Dye S V, Sand Plains (W Va 1062-4).
Dye Virginia, tel opr, 1331 Latrobe.
Dyson Wm H (& Mrs), clerk, 209 1-2 4th.
Eagle Dillman, painter, S72 Chestnut.
Eagle Glenn, laborer, 1903 E 7th.
Eagle Harry, laborer, 872 Chestnut.
Eagle J E, painter, 1903 E 7th.
Eagle Leroy M ( & Mrs), laborer, 1101 7th.
Eagle Wm O, fireman, 1104 7th.
Eagon Annie Mrs, 1047 Avery.
Eagon Grace, 1409 Spring.
Eagon Mattie, 1409 Spring.
Interior View of
East End Plumbing Company
Sanitary Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters.
Repair Work our Specialty. Prompt attention given to all orders.
( W. Va. Phone 852 ). 704 Seventh Street, Parkersburg, W. Va.
Eagon Virginia Mrs. 1409 Spring.
Earle Clarissa Mrs, Tavennerville.
Earls C A (& Mrs), tailor, 41 W 12th.
Earl Elby, watchman, 'Tavennerville.
Earl Maine, waitress, 519 1-2 Gale av.
Earle Thomas E, watchman, Tavennerville.
Earl Walter Mrs, 519 1-2 Gale av.
Earnests George (& Mrs), 1039 Cornwall p]
(W Va 873).
Earnest Jacob (& Mrs), 214 Juliana.
Earnest Laura, clerk, Quincy.
Earnest Wm H <& Mrs), cook, 112 9th.
Easier Ervin, hod carrier, loll 15th.
Easley Ford, hod carrier, 1014 15th.
Easley Frank (& Mrs). 1014 15th.
Easley Wm (& Mrs), mechanic, 1920 Garfield.
East End Bakery, S12 Tth (W Va 382).
East End Fruit Store (Pio Tei mgr), 722 7th.
East End Plumbing Co, 704 7th (W Va 852).
Eaton Clinton, student, Johnston av.
Eaton H Vv Jr, 210 1-2 Ann (W Va 422), h
1203 Murdoch av (W Va 672).
Eaton P D (& Mrs), steel wkr, Johnston av.
Eaton R M (& Mrs), grocer, Marrtown (W
Va 1886-2).
Ebert Cecil, brakeman, 1104 Ann.
Eberts C W (& Mrs), express messenger,
1201 Murdoch av.
Ebert Francis V Mrs, 1603 Murdoch av (W
Va 1067).
Eberts J Gale, secy H P Moss Bookstore Co,
12(H Murdoch av (W Va 1207).
Eberhardt Otto (& Mrs), driver, 510 4th.
Ebert S P, clerk, 911 Market.
Echols C C, clerk, 1307 Lubeck av.
Echols Cecil, trav salesman, 537 5th.
Echols Charles F, laborer, 537 5th.
Echols Earl S, machinist, 537 5th.
Echols Fred, grocer, 617 Market (W Va 122 1)
Echols Hannah J Mrs, 949 Avery.
Echols Hattie, student, 1307 Lubeck av.
Echols Hazel (& Mrs), clerk, 1032 Swann.
Echols J S (& Mrs), chief clerk B & O, 949
Echols Mabel C, 537 5th.
Echols Martha Mrs, 1307 Lubeck av.
Echols S P (& Mrs), driver, 537 5th.
Echols Wm, 45 5th.
Ecker Edward, 626 Madison av.
Ecker Elma, 626 Madison av.
Ecker George (& Mrs), supt, 626 Madison av
(\V Va 313).
Ecker Georgia, 626 Madison av.
Eckels Edna, 1230 Staunton av.
Eckels Eska, 1230 Staunton av.
Eckels J M (& Mrs), grocer, 1230 Staunton.
Eckels J M, 1232 Staunton av (W Va 602).
Eddy Henry (& Mrs), teamster, 860 Chestnut
Edelen Barbara, student, 912 Virginia av.
Edelen C W, elk, 912 Virginia av (W Va 282)
Echols Mae, printer, 1307 Lubeck av.
Edelen Charles (& Mrs), hardware, 912 Vir-
ginia av.
Edelen D M Mrs, 912 Virginia av.
The Old Well, Blennerhassett Island.
Edelen Frank (& Mrs), hardware, 1213 23d.
Edelen Lola, 640 13th.
Edelen Sarah, reporter. 912 Virginia av.
Edelen Wm S (& Mrs), 640 13th.
Edelen Wm (& Mrs), farmer, 1335 Spring.
Edgar & Smith, insurance, 125 5th.
Edmonson E D (& Mrs), clerk, 1143 Swann.
Edmonson J W, grocer, 8t)G Avery, h 591 5th
(W Va 1845).
Edwinson Ed, plasterer, 591 5th.
Edwards Arthur, blksmith, 212 Lubeck av.
Edwards Evaline Mrs, laundress, 212 Lubeck.
Edwinson George, 591 5th.
Edwinson James, grocer, 591 5th.
Edwinson Maria, 591 5th.
Effinger Fred (& Mrs), barber, 1423 St
Marys av.
Egan W P, tel opr, 1047 Avery.
Eismaner George, eng, B & O, 509 Ann.
Ekas Will (& Mrs), oil driller, C53 7th (W
Va G47).
Ekln L M (& Mrs), 411 13th.
Elder Frank (& Mrs), oil. (US Ann (W Va
Elder George (& Mrs), oil, 018 Ann.
Eldej- Maude, 618 Ann.
Elder Perry, machinist, 018 Ann.
Elks Hall, w s Juliana bet 5th and 0th tW
Va 518).
Elletson Alpha Mrs, Bull Creek rd.
Elletson-Carver Co, pntrs. 231 3d (W Va 37G)
Elletson Edward B (& Mrs), printer, 1905
Beaver (W Va 1685).
Elletson E B. foreman, 231 3d.
Elletson George (& Mrs), printer, Logans
av (W Va 207).
Elletson George Jr, linotype opr, Sand Plains
Elletson Geo (& Mis), gardener, N Pksburg.
Elletson W A. 231 3d, h 2010 Dudley av (W
Va 510).
Elliott Agnes, 034 Marietta av.
Elliott C E (& Airs), collector, 535 0th (W
Va 1498).
Elliott C D (& Mrs). IT S marshal, office Govt
Bldg (W Va 204), h 1025 Juliana (W Va
Elliott Everett. Nicelyville.
Elliot! Fiances, teacher, 123 13th.
Elliott Frank, laborer, 634 .Marietta av.
Elliott Ivadell. student, 535 6th.
Elliott J M (& Mrs), dairyman, Nicelyville.
Elliott J M C (& Mrs), laborer, 837 Jeannette
Elliott Lulu, Nicelyville.
Elliott Valla, student, 1025 Juliana.
Elliott Veva, Nicelyville.
Elliott Virginia, student, 1025 Juliana.
Elliott Wm S t& Mrs), contractor, 12:; 13th.
Ellis Charles, laborer. 1302 13th.
Ellis Charles (& Mis), plasterer. 220 Avery-
Ellis Lizzie, 211 Avery.
Ellis Minna, 220 Avery.
Ellis Susan, 1302 13th.
Ellis Store, 411 Market (W Va 55 I I.
Ellis T H, clerk, 411 Market.
Ellison Archie (& Mrs), 1913 Murdoch av.
Ellison Charles (& Mrs), 1923 Garfield av.
Ellison Samuel T. 1913 Murdoch av (W Va
Elmore Chas, laborer. Standard Oil Co.
Ely Dr W E (& Mrs), osteopathic physician.
523 Juliana (W Va 795).
Elv Edward Mrs. laundress. 1329 Si Marys av
Sid Epstein, Sole Agency
■ *Wj ^ Dunlap Hats.
Toggery Shop
Holeproof Hosiery for Men and Women.
( W. Va. Phone 1029 )
Elzey E P, clerk, 321 Juliana.
Emanson Jennie, nurse, 1145 Swann.
Enibry John (& Mrs), 590 5th.
Emerick Charles, butcher, 1050 Cornwall pi.
Emerick Cleveland. 320 9 1-2.
Emerick Glenn, deliveryman, 1037 Market.
Emerick S J (& Mrs), merch police, 322 9 1-2
(W Va 1531).
Emerick Victoria Mrs, seamstress, 1050
Cornwall pi.
Emerick Will J. fireman, 320 9 1-2.
Emmitt Thomas J (& Mrs), tool dresser,
1800 Latrobe.
Empire Casualty Co, 017 to C21 Union Trust
Bldg (YV Va 1255).
Emrick O E (& Mrs), agt A & P Tea Co, 1103
Avery (W Va 1473).
Engle O A, butcher, 1105 Quincy.
Engle Wm M (& Mrs), mesgr, 904 Charles.
English F W, oil driller, 550 5th.
Enlow H J (& Mrs), 1710 St Marys av.
Enlow Kemper R, clerk, 1710 St Marys av.
Enlow Mary, student, 1710 St Marys av (W
Va 991).
Enoch Alfred (& Mrs), engineer, 810 Lynn.
Enoch Chester, clerk, 81G Lynn.
Enoch Emma Mrs, 1115 George.
Enoch G C (& Mrs), lumberman, 112 5th
(W Va 1321).
Enoch ET( rii.it. S10 Lynn.
Enoch Isaac L Mrs, 911 Market (W Va 1902).
Enoch L T (& Mrs), laborer, 1020 Quincy.
Enoch Leonard H, eng, 1115 George (W
Va 951-1).
Enoch Lillian M, milliner, 406 Avery.
Enoch Roy, laborer, 1026 Quincy.
Enright C J, 714 16th.
Enright Crystal, 714 lGth.
Enright E M (& Mrs), contractor, 714 16th
(YV Va 1101).
Eppelein Charles, box maker, 1211 Latrobe.
Eppelein J W (& Mrs), box mkr, 1321 Dillo-
Eppelein Edna, milliner, 1321 Dilloway.
Epstein Charles (& Mis), tailor, rm 204
Union Trust Bldg (W <fa. 391), h 1043 Ju-
liana (W Va 23).
Epstein Laura, 1043 Juliana.
Epstein Toggery Shop, First Natl Bank - . -g
Epstein Sid (& Mrs), men's togs, Chancellor
Hotel Bldg (W Va 1029), h 1054 Market
i » Va 1117).
Epstein Sid, Faultless Cleaning and Pressing
Co, 719 Market (W Va 89).
Ernest Laura, music teacher, 742 Quincy.
Ernest M S (& Mrs), grocer, 742 Quincy.
Ernest Walter L, grocer, 742 Quincy.
Ervin C D (& Mrs), brakeman, 716 Jeannette
Eskey Cuthbert, clerk, 720 Jeannette.
Eskey Harry, clerk, 720 Jeannette.
Eskey L J Mrs, 720 Jeannette.
Eskey Nellie, 720 Jeannette.
Ettore, Magnani & Co, fruits and candies,
209 3d.
Residence of Senator J. N. Camden, Parkeisburg.
Eskey Wylie, bartender, 720 Jeannette.
Evans. David (& Mrs), steel wkr, 102 Blen-
nerhassett av.
Evans G O (& Mrs), trav salesman, 1606 19iti
(W Va 1532).
Evans J L (& Mrs), trav salesman, 1803
Spring (W Va 1112-2).
Evans Kathryn L, 1803 Spring.
Evans Ralph C, machinist, 1803 Spring.
Evansville Contract Co, 306 Juliana.
Evener Frank, engineer, 726 Jeannette.
Everglade Cypress Lumber Co, 519 Juliana
(W Va 1629).
Everhart Elsie, 1114 Mary.
Everhart Julia Mrs, 1114 Mary.
Everhart Leonidas, brakeman, 1114 Mary.
Everhart W F, 1114 Mary.
Evelsizer Wm, 926 15th.
Everlcy John B (& Mrs), carp Buena Vista.
Ewing Beatrice, clerk, 556 6th.
Ewing Lloyd (& Mrs), stonemason, 555 6th.
Ewing Maud, clerk, 555 6th.
Exchange Building Association, 615 Market
(W Va 9s8).
Exline Cora Mrs, 653 Mark.
Exline Guy, 653 Mark.
Eyth Rhinhart (& Mrs) (Goetz & Eyth), 426
Market, 2d floor.
Fadley Tillie Mrs, 1606 Covert.
Fadley Wm, tank builder, 1606 Covert.
Fagan Amelia Mrs, 214 Sth (W Va 1817).
Fagan Lena, clerk, 214 8th.
Fagan Rachael, domestic, 802 Market.
Fagan Russell, butcher, 214 Sth.
Fahy Margaret, 1010 Swann.
Fahy Wm, student, 101m Swann.
Fair The (Z T Devore prop), 128 3d.
Fairbank Ralph, Susquehanna av.
Fairbanks R C (& Mrs), steel wkr, 109 Sus-
quehanna av.
Fairview School No 1, 1S34 7th.
Fairview School No 2, s side 7th near Mark
(W Va 1632).
Fairview United Brethren Church, cor 16th
and Briant.
Fallon John Mrs, 615 6th.
Fallon Maragaret, 615 6th.
Faney James (& Mrs), grocer, 7th and Mary.
Fankhouser Albert T (& Mrs), teacher, 1513
Fankhouser James (& Mrs), teacher, Vienna.
Farley Ellen, 208 1-2 Market.
Farley Wm (& Mrs), painter, 919 15th.
Farmers & Mechanics National Bank, cor
4th and Market (W Va 594).
farnsworth Albert, 1610 Beaver,
farnsworth Clyde, brakeman, 1007 Virginia.
Farnsworth Editha, 1913 Garfield av.
Farnsworth Henry, laundryman, 1610 Beaver
Farnsworth I N (& Mrs), prop Majestic Cafe,
1913 Garfield av (W Va 853).
Farnsworth J J (&Mrs), 1906 Garfield av.
Farnsworth Leonard, tinner, 1610 Beaver.
Farnsworth Prudence, 1610 Beaver.
Farr Iowa, domestic, 218 7th.
Farr Nola, domestic. 1103 Juliana.
Farra C H (& Mrs), railroader, 1905 Keever.
Farra Isaac (& Mrs), sec foreman, 1905
For the Best Service call on
Feldner Transfer Company
H. C. Feldner, President and Manager
Telephone : Bell 676J, W. Va. 1414 Corner Eighth and Avery Streets
City Cab and Baggage Work a Specialty — Day or Night. Fine Rubber Tire
Cabs and Coupes for Funeral Service or Social Calls, Wedding Parties,
Theatre and Private Calls, Given Prompt Attention. Fine Turnouts for Light
Driving. Send your Horses here to be Clipped and put in trim for Spring Driving
Fan a George, 1905 Keeve'r.
Farm J J, railroader," 1905 Kesver.
Farra Odas (& Mrs), railroader, 1905 Keevor.
Farrell A H (& Mrs), dispatcher B & O,
Farrell Alia, dressmaker, 1408 St Marys av.
Farrel C B (& Mrs), 1502 Park.
Farrel Clarence, clerk, 1502 Park.
Farrel Elsie, 1502 Park.
Farrell Harry C (& Mrs), repair shop, 1027
Farrell Jas F (& Mrs), boilermkr, T13 Tefft.
Farrell J T (& Mrs), conductr, 511 William.
Farrell Lansing i<& Mrs), trav salesman,
1224 Juliana.
Farrel Mary Mrs, seamstress, 909 Ann.
Farrell Owen F, fireman B & O, 1224 Juliana.
Farrell P F (& Mrs), 821 William.
Farrell T .1. clerk, B &• O. 821 William.
Farrow C B (& .Mrs), l.kkpr, 1329 Spring (W
Va 1194).
Farrow Chester G, mail carrier, 613 6th.
Farrow D T C, 1705 St Marys av.
Farrow Howard P (& Mrs), carp, 613 6th.
Farrow Irene, 520 6th.
Farrow Jessie M, teacher, 613 6th.
Farrow Ruby, 1329 Spring.
Farrow Walter S, trav salesman, 613 6th.
Farson J P, physician, 1016 Murdoch av.
Farson Lillian, stenograpner, 312 7th.
Farson Minnie, stenographer, Rockland, O.
Fast Emma, 845 Jeannette.
Fast Jane Mrs, 845 Jeannette.
Fast Ray, 845 Jeannette.
Faulkner J P, exp messgr, 925 Main.
Faulkner M E, laborer, 925 Main.
Faulkner Patrick Mrs, 925 Main.
Faultless Cleaning & Pressing Co, 717 Mar-
Ket (W Va 89).
tause W L (& Mrs), saw mill, Phelps av
l\V Va 1062-1).
Federal Building, s w cor Juliana and 5th.
Federal Oil Co, oil producer, 130 1-2 3d (W
Va 3224).
Feeney Jas, grocer, 7th and Mary (W Va 275)
Feeney M A (& Mrs), liquor dealer, 724 7th.
Feick Adam (& Mrs), 850 Laird av.
Feldner H C (& Mrs), transfer, 623 Avery.
Feldner Transfer Co, cor 8th and Avery (W
Va 1114).
Felgar Geo S (& Mrs), laborer, Beechwood.
Fendt J H (& Mrs), 624 7th.
Fenner Harry S, agency secy Empire Casu-
alty Co, 911 Market.
Ferguson J P (& Mrs), bricklayr, 130S Avery
Ferguson Robt (& Mrs), blksmith, 140 Ter-
race av.
Ferguson W H (& Mrs), landscape gardener,
419 1-2 8th.
Ferrell Beatrice, student, 1749 E 7th.
Ferrell Birdie, bkkpr, 1508 Avery.
Ferrell Clarence, chief elk W U T Co, 1502
Ferrell Clyde, student, 1712 Covert.
Ferrell Minnie F, seamstress, 1749 E 7th.
Ken-ell Wilbour (& Mrs)., brakeman, 1712
Covert i \V Va 701).
Fetty Edward, laborer, S Side.
Fickizen Jacob (& Mrs), laborer, 1001 12th.
Fickisen Adam, laborer. Standard Oil Co.
Fickisen John (& Mrs), teamster, 920 E 12th.
Field H L .Mis, 103C Juliana (W Va 1923).
Figg John, waiter, 433 8th.
Figg Win (& Mrs), waiter, 433 8th.
Figdore Evma Mrs, 2319 Oak.
Figdore Henry, diuggist, 2319 Oak.
Figdore Julia, stenographer, 2319 Oak.
Fike Harry (& Mrs), yardman, 1S0S 17th.
Fmeh Homer, laborer, Marrtown.
Finch James, engineer, Marrtown.
Finch Lewis (& Mrs), railroader, Marrtown.
Finley Brewing Co, 114 2d (W Va 4G8).
Finley J B (& Mrs), supt Bending Works,
1117 Juliana (W Va 1439).
Finley Will, student, 1334 Avery.
Finell E F (& Mrs), 5G4 6th.
Finnell Ralph E (& Mrs), trav salesman,
1126 Juliana.
Finney H B (& Mrs), motorman, 1719 Park.
Finney Nellie, bk kpr, 1719 Park (W Va
Fire Department No 1, City Hall (W Va
Fire Department No. 2, 17th (W Va 279-2).
Fire Department No. 3, Wood and Lynn
(W Va 279-3).
Fire Underwriters Association, Guaranty
Bldg (W Va 1288).
First National Bank Bldg, 7th and Market.
First National Bank of Parkersburg (J N
Camden pres, Wm N Chancellor vice pros,
H H Moss cashier, Wm Armstrong asst
cashier), se cor 7th and Market.
First United Brethren Church, cor St Marys
av and 16th.
First Baptist Church, 9th and Market.
Fischer Earl R, steel wkr, 624 7th.
First Church of Christ, Scientist, 1301 Market
First M E Church, 5th and Juliana.
Fischer J W, tel ed Sentinel, 218 Ann.
First Presbyterian Church, 10th and Market.
Fischer H F, 511 Market (W Va 489).
Fischer Hilda, clerk, 511 Market.
Fischer Minnie, bkkpr, 237 8th.
Fischer Moritz, engineer, 813 Ann.
Fischer Shoe Co, 511 Market.
Fish Wm (& Mrs), cook, 91a Clay.
Fisher C F (& Mrs), machinist, 568 6th.
Fisher Frank M (& Mrs), bricklayer, 1107
George (W Va 954-2).
Fisher Fred, 568 6th.
Fisher F M, gen agt, 401-403-405 Ann.
Fisher Ira C (& Mrs), trav salesman, 822 1-2
Fisher Isaac T (& Mrs), 112 4th (W Va 867).
Fisher J H. 327 8th i \V Va 1036).
Fisher & Kootz, boiler makers, 208 Ann.
Fisher Lena. G24 7th ( \V Va 1593).
Fisher Lucy Mrs, 606 Juliana ( \V Va 1148).
Fisher Dr M O, 603 1-2 Market (W Va 1030).
Fisher Lester M (& Mrs I, lab, 226 Lubeck av
Fitch Cash (& .Mrs), 30 5th.
Fitch Wilbur H l& Mrs), grocer, 617 Market
(W Va 967), 1349 Avery i W Va 1S0S).
Fithian E B (& Mrs), civil eng,1120 Murdoch
Fitzgerald Herbert (& Mrs I, lab, rear 32 6th.
Fitzgerald M A, tel opr. Standard Oil Co.
Fitzgerald Wm, clerk. 14 8th.
Fitzhugh Cecil E, note elk, First Natl Bank,
Y M C A (W Va 1625).
Fitzpatrick AW (& Mrs), barber, 820 17th.
Flaharty Patrick J (& Mrs), hostler B & O,
908 Lynn.
Flaharty Thos (& Mrs), car repr, 934 Lynn.
Flaharty Wm, laborer, 934 Lynn.
Flaherty James, clerk, 934 Lynn.
Flaherty James, clerk, 811 7th.
Flaherty Mark, student, S17 7th.
Flaherty Mary, 934 Lynn.
Flaherty Michael, machinist, 934 Lynn.
Flaherty Michael E, meat cutter, 811 7th.
Flaherty Michael W (& Mrs), conductor,
B & O, 817 7th.
Flaherty W P, 1003 Market (W Va 174).
Flaherty Mrs, 2521 Murdoch av.
Flaig Barbara L, tel opr, 903 13th .
Flaig Charles, laborer, 1945 E 7th.
Flaig Fanny Mrs, 1945 E 7th.
Flaig Frank F Mrs, 903 13th.
Flaig Frank F Jr, clerk, 903 13th.
Flaig Lena L, 903 13th.
Flanagan Elizabeth, 1021 George.
Flanagan Frank (& Mrs), bartender, 1010
Flanagan Freda, student, 544 6th.
Flanagan John (& Mrs), 1021 George.
Flanagan Kate, 610 Avery.
Flanigan L A, gen store, 1800 St Marys av
(W Va 1302).
Flanagan Margaret, 610 Avery (W Va 1347).
Flanagan Mary, dressmaker, 610 Avery.
Flanagan Robert, machinist, 1021 George.
Flanegin Samuel M (& Mrs), salesman, 802
Juliana tW Va 1425).
Flanagan W H (& Mrs), saloon, 316 Market
(W Va 799), h 544 6ih (W Va 972).
Flarety W P, cashier, 1003 Market.
Fleak Sarah Mrs, S Side.
Fleek A K (& Mrs), engineer, 320 Ann (W
Va 1822-i).
Fleming Almira Mrs, domestic, 1224 Garfield.
Fleming A M (& Mrs), packer, 52 6th.
Fleming Calvin (& Mrs), grocer, 47 5th.
Fleming Chas (& Mrs), shoe store, 815 7th,
h 907 Lynn.
Fleming Eliza Mrs, Central av.
Repairing a Specialty
C. Fleming & Son
W. Ve. Phone 237
815 Seventh Street
CHAS. FLEMING, Notary Public with Seal
Agent of the I. O. 0. F. Cemetery
Fleming Emma Mrs, G03 Harris (W Va 1031).
Fleming F H (& Mrs), conductor, 1338 Lynn.
Fleming Geo (& Mrs), B & O police, 1110 7th.
Fleming Goff. clerk, Central av.
Fleming Harry, shoe store, 907 Lynn.
Fleming Harry R, clerk, 815 7th.
Fleming I E (& Mrs), clerk, 47 5th.
Fleming Jasper, clerk, 817 Murdoch av.
Fleming Maragaret, 120G Lynn.
Fleming Marguerite, 3iJ 2d.
Fleming Mary Mrs, 1110 7th.
Fleming T J (& Mrs), Central av.
Fleming W B, messenger, 811 Murdoch av.
Fleming W E (& Mrs), lumberman, 811 Mur-
doch (W Va 874).
Fleming Wm, shoemkr, rear 431 6th.
Fleming Z W (& Mrs), engineer, 1123 Lynn.
Flesher C L (& Mrs), carp, 1804 Latrobe.
Flesher Collie, seamstress, 1804 Latrobe.
Flesher T T, clerk, 910 Charles.
Fletcher A D (& Mrs), 1212 14th.
Fletcher Clyde, repairer, 1212 14th.
Fletcher Edwin T (& Mrs), conductor, B &
■ O, 1240 7th.
Fletcher Ella, dressmaker, 523 6th.
Fletcher Mary, tailoress, 1212 E 14th.
Fletcher W A (& Mrs), lab, 603 Division.
Fletcher Willie, laborer, 603 Division.
Flinn Alice, Bradley av.
Flinn A N (& Mrs), carp, 1414 Staunton av
(W Va 1304).
Flinn Arthur, laborer, bradley av.
Flinn Belle, 1005 Avery.
Flinn B F (& Mrs), lineman, 1223 Lubeck av
Flinn Catherine, seamstress, 1508 Lynn.
Flinn Clarence, laborer, 1508 Lynn.
Flinn C P (& Mrs), laborer, 524 Thomas.
Flinn Dora, domestic, 502 14th.
Flinn Earl, 601 Stephenson av.
Flinn G W (& Mrs), carpenter, 1402 Andrew.
Flinn Harry, carpenter, 1628 19th.
Flinn Herbert, 601 Stephenson av. •
Flinn John, blacksmith, Bradley av.
Flinn Joseph, laborer, 105 Kramer.
Flinn J W (& Mrs), trav slsman, 601 Steph-
enson av.
Flinn Lennie, 601 Stephenson av.
Flinn S T (& Mrs), car inspector, Bradley av
Flinn T N Mrs, 1628 19th.
Flinn Virginia, Bradley av.
Flinn Walker, electrician, 1628 19th.
Flint Daisy, Dudley rd.
Flint D J (& Mrs), finisher, Dudley rd.
Flint Daniel, assessor, Dudley av.
Flint James A (& Mrs), finisher, Dudley rd.
Flint Mary, Dudley av.
Florance E E, grocer, 935 3d (W Va 1
Florance Hattie M, teacher, 935 3d.
Florence Crittenden Circle, Y M C A
Meets every Monday 7.30 p m.
Florence J W (& Mrs), blacksmith,
Staunton av.
Florence Loring (& Mrs), transfer
Residence of M. H. Flower
M. H. Flower
Real Estate and Insurance. Notary Public
City and Suburban Properties Bought,
Sold, and Exchanged
W. Va. Residence, 814
Rcorr.s 309, 310, 311, Union Trust Euildinj
Cor. 7th and Market Sts.
W. Va. Office, 1542
Flotanee OH, cooper, 935 3d.
Florence Lysander J (& Mrs), merchant,
1137 Latrobe.
Flowers A A (& Mrs), carp, Dudley av.
Flowers Albert (& Mrs), printer, Dudley ay.
Flowers Bertha, milliner, Beechwood.
Flower Bonnie, student, 1221 Washington.
Flower Marion H (& Mrs), real estate, rm
310 Union Trust Bldg (W Va 1542), h 1221
Washington av (W Va S14).
Flowers May. clerk, 221 1-2 7th.
Floyd Stanley, slsmn, 1029 Lynn (W Va 327).
Flynn A X (& Mrs), mgr Flynn Construc-
tion Co, 1414 Staunton av.
Flynn Construction Co, 40 Citizens Bank
Bldg (A N Flynn prop) (W V 1C77).
Flynn Edward, timekeeper, 614 14th.
Flynn Geo A, Caswell Flats (W Va 1093).
Flynn James (& Mrs), contractor, 614 14th.
Hynn Joseph (& Mrs), laborer, Lauckport.
Flynn J W, blacksmith, S Side.
Flynn M (& Mrs), carpenter, 1606 Avery.
Finn P Rev, 1700 Murdoch av.
Flynn Perry (& Mrs), laborer, 524 Thomas.
Fobey Cliff, waiter Harris and Marietta av.
FOB Hall, cor 3d and Juliana.
Foggin Charles, laborer, 213 George.
Foggin W R (& Mrs), minister Seventh Day
Adventist Church, 1505 Staunton.
Foley Bessie B, socy ed Sentinel, 718 Juliana.
Foley M F (& Mrs), 1111 4th av.
Foley Wilpert, painter. Park av.
Foley W O, meat market, 209-211 Juliana
(W Va 478), h 718 Juliana (W Va 1380).
Foote Chas (& Mrs), nurse, 1711 Staunton av
Forcher Clem, laborer, Central av.
Forcher Rhoda, Central av.
Forcher Wat, laborer, Central av.
Ford Clarence H, office mgr Radeker Lum-
ber Co, 1728 St Marys av (W Va 1556).
Ford Jennie, 552 Marietta av.
Ford Thos (& Mrs), railroader, 1114 Latrobe.
Ford Wm (& Mrs), plumber, 61S 17th.
Forrer Chas D (& Mrs), lawyer, 114 7 1-2.
Fortney Albert (& Mrs), insurance, 7111-2
Fortney Ross E, student, 711 1-2 Market.
Foishur E E (& Mrs), laborer, Lulu.
Forshey Chas W (& Mrs), grocer, 1300 7th
(W Va 1374-1).
Forshey Gerald O, laborer, Springdale av.
Forshey Jas W (& Mrs), lab, Springdale av.
Forshey R H (& Mrs), mgr McBride's Gro-
cery, 1601 Staunton av.
Forsythe L R Mrs, 423 11th.
Fortner C I (& Mrs), barber, 1413 Beaver.
Fortner Ernest (& Mrs), plasterer. Sunny-
side pi (W Va 1219-:',!.
Fortner Jas E (& Mrs), barber, 1504 Beaver.
Foster D C (& Mrs), blacksmith, 1407 Lynn.
Foster H M (& Mrs), lawyer, 202 Terrace av.
Foster Thos T, doubler, 330 Susquehanna av.
Fought Andrew J (& Mrs), carp, 1002 Juliana
Fought Carrie, clerk, 1002 Juliana.
Fought G M, sporting goods, 107 3d.
Fought G F (& Mrs), 509 5th (W Va 1907).
Fought Justice, tinner, 1002 Juliana.
Fought Pearl, bkk'pr, 1002 Juliana.
Foulds Mary Gould Mrs, 720 Juliana.
Fountaine Alice Mrs, caterer, 1013 19th (W
Va 1353).
Fountaine Edna Ernestine, teachr, 1013 19th
Fouse Anna, Dudley rd.
Fouse Christopher (& Mrs), carp, Dudley rd.
Fouse Clinton J, oil, S09 Swann.
Fouse Clyde C (& Mrs), carp, 1217 23d.
Fauss Daniel W (& Mrs), carp, 1702 Latrobe.
Fouse Donna P, student, 820 Swann.
Fouse Edwin L, carpenter, 820 Swann.
Fouse Fred (& Mrs), carpenter, 809 Swann.
Fouse Glenna B, student, 809 Swann.
Fouse Harry W, upholsterer, 820 Swann.
Fouse Herman (& Mrs), contr, 820 Swann.
Fouss Jacob (& Mrs), carp, 1221 Staunton
av (W Va 834-1).
Fouse Lesley D, carp, 820 Swann.
Fouse Lillian E, student, 809 Swann.
Fouse Mary B, 809 Swann.
Fouse Win (& Mrs), laborer, Madison av.
Foutty C (& Mrs), carpenter, 6th av.
Foutty Cleveland, inspector, Gth av.
*outty John t& Mrs), clerk, Marrtown.
Foutty Mary C, bkkpr, 6th av.
Foutty Mary, stenographer, 204 4th.
Foutty Rachael Mrs, Madison av.
Fouty Chas (& Mrs), finisher, 514 George.
Fouty Emiiy Mrs, 1217 Skirven.
Fouty Lavina, laundress, 7011-2 Swann.
Fouty Nettie, laundress, 701 1-2 Swann.
Fowler Cora, student, 501 Julius.
Fowler Frederick (& Mrs), freight agt B &
O, 319 W 10th.
Fowler James, machinist, 501 Julius.
Fowler, Laura, oi9 W 10th.
Fowler Mayme, tailoress, 501 Julius.
Fowler W B, fireman, 615 Depot.
Fowler W H trav salesman, 501 Julius.
Fox Anna, 129 1-2 3d (W Va 1914).
Fox Mary E, 120G Garfield av.
Fox W O (& Mrs), steel wkr, xiull Creek rd.
Fraine Anna F, seamstress, 547 5th.
Francis Elsie Mrs, 223 Avery.
Fraine Katherine, dressmitr, 5*7 5th.
Fraine Margaret, tailoress, 547 5th.
Fraine i.rary Mrs, 547 5th.
Fraine Mary, 547 5th.
Fraine M J, drug clerk, 547 5th.
Frame Addie, 1018 Murdoch av.
*rame A N, physician, 311 Juliana (W Va
705), h 1018 Murdoch av (W Va 380).
Frame C C (& Mrs), clerk, 1039 Lynn.
Frame Chas C (& Mrs), deliveryman 1039 i-2
Frame Dr Ralph, dentist, 303 Union Trust
Bldg (W Va 1795), h 1018 Murdoch av.
Frame Florence, 1018 Murdoch av.
Francis Helen, 544 7th.
Francis Lucy, 544 7th.
Francis Rev John W, pastor First Presby-
terian Church, C08 13th (W Va 1344).
Francis Marguerite, 544 7th.
Frankenbarger N (<c Mrs), bricklayer, 1324
Lubeck av.
Frankenburger Tillie, student, 1324 Lubeck.
Frankhouser Carman, Nicelyville.
Frankhouser Elizabeth Mrs, Nicelyville.
Franklin Evelyn N, student, 1108 George.
Franklin Dr Lewis S (& Mrs), physician,
1108 George.
Fianklin School, 9th and Juliana.
Franklin Shirley B, clerk. 1108 Gffjrge.
Franklin Will G (& Mrs), plumber, 12? ' 1-2
Market (W Va 1930).
Frankling Jas (& Mrs), brklyr, Dickel av.
Franks Harry C, steel wkr, West Virginia av
Franks Win R, steel wkr, West Virginia av.
Frantz H C (& Mrs), shipping elk, 623 Harris
Fraternal Order of Eagles, Third and Juli-
ana (W Va 1007).
Fraternity Hall, 506 1-2 Market (W Va 1768).
Fraser C F (& Mrs), trav slsmn, Rockland.
Frazer Eustice (& Mrs), fireman 320 Lubeck.
Frazer G O (& Mrs), lab, 915 Lubeck av.
F _;er Geo (& Mrs), 214 Lubeck av.
Frazer Homer, laborer, 214 Lubeck av.
Fredline Frederick Mrs, 1016 14th.
Fredline John, laborer, 524 4th.
Frederick & West, Dallison (W Va 31-C).
Freed Gilpie, 520 4th.
Freed S C (& Mrs), meat market, 1420
Staunton av (W Va 542-2).
Freed W R (& Mrs), painter, 1721 Plum.
Freeland G W (& Mrs), foremn, 1724 Spring.
Freeland Julia, student, 1724 Spring.
Freeman Mary A, 845 7th.
Freeman Milton, steel wkr, 935 25th.
Freeman Robt (& Mrs), bartdr, 1116 Juliana.
Freeman Walker C, bartender, 847 7th (W
Va 1807).
Freeman Wm T, blacksmith, 845 7th.
Freese Adam, bricklayer, 8 Bradley av.
Freese Alma, 8 Bradley av.
Freese James (& Mrs), barber, 1727 E 7th.
H'reese James, barber shop, 225 Juliana.
Freese J C (& Mrs), barber, 1727 E 7th.
Freese Louis, stone cutter, 8 Bradley av.
Freese Milton, machinist, 1727 E 7th.
i-'reese Peter (& Mrs), stone cutr, 8 Bradley.
Freese Peter, baker, 8 Bradley av.
Freidlein Ed, brakeman, 1005 E 12th.
Freidlein Harry H, machinist, 919 12th.
Freidlein Laura Mrs, 919 E 12th.
Freidlein Lewie T, 919 E 12th.
Friedlander Max (& Mrs), shoes, 603 Mar-
ket, h 43 W 12th.
Friedlander Sarah, clerk, 43 W 12th.
The Old Hollow Sycam
nnerhassett Island.
Friedrich George F, teller, 940 Juliana.
Fiiedrich Irene, 942 Juliana.
Friedrich Walter (& Mrs), music teacher,
30G Sth (W Va 1807).
Friedrich W H, clerk, 511 Market.
Friedrich Will H (& Mrs), clerk, 94o Juliana.
Fries Gus (& Mrs), mgr Bottling Works,
Fries Park, Marrtown.
Fristo Lee J (& Mrs), insurance, G04 13th
Frost Anna Mrs, 520 13 1-2.
Frost C A, plumber, 520 13 1-2.
Frost J C, grocer. 38 W l,'!th (W Va 1G05).
Frost J C (& Mrs), city salesman, 29 W 12th.
Frost M E Mrs, 39 W 12th (W Va 1605-2).
Frost Jennie, 209 1-2 3d.
Frost Pearly (& Mrs), brakeman, 12 ISth.
Fruit Dispatch Co (W H Grove res mgr),
307 Union Trust Bldg.
Fry Bertha E Mrs, G49 7th.
Fry Harry B, clerk, G49 7th.
Fry Laura E, 1028 Swann .
Fuccy Joseph, contractor, 619 Avei y.
Full Carrie B, Riverview.
Full Clay, student, Riverview.
Full John Z (& Mrs), railroadr, 1021 Latrobe
Full Madison (& Mrs), steel wkr, Riverview.
Full Obe (& Mrs), farmer, Vienna.
Full Ollie R, seamstress, 1113 Latrobe.
Fuller Anna, 1106 Lynn.
Fuller Bertha, collector, 944 William.
Fuller C W (& Mrs), carpenter, 944 William.
Fuller H B (& Mrs), laborer, h 1011 12th.
Fuller! on E E <& Mrs), secy and treas Shat-
tuck & Jackson Wholesale Grocery Co,
Lyndon Lodge (W Va 3233-C).
Fuller Jasper, clerk, 944 William.
Fulton C B (& Mrs), oil piodr, Sol Murdoch
av (W Va 149G).
Fulton Helen, student, 801 Murdoch av.
Fulton Julia, 801 Murdoch av.
Fultz Ida, domestic, 914 Market.
Funk J u (& Mrs), barber, 1025 Avery.
Furbee Catherine, nurse, 2516 Ohio (W \ t
Furguson Trixie, 221 2d.
Fury Ora, 1105 Quinc y.
Fusner Harry (& Mrs), pipe fitter, 1228
Jeannette ext.
uabbert Belle, cook, Lehman's Hotel.
Gabbert F (& Mrs), jailor, 778 Market.
Gabbert Inez, 2 Court sq.
Gabbert Ida, Housekeeper, 4S 5th.
Gabbert J (& Mrs), clerk, 1051 Avery.
Gabbert Oney, student, ,78 Market.
i rabbet i Win. Court sq.
Gabbert C H, tailor. 19 Juliana.
Gabriel B C (& Mrs), tailor, 1706 Covert.
Gabriel Bros (B C and E G), tailors, 319 Ju-
liana (W Va 922).
Gabriel E G (& Mrs), tailor, 1322 Spring.
Gaenser Henry (& Mrs), clerk, 318 8th (W
Va Gil).
Gaffney Catherine, 331 7th.
Gaffney John W (& Mrs), oil contr, 331 7f,i.
Gaines Albert, porter, 646 Harris.
Gainor Anthony (& Mrs), mail carrier. 1320
Gainer Henson (& Mrs), sawyer, 410 Central.
Garner JW, laborer, 1115 Juliana.
Gainer Samuel B (& Mis), teacher, 1328 25ln.
Galbraith Elizabeth, clerk, 423 13th.
Galbraith S A (& Mrs), bridge foreman, 423
13th (W Va 1890-1).
Gale Amelia, bkkpr, 517 13 1-2 (W Va 1606).
Gale Anna, 517 13 1-2.
Gale C T (& Mrs), physician, 521 Camdea
(W Va 1C72).
Gale Esther, 1312 Market (W Va 1460).
Gale Ira (& Mrs), rougher, Bull Creek id.
Gale Lulu, 517 13 1-2.
Gale N P, farmer, 521 Camden.
Gale Retta Mis, 517 13 1-2.
Gale Richard, cook, 1110 Ann.
Gale Sarah, 517 13 1-2.
Gale S R (& Mis), foreman, 150G Beaver.
Gallagher A E, restaurant, 219 Juliana (YV
Va 993).
Gallagher Annie Mrs, 908 Avery.
Gallagher Anna E, 219 Juliana.
Gallagher Edward F, meat cutter, 811 7th.
Gallagher Edward, 828 Mary-
Gallagher Margaret, 908 Avery.
Gallagher Ollie, 517 5th.
Gallagher Patrick (& Mrs), car rep, 828 Mary
Gallagher Reck (& Mrs), fish mkt, 221 Gth.
Galvin Esther Mrs, 931 Avery.
Galvin Joseph (& Mrs), clerk, 95G Avery.
Galvin John, finisher, 931 Avery.
Galvin Joseph A, clerk, 95G Avery.
Galvin Kathryn, clerk, 931 Avery.
Galvin Lizzie, dressmaker, 931 Avery.
Galvin Mary, seamstress, 931 Avery.
Gambrill Elizabeth, 625 Ann.
Gambrill lone Mrs. 025 Ann.
Gangwer B D (& Mrs), real estate, 1705 St
Marys av (W Va G79).
Gangwer Bert, student, 1705 St Marys av.
Gangwer Garnet 1705 St Marys av.
Gano Willard, student, 312 7th.
Ganssen Clara L, 1033 Juliana.
Ganssen Julia 1! Mrs, 1033 Juliana.
Gant J E (& Mrs), ry postal elk, 2007
Garfield av.
Gant S C (& Mrs), 1803 E 16th.
Garber John (& Mrs), oil contr, Central av.
Garday Bros, produce, 610 Market.
Garden Saloon, 323 Juliana.
Gardner Bernadine, 1311 Cornwall.
Gardway & Arendt, G10 Market (W Va 439).
Gardway Dan (& Mrs), wool, cor 2d and
Market (W Va 423), h 524 Juliana (W
Gardway John (& Mrs), produce, 818 Avery.
Gardway Lewis, produce, 818 Avery.
Gardway Mabel, 818 Avery.
Gardway Nannie, 524 Juliana.
Garey Ella, seamstress, 1343 Avery.
Garfield School, Avery bet 4th and 5th i\V
Va 1510).
Garnett E E, laborer, 733 Division (W Va
l. A R Hall, 404 1-2 Market.
Garnett Elijah (& Mis), buyer, 103 71-2, cor
Garnett Freda, 733 Division.
Garnett Rexford (& Mrs), clerk, Maplewood.
Garrard P C t& Mrs), reporter, G09 Harris.
Garrette L H, clerk, 127 3d.
Garrettson Maude, compositor, 130G Lynn.
Garrettson R (& Mrs), plumbe , 130G Lynn.
Ga.-ietlson Victor, bkkpr, ]30G _,ynn.
Garrettson Wilbur, clerk, 130G Lynn.
Gari ison E Mrs, domestic, 043 Harris.
Ganison Victor, collector, 423 Market.
Ganity T J (& Mrs), saloon, 1118 Market
and 129 Ann (W Va 128). h 1309 Market.
Gartlan Alice, 81G Market.
Gartlan Fred, stenographer, 81G Market.
Gartlan James (& Mrs), oil producer, 816
Gartlan & Mowris, oil producers, 219 4lk
(W Va 170).
Gartlan Sadie, 81G Market.
Gartlan Thos (& N'rs), 1041 Juliana (W
Va 72G).
Gartner Mary Mrs, housekpr, 1224 Murdoch.
Garton Andrew (& Mrs), B & O slips, 913 13th
Garvin Edward (& Mrs), eng, 1018 Virginia
av (W Va 828).
Garvin J M (& Mrs), grocer, Tavennerville
(W Va 150G-1).
Garvin John, brakeman, Tavennerville.
Gaskill Carl P (& Mrs), laborer, 1120 E 12th.
Gass Robert (& Mrs), trav salesman, 926
Juliana (W Va 497).
Gaston Ella, 727 7th.
Gaston Robert J (& Mrs), bartdr, 1334 Lynn.
Gaston Wade, phys, 700 i-2 7th (W Va70).
Gaston W P (& Mrs), firemn, 1318 Staunton.
Gates Ella Mrs, domestic, 1034 Juliana.
Gates John A, clerk, 207 1-2 Market.
Gates Samuel (& Mrs), 712 1-2 Lubeck av.
Gatrell A C (& Mrs), lab, G12 Leafy Glen Ct.
Gatrell Albert M (& Mrs), carp. Byrn Mawr.
Gatrell Walter, G12 Leafy Glen Court.
Gatten Dennis (& Mrs), farmer, Susque-
hanna av.
Gatten Laura B, Susquehanna av.
Gatten Matilda, Susquehanna av.
Gatzman Peter C, carpenter, 1314 Paden.
Gaughan M (& Mrs), conductor, 1114 Swann.
Gay Eliza J Mrs, 1719 Latrobe.
Gay G Robert, driller 1719 Latrobe.
Gay Hattie B, dressmaker, 1719 Latrobe.
Gaynor Hubert, student, 323 8th.
Gaynor P H (& Mrs), conductor, 323 8th.
Gebart Charles, tailor, 113 4th.
Geeraerdts Arthur (& Mrs), lab, 8101-2 7th.
Geiger Andrew, gang edgeman, East.
Geiger Cecelia, 509 4th.
Geiger Chas F (& Mrs), lndyman, 1516 Lynn
Geiger Earl, laborer, 509 4th.
Residence of J. Mentor Caldwell, Parkersburg.
Leiger F C (& Mrs), packer, 509 1th.
Geiger F H, seamstress, 5th.
Geiger .lake (& Mrs), sawyer, S Side.
Geilfuss A H, secy steel mills, 315 10th (W
Va 1003), office Beechwood (W Val099).
Geissman D L, clerk, 945 Market.
Genheimer J H i& Mrs), pattern mkr, 519
E 1 ~j 1-2.
Centus Lulu, 330 Ann.
Geokemeyer Flora, 9-4 E 12th.
George Amelia, clerk, 653 13th.
ijeorge Harry O, bricklayer, 65G 13th.
George John W (& Mrs), shoemkr, 203 7th,
h 050 13th.
George John W Jr. G5G 13th.
George Nellie, 656 13th.
George Root E, delivery boy, 656 13th.
George Street Ferry, foot George.
George Thos, bkkpr, 656 13th.
George W W Mrs, 1211 Juliana.
Gerber Christian, coachman, 941 Juliana.
Gerken Jas T (&. Mrs), boilrmkr, 1106 Swann
German Lutheran Church, 92G Avery.
German Singing Society, Odd Fellows Hall,
5th. Meets 2d Monday each month 8 p m.
Gerwig E C Mrs, 1008 Ann (W Va 577).
Gerwig E C (& Mrs), 45 W 8th (W Va 1141).
Gerwig Flora E, 1008 Ann.
Gerwig Walter (& Mrs), 403 7th.
Gessler Amer steel wkr, 217 Blennerhassett.
Gessler Frank (& Mrs), steel wkr, 217 Blen-
nerhassett av.
Gessler Paul, steel wkr, 217 Blennerhassett.
Gettle Henrietta, 1019 Juliana.
Gibbons Annie, 817 Lynn.
Gibbens G B (& Mrs), pres Globe Ptg &
Binding Co, 12G 7th (W Va 2S0).
Gibbens M B, mgr Glob Printing & Bind-
ing Co, G15 Juliana (W Va 924).
Gibony Chas, eng, 120 Spencer av, S Side.
Gibony Thos (& Mrs), teamster, 120 Spen-
cer av S Side.
Gibson Frank S (& Mrs), oil prodr. 1G 11th.
Gibson F F (& Mrs), oil prodr, S Side.
Gibson Louise, domestic, 1106 Avery.
Gifford H T. supt Stand Oil Co, 914 Market.
Gifford Thos (& Mrs), 1227 Swann.
Gigley Audrey, 518 William.
Gigley Scott, machinist, 518 William.
Gilbert C A, carpenter, ll±i' Lynn.
Gilbert J Loyal (& Mrs), rec teller First
Natl Bank. 114 loth (W Va 893).
Gilbert J L (& Mrs), collector, 808 Murdoch
(W Va 1778-i;.
Gilbert Lottie, waitress, 510 1-2 Market.
Gilbert N Strong, music teacher, 415 Market
(W Va 1231).
Gilbert Sarah J Mrs, 1906 Beaver.
Gilchrist Chas (& Mis), blksmith, 827 Main.
Gilchrist J A (& Mrs), fireman, 514 4th.
Giles Algie (& Mrs), janitor. 829 14th.
Giles Morgan, 1737 Beaver (W Va 1736).
Giles N W (& Mrs), trav slsmn, 1737 Bearer.
Giles Vaude, milliner, 727 7th (W Va 1908).
Giles Virgie, manicuring, 817 Clay.
Giles Wm, delivery boy, 814 14th.
Gilfillan A A (& Mrs), 553 7th.
Gilfillan Addie, milliner, 553 7th.
Gilfillan Andrew (& Mrs), 553 7th.
Gilfillan Andrew, machinist, 553 7th.
Gilfillan Geo Sr (& Mrs), funeral director,
10 Park pi (W Va 743).
Globe Printing and Binding Company
Printers, Book Binders, Stationers, Engraving and Embossing
130 Third Street
(W. Va. 215)
This Directory is a Sample of our Work
Gilfillan Elvira, 553 7th.
Gilfillan Gertrude, clerk, 553 7th.
Gilfillan Harry, boilermkr, 553 7th.
(jilfillau McGrew, mail clerk, 10 Park pi.
Gilfillan Margaret, clerk, 553 7th.
Gilfus A'bert (& Mrs), 315 E 10th.
Gilkeson Edwin M (& Mrs), banker, 111 13th
(\V Va 533).
Gilkeson Emily, student. Ill 13th.
Gilkeson Margaret, student, 111 13th.
Gill Carrie, laundress, G17 Camden.
Gill Geo, laborer, Standard Oil Co.
Gill Mary Mrs, G17 Camden.
Gill Otha (& Mrs), teamster, 1333 Dilloway.
Gillan W M (& Mrs), steel wkr, Logans
Heights. ,
Gillespie Samuel D (& Mrs), supt, 1031 Laird
Gilliand L E (& Mrs), steel wkr, Dudley av.
Gilmer Abraham L (& Mrs), contr, 1008
George (W Va 390-2).
Gilmore G E (& Mrs), oil prodr, 1316 Avery
(W Va 981).
Gilmore Nettie Mrs, domestic, 208 Juliana.
Gilton Frank, railroader, 509 Ann.
Given Aaron, teacher, Phelps av.
Givens J A (& Mrs), teacher, West Virginia
av i \V Va 1714-5).
Givens Jas (& Mrs), farmer, Phelps av.
Givens Thomas, laborer, Phelps av.
Glancy Bee Mrs, nurse, 1335 St Marys av.
Glancy Dr G H, physician, 609 1-2 Market
(W Va 763-1), h 719 William (W Va 763-2)
Glasscock W E, rev collector,* Govt Bldg (W
Va 117).
Glassgo Ed (& Mrs), recrtg officer, 422 Ann.
Glenn George, student, 322 St Cloud.
Glenn John, clerk P O, 820 Murdoch av.
Glenn Mary Mrs, 811 Jeannette.
Glenn Patrick (& Mrs), foremn, 322 St Cloud
Glenn Thos (& Mrs), tobacconist. 826 Mur-
doch av.
Glidden Grace, 30 Hall.
Glidden J W (& Mrs), trav salesmn, 30 Hall.
Glidden Maurice 30 Hall.
Globe Building, 128-130 3d.
Globe Printing & Binding Co (M B Gibbens
mgr), 130 3d (W Va 215).
Glover E C, grocer, 401 3d.
Glover Emma B, Midway.
Glover Fancis A, student, Midway.
Glover Jasper N (& Mrs), farmer, Midway.
Glover Lora M, student, Midway.
Glover W Homer, kiln drawer, Midway.
Gocke Ed E (& Mrs), boilermkr, 715 Charles.
Gocke Frank (& Mrs), railroader, 11171-2
Godfrey E A Mrs, 1000 Virginia av.
Godfrey Winfleld, 1000 Virginia av.
Goekemeyer Emma, laundress, 914 E 12th.
Goekemeyer Flora L, finisher, 914 E 12th.
Goekemeyer Harry A, laborer, 914 E 12th.
Goekemeyer Henry (& Mrs), boilermkr, 914
E 12th.
Goetz Block, 512 Market.
A Section of the Interior of
The Gold Mine Store
L. E. Simmons, Proprietor
(W. Va. 746)
611 Market Street
Goetz Carl, collector, S Side.
Goetz Conrad (& Mrs), mgr Parkersburg
Brewery, G17 Avery (W Va 1348).
Goetz & Eyth (Conrad Goetz, Reinhaid
Eyth), liquor dlrs, 426 Market (W Va C97).
Goens Chas B, bartender, 417 Cth.
Goff A W (& Mrs), clerk, GG2 E Sth.
Goff Ethel K, student, 1110 Swann.
Goff Eugene, 662 E Sth.
Goff Fred, 662 E 8th.
Goff Dr J J, physician, 511 1-2 Market (W
Va 890), h 521 Juliana (W Va 891).
Goff Marvin M (& Mrs), carp, 2300 Clement.
Goff Ora, student, 1341 Market.
Goff S W, Pettyville (W Va 3230).
Goff W G, clerk, 117 3d.
Gold John Mrs, 402 Ann.
Gold Mine Store, notions and china. 611
Market (W Va 746).
uolden Anna L, 1712 Staunton av.
Golden Daisy, 1712 Staunton av.
Golden Garnet, stenographer, 1712 Staunton.
Golden Ida, domestic, 1331 Market.
Golden James F, steel wkr, Keever and 19th
Golden S B (& Mrs), carp, 1712 Staunton av.
Golden W A, grocer, 930 Market (W Va
Golden Wm A (& Mrs), grocer, 846 7th (W
Va 1709).
Goldtoos Joseph, 313 1-2 Market.
Goldsmith Albert J (& Mrs), bricklayer.
1419 20th.
Goldsmith Homer, laborer, 402 4th.
Goldsmith J W Mrs, bding house, 402 4th.
Goldsmith Otta, 402 4th.
Goldsmith Stella. 402 4th (W Va 1225).
Goldsmith Wade H, student, 1419 20th.
Goldstrohm A'bert, 1211-2 3d.
Goldstrohm's Bar Room, 211 3d.
Uoldstrohm Bert, 121 1-2 3d.
Goldstrohm Fred (& Mrs), 1211-2 3d.
Good Frank (& Mrs!, city auditr, 318 WlOUi
Good Harry, wharfboat, 911 Murdoch av
i\V Va 607).
Good Joseph l& Mrs), wharfboat, 911 Mur-
doch av (W Va 878).
Good J W l& Mrs), physician. 414 1-2 Mar-
ket, h 1707 Latrobe (W Va 583).
Gooden Bessie, 405 Sth.
Gooden Earl. 405 Sth.
Gooden Susie, 405 Sth.
Gooden T J (& Mrs), expressman, 405 Sth.
Goodnight Miuuie, 1619 Beaver.
Goodno Chas AV. physician, 414 1-2 Market,
h Belpre, O.
Goodno Mabel, 400 Lubeck av.
Goodwin & Cleavinger, West Virginia Hotel,
400 3d (W Va 1429).
Goodwin James W (& Mrs), farmer, Bull
Creek rd.
Goodwin O S (& Mrs), saloon, 810 19th (Vv
Va 1G88).
Goolsby H M (& Mrs), conductor, 320 Ann.
Goosman Carl, machinist, 1024 Mary.
Goosman Charles, fireman, 1024 Mary.
Goosman Clyde, student, 1024 Mary.
Goosman EM (& Mis), eng, 1322 Ramsey.
Goosman Grace, 1024 Mary (W Va C90-2).
Goosman Harry, 1024 Mary.
Goosman Henry (& Mrs), eng, 1024 Mary.
Goosman Jennie, li)24 Mary.
Goosman Wm, 10-i Mary.
Gorby Hannah, domestic, 929 25th.
Gorden Alice Mrs, 403 Green.
Gordon Charles G (& Mrs), 119 7th.
Gorden Chas W (& Mrs), farmer, 403 Green.
Gordon Clifford B, elk, 403 Green(W Va 1038)
Gouder Emma, stenographer, 519 E 10 1-2.
Gorden Emma, 403 Green.
Gordon Geo H (& Mrs), real estate, 30G Ju-
liana (W Va 1525), h 1040 Murdoch av (W
Va 1522).
Gordon Harry, salesman, 1040 Murdoch av.
Gordon J A, janitor, 41 5th.
Gordon J W (& Mrs), baggage master, 1G19
Gordon Thos H, student, 1G10 Spring.
Gorden Walter N, farmer, 403 Green.
Gore A O (& Mrs), watchman, 547 1-2 4th.
Gore C F Mrs, 547 1-2 4th.
Gore Harry (& Mrs), junk shop, 521 Ave -y
(W Va 895-2).
Gormican Francis J (& Mrs), carriage trim-
mer, 1624 21st.
Gorman Fronia, domestic, 819 Wood.
Gorman Wm H (& Mrs), blksmith, 1312
Gorrell C E, 1206 Latrobe (W Va 1259-1).
Gorrell Mary, bkkpr, Eagle Bldg, Juliana.
Goudier Clarence M (& Mrs), steel wkr, 1010
Goudy A E (& Mrs), car repr, 622 Lulu.
Goudy David P (& Mrs), salesman, 1125 19tn.
Goudy Everett (& Mrs), salesman, 144s 20th.
Goudy E Wood (& Mrs), baker, 1125 19th (W
Va 1392).
Goudy Geo P (& Mrs), hostler, 916 E 12th.
Goudy I H, blacksmith, 629 Bird.
Goudy I L (& Mrs), 629 Bird.
Goudy J P (& Mrs), car repairer, 630 Mark.
Goudy John W (& Mrs), lndrymn, 1443 20th.
Goudy L Frank, salesman, 1448 20th.
Goudy Roy, 1125 19th.
Goudy Wayne M, bookbinder, 1125 19th.
Gough Allie, domestic, 213 7th.
Gould Daniel, 916 Ann.
Gould Earl D, driver, Spnngdale.
Gould Frances M Mrs, prop Crystal Springs
Water Co, Springdale (W Va 221).
Gould Otis, plumber, 1908 19th.
Gould Richard, 720 Juliana.
Gould Robert (& Mrs), laborer, 650 Market.
Gould S Lot (& Mrs), lumbermn, 720 Juliana
Gove S J (& Mrs), ship elk, Agnes (W Va
Government Building, sw cor Juliana and 5th
Grace Chapel, Elizabeth Pike, S Side.
Grady John, fireman, 511 13 1-2.
Giady Nora, 511 13 1-2.
Graff Agnes, tailoress, 815 19th.
Giaff Ernest, tailor, 515 1-2 Market, h 815
19th (W Va 1333).
Graff Frank, upholsterer, 815 19th.
Graff Fred (& Mrs), grocer, 400 Market (W
Va 131), h 614 Avery (W Va 1034).
Graff Christina Mrs, 31S 7th.
Graff Henry Mis. 318 7th (W Va 1752).
Graff John, elevator boy, 815 19th.
Graham A E, grocer, 912 Race.
Graham Anna, seamstress, 424 1-2 E 12th.
Graham Bros, meat market, 1037 Market i \V
Va 026).
Giaham, Bumgarner & Co, mfrs and job-
beis, 516-518 Juliana (W Va 553).
Graham Charles (& Mrs), meat market, 1508
St Marys av.
Graham Daniel, Mutual Boarding Club, 1037
Market (W Va 1057), office Citizens Natl
Bank (W Va 335).
Graham E B (& Mrs), civil eng, 47 12th (W
Va 964).
Graham Edgar H (& Mrs), firemn, 1011 Mary
Graham Geo, laborer, 1103 Murdoch av.
Graham Guy E, clerk, 209 Sth.
Graham Jas (& Mrs), steward, 1012 Swann.
Graham Josie B, 1412 Spring.
Graham's Grocery, 17th and Briant.
Graham Hattie, tel opr, W Va office, Red-
Graham J E (& Mrs), clerk, 912 Race.
Graham Margaret, nurse, 1001 Virginia av.
Graham R D, meat cutter, 1037 Market.
Graham Robert (& Mrs), meat cutter, 1202
Graham, Ruble & Co, meat market, 1508
St Marys av (W Va 1176).
Graham Samuel J (& Mrs), grocer, 915 Mary.
Graham S L, meat cutter, 1037 Market.
Graham Susan, domestic, 543 5th.
Graham T E (& Mrs), shoe store, 209 8th
(W Va 72).
Graham T P (& Mrs), salesman, 1412 Spring.
Graham W R (& Mrs), meat cutter, 1039
Grand Army Hall, 404 1-2 Market.
Grandon Cornelius, steel wkr, 1912 Ohio av.
Grandon George (& Mrs), watchman, 1912
Ohio av.
Grandon Henry (& Mrs), car insp, 601 16th.
Grandon H Otto, clerk 608 Marietta av.
Grandon J N (& Mrs), lab, 608 Murdoch av.
Grandon Margaret, 1912 Ohio av.
Grandon Ottie, butcher, 008 Marietta av.
Grandon Stephen, clerk, 608 Marietta av.
Grandon W H, steel wkr, 1912 Ohio av.
Grant Ben, meat cutter, 629 Depot.
Wholesale and Retail
W. Va. Phone No. 856
Greek-American Candy Kitchen
Peter Canello, Proprietor
No- 533 Market St.
Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Fruits
Manufacturers of all kinds of Delicious Candy and Choice Confections
Grant C E (& Mrs), 2d-hand furnitui = 932
Market (W Va 1370). h 1326 261'. (W
Va 103).
Grant Elgie, t)34 Mark.
Grant Elmer (<£ Mrs), ship elk, 40U 3u.
Grant Jas D (<st Mrs), laborer, rear 912 9th.
Grant J W (& Mrs), wks B & O, 1500 Gar-
field av.
Grant Milly, 1318 19th.
Grant Nellie Mrs, 1318 i9th.
Grant Preston, car dispatcher, 21G 13th.
Grant R E (& Mrs), laborer. 400 3d.
Grant Sarah J. 032 Mark.
Grant S E (& Mrs), tank bldr, G5G Mark.
Grapes Homer (& Mrs), pool room, 320 Ann.
Gray Calvin, contractor, 707 Jeannette.
Gray E A Mrs, 430 Central av.
Gray Gertrude, adrographer, 430 Central av.
Gray Herman, restaurant, 121 Ann.
Gray J W (& Mrs), clerk. 902 Main (W Va
Gray Mattie. teacher, 902 Main.
Gray S P, laborer, 902 Main.
Grayam Geo (& Mrs), plumber, 115 9th.
Grastenfield Fannie, clerk, 801 Swann.
Grastenfield Lewis (& Mrs), 801 Swann.
Greathouse H D, conductor, 205 1-2 Ann.
Greek-American Candy Kitchen, 533 Market
(W Va 1825).
Greene Benj F (& Mrs), real est, Vienna.
Green Charles, porter, 213 4th.
Green Lee, porter, 900 Clay.
Green Margaret, 211 8th.
Green Ormond (& Mrs), clerk, 1810 Avery
(W Va 1825).
Green Ormon, bartender, 1810 Avery.
Greenwold M, pawnbkr, 203 3d (W Va 1705).
Gregory John (& Mrs), div supt, 1101 George
Gregory Robert L, lawyer, 320 Ann (W
Va 1300).
Grey James, porter, Marrtown rd.
Greynolds Clyde B, student, 813 Ann.
Grerser J R (& Mrs), barber, 601 Market, h
1542 Lynn.
Grerser Robert (&Mrs), barber, 601 Market.
Grier B D, day clerk, Hotel Blennerhassett.
drier J W. railroader, 22C Ann.
Grier Mabe1, student, 1717 Park.
Griffin Daniel (& Mrs), 1213 Avery.
Griffin David (& Mrs), steel wkr, Maplewood.
Griffin Flossie, student, 2403 Murdoch av.
Griffin George, steel worker, Maplewood.
Griffin Huff, steel worker, 2403 Murdoch av.
Griffin Julia, stenographer, 1213 Avery (W
Va 1726).
Griffin J S (& Mrs), 620 Ann .
Griffin J W (& Mrs), carp, 820 15th.
Griffin Lemuel (& Mrs), carpenter, 814 Avery
Griffin Major A (& Mrs), carp. 1617 Latrobe.
Griffin Morna, stenographer. 2403Murdoch av.
Griffin M F (& Mrs), physician, 2403 Mur-
doch av (W Va 772).
Griffin Sara Mrs, cook, 807 Murdoch av.
Griffin Wm E (& Mrs), farmer, Midway.
Grogg & Dudley
205 Fourth Street
Buy, Sell and Exchange Real Estate and Coal and Timber Lands
(W. Va. Phone 603)
Grimm A (& Mrs), carp, L23 1-2 Bradley av.
Grimm's Cafe, 202 3d (W Va 826).
Grimm's Drug Store, 200 3d (W Va 507).
Grimm Ernest W (& Mrs), druggist, 200 3d,
h 929 Swann (W Va 557).
Grimm F T, bookkeeper, 200 1-2 3d.
Grimm Jessie, clerk, 129 3d.
Grimm J K (& Mrs), doubler, 2510 Ohio av.
Grimm J N (& Mrs), barber, 809 Main.
Grimm John (& Mrs), cooper, S Side.
Grimm Malvina Mrs, 200 1-2 3d.
Grimm Nellie, 809 Main.
Grimm Nelson (& Mrs), Lauckport.
Grimm's Restaurant, 202 3d ( \V Va S2G).
Grimm Russell, student, 809 Main.
Grimm S M, 202 3d.
Grimm Wm, horseshoer, S Side.
Grimm Wm F (& Mrs), laborer. 142C 7th.
Grimm W O. bottler, 200 1-2 3d.
Grinter P I, prescription elk, cor 6th and
Groce Edward, steel worker. Maplewood.
Groce E M, Maplewood.
Groce Jacob M (&. Mrs), Maplewood.
Groce John, steel worker, Maplewood.
Grody Mary J Mrs, 916 Laverne.
Grody Wm, laborer, 916 Laverne.
Grogan Chas >& Mrs), mach, 1117 Lubeck av
Grogan J W (& Mrs), lumber, Nicely ville.
Grogan W G (& Mrs), chief e'erk 0 R, 1615
Avery (W Va 1113).
Grogg Bessie, student, 1300 Juliana.
Grogg & Dudley, real est 205 4th (W Va 603)
Grogg J H (& Mrs), real est, 1300 Juliana
(W Va 78).
Grogg Mamie, student, 1300 Juliana.
Grogg Robert, student, 1300 Juliana.
Grove Scott (& Mrs), 1015 William.
Grove W H, res mgr Fruit Dispatch Co, 1127
Groves Ida, student, 623 Pike.
Groves Preston (& Mrs), carpenter, 623 Pike.
Groves Verella, 623 Pike.
Grudier C M, 190 13th.
Grueser Emma, 1039 Ann.
Grueser J L (& Mrs), barber, 1342 Lynn (W
Va 1815).
Grueser Robert (& Mrs), barber, 642 13th.
Guard Dye Works W H, dyeing and pressing,
333 3d tW Va 149).
Guard Harry, 333 3d.
Guard W H (& Mrs), prop Guard's Cleaning
& Pressing Co, 333 3d.
Guaranty Building. 217 4th.
Guestke Wm A (& Mrs), roll turner, 424
Susquehanna av.
Guice Carrie Mrs, 1327 Dilloway.
Guice J J (& Mrs), machinist, 1323 Dilloway.
Guice Lizzie, 1327 Dilloway.
Guinn A O (& Mrs), photographer, 320 5th,
h 700 16th.
Guinn Ella, 113 6th.
Guinn Harry, machinist, 113 6th.
Guinn Jerry (& Mrs), machinist, 1016 14th.
Residence of Henry Dils, Parkersburg.
Guinn John, machinist, 113 Gth.
Guinn John M (& Mrs), car inspr, 113 Cth.
Guinn Lulu Mc, chief tel opr, 714 Latrobe.
(W Va 1071-1).
Guinn Mattie, bookkeeper, 714 Latrobe.
Guinn Pollie, 714 Latrobe.
Guinn Sophia C Mrs, 1004 7th.
Guinn Wallace, clerk, 1901 Murdoch av.
Guinness John p (& Mrs), clerk, G12 Depot.
Gun Club, Inter-Urban (W Va 3202-B).
Gump Arden (& Mrs), barber, 420 7th.
Gump A J (& Mis), barber, 42C 7th.
Guthrie Ed, driller, 321 8th.
Guthrie Frank H (& Mrs), bkkpr, 1625
Guyser Morton, student, 1511 Avery.
Gypsy Oil & Gas Co, 219 4th.
Haag John G (& Mrs), capt Salvation Army,
324 9th.
Haberstick Wm (& Mrs), laborer, Marrtown.
Hackley Prank (& Mrs), barbr, 601 1-2 Green
Hackley F E (Ac Mrs), 6011-2 Green.
Haddox John, collector, 418 Green.
Haddox Harry J, machinist, 1022 19th.
Haddox John W (& Mrs), painter, 100G 14th.
Haddox Josephine Mrs, Vienna.
Haddox Mary T Mrs, 1614 19th.
Haddox Nannie, 1006 14th.
Haddox Nannie R, stenographer, 1022 19th.
Haddox Rachael Mrs, nurse, 1022 19th.
Haddox Sarah, 1006 14th.
Hadley T S (& Mis), miller, 1337 Lynn ( \V
Va 1227).
Hadley Grace, 1337 Lynn.
Hagen J W Jr (& Mrs), secy O R div, 318 E
10th (W Va 1000).
Hagen F O (& Mrs), car distributor, 1115
Murdoch av.
Hagen Kendall R, dispatchr O R, 31S E 10th.
Hager W S (& Mrs), stonemason, 9301-2
Hague J W (& Mrs), steel worker, Custer.
Hahney Harriet C Mrs, 611 Leafy Glen Ct.
Hahney Harry E (& Mrs), laborer, 611 Leafy
Glen Court.
Haines Grant (& Mrs), porter, 801 Green.
Hailey Arthur, waiter, 213 4th.
Hailey Cecil A, machinist, 1908 Avery.
Hailey Estrella, 1908 Avery.
Hailey George C, electrician, 1908 Avery.
Hailey Geo W (& Mrs), carp, 1908 Avery.
Hailey Mary E, student, 1908 Avery.
Hailey Ora Jean, 1908 Avery.
Hale Dora, student, 2525 Murdoch av.
Hale Everett, plasterer, 2525 Murdoch av.
Hale H A (& Mrs), lather, Bradley av.
Hale Michael (& Mrs), plasterer, 2525 Mur-
doch av.
Hale Viola, student, 2525 Murdoch av.
Haley Emma V, student, 623 Avery.
Halfhill Anna, Saunders av and Bull Creek id
Halfhill Annas, Johnston av.
Halfhill Daniel (& Mrs), 120 Spencer av.
Halfhill E G (& Mrs), carp, 2d and William.
Halfhill Emmett, sub mail carrier, Saunders
av and Bull Creek rd.
Halfhill John (Ac Mrs), Johnston av.
Halfhill Mollie, housekeeper, 3 Almeda.
Halfhill Thos, carpenter, Johnston av.
Hall & Prescott
J. B. Hall J. H. Prescottj
Dealers in Furniture, Carpets and Stoves. House Furnished Complete
Nos. 308 and 310 Market Street
( W. Va. 570 i
Halfhill W H, carp, Saunders av and Bull
Creek rd.
Hall Allan, student, 501 Ann.
Hall Anna C, student, 314 E 10th.
Hall Ben H, tel opr, 1516 Staunton av.
Hall C B (& Mrs), trav salesman, Blenner-
hassett av.
Hall Docia, student, 117 Bradley av.
Hall Ed, clerk, 314 Ann.
Hall E D (& Mrs), grocer, 314 Ann.
Hall Edith, 129 1-2 3d.
Hall E H (& Mrs), steel wkr. Saunders av.
Hall Eleanor, student, 501 Ann.
Hall F Bird, seamstress, 1722 Latrobe.
Hall G L (& Mrs), prin Jefferson School,
Foley's lane (W Va 1062-3).
Hall Dr Harry H, dentist, 309 5th.
Hall Harry L, 314 E 10th.
Hall H Prescott, student, 314 E 10th.
Hall James B (& Mrs), 314 E 10th.
Hall James, hostler, 337 Ann.
Hall J Bolton (& Mrs), furniture, 314 E loth
(W Va 615).
Hall J (& Mrs), 583 5th.
Hall J M (& Mrs), electrician, 1033 1-2 Lynn.
Hall John, carpenter. 117 Bradley av.
Hall Dr L L, dentist, 328 Ann (W Va 643).
Hall L L, grocer, 328 Ann (W Va 642).
Hall Dr M T & Son. dentists, 309 5th (W
Va 1420).
Hall Dr M T (& Mrs), dentist, 1015 Quincy
(W Va 1314).
Hall & Prescott Furniture Co, 308-310 Mar-
ke1 (W Va 570).
nail Van (& Mrs), teamster, 91S E 12th.
Hall W H (& Mrs), supt Metropolitan Life
Ins Co, rm 702 Union Trust Bldg (W Va
1325), h 818 Ann (W Va 1354).
Hall W H (& Mrs), foremn, 1516 Staunton av
Hall Win G, Hall Tavern, 214 Market | W
Va 1537).
Hall Win M (& Mrs), civil eng and U S eng,
709 Union Trust Bldg, h 501 Ann, sum-
mer res Lock 18. O (W Va 1334J.
Hall Wm (& Mrs), 217 2d.
Hall W P (& Mrs), conductor, 1505 Beaver.
Hall Wm S (& Mrs), engineer, 320 13th.
Hall's Tavern and Bar, 212-214 Market.
Hallett Dudley, 1808 Garfield av.
Halloran Coleman, 320 Avery.
Halloran Gertrude, nurse, 320 Avery.
Halloran John E, bartender, 320 Avery.
Halloran Kathryn B, 320 Avery.
Halloran May, clerk, 320 Avery.
Halsey, Memel & Strong, undertakers, 317
Juliana (W Va 1806).
Hambel E E, 1621 Oak.
Hambel Wm (& Mrs), 1621 Oak.
Hamilton C A (& Mrs), bill poster, 1010 10th.
Hamilton George, sawyer, 551 6th.
Hamilton H Earl, clerk, 415 4th (W Va L260)
Hamilton John N (& Mrs), elk, Vienna (W
Va 3237-E).
Hamilton John Sr, 1014 Quincy.
Halsey, Memel & Strong
E. M. Halsey F. C. Memel t-f. W. Strong
Funeral Directors and Embalmers
Dealers in Carriages and Harness 317 Juliana Street
W. Va. Phone : Business 1806; Residence 125. Bell 244J
Hamilton John Jr, hammer drvr, 1014 Quincy
Hamilton Laura, student, 1014 Quincy.
Hamilton Lulu, 220 1-2 Juliana.
Hamilton Marion, G24 Leafy Glen Court.
Hamilton Nellie, 210 Juliana (W Va 1803).
Hamilton Samuel (& Mrs), blksmith, 1014
Hammat Giles (& Mrs), farmer, Midway.
Hammat G R (& Mrs), real estate. Vienna.
Hammat Harry (& Mrs), oil driller, Vienna.
Hammerich Joseph W E, driver, 811 Swann.
Hammet H W, rm 23, Citizens Natl Bk Bldg.
Hammond Herbert (& Mrs), barber, 834 7th.
Hammond Oliver R (& Mrs), mach, 418 7th.
Handel Edward, lab, Standard Oil Co.
Hands Beulah, seamstress, George, S Side.
Hands Mary, seamstress, S Side.
Hands S G (& Mrs), carriage pntr, George,
S Side.
Hanes & Allen, real est, rms 10-li Pksburg
Banking & Trust Bldg (W Va 1049).
Hanes B E (& Mrs), real estate, 1109 Market
(W Va 754).
Hanely Kate, 318 9 1-2.
Hanger Frank (& Mrs), fireman, 321 Ann.
Hanna Belle, bunch breaker, 826 Lynn.
Hanna Thomas, laborer, 1009 Lynn.
Hanna Warden W (& Mrs), wks B & O
shops, 602 Juliana.
Hanna Zeal, machinist, 400 Green.
Hannaman Bros, grocers, 2422 Dudley av (W
Va 1306-1).
Hannan Thus S (& Mrs), bkkpr, 1009 Lynn.
Hannaman Chas F (& Mrs), cement works,
Maplewood (W Va 1135).
Hannaman J Arnott, clerk, Jackson Hotel. .
Hannaman Jefferson D, 1328 25th.
Hannan Mary Mrs, housekeeper, 131 13th.
Hannaman Wort D, grocer, 1328 25th (W Va
Lb. .;-2).
Hansel Robert (& Mrs), tailor, 938 Avery.
Hansel W R (& Mrs), cutter, 938 Avery (W
Va 1707).
Harden Wm, railroader, 226 Ann.
Hardesty Albert, 1329 Covert.
Hardesty Elizabeth Mrs, 1329 Covert.
Hardesty Lee, driver, 1517 St Marys av.
Hardesty Lee, clerk, 1329 Covert.
Hardesty Mary, 1329 Covert.
Hardesty Nellie S, 1329 Covert.
Hardesty Wm H, machinist, 1329 Covert.
Hardman L Z (& Mrs), laborer, 634 Camden.
Hare Cecelia, dressmkr, 1048 Market.
Hare Charles (& Mrs), laborer, Nicelyville.
Hare J L, 1048 Market (W Va 1216).
Hare Kate, clerk, 1127 Market.
Hare Margaret, dressmaker, 104S Market.
Hare Martin, 1048 Market.
Hare Nellie, clerk, 1048 Market.
Harlow Marie, 323 8th.
Harmon B A, clerk, Palace Hotel.
Harman Libbie, 28 Hall.
Harman Oliver (& Mrs), foreman, 1102 13th.
Harman Wm (& Mrs), carpenter, 28 19th.
Residence of B. E. Hanes, Market Street
B. E. Hanes
REAL ESTATE Bought, Sold and Exchanged.
Parkersburg Banking & Trust Co. Building, Rooms 10 to 11.
If yon want to sell a Good Property at a Bargain, list it with me — I sell Bargains only
Large list of descriptions, with prices, furnished upon application.
"I Sell the Earth— and Some Things Thereupon." See Me. (Notary Public)
Harnish Charlotte, student, 1341 Market.
Harnish Douglas, student, 1341 Market.
Harnish H F, 1341 Market (W Va 833).
Harnish H F & Co, harnes mkrs, 234 Court
sq i\V Va 235).
Harnish Louise, teacher piano, 32G 9 1-2,
h 928 Avery.
Harper Adam F (& Mrs), laborer. 917 E 12th.
Harper Blanche, student, Lincoln av.
Harper Curtis, laborer, Tavennerville.
Harper Elmer, laborer, 1502 Staunton av.
Harper H, laborer, Standard Oil Co.
Harper J F (& Mrs), car repr, 1112 Lynn.
Harper John, laborer, 410 1-2 Central av.
Harper Jas S (& Mrs), foreman B & O
shops, Tavennerville.
Harper Jesse S (& Mrs), steel wkr, Lincoln.
Harper W W, machinist, 601 Juliana.
ttarr Edward B (& Mrs), steel wkr, River-
Harris C A, carpenter, 125 Ann.
Harris Charles, clothing, 125 Ann.
Harris Clara, clerk. 1413 Lynn.
Harris E A, laborer, 900 Lubeck av.
Harris F P (& Mrs), 326 9 1-2.
Harris Frank Delbert (& Mrs), bkkpr, 1327
Harris Frank, miller, 325 Green.
Harris Geo S (& Mrs), 2d-hand clothing,
123-125 Ann, h 1011 George.
Hanes Grant (& Mrs), porter, 801 Green.
Harris H N (& Mrs), flagman, 642 Mark.
Harris James (& Mrs), lab. 536 Marietta av.
Harris Jennie Mis. Madison av.
Harris John, clerk, 1413 Lynn.
Harris John T, court repr, 409 Juliana (W
Va 1744).
Harris John T (& Mrs), stenographer, 1014
Murdoch av (W Va 1307).
Harris John' clerk, 421 Market.
Harris John W (& Mrs), teamster, 1103
E 12th.
Harris Joshua (& Mrs), teamster. 1101 E 12th
Harris J \v Mrs, 519 1-2 Gale av.
Harris Kate, 936 Juliana.
Harris Lelia, Bull Creek rd.
Harris Lena, 1413 Lynn.
Harris Louis, clerk, 813 7th.
Harris Maggie, clerk, 1413 Lynn.
Harris Maggie, domestic, 710 Ann.
Harris Martha Mrs, housework, 909 Ann.
Harris Millie Mrs, 624 Ann.
Harris Minnie, Bull Creek rd.
Harris Moses (& Mrs), janitor, 908 2d av.
Harris Orville, turner. 1101 E 12th.
Harris Rose R, 1429 22d.
Harris R P. clerk, 1337 Avery (W Va 1397).
Harris S A Mrs, Sll Avery.
Harris Sarah, laundress, 409 8th.
Harris Dr T A. physician, 500 Market, h 936
Juliana (W Va 721).
Harris Upson, clerk, 325 Green.
Harris Wm (& Mrs), packer, 325 Green.
Harris Wm Jr, bkkpr, 325 Green.
iiarris W L (& Mrs), harnessmkr, 1413 Lynn
Harrigan Anna, teacher, 824 Jeannette.
Harrigan John (& Mrs), eng B & O, 324
Harrigan John Jr, grocer, 824 Jeannette (W
Va 110).
Harrigan Joseph, student, 824 Jeannette.
Harrigan Lam a M stenogpr, 824 Jeannette.
Harrigan May, 824 Jeannette.
Harrington Anna Mis, 908 Lynn.
Harrington F U (& Mrs) oil prdr 1330 Avery.
Harrington S C (& Mis), saloon, 820 Oak al
(W Va 58).
Harriman Ella Mrs, 300 Lubeck av.
Harrison Gertrude, domestic, 323 7th.
Harrison Madge, bkkpr, 812 Swann.
Harshbarger Chas L, fireman, 1330 Ramsey.
Harshbarger Mary A, 1330 Ramsey.
Harshbarger Orna, clerk, 218 1-2 Market.
Hart Charles (& Mrs), teamster, Vaughn av.
Hart Dell, nurse, City Hospital.
Hart Fannie T, nurse, City Hospital,
.hart Hattie, 222 Market.
Hart J W (& Mrs), packer, Marrtown.
Hartleben Gus (& Mrs), engineer, 211 Avery
(W Va 1553).
Hartleben Henry (& Mrs), moulder, 905 13th.
Hartleben Nora, 905 13th.
Hartley James E, 568 6th.
Harts Myron (& Mrs), N Parkersburg.
Harvey Marjorie C, 1808 Covert.
Harvey Mary Genevieve, 1808 Covert.
Harvey C Emmet, 180S Covert.
Harvey Chas P(& Mrs), city ed Sentinel, 1808
Covert (W Va 2S9).
Harvey I N (& Mrs), steel wkr, Pine.
Haskins Clarence, 1019 Lynn.
Haskins C R (& Mrs), clerk, 1012 Lynn.
Haskins Fox, clerk, i019 Lynn.
Haskins J R (& Mrs), insurance, 1019 Lynn.
Hastings A D, 1903 15th (W Va 28).
Hastings Arthur, electrician, 914 15th.
Hastings C C Mrs, 914 15th.
Hastings Charles M, driller, 914 15th.
Hastings John R, lineman, 914 15th.
Hatch D T (& Mrs), feed and livery, 839
Mary, h G02 William.
Hatch E C, laborer, 839 Mary.
Hatch Geo \V (& Mrs), bkkpr, 1028 Laird.
Hatch O B (& Mrs), liveryman, 602 William.
Hatch & Valentine, feed store, 602 William
(W Va 1020).
Hatchet Chas (& Mrs), porter, 1932 Ohio av.
Hatfield Franklin P (& Mrs), physician,
727 1-2 7th (W Va 1725).
Hatten George W (& Mrs), elk, 417 4th.
Hausman F, laborer, Standard Oil Co.
Havener F O (& Mrs), lumberman, 1217 Ann.
Havener Vere, 1217 Ann.
Hawk J W (& Mrs), carpenter, 2402 23d.
Hawkey Ed, 527 Market.
Hawkey J W (& Mrs), mgr Surprise Store,
538 oth i\V Va 257).
Hawkins Clyde A (& Mrs), salesman, 1730 St
Marys av (W Va 940).
Hawkins C \\ . car repairer. 142 Spencer av.
Hawkins G A (& Mrs), gen store, 1420 Cov-
ert (W Va 274). h 1500 Covert.
Hawkins Laura Mrs, 142 Spencer av.
Hawkins Louise, presser, 328 8th.
Hawkins O S, mgr W Va Real Est Co. 1124
Murdoch av (W Va 1102).
Hawkins Wm (& Mis), laborer, 1221 Water.
Hawley C Mrs, 1000 William.
Hawley Harry, tailor. 1000 William.
Hawley Maud, clerk, 1000 William.
Hawley W, clerk, 1000 William.
Hawsstutter Bessie, bunch breaker. 1004 Lu-
beck av.
Hayden Bert, steel worker, 117 7th.
Harden Nellie. 204 1-2 Juliana.
Hays Abijah, lawyer. 24u 1-2 Court sq, (W
Va 715), h 801 Murdoch av.
Hayes Charlie, student, 20 W 10th.
Hayes Clara. 20 W 10th.
Hayes Frank, boilermkr, Standard Oil Co.
Hayes James, waiter, 213 4th.
Hayes Wm H (& Mrs/, plasterer, 20 W 10th.
Hay hurst Chas A (& Mrs), oil opr, 2501
Grand av.
Hayhurst Geo L (& Mrs;, moulder, Vienna.
Hayhurst Zelma I, student, 2501 Grand av.
Hayhurst Zora L, stenographer, 2501 Grand.
Hayman E J, 211 Stn.
Hayruan Fred, student, 813 Ann.
Haynes Ermina, domestic, 210 Ann.
Haynes Roy, clerk, ith.
Hazen E D. 709 7th I \V Va 829).
Hazen Icie P, 924 Swann .
Hazen, Romine & Hazen, dry goods, 4)9
Hazen Stowell S (& Mrs), dry goods, 924
Hazlerigg Chonott, 702 13th.
Hazlerigg D D (& Mrs), millwright, 702 13th.
Hazlerigg Green, carpenter. 123 3d.
Hazlerigg Margaret Elizabeth. 702 13th.
Hazlerigg Theodore [& Mrs), hammer driver,
107 1-2 3d.
Hazlett W W (& Mrs), condr, 1933 Murdoch.
Headlee Belle L, domestic, 1024 Swann.
Headlee Effie E, 1024 Swann.
Headlee Henry (& Mrs), farmer, Dudley av.
Headlee Mary Mrs, 2522 Ohio av.
Headlee Maude M, student, 2522 Ohio av.
Headlee Wm C, bricklayer, 2522 Ohio av.
Headlee Wm J (& Mrs), laborer, 1024 Swann.
Headley Alfred (& Mrs), painter, 2306 Clem-
ent av (W Va 1140).
Headley Arthur W (& Mrs), painter, Vienna.
Headley Chas E (ic Mrs), painter, 2540 Gar-
field av.
Headley Geo L, stenographer, 1625 Lee.
Headley L L, 811 16th (W Va 1472).
Headley S A, wood wkr, 1625 Lee.
Headley S J (& Mrs), painter, Dudley av.
Headley W W (& Mrs), carpenter, 1625 Lee.
Hearn Jas (& Mrs), paymaster, 110 9th.
Hearne C C Mrs, housekpr, 305 11th.
Heath Etha, domestic, 1211 Juliana.
Heatherington J P (& Mrs), carp, 830 Mur-
doch av (W Va 1516). -
Heatherly Carrie, Tavennerville.
Heatherly B T (& Mrs), Saunders av.
Heatherly James F, clerk, Elizabeth av.
Heatherly J F (& Mrs), grocer, Tavennerville
Heatherly Laura, student, Tavennerville.
Heatherly Noah, clerk, Tavennerville.
Heaton Carrie, G55 1-2 7th.
Heaton Geo (& Mrs), secy Board of Educa-
tion and Librarian High School and Public
Library, office Carnegie Bldg, h 1122 24th
(W Va 1428).
Heaton Grace, 1807 Covert.
Heaton Holly, linotype opr, 231 3d.
Heaton Icie, 655 1-2 7th.
Heaton Lorena, 1807 Covert.
Heaton Louise Mrs, 655 1-2 7th.
Heaton Nannie, bookbinder, 1807 Covert.
Heaton Minnie, 655 1-2 7th.
Heaton W T (& Mrs), cashier U S rev office,
1745 Covert (W Va 1121).
Heavenor John, hostler, 337 Ann.
Hebrank Geo L, lab, 813 Lynn (W Va 633).
Hecht Fred, clerk, Marrtown.
Hecht Julia Mrs, Marrtown.
Hecht Lucy, bunch breaker, Marrtown.
Hecht Willie, laborer, Marrtown.
Heck Asa, steel worker, Grandview av.
Heck John A (& Mrs), condr, 1114 Market.
Heck Lizzie, domestic, Grandview av.
Heck Wm (& Mrs), carp, Grandview av.
Heckler A H (& Mrs), barber, 302 1-2 4th
(W Va 554). h 1017 George (W Va 580).
Heermanns E (& Mrs), 905 Ann (W Va 820).
Heermanns Win H, Savage Flats, 13th (W
Va 1784).
Hefner Bertha, waitrs, i-lennerhassett Hotel.
Herfter Edward (& Mrs), carp, 714 Grafton.
Heiner J C, 424 Market.
Heinselman Chas (& Mrs), driller, Buena
Vista (W Va 3237-K).
Heisberger Leoma, 118 1-2 Market.
Heald Frank (& Mrs), oil drillr, 1612 Beaver
(W Va 1901).
Helm Rev J M (& Mrs), pastor Christian
Church, 1413 Covert.
Helm Power, 1413 Covert.
Helm M T, shoemkr, 533 6th, h 314 1-2 5th.
Helmes C E (& Mrs), Bentley av.
Helmes Lucretia Mrs, 111 Bradley av.
Helmick C W (& Mrs), mattressmkr, 909
Helmick John (& Mrs), constable, 1127 La-
Helmick J R (& Mrs), 1729 E 7th.
Helmick T J, 1125 Latrobe (W Va 624).
Hellar John, clerk, 402 Ann.
Hemrich Hilda, stenographer, 811 Swann.
Hemmerich E H, laborer. Standard Oil Co.
hemmerich Frank A (& Mrs), brewmaster,
811 Swann (W Va 548).
Hemmerich Hilda L. bkkpr, 811 Swann.
Hemmerich Joseph, driver, 811 Swann.
Hemmerich Lillian A, student, 811 Swann.
Henderson Clara, domestic, 1209 Juliana.
Henderson Elizabeth, teacher, 320 8th.
Henderson Forros (& Mrs), lab, 811 Clay.
Henderson Noretta, domestic, 815 Juliana.
Hendeishot A B (& Mrs), teacher, Tavenner-
Hendeishot Anna, 1004 William.
Hendeishot Anna, student, 1330 Lynn.
Hendershot Bentley (& Mrs), 1715 St Marys.
Hendeishot Chas M, elk, 1715 St Marys av.
Hendeishot Dora Mrs, domestic, 119 4th.
Hendershot Eli H, bkkpr, S21 7th.
Hendershot Ethel, 1715 St Marys av.
Hendershot Garrett L (& Mrs), trav sales-
man, 1715 St Marys av (W Va 1367).
Hendershot Hattie, teacher, 324 8th.
Hendershot H B, 713 Latrobe.
Hendershot Herman B, bkkpr, 713 Latrobe.
Hendershot I A, 404 4th.
Hendershot Jos K (& Mrs), grocer, 821 7th,
h 713 Latrobe.
Hendershot Lewis, laundryman, 404 4th.
Hendershot L L, cigar store, 404 4th.
Hendershot Louie, deliverer, 720 7th.
Hendershot Mary Mrs, 913 13th.
Hendershot Mary, bkkpr, 119 4th.
Hendershot M E (& Mrs), laborer, S Side.
Hendershot O S, steel wkr, 1020 William.
Hendershot O W, grocer, 823 7th (W Va
1060), h 1004 William.
Hendershot Pierson M (& Mrs), cement
works, Maplewood.
Hendershot S (& Mrs), foreman, 404 4th (W
Va 916).
Hendershot Thos E (& Mrs), stillman, 1330
Lynn (W Va 1391).
Hendershot Thurman (& Mrs), 820 Mary.
Hendershot Vera, student, 713 Latrobe.
Hendershot Vera, clerk, 821 7th.
Hendershot W M (& Mrs), laborer, 38 19th.
Hendricks Henry (& Mrs) .brklayer, 1232 22d.
Hendrickson Grace, compositor, 1027 Main.
Hennessy Ella, student, 813 Ann.
Henry Charles (& Mrs), carp, 1412 Covert.
Henry D E (& Mrs), steel worker, Lincoln av
Henry J G, clerk, 1225 Market.
Henry Myrtle, dressmaker, 1412 Covert.
Henry W H (& Mrs), pastor First Baptist
Church, 220 9th.
Herschel's Turkish-Russian Baths
John A. Herachel, Proprietor
Comer Market and Fourth Sts. ( W. Va. 1541 )
The only Bath House of this nature in the city. Expert attendance
always at hand. We make Chiropody and Massage our Specialty
Has been connected with the best known establishments in New York City
Ladies by appointment. Open 8 a. m. to Midnight
Henry Virginia W. 103 7 1-2.
Henthorne Bertha, 916 15th.
Henthorne Ctias H, cabinetmkr, 2402 Clement
Henthorn F M (& Mrs), clerk, 1G41 19th.
Henthorne Irvin P, plumber, 901 Dickel av.
Henthorne W B (& Mrs), carp, 3402 Clement.
Henthorne R L (& Mrs), grocer, 901 Dickel av
Henthorne Samuel (& Mrs), stonemason,
35 19 1-2.
Henthorn F M. porter, 19th and Plum.
Henthorne Walter, driver, 91G 15th.
Henthorn W Calvin, laborer, 14 Latrobe.
Henthorne Wm (& Mrs), driver, 91G 15th.
Henson Katherine, student, 932 1-2 Market.
Henske Frank (& Mrs), tailor, 635 7th.
Henske Valetta, student, 635 7th.
Herbert John E (& Mrs), electrician, Maple-
Herbert Mis M E, 629 Leafy Glen Court.
Herdman A W, carpenter, 2410 Clement av.
Herdman Caroline L, 2410 Clement av.
Herdman Charles E. 1115 17th.
Herdman Frank L, bartender, 1115 17th.
Herdman Frank, clerk, 1824 Murdoch av.
Herdman G W (& Mrs), lab, 1824 Murdoch.
Herdman Henry, 2410 Clement av.
Herdman L M Mrs, 1115 17th.
Herdman Thomas Earl, 1115 17th.
Herman Martin (& Mrs), steel worker, 134
Blennerhassett av.
Herman Tony, steel wkr, 134 Blennerhassett.
Herring L D (& Mrs), engineer, 827 Lynn.
Hersch W A. mgr United Woolen Mills Co,
921 Market (W Va 1389).
Herschel John A, turkish bath, 4th and Mar-
ket (W Va 1541).
Hetteberg Emma Mrs, 914 Market.
Hettich Chas (& Mrs), stonemason, Thomas.
Hewitt E A Mrs, agent, 1S0S Garfield av.
Hewitt Emma G, clerk, 1S0S Garfield av.
Hewitt J M, boilermkr, 1808 Garfield av.
Hewitt S J (& Mrs), boarding house, 322 4th.
Hewitt Wm A (& Mrs), drill pressman, 1808
Garfield av.
Hewitt W C (& Mrs), engineer, Susque-
hanna av.
Heydenreich Bonnie, teacher, 520 Juliana.
Heydenreich Frank R (& Mrs), contr, 1427
Murdoch av.
Heydenreich Hugo (& Mrs), contractor, 520
Juliana (W Va 512).
Heydenreich Linna, 520 Juliana.
Heydenreich Lulu, 520 Juliana.
Heydenreich MolUe. 520 Juliana.
Heydenreich Wm, student, 1427 Murdoch av.
Heydenreich W H, chief fire dept. 520 Ju-
Heyl D Wm (& Mrs), chemist, 121C Wash-
ington av (W Va 1535).
Hiatt B E, asst cashier, 415 Market.
Hibbard W A. mgr Wolfe China Co, Com-
mercial Hotel.
Hibbs Harry, stenographer, 509 Ann.
Hibernian Hall. 418 1-2 Market.
Juliana Street After a Snow Storm.
Hickey Rev Edward M, 532 Market (W
Va 7G2).
Hickman Ada V, student, 93G Latrobe.
Hickman C H (& Mrs), lineman, 1318 Oak.
Hickman E A (& Mrs), lab, 1317 Staunton av
Hickman Emma Mrs, forelady, 547 Gth.
Hickman Heber, machinist, 911 E 12th.
Hickman J B, secy Parkersburg Tran fer
Co, 210 11th (W Va 1087).
Hickman Jamesworth (& Mrs), lineman, 11U
Hickman James C, boilermkr, 911 E 12th.
Hickman John M (& Mrs), carp, 911 E 12th.
Hickman Marshall L, conductor, 93G Latrobe.
Hickman Mary J, houskpr, 1408 Covert.
Hickman W F (& Mrs), patrolman, 1112 Mar-
Hibbard W A, clothing, 240 Court sq.
Hiehle Ed, baker, 23G Court sq.
Hiehle Dora a±, cashier, 236 Court sq.
Hiehle Elsie, 1123 Murdoch av.
Hiehle E O (& Mrs), mineral water, 206 4th
(W Va 198 J, h 1123 Murdoch (W Va 260).
Hiehle Ernest, 22d and Dudley av (W Va
Hiehle Geo W, student, 1123 Murdoch av.
Hiehle John R, confectionery, 23G Court sq
(W Va 193).
Hiehle Rosa Mrs, 2.jG Court sq.
Hiehle T G, clerk, 517 Market.
Hiehle Theodore, saloon, 220 Market (W
Va 270-1), h (W Va 270-2).
Hiett L L Mrs, Blennerhassett av.
Higgs A C(& Mrs), 1002 19th (W Va 1939).
Higgs Alice S, 910 Ann.
Higgs Gertrude, stenographer, 910 Ann.
Higgs Harry J, trav salesman, 910 Ann.
Higgs Homer (& Mrs), ticket agt Camden
Theater, 1002 19th.
Higgs J F, presptn elk, 910 Ann (W Val534)
Higgs James L, clerk, 910 Ann.
Higgs John S (& Mrs), contractor, 910 Ann.
Higgs Thomas L, student, 910 Ann.
Higgins A R, oil worker, 123 3d.
Higgins Frank, laborer, 821 Swanu.
Higgins F O (& Mrs), car distributor, 1115
Murdoch av.
Higgins John T, 821 Swanu.
Higgins Lottie C, housekpr, 821 Swann.
Higgins Stanley, clerk, 1115 Murdoch av.
High School and Public Library, s w cor Sth
and Green.
High School, cor 7th and Green.
Hile D A, bkkpr, 712 1-2 Market.
Hile Joseph (& Mrs), contractor, 1815 Spring
(W Va 513).
Hileman H A (& Mrs), driver, S Side.
Hill Bruce A (& Mrs), G Camden av.
Hill Charles, laborer, Tavennerville.
Hill D C (& Mrs), laborer, 1710 Staunton av
(W Va 1086-:).
Hill Elza, caller B & O, 1710 Staunton av.
Hill Ethel, student, 56S Gale av.
Hill G F (& Mrs), painter, Marrtown.
Hill Gola, brakeman, 1521 Garfield av.
Hill Harry, plumber, 222 Market.
Hill Hampton, cook, Dickel av.
Hill Henry W (& Mrs), laborer, 310 13th.
Hill I P, laborer, 1410 Staunton av.
Hill Jas (& Mrs), barnman, 556 Marietta av.
Hill J H (& Mrs), laborer, Newport.
Hill J H (& Mrs), laborer, Tavennerville.
Hill J W (& Mrs), painter, 1521 Garfield av.
nill Julia, 310 13: h.
Hill Maude, domestic, 1217 Ann.
Hill Men ill, plumber, 1221 Market.
Hill Milton, cook, Dickel av.
Hill O F (& Mis), teamster, S Side.
Hill S M (& Mis), stable, 1314 Juliana.
Hill Virgie, stenographer, 1521 Garfield av.
Hillard Anna E, seamstress, 907 E 12th.
Hillard Floyd l& Mrs), 926 E 12th (W Va
Hillai d Geo W (<& Mis), engine inspector,
917 ^ 12th (W Va 519-1).
Hillard Janus W, 210 11th.
Hillaid Ina Mis, chiropodist, G12 1-2 Market
(W Va EC).
Hilliard John P, boilermkr, 907 E 12th.
Hilliard D.- L W (& Mis), physician. G12 1-2
Maiket, h SIS Clay.
Hilton Leroy (& Mrs), laborer, 1223 Water.
Hilton Mattie, domestic, 1223 Water.
Hinds J K, teamster, 1406 Garfield av.
Hindenach Helena, 1701 E 7th.
Hine Win, clerk, 49 5th.
Hines Annie, seamstress, 909 E 12th.
Hines Beatrice, laundress, 909 E 12th.
Hines Clara, 208 Court al.
Hines Elizabeth Mrs, 909 E 12th.
Hines J E [& Mrs), pres Hub Clothing Co,
Cairo, W Va.
Hines John J (& Mrs), foreman, 1111 13th.
Hines Katie E, laundress, 909 E 12th.
Hines Mary, 909 E 12th.
Hines Thomas, upholsterer, 909 E 12th.
Hinkley Elizabeth, 1219 Quincy (W Va 1297).
Hinzman J A (& Mrs), laborer, 1330 George.
Hitchcock Chas, machineman, 512 Gale av.
Hitchcock Geo, marble cutter, 512 Gale av.
Hitchcock Harry, laborer, 512 Gale av.
Hitchcock L E (& Mrs), mantel factory, 512
Gale av.
Hitchcock Ola, 512 Gale av.
Hiteshew C T, cashier Farmers & Mechanics
National Bank, 120S Ann (W Va 843).
Hiteshew H O, lawyer, 324 Juliana.
Hiteshew Wm B, bkkpr, 120S Ann.
Hitt C G, cabinet maker, 519 Gale av.
Hitt D W (& Mrs), P O guard, 519 Gale av
(W Va 1211).
Hitt R G, machinist, 519 Gale av.
Hoban Bernardine, music teacher, 632 Mar-
ietta av.
Hoban John, machinist, 632 Marietta av.
Hoban Maria, 632 Marietta av.
Hoban Mary Mrs, 632 Marietta av.
Hobensack H H (& Mrs), engineer, 2S 18th.
Hobeusack Pauline, 28 18th.
Hoblitzell A G (& Mrs), saloon, 608 Market
(W Va 977), h 1622 Avery (W Va 968).
Hoblitzell C Jr, student, 905 Virginia av.
Hoblitzell Clifford, bkkpr, 1622 Avery.
Hoblitzell Dempsey, student, 1622 Avery.
Hoblitzell J D, saloon 504 4th, h 1622 Avery.
Hoblitzell J D (& Mrs), engineer, 504 4th.
Hoblitzell H H (& Mrs), saloon, 905 Virginia
av (W Va 666).
Hoblitzell P C, bkkpr, 1622 Avery.
Hoce Charles, curtainmaker, S2 W 12th.
Hoce H S (& Mrs), plumbing, 82 W 12th.
Hoce Ira, planer, S2 W 12th.
Hoce J S (& Mrs), 14 Almeda.
Hoce Lewis (& Mrs), steel wkr, 14 Almeda.
Hoce Oscar (& Mrs), carp, S24 Chestnut.
Hoskster Charles, laborer, 524 4th.
Hodge M P (& Mrs), brick, Atlantic av.
Hodge Ola (& Mrs), laborer, Atlantic av.
Hodges T T Mrs, 7 Almeda.
Hodgkiss Charles, driver, 324 4th.
Hodgkiss Wm (& Mis), grocr. 207 1-2 Market
Hodgne Alvin Richard (& Mrs), oil driller,
225 Division.
Hodgne Alvin, laborer, 225 Division.
Hodgne Harry, laborer, 225 Division.
Hodgne Thomas, laborer, 225 Division,
rioey Minnie, domestic, 1054 Market.
Hoff Dr J W (& Mrs), physician, 801 19th.
Hoff Lulu M, 801 19th
Hoff S A Mrs, 801 19th.
Hoffman Bertha Mrs, 1505 Staunton av.
Hofman Bertha Mrs, boarding house, 322 7th
(W Va 1129).
Hoffman Charles A (& Mrs), clerk, 1052
Hoffman Emma, teacher, 915 Swann.
Hoffman Henry, elk, 915 Swann (W Va 224).
Hoffman Jessie, 915 Swann.
Hoffman J W, elvatorman, rm 11, P O Bldg.
Hoffman Mary Mrs, 915 Swann.
Hoffman Myrtle, 915 Swann.
Hoffman W L, P O clerk, 1052 Market.
Hogan John J, elk Circuit and Criminal
Courts, 538 7th ( W Va 961).
Hogan Thayer C (& Mrs), condr, 1915 Spring
Hogg Herman B, mgr, 314 Markel i W Va997)
Hoit Arthur E (& Mrs), driver, 25th and
Vaughn av.
Holdren Frank (& Mrs), oil driller, 118 6th.
Holland Jas E (& Mrs), driver, 90S 13th.
Hollen Frank, 222 Market.
Hollen Nellie Mrs, 1723 Lynn.
Holley Ella, 726 Jeannette.
Holley Mary Mrs, 726 Jeannette.
Holliday Bertha, 909 Virginia av.
Holliday C B, clerk, 911 Virginia av.
holliday Cemetery, s e cor Gale and 6th.
Holliday Chas (& Mrs), lab. Tavennerville.
Holliday C T (& Mrs), farmer, 909 Virginia.
Holliday Dollie, clerk, 909 Virginia av.
Holliday Ethel, Tavennerville.
Holliday George (& Mrs), driver. 326 Green
(W Va S64).
Holliday Jeannette, Tavennerville.
NewH Hotel Monroe
Wells & Wolf, Proprietors. E. Wells, Manager
Third St., Opp. Court House, Parkersburg, W. Va. Rates: $1.00 to $1.50 per day
Everything New and Up-to-date Special Rates by the Week
Strictly First-Class. Fine Service Guaranteed by the Management
(W. Va. 184) Hotel Open Day, and Night
Holliday J E (& Mrs), grocer, Tavennerville
(W Va 1483).
Holliday J H (& Mrs), clerk, 549 lili.
Holliday John (& Mrs), Tavennerville.
Holliday Mary, clerk, 911 Virginia av.
Holliday Mattie, Tavennerville.
Holliday Will O (& Mrs), clerk. 71.r> Wood.
Hollinger Blanche, 1000 Avery.
Hollinger Guy, porter, 1000 Avery.
Hollister Asa L (& Mrs), oil mgr, 1020
George (W Va 1290)
Hollister Inez M. 1020 George.
Hollister Isa M, secy, 1020 George.
nollren Saloon. 222 Market.
Holmes Albert YV. printing, S06 16th, h 21S
Holmes Geo W <& Mrs), painter, 122G Gar-
field av.
Holstin James (& Mrs), carpenter, 1222 23d
(W Va 1741).
Holt Margaret, 1225 Juliana.
Holtz C W, livery, 1314 Juliana.
Holtz F (& Mrs), laborer. G10 17th.
Holtz Mamie, stenographer, 1030 Laird av.
Home Life Insurance Co of New York (Thos
B Underhill dist mgr), 38 Citizens Bk Bldg
Homestead Hotel, 224 Market.
Honeyseeker Thomas, laborer, 400 3d.
Hood Rubber Co, distributrs, 516-518 Juliana.
Hooper A (& Mrs), elk, Commercial Hotel.
Hooper Jonn \v (& Mrs), blacksmith, 807 1-2
Hoover John, cabinetmkr, 002 1-2 Market.
Hoover J H (& Mrs), 600 1-2 Market.
Hoover Keren Mrs, 811 14th.
Hopkins Chas, Johnson's Cafe. Court sq.
Hopkins D S, laborer, 802 7th.
Hopkins Ellen, organist, 522 7th.
Hopkins E N (& Mrs), elk Commercial Ho-
tel, 1724 Covert.
Hopkins Dr Fred T, dentist. 407 1.-2 Market.
Hopkins Harriett E Mis, 11 Park pi.
Hopkins Harry, fireman, 1507 Staunton av.
Hopkins J E Mrs, 1032 Market (W Va 678).
Hopkins Nannie Mrs, 1753 Covert.
Hopkins Neal (& Mrs), elk Commercial Ho-
tel, 1724 Covert.
Hopkins Otto, fireman, 1507 Staunton av.
Hopkins Sara M, 407 1-2 Market.
Hopkins Wm A (& Mrs), asst city engineer,
. Midway.
Hopkins Win, B & O inspector, 408 4th.
Hornbeck Edward (& Mrs), boilermkr, 607
Hornbeck Mary Mrs, 302 Lubeck av.
Hornor A R (& Mrs), bkkpr. 1111 18th (W
Va 1017).
Hornor Baxter (& Mrs), brakeman, 1206
Hornor Camden C, asst ed Sentinel, 327 9th.
Hornor C M, clerk, 513 Avery.
Hornor Chas, clerk, Bull Creek id (W Va
Hornor J Y (& Mrs), printer, Bull Creek rd.
Hornor Marion, 327 9th.
Hotel Schaefer
Jack Me Williams and Grover Mc Williams, Proprietors
Third Street, opposite B. & 0. Depot
European Plan
First-Class Restaurant Buffet in Connection
(W. Va. 293)
Hornor Robert E, ed Sentinel, office 218 5t>i
(W Va 317), h 327 9th (W Va 396).
Hornor R C, clerk. 327 9th.
Hon- Helen, clerk, 118 8th.
Horr .1 T (& Mrs), carrier, 118 8th.
Horris Jas (& Mrs), lab, 53G Marietta av.
Horstnian Jos P (& Mrs), chief engineer
P M & UU Ry Co, P & S Side Bridge Co,
52-53 Citizens Bank Bldg, h 221 9th.
Horton Brainard, del boy, 523 Marietta av.
Horton R F (& Mrs), salesman, fil2 Green.
Horton Lottie, 012 Green.
Hostottle Julia Mrs, C, S Side.
Hostottle Maggie, Lauckport.
Hostottle Ludwill (& Mrs),' driver, 1004 La-
beck av.
Hotz Adam (& Mrs), 823 Clay.
Motz Bessie, domestic, 823 Clay.
Hotz Carrie, seamstress, 823 Clay.
Houehin Flora, 1210 E 14th.
Houck M Mrs. 1107 Avery.
Houke J E (& Mrs), secy and treas Uphaw
Gas Co, 607 Ann (W Va 1205).
Houke Ray E, student, 007 Ann.
Houke J W (& Mrs), rea^ estate, 547 6th.
Hoult Alfred L (& Mrs), rev service, 944 Ju-
liana (W Va 1681).
Hoult Winifred B. 944 Juliana.
Houltz Emma, 109 9th.
Houltz Fanny, 109 9th (W Va 910).
Houseman T B, clerk Chancellor Hotel.
Houston Archie, hostler, 910 Juliana.
Houston Frank t& Mrs), bricklayer, 1116 7th
(W Va 1411).
Houston Harold W (& Mrs), lawyer, 218 1-2
4th (W Va 1492), h 2418 Dudley av (W Va
1609 J.
Houston Lewis C, bricklayer. 112 9th.
Houston Mabel P, seamstress. 2520 19th.
Howard Anna Mrs, 1210 15th.
Howard Charles, driver. 236 Court sq.
Howard Charles, clerk, 121 0 L5th,
Howard David W (& Mrs), painter, Vienna.
Howard Frank H i& Mrs), laundryman, 1211
Howard Ralph (& Mrs), oil driller, 1210 14th.
Howard Walter, waiter, 1318 19th.
Howe Edwin T, laborer. 45 W 12th.
Howe Maxwell E (& Mrs), clerk, Buena
Vista IW Va 3237-F).
Howe Mary R, stengphr, 45 W 12th (W Va
Howe W H (& Mrs), carpenter, 45 W 12th.
Howell Chas A (& Mrs), lab, Marrtown.
Howell C W ( & Mrs), Marrtown.
nowell J D. railroader, 30 5th.
Howell Martha Mrs, Marrtown.
Howell Moses Mrs, 2009 Garfield av.
Howell Peter, laborer, 2009 Garfield av.
Hoy Chas (& Mrs), reel bldr, 5 Woodyard av.
Hoy Chas A (& Mrs), teamster, Bueua Vista.
Hoy Elsie, laundress, 1226 7th.
Hoyt Charles, fireman, 702 Jeannette.
Huber George, engineer, 1507 Staunton av.
The Hub Clothing Company
Clothiers and Furnishers
506 Market St., Opp. City Building
Parkersburg, W. Va.
( W. Va. 506 )
Hub Clothing Co (J E Hines pres, F H Mc-
Gregor treas, J F Schrader secy), 50G Mar-
ket (W Va 506).
Huber Goff, brakeman, 1507 Staunton av.
Huber J a (& Mrs), fireman, 822 Jeannette.
Huber Rosa, 1507 Staunton av.
Hudkins Marie, waitress, 500 1-2 0th.
Hudson Dr Chas W <& Mrs I, physician, 709
Swann (W Va 1093).
Hudson George, lineman, 31G 5th.
Hudson Lee (& Mis), druggist, TOO 7th, h
1S24 E 17th.
Hudson Octavia, music teacher, 709 Swann.
Hudson Oil Co (Gilbert L Watson mgr), oil
producers, 402 Avery (W Va 1526).
Huebner Toledo Breweries Co, 216 Ann.
Huff Alex (& Mrs), timber, 721 Lubeck av.
Huff Blanche, 721 Lubeck av.
Huff Eliza Mrs. 1411 Spring.
Huff John H, tinner, 1411 Spring.
Huff Lizzie Mrs, 609 Mark.
Huff Oscar, clerk, 1402 Spring (W Va 1938).
Huff Oscar (& Mrs), wood turner, 514 13 1-2.
Huff Otto J (& Mrs), boilermkr, foot W 12th.
Huff Walter A (& Mrs), mgr Armour & Co,
912 ii.u.
Huffman J W (« Mrs), elevator opr, 1318
Staunton av (W Va 5S1).
Huffman Theora Eslelle, 13i8 Staunton av.
i.uffman W E, finisher, 131S Staunton av.
Hughart H ,i, grocer, 1001 Lubeck av, h
1008 Main.
Hughart H H (& Mrs), grocer, 1001 Lubeck
av, h 1008 Main.
Hughart i.o'a May, 1008 Main.
Hughes Building, 715-717 Market.
nughes Camden, deliveryman, 019 Market.
Hughes Cam, clerk, 932 1-2 Market.
Hughes Catherine, 420 1-2 Market.
Hughes Chas E (& Mrs), elk, 1503 Spring
(W Va 1329).
Hughes Harley B, clerk, 523 Ann.
Hughes Gladys, 523 Ann.
Hughes Helen, 1503 Spring.
Hughes Jessie, student, 400 4th.
Hughes J M (& Mrs), oil contr, 523 Ann.
Hughes Mabel, seamstress, 523 Ann.
Hughes Myrtle, cashier, 523 Ann.
Hughes M J (& Mrs), 2000 Dudley av (W
Va 1702).
Hughes P W, student, 623 Depot.
Hughes Richard (& Mrs), engineer, 1014 19th
Hughes Rosa Mrs, 932 1-2 Market.
Hughes F B (& Mrs), bkkpr, 1027 Lynn.
Hughes Thomas Mrs, 023 Depot.
Hughes T M (& Mrs), teamster, S Side.
Hugglns Andrew J (& Mrs), farmer, Midway.
Hulderman M (&TVIrs), laborer, 905 14th.
Hull Annie Mrs, nurse, 1319 1-2 Spring (W
Va 1459).
Hull Carlos, student 811 Lynn.
Hull Chas L (& Mrs), meat mkt, S10 7th.
Hull & Dando, meat mkt, 818 7th (W Va
Hull David Wm, s'eel wkr, Johnston av.
Hull Edward Mrs, G19 14th.
Hull Elmer, brakeman, Johnston av.
Hull Emma Bessie, Johnston av.
Hull Emmett (& Mis), bag master, 909 Main.
Hull Emily S, Sll Wood.
Hull Goldie, laundress. 123G Jeannette.
Hull Harry, steel worker, Johnston av.
Hull Irene, 1319 1-2 Spring.
Hull John A (& Mis), butcher, 811 Wcod.
Hull John (& Mis), painter, 720 7th.
Hull John A (& Mis), meat cutter, 810 7th.
Hull Josephine R, tel opr, 811 Wood.
Hull Lawrence, student, 811 Lynn.
Hull Mary, laundress, 122C Jeannette.
Hull Mary, domestic, C19 14th.
Hull Nora, Johnston av.
Hull Okey, engineer, 1112 E 15th.
Hull Raymond, clerk, 811 Lynn.
Hull Raymond, meat cutter, 810 7th.
Hull Rebecca J Mrs, 1112 E 12th.
Hull T C (& Mrs), butcher, Foley's lane.
Hull Wesley (& Mis), 1347 Avery (W Va
Hull W H (& Mrs),' engineer, Johnston av
tW Va 1714-2).
Hull W R (& Mrs), janitor, 1226 Jeannette.
Hull Wm, gas meter work, G19 14th.
Humble C (& Mrs), minister, 203 8th.
Humensetter Nancy Mrs, 900 Lubeck av.
Humphrey Anna, 1213 Lynn.
Humphrey Carolyn Mrs, 1213 Lynn.
Humphrey Emma, 1213 Lynn.
Humphrey Samuel (& Mrs), oil driller, 1213
Hungerford Cyrus, cartoonist, Dispatch-
News (W Va 1072), h 401 13th.
Hunt A, laborer, Standard Oil Co.
Hunt Dennis, laborer, 2011 Garfield av.
Hunt Harley, farmer, 2011 Garfield nv.
Hunt John, laborer, 2011 Garfield av.
Hunt M M Mrs, 2011 Garfield av.
Hunt Rachael, domestic, 2011 Garfield av.
Hunter C R, carpenter, 1013 Swann.
Hunter Dudley (& Mrs), water tender, 119
Lincoln av.
Hunter D C, steel worker, Beechwood.
Hunter Frank (& Mrs), laborer, Lulu.
Hunter N J, 423 Green.
Hunter Wm (& Mrs), teamster, 1604 Covert.
Hunter W S (& Mrs), baggageman, 1715
Staunton av.
Hupp Ada, stngphr, 1709 Latrobe (W Va 835)
Hupp Claude D. heater, 1709 Latrobe.
tiupp D B Mrs, janitress, Terrawanda.
Hupp E (& Mrs), steel wkr, West Virginia a"
Hupp Ernest D (& Mrs), U S Marshal, 1709
Hupp Etta, domestic, 1915 Ohio av.
Hupp Lula L, stenographer, 1709 Latrobe.
Hupp Mary, 712 17th.
Hupp Ora, student, Terrawanda.
Hurd S B (& Mrs), carpenter, 1105 Main.
Hurst Henry (& Mrs), blksmith, 1910 Keever
Hursey C M, mgr H F Harnish & Co, 1345
Covert (W Va 1528).
Hursey H M (& Mrs), harnessmkr, L345
Hursey Joseph Z, 1345 Covert.
Hursey Lela, 1345 Covert.
Hursay Mattie, 1345 Covert.
Hutchinson Arthur (& Mrs), cashier. 1200
Quincy (W Va 1189-2).
Hutchinson C T (& Mis), clerk, B & O, 5th
Hutchinson David W, painter, 582 5th.
Hutchinson F B Mis, 1007 Ann (W Va 907-2).
Hutchinson Georgia B. 1615 St Marys av.
Hutchinson Geo W (& Mrs), cl?ik, 521
George (W Va 729).
Hutchinson Dr I W (& Mis), dentist, office
414 1-2 Market (W Va 738), h 1208 Avery
(W Va 12021.
Hutchinson Joseph, student. 521 George.
Hutchinson John F, lawyer, C Eagle Bldg,
Juliana (W Va 1649).
Hutchinson Mabel A, milliner, 5S2 5th.
Hutchinson Mary E, 1020 Market.
Hutchinson Mary D, tchr, 1615 St Marys av.
Hutchinson P T (& Mrs), nurse, 582 5th.
Hutchinson Dr R W (& Mrs), dentist, 414 1-2
Market, h 1208 Avery.
Hutchinson Wm T (& Mrs), 511 George.
Hutchison S B, 1007 Ann.
Hutzler Chas. machinist, 632 Harris.
Hutzler Dora E, teacher, 632 Harris (W Va
Hutzler Hayes, machinist, 632 Harris.
Hutzler Herbert, polisher, 632 Harris.
Hutzler Will (& Mrs), laborer, S38 7th.
Hyde H D (& Mrs), carpenter, 1224 1-2 Lynn.
11% land Alma. 223 9th (W Va 1894).
Hyland Etha A, bookkeeper, 223 9th.
Hyland Mary A Mrs, 223 9th.
Hynes Thomas, laborer, 820 Lynn.
Hysell Frederick, brakeman. 1700 Covert.
Infirmary Wood County, near Nicolette (W
Va 3204- A),
lngersoll E A, 643 Madison av (W Va 1476).
Ingram Catherine Mrs, 1015 Avery.
Ingram Harry, tool dresser, 16th and Briant.
Ingram Jennie, 1015 Avery.
Ingram John, eng, 1015 Avery (W Va 312).
Ingram Richard, machinist, 1015 Avery.
Ingram R P, 104S Avery (W Va 84).
Ingram Wm, clerk, 16th and Briant.
International Harvester Co of America, 401-
403-405 Ann (W Va 216).
Internal Revenue Office, Govt Bldg (W Va
A. G. Jackson & Co.
Fire Insurance, 108 Third St. I W Va 206 )
Represent the following strong companies :
Commercial Union of London, England; German
American of New Yorkj Northern of London, Eng-
land; Queen, of America! Hamburg-Bremen of
Hamburg, Germany; Franklin Fire of Philadelphia;
Hanover Fire of New York; Reliance of Phila-
delphia; Western of Toronto, Canada,
Powell & Co.
108 Third St. (W. Va. 206)
Agents for the Purchase and Sale of
REAL ESTATE of Every Description.
Special Attention Given to Coal Lands,
Oil Lands, Timber Lands. City Property,
Suburban Property, Country Property
Inslee J B, 1717 St Marys (W Va 88).
Imichliston Frank (& Mrs), nil contractor,
1004 Virginia av.
Investment & Security Co The (E M Gilke-
son ores, Geo Newberger secy, H P Camden
atty), 500-501 Union Trust Bldg (W Va
I O O F Cemetery, 1919 Avery (W Va 1484).
I O O F Hall, 317 1-2 Market and 312 5th.
Ireland Alonzo D (& Mrs), lawyer, 119 13th.
Irwin John W (& Mrs), carp. 912 Charles
(W Va 785).
Israel Icie, 561 Leafy Glen Court.
Jackson A G & Co (A G Jackson, Si nuns
Powell), fire insurance and merchandise
brokers. 108 3d I W Va 206).
Jackson A G, 1204 Juliana (W Va 4S2).
Jackson Anna, 418 Juliana.
Jackson Arthur, clerk. Bull Creek rd.
Jackson Benjamin, restaurant, 403 6th, li
821 Green (W Va 1375).
Jackson Bettie, laundress, 913 Clay.
Jackson Effle, student, 1227 Latrobo.
Jackson Flora, clerk, Bull Creek rd.
Jackson Heights Sanitarium, 1031 Quincy.
Jackson Henry (& Mrs), farmer, Marrtown.
Jackson Henry C (& Mrs), wholesale gro-
cery, 411 7th (W Va 1403).
Jackson Co H C, Ann and 3d (W Va 339).
Jackson Harry, clerk, N Parkersburg.
Jackson H J (& Mrs), motorman, Hull
Creek rd.
Jackson Hotel, 3d and Market.
Jackson J A (& Mrs), laborer, 131 Ramsey.
Jackson Jos C (& Mrs), janitor, 1227 Latrobe
Jackson .las F Jr, tailor, 418 1-2 Market (W
Va 717), h 11)07 Lynn.
Jackson J B (& Mrs), 4o2 7th.
Jackson John .1. judge, 51!) 7th.
Jackson Lillie, 519 7th.
Jackson Madison .! (& Mrs), pres Everglade
oypress Lumber Co, ottiee 519 Juliana (W
Va 1628), h 626 Ann (W Va 779).
Jackson Marie A Mrs, 402 7th.
Jackson Munroe (& Mrs), nurse, 825 Ann.
Jackson Pearl, 220 Avery.
Jackson Rebecca, stenographer, 714 Juliana.
Jackson R H (& Mrs), stone cutr, 810 Avery.
Jackson Susie, domestic, 13th.
Jackson Swift, student, 1227 Latrobe.
Jackson T B (& Mrs), merchant. Central av.
Jackson Thomas, porter, 595 5th.
Jackson Thomas, brakeman, 001 Juliana.
Jackson Wm L, agt Jos Home Co of Pitts-
burg, 202 7th, h 1711 Latrobe.
Jackson W W (& Mrs), pres Citizens Trust
and Guaranty Co, 217 4th (W Va 1512), h
402 7th (W Va 649).
Jackson Wm W (& Mrs), 402 7th.
Jackson Zebedee, cook, 409 8th.
Jacob Rebecca J, student, 151 20th.
Johnson & Meed
C. M. Johnson R. A. Meed
Furniture, Carpets and Stoves. New and Second-Hand Furniture Bought and Sold
Household Furnishings
W. Va. Phone No. 767 216 and 218 Market St.
Jailor's Office. 3d and Court sq (W Va 778).
James Chas (& Mrs), carpenter. 214 19th.
James Dona Mrs. 325 Avery (W Va 811).
James Gertrude E, stengphr, 822 1-2 Wood.
James John A (& Mrs), carpenter, 505 13 1-2.
James Ola, domestic, 039 Bird.
James R J, lawyer, 3101-2 Market.
James Thos F, machinist. 8221-2 Wood.
Jamieson Lulu, domestic, 910 Juliana.
Jansen E N l& Mrs), cabinetmaker. 1611
Staunton av.
Jarecki Manufacturing Co. 4111-2 Market
(W Va 205).
Jarit Charles (& Mrs), clerk, Marrto\vn.
Jarvis Geo P i& Mis), bkkpr, 1025 Latrobe
(W Va 22S-1).
Jarvis Leonard H, conductor, 1625 Latrobe.
Jarvis P C (& Mrs), oil driller, 412 17th.
Jarvis Richelieu H, steel wkr, 1625 Latrobe.
Jay Oliver (& Mrs), painter, 211 8th.
Jeffers George, 912 16th.
Jeffers Dr G D, physician. 12S 1-2 3d i \V Va
164), h 314 W 10th (W Va 105).
Jeffries Clarence, clerk. 702 Tth.
Jeffries Joseph, laborer, 12u 6th.
Jefferson John R (& Mrs), prin High School,
813 Swann.
Jefferson School, cor Latrobe and Grafton
(W Va 629).
Jeffry John H (& Mrs), laborer, 912 16th.
Jenkins Achilles H, waiter, 123 Tth.
Jenkins Chas H, delivery boy, 1607 Covert.
Jenkins Frank (& Mrs), clerk, Almeda.
Jenkins George G, teacher 123 7th.
Jenkins Geo W W (& Mrs), pastor Logan
Memorial M E Church. 123 7th (W Va
Jenkins Ida. 213 8th.
Jenkins J E (& Mrs), bartender, 318 6th.
Jenkin J R (& Mrs), blaster, 1820 Garfield.
Jenkins John S (& Mrs), 1435 Washington.
Jenkins Lydia A. teacher, 123 7th.
Jenkins Mamie R. 123 Tth.
Jenkins Marie, stenographer, 1225 Avery.
Jenkins Mary E, teacher, 123 7th.
Jenkins M Grant (& Mrs), cement and plas-
tering, 1726 Oak (W Va 1480).
Jenkins Nellie, 1820 Garfield av.
Jenkins Oscar (& Mrs) , trav slsman, 212 7th.
Jenkins P M (& Mrs), livery stable, 314 4th
(W Va 424), h 1607 Covert (W Va 1599).
Jenkins Samuel W (& Mrs), waiter, 121 Tth.
Jenkins Sarah Mrs. 213 8th.
Jenkins Sherman, 213 8th.
Jenkins Thos A (& Mrs), bricklayer, rear
810 1-2 Tth.
Jenness Rev Chas Kelley (& Mrs), pastor
First M E Church, 1005 Juliana (W Va
Jenni albert (& Mrs), laborer, Bradley av.
Jenne Alice, 120 Spencer av.
Jenne Calvin, painter, 120 Spencer av.
Jenne Jessie, laundress, 120 Spencer av.
Jenni John A, machinist, Bradley av.
. ^ ' v.
immaiiniM"^" "^—^gi^J
[tin a BfE
Thos, A* Jones Dancing School
In Masonic Club Hall,
Second Floor Masonic Temple, on Juliana Street, near Fifth Street,
next door to Elks Club
Class Night for Beginners, Wednesday, 8 to 11.
For Reception Nights to Dancers and Class Nights for
Senior and Junior Classes, see Daily Papers
Private Lessons by Appointment
W. Va. Phone 1079
' The above illustration is a "flash-light" taken on a reception night at my Dancing
School by H. P. Fischer for the W. M. Barnes Directory Co.)
Jcnr.e Mary H Mrs, 120 Spencer av!
Jenni Rcss, s'udent, Bradley av.
Jennings Anna, 904 Virginia av.
Jennings C A, steel wkr, Blennei hasten av.
Jennings Chas P, promoter, 319 Sth.
Jennings Cleve, laundryman, 904 Virginia av.
Jennings Ellen, elk, 904 Virginia av.
Jennings Genevieve, 904 Virginia av.
Jennings House, cor Julius and Jcannette
(W Va 387).
Jennings James, elk, 904 Viiginia av.
Jennings Janus J;\ 904 Vis ginia a/.
Jennings John D, 904 Virginia av(W Va 524).
Jennings J H (& Mrs), police elk, 904 Vir-
ginia av.
Jennings J T, seel wkr, Blenneihassett av.
Jennings John T, clerk, 904 Virginia av.
Jennings & Metz, (W W Jennings, James
Metz), meat mkt. 577 1-2 6th.
Jennings Vevc, 904 Virginia av.
Jennings Viiginia Mis, 319 8th.
Jennings W W (& Mrs), minister, Blenner-
hassett av.
Jenvey Chas W (& Mrs), bkkpr, 601 Ann.
Johnson Addie, 18 Grant.
Johnson Bessie, 122 Williams Court al.
Johnson B B, grocer, 1901 Murdoch av, h
1937 Murdoch av.
Johnson B E (& Mrs), harnessmkr, S10 Lu-
beck av.
Johnson B Ellis (& Mrs), Johnston av.
Johnson Belle Mrs, 319 Green.
Johnson Bert, 510 7th.
Johnson Boyd H (& Mrs), elk, 1702 Park
(W Va 1246).
Johnson's Cafe (C A Johnson prop), 201 3d
(W Va 1678).
Johnson Carl, 551 4th.
Johnson C H (& Mrs), saloon, 201 3d (W Va
1678), h 942 Murdoch av (W Va 1234).
Johnson Clarence M (& Mrs), nigr People's
Credit Clothg Store, Til Market, h 318 9th.
Johnson Cora domestic, 2536 Garfield av.
Johnson Christie (& Mrs), clerk, 510 7th.
Johnson C R. Sand Plains (W Va 1714-3).
Johnson Dave D (& Mrs), lawyer, 10 Ctizens
Trust, and Guaranty Bldg (W Va 318), h
1108 Quincy (W Va 1346).
Johnson D H Dr, physician, 228 1-2 Court
sq, h 942 Murdoch av.
Johnson E E (& Mrs), lumber inspector,
Bull Creek rd.
Johnson Elizabeth Mrs, 700 Lubeck av.
Johnson Emma, clerk, 1310 Avery.
Johnson Everett (& Mrs), laborer, N Park-
Johnson Fred H (& Mrs), carp, 1213 Swann.
Johnson Geo (& Mrs), lawyer, 407 Juliana
(W Va 98), h 1031 Juliana (W Va 1464).
Johnson Harry E (& Mrs), bartender, 426
Market, 3d floor.
Johnson G B (& Mrs), molder, 551 4th.
Johnson Henry (& Mrs), cook, 913 Clay.
Johnson Hugh (& Mis), janitor, rear 111 13th
Johnson Implement Co, hardware, 315 3d (W
Va 590).
Johnson Jas YV (& M s), laundryman, 1116
Johnson J A Mrs, 624J-2 Juliana.
Johnson J E, s.engph-, 1937 Murdoch av.
Johnson John, labore", Jeannette.
Johnson John, student, 1937 Mu-doch av.
Johnson Jos (& Mis), blksmith, 700 Lubeck.
Johnson Justus M (& Mrs), conductor, B £
O, 550 7th (W Va 129S).
Johnson J W, laundryman, 1116 Swann.
Johnson J W, oil treater, 608 Han is.
Johnson, Kinney & Carroll, cafe, 2:',". 3d (W
Va 158).
Johnson Laura Mrs, 510 7th.
Johnson Lauia, 917 Market (W Va 1884),
Johnson Lena L, clerk, 510 7th ( \V Va 8C8).
Johnson Leonard, laborer, 424 Main.
Johnson L H Mrs, 917 Market.
Johnson Lizzie Mrs, 921 Lynn.
Johnson Luke (& Mrs), janitor. 1610 Covert.
Johnson Mabel, domestic, 704 Ann.
Johnson Margaret, 1025 George.
Johnson Maurice, tel opr, 550 7th.
Johnson & Meed (C M Johnson, R A Meed),
furn dealers, 210-218 Market (W Va 767).
Johnson Myrtle, bkkpr, 1901 Murdoch av.
Johnson Nellie, domestic, 1207 Juliana.
Johnson Orma, Queens Lane.
Johnson Ronald, bkkpr, 550 7th.
Johnson Roy. clerk, 917 Market.
Johnson Sarah A Mrs, Queens Lane.
Johnson Sherman S (& Mrs), supervisor B
& O, 1210 7th.
Johnson Thos (& Mrs), cook, 907 Clay.
Johnson Vada, domestic, 225 1-2 7th.
Johnson Virgil D, steel wkr, Queens Lane.
Johnson V W, 538 5th.
Johnson Will E (& Mrs), tailor, Lubeck av.
Johnson Wm L (& Mrs), pump repr, B & O,
912 Laverne.
Johnson W H (& Mrs), broker, 1033 Quincy
(W Va 11).
Johnston B F (& Mrs), mate, Marrtown.
Johnson C A (& Mrs), prop Johnson's Cafe,
942 Murdoch av.
Johnston C R (& Mrs), carp, Johnston av.
Johnston Daniel B (& Mrs), bricklayer, 1000
E 12th.
Johnston Emma, 114 Juliana.
Johnston J A, corsets, 624 1-2 Juliana.
Johnston Jos (& Mrs), blksmith, 700 Lubeck.
Jonnston L D, machinist, Springdale av.
Johnston Mary S, seamstress, 1006 E 12th.
Johnston O T, teacher, Y M C A.
Johnston R (& Mrs), painter, 624 Lubeck av.
Johnston Sara Mrs, 424 Ann.
M. G. Jenkins
Plaster, Cement and Paving Contractor
Estimates Cheerfully Given
W. Va. Phone 1480
1726 Oak Street
Jones Alice, domestic, 418 Juliana.
Jones Alma, 319 Green.
Jones Arthur, laborer, Division.
Jones Barber Shop. 229 1-2 Market.
Jones B W (& Mrs), solicitor, 852 Chestnut.
Jones Carrie Mrs, 1000 Avery.
Jones Conrad, clerk, 1808 17th.
Jones C M, druggist, 531 Avery tW Va 285).
Jones Charles N, clerk, 929 25th.
Jones Charles, teamster, 319 Green.
Jones Chas R (& Mrs), fireman, CilS Camden.
Jones Dancing Academy (Thos A Jones
prop), 503 1-2 Juliana.
Jones Dennis, porter, 1000 Avery
Jones Donnie, 1006 George
Jones D W, laborer. Standard Oil Co
Jones Edward (& Mrs), barber, 7:18 Quincy.
Jones Edward, 311) Green.
Jones E E, engineer, 1021 Lee.
Jones E D, Tracewell Block.
Jones Emanuel (& Mrs), soapmkr, 1621 Lee.
Jones E J (& Mrs), clerk, O R, 1511 Avery.
Jones Ethel Joyce, 1015 Swann.
Jones Frederick, tinner, Marrtown.
Jones Rev Frederick, pastor Wesleyan Meth-
odist Church, Green and 8th.
Jones Georgia, 1006 George.
Jones Harry, conductor, 852 Chestnut.
Jones Harry, 424 12th (W Va 102-1 I.
Jones Harry, 1006 George.
Jones Hattie A Mrs, bding house, 509 Ann
(W Va 1381).
.linns Hazel, waitress, Lehman's Hotel.
Jones H K Mrs, 621 Avery (W Va 476).
Jones I (& Mrs), 1017 15th.
.loins Jos (& Mrs), mgr O R paint shop,
804 Juliana.
Jones .las T. machinist, 319 Green.
Jones Jeannette, 1030 Avery.
.tunc s .li ssie. tel opr, 311 8th.
Jones Julia H, 520 13 1-2.
Jones J W (& Mrs), ticket agt, 1315 Mur-
doch av (W Va 1748).
Jones Laura, cook, 519 7th.
Jones Lillie Mrs, clerk. 15 6th.
Jones Lucy, 618 Camden.
Jones Lulu,' 220 1-2 7th.
Jones Lyle (& Mrs), asst cashier Wood Co
Bank, 1008 Ann (W Va 577).
Jones Maggie .Mrs. OH) Marietta av.
Jones Manuel (& Mis), laborer, 1621 Lee.
Jones Martha, domestic, 7o4 Ann.
Jones Mary, clerk, 1215 Avery.
Jones Maude Mrs, Division, S Side.
Jones Malinr' irs, 1030 Avery.
Jones Olga B, stengphr, 1006 George.
Jones O S (& Mrs), agent, 1345 Avery (W
Va 1720).
Jones Preston (& Mrs), lab, Marrtown id.
Jones P L (<& Mrs), slater contractor, 1006
George (W Va 390-1).
Jones Rachael Mrs, 520 13 1-2.
Jones R L (& Mrs), conductor, 1804 Spring.
Jones Selma, student, 1621 Lee.
S. Kahn
Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing. Hats and Furnishing Goods.
Shoes for the whole family. Trunks and Grips.
Exclusive Agent for Carhartt Overalls.
W. Va. Phone 1550
No. 311 Market Street
Jones Ruth, stengphr, 1215 Avery (W Va
Jones S M, laborer, Standard Oil Co.
Jones Thos A (& Mrs), dancing academy,
Masonic Club Hall, 503 1-2 Juliana, b 1410
Washington av (W Va 1079).
Jones Thos D (& Mrs), cold roller, 141 Lin-
coln av.
Jones Thos J (& Mrs), foreman, 2520 Ohio.
Jones Thos P, mgr Club Room, 1030 Avery.
Jones Thos R (& Mrs), carp, 2515 Ohio av.
Jones W F, 803 1-2 Green.
Jones Wm M (& Mrs), driller, 583 1-2 6th.
Jones W H (& Mrs), engineer, 1215 Avery.
Jones Will (& Mrs), laborer, 1808 17th.
Jones Wm, 319 Green.
Jones Wm M, soap presser, 1808 17th.
Jones Wm (& Mrs), structural iron wkr,
101G Swann.
Jones Wm R (& Mrs), clothing, 622 Camden.
Jones Willie 0, student, 2520 Ohio.
Jones Winifred L, stengphr, 1006 George.
Jones Zelma, student, 1621 Lee.
Jordan Alex G (& Mrs), city eng, 915 E 12th.
Jordan Chas E (& Mrs), mail carrier, 1315
E 16th.
Jordan James F (& Mrs), machinist, 1139
Jordan W C Sr, shoemaker, 1315 E 16th.
Jordan Wm C Jr (& Mrs), conductor, 1214
Joyce Bridget F, 712 Jeannette.
Joyce Ellen Mrs, 712 Jeannette.
Joyce Jas (& Mrs), switchman, 901 E 12th.
Joyce John (& Mrs), engineer, 712 Jeannette.
Joyce J J, machinist, 720 Jeannette.
Joy Jane Mrs, 205 George.
Judd Percival, Buena Vista.
Judy Anna A, 815 Wood.
Julius Grace L, teacher, 321 6th.
Jung Chas, laundry, 229 6th.
Justus A L, lumber dealer, 1404 Avery.
Justus Cordelia G, Vienna.
Justus Daniel S (& Mrs), stone mason,
Justus Hattie L, Vienna.
Justus John, Vienna.
Justus-Murphy Co, lumber, 400-401 Union
Trust Bldg (W Va 1580).
Justus Ora, decorator, Vienna.
Justus T W (Justus-Murphy Co), 1404 Avery
(W Va 1596).
Justus W S (& Mrs), farmer, Vienna.
Kaech Alex (& Mrs), blksmith, 1103 Latrobe.
Kaech Mary N, 1103 Latrobe.
Kaech Willie M, machinist, 1103 Latrobe.
Kaeck J C, fireman, 615 Depot.
Kahn Clothing Store, 311 Market (W Va
Kahn David, student, 1001 Ann.
Kahn S (& Mrs), clothing, 1001 Ann (W
Va 1549).
Kahn Rae, 1001 Ann.
Kaltnecker Adam, bartender, 558 7th.
Kaltenecker C, saloon, 55o 7th and G01 Green,
h 558 7th.
Kaltnecker Frank (& Mrs), G01 1-2 Green.
Kaltnecker John (& Mrs), saloon, 5-.C 7th.
Kaltnecker John Jr, saloon, 5C2 7th ( W
Va 9GC).
Kaltnecker Katie, 558 7th.
Kaltnecker Kunidunda, 55S 7th.
Kane Chas F (& Mrs), bollermkr, 810 Swann
Kane Hannah, bus mgr Dispatch-News, 15
Park pi (W Va 87G).
Kane Jennie Mrs, 15 Park pi.
Kane John J (& Mrs), saloon, 211 3d (W Va
1771), h 412 llh.
Kane Kathryn, 15 Park pi.
Kane Robert \Y, ship elk, 15 Park pi.
Kanawha Hotel. 12:: 3d.
Kanalz Julius (& Mrs), plumber, 141G 25;h
(W Va 335-1).
Kaney E H, 417 4th (W Va 1823).
Karl W H (& Mrs), cigarmkr, 31G Gth.
Katherman B E (& Mrs), bkkpr, 211 W 10th.
Kaufman Henry, 603 Depot.
Kayser Geo B (& Mrs), brewery, 577 Gth.
Kearns Amy, 515 Gth.
Kearns Harry, bkkpr, 515 Gth.
Kearns P J (& Mrs), tinner, 515 Gth (W
Va 970).
Keegan Alice, 2325 Vaughn av.
Keegan Edward, 2325 Vaughn av.
Keegan John (& Mrs), oil driller, 2325
Vaughn av.
Keegan J F (& Mrs), train master O R, 7
Park pi.
Keegan M J (& Mrs), real estate, 1215 Mar-
ket (W Va 1735).
Keegan Wm, bkkpr, 2325 Vaughn av.
Keeper C M (& Mrs), fireman, Marrtown.
Keeper J H (& Mrs), lumber inspr, Marr-
Keenan Christopher (& Mrs), contractor, 825
Keenan Edna, stengphr, 1709 E 7th.
Keenan John W, clerk, 1709 E 7th.
Keenan P (& Mrs), grocer, 1709 E 7th (W
Va 1457-1).
Keenan Regina, student, 121 8th.
Keenan Samuel (& Mrs), contractor, 121
8th (W Va 886).
Keenan Zella, stenographer, 1709 E 7th.
Keever Dr L F (& Mrs), physician, 519 1-2
Market (W Va 711), h 1333 Lynn (W Va
Keever Dr W S, 7th and Market (W Va 52),
h 1132 Market (W Va 48).
Kefauver C B (& Mrs), supt C & K R R,
1333 Market (W Va 1182).
Keinoth Geo (Ac Mrs) saloon 214 4th.
Keinoth G J (& Mrs), clerk, 415 11th.
Keith John A, clerk, 1729 Beaver.
Keith Minnie M, milliner, 1729 Beaver.
Keith W B (& Mrs), janitor, 1729 Bea/er
(W Va 1274).
Kellar A A, Boaz (W Va 3202-G).
Kellar Anna, seamstress, 507 Juliuh.
Kellar Chas H (& Mrs), brakemn, 907 E 12th.
Kellar G D (& Mrs), engineer. 1311 Market,
iveller Caroline Mrs, 507 Julius.
Keller Louise, 507 Julius.
Keller Louis, fireman, 507 Julius.
Kels Charles, bartender, 209 1-2 6th.
Kelley Irene M, stengphr, 10QO Swann.
Kelley Mary, clerk, 1000 Swann.
Kelley Ora E (& Mrs), teamster, 1014 E 12th.
Kelley Patrick (& Mis), baggage master,
912 Lynn.
Kelley Thos V (& Mrs), bkkpr, 1000 Swann.
Kelhy Thomas, timekpr, B & O. 012 Lynn.
Kelley Wm, 912 Lynn.
Kelley Mrs, 212 1-2 4th.
Kelly & Co, foundry, 200 Green (W Va G87).
Kelly Edwin P (& Mrs), P O clerk, 1334
Spring (W Va 190G).
Kelly Guy (& Mrs), steel wkr, 1905 Avery.
Kelly Herbert A & Mrs), oil driller. 813 7th.
Kelly H K, 173:1 19th.
Kelly Henry, student, 13o4 Spring.
Kelly Irene, stenographer, 1000 Swann.
Kelly Irma I, student, 2520 Grand av.
Kelly John (& Mrs), baker, Bradley av.
Kelly Dr J H (& Mrs), 5G4 5th.
Kelly Joseph, student, 912 Lynn.
Kelly Lawrence (& Mrs), eng, 1804 Avery.
Kelly Maude, 1505 Staunton av.
Kelly Mary, stenographer, 1804 Avery.
Kelly M B (& Mrs), contractor, 1813 Spring
(W Va 1407).
Kelly Michael, 564 5th (W Va G86).
Keliy Rachael Mrs, 1505 Staunton av.
Kelly Richard W (& Mrs), trav salesman,
2520 Grand av (W Va 1604).
Kelly Sally, student, 912 Lynn.
Kelly S E (& Mrs), steel wkr, Bull Creek rd.
Kelly Vernard, shipping clerk, 1739 19th.
Kelly W H H, foundryman, 5G4 5th.
Kelly Willie, fireman, 912 Lynn.
Kelly W R Mrs. 1507 Lynn.
Kemery W E (& Mrs), mgr Auditorium, 4
Park pi (W Va 770).
Kemp D H (& Mrs), conductor, 633 Bird.
Kemper D L (& Mrs), bkkpr, 015 Harris (W
Va 1466-1).
Kemper Lester, bkkpr, 320 8th.
Kemper R E, trav salesman, 413 Market.
Kendall Blanche, teacher, 133G Market.
Kendall Lillian, 1336 Market.
Kendall M A (& Mrs), natl bank examiner,
1414 Avery (W Va 1332).
Kendall R L Mrs, 133G Market (W Va 565),
Kennedy Anna, 541 5th.
On Murdoch Avenue in Winter Time.
Kennedy Boyd (& Mrs), carp. 1217 Swann.
Kennedy Cornelia, 805 Ann.
Kennedy Cornelius (& Mrs), paving contr,
805 Ann (W Va 877).
Kennedy David P (& Mrs), tinnr, 1138 Swann
Kennedy Prank P, clerk. 1138 Swann.
Kennedy Helen 541 5th.
Kennedy John J (& Mrsl.bkkpr, 123G Swa;in
Kennedy Julia, 541 5th.
Kennedy Lewis A (& Mrs), oil contractor.
810 Lynn.
Kennedy Margaret, seamstress, 541 5th (W
Va 1735).
Kennedy Margaret, 805 Ann.
Kennedy Mary, 805 Ann.
Kennedy Philip, tinner, 1138 Swann.
Kennedy Thomas (& Mrs), foreman, 1102
Kennedy Thomas Mrs, 541 5th.
Kenney Ed H (& Mrs), bartender, 417 4th.
Kenny W J Prof, 1901 Avery.
Kent Gaston, porter. Chancellor Hotel.
Kent George E, cutter, rooms Y M C A.
Kerker Margaret, 936 Avery.
Kerker Mary, 936 Avery.
Kerps Charles, laborer, 642 6th.
Keoltz Chas, 209 1-2 6th (W Va 1893).
Kern Andrew (& Mrs), carp, 2012 Ohio av.
Kerns Cressie. Dudley av.
Kerns Edith, bkkpr, 1234 Lynn(W Va 1162-2)
Kerns Harry, bkkpr, 415 Market.
Kerns Henry B (& Mrs), railrdr, 1234 Lynn.
Kerns J M, hostler, 316 4th.
Kerns Mary Edith, 1234 Lynn.
Kerns M J (& Mrs), boilermkr 1415 21st.
Kerns Okey, clerk, 1234 Lynn.
Kerns Ollie, bkkpr, 1234 Lynn.
Kerns Win (& Mrs), molder, 1106 George
Joseph Rosa Mrs, 1916 Garfield av.
(W Va 1289).
Kerr Bonnie, student, 1607 St Marys av.
Kerr C R, photographer, 7th and Market i W
Va 1611).
Kerr F S T, photographer. 7th and Market.
Kerr Hugh C (& Mrs), 1607 St Marys av (W
Va 958).
Kerr Lillian, teacher, 1C07 St Marys av.
Kerr Raymond E, civil eng, 1607 St Marys av
Kerr's Studio, 6251-2 Market.
Kesselman Lewis P (& Mrs), machinist, 815
18th (W Va 1621).
Kesselman Wni, Butler, Pa.
Kesselman Wni Jr (& Mrs), mgr Kesselman
& Co, 128 Ann.
Kesselman & Co, machinists and manufac-
turers, 122-124-126 Ann (\V Va 210).
Kesterson Arrie (& Mrs), contractor, 1323
16th (W Va 1490).
Kesterson Clara, Marrtown.
Kesterson Effie, 1726 Latrobe.
Kesterson Franklin, 1726 Latrobe.
Kesterson Geo E, lawyer, 4 Tracewell Bldg.
Kesterson Jas Wm (& Mrs), plasterer, Dud-
ley av.
Kesterson Lieu, nurse, 1726 Latrobe.
Kesterson Merwin Ancel, soldier, Dudley av.
Kesterson Omer, 606 1-2 Market.
Kesterson Rolla, driver, 530 4th.
Kesterson R F (& Mrs), teamster, 541 4th.
Kesterson Susan Mrs, 1726 Latrobe.
Kesterson Wade, fireman, 1726 Latrohe.
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Elizabeth P. Key
Manicure Parlor
Manicure, Chiropody, Facial Massage, Scalp Treatment. Shampooing, Artistic Hair
Dressing. New York's latest style Pompadours, Switches. Curls and
Puffs constantly in Steel:
Warts, Moles and Superfluous Hair Removed
W. Va. Phone 1122
506 Union Trust Bldg.
Kesterson W H (£ Mrs), farmer, Man-town.
Key Elizabeth, hair dressing, manicure and
chiropody, 50C Union Trust Bldg i \V Va
I L22), h 414 7th.
Keyster Lett (& Mrs), laborer. 903 12th.
Keystone Cafe, 202 Market (W Va 1753).
Kibler Bert, clerk. 1401 Lynn.
Kibler Chas (& Mrs), carp, 1212 7th.
Kibler J M (& Mrs), grocer. 1401 Lynn (W
Va 1G55).
Kibler Lettie, dressmaker, 1212 7th.
Kibler Sallie, student. 1401 Lynn.
Kidd Graham, laborer, Marrtown rd.
Kidd James (& Mrs), teamster, Marrtown V
Kidd Marshall, laborer. Marrtown rd.
Kidd Oliver C (& Mrs), bricklayer. 1509
Staunton av.
Kidd Robert D (& Mrs), housekpr. Blenner-
hassett Hotel.
Kidd R D, 103 7 1-2. cor Ann.
Kidwell Dad, laborer, 1312 St Marys av.
Kidwell Dennie. compositor, Saunders av and
Bull Creek rd.
Kidwell Fred B, painter, Sand Plains av.
Kidwell Henry (& Mrs), plumber, 1312 St
Marys av.
Kidwell John (& Mrs), steel wkr, Saunders
av and Bull Creek rd.
Kidwell Lena, Saunders av and Bull Creek rd
Kidwell O A (& Mrs), gardener, Saunders av
and Bull Creek rd (W Va 1419-2).
Kigler Thos E, 1021 Avery.
Kigler Alta, student, 1021 Avery.
Kigler Thos E, student, 1021 Avery.
Right .1 W, bkkpr, 230 Court sq.
Right M .1 .Mis. 1114 16th.
Killingsworth David, hostler, 1008 Ann.
Killingsworth Martha. 1336 Latrobe.
Killingsworth S E (& Mrs), salesman, 513
Cale av.
Kimble V W (& Mrs), steel wkr, 638 Mari-
etta av.
Kimes Grover. mach opr, Beechwood.
Rimes Hoyt (& Mrs), machinist, 514 4th.
Rimes J Fred (& Mrs), bartender. 1G02
Beaver (W Va 1251).
Rimes Leonard, machinist, 575 5th.
Rimes M S (& Mrs), cutter, Redwood.
Kimes Neal, butcher, 575 5th.
Rimes Okej F (& Mrs), laborer, Vienna.
Kimes \V .1. cor 2d and Phillips Court (W
Va 496).
Kincaid J W N (& Mrs), clerk, 1209 Lubeck.
Kincade, wks Lock IS, 320 Ann.
Kinch J A (& Mrs), blksmith, 1608 19th.
Rinch John T, student, 1608 19th.
Rinder Katherine, domestic, 1029 Swann.
Kindergarten School, Willard School Bldg,
Ann near 13th.
Kindle James (& Mrs), steel wkr, 40 18th.
King Albert (& Mrs), fireman, Elizabeth av.
King Alice, 120 Williams Court al.
King Arrie,' clerk, 1021 Laird av.
King A M (& Mrs), carpenter, Walnut.
King Beverly (& Mrs), police dept. 727 1-2 7ih
Kins C A, carpenter, 330 Division.
King Charles (& Mrs), clerk, 318 9th.
King Charles Mrs, 1403 St Marys av (W Va
King E (& Mis), salesman, G2C Gth.
King Elizabeth Mrs, 1120 Latrobe.
King Ella, 1330 Ramsey.
King Florence, clerk, 833 Lynn.
King L Frank (& Mis), trav salesman, 833
Lynn (W Va 1G36-1).
King Fred, laborer, 330 Division.
Kins Grace, Nicelyville.
King Harry, cabman, 21G 1-2 Ann.
King Harry, laborer. 624 Lulu.
King Ii a, window trimmer, 423-125 Market.
King Jennie P Mrs, 1703 Latrobe.
King J J (& Mrs), Johnston av.
King J J (& Mrs), pianos, 1336 Avery.
King John, clerk, 519 Market.
King John N i& Mrs), carpenter, 2105 Oak.
King J Win, clerk, 1021 Laird av.
King J W (& Mrs), engineer, 824 Lynn.
King Mrs L E, 1326 Spring.
King Lizzie, 330 Division.
King Mary, 1021 Laird av.
King Regina, 318 9th.
King Sara, domestic; 330 Division.
King Terrence, linotype opr, 601 Juliana.
King B E, patrolman, cor 7th and Lynn.
King W D laborer, 330 Division.
King W H (& Mrs), grocer, Nicelyville.
King Z W (& Mrs), 330 Division.
Kingsbury W P, supt U S Engine Works,
1058 Market (W Va 1431).
Kingsley Edwin R (& Mrs), lawyer (W Va
1199), 41 Citizens Bank Bldg, h 93S Mur-
doch av (W Va 736).
Kinney Chas (& Mrs), 1312 Juliana (W Va
Kinsey C R (& Mrs), 311 9th (W Va 1757-1).
Kirby John, conductor, 218 1-2 4th (W Va
Kirby W B (& Mrs), 2d-hand store, 125 3d
(\> Va 218).
Kirchner Clarence, laborer, 630 Depot.
Kirchner Herbert E (& Mrs), laborer, 630
Kirk A M <m Mis), foreman, 511 2d.
Kirk Chas (& Mrs), laborer, G43 6th.
Kirk Cyrus (& Mrs), teamster, 501 2d av.
Kirk Wm (& Mrs), lumber manufacturer, S
Side (\V Va 371 l
Kirkbride Wm (& Mrs), engineer. 1116 Lynn.
Kirker Miss. 936 Avery.
Kirkland John (& Mrs), laborer, 111 4th.
Kirkpatrick Chas (& Mrs), 208 1-2 Market.
Kirkpatrick David (& Mrs), brkrnan, 612 Gt.'i.
Kirkpatrick Geo Mrs, 2309 Clement av.
Kirkpatrick Rupert, janitor. G59 Depot.
Kirkpatrick Sadie, 208 1-2 Market.
Kitsch F A (& Mrs), trav salesman, 611 17th.
Kirschner H, laborer, Standard Oil Co.
Kite J W (& Mrs), matron Children's Home,
2406 Murdoch av.
Kite Newton (& Mrs). P O clerk, 1503 Avery.
Kivlehan Bernard, clerk, 228 Lubeck av.
Kivlehan Mary, 228 Lubeck av.
Kivlehan M (& Mrs), laborer, 228 Lubeck
av (W Va 1336).
Kline Richard E (& Mrs), mach, 119 5th.
Kline Wm (& Mrs), pipe fitter, 1027 George.
Klyne Rev S S, pastor Elberon M E Church,
1810 Dudley av (W Va S33).
Knabenshue E H (& Mrs), techr, 1322 Avery.
Knapp Clarence, jeweler, 1123 19 th.
Knapp Dennis E (& Mrs), eng hostler, 1204
Knapp E C (& Mrs), laborer, 1212 Lynn.
Knapp J B (& Mrs), trav salesman, 1123 19th
Knapp J H, secy Citizens Trust & Guaranty
Co, 217 4th (W Va 1512), h 1718 Park (W
Va 1758).
Knapp J L, clerk Citizens Trust & Guaranty
Co, 217 4th.
Knapp J L, collector, 322 7th.
Knapp Olive, 1123 19th.
Knight Bessie, milliner, 418 11th.
Knight B B (& Mrs), trav salesman, 3
Woodyard av.
Knight B (& Mrs), contractor, 1901 19th.
K of C Hall, 3d floor, 222 5th (W Va 1492).
Knight Elva, 3 Woodyard av.
Knight Forest R, fireman, G49 1-2 7th.
Knight Geo S (& Mrs), 519 13th (W Va 1142)
Knight Henry W, engineer, 1901 19th.
Knight Ida M, 649 1-2 7th.
Knight Jessie. 41S 11th.
Knight s D, carpenter, 649 1-2 7th.
Knisely Pearl Mrs, rooming house, 815 Ann.
Knoke Augusta Mrs, Dudley rd.
Knoke Emily, Dudley rd.
Knopp Anna, student, 71G Juliana.
Knopp Charles, steel wkr, 2512 Clement av.
Knopp Delia. 1816 Garfield av.
Knopp Emma, 2512 Clement av.
Knopp Peter (& Mrs), carp, 2512 Clement av.
Knopp W M (& Mrs), steel wkr, 1816 Gar-
field av.
Knott C E, 2512 25th.
Knox Anna, 114 1-2 3d.
Knox Katherine, domestic, Bull Creek rd.
Knox Thos (& Mrs), Bull Creek rd.
Knupp J D (& Mrs), carpenter, Dudley av.
Koethe Bertie, 805 Murdoch av.
Koethe Chas (& Mrs), oil contr, 803 Murdoch
av (W Va 517).
Koethe Charles, secy, 42-44 5th.
Kootz A (& Mrs), machinist, 1202 Market
(W Va 1145,.
Koeltz Charles, bartender, 213 4th.
Koontz John E (& Mrs), 903 7th (W Va 388).
■^ r— r
— T—
» rr srjj i< (.'i « i«iiii .1 cvTvt.'n&azT,<
A Snow Scene in Parkersburg.
Koontz May, 903 7th.
Kootz Ina, seamstress, 120o Lynn (W Va
Kovelski Ida, housekpr, 1005 Juliana.
Kovaleski Wru (& Mrs), laborer, S Side.
Kraft Chester D, insrnce, 125 8th (W Va 79).
Kraft School, Staunton av pike, Stone's ad.
Kraft Wm (& Mrs), 125 8th.
Kramer Carl (& Mrs), clerk, 1111 Latrobe.
Kramer Carrie, clerk, 1111 Latrobe.
Kramer Caroline, clerk, 1111 Latrobe.
Kramer F C (& Mrs), druggist, 401 13th (W
Va 2421. h 407 13th.
Kramer Frederick (& Mrs), drugs, 407 13lh.
Kramer Fritz (& Mrs), gardener, 1111 La-
Kramer Henry, bkkpr, 1030 Lynn.
Kramer Wm (& Mrs), city salesman, 102G
Kreps C A, lawyer, 122 3d, h 1015 Murdoch av
Kreps A T (& Mrs), oil prodr, 1015 Murdoch.
Krenz G R, tailor. Old Homestead.
Kresenski Frank, barber, 404 4th.
Kress A (& Mrs), gardener, Grand View
Kress A O, C56 7th.
Kress K I (& Mrs), blksmith, N Parkersburg,
(W Va 1714-1).
Knack Jas H, laborer, 17 Atlantic av.
Krick John M, lab, 17 Atlantic av.
Krick John P (& Mrs), laborer, 17 Atlantic.
Krick Tillie C, 17 Atlantic av.
Kruger Daisy, student, 1209 Avery.
Kruger Delia Mrs, dressmkr, 1209 Avery (W
Va 241-1).
Kruger Ottelia, dressmkr, 522 1-2 7th.
Krull Herman (& Mrs), clerk, 554 7th.
Kunst Dr A H (& Mrs), physician, 1103 Ju-
liana (W Va 1G59).
Kunst Earl (& Mrs), Redwood (W Va
Kunst J K Camden, student, 1103 Juliana.
Kuhlow Fred H, salesman, 419 16th.
Kuhn H W, insurance, 307 0th, h 1408 Covert.
Kuhn J R. 1408 Covert.
Kuhn J R (& Mrs), driller, 1017 Avery.
Kuhn J R, torpedoman, 307 6th.
Kuhn Lewis J (& Mrs), mach, 1022 Latrobe.
Kuntz Arthur A (& Mrs), bricklayer, 7011-2
Kyger Chas M (& Mrs), farmer, Vienna.
Kyger Lucy M, student, Vienna.
Kyger Ora, nurse, Vienna.
Kyger Roscoe J, Vienna.
Kyger W R, teller. 415 Market.
Kyle Fannie, 211 Williams Court al.
Kyle W T (& Mrs), 211 Williams Court al.
Kvnes Julia, 820 Lynn.
Laborer Charles, laborer, 321 Ann.
Lacharry Harry, 121 Market.
Laffer Lucy, domestic, 1121 Ann.
Laffey Francis X, plumber, 1417 20th.
Laffey Patrick H (& Mrs), lab, 1417 20th.
Laffey T H, laborer, Standard Oil Co.
Lagrange Carrie, bkkpr, 811 Juliana.
Lagrange Emma S, 811 Juliana.
Lagrange Florence L, student, 811 Juliana.
Laham L B (& Mrs), shoemaker, 416 13th.
Laird Alex (& Mrs), 1039 7th (W Va 1052).
Laird J P, prosecuting attorney, office Court
House (W Va 135), 1123 Market(W Va 175)
Laird Joanna Mrs, 1123 Market.
Laird Milton (& Mrs), carpenter, 1029 Lynn.
Lambert .1 W (& Mrs), boilermkr, 657 Depot.
Landsittel Ida, 127 E 12th.
Lambert R H, brakeman, 828 Jeannette.
Lancaster A G (& Mrs), engineer, 125 W
12th (W Va 903).
Landsittel Louis (& Mrs), shoemaker, 427
E 12th.
Lane Harry, news dealer, 547 6th.
Lane Jesse, fireman, 809 Ann.
Lane Joseph (& Mrs), engineer, 809 Ann
Lane Noah, asst secy Citizens Trust ,t
Guaranty Co, 521 Ann.
Lang Barnet (& Mrs), cabinetmkr, 1514 Lynn
Lang C D (& Mrs), conductor, 133G Lynn.
Lang C R, conductor, 322 7th.
Lang Marble & Granite Co The Fred A (E
O Boggs pres, F Albert Lang secy and-
treas), 318 5th (W Va 211).
Lang F Albert, Monroe Hotel.
Lang Geo (& Mrs), laborer, Terrace av.
Lang Isa, operator, 119 1-2 Spencer a 7.
Lang L C Mrs, 119 1-2 Spencer av.
Lang Lena, operator, 119 1-2 Spencer av.
Lang Merlin L (& Mrs), brakeman, 938 La-
Lang W A, mgr Parkersburg Pressing Co,
53S 7th.
Langfitt Ada, 814 Quincy.
Langfitt E Cook, student, 1500 Oak.
Langfitt Isaac N (& Mrs), real est, 1500 Oak.
Langfitt James, porter, 814 Quincy.
Langfitt John T, driver, 925 25th.
Langfitt Louise, 814 Quincy.
Langfitt Sarah Mrs, Blennerhassett av.
Langfitt S B (& Mrs), dentist, 615 1-2 Mar-
ket (W Va 712-1), h 814 Quincy (W Va
Lanham Lyhugh B, shoemkr, 318 13th.
Lanier Frank, stenographer, Y M C A.
Lanning Ada J, teacher, 1107 Lynn.
Lasky J (& Mrs), dry goods, 315 Market
(W Va 1477). h 330 Ann (W Va 1478).
Latimer Geo E (& Mrs), laborer, 508 4th.
Lattimer Bessie, domestic, 508 13 1-2.
Lauck Jacob M (& Mrs), minister, 2517
Grand av.
Lauckport M E Church, Main, S Side.
Lauckport Public School, Main, cor D, S Side
Laughlin Alex, 320 9th.
Laughlin Eugene H (& Mrs), carp, 1314
Laughlin Georgia, 1314 Spring.
Laughlin Harry, clerk, 320 9th.
Laughlin L D, agent, 320 9th.
Laughlin Myra, 320 9th.
Laughlin Okey, deliveryman, 709 Market.
Laughlin Will, molder, 123 3d.
LaVelle Bee, dressmaker, 416 5th.
Lavelle P H (& Mrs), machinist, 828 Lynn.
Laven Margaret F, nurse, 320 St Cloud.
Lavin Charles, 227 Juliana.
Lavin Daniel, 227 Juliana.
Lavin Ludie B Mrs, GOO 7th.
Lavin Maggie, 227 Juliana.
Lavin Maggie Mrs, 227 Juliana.
Lavin Robert, shoemkr, 1233 Swann.
Law Grant (& Mrs), machinist, Vienna.
Law Library of Wood County Bar Associa-
tion, Guaranty Bldg, 217 4th.
Lawrence E H (& Mrs), railroader, 1615
Lawrence J E (& Mrs), conductor, 117 7 1-2
(W Va 1708).
Lawrence Ruth Mrs, 1915 Spring.
Lawson Florence, 957 Market.
Lax Virgie Mrs, domestic, 411 11th.
Layman Carrie, 60S Harris.
Layman Keturiah, 60S Harris.
Layman Walter W (& Mrs), eng, 818 17th.
Lazzell Emma Mrs, 410 13th.
Lazzell Mary Mrs, 410 13th.
Leach Belle, 123c Latrobe.
Leach Benj P (& Mrs), oil dlr, 640 Camden.
Leach B F (& Mrs), yardman, B & O, 503
Leach C A (& Mrs), 435 12th (W Va 1644).
Leach C H, prop Manhattan Cafe, 815 Ann
(W Va 15S2).
Leach Cora B, domestic, 503 William.
Leach Drummond, trav salesman, 422 Ann.
Leach Everett, clerk, 1301 St Marys av.
Leach E L (& Mrs), carpenter, 1123 Main.
Leach Fielden (& Mrs), laborer, 1218 Main.
Leach H D, repairman, 422 Ann.
Leach Icie, 1233 Latrobe.
Leach Jane T, 104 13th.
Leach John E, bkkpr, 104 13th.
Leach J M, laborer, 1218 Main.
Leach Michael H, student, 503 William.
Leach Roscoe, salesman, 435 12th.
Leach Thomas M, 904 13th.
Leach Thompson Mrs, 104 13th.
Leach Wm T (& Mrs), carp, 1233 Latrobe.
Leachman Fay, governess, 2406 Murdoch av.
Leachman Gertrude, clerk, 826 Murdoch av.
Leachman H, express elk, 826 Murdoch av.
Leary C W (& Mrs), grocer, 101 Lubeck av
(W Va 245).
Leary J M (& Mrs), 130 Bradley av.
Leasure E B (& Mrs), steel wkr, Logan av.
Leavitt C T (& Mrs), undertaker, 1504 Cov-
ert (W Va 1043).
Leavitt Grace, teacher, Blennerhassett av.
Leavitt G E (& Mrs), undertaker, Blenner-
hassett av (W Va 3237-1).
Leavitt & Co G E (G E and C T), under-
takers, 218 Juliana (W Va 169).
Leavitt Harvey, undertaker, Blennerhassett.
G. E. Leavitt & Co.
Juliana Street, beteen Second awl Third
Vehicles, Harness and Undertaking. Agents for J. I. Case Threshing Machine Co.
W. Va. Phone 169. Bell 574-J. Citizen's Phone
Leavitt Joseph, student, 526 6th.
Leavitt Pansy, student, Blennerhassett av.
Lease W H, porter, 904 Clay.
Lee Agnes, 1426 22d.
Lee Camden, delivery boy, 14 Franklin av.
Lee Chas (& Mrs), boilermkr, 904 L3th.
Lee Edward (& Mrs), driver, 819 Clay.
Lee Edward, steel worker, 1426 22d.
Lee Ellen Mrs. 92V 14th.
Lee Emory, polisher, 14 Franklin av.
Lee EM, porter, 525 1-2 Market.
Lee Ewan W (& Mrs), Ry postal clerk. 1018
Lee Frances, stenographer, 410 5th.
Lee H A (& Mrs), oil producer. 1613 Bryan.
Lee Henry T (& Mrs), laborer. 1316 Latrobe.
Lee Henry (& Mrs), barber, 1505 19th.
Lee Howard, porter, S19 Clay.
Lee Jessie E, 906 13th.
Lee Marie, manicure, 819 Clay.
Lee Mary Mrs. 1013 19th.
Lee Nellie. Ill Market.
Lee Samuel, woodwkr, 1426 22d.
Leech .1 S (& Mrs), 909 ISth.
Leese J Ophelia, 910 Market.
Leese J W, cashier, 916 Market.
Leese Lizzie, 910 Market.
Leese William, porter, 904 Clay.
Lehmann Paul C, manager, 016 Juliana.
Lehmann's Cafe, 411 6th.
Lehmann Otto (& Mrs). 411 0th (W Va 985).
Leiber Gus, painter, 1207 William.
Lemasters E (& Mrs), merchant, Bull Creak
rd (W Va 212).
Lemasters M .1, student, Bull Creek id.
Lemley Addie M, 914 Laverne.
Lemley Geo W (& Mrs), carp, 1008 13th.
Lemley Harry W (& Mrs), carp, 1002 E 12th.
Lemley Harry Mrs, 310 13th.
Lemley Jos (& Mrs), painter, 1041 Laird av.
Lemley John T (& Mrs), carp, 914 Laverne.
Lemley Kenner, baker, 914 Laverne.
Lemley Levi, butcher, 914 Laverne,
Lemley Levi, driver, 1508 St Marys av.
Lemlej Nancy Mrs, 914 Laverne.
Lemley T B (& Mrs), painter. 653 1-2 7th.
Lemmon Ella, domestic. 1033 Juliana.
Lemmon Ethreld A Mrs, 2212 Latrobe.
Lemmons Fiances, ironer, 1202 14th.
Lemmon G W (& Mrs), coach cleaner. 12i>2
Lemon Albert is, railroader, 1322 Oak.
Lemon Alpha J, tailoress, 2212 Latrobe.
Lemon Guthrie (& Mrs), railroader, 1322 Oak;
Lemon Hattie. forelady, 2212 Latrobe.
Lemon Kyle (& Mrs), veterinarian, 903 Vir-
ginia av.
Lemon Robert S (& Mrs), mgr Oil Well Sup-
ply Co. 909 Market (W Va 539).
Lemons Elmer, carp, IIS Spencer av.
Leonard A D, auctioneer. 520 0th (W Va 973)
Leonard A K Mrs, 520 6th.
Leonard's Auction House (A D Leonard
prop), 309 3d (W Va 1027).
Apartment House of Mrs. Bond on Market Street.
Leonard Benj W (& Mrs), machinist, En-
gine Works.
Leonard Catherine, teacher, 932 Juliana.
Leonard Dan B, city recorder, 932 Juliana.
Leonard D H, mayor, office (W Va 830), h
932 Juliana (W Va 568).
Leonard Edith, 607 Depot.
Leonard J H (& Mrs), 2211-2 Ann.
Leonard & Leonard (D B and D H), lawyers,
331 Juliana cor 4th.
Leonard Mabel K. nurse, 607 Depot.
Leonard Nannie P, bkkpr, 526 6th.
Leonard Ray (& Mrs), bartender, 565 6th.
Leonard Thos R, contractor, 607 Depot.
Leonhart Louis (& Mrs), lab, 7151-2 Market.
Lenhart G P (& Mrs), mail carrier, Saun-
ders av (W Va 1419-1).
Lenhart John, wks U S Express, 521 Avery.
Lenox Thelma, 210 Juliana.
LeRow Gertrude, 1233 Swann.
LeRow Nellie, domestic, 945 Market.
Leroy Pearl Mrs, 322 4th.
Lester C D (& Mrs;, merchant, 4th and Ann.
Lewin FMw Mrs), painter. 1637 19th.
Lewin Marion (&. Mrs), eng, 1315 Ramsey.
Lewin Rosa, student, 1637 19th.
Lewin Win H (& Mrs), painter, 1503 St
Marys av.
Lewin W W (& Mrs), oil well supplies, 1710
at Marys av.
Lewis Alexander, 912 Clay.
Lewis Alice, domestic, 208 Juliana.
Lewis Belle, 613 Monroe.
Lewis C E, bkkpr, 115 5th.
Lewis Q J (& Mrs), restaurant, 226 Ann (W
Va 1035).
Lewis Clyde, 117 7 1-2.
Lewis Edna I, 804 Market.
Lewis Edward V (A: Mrs), butler, 1207 La-
Lewis Elizabeth Mrs, 230 Court sq.
Lewis George, driver, 613 Monroe.
Lewis Hattie, 613 Monroe.
Lewis J C i& Mis), carp, 12n7 Lubeck av.
Lewis Jesse, laborer, 1019 Murdoch av.
Lewis Jessie Camden, student, 622 Ann.
Lewis John, 1604 Covert.
Lewis J S Mrs, 622 Ann.
Lewis W H, 137 Queens Lane.
Lewis Leibrath, 232 1-2 Court sq.
Lewis Lizzie, 232 1-2 Court sq.
Lewis Lena, clerk, 230 1-2 Court sq.
Lewis Mattie, 226 Ann.
Lewis M D (& Mrs), bkkpr, 117 7 1-2.
Lewis O P (& Mrs), farmer, Sn4 Market.
Lewis Palmer (& Mrs), bookkpr, 230 1-2
Court sq.
Lewis Ruby, 230 1-2 Court sq.
Lewis S (& Mrs), fireman, 583 6th.
Lewis Thos Camden, lineman, 622 Ann.
Lewis Wm E (& Mrs), lab, 137 Queens Lane.
Levell Edward, tailor, 817 Lynn.
Lidderdale Geo H (& Mrs), tool dresser,
1103 George.
Lidderdale Jas H, clerk, 1103 George.
Life Geo E (& Mrs), shearman, 258 Blenner-
hassett av.
Lightner Emma, Marrtown rd.
Lightner Everett, laborer, Marrtown rd.
Lightner J M, railroader, Marrtown rd.
Lightner Mrs, Bentley av.
Lightner P B Mrs, Marrtown rd.
Locke Bros.
The Quality Store
Nothing but the best; everything but the ordinary. We realize that quality is the only
safe footing for any business and will continue to handle the best shoes
that money and practical experience can buy.
Exclusive Agents for Men's Walkover and Ladies' Sorosis Shoes.
Chancellor Hotel Building, Market and Seventh. I W. Va. Phone 87)
Lightner W A (& Mrs), riverman, Marrtown.
Lightner Wm (& Mrs), fireman, Bentley av.
Lilly D H, mgr grocery, Lubeck av.
Lilly D H (& Mrs), constable Lubeck dist,
1332 Main.
Lilly L J, salesman, 307 11th (W Va 1551).
Lilly Mary, 307 11th.
Lincicome Chas T (& Mrs), lab, Maplewood.
Lincicome David S, laborer, Redwood.
Lincicome Elizabeth L Mrs, Redwood.
Lincicome Flora D, Redwood.
Lincicome Minnie, cook. 1824 Murdoch av.
Lindamood Wm S (& Mrs), solicitor, 1713
Lindenmuth Arthur C (& Mrs), relief agt,
1S08 Latrobe.
Lindsay Irene, 521 13 1-2.
Lindsay Flora Mrs, 521 13 1-2.
Lindsey Lucy, domestic, 811 Murdoch av.
Linger Mollie Mrs, G08 George.
Link J T, bkkpr, chair factory, 1031 Quincy.
Link's Sanitarium, 1031 Quincy (W Va 1-2).
Link Dr W S, specialist ear, nose and throat,
615 Market (W Va 1-1).
Lisle Frank P (& Mrs), iceman, West Vir-
ginia av.
Little Herbert, lineman, 502 Green.
Little Kanawha Railroad Co, general officts
Guaranty Bldg (W Va 851), depot s side
3d near Green (W Va 162).
Little R A, Snakeville rd (W Va 1743).
Little E,.|& Mrs), 502 Green (W Va 1517).
Littleton Alva C, steel wkr, 2534 Grand av.
Littleton Heber O, shearman, 2534 Grand av.
Littleton Nora B Mrs, 2534 Grand av.
Lively Boyd (& Mrs), bartender, 618 George.
Livingston Blanche, 1330 Avery.
Lloyd-Baxter Music Co, 503-505 Juliana (W
Va 870).
Lloyd D W (& Mrs), laborer, Bird.
Lloyd Ella, 600 1-2 Market.
Lloyd Lawrence, special delivery messenger
P O, 600 1-2 Market.
Lloyd Leona, 000 1-2 Market.
Locke A W ( L,ocke Bros), Maxwell, W Va.
Locke Bros, shoes, Chancellor Hotel Bldg
(W Va 87).
Locke G T, clerk, Y U C A.
Locke J T (Locke Bros), Y M C A.
Lock Wm, engineer, 416 4th.
Locker Thos H \.ec Mrs), stengphr, 1517 20th.
Lockhart Fred (& Mrs), cupola tender, Riv-
Lockhart Mary, 606 1-2 7th.
Lockwood Blanche, clerk, 1052 Market.
Lockwood W C, clerk, 417 Market.
Logan A H (& Mrs), patrol driver, 1011 18th.
Logan Annie, 312 9th (W Va 1116).
Logan Arthur C, elk, 428 12th.
Logan Camden, laborer, 1134 Lynn.
Logan Carriage Co, 118-124 4th (W Va 396).
Logan E O, Muhlman Bldg (W Va 1635).
Logan Henry H (& Mrs), 1315 Washington
av (W Va 1220).
The Greatest Exhibition of Pianos Invites You to the
Lloyd^Baxter Music Co, s Double Store
All the beauty and magnificence of the
Store is in simply giving proper setting to
the greatest retail piano business in the
State of West Virginia.
This artistic and decorative perfection is
all secondary to the real heart of the busi-
ness success, that is the intelligent and help-
ful SERVICE and the suiting comparison of
instruments which this organization sup-
plies. There is no other place where SO
can be examined, side by side. Then, you
can test the instrument in quiet secluded
rooms, unembarrassed by the public eye.
Each different make of piano is shown in
the many varying models of Uprights and
Grands. Every model of the BEHR BROS,
is here, new and extraordinary collection of
new Art Pianos, completing the greatest
showing of these two of the world's greatest
pianos that has ever been assembled under
one roof in the city of Parkersburg, W. Va.
Then there is the "sweet-voiced" SOH-
and the BAILEY.
Every instrument we sell may be bought
you have an old piano we take it and dis-
pose of it at its fair value. In every way
the LLOYD-BAXTER Music Co.'s service is
chaser of a piano. Dissatisfaction is un-
known. A first-class tuner always on hand.
The new collection of VOSE Pianos is one
of the most charming groups of the new ex-
hibition, especially to those who wish to se-
cure a beautiful and thoroughly artistic in-
strument at a moderate price.
Every instrument in the LLOYD-BAX-
TER MUSIC CO.'S collection is the lowest
price for which it is sold anywhere. Many
are sold for so much less than what other
dealers ask for them that the manufacturers
will not let us publish the prices, except tv
the tags on the pianos.
We also have the most complete line of
SMALL GOODS ever offered in Parkersburg.
Sheet Music a Specialty
Music Store, Double Floor, Masonic Temple Building, Nos. 503 and 505 Juliana Street
W. Va. Phone: Office, 870; Sheet Music Dept. 838. Bell 494J
N. Logan & Son
Lealers in
Fresh and Salted Meats, Poultry, Vegetables, Etc.
Both Phones
W. Va. 448
1111 Market Street
W. Va. 448, Bell 559
720 Seventh Street.
Henry Logan's Children's Home, 2406 Mur-
doch av cor 25th.
Logan Julia Mrs, stamping, 211 7th.
Logan Julia Mrs, 520 Green.
Logan Kate Mrs, 1041 Market.
Logan Lee (& Mrs), livery stable, 1032 Avery
(W Va 784).
Logan's Livery Stable, 200 4th (W Va 42).
Logan L N (& Mrs), (Logan & Leach), 1044
Market (W Va 1114).
Logan & Leach, cafe, 313 Market (W Va
Logan Meat Market, 1111 Market (W Va 425)
Logan Meat Market, 720 7th i\V Va 448).
Logan Nat. prop Logan Meat Market, 1119
Logan Randolph (& Mrs), clerk, B & O,
211 7lii.
Logan Samuel (& Mrs), carriagemkr, 1043
Market (W Va 1174).
Logan Seldon, meat market, 1415 St Marys
av l\V Va 357).
Logan Thomas, carriagemkr, 1041 Market.
Logan T C, meat mkt, 1420 Spring (W Va
Logan Virgil L, 1228 Juliana.
Logston Andrew J (& Mrs), grocer, 922 13th.
Logsdon D L (& Mrs), salesman, 1412 Beaver
Logsdon Ed, saloon, 213 4th.
Logsdon Frank J (& Mrs), laundry, 925 14th.
Logsdon G W (& Mrs), railrdr, G6S E 8th.
Logsdon W L (& Mrs), clerk, 1733 19th.
Lohline Frank, blacksmith, 422 Anu.
Lowe Maude, domestic, 1219 Avery.
Loomis F Kent Mrs, 1139 Lynn (W Va 1162).
Long Elizabeth, clerk, 423 11th.
Long John, barber, 113 4th.
Long Lizzie, clerk, 423 11th.
Longaker Rev F C (& Mrs), pastor Evangel-
ical Lutheran Church, 931 Avery (W Va
Longwell Anda, 1905 Garfield av.
Longwell Evan, 1905 Garfield av.
Longwell Ivan, steel wkr, 1905 Garfield av.
Longwell W H (& Mrs), steel wkr, 1905
Garfield av.
Looney O Maud, student. 1011 Tefft.
Looney R E (& Mrs), lumberman, 1012 Tefft.
Looney Robert (& Mrs), lumberman, loll
Loper A S (& Mrs), mate, 117 6th.
Loper H A, painter, 114 6th,
Loper Mayme A, bkkpr, 117 6th.
Loper Nellie E, clerk, 117 6th.
Loper R J, steward, 117 6th.
Loper W G, mail carrier, 117 6th.
Lorenz Henry J (& Mrs), carpenter, 214
Lorenz Lucy, 214 Susquehanna av.
Loritsch Anton (& Mrs), tailor, 1409 St
Marys av.
Loritsch A F. upholsterer, 1409 St Marys aw
Loritsch Harold, printer, 1409 St Marys av.
Loritsch Walter, driver, 1409 St Marys av.
Loros Peter (& Mrs), 817 17th.
Lott Alice, pantry girl, 619 Pike.
Lott H 0 (& Mrs), carpenter, 627 Mark.
Lott Jasper, laborer, 619 Pike.
Lott Joanna, 619 Pike.
Lott Joseph (& Mrs), carpenter, 400 Luheck.
Lott S T (& Mrs), teamster, Bradley av.
Lotterbery Robt (& Mrs), teamster, 1932
Ohio av.
Louden John M (& Mrs), oil driller. 419 13th.
Lovett Frank, tiav salesman, Monroe Hotel.
Lovett Iva, stenographer, 114 7th.
Lowers Anna, bkkpr, 808 Lynn IW Va
Lowers C M \& Mrs), fireman, 712 17th,
Lowers Daniel B (& Mrs), steel wkr. Poplar.
Loweis D E, Beechwood.
Lowers Effie E, upholster, 1516 Park av.
Lowers Geo (& Mrs), carpenter, 626 Depot.
Lowers Nora, dressmkr, 116 8th.
Lowers W A (& Mrs), engineer, 808 Lynn.
Lowery Bessie, 620 East.
Lowry Chas P, shoe store, 70S 7th (W Va
Lowery C Prather (& Mrs), shoes, 620 East.
Lowery Lena, student, 620 East.
Lowline Frank, carriagemkr, 509 Ann.
Lowther 'Albert J (& Mrs), barber, 714 La-
Lowther A (& Mrs), lumberman, 410 E 10th
(W Va 787-1).
Lowther Cynthia Mrs, 1414 Avery.
Lowther G T (& Mrs), pipe fitter, 1721 E 7th.
Lowther Harry R, machinist, 1208 Juliana.
Lowther J A (& Mrs), conductor, 1112 Mary.
Lowther Maude, 1721 E 7th.
Lowther Mary, laundress, 916 14th.
Lowther M R, grocery store, 191 Keever (W
Va 590).
Lowther M R (& Mrs), lumberman, 1208 Ju-
liana (W Va 832).
Lowther M R & Co, 310 1-2 Market (\Y Va
Lowther M K Mrs, 191 19th.
Lowther Nettie, student, 817 Dickel av.
Lowther P J, Fairview Creamery, 1849 7th
(W Va 188).
Lowther Roy A, stengphr, 1208 Juliana.
Lowther S H (& Mrs), contractor, 1618 Cov-
ert <YV Va 109).
Lowther Thos, lead burner, Stand Oil Co.
Loyd Ernest C, driver, 837 Mary.
Loyd Jas (& Mrs), blksmith, 837 Mary.
Loyd H W B, laborer, 839 Jeannette.
Loya Lottie, 837 Mary.
Loyu Lulu L, S37 Mary.
Loyd Luther, laborer, 839 Jeannette.
Loyd Mattie, chair wrapper, 837 Mary.
Loyd W H H (& Mrs), lab, 839 Jeannette.
Loyal American Band Hall, Lubeck rd, Nice-
Loy Charles, laundry, 312 5th.
Lucas Mattie, 1757 Bryant.
Lucas Milford, cabinetmkr 1757 Briant.
Lucas N F (& Mrs), real estate, Briant.
Lucas Warren, conductor, 1757 Briant.
Lucas Willard. cabinetmkr, 1757 Briant.
Lucas W N, real estate, 1757 Briant.
Ludwig Gracie, 113 4th.
Ludwig Nicholas (& Mrs), boarding house,
113 4th.
Ludwig Tennie, 113 4th.
Lumburg Gus (& Mis), blksmith, 1605 Cov-
ert (\Y Va 134i.
Lumburg Hairy, blacksmith, 422 Ann.
Lun'on Garnet, bkkpr, 2502 Grand av.
Luthringer Benjamin (& Mrs), tinner, 1207
Swann (W \'a 151S-2).
Luthringer Eugene B (& Mrs), tinner, 1000
Luthringer Frank A (& Mrs), barber, 627
Luthringer Jos (& Mrs), tinner, 1116 Swann
(W Va 1518-1).
Luthringer Jos W, barber, 1116 Swann.
Luttrell & Paden, insurance, 4th and Juli-
ana (W Va 181).
Luttrell John A, insurance, 118 11th.
Lutz Geo (& Mrs), steel wkr, Saunders av.
Lynch Christopher C (& Mrs), carp, 909 13th.
Lynch Herman A.student, 909 13th.
Lynch Hiram J (& Mrs), 648 E 8th.
Lynch Inez M, student, 909 13th.
Lynch Ira W (& Mrs), stone mason, 1337 St
Marys av.
Lynch Nina, 648 E Sth.
Lyons Arthur (& Mrs), plumber, 905 Mary.
Lyons & Boyce (C E Boyce, John Lyons),
608 7th.
Lyons Charles, bricklayer, 711 Lubeck av.
Lyons Claude B, laborer, Vienna.
Lyons Emory C (& Mrs), teamster, 1217
Skirven , V Va 1661).
Lyons Esther, Bull Creek rd (W Va 1416-2).
Ljons Henry (& Mrs), plumber, 842 7th.
Lyons Jas (& Mrs), Nicelyville.
Lyons Jesse N (& Mrs), conductor, 1717
Lyons Joseph, wks O R shops, 608 7th.
Lyons John, saloon. 60S 7th.
Lyons John (& Mrs), salesman, 712 1-2 7th.
Lyons J L (& Mrs), bricklayer, 711 Lubeck.
Lyons Lela, 711 Lubeck av.
Lyons L L (& Mrs), laborer, 614 Camden.
Lyons Ludovic M (&Mrs), farmer, 476 Sus-
quehanna av.
Lyons Mabel, student, 614 Camden.
Lyons Mame, 60S 7th.
Lyons Nannie, Bull Creek rd.
Lyons Ora, Nicelyville.
Lyons P A (& Mrs), teamster, Vienna.
L^'ons Susie, housekpr, 906 Laverne.
On Murdoch Avenue. " No Use Talking — Parkersburg is Pretty."
Lytle Charles Sunnier, student, 2511 Oak.
Lytle Clara, teacher, Bull Creek rd.
Lytle Earl, railroader, 1209 Paden.
Lytle F B, clerk, 605 Market.
Lytle Floyd (& Mrs), meat market, 1736 19th
(W Va 1772-1).
Lytle H O (& Mrs), grocer. 1000 7th (W Va
1459), h 93S William.
Lytle Idonia, stengphr, S14 7th (\V Va 689).
Lytle James A, machinist, 2511 Oak.
Lytle Jas M (& Mrs), shipping clerk, 2511
Oak (W Va C3-1).
Lytle & Jennings (Floyd Lytle, John D Jen-
nings), grocers. 005 Market.
Lytle Jessie, Bull Creek rd.
Lytle J S. clerk, 605 Market.
Lytle J Sherley, clerk, 2511 Oak.
Lytle Mary, student, Bull Creek rd.
Lytle O Blane, electrician, 2511 Oak.
Lytle Orille, clerk, 1000 7th.
Lytle O T, student, 938 William.
Lytle Vernon, clerk, 1000 7th.
Lytle W V, student, 938 William.
Lytle W, gardener. Bull Creek rd.
McAvoy Andy, driver, 517 Market.
McAfee Howard (& Mrs), carp, 614 Lubeck.
McAllister Anna, milliner, 703 Market.
McAllister Frank S (& Mrs), cigars, 2091-2
McAndrews T J (& Mrs), oil producer, 914
Virginia av (W Va 1022-1).
McArtel Ralph, sawyer, 608 George.
McAtee Emaline, Phelps av, N Parkersburg.
McAtee Ethel, 1006 14th.
McAtee Henry, driver, Bradley av.
McAtee Lulu, seamstress, N Parkersburg.
McAtee Ruth Mis, Phelps av, N Pksburg.
McAtee Silas R (& Mrs), meat cuttr, Midway
McAtee T L v& Mrs), laborer, North Avery.
McBride Charles (& Mrs), oil opr, 1502 Lynn
(W Va 516-1).
McBride Kathryn Mrs, 91G Avery.
McBride Kate Mrs, grocer, 1001 Staunton av
(W Va 1374-2).
McBride Leander, riverman, 1601 Staunton.
McBride Margaret, 916 Avery.
McBride Mary, 916 Avery.
McBride Rose, 122 Williams Court al.
McBride Walter, clerk, 1C01 Staunton av.
McCabe Charles (& Mrs), 1011 7th (W
Va 1026).
McCabe Ross, 1011 7th.
McCabe Peter (& Mrs), B & O conductor,
539 Gth (W Va 982).
McCaffery Mary, 1020 15th.
McCaffery Nellie, student, 1020 15th.
McCain Clara B, seamstress, 645 1-2 7th (W
Va 7).
McCallister Amanda, 712 1-2 Market.
McCallister Anna, milliner, 712 1-2 Market.
McCallister Augusta, dressmaker, 712 1 -2
McCaney Clara E, 1735 19th.
McCaney G F (& Mrs), driller, 1735 19th.
McCaney Jas, oil pumper, 1735 19th.
McCaney John E Jr, oil pumper. 1735 19th.
McCandless I D (& Mis), yard boss, Stand-
ard Oil Co.
McCandless J B, cabinetmkr, 101 3d.
The Blennerhassett Hotel Building on Market Street.
McCandless S S (& Mrs), laborer, 1202 3
lGth (W Va 1514-2).
McCandless Susan Mrs, 1139 Lynn.
McCard Alex, hostler, 925 Juliana.
McCardel John T (& Mrs), lab, 710 Lubeck.
McCarroll Claude A, oil man, 1007 Swann
(W Va 1021).
McCarroll Lulu B, teacher, 1007 Swann.
McCarty Bertha, 906 Avery.
McCarty Hannah, 929 Swann.
McCaulsky W S, painter, 907 14th.
McClain Chas H (& Mrs), butcher, Berkley
av, Buena Vista.
McClain David, student, Berkley av, Buena
McClain Hattie, 904 16th.'
McClain Jas M (& Mrs), farmer, Berkley av,
Buena Vista.
McClain Roy, meat culler, Berkley av, Buena
McClead Chas (& Mrs), lab, 117 Atlantic a v.
McClead Gus H, blacksmith, 117 Atlantic av.
McClead May M, 117 Atlantic av.
McCleland Herma Mrs, seamstress, 557 7th.
McCleland Ned, 557 7th.
McCleland Oswald, 557 7th.
McClenham Ellen Mrs, 1035 Ann.
McClintock Chas K (& Mrs), plasterer, 1237
McClintock Mathilde, 912 13th.
McClintock Wm N (& Mrs), carp, 912 13th.
McCluer Cameron (& Mrs), lawyer, 502 Ann.
McCluer Earl, clerk, 502 Ann.
McCluer H R, rec teller, Wood Co Bank, 50!?
McCluer Jas S (& Mrs), lawyer, 43 vV 8th
(W Va 1586).
McCluer J G (& Mrs), judge, 502 Ann (W
Va 352).
McClu°r & McCluer, lawyers, 413 Juliana
(W Va 167).
McCluer Randolph, cashier, 502 Ann.
McClung Alberta, teacher, 41?. Sth.
McChmg Julia, 413 Sth.
McClung Lena, seamstress, 413 Sth.
McClung Lucie Mrs, 413 8th.
McClung Sam (& Mrs), teamster, 909 Ann.
McClung W A, janitor, 413 Sth.
McClure Chas E (& Mrs), supply man, B &
O. 809 Wood.
McCombs John C, bartender, 2534 Grand av.
McConaha John (& Mrs), railrdr, 925 Mar v.
McConaha Lew (& Mrs), lab, 914 7th.
McConaughey Bros, timberman, 1824 Mur-
doch av (W Va 18).
McConaughey C W (& Mrs), mgr Star
Grocer Co, 1211 Juliana (W Va 944).
McConaughey M A, 1S24 Murdoch av.
McConaughey N T, timberman, 1824 Mur-
doch av.
McConaughey S M, timberman, 1S24 Murdoch
McConnell A (& Mrs), clerk, 1220 19th.
McConnell C A (& Mrs), eng, 1310 Avery.
McConnell Elmer Mrs, nurse, 1220 19th.
McConnell J C, 1120 Lubeck av (W Va 1546).
McConnell Theodore, clerk, 1220 19th.
McCool Albert G, clerk, 2010 Dudley av.
McCormick Clyde, clerk, 1602 Avery.
McCormick C W (& Mrs), insurance, 1602
Avery (W Va 1687-1).
McCormick Elizabeth, 1602 Avery.
McCormick J I, saloon, 1418 20th.
McCormick J M (& Mrs), oil contr, 525 Ju-
McCormick Mildred, 525 Juliana.
McCormick O L oil driller, 525 Juliana.
McCosh Wm A (& Mrs), 1108 Juliana (W
Va 1096).
Furniture, Carpets, Mattings and Undertaking
We are offering the people of Parkersburg these
lines of goods that are second to none in style,
finish and workmanship. Our goods are all marked
in plain figures, and are as cheap as any in the
city considering quality. How much more satis-
factory to buy of a firm who handle RELIABLE
GOODS. We extend a cordial welcome to all to
come and examine our FIVE FLOORS, covered
with the latest designs and patterns
No. 716 Market Street
Parkersburg, W. Va.
P. S. — Our Undertaking Department is under the personal
suiicr vision of our Mr. McGregor, who has had several • ears
experience in conducting funerals.
W. Va. Phone 356
Bell Phone 356
Residence Phone, W. Va. 437-2R
Residence Phone, Bell 635J
McCoy Anna, 951 Avery.
McCoy Dessie, Johnston av.
McCoy Dora, 421 Lincoln av.
McCoy Ernest, lab, Johnston av.
McCoy Frank, student, 1312 Latrobe.
McCoy Jane Mrs, Johnston av.
McCoy Leona, 1923 Murdoch av.
McCoy M Mrs, 951 Avery.
McCoy Mary Mrs, dressmaker, 951 Avery.
McCoy Pauline Mrs, dressmaker, 1312 La-
trobe (W Va 127G).
McCoy Stella, stenographer, G24 Ann.
McCracken R F (& Mrs), lab, 47 19th.
McCiay Laura, nurse, 1015 E 12th.
McCreary Edward, 924 Ann (W Va 95).
McCrorey's J G 5 and 10-cent store, 421
MeCue Charles W, steel wkr, 1224 Latrobe.
McCue John (& Mrs), minister, 1224 Latrobe.
McCue Lulu R, 1224 Latrobe.
McCue Samuel J, painter, 1224 Latrobe.
McCullen Carol V, stengphr, 517 Avery.
McCullen Ethel E, dressmaker, 517 Avery.
McCullen M D, rooming house, 517 Avery (W
Va 44-1).
McCulley Eleanor Mrs, 921 Lynn.
McCullough P H (& Mrs), clerk, 1040 Avery.
McCurdy Lucile, teacher, 1120 Avery.
McDade Oscar H, stenographer, 1221 20th.
McDaniels Nettie Mrs, seamstress, 16 Grant.
McDardle Alice, domestic, 550 5th.
McDiffitt Bessie, 561 5th.
McDiffltt Hannah, operator, 561 5th.
McDiffitt Mayme.optr, 501 5th (W Va 1911).
McDiffitt M C (& Mrs), moulder, 561 5th.
McDonald Agnes, 1003 7th.
McDonald Alice, 1003 7th.
McDonald Arthur, farmer, 1202 Quincy.
McDonald Chas A, lab, Smith av, Vienna.
McDonald Clarence, lab, Smith av, Vienna.
McDonald Geo, director Y M C A, 1351 Avery
(W Va 1092).
McDonald Guy C, laborer, Smith av, Vienna.
McDonald James, machinist, 1003 7th.
McDonald Levy (& Mrs), farmer, Smith av
McDonald Lizzie, teacher, 1003 7th.
McDonald Maggie, dressmkr, 1003 7th (W
Va 1573).
McDonald Mary, nurse, S32 Murdoch av.
McDonald Robert M, lab, Smith av, Vienna.
McDonald Sherman, lab, Smith av, Vienna.
McDonald Vivian, 316 6th.
McDonald Walter, bkkpr, 1351 Avery.
McDonald Win. lab, Smith av, Vienna.
McDonald Wm B (& Mrs), printer, 316 6th.
McDonough Anna, nurse, 832 Murdoch av.
McDonough Anna, student, 138 Terrace av.
McDonough C (& Mrs), cigars and tobacco,
614 Market (W Va 656), h 1205
McDonough Ed, lab, 138 Terrace av.
McDonough Maggie, 951 Avery.
McDonough Maggie, Murdoch av.
McDonough Margaret, clerk 138 Terrace av.
McDonough Mike Jr. 138 Terrace av.
McDonough Minnie Mrs, dressmkr, 131 7 L-3.
McDonough M (& Mrs), bartender. 138 Ter-
race av.
McDonough P, wagonmkr, Murdoch av.
McDonnough Patrick Jr, salesman. Commer-
cial notel.
McDonough Theresa, 1205 Market.
McDougal Dimpsie L, 1711 Latrobe.
McDougal Edwin (& Mrs), bkkpr, 012 Green.
McDougal G W (& Mrs), motorman, 1026
24th (W Va 632).
McDougal L Mead (& Mrs), merchant, 1711
McDougal Lena, 1026 24th.
McDougal, Woodyard & Jones, wholesale
and retl clothiers, 307 Market (W Va 101).
McDougle S F, court repr, 326 1-2 Juliana.
McDougle S O, grocery and meat, 1411 20th
(W Va 228-2).
McDougle Walter E, lawyer, 326 1-2 Juliana
(W Va 801), h 1405 Spring (W Va 1876).
McDowell Wm, Murphytown (W Va 31-D).
McDurmott Lula, clerk, 1122 Avery.
McElfresh S S (& Mrs), driver, 573 5th.
McElroy Wm C (& Mrs), oil driller, Almeda.
McEvoy W J (& Mrs), delivery elk, B & O,
1036 Avery.
McFarland A J (& Mrs), carp, 1505 Garfield.
McFarland Bessie, 1117 Swann.
McFarland Chas, lab, 1117 Swann.
McFarland G F, lab, 1505 Garfield av.
McFarland Neal Mrs, 1117 Swann (W Va
McFarland R L, 215 13th (W Va 445)..
MacFarland Robert L, salesman. 21.3 13 Ih
McFarland S L (& Mrs), boilermkr, 2012
Ohio av.
McFarland Susan, 611 Division.
McFarland Wm E (& Mrs), boilermkr, 1907
Ohio av.
McFee Fred, laborer, Standard Oil Co.
McFee James, laborer, 606 7th.
McFee W J, compositor, wks Sentinel, h cos-
Juliana and 7th.
McGarvy J M (& Mrs), lab, 314 Lubeck av.
McGarvin Blanche, student, 1105 Swann.
McGarvin Florence, 1105 Swann.
McGarvin Pearl, 1105 Swann.
McGarvin Wm Jr, bricklayer, 1105 Swann.
McGarvin Wm H (& Mrs), bricklayer, 1105
McGee Alfred, 114 Juliana.
McGee Elizabeth, 1717 Avery.
McGee Eskebell, 947 Market.
McGee L J (& Mrs), clothing, 127-129 3d, h
947 Market.
McGee George, laborer, 28 6th.
McGee Morgan, clerk, 947 Market.
McGee Richard E (& Mrs), salesman, 1026
McGill James (& Mrs), 921 Market.
McGinniss M J (& Mrs), boilermkr, 1507
Staunton av.
McGiffen Anna, 49 W 12th.
McGiffen Fred. 49 W 12th.
McGiffen H (& Mrs), salesman, 49 W 12th
(W Va 2G7).
McGlothlin .las E (& Mrs), printer, h Red-
wood (W Va 32d7-G).
McGlothlin & Ullom, printers, G29 1-2 Market
(W Va 244).
McGown Iva, 117 Williams Court al.
McGrady Jas (& Mrs), oil contr, 815 Virginia
McGrail Ada, clerk, 1240 Lynn.
McGrail Clara, COO 13th.
McGrail Gertrude, clerk, 1240 Lynn.
McGrail Hugh Mrs, GOO 13th.
McGrail J J i&Mrs), buyer for J N Murdoch
Drug Store, 12231-2 Market (W Va 255).
McGrail Jeanne, student, 600 13th.
McGrail Kathryn, millinery, 308 1-2 Market.
h 000 13th.
McGrail Loretta, nurse, 1240 Lynn (W Va
McGrail Margaret Mrs, 1240 Lynn.
McGrail Mame, milliner, 600 13th.
McGrail Rose, milliner, 600 13th.
McGrail Tom, machinist, 1240 Lynn.
McGraw J E <& Mrs), tel opr, 800 19th.
McGraw Jennie, waitress, Palace Hotel.
McGraw J F (& Mrs), lab, 1120 4th.
McGraw Lora, waitress. Palace Hotel.
McGraw Will, barber, 606 7th.
McGregor & Amiss Furniture Co, 716 Market
(W Va 356).
McGregor Bertha, 916 Juliana.
McGregor Callie, 1312 Avery (W Va 1073).
McGregor C, student, 1806 Latrobe.
McGregor D B, salesman, 1312 Avery.
McGregor F H, lawyer, 204 4th (W Va 601),
h 119 5th.
McGregor Mattie, clerk, 1312 Avery.
McGregor W B, pres and gen mgr McGregor
& Amiss Furniture Co, 716 Market, h 407
Savage Flats, 13th (W Va 437-2).
McGregor Wm, 405 1-2 Market.
McGregor W R, salesman, 110 3d.
McGrew O D (& Mrs), salesman, 320 Ann. '
McGreyhan Lincoln, collector, 711 Market.
McGuinness J P (& Mrs), salesman, 612
McGuire George Edward (& Mrs), 1046 Mar-
ket (W Va 1271).
McGuire Dr T J (& Mrs), physician, 807
Market (W Va 358).
McGuire Sam, 309 1-2 5th.
McHenry Carl (& Mrs), lather, 1502 Latrobe.
McHenry Chas L, fireman, 838 Jeannette.
McHenry Geo (& Mrs), plasterer, 922 15th.
McHenry Grand (& Mrs), laborer, 909 Pine.
McHenry Gus, printer, 1807 16th.
McHenry Jessie, 1807 16th.
McHenry Lulu, teacher, 922 15th.
McHenry M C (& Mrs), engineer, 838 Jean-
McHenry Martha Mrs, boarding house, 329
McHenry Mattie Mrs, 1807 16th.
McHenry O'Dell, meat cutter, 308 5th.
McHenry O G, printer, 1807 16th.
McHenry R E, student, 1408 Covert.
McHenry W W, painter, 1807 16th.
Mcllhattan F L (& Mrs), 1317 Ramsey.
McKain G L (& Mrs), mgr Acme Fishing
Tool Co, 814 Depot.
McKay Kate, teacher, 1726 Covert (W Va
McKay Peter (& Mrs), carp, 1726 Covert.
McKay Maxie, 417 Ann.
McKay Monroe C (& Mrs), trav salesman,
417 Ann.
McKee Georgia, clerk, 36 W 8th.
McGee Cigar uo Jas B, 601 Market (W Va
McKee Jas B (& Mrs) (Jas B McKee Cigar
Co), h Wheeling, W Va.
McKee Jas, clerk, 511 William.
McKee Jordan (& Mrs), dairyman, Nicely-
McKee Mary, 511 William.
McKee Max, jeweler, 511 William.
McKee Richard, student, 218 Eleventh.
McKee W J (& Mrs), carpenter, 532 6th.
McKenzie Sybil R, dressmaker, 830 Lynn.
McKibben Jas O (& Mrs), rig builder, 1306
McKim Chas L (& Mrs), trav salesman,
1315 Spring.
McKim Frank (& Mrs), bkkpr, 1009 Market
(W Va 550).
McKinley Celia, 121 Market.
McKinley Jim, clerk, 815 William.
McKinley T J, conductor, 815 William.
McKinley Mary, milliner, 815 William.
McKinley Max, 815 William (W Va 388).
McKinley School, cor 19th and St Marys av
(W Va 1511).
McKinney Dwight, clerk, 509 13th.
McKinney Hester, stengphr, 1108 Juliana.
McKinney India, bookkeeper, 509 13th.
McKinney Jas P, 509 13th.
McKinney Jane M Mrs, 509 13th.
McKinney Josephine, 1030 Quincy.
McKinney Jacob M Mrs, cor 5th and Green
(W Va 528).
McKinney Mary A, 1030 Quincy.
McKinney Wm A (& Mrs), mgr Taft's Dry
Goods Store, 314 9th (W Va 1792).
Residence, SH 6th St.
Store Room, 30 J 3rd St,
¥Va. Phone, Both Places.
PO Box 204.
No Chaimje For My Work.
A.D.LCONARD. n'^r""
McKlnney W P, retired, 1030 Quincy.
McKiuniss A D (& Mrs), ticket agt B & O,
G09 Harris (W Va 1284-2).
McKittrick Chas W (& Mrs), laundryman,
1328 Latrobe.
McKittrick Newton L (& Mrs), plumber,
1330 Latrobe.
McKittrick M L (& Mrs), 911 Laverne.
McKown Edward H (& Mrs), express clerk,
110 9th.
McKown Ella, clerk, 414 7th.
McKown J S (& Mrs), secy Traders Building
Assn, 935 Market (W Va 855).
McLain A A, grocer, Tavennerville.
McLain C H, Buena Vista (W Va 3227-L).
McLee Lulu, tailoress.
McLain Susie, tailoress, 1321 Dilloway.
McLaine Hattie, tailoress, 904 16th.
McManus Catherine Mrs, 1012 Latrobe.
McManus Chas, presser, 1012 Latrobe.
McManus Florence, student, 909 Market.
McManus J C (& Mrs), oil producer, 909
McManus "Win J (& Mrs), policeman, 1010
McMechen Carroll D (& Mrs), clerk, 1908
McMechen J T (& Mrs), 1601 Spring (W Va
McMillan Chas A (& Mrs), buyer at Stand-
ard Oil Co, 411 13th.
McMillan R E (& Mrs), 2191-2 3d.
McMorris Frank, tel opr, 8th.
McMullen John (& Mrs), molder, Berkley av,
Buena Vista.
McNally Joe (& Mrs), laborer, Beech wood.
McMurray A T, Washington Bot (W Va
McNamara Jas (& Mrs), laborer, 1103 19th.
McNamara M J (& Mrs), grocer, 220 8th (W
Va 948).
McNamara Tcrrence, railroader, 522 7th.
McNeal C L, repair man, 401 Ann.
McNeil Hazel, student, 546 6th.
McNeil J E, conductor, 546 Gth (W Va 46).
McNeilan Dr Wilton, 703 Market (W Va 253).
McNerney Barbara Mrs, 558 5th.
McNerney Delia, dressmaker, 522 1-2 7th.
McNerney Mary Mrs, 503 Julius.
McNerney J J. 212 Market.
McNerney P H {& Mrs), stone mason, 144
Bradley av.
McNicholas James, bkkpr, 1061 Avery.
McNicholas Mary Mrs, 1061 Avery.
McNicholas Mike, meat cutter, 1061 Avery.
McNillan R E (& Mrs), 219 1-2 Juliana.
McNorton Cary, barber, 824 Dickel av.
McNorton Grace Mrs, 824 Dickel av.
McNorton Walter, barber, 824 Dickel av.
McNutt Sherman (& Mrs), railrdr,1210 5th.
McNulty Anna, 607 Green.
McNulty Bernice, stengpr, 607 Green.
McNulty Clark, 664 E 8th.
McNulty James (& Mrs), clerk, 602 1-2 7th.
McNulty John, laborer, 602 1-2 7th.
McNulty M (& Mrs), shoe dealer, 664 E 8th.
McNulty Owen, 664 E 8th.
McNulty Susan Mrs, 607 Green (W Va 1085).
McPeek J W (& Mrs), cabinetmkr, 1611
McPherson Amber, 1319 Cornwall.
McPherson Ben, printer, 1319 Cornwall.
Charles Maihl
Maihl & Loritsch
Fine Tailcrs
Anto Loritsch
W. Va. Phone No. 731
204-206 Seventh Street
McPherson Clara, tel opr, 1S09 17th (W Va
McPherson H C, shoemkr, 602 Avery (W
Va 44-2), h 523 Avery.
McPherson H P, 324 Sth (W Va 558).
McPherson I S, Lubeck i \V Va 3207-B).
McPherson Jas A, carp and contr, 1319 Corn-
McPherson Jas Mrs, SOS Virginia av.
McPherson M C (& Mrs), foreman, 324 Sth.
McPherson Olive, 1809 17th.
McPherson Robert (& Mrs), teacher, 1S09
McVey C L (& Mrs), county supt free schools,
629 6tn.
McWhorter John L. clerk, 716 Market.
McWilliams Grover, 423 6th."
McWilliams Jack, prop Schafer Hotel, 423
Mace A L (& Mrs I, conductor, 1910 Ohio av.
Mace A M, claim agt, 415 Ann.
Mackey C R (& Mrs), doubler, 1800 Spring.
Madigan Robert, hammer driver, 335 3d.
Madison Jas A (& Mrs), barber. 424 7th.
Madison Virginia, 910 Clay.
Madison Washington (& Mrs), hod carrier,
91o Clay.
Madison Willard (& Mrs), 1214 Skirven.
Maddins Jim i& Mrs), bartender, 608 Julius.
Maddox John (& Mrs), painter, 527 Mari-
etta av. I
Majestic Saloon, 625 Market (W Va 912).
Magnani E & Co, foreign and domestic fruits,
514 Market (W Va 300), and 305 Market.
Magnani Ettore, fruits, 209 3d.
Magnani E, fruits, 305 Market.
Magers J S (& Mrs), clerk, 823 Ann.
Mahaney Alma A, student, 2108 Latrobe.
Mahaney Albert (& Mrs), plumber, 1237 La-
Mahaney Elva L, 2108 Latrobe.
Mahaney John J (& Mrs), farmer, 2108 La-
Mahaney Mary C, student, 2108 Latrobe.
Mahaney Othella, seamstress, 2108 Latrobe.
Mahew J R (& Mrs), electrician, 811 Ann.
Mahoney Joe N (& Mrs), mgr Markey Cloth-
ing Store, h 1405 Covert.
Mahoney. O, machine opr, 2108 Latrobe.
Maidens C (& Mrs), 509 Ann.
Maihl Charles, tailor, 206 7th.
Maihl & Loritsch, tailors, 204-206 7th (W
Va 731).
Mair D F, real estate, Market.
Mair Flats, 665-667 7th.
Maire Henry J (& Mrs), grocer, Springdale.
Majestic Cafe, 625 Market (W Va 912).
Malcom Nora, student, 400 Ann.
Maley Clara C, cook. 411 7th.
Malley Grace, bookkeeper, 502 Avery.
Malley Raphael, 502 Avery.
Malley R J (& Mrs), supt Belpre stock yards,
h 502 Avery.
Malley Robert, fireman. 502 Avery.
Astolfo Marchetti
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Nuts, Candies, Cigars and Tobaccos.
Bell Phone 761
Opp. 0. R. Depot Cor. Ann and Second Sts.
Mailey Ursula, 502 Avery.
Malloy Frank, printer, 814 Avery.
Malloy Helen, stengpr, 1222 Staunton av.
Malloy Matilda Mrs, seamstress, 1222 Staun-
ton av.
Malloy Mary, student, 1222 Staunton av.
Malloy Vaughn, carpenter, 814 Avery.
Malloy W K, mgr Ellis Clothing Store,
213 8th.
Mallon Toney, tel operator, 1710 Latrobe.
Mallon Wm Mrs, 1710 Latrobe.
Mallory Bros & Stewart, oil producers, 30-
32 3d floor Citizens Bank Bldg (W Va 70S).
Mallory Ernest, oil man, 1213 Murdoch av.
Mallory F E (& Mrs), oil producer, 1121
Mallory J F (& Mrs), oil producer, 1213
Murdoch av (W Va 722).
Mallory Lucy H Mrs, Saunders av.
Mallory Maude, teacher, 1038 24th (W Va
Mallory Mary, music teacher, Saunders av.
Mallory S T (& Mrs), oil producer, 807 Mur-
doch av (W Va 725).
Malone Otis, railroader, 24 19th.
Maloney A V, millinery parlor, 412 Market
(W Va 75G), h 423 Green (W Va 1390).
Maloney Catherine Mrs, 511 13 1-2.
Maloney Catherine Mrs, 1050 Avery.
Maloney Gertrude, student, 1118 Swann.
Maloney Joe, fireman, 1050 Avery.
Maloney John, 423 Green.
Maloney Kate, 951 Avery.
Maloney Patrick, blacksmith, 615 6th.
Maloney Thomas (& Mrs), machinist, 1118
Maloney William, 1050 Avery,
Maloney W P (& Mrs), engineer, 1016 Wil-
liam (W Va 803-1).
Manhattan Club, 313 1-2 Market (W Va 703).
Manion F W (& Mrs), show man, 532 Lu-
beck av.
Manley A W section boss, 306 11th.
Manley F C Mrs, 903 Virginia av.
Mann George, dispatcher at car barns, 1753
Mann Nathaniel Mrs, 1329 St Marys av.
Mansell Charles (& Mrs), shoe shop, 807 7th.
Manhattan Cafe (L,ogan & Leach props), 313
Market (W Va 191)
Manuel Alice. Park Place.
Manz Edwin C, student, 1906 Avery.
Manz Wm (& Mrs), mgr Wilcox Grocery,
19u6 Avery.
Mapes R L (& Mrs), laborer, 801 19th.
Maranda J A (& Mrs), blacksmith, 541 6th.
Marchetti Astolfo, confectioner, 203-205 Ann.
Marfarland Matthew (& Mrs), lab. 849 7th.
Marfarland Willie, laborer, 849 7th
Marietta Paint Co The, 210 3d (W Va 576).
Markey F H ^& Mrs), clothing, 319 Market,
h 1102 Juliana (W Va 1433).
Market Street Arcade. 424 Market.
Markey & Co F H, clothiers, 319 Market (W
Va 745).
On Market Street in Winter Time.
Markham Mary Mrs, roomers, 218 1-2 4th.
Marlowe Adelaide, student, 1829 St Marys av
Marlow Ben, 1503 Covert.
Marlowe Chas (& Mrs), cabinetmkr, 1329 St
Marys av.
Marlow. Clifford. 1503 Covert.
Marlowe David B (& Mrs), contractor, 815
14th (W Va 453-1).
Marlowe Forest, student, 815 14th.
Marlowe Hulda, teacher, 815 14th.
Marlowe John, G24 7th.
Marlow J S (& Mrs), printer, 1503 Covert
(W Va 1702).
Marlowe Malinda Mrs, 1410 1-2 Covert.
Marlow Mary, 1503 Covert.
Marlow Maude, 1503 Covert.
Marlowe Newton W (& Mrs), cigar manfr,
308 3d (W \a 1746-1).
Marlowe Nelson (& Mrs), carp, 1221 Swann.
Marlowe S 214 1-2 41 h (W Va 1165).
Maroney H P, lawyer, 310 1-2 Market.
Marquis Bertha J, clerk, 1317 Spring.
Marquis Chas M (& Mrs), prop Nowery <i
Marquis Store, 214 13th.
Marquis Eva O, student, 214 13th.
Marquis Mary E Mrs, 1317 Spring.
Marquis S A (& Mrs), blksmith, Johnston av
Marquis V S, dressmkr, 1317 Spring.
Marquis W W, 1317 Spring.
Marr A C (& Mrs), laborer, Marrtown.
Marr Mamie, clerk, Marrtown.
Marr Mock John, laborer, Marrtown.
Marrtown School, Marrtown.
Marsh Annie E Mrs, 615 13th.
Marsh Clara, stengpr, 615 13th (W Va 502).
Marsh C Will (& Mrs), carpenter, Vienna.
Marsh I H (& Mrs), foremn, Murdoch av ext.
Marshall A C, clerk, 15 6th.
Marshall Albert (& Mrs), lab. 1607 Staunto.i.
^Iai shall Catherine V, teacher, Grand Cen-
tral av, Vienna.
Marshall Charles, teamster, 611 Harris.
Mai shall Chas, pressman, h 15 6th.
Marshall Clyde (& Mrs), matcher, 1400 An-
Mai shall Ernest, 1008 Avery.
Mai shall Emma, 121S Lynn.
Marshall Flora F, student, Grand Central p «,
Marshall George (& Mrs), tinner, Vaughn av.
Marshall Harrison, lab, 1607 Staunton av.
Marshall Isaac, lab, 2400 Clement av.
Marshall James (& Mrs), engineer, 10 1-2.
Marshall John (& Mrs), 802 Juliana (W
Va 1710).
Marshall John, blksmith, 2400 Clement av.
Mai shall John W (& Mrs), oil producers,
Grand Central av, Vienna.
Mai shall L Clevie, Grand Central av, Vienna
Marshall Leonard (& Mrs), clerk, 817 Swann.
Marshall Mary. 625 Munroe.
Marshall Nancy, Central av.
Marshall R C, Walker Station (W Va 3204-F)
Marshall Richard (& Mrs), 2404 Clement av.
Marshall R Nevil, student, Grand Central
av, Vienna.
Marshall Viola, 1218 Lynn.
Marshall W F (& Mrs), engineer, 15 6th.
Marshall Zora, 112 4th.
Martin Alice, 2221-2 Avery
Marl in A A & Son, plumbers and tinsmiths,
322 5th.
(W. VA. 707)
Marl in Albert A (& Mrs), tin dealer, 110 7th.
Martin Andrew C (& Mrs), blksmith, 1009
Martin Caroline F Mrs, 1013 Latrobe.
Martin C C, wholesale grocer, 1010 Market
(W Va 860).
Martin C C Co, wholesale grocery, cor 3d and
Ann (W Va 310).
Martin C M, buyer for C C Martin Grocery,
80G Murdoch av l\V Va 774).
Martin Earl (& Mrs), oil driller, 432 1-2
Marl in Edward (& Mrs), plumber, 110 7th.
Martin Emma V, 540 Cth.
Martin F C, shipping clerk, 1010 Market.
Martin Florence, 1029 Quincy.
Martin Frank P (& Mrs), boarding stable,
G201-2 7th.
Martin Geo A (& Mrs), carpenter, 81G Wood.
Martin Geo N (& Mrs), lumber dealer, 802
Quincy (W Va 1566).
Martin Grace, 120 11th.
Martin Harry, 620 1-2 7th.
Martin J D, 415 Ann.
Martin J McC, T P A, B & O, 740 Quincy.
Martin Laura, dressmaker, 620 1-2 7th.
Martin Mary A, 326 9th.
Martin L O, physician, 3i i 1-2 6th (W Va
L07G), h 320 8th (W Va 1190).
Martin Ora, 1010 Market.
.Martin Ralph B, ban.v clerk, 1029 Quincy.
Martin S a Mrs, 1721 St Marys av.
Martin T G (& Mrs), lumber dealer, 1029
Quincy (W Va 561).
Martin T J (& Mrs), collector, 120 11th (W
Va 1594).
Martin Victor (& Mrs), driller, 602 Juliana.
Martin William (& Mrs), teamster, 904 Clay.
Mason Chas (& Mrs), wholesale grocer, 80G
Murdoch av.
Mason C L (& Mrs), machinist, 138 1-2 Spen-
cer av.
Mason Pearle R, stenographer, 1107 Market.
Mason T W t& Mrs), foreman, S Pksburg.
Mason W A (& Mrs), stave sawyer, 1310
5th av.
Masonic Club, Masonic Bldg, Juliana (W
Va 1134).
Masonic Temple, 503-507 Juliana (W Va 696).
Massay Jas L, physician, Lubeck (W Va
Massay Richard C (& Mrs), Orchard av,
Buena Vista.
Masters B, steel worker, 24 19th.
Masters Gertrude, milliner ,1209 Murdoch av.
Matheny Chas N (& Mrs), lawyer, 209 1-2
1th (W Va 1328), h 811 Ann (W Va 1037).
Matheny C L.
Matheny Clark, delivery, 1000 13th.
Matheny D C, Maplewood.
Matheny Geo W, brakeman, 907 19th.
Matheny Henrietta, 1000 13th.
Matheny J E v& Mrs), laborer, 844 Chestnut.
Matheny John W, engineer, 907 19th.
Matheny Margaret Mrs, 2507 Grand av.
Matheny Stephen C (& Mrs), teamster, 1000
Matheny Wm, laborer, E Dickel av.
Matheny C L, h 1000 13th.
Mather C V, insurance, 1701 Covert.
Mather Ellis (& Mrs), poultry, 323 9th.
Mather Ellis O. teller Pksburg Natl Bank,
317 9th.
Matheny W W (& Mrs), stone masn, 907 L9th
Mather John W (& Mrs), jeweler, 105 Mat ket
Mather Melvin E, bookkeeper, 323 9th.
Mather Sarah A. 317 9th.
Mather V P (& i.irs), real estate 17m Cove
Mather W, jeweler. 317 9th.
Mathers Gertrude, stengphr, 1408 20th.
Mathison Elizabeth, 632 Madison av.
Mathison Francis, 632 Madison av.
Mathison Jas A, insurance, 415 1-2 Market
(W Va 1722), h 632 Madison av, (W Va
Mathison Regina, 632 Madison av.
Mathison Robert, 632 Madison av.
Matt Elizabeth Mrs, 814 Swann.
Matthews Maze Mrs, 1±5 6th.
Matthews O N, sign painter, 418 1-2 Market
h 115 6th.
Matthews Samuel, Tavennerville.
Matthews & Sams, saloon, 209 Ann (W Va.
Matthews Tom, 200 Market.
Matthews Willie (& Mrs), bartender, 115 0th.
Mawhinney Chas, 126 Atlantic av.
Mawhinney Chas (& Mrs), lab, 106 Atlantic.
Mawhinney J B (& Mrs), 1108 Williams.
Maxwell Ervin G, student, 705 Swann.
Maxwell Ervin P, laborer, 705 Swann.
Maxwell Jame;, electrician, 1312 Staunton av
Maxwell Josephine, stengpr, 705 Swann.
Maxwell Maud O, 705 Swann.
Maxwell Mary, clerk, 1312 Staunton av.
Maxwell Pearl B, 705 Swann.
Maxwell R T, 705 Swann (W Va 1088).
Maxwell Ruth Mrs, 1312 Staunton av.
May William (& Mrs), teamster, 905 Laverne
Mayer Frank, driver, 1039 Cornwall pi.
Mayer Frieda, seamstress, 1226 Lynn ( \V
Va 10271.
Mayer Lewis, druggist, 1220 Lynn.
Mayhall Agnes, 1124 Lynn.
Mayhall Anna, student, 1139 Lynn.
Mayhall C C, asst supt chair factory, 1139
Mayhall Cora R, 1124 Lynn.
Mayhall C W (& Mrs), billing clerk, 1139
Mayhall Jesse V, express master, 1124 Lynn.
Mayhall J V (& Mrs), 1124 Lynn (W Va 36- 1 I
Geo. G. Mead
Exclusive Optician
220 Fourth Street. I W. Va. Phone 781 I
Don't take chances trying glasses. Have them fitted — it costs no more
Straightening cross eyes a specialty. Those who have been to see me are sending others
How Are Your Eyes ?
Mayhall T S, machinist, 1124 Lynn.
Mayhall Winifred Lee, student, 1139 Lynn.
Mayhew J E (& Mrs), electrician, 620 Juli-
ana, h 1619 Avery (W Va 719-2).
.Mayhew Susan, S Side.
Mayhugh Lawrence (& Mrs), telephone man,
809 Juliana.
Mayhugh C M (& Mrs), oil producer, 1108
Avery (W Va 1564).
Mayhugh Robert Clark, lab, Dudley rd_.
.Mayhugh Wm H (& Mrs), farmer, Bull
Creek rd.
Mays Cleve (& Mrs), farmer, Phelps av.
Mayne F H, court reporter, 409 Juliana.
Mayor's Office, City Building (W Va 6).
Mays Mattie, 111 Market.
Mays S H (& Mrs), driller, 903 Virginia av.
Mays W M (& Mrs), cooper, 1314 Staunton.
Mazzei Tony (& Mrs), Vienna.
Maze L J (& Mrs), cross ties, 1609 Staun-
Meaehani John W (& Mrs), engineer, 400
Meade Bros & Co, installment house, 123 5th
i\. Va 137).
Mead E A (& Mrs), oil well contractor,
170^, Covert (W Va 1187).
Mead Geo G, optician, 220 4th (W Va 781),
h 1501 Avery.
Mead Hallie, clerk, 645 7th.
Mead J H {& Mrs), oil well contr, 15'H
Avery (W Va 1444).
Mead J M, 1702 Covert.
Mead J A (& Mrs), oil contractor, 320 9 1-2
(\V Va 158S).
Meade Roy, collector, 601 Juliana.
Meadows Bessie, tailoress, 213 7th.
Mealey G H (& Mrs), oil producer, Grand
Central av, Vienna.
Means Cora, 41S Juliana.
Means Kelly Mrs, 619 Munroe.
Mecca Saloon, 211 3d (W Va 866).
Medauf Chas, fireman, 210 1-2 3d.
Meed Roy A (Johnson & Meed), lux 4th.
Meek A T, laborer, 109 Atlantic av.
Meek Carl, 1102 19th.
Meek Gordon (& Mrs), laborer, 2d.
Meek J B i& Mrs), 1102 19th.
Meeker Chas (& Mrs), bookkpr, 1327 Latrobe.
Meeks Geo, teamster, Pleasant av, Vienna.
Meeks Nannie, Pleasant av, Vienna..
Meeks Sophronia Mrs, 1514 Staunton av.
Meeks Wm (& Mrs), farmer, Pleasant av,
Meerwein Anna, stengphr, 1215 Murdoch av.
Meerwein Martha, bkkpr, 1215 Murdoch av.
Mehen Anna, clerk, 1230 Juliana.
Mehen George, plumber, 1230 Juliana.
Mehen James, steam fitter, 1230 Juliana.
Mehen J R (& Mrs), city collector, 1230 Ju-
Mehen Mary, student, 1230 Juliana.
Mehen Plumbing Store, 1221 Market (W
Va 465).
Thomas G. Mehen
Plumbing, Sewering, Gas and Steam Fitting
Estimates Cheerfully Given All Work Guaranteed
Specialties : Repair Work, Awnings
Phones : W. Va. W. 465, Bell 317R 1221 Market Street
Mehen Ray, machinist, 1230 Juliana.
Mehen Tom, plumber, 1230 Juliana.
Mehl Andrew (& Mrs), 1005 Avery.
Mehl C F (& Mrs), grocer, 1603 Covert.
Mehl D G (& Mrs), carp and contr, 643 Bird.
Mehl Flora E, student, 643 Bird.
Mehl J B (& Mrs), grocer, 319 E 10th (W
Va 657).
Meintel Gustav, shoernkr, 708 7th, h 663 E 8th
Mellentree Andrew, driver, 1318 Dilloway.
Mellentree Minnie, nurse, 1318 Dilloway.
Mellentree Wm ('& Mrs), teamster, 433 8th.
Memel F C (& Mrs) (Halsey & Memel),
Bradley av (W Va 125).
Mendenhall Chas W (& Mrs), steelwkr, 706
Mendenhall Clifton (& Mrs), steel wkr, 700
Mendenhall Ford, 706 20th.
Mendenhall Florence, 706 26th.
Mendenhall Harry (& Mrs), 710 26th.
Mendenhall Herbert, steel worker, 706 26th.
Mendenhall Julia Mrs, 706 26th.
Mendenhall L V (& Mrs), mach, Lincoln av.
Mendenhall Raymond (& Mrs), teamster,
909 Laverne.
Mendenhall T M (& Mrs), shearman, 323
Lincoln av.
Mendenhall Willie, laborer, 706 26th.
Mengert Wm L, city editor Dispatch News,
1014 Virginia av.
Mentcaff O M (& Mrs), clerk Palace Hotel.
Mercer C F (& Mrs), conductor, 310 11th.
Mercer D E, store, 2415 Murdoch av.
Mercer Hester, clerk, 2415 Murdoch av.
Mercer Luther R (& Mrs), conductor, 1002
Mercereau W S, 823 Quincy (W Va 995).
Meredith Mary, seamstress, 1826 E 17th.
Meredith Will (& Mrs), carp, 2400 Dickel av.
Merrick C D, lawyer, 331 Juliana, h Maple-
wood (W Va 1440).
Merrick Fred H, Maplewood.
Merrick & Smith, lawyers, 331 Juliana (W
Va 123).
Merrill Bessie, 129 1-2 3d.
Merriman Thos (& Mrs), laborer, 20 Grant
(W Va 1719).
Merriman Wm, elevator opr, 20 Grant.
Merriner Mollie, 34 5th.
Mervyn W C (& Mrs), oil prodr, 936 Avery.
Merwin Anna, stengphr, 1215 Murdoch av.
Merwin Gertrude, student, 1215 Murdoch av.
Merwin Louise, dressmaker, 1215 Murdoch.
Merwin Martha, bookkeeper, 1215 Murdoch.
Merwin W Mrs, 1215 Murdoch av.
Metropolitan Life Insurance Co, 701-702-703
Union Trust Bldg (W Va 1325).
Metz James (& Mrs), Beechwood Heights.
Metzger Emma, 426 13th.
Metzger Fritz L (C E Brady Construction
Co), rms Chancellor Hotel.
Meyer C A (& Mrs), telephone office, 562 6th
(W Va 1576).
Metzner Chas, baker, 23G Court sq.
Meyer C W, sign writer, 1107 Avery.
Meyer Gratia, 5C2 Gth.
Meyer Josephine C Mrs, 415 Green.
Meyer J C, 415 Green.
Meyer & Logsdon, cafe, 213 4th (W Va 67G).
Meyer Louise, clerk.
Meyere Lucien, music teacher, 331 9th.
Meyeis Cora, telephone opr, 322 7th.
Meyers George (& Mrs), 213 4th.
Meyeis Frank (& Mrs), railroad contiactor,
Lubeck av.
Meyeis John YV i& Mrs), teamster, 1210
Mick Gertrude, Grand Central av, Vienna.
Mick Thos i& Mrs), engineer, 808 15th.
Middle swart W G, cashier Empire Casualty
Co, r 911 Ma'ket.
Milhoan Sarah, 42G 7th.
Miller A H, Lubeck (W Va 322G-G)
Miller Alice Mrs, 320 10th.
. Miller Andy, grocer, 704 2d, S Parkersburg.
Miller Angelica Mrs, seamstress, 930 Lynn.
Miller A. L (& Mrs), bowling alley, 318 Ju-
liana, h 1030 Laird av.
Miller Catherine Mrs, 1223 Skirven (W Va
Miller Chas, 400 3d (W Va 1589).
Miller Cora, 412 2d, S Parkersburg.
Miller D M (& Mrs), timberman, h 406 Avery
(W Va 157), rms 34-35 Natl Bank Bldg (W
Va 525).
Miller D S, student, 1805 Covert.
Miller Georgia, student, 400 4th.
Miller Gertie, 1910 Avery.
Miller G E (& Mrs), fireman, 50 Gth.
Miller G W (& Mrs), bding house, 400 4th.
Miller G W, 1413 20th.
Miller Hallie, S13 7th (W Va 635-1).
Miller Herbert (& Mrs), oil driller, 130
Spencer av.
Miller Joe (& Mrs), 1614 Lynn.
Miller J H (& Mrs), bookkeeper, 1910 Avery.
Miller J H (& Mrs), 721 Division.
Miller Josephine, 1S05 Covert.
Miller J S (& Mrs), 1136 Market.
Miller JW (& Mrs), fish market, 321 9 1-2.
Miller Lee (& Mrs), trav salesman, 605 Green
Miller L E, laborer, 704 2d av.
Miller Mary T, seamstress, 624 1-2 Juliana.
Miller Mattie Mrs, 524 4th.
Miller Minnie, 320 9 1-2.
Miller Myrtle Mrs, 406 Avery.
Miller Nellie M, cashier, 624 1-2 Juliana (VV
Va 1680).
Miller Nellie, .50 6th.
Miller Pearle, 1133 Market.
Miller Ray W (& Mrs), trav salesman, 1203
Miller Ronald, 930 Lynn.
Miller R F, clerk, 930 Lynn.
Miller R W, trav salesman, 1215 Avery.
Miller Sophia, nurse, 1024 Juliana.
Miller S J (& Mrs), mgr Pksburg garage,
171S Latrobe.
Miller Will C, laborer, 704 2d av.
Miller Win M (& Mis), trav salesman. 712
lGth (W Va 1118).
Miller Wm, laborer. 412 2d av.
Miller W N. lawyer, Il'2 3d (\V Va 122), b
1045 Murdoch av (W Va 1759).
Milligan Ella, 1702 Covert.
Milligan Joseph, machinist, 1G19 Murdoch av.
Milligan Linda, dressmaker, 1G02 Juliana.
Milligan M E Mrs, 1619 Murdoch a\ .
Mills Alice, dressmaker, 111 6th.
Mills Ben (& Mrs), laborer, 1319 1-2 Spring.
Mills Bertha, dressmkr, 111 Gth (W Va 505).
Mills Earle (& Mis), plumber, 600 7th.
Mills G C (& Mrs), sawyer, Bradley av.
Mills Valley, machine opr, 1013 Swann.
Milstead Lettie, 1120 Latrobe.
Milstead Milton, car inspector, 1120 Latrobe.
Milton Edward (& Mrs), eng, B & O, 509
Minefee Chas, laborer, 1227 Swann.
Mirrney Jane, 1020 Murdoch av.
Minx Dr A J (& Mrs), dentist, 424 1-2 Mar-
ket (W Va 7S8), h 1419 Spring (W Va 1110)
Minx Forest L, 1419 Spring.
Mitchell Rev A B (& Mrs), 1023 Laird av
l\V Va 1067).
Mitchell A W (& Mrs), lawyer, 304 1-2 Ju-
liana, h 212 "llth.
Mitchell Dolly Mrs, Saunders av.
Mitchell Ellen Mrs, 322 St Cloud al.
Mitchell Guy E, ruffer, 413 Queens Lane.
Mitchell Jas T (& Mrs), shipping elk, 413
Queens Lane.
Mitchell J M (& Mrs), real estate. 21S 1-2
4th (W Va 447), h 1016 Murdoch av (W
Va 1430).
Mitchell Kate Mrs, 312 5th (W Va 1610).
Alit (bell Kathryn H, stengphr, 2200 Latrobe.
Mitchell Margaret 0, stengphr, 413 Queens
Mitchell Maud R, 320 St Cloud al.
Mitchell Patrick C, saw filer, 320 St Cloud.
Mitchell Robt E, blksmith, 320 St Cloud al.
Mitchell Wm (& Mrs), 49 5th (W Va 1064).
Mitchell Wm (& Mrs), foreman, 326 St
Cloud al.
Moats Frank P (& Mrs), lawyer, Guaranty
Bldg (W Va 126), h Rosemar, Vienna (W
Va 1002).
Moats Homer S (& Mrs), telephone lineman,
1212 George (W Va 1764).
Moats Samuel J (& Mrs), porter, 1211 Avery.
Moats Vallie, clerk, 509 5th.
- Model Barber Shop, 237 Court sq.
Model Hotel, 409 Gth (W Va 1330).
Model Laundering Co, 907 16th (W Va 674).
Residence of
John M. Mitchel
1016 Murdoch Ave.
Real Estate in all its Branches Office No. 218 '_> Fourth Street
Special Agent of The Union Central Life Insurance Co., of Cincinnati, 0.
W. Va. Phone, Office 447
W. Va. Phone, Residence 1430
Model Shoe Store (Anderson Shoe Co, Incp,
props), 508 Market (W Va 549).
Modern Shoe Repair & Supply Co, 221 7th
(W Va 1931).
Modern Woodmen Hall, 424 Marker.
Moeck Emma O, Central av, Midway.
Moerlein Brewing Co, cor 2d and Juliana.
Mohler D W (& Mrs), yardmastr, 528 Gresn.
Mohler M H, student, 528 Green.
Mohler Ora, student, 528 Green.
Monahan Maggie, 809 Ann.
Monastery of Visitation, De Sales Heights,
Murdoch av.
Moneypenny H P, laborer. Standard O.. Co.
Monroe Chas W (& Mrs), denlist, 404 Union
Trust Bldg (W Va 584), h 39 8th (W
Va 588).
Monroe Hotel, Court sq (W Va 184).
Monroe Minnie, 1703 Park av.
Monroe Dr W W (& Mrs), dentist, 4191-2
Market (W Va 301), h 1703 Park av (W
Va 34LM.
Montgomery Bird, 1 Woodyard av.
Montgomery Emily Mrs, 1 Woodyard av.
Montgomery Frank (& Mrs), painter, 8101-2
Montgomery James S, undertaker, 715 1-2
Market (W Va 1120).
Montgomery James (& Mrs), 511 George (W
Va 1387-1).
Montgomery J H, 1002 Lynn.
Montgomery Joseph, laborer, 510 Julius.
Montgomery Mattie, 1 Woodyard av.
Montgomery Maude, stengphr, 1002 Lynn (W
Va 1024).
Montgomery Mendle, 1002 Lynn.
Montgomery S E Mrs. 24 10th.
Montgomery Stephen (& Mrs), lab, 510 Julius
Moon Chas, laundry, 312 5th.
Moon Robert H (Russell, Mitchell & Moon),
attorney and notary pub, 1104 Quincy (W
Va 1312).
Moore Hen J, Camden av.
Moore Carrie, forelady, 115 5th.
Moore Cute, saloon, 007 Market.
Moore Daisy Mrs, 10 Grant.
Moore Dora, 217 13th.
Moore Eleanor, 430 Juliana.
Moore E S, mgr Shattuck & Jackson Co, 224
5th (W Va 227).
Moore Frances Bryan, 43d Juliana.
Moore Frank, bricklayer, 509 0th.
Moore F M (& Mrs), laborer, G47 Mack.
Moore Hester, 58G 5th.
Moore I D (& Mrs), operator, 415 Ann.
Moore Ida M, seamstress, 1909 Murdoch av.
Moore Jas B (& Mrs), carpenter, Camden av.
Moore J O, clerk, 1103 Lynn.
Moore Julia Lee, 430 Juliana.
Moore Laura B, teacher, 1805 Spring.
Moore Rev L B (& Mrs), 1805 Spring (W Va
Moore Lulu, clerk, 110 Lubeck av.
Moore Lulu, 202 Juliana.
Residence of Paulus Reps, Parkersbutg.
Moore Nettie J Mrs, 1811 16th.
i.ioore P B, grocer, 110 Lubeck av (W
Va 802).
Moore Dr P D (& Mrs), physician, 160G Lee
(W Va 1047).
Moore Robert (& Mis), machinist, L322
Staunton av.
Moore Sally. 204 Juliana.
Moore S P. 502 6th.
Hoore Rev S Scollay (& Mrs), rector Trinity
T E Church, 430 Juliana.
Moore Thos. paperhanger, 508 Gale av.
Moore W D (& Mrs), accountant, 310 W 10th.
Moore W E, salesman.
Moore Wilford F (& Mrs), steel wkr, 1606
Moore W W (& Mrs), saloon, 607 Markc
(W Va 111), h 010 Avery (W Va 1730).
Moosman Frank (& Mis), shipping elk, 1010
Moosman John Sr (& Mrs), brush factory,
1725 Spring (W Va 800).
Moosman John Jr (& Mrs), conductor, 1332
Moosman William (& Mrs), painter, 505
13 1-2 (W Va 1095).
Moran Anna Mrs. 634 Marietta av.
Moran Ohas. brakeman, 634 Marietta av.
Moran Mary, SOI Virginia av.
Moran P J (& Mrs), B & O yard condr, 801
Virginia av.
Moran T J (& Mrs), clerk, 1600 Staunton av.
Moran Tom, liquor dealer, 214 4th.
Moran W J, fireman, S01 Virginia av.
Morhead Ella i , Smith av, Vienna.
Morehcad Geo Mr-. 310 L3th.
Morehead Jas H, clerk. 1419-1421 St Marys av
Morehead M A Mrs, 646 6th.
Morehead Malissa Mrs, 006 Marietta av.
Morehead Monta V, laborer, 606 Marietta a v.
Morehead Osa, laborer, 606 Marietta av.
Morehead Sina, 600 Marietta av.
Morehead W G (& Mrs), laborer, Central av.
Moreland Chas F (& Mrs), eng, 1826 E 17th.
Moreland Ettoillie, clerk. 1S20 E 17th.
Moreland J W {& Mrs), laborer, 1753 E 7th.
Moreland L W (& Mrs), turner, 1717 E 7th.
Moreland Pearle, 1753 E 7th.
Morford G L (& Mrs), barber, 140S Spring.
Morford Mona, milliner, 1408 Spring.
Morford Percy, student, 1408 Spring.
Morgan Blanche, stengphr, 908 Market.
Morgan Frances Mrs, 638 6th.
Morgan Geo P, mgr R M Smith & Co, 1617
Avery (W Va 1584).
Morgan J J Mrs, 612 Avery.
Morgan Margaret Mrs, 612 Avery.
Morgan Robert C (& Mrs), oil well contr,
221 1-2 7th (W Va 8S2).
Morgan's Studio, photos, 221 1-2 7th (W Va
Morlan Mattie, 1141 Latrobe.
Mm Ian Tena, 1141 Latrobe.
Morlang Henry (Ac Mrs), meats, 605 Market,
h 603 1-2 Market (W Va 259).
Morlang Theodore Sr, 1502 St Marys av.
Morlang Theo (& Mrs), 1728 St Marys av.
Moroney P H (& Mrs), lawyer, 310 1-2 Mar-
ket (W Va 1244). h 403 19th.
Morris Ben W, journalist. State Journal Co,
804 Quincy.
Morris Elva, 327 9th.
Morris Everett, laborer, 1409 Staunton av.
Morris George, student, 1409 Staunton av.
Morris Grace, 6 Almeda.
Morris Gustavus, baker, 117 Ann.
Morris Harvey (&. Mrs), teacher, Rpsemar,
Art Section of
H. P. Moss Bookstore Company
Fine China, Pictures,
705 and 707 Market Street
Eastman Kodaks, Globe-Wernicke Sectional Bookcases and
Filing Cabinets
Picture Frames and Fine Wall Papers
Morris Harley, 6 Almeda.
Morris Hezzie, blksmith, 1409 Staunton av.
Morris Hewitt E (& Mrs), linotype operator,
1104 William.
Morris Hewitt Schrader Jr, 1104 William.
Morris Hortense, teacher, 804 Quincy.
Morris Leland S, student, 804 Quincy.
Morris Lizzie, 2406 Murdoch av.
Morris Lora, 812 Race.
Morris L T (& Mrs), 1409 Staunton av (W
Va 1527).
Morris L V G i& Mrs), deputy clerk U S
Court, 1330 Spring (W Va 1331).
Morris Presley W (& Mrs), editor State
Journal. 804 Quincy.
Morris Robert, 804 Quincy (W Va 202-2).
Morris Stella, Rosemar, Vienna.
Morris T L, 6 Almeda.
Morris Willis (& Mrs), shoe store, 512 Mar-
ket (W Va 918), h 1113 Murdoch av (W
Va 1337).
Morris William, clerk, 804 Quincy.
Morrison Anna Mrs, 622 Juliana.
Morrison Ben (& Mrs), bartender, 213 4th.
Morrison Ben, 121 Market.
Morrison Bessie, 701 1-2 Swann.
Morrison Chas (& Mrs), grocer, 1100 William
Morrison Chas E, engineer, 417 Market.
Morrison Chas E (& Mrs), jeweler, 1209 Ju-
liana (W Va 926).
Morrison Chas P t& Mrs). 1606 St Marys
av (W Va 959).
Morrison Clara,121 Market.
Morrison C P & Co. 1225 Market (W Va G05).
Morrison C W, grocer, 812 7th (W Va 321).
Morrison Ed, brakeman, G15 Depot.
Morrison H, laborer, Standard Oil Co.
Morrison Margaret R, 428 Ann.
Morrison M E Mrs. 315 Ann.
Morrison W L, yardman, Stewart Station.
Morrison W M, driller, 550 5th.
Morrow Alex (& Mrs), carpenter, Blenner-
hassett av.
Morrow Earle, student, Blennerhassett a.v.
Morrow Ina, Blennerhassett av.
Morrow Win, rig builder, Blennerhassett av.
Mortimer James, 28 W 12th.
Mortimer Jessie G 28 W 12th.
Mortimer Jessie B Mrs, grocer, 28 W 12th.
Mortimer John, 28 W 12th.
Mortimer Nell, 28 W 12th.
Mortimer Stewart, bell boy, 2S W 12th.
Morton Leander M (& Mrs), machinist, 1415
Moss C A (& Mrs), accountant, 408 Union
Trust Bldg, h 314 8th. (W Va 663).
Moss H H (& Mrs), cashier First Natl Bank,
113 12th (W Va 1010).
Moss Hunter H Jr (& Mrs), judge Wood
County Circuit Court, Court House (W
Va 846), h 1210 Ann (W Va 905)
Moss H P Bookstore Co, 705-707 Market (W
Va 173).
Moss J H (& Mrs), watchman, Dudley av.
The Mountain Iron & Supply Company
(Incorporated) Gore & Robinovitz, Proprietors. Successors to Evans Junk Co.
Scrap Iron, Steel and Metals
New and Second Hand Oil Well Tools, Pipe and Casing.
New and Second Hand Cordage and Junk Rope.
Both Phones, Office and Wareroom,
Office and Residence 895 Second and Market Streets
Mountain State Democratic Club, Progress
Hall, 503-505 Juliana. Meets the 2d and'
4th Tuesdays of each month.
Mover T D, 2d-hand clothing, 324 6th.
Mover Harley, laborer, Marrtown.
Mover H (& Mrs), farmer, Marrtowa.
Mover Nelson, laborer, Marrtown.
Moyers P J (& Mrs), farmer, Marrtown.
Mozena Denning O (& Mrs), grocer, 1039
Lynn (W Va 1673), h 1412 Washington av
iW Va 1240 1.
Mozena Frank (& Mrs), 2501 Oak.
Mozena Olan G, student, 1412 Washington av.
Muhall Mary, 906 Ann.
Muhleman Building, 209-211 4th.
Muhleman Dr Chas L, physician, Gil 1-2
Market (W Va 294).
Muhleman Richard, barber, 522 East.
Muhleman R H, barber shop, 559 7th, h 522
Muhn Geo L (& Mrs), 804 16th.
Muhn Ella, clerk. 807 16th.
Mulinex Bertha, 812 Quincy.
Mulinex Nellie, 835 Murdoch av.
Mullen Edward (& Mrs), furniture, S '2
Quincy (W Va 1084).
Mullen Joe. plumber, 312 7th.
Mullen John L, bkkpr, 905 Avery.
Mullen Michael W (& Mrs), tobaccos,
Moss H P, pres H P Moss Bookstore Co, 904
Juliana (W Va 1045).
Moss Mabel, 314 8th.
Moss Margaret, Dudley av.
Moss Robert, tinner, Dudley av.
Moss R H (& Mrs), elk, 1411 20th.
Moschella Luigi, yardman, 820 Jeannette.
Moschella Samuel (& Mis), yardman, siiu
Mosier J E (& Mrs), 49 19th.
ivtosman Prank (& Mrs), shipping clerk, 101 G
Moten Lou, 902 Market.
Mouck Peter, wood carver, 1514 Lynn.
Mount B P (& Mrs), laborer, 313 Division.
Mount C L, driller, 900 Oak.
Mount Dexter, wood carver, 313 Division.
Mount E W, 906 Oak.
Mount Guy, machinist, 313 Division.
Mount H Mrs, boarding house, 579 6th.
Mount Herman (& Mrs), carpenter, 321 Divi-
Mount J L (& Mrs), junk dealer, 906 Oak
(W Va 906).
Mount Mary, 313 Division.
Mount Sidney (& Mrs), oil refiner, 408 11th.
Mountain Iron & Supply Co, 125 Market (W
Va 895-1).
Mountain State Business College, 711 Market
(W Va 17S5).
Mountain State Bottling Works, 520 4th.
Mountain State Gas Co, 507 Juliana.
71). h
Market (W Va
Mullen Patrick, clerk, 808 Quincy.
Quincy (W Va
H. P. Muncy
Livery, Feed and Sales Stables
2111- Juliana St.
Prompt attention given to all our customers. Always ready to supply you with well
equipped turnouts at all hours
(W. Va. 1301)
Mullenex Fred (& Mrs), teamster, 918 13th.
Mullenax Henry T (& Mrs), plumber, 1009
E 12th.
Mullenax H P, bookkeeper, 215 5th.
Mullenax Jas T (& Mrs), teamster. 925 R
Mulvey Bridget L, dressmaker, 1115 Swann.
Mulvey Elizabeth, dressmkr, 1115 Swann.
Mulvey Thomas P (& Mrs), 1115 Swann.
Mumaugh R E (& Mrs), prop Bartlett House,
800 Jeannette (W Va 858).
Mumford C D (& Mrs), 1132 Lynn.
Muncey Charles (& Mrs), clerk, 807 Gould av.
Muncey C P. clerk. 413 Market.
Muncey Ella, bookkeeper, 1025 Avery.
Muncey Hub, 131 7 1-2.
Muncy H P (& Mrs), livery stable, 211 1-2
Juliana (W Va 1301), h 125 7 1-2.
Muncey James A, 400 Green.
Muncey James, steel wkr, Dudley av.
Muncey Leonard E (& Mrs), steel wkr, Dud-
ley av (W Va 1405-2).
Munday Ben H. painter, 128 1-2 3d.
Munday Scott (& Mrs), painter, 1219 Skirven.
Murdoch A C, gen mgr and vice pres J N
Murdoch Co, 113-115 3d, h 706 Ann.
Murdoch Anna T. 721 Murdoch av.
Murdoch Bessie V, 70C Ann.
Murdoch Clark & Co, druggists, 500 Market
(W Va G77).
Murdoch Clark, druggist, 721 Murdoch av (W
Va 219).
Murdoch David C, bkkpr, 721 Murdoch av.
Murdoch .1 N, wholesale druggist, 706 Ann
|\V Va 208).
Murdoch J N Co, drugs, 113 3d (W Va 307).
Murdoch Wm C (& Mrs), 121 7 1-2 (W Va
Murdy Foster, oil producer, 322 7th.
Murdy Foster C, 905 Lynn.
Murdy Foster, teamster 820 Swann.
Murdy John, laborer 820 Swann.
Murdy William, 905 Lynn.
.Murphy Agnes, 1120 7th.
Murphy Angelica, 1120 7th.
Murphy Al G (& Mrs), fruit trees, 1126 La-
Murphy Anna, 900 7th.
Murphy Aurela, student, 811 Jeannette.
Murphy Bernadine, student, 830 Mary.
.Murphy Bridget Mrs, 830 Mary.
Murphy Chas, 141 Atlantic av.
Murphy Delia, S12 Jeannette.
Murphy Elizabeth, 1120 7th,
Murphy Ella, 830 Mary.
Murphy Esther, student, 811 Jeannette.
Murphy Fred, bell boy, bds Chancellor Hotel.
Murphy Harry, elk Chancellor Hotel.
Murphy Hamer E (& Mrs), chiropractice, 514
Murphy J. 1120 7th.
Murphy J L, meat cutter, 114 Spencer av.
Murphy Joe M (Justus & Murphy Co), 830
Mary (W Va 1668).
— 11
Murphy J T v& Mrs). G51 6th.
Murphy Julia. 125 W 12th.
Murphy Julia, 900 7th.
Murphy Lizzie, 1127 7th.
Murphy Mame, 1126 Latrobe (W Va 1232-2).
Murphy Marie, 405 Avery.
Murphy" Maria, 812 Jeannette.
Murphy Mary W Mrs. 1429 22(1.
Murphy Mary Mrs, seamstress, 811 Jeannette.
Murphy May, 1120 Latrobe.
Murphy Matthew, bartender, 900 7th.
Murphy Phil (& Mrs), 502 William.
Murphy R F, grocer, 613 Market (W Va 130),
h 526 7th (W Va 1215).
Murphy Richard (& Mrs), 526 7th.
Murphy R P, B & O conductor, 812 Jeannette
Murphy Thos, supt Water Works, 1120 7th.
Murphy T H (& Mrs), 1120 7th (W Va 44G).
Murphy Vinton P, printer, 1126 Latrobe.
Murphy Wm Mrs, 812 Jeannette.
Murphy Wm (& Mrs), mail carrier, 512 7th.
Murray Chas (&' Mrs), 1210 Garfield av.
Murray Charles (& Mrs), 1229 Skirven (W
Va 831).
Murray C H (& Mrs), conductor, 1700 Covert
Murray Chas T (& Mrs), driver, 621 Munroe.
Murray Emma, laundress, 607 Munroe.
Murray Luella, G15 Munroe.
Murray R N, laborer, 216 2d.
Murray T W (& Mrs), conductor B & O,
1020 Mary (W Va 1544).
Murray Victoria Mrs, 845 Jeannette.
Murray Chas (& Mrs), 1207 Skirven.
Murrin C A (& Mrs), foreman, 710 16th.
Murrin Geo P (& Mrs), contr oil wells, 814
Muvey M E (& Mrs), oil driller, 818 Lynn.
Musgrave C A. 407 E 12th (W Va 354).
Musser Lewis, oil driller, 312 7th.
Mutual Boarding Club, 1037 Market (W Va
Musser Mary, clerk, 322 7th.
Myer Felix, driver, 1407 St Marys av.
Myer Claude, laborer, Neals av.
Myer G A (& Mrs), 4±6 4th.
Myer Herman R, carpenter, 701 Swann.
Myer Isaac L, laborer, 701 Swann.
Myer Mamie, student, Neals av.
Myer Thornton S (& Mrs), carpenter, 701
Myers A L (& Mrs), driver, 640 Depot.
Myers Chas.. plumber, 1407 St Marys av.
Myers C A. plumber, 1407 St Marys av.
Myers Durinda. laborer, 412 Ann.
Myers Frank, 1039 Cornwall.
Myers Geo (& Mrs), laborer, Bradley av.
Myers G W (& Mrs), laborer, Man-town.
Myers Irma, milliner. 1407 St Marys av.
Myers Jas (& Mrs), lineman, 422 Ann.
Myers John, driver, 314 5th.
My. ms Richard (& Mrs), driller. 1407 St
Marys av.
Nafc Mary, 1022 Ann.
Nagle Thos (& Mrs), mail messgr, 628 6th.
Nash J J (& Mrs), 1S04 Covert.
Nash Mattie, 814 v^uincy.
Nathan Benjamin (& Mrs), clothing and
shoes (W Va 75),225 Ann. h 1330 Market
i\V Va 1107).
National Candy & Grocery Co, 7th and Lynn
(W Va 328).
National Express Co, 21S 4th.
National Manufacturing Co (P L Jones and
W H Cecil props), 117-119 Market (W Va
National Supply Co, 2d and Avery (W Va
555), office 314 Market (W Va 761).
National Plaster & Supply Co, George (W
Va 1408).
Nazer J J, Commercial Hotel.
Neale Allen, student, 1122 Lynn.
Neale Anna, teacher, N Parkersburg.
Neale Benjamin T ft (& Mrs), 619 13th (W
Va 1342).
Neale Ben F, furniture, 601 7th, h 207 8th
(W Va 693).
Neale B F (& Mrs), conductor, 901 Ann.
Neale Chas, 54 19 1-2.
Neale M, student, 313 9th.
Neale Clarence (& Mrs), laborer, Logan av.
Neale Edward B (& Mrs), stengphr, 1226
Neale Frank (& Mrs), 54 19 1-2.
Neale Geo W, lawyer, 403 Green.
Neale Grace, teacher, 1015 18th.
Neale Harry (& Mrs), presser, 606 Juliana.
Neale Harry (& Mrs), conductor, 1203 Avery.
Neale H C, 1015 18th.
Neale H F, produce, 208 Market, h 1001 21st
(W Va 251).
Neale Ida, 1015 18th.
Neale Joseph B (& Mrs), 1110 Ann.
Neale J K Mrs, 1620 Park av.
Neale Julia, 810 Murdoch av.
Neale Mabe1, student, 313 9th.
Neale Mary Mrs, 207 8th.
Neale Mary Ann Mrs, 1019 Juliana.
Neal Olin V, jeweler, 313 9th (W Va 115).
Neale Phil (& Mrs), secy and treas Citizens
Coal Co, 1010 Murdoch av.
Neale Robert L (& Mrs), hardware, 922 Ju-
liana (W Va 1004).
Neale & Co R L, hardware, 413 Market (W
Va 295).
Neale R D (& Mrs), 1010 Murdoch av.
Neale Sadie, Elizabeth av.
Neale School, Inter-Urban.
Neale Vernon M (& Mrs), jeweler, 1122 Lynn
Tis to Laf
But it is a fact, whatever other merchants price their goods
Sells It For Less
Largest Clothing and Shoe Store in the State.
(W. Va Phone 75)
225 Ann Street, Parkersburg, W. Va.
Olin V. Neal
416 Market Street.
Diamonds, Watches. Clocks and Jewelry Umbrellas recovered while you wait
Troubled Eyes — If you have them, we will test them free
Graduate Optician in charge
( W. Va. 384)
Neale W H, produce, 1001 21st.
Neale W R (& Mrs), gardener, N Parkers-
burg (W Va 534).
Neale Win, driver, 54 19 1-2.
Nealey Burt (& Mrs). 6th and Avery.
Nealey Kenna, 6th ana Avery.
Needham Dorr, druggist, Bradley av.
Neeley Nannie, 422 4th.
Neff John (& Mrs), Camden av.
Nelly Christian (& Mrs), pres Pksburg Natl
Bank and pres C Nelly Co, h 1004 Ann (W
Va 894).
Nelly C Co The (C Nelly pres, Chas M Nelly
vice pres), 201 Market (W Va 336).
Nelly Chas (& Mrs), mgr C Nelly Wholesale
Grocery Co, 1104 Juliana.
Nelly Ed (& Mrs), cashier Wood Co Bank,
1024 Ann.
Nelly Gertrude, 1004 Ann.
Nelson Alexander C, insr, rm 39 Citizens
Bank Bldg (W Va 720).
Nelson A L, bkkpr, 1511 Covert (W Va 1058).
Nelson Chas B (& Mrs), teamster, Riverview
Nelson Clark (& Mrs), fruit grower, 1511
Nelson Clyde (& Mrs), steel wkr, 2417 Ohio.
Nelson Cora M. dressmkr, Riverview.
Nelson Danford L, farmer, Riverview. ,
Nelson David M, 325 Avery.
Nelson D L (& Mrs), butcher, 1414 Beaver.
Nelson Dona, 325 Avery. ,
Nelson Ellen E, 311 6th.
Nelson Emma, 325 2d.
Nelson Frank, laborer, 131 7 1-2.
Nelson H H, plumber, 1511 Covert.
Nelson Isetta, clerk, 1201 Avery.
Nelson Jack, laborer, 1414 Beaver.
Nelson Jesse, plumber, 1414 Beaver.
Nelson John M (& Mrs), ferryman, 2 Cam-
den av.
Nelson Katie, 129 1-2 3d.
Nelson L E, 932 1-2 Market.
Nelson Lott, Jackson Hotel.
Nelson Nathan (& Mrs), farmer, Riverview.
Nelson N V (Werninger & Nelson), 928 Lynn
iff Va 1143).
Nelson P H (& Mrs) engineer, 537 E 4th.
Nelson S C (& Mrs), lawyer, 936 Juliana.
Nelson Wm G (& Mrs), fireman, 628 1-2 7th.
Neptune Anna, teacher, 332 9 1-2.
Neptune Campbell, druggist, 332 9 1-2 (W Va
Neptune C A (O J Stout & Co), 332 9 1-2.
Neptune Daisy E, 332 9 1-2.
Neptune Rose Mrs, 332 9 1-2.
Nern W A (& Mrs), millinery, 622 7th.
Nern B F, 1020 Swann.
Nern Catherine Mrs, 1319 Spring.
Nern Chas, machinist, 1018 Lynn.
Nern Clarence, car conductor, 1018 Lynn.
Nern Henry (& Mrs), shoes, 1018 Lynn (W
Va 1013).
Nern Henry Shoe Store (Henry Nern prop),
233 Court sq (W Va 810).
Harry Newbergcr & Co.
531 Market
The Store for Men
Fine Haberdashery and Merchant Tailors
iW. Va. -Phone No. 9)
.Win Win (& Mrs), reporter, 319 8th.
Nester Clara, student, 1209 Avery.
Nester Roy, student. 1209 Avery.
New linger George.seey Investment and Se-
curity Co, 1327 .Market.
Newberger Harry, Savage r'lats. 13th (W
Va 30).
Newberger Harry, clothiers, 531 Market
(W Va 9).
Newberger Myer (& Mrs), electrical furn-
ishings, 1329 .Mark.-! <W Va 1443;.
Newberger Myer & Co, electrical contractors,
316 5th (W Va 616).
Newberger Sam (& Mrs), 1327 Market (W
Va 3S5).
New City Restaurant, 219 Juliana.
Neuhoff Mary, 1043 Juliana.
Newell J D, laborer, Standard Oil Co.
Newland Lucile, 210 Juliana.
Newlon Charles, conductor, 1007 7th.
Newlon Ethel, stenographer, 131 7 1-2.
Newlon Flora, clern, L007 7th.
Newlon James B (& Mrs), carp, 1007 7th.
Newlon Mollie, clerk, 1007 7th.
Newlon Hufus R. farmer, Roseniar.
Newman R B (& Mrs), lumber dealer, 1927
E 7th (W Va. 1350).
Newport Episcopal Church, Elizabeth pike,
Newport Postofflce, Elizabeth pike, Taven-
Newport School, cor Central and Bradley avs
Newport Presbyterian Chapel. Lubeck av,
near Terrace av.
New York Bargain Store (L B Welch prop),
24(1 Court sq.
New York Petroleum Co (G L Watson mgr),
nil producers, 4o2 Avery.
Neyman A M Jr, bkkpr, 1038 Murdoch av.
Nicelj A J, Hope Hill (W Va 3232-A).
Nicely Anna, 1005 1-2 Avery.
Nicely Harry (& Mrs), farmer, Nicelyville.
Nicely Maud. 1214 Quincy.
Nicely Perry (& Mrs), butcher, Nicelyville
(W Va 200).
Nicelyville Pub'ic School, Lubeck rd, Nicely-
ville, S Side.
Nichols AJ (* Mrs), pumper, 719 Jeannette.
Nicholas Alice, 719 Jeannette.
Nicholas I H (& Mrs), laborer, 250S 23d.
Nicholas Minnie, 120 Williams Court al.
Nicholson Mary. 1004 Virginia av.
Nicholson Robert, 1004 Virginia av.
Nick Carumbe, candy, 700 1-2 7th.
Nicolette Lumber Co, Nicolette (W Va
Niemann C F, pres and treas Parkersburg
Iron & Steel Co, Chancellor Hotel (W Va
Nightingale Florence, student, 251S Grand av
Nightingale John H (& Mrs), trav salesman,
251S Grand av (W Va 1154).
Niland Thomas (& Mrs), grocer, 1054 Avery
(W Va 1692-1).
G. W. Niswander & Co.
Hardware Merchants
Dealers in Agricultural Implements, Sash and Doors, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Hair
Roofing — all kinds
A gents for Oliver Chilled Plows, Birdsell Wagons, Ideal Gas Stoves, Sharpies Separators
" Deal with us or we both lose money "
W. Va. Phone 394 230 South Side Court Square.
Nightingale Helen K, student, 2518 Grand av
Niswander G W, clerk, 1211 Murdoch av (W
Va 742).
Niswander G W & Co, hardware, 230 Court
sq (W Va 394).
Niswander G W (& Mrs), millinery. 703
Market (W Va 748), h 1211 Murdoch av.
Niswander Jane, rugr Niswander Millinery,
703 Market.
Noack C F, tailor, 513 Avery.
Noack Sue Mrs, 513 Avery (W Va 1010).
Noble Eva, 2400 Clement av.
Noble Thos W (& Mrs), lab, 2400 Clement av
Nofsinger Franklin i.«, Mrs), meats, 1115
E 12th.
Nofsinger F P (& Mrs), meat market, 1300
Nofsinger John A, cooper, 1115 12th.
Nofsinger Matt (& Mrs), boilermkr, Thomas.
Noga Frank (& Mrs), tailor, 1700 St Marys.
Nolan Clark (& Mrs), clerk, 538 Marietta av.
Nolan David (& Mrs), laborer, 216 13th.
Nolan David (& Mrs), machinist, 210 6th.
Nolan Everett, bartender, 216 13th.
Nolan Henry (& Mrs), laborer, 1003 Lubeck.
Nolan Jess (& Mrs), temstr, 240 1-2 Court sq.
Nolan J E, bartender, 31S 6th.
Nolan P J, constable, 637 Harris.
Nolan R, laborer, 216 13th.
Nolan W T (& Mrs), liquor dealer, 214 4th
(W Va 1493).
Noland David (& Mrs), laborer, 216 13th.
Noland Chas K& Mrs), carpenter, L925 Gar-
field av. I
Noland Frank (& Mrs), teamster. 844 St
James Court.
Noll Win H (& Mrs),mgr Parkersburg Up-
holstering Co, 805 Murdoch av i \V Va 325).
Nolly J J, Beechwood.
Noonan Mrs Elizabetb Paxton, Christian
Scientist, 323 7th (W Va 595).
Noonan Michael i& Mrs), merchant, 323 7th.
Nu; iniin A H (& Mrs), clerk, 1615 Beaver.
Xiui is Frank, 131 Ann.
Norris James, student, 403 13th.
Nonis Jodie, seamstress, 924 E 12th.
Norris Mary Mis. 924 E 12th.
Norris x'hos \V & Airs), blksmith, 2417
Ohio av.
Norton Agnes C, seamstress, Gil George.
Norton Agnes. G07 George.
Norton Bernadine. stengphr, 611 George.
Norton Genevieve, stengphr, Gil George (W
Va 1323).
Norton Michael J (& Mrs), Gil George.
Norton Nora, music teacher, 611 George.
Nott Finley (& Mrs), dancing hall, 715 i-2
Market, h 9th.
Nowery Edward, laundi ■ynian, 1616 Latrobe.
Nowery J K l& Mrs), merchant, 1730 Covert.
Nowery J D, men's furnishings, 714 7th (W
Va 925).
Nowery Manly, clerk, 173n Covert.
Nowery &, Marquis, clothing, 207 3d.
G. W. Niswander
No. 703 Market Street
Fine Millinery
(W. Va. 748)
Parkersburg, W. Va.
Nowery Ora, 1616 Latrobe.
Nowery R C (& Mrs), mgr Hub Clothing
Co, 622 East (W Va 1311).
Nowery W M (& Mrs), driver, 1018 15th.
Nowery W R Mrs, 1616 Latrobe.
Nucci Frank, tailor, 527 4th.
Nuckles Chas, delivery, 1727 Plum.
Nuckles J (& Mrs), contractor, 127 Sth (W
Va 714).
Nuckles George (& Mrs), contractor, 1445
20th (W Va 1252-1).
Nuckles W M (& Mrs), carp, 1727 Plum.
Nugent Clara M, stenographer, 1316 25th.
Nugent Wilson S (& Mrs), mail carrier, 1316
Nuhfer J A (& Mrs), oil driller, 636 Mark
(W Va 1180).
Nutter Clarence, insurance, 615 1-2 Market.
Nutter Bffie, 705 Lubeck av.
Nutter Iva, 705 Lubeck av.
Nutter L D (& Mrs), Bell tel solicitor, 521
Avery, 4th flat.
Nutter Lulu, 705 Lubeck av.
Nutter M D (& Mrs), riverman, 705 Lubeck
Nutter T E, 1722 Latrobe.
Nuzum Caleb L (& Mrs), car inspector, 2511
Ohio av.
Nye Harry (& Mrs), 1807 Beaver.
Oak Saloon, 214 4th (W Va 299).
Oakley & Jansen Co, 215 1st (W Va 14).
Oakland Pressed Brick Co, 214 1-2 4th (W
Va 4).
Oaks Fannie, 659 E Sth.
Oaks Katie, 325 2d.
Oaks Percy, 659 E Sth.
Oakley Charles, student, 408 4th.
Oates Ezra (& Mrs), painter, 538 Marietta av
Oates W W, 129 3d (W Va 1568).
Ober Harry, 110 Lincoln av.
Ober Orange (& Mrs), laborer, 110 Lincoln.
Obermeyer G, florist, Central av (W Va 25).
O'Brien Dennis (& Mrs), oil prodr, 426 13th
(W Va 1295).
O'Brien John Mrs, 639 Depot.
O'Brien Patrick (& Mrs), tool dresser, 643
O'Brient Rev E E (& Mrs), pastor Bethel A
M E Church, rear 318 9th.
Obringer Tony (& Mrs), lab, 1423 Spring
(W Va 1432).
O'Bleness Henry M (& Mrs), deputy mar-
shal, 1015 Juliana.
O'Connor B, 1754 Spring (W Va 1209-1).
O'Connor Eleanora Mrs, 2518 Grand av.
Odbert C H (& Mrs), deputy collector rev
office, 513 Avery.
O'Dell Clarence, bartender, Hotel Jackson.
O'Dell Mary Mrs, roomers, 624 Ann (W Va
O'Dell Sarah J Mrs, 1315 Murdoch av.
u'Dell Thos, railroader, 400 4th.
O'Donuell Florida Mrs, smstress, Saunders av
M. Oppenheimer
Dealer in
Clothing, Furnishings, Hats and Trunks, at the right price
Sign of the Star 407 Market Street.
(W. Va. 350)
Odown Mary, 555 7th.
Offh older Jerry, laborer, 1501 Staunton av.
Ogden Gilbert D, machinist, 62:; 6th.
Ogden H G (& Mrs), C23 tith.
Ogden Jeane M, 506 Ann.
Ogden J J (& Mis), carpenter, 629 Harris.
Ogden S D (& Mrs), insurance, 1315 Cornwall
Ogden W H (& Mrs), cashier Central Bank-
ing & Security Co, 506 Ann.
Ogdin Lewis Mrs, 1514 St Marys av (W Va
Ogdin Mary J, 1427 Gould av.
Ogdin N A (& Mrs), 1341 Lynn.
Ogdin N L (& Mrs), lab, 919 Lubeck av.
Ogdin School, Ogdin P O.
O'Harnson Jas (& Mrs), painter, 921 13th.
O'Hara Jacob, doubler, Susquehanna av.
O'Hara Michael (& Mrs), blksmith, 1123
Oil Well Supply Co (R S Lemon mgr), 210-
212 Ann (W Va 15).
Oldaker Lee, carpenter, 1215 Staunton av.
Oldaker Vida M, 1215 Staunton av.
Oliver A, 1605 Covert.
Oliver Blanche, clerk, 1048 Avery (W Va 84).
Oliver Edward, bookkeeper, 1048 Avery.
Oliver Harry, clerk, 223 7th.
Oliver John B (& Mrs), 1116 13th.
Oliver Katherine Mrs, 1605 Covert.
Oliver Maggie Mrs, 1048 Avery-
Oliver Mary E, dressmaker, 1115 Avery.
Oliver M J, 1115 Avery.
— 187
Oliver Patrick (& Mrs), chief police, 1126
Oliver T H, yard clerk, 1048 Avery.
Oliver Walter, delivery, 1126 Market.
Olston J M Mrs. 412 12th (W Va 1787-2).
O'Neal C W, brakeman, 626 Marietta av.
O'Neal Harry, laborer, 626 Marietta av.
O'Neal Michael (& Mrs), 626 Marietta av.
O'Neil Barley, 1119 Lynn.
O'Neil John (& Mrs), laborer, 1119 Lynn.
O'Neill C C Mrs, 1122 Market.
Opera Block Investment Co (Senator J N
Camden pres, H H Moss vice pres, S D
Camden secy, H P Moss treas), offices
Union Trust Bldg.
Oppenheimer Harry W, clerk, 945 Market.
Oppenheimer Joe K, 945 Market.
Oppenheimer M (& Mrs), clothing, 945 Mar-
ket (W Va 1916).
Oppenheimer M, 407 Market (W Va 350).
Orr Belle, housekpr. Chancellor Hotel.
Orr C A (& Mrs), auditor Parkersburg Steel
Co, office Beechwood (W Va 1099), h 1222
Murdoch av (W Va 1679).
Orr Edna L, 1806 Covert.
Orr Grace V, 1806 Covert.
Orr Robert, bookkeeper, 1806 Covert.
Orr R M (& Mrs), mgr National Table Co,
1806 Covert.
Orrahwood Nora, bookkeeper, 1312 Avery.
Osborne W D, gen mgr W Va Veneer Door
Co, 1719 St Marys av.
Paden & Luttrell
(Successors to W. D. Paden)
General Insurance Agents Office, Cor. Juliana and Fourth Sts.
Representing : The American Surety Co. , largest Bonding Compa ny
in the United States
We write all classes of Insurance— Fire, Accident, Marine, Plate Glass, Burglar,
Liability, and Steam Boiler. Agency established over 40 years
I W. Va. Phone 181 1
Osbourn J M (&Mrs), carpenter contractor,
811 15th (W Va 1696).
Osbourn Mary Mrs, 500 13th.
Otselic Club, 510 1-2 Market.
Overton J P (& Mrs), 1214 19th.
Overton M A, 1214 19th.
Overton R, 1214 19th.
Owen Earle, steam fitter, 521 Avery, 5th fiat.
Owen Edith, student, 521 Avery, 5th flat.
Owen H C (& Mrs), auditor U S Exp Co, 521
Avery, 5th flat.
Owens Bertha, clerk, 908 Market.
Owens D H (& Mrs), fireman, 102S Marietta.
Owens H C, route agt O R div. 521 Avery.
Owens Henry T, stengphr, S21 Murdoch a.\
Owens Ida R, 1101 Lynn.
Owens J C (& Mrs), conducto'r, 910 Avery.
Owens J E (& Mrs), bartender, 919 Lynn.
Owens J W, brakeman, 921 Lynn.
Owens Mary, 908 Market.
Owens Mary Mrs, 821 Murdoch court.
Owens M E, student, 821 Murdoch av.
Pacific Express Co, B & O Depot.
Packard E G, clerk, 720 Latrobe.
Packard E O (& Mrs), clerk, 574 5th.
Packard Everett (& Mrs), clerk, 720 Latrobe.
Paden David, 428 Ann.
Paden & Luttrell, gen insurance, 332 Ju-
liana (W Va 181).
Puilcn .Mary Mrs, 42S Ann.
Paden Nina, student, 428 Ann.
Paden R H, clerk, 714 Juliana.
Paden Russell, student, 714 Juliana.
Paden Sophia, 428 Ann.
Paden Wm B (& Mrs). 428 Ann (W Va929).
Paden W D (& Mrs), insurance, 114 5th (W
Va 413).
Paden Wm M (& Mrs), physician, 714 Ju-
liana (W Va 1505).
Page Anna Mrs, 1501 Avery.
Page Brady, student, 1024 George.
Page E W (& Mrs), carpenter, Bull Creek i d
Page M R Mrs, 1319 1-2 Spring.
Page Thos (& Mrs), secy-treas and gen mgr
Parkersburg Ice Co, 819 14th (W Va 709).
Page Wm H (& Mrs), conductor, 815 16th.
Page Willis W (& Mrs), grocer, 1024 George
(W Va 1198).
Page W W, grocery store, 1300 Latrobe (W
Va 1184).
Pahl Carrie Mrs, 318 4th.
Pahl Edward W (& Mrs), steel wkr, 1210
Pahl Harry, laborer, ' 656 7th.
Pahl Lena, clerk, 710 Ann.
Pahl Leopold B (& Mrs), driver, C50 7th.
Pahl Naomi, 050 7th.
Pain John (& Mrs).
Palace Hotel, 307 4th (W Va 863).
Palmer Ada, 2514 Clement av.
Palmer Anna Mrs, Terrapin Park.
P. C. Parker
H. L. Chadock
Parker & Company
General Contractors
For Painting, Paper Hanging and Decorating
We are the only firm in town that redresses old furniture and makes it look
as good as new
224 Seventh Street W. Va. Phone 1554
Parkersburg, W. Va.
We are the sole users of the Hygienic Wall Paper Remover. Old paper removed
without water, dirt or dust getting on carpet or furniture. Cheaper than hand work
The Parkersburg Candy Kitchen and Bakery
James Provias, Proprietor
Manufacturer of Fancy Candies and Ice Cream, Wholesale and Retail
and Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Fruits
700 Seventh Street
W. Va. W. 569
Bell 550-R
Palmer Geo (& Mrs), 2514 Clement av.
Palmer Jesse, laborer, 2515 Clement av.
Palmer Lizzie, 2415 Clement av.
Palmer Martha, Tavenner av, Buena Vista.
Palmer R M, teamster, Tavenner av, Buena
Palmer S (& Mrs), molder, Tavenner av,
Buena Vista.
Palmer W M (& Mrs), Tavenner av, Buena
Pankla F V Mrs, 803 7th.
Parish Nora, clerk, 621 Market.
Park Albert N (<& Mrs), laborer, Lexington.
Park C E (& Mrs), physician, 619 1-2 Mar-
ket (W Va 915).
Park C G (& Mrs), cooper, 659 Mark.
Park Clyde W, conductor, 1735 E 7th.
Park E B (& Mrs). 814 Oak.
Park Electa, boarding, 121 4th (W Va 1802).
Park Eliza J Mrs, 1735 E 7th.
Park E T (& Mrs), merchant, Jackson av
(W Va 1756).
Park Hoyt R, clerk, 428 Central av.
Park Jacob M (& Mrs), Jackson av, Redwood
Park J E, 1117 1-2 15th.
Park Joe, broker and fire insurance, 327
Juliana (W Va 214), h 644 Madison av tW
Va 308).
Park M V B, tinner, 428 Central.
Park Oma, 417 Market.
Parker Addie R Mrs, boarding, S13 Ann.
Parker A, P O messenger, 1320 Spring.
Parker Chas (& Mrs), engineer, 588 5th (W
Va 199).
Parker & Co, painters, 224 7th (W Va 1554).
Parker Edith, 1001 Ann.
Parker Emma Mrs, 1320 Spring.
Parker G LeRoy (& Mrs), watchmkr, 320
Parker Hal H, paper hanger, h Y M C A.
Parker Ida, 512 Ann.
Parker L E (& Mrs), jeweler, 320 Ann.
Parker Lewis, laborer, 512 Ann.
Parker Lucy, 326 9 1-2.
Parker Marie, 115 Market.
Parker Mayme Z, 813 Ann.
Parker P C (& Mrs) (Parker & Co), painter,
and contractor, 1320 Spring (W Va 408).
Parker Pearle, 813 Ann.
Parker Perry B, student, S13 Ann.
Parker R E, mgr Perkins Grocery Co, 709
Parker R L (& Mrs), carriage painter, 512
Parkersburg Artificial Stone Co (W W Wat-
terson pres, S H Lowther secy, treas and
gen mgr), mfrs- artificial stone, 410 George
(W Va 19).
Parkersburg Automobile Co, 607 Juliana (W
Va 1340).
Parkersburg Banking and Trust Co, 415 Mar-
ket (W Va 702).
Parkersburg Bill Posting Co (W E Kemery
mgr), 5th and Avery (Auditorium) (W
Va' 771).
Parkersburg Furniture Company
J. A. Bee, Proprietor
Wholesale and Retail Furniture, Carpets and Stoves
101, 103 and 105 Third Street.
(W. Va. Phone 232 )
Parkersburg, W. Va.
Parkersburg Board of Underwriters (E P
Chancellor Jr pres, A B Schuman stamping
secy), 33 Guaranty Bldg (W Va 1288).
Parkersburg Boat Club, 2d (W Va 364).
Parkersburg Bridge & Terminal Railroad Co,
Guaranty Bldg.
Parkersburg Brick Co, 103 1-2 1st (W Va
Parkersburg Brewing Co, 648 Tth (W Va 5).
Parkersburg Building and Loan Association,
Commercial Bank Bldg.
Parkersburg Fish & Oyster Co, 221-223 6th
(W Va 400).
Parkersburg Candy Kitchen, 700 Tth (W
Va 569).
Parkersburg Chair Co, 107-113 1st tW Va
Parkersburg Chair Factory, George (W Va
Parkersburg Coal & Ice Co, 216 2d (W Va
Parkersburg Country Club, Vienna (W Va
Parkersburg Dispatch-News, daily, City Hall
Place, independent (W Va 520).
±-arkesburg Distillery Co, wholesale liquors,
cor Market and 3d.
Parkersburg Dock Co, 120 3d (W Va 069).
Parkersburg Electric Co, 616 Juliana (W Va
Parkersburg Furniture Co The (J A Bee
prop), 101-103-105 3d (W Va 232).
Parkersburg High School. 7th and Green (W
Va 473).
Parkersburg Hotel Co, props Chancellor Ho-
tel, cor 7th and Market.
Parkersburg Ice Co The, artificial ice, foot
0th (W Va 353).
Parkersburg Iron & Steel Co (W Va 1099)
(C F Niemann pres and treas, A H Geil-
fuss secy, John Stephens gen rngr, C A
Orr auditor). Citizens Bank Bldg.
Parkersburg Junk Co, Juliana.
Parkersburg Library Association, City Bldg,
n w cor 5th and Market, hours 9 to 12
a m. 2 to 5 and 7 to 9.30 p m, except Sun-
Parkersburg Lead and Zinc Mining Co, 409
Parkersburg Machine Co, 616 Juliana (W
Va 671).
Parkersburg Mantel & Tile Co.Inc (C A Wade
pres, B D Stout vice pres, J L Stout mgr,
N T Virgin secy and treas), salesroom 314
5th (W Va 45).
Parkersburg, Marietta and Inter-Urban Ry
Co, Citizens Bank Bldg .(W Va 1241),
power house Avery and 3d (W Va 186),
car barns, 19th and Lynn, baggage room
200 7th.
Parkersburg Mattress Co, Marietta av (W
Va S69).
Parkersburg Mill Co The, office and mill
Green bet 2d and 3d.
i i y
Birds Eye View of
The Parkersburg Mill Company
Fine Interior and General Planing Mill Work a Specialty
Flooring, Ceiling, Siding, Lath, Shingles, Sash and Doors
Heavy Oak Timber
Mills on Green Street
Head of Second and Third
Both Phones 261
Parkersburg, W, Va,
Parkersburg Steam Laundry
No. 216 Fifth Street
Parkersburg, W. Va.
W. Va. W. and Bell Telephones 112
Parkersburg National Bank The (C Nelly
pres, C A Bukey cashier), cor Market and
4th (W Va 3C7).
Parkersburg Paint Store The, 210 3d.
Parkersburg Novelty & Specialty Co, 214 1 2
4th (W Va 4).
Parkersburg Pressing Co, 717 Market.
Parkersburg Publishing Co, mi 309 Union
Trust Bldg (W Va 1542).
Parkersburg Rig and Reel Co The, 450 2d
(W Va 172).
Parkersburg Rink Co. 7th (W Va 1721).
Parkersburg Sand & Dredging Co, 122 3d.
Parkersburg Sentinel, daily and serni-weekly,
218-220 5th (W Va 1801).
Parkersburg Soap Co, 101-103 1st (W Va 147)
Parkersburg Steam Laundry, 21G 5th (W Va
Parkersburg Supply & Plumbing Co, 717
Market (W Va 148).
Parkersburg Tent No 28, Knights of Mac-
cabees, 424 Market (W Va 1071).
Parkersburg Transfer Co, 101 Ann (W Va
Parkersburg Upholstering Co, 42-44 5th (W
Va 427).
Parish Lottie, clerk, 1416 Spring (W Va 455)
Parrish Joseph J (& Mrs), carpenter, 1416
Parsons Anna, 315 2d.
Parsons E M (& Mrs), carpenter, Vienna.
Parsons F D (& Mrs), farmer, Johnston av.
Parsons Ina, N Parkersburg.
Parsons Josie, 920 Ann.
Parsons John (& Mrs), laborer, Johnston av.
Parsons L P (& Mrs), farmer, N Pksburg.
Partridge Donald, 544 7th.
Partridge P J (& Mrs), 544 7th.
Partridge Gerald, 544 7th.
Partridge G T, teller First Natl Bank, 514
Partridge Joe, 544 7th.
Partridge Tom 544 7th.
Partridge W F (& Mrs), 1015 William.
Patterson A C (& Mrs), steel wkr, 2412 Ohio.
Patterson Clay, 818 Market.
Patterson J W t& Mrs), carp, 818 Market.
Patterson Linnie, 222 Lubeck av.
Patterson M A, Ann.
Patterson R E (& Mrs), piano tuner, 2522
Grand av.
Patterson & Tait Bros, oil prodr, 209 1-2 4th.
Patterson Thos (& Mrs), 1209 Latrobe.
Patterson W C & Co, oil producers, 209 1-2
4th (W Va 3).
Patterson W C (& Mrs), oil well contractor,
920 Ann (W Va 1304).
Patton A J, solicitor, 224 5th.
Patton A G (& Mrs), lawyer, 324 Juliana (W
Va 33), h 250 W 10th (W Va 1732).
Patton Ben J (& Mrs), furniture, G01 7th.
Patton E R (& Mrs), laundryman, 1342 Mar-
ket (W Va 1150).
Patton Ruth G, student, 1342 Market.
Parkersburg Mantel and Tile Co.
Dealers in Wood Mantels, Gas Burners and Coal Grates of all kinds.
We make a Specialty of Tile Floor Work, Bath Rooms, Vestibules, Etc.
W. Va. Phone 45. Wholesale and Retail. Salesroom, 314 Fifth Street.
Parkersburg, W. Va.
C. A. Wade, Prest. B. D. Stout. V. Prest. J.L. Stout, Mgr. N. T. Virgin, Sec. &Treas.
Pattern H M (& Mrs), physician, 525 1-2 Mar-
ket (W Va 504), h 101 13th (W Va 288).
Patton Win Howe (& Mrs), architect, 720
Union Trust Bldg (W Va 813), h 211 L3th.
Patton Wanda, student, 1342 Market.
Patton & Neal (IS J Patton and B F Neat),
furniture, carpets, etc, and undertakers,
601 7th (W Va 1204).
Paugh Evelyn Mrs, 1602 19th.
Paxton J S (& Mrs), grocer, 540 5th.
Paxton J S & Co, grocery and fruits. 228
Court sq (W Va 240).
Payne Ada Mrs, C4G Marietta av.
Payne Chas A (& Mrs), porter, G16 Chancel-
lor av.
Payne John, porter, 904 Clay.
Payne John B, salesman, S Side.
Payne J T (& Mrs), 570 Gale av.
Payton Jane, 542 Marietta av.
Pay tun Lillie, 542 Marietta av.
Pearce Charlotte Mrs, 409 13th.
Peadro J Ths, insurance, 305 Union Trust
Bldg (W Va G25), h 413 1-2 13th.
Pearcy Albert (& Mrs), real estate, 812
Pearcy Aldah, 812 Swann.
Pearcy Chas S <& Mrs), lumber, 508 131-2
(W Va 1313).
Pearcy Geo W. 812 Swann (W Va 477-1).
Pearcy Marcellus, student, 812 Swann.
Pease Ida, 115 5th.
Pease Loran, e'erk, 634 7th.
Pease L S, 115 5th.
Pease M H (& Mrs), 115 5th (W Va 29).
The Handsome New Home of Patton & Neal Company
Under course of construction at No. 601 Seventh Street, will be occupied by these
enterprising young men about April 1, 1907, with a complete line
of House Furnishings
B. J. Patton
B. F. Neal
O. N. Wilson
Patton & Neal Company
601 Seventh Street
Furniture, Carpets, Stoves, Housefurnishing and Undertaking
We wish to extend to all our friends and the public, a cordial invitation
to visit our new store and examine our large line of Furniture and House
Furnishings, which will be the largest line ever shown in the city. For
quality see the goods, for prices see us ; and don't forget everybody
gets a square deal.
Undertakers Embalmers Funeral Directors
O. N. Wilson, Residence Phone, W. Va. 1018
B. J. Patton, Residence Phone, Bell 555R14
B. F. Neal, Residence Phone, W. Va. 693
W. Va. 1264
Bell 909R
The Parkersburg Supply & Plumbing Co.
Up-to-date Sanitary Plumbing
Steam and Hot Water Heating and Gas Fitting
Prompt and courteous attention to Jobbing
W. Va. Phone 148
717 Market Street
Pease Myron (& Mrs), grocer, C34 7th (W
Va 26).
feerless Milling Co, 3d and Avery (W Va
Pedigo W B (& Mrs), lawyer, 1814 Pearcy av.
Pell Bernice, student, 1C04 Park.
Pell Ethel, student, 1604 Park.
Pell Gladys, student, 1604 Park.
Pell J R (& Mrs), life insurance, 1604 Pa.'k
(W Va 135).
Pell Margaret, student. 1604 Park.
Peudley Mary Jane Mrs, 1213 Water.
Pencil Dell, laborer, Staunton av.
Penn Anna, 1012 18th.
Peun Harry, machinist, 1012 18th.
Penn Horace, machinist, 915 Lynn.
Penn Jas W (& Mrs), blksmith, 940 Latrobe.
Penn Jesse, machinist, 915 Lynn.
Penn John M, mail carrier, 940 Latrobe.
Penn Letha Mrs, 1012 18th.
Penn Wm (& Mrs), machinist, 915 Lynn
(W Va 1393).
Pennington Gordon (& Mrs), fireman, 422
Pennybacker Albert M, asst secy Y M C A,
2200 Latrobe.
Pennybacker Frank H, salesman, 2200 La-
Pennybacker Hiram H (& Mrs), real estate,
2200 Latrobe (W Va 943).
Pennybacker T B (& Mrs), painter, 1335
Lynn (W Va 1S09).
Pennybacker Katie, 405 1-2 Market.
Penwell Tim (& Mrs), oil well contr, 601
People's Credit Clothing Store, 711 Market.
People's Furni.ure Co, 932 Market.
People's Ice Co, 431 6th (W Va 113).
People's Mutual Life Insurance Co, 709 ±-2
Peppers Fanny Mis, 1721 E 7th.
Peppers John W, trav salesman, 517 Market
(W Va 1129).
Peppers Eliza Mrs, 703 Swann.
Peppers John J. bricklayer, 703 Swann.
Peppers Sarah C, stenogphr, 703 Swann.
Peregoy C A (& Mrs), salesman, 811 14th.
Perkins Arch (& Mrs), tool dresser, 35 18th.
Perkins A S, grocer, 611 Juliana (W Va
Perkins B L (& Mrs), grocer, 201 8th (\V
Va 1742). ,
Perkins Ella P, 611 Juliana.
Perkins F W, student, 611 Juliana.
Perkins Grocery Co, 709 Market (W Va 980).
Perkins Harry D, lawyer, 401 Juliana (W
Va 389), h 316 E 10th (W Va 670).
Perkins Howard ,115 Market.
Perkins H S (& Mrs), 611 Juliana.
Perkins Lillie. Palace Hotel. .
Perkins Myrtle, 129 1-2 3d.
Perkins R L, bookkeeper, 611 Juliana.
Perkins S B (& Mrs), engineer, 633 Harris.
Pernell D O, repairer, 1606 Staunton av.
Residence of Dr. A. H. Kunst
Wm. Howe Patton
Room No. 720, Union Trust Building
Parkersburg, West Virginia
Some of the buildings illustrated herein which were erected from my plans
and specifications: McKinley School House; Res. Mr. J. H. P. Smith,
Cor. Ann and Eleventh streets ; Res. Mr. H. S. Wilson ; Res. Mr. H. B. Hogg;
Res. Mr. Joe Park; Res. Mr. Sprigg D. Camden; Country Club; Res.
Dr. A. H. Kunst; Res. Judge Hunter H. Moss; Res. Mr. Thos. G. Martin;
Chapel of The Good Shepherd; The Oeldorf Flat Building; Res. Mr.
Geo. N. Martin; Res. Dr. M. T. Hall; Willard School House; Res. Mr.
Geo. Ecker; Elks Club House; Dare Building, etc., etc.
McKinley School House
Parkersburg's Best
Perkins Grocery Company
709 Market Street
Three Telephones
Four Wagons
Perrine John, brakeman, 702 Jeannette.
Peters Albert, laborer, 1421 20th.
Peters Albert (& Mrs), railroader, 505 8th.
Peters Alice Mrs, hair dresser, 905 16th.
Peters Charles, laborer, 1421 20th.
Peters E L (& Mrs), agent Adams Express
Co, 218 4th. h S01 19th.
Peters Elizabeth Mrs, Staunton av.
Peters E V Mrs, 576 6th.
Peters Grethel, 1421 20th.
Peters H H, grocer, 576 6th (W Va 438).
Peters H H, cafe, 208 3d, h 576 6th.
Peters Ida M, asst librarian, 560 5th (W Va
Peters J L (& Mrs), 560 5th (W Va 618).
Peters Joseph (& Mrs), lab, 905 16th (W Va
1624). I
Peters Joseph, 1421 20th.
Peters Joseph (& Mrs), teamster, 1421 20th.
Peters Levi (& Mrs), oil driller, 42 Blenner-
hassett av.
Peters Lillie M, 1421 20th.
Peters Lucinda, 1421 20th.
Peters Nora, Logans av.
Peters Oscar, 1421 20th.
Peters Ulysses S (& Mrs), electrician, Lo-
gans av.
Peters W D (& Mrs) 603 1-2 Market (W Va
Peterkin Rt Rev George W (& Mrs), Bishop
Episcopal Church, 1203 Ann.
Peterkin Mary S, student, 1203 Ann.
Peterkin W G, lawyer, 25 Citizens Ba>ik
Bldg (W Va 246), h 1203 Ann.
Peterson Ashby, 1012 7th.
Peterson Lulu, seamstress, 1012 7th.
Peterson Wm A (& Mrs), painter, 1012 7th.
Peterkin I! Rush (& Mrs), auditor, 814
Pettit Ethel, 702 Jeannette.
Pettit Florence M, 1224 Latrobe.
Pettit H A (& Mrs), brakeman, 526 William.
Pettit Maggie ,702 Jeannette.
Pettit Nancy J Mrs, 1817 E 7th.
Pettit John (& Mrs), brakeman, 709 Latrobe
Pettit Joseph L (& Mrs), 1011 Latrobe.
Petty Ely, teacher, 829 Lynn.
Petty Essie Mrs, 637 Bird.
Petty Glenna, clerk, 829 Lynn.
Petty R K (& Mrs), deputy sheriff, 829 Lynn
Peyton Bernadine, teacher, 517 13th.
Peyton Pocahontas Mrs, 517 13th.
Peyton Mary, student, 517 13th.
Pflug H P, clerk, 1221 1-2 Market.
Phelps Carrie, 202 Market.
Phelps Chas (& Mrs), plasterer, 1409 20th.
Phelps Fred H, 1220 20th.
Phelps Jacob C (& Mrs), engineer, 1220 201 h
(W Va 1538).
Phelps J H (& Mrs), baggage mstr, 564 6th.
Phelps J L Mrs, 1810 Spring.
Phelps M H, student, 1220 20th.
Phelps R Parker, janitor, 1220 20th.
Phelps Robert R (& Mrs), engineer, 708 16th
Peoples Credit Clothing Company
C. M. Johnson, Manager.
Manufacturers and Retailers of
" High Art Clothing " for Men, Women, Boys and Girls.
Branch Stores in Principal Cities.
You don't need to go "shabby" because you are a little bit crowded
for money. You owe it to yourself and family, to your own self-
respect and to theirs, to dress yourself and those dependent upon
you well and becomingly. This is easy to do under our Credit Cloth-
ing System. Just come to us and say "I want to open an account."
Here you will find the finest fabrics for your selection to dress
yourself and your entire family. Only a small down payment, and
a small weekly, semi-monthly or monthly payment as you receive
your wages. No annoyance from collectors, no publicity — it is but
your affair and ours. Come, select what you need and go away
wearing the garments.
The choicest of goods to select from in all the latest makes. No old
styles, all up-to-date, and all low in price.
Be neighborly — drop in and see us.
711 Market Street, Opera Block Building,
W. Va. Phone 1723.
Parkersburg, W, Va.
Peters' Cafe
208 Third St., 4 doors West of Court House W. Va. 1701
Ladies' and Gents' Dining Rooms in connection. Meals to order at all hours
Cafe open Day and Night
We make a specialty of catering to private parties, banquets, etc.
Also the WHITE FRONT, 417% Sixth Street, Opp. B. & O. R. R. W. Va, 661
Bakery 574-576 Sixth Street ( W. Va. Phone 438 ). H. H. Peters, Proprietor.
Phiffer E W (& Mrs), 103] Market.
Phillips aCvin IS (& Mrs), Lubeck av, S Side
Phillips C C, 5th. \
Phillips John, lineman, 402 Ann.
Phillips A E .Mrs, 518 William.
Phillips Charles, clerk, 1002 Main.
Phillips Ernest, trav salesman, 1002 Main.
Phillips J H, real estate, 1701 Lynn.
Phillips J F (& Mrs), miller, 1002 Main
(W Va 675).
Phillips Joseph D (& Mrs), baggage master,
213 7th.
Phillips Lewis (& Mrs), 823 Clay.
Phillips O (& Mrs), engineer, 1021 Lubeck.
Phillips Richard, laborer. 117 7th.
Phillips Walter, laborer, 1002 Main.
Phillips Viana Mrs, 171 Staunton av.
Phoenix Cafe, cor 5th and Market.
Pickens Carroll, 1312 7th.
Pickens Chas E (& Mrs), Nicely ville.
Pickens Earl, laborer, 1312 7th.
Pickens Evaline, 1312 7th,
Pickens John, 552 Marietta av.
Pickens Louis N !& Mrs), bkkpr, 932 Avery
(W Va 484).
Pickens Lucy, 1312 Tib.
Pickens Olive Mrs. operator, 430 Central av.
Pickens R A, laborer, 1312 7th.
Pickens Wheeler, student, 1209 Avery.
Pickering Rena Mrs, seamstress, 1220 Mar-
Pickett A E Mrs, 561 1-2 7th (W Va 1359).
Pickett May Mrs, tel opr, 1735 E 7th (W
Va 1317-1).
Pickerell A J (& Mrs), laborer, 322 Division
Pickerel] Clay, 322 Division.
Pickerell Clyde, 322 Division.
Pickerell G M, laborer. Standard Oil Co.
Pickerell L O (& Mrs), 419 2d.
Pickering Bessie, 1020 19th.
Pickering Ed, patrolman, 716 Grafton.
Pierce Eva, student, 1332 Lynn.
Pierce Jennie, 1423 Gould av.
Pierce Jesse S (& Mrs), engineer, 712 La-
trobe (W Va 1071-2).
Pierce Jos (& Mrs), clerk, 626 6th.
Pierpont Mrs, Saunders av.
Piersol Roland (& Mrs), yardmaster, 1023
Piersol Abbie, tailoress, 1605 Oak.
Pierson Mary Mrs, Marrtown.
Piggott Daffa, 1510 Covert.
Piggott J T (& Mrs), lawyer, 1510 Covert (W
Va 1488).
Piggott James, 1510 Covert.
Piggott Martha Mrs. 1210 4th av.
Piggott Printing Office, 325 Juliana.
Piggott R H, lawyer, 325 Juliana.
Pilcher Mary Mrs, 1210 Garfield av.
Pilcber Sally, 209 W 10th.
Pilcher Watt (& Mrs), lab, 209 W 10th.
Pimm Nora, 922 7th.
Pimm Tom J, 922 7th.
Ping Ethel, stengphr, 810 Murdocb av,
Pinkney Nannie, 807 Murdoch av.
Pitcher Walter (& Mrs), 1101 Lynu.
Pittsburg, Parkersburg & Cincinnati Packet
Co, 122 3d. •
Plate Albert <& Mrs), saw filer, 1819 B 7th.
Plate Arnold B, laborer, 1819 E 7th.
Plate Clarence H. tool dresr, 900 Lubeck av.
Plate Harry McClellan, delivery, 1819 E 7th.
Plate Lswis A, laborer, 900 Lubeck av.
Plate Myron Kent, laborer, 1819 E 7th.
Plate Wm, silversmith, 900 Lubeck av.
Plumb W C (& Mrs), 420 Green (W Va 971).
Plumley Charles W (& Mrs), dentist, 304
Union Trust Bldg (W Va 130S), h 1506
Avery (W Va 793).
Point Second-Hand Store, 125 Ann (W va
Poland Harry, 912 Latrobe.
Poland James V, plumber, 912 Latrobe.
Poland Jesse R, 912 Latrobe.
Poland J P (& Mrs), salesman, 912 Latrobe.
Poling Bert (& Mrs), carpenter, Central av.
Poling Jasper, laborer, 618 Lubeck av.
Poling L C (& Mrs), 809 Virginia av.
Poling Lucy Mrs, 618 Lubeck av.
Poling Martha, mach opr, 703 Lubeck av.
Poling Omer C, laborer, 618 Lubeck av.
Poling I J (& Mrs), grocer, 411 Queens Lane
(W Va 1447).
Poling Wm F {& Mrs), carp, 1209 Paden.
Police Department, City Bldg (W Va 24).
Pollard Bessie B, 418 16th.
Pollard Elma V, 416 16th.
Pool A, solicitor, 120 6th.
Pool Bertha, cook, County Jail.
Pool Bessie, County Jail.
Pool Jas W (& Mrs), 1002 Latrobe.
Pool John, wood carver, 113 4th.
Pool A B (& Mrs), lab, 869 Fairview av.
Poole Idonia, tailoi'ess, 238 Bradley av.
Poole Ira, laborer, 869 Fairview av.
Poole Leonard (& Mrs), lawyer, 418 Juliana
(W Va 1826).
Poole Sophia, 41S Juliana (W Va 262).
Poole Verner, teamster, 869 Fairview av.
Pope Ben S. oil prodr. 120 3d, h 924 Ann (W
Va 95).
Pope B S, director Y M C A, 501 Ann.
Pope E E. oil prodr. 120 3d, h 924 Ann.
Pope Geo E, oil prodr, 120 3d. h 432 13th
(W Va 454).
Pope Lewis & Sons, 120 3d (W Va 150).
Pope L W (& Mrs), lumber, 924 Ann.
Porter Clara, 1135 Latrobe.
Porter Chas (& Mrs), 1302 St Marys av.
Porter D R (& Mrs), machinist, 1320 5th av.
Porter Edith,- 213 Avery.
Porter Geo W (& Mrs), oil drlr, 1135 Latrobe
Porter Howard R, electrician, 811 Ann.
Porter John M (& Mrs), mach, 1036 Lynn.
Porter Nita, stengphr, 1135 Latrobe.
Porter Robert P, Citizens Bank Bldg (W
Va 627).
Posey Chas (& Mrs), bartender, 514 1-2 1th.
Posey Ed (& Mrs), driver, 514 1-2 4th.
Posey Ella, 815 Murdoch av.
Posey Jackson J (& Mrs), 2410 Clement av.
Poskey Geo, clerk, 1001 13th.
Poskey Harry C, civil engineer, 1001 13th.
Poskey Herman (& Mrs), mach, 1001 13ih.
Poskey Wm H, stenographer, 1001 13th.
Post Carl, matcher, 2003 Ohio av.
Post J N, carpenter, 2003 Ohio av.
Postlewait Albert (& Mrs), laborer, 1326
Staunton av.
Postlewait B G (& Mrs), cooper, Lulu.
Postlewait Frank (& Mrs), lab, 540 Marietta.
Postlewait Frank (& Mrs), lab, 638 6th.
Postlewait Harry, machinist, 630 Camden.
Postlewait Thos (& Mrs), carp, 518 George.
Postlewait W D (& Mrs), mach, 65S Mark.
Postlewait Wm H (& Mrs), lab, 630 Camden.
Post Office, Govt Bldg, s w cor 5th and Ju-
liana (W Va 451).
Powell & Co, real estate,10S 3d (W Va 206).
Powell Dudley (& Mrs), photos, 1820 17th.
Powell G E (& Mrs), carp, 1908 Gould av
(W Va 419-2).
Powell Grace, bookkeeper, 916 Swann.
Powell Helen, 115 Market.
Powell John S, bank clerk, 600 E 8th.
Powell Melvin, 2426 Dudley av.
Powell Otis, 190S Gould av.
Powell Robert, 213 4th.
Powell R P (& Mrs), observer U S Weather
Bureau, 621 Avery.
Powell Simms (& Mrs), 600 E 8th (W Va
±-owell Thos E, 4th & Green (W Va 1069).
Powell Stella M, 916 Swann.
Powell W E Mrs, 916 Swann.
Powers Lewis E, 926 15th.
Powers Mary, 926 15th.
Powers Mary, 113 12th.
Powers Myrtle, 115 Market.
Powers Samuel P (& Mrs), machinist, 919
Prager Building, cor 3d and Juliana.
Pratt Delia, teacher, Vienna av, Vienna.
Piatt G W, brakeman, 828 Jeannette.
Pi alt John, steel worker, 24 19th.
Presbyterian Church, loth and Market (W
Va 1344).
Prescott Isabella, 511 5th.
Prescott J H {& Mis), furniture, 511 5th.
Preston A B (& Mrs), eng, 1010 Virginia av.
Preston Carrie, 1010 Virginia av.
Preston Harry, clerk, 1010 Virginia av.
Prewitt C W (& Mrs), contr, 1616 Avery (.W
Va 119).
Pribble Geo M, clerk, 1015 8th.
Price Delia M, tailoress, 865 Fairview av.
Price Elizabeth M Mrs, 2523 Grand av.
Price Gertie, clerk, 403 13th.
Price G W (& Mrs), lab, 132 Terrace av.
Price Harry D (& Mrs), nigr Jas Clark Dis-
tilling Co, h 814 Swann.
Price Horace D, physician, 515 1-2 Market
(W Va 404), h 928 Swann (WVa 407).
Price M, 6th.
Price Tine, 625 Munroe.
Fiice T Albert (& Mrs), carp, 911 15th.
Price W E, bkkpr, 703 1-2 Market (W Va
Pride Bertha, 312 7th.
Pride Mary C, 312 7th.
Prince Anna F, milliner, 918 15th.
Prince Bros, 2407 24th (W Va 1105;.
Prince Edwin M (& Mrs), engineer, 912 15lh
Prince Frank (& Mrs), plasterer, 628 Mark.
Prince James (& Mrs), 635 Bird.
Prince J N (& Mrs), painter, 1615 Staunton.
Prince J M, driver.
Prince Joseph R (& Mrs), foreman, 1725
Prince Oscar, machinist, 1725 Lynn.
Prince Rosa, 904 Juliana.
Prince Sarah Mrs, 1715 Staunton av.
Prince W D (& Mrs), car inspector, S Side.
Pritchard Ella Mrs, 1101 Lynn.
Pritchard H M (& Mrs), saloon, 7061-2 7th
(W Va 1249-2).
Pritchard & Harrington Cafe, 718 7th.
Proctor Carl (& Mrs), bartendr, 1613 Beaver.
Proffitt W H, Camden farm (W Va 144).
Progress Club, 503 Juliana.
Progress Hall, 503-505 Juliana.
Propst C, 552 Marietta av.
Prosecuting Attorney of Wood County (John
F Laird), Court House (W Va 135).
Proudfoot Chas D (& Mrs), ticket agt B &
O, h 4l3 11th.
Proudfoot Gertrude, 603 East.
Proudfoot G S, brakeman, 603 East.
Proudfoot J M (& Mrs), carp, 603 East.
Provias Bros, candy kitchen (W Va 569).
Provias Geo, confectioner, 700 1-2 7th.
Provias Jas, confectioner, 700 1-2 7th.
Province Clarence, 1200 7th.
Province F P (& Mrs), sawyer, 658 Mark.
Province Howard, 1200 7th.
Province P W, elder Seventh Day Adventist
Church, h 1200 7th (W Va 1222).
Province S C (& Mrs), wood wkr, 603 Depot.
Province Simeon (& Mrs), 1002 2d.
Provo Pearle (& Mrs), cabinetrnkr, 48 6th.
Prukner Jos (& Mrs), lab, 223 Atlantic a/.
Prukner Mary, 223 Atlantic av.
Prukner Theresa, 223 Atlantic av.
Public Library, s w cor 8th and Green.
Pugh John (& Mrs), farmer, Greenmount,
Pugh Will, laborer, 226 Lincoln av.
Pulliam Brooks, salesman, 917 Virginia av
(W Va 34).
Pulliam J A (& Mrs), merchant, 917 Vir-
ginia av.
Queen Estella, 204 Juliana.
Queen Minna, nurse, 931 Market (W Va
Queen Mary Mrs, nurse, 701 1-2 Swann.
Quick Building, n w cor 7th and Swann.
Quick Geo (& Mrs), 7011-2 Swann (W \a
Quick Grant G (& Mrs), collector W Va W
Tel Co, h 1415 Lynn (WVa 556).
Quill Mary Mrs, 900 7th.
yuillen Hugh (& Mrs), 1224 7th.
Quinn L M Mis, 811 Virginia av.
Quinn Thos E (& Mrs), city water rent col-
lector, 2013 Murdoch av.
Quinlan W T (& Mrs), oil opr, 1341 Avery
(W Va 1878).
Kabberman Mamie, 111 Market.
Rabinovitz M, mgr Mountain Iron & Supply
Co, 521 Avery.
Radcliff Jas E (& Mrs), laborer, Thomas.
Radcliff Sam, laborer, Thomas.
Radcliff W E (& Mrs), laborer, Thomas.
Radenbaugh Francis, stengphr, 1513 Lynn.
Radenbaugh Harry, stengphr, 1513 Lynn.
Radenbaugh Jacob (& Mrs), 1513 Lynn.
Rader W P (& Mrs), driver, Central av.
Radford J E (& Mrs), brakeman, 1826 Gar-
field av.
Radford Steven H (& Mrs), brakeman, 130S
Radeker Lumber Co, 42 5th (W Va 364).
Rafferty Mary, stenographer, 315 11th.
Rafferty Thomas, clerk, 603 1-2 Market.
Rafferty T W, clerk, 420 Market.
Ragor Samuel (& Mrs), engineer, 1312 Dil-
loway (W Va 403-1).
Raibourn Dan, bookkeeper, 1014 Laird av.
Rake Anna B, Johnston av.
Rake Cora J, Johnston av.
Rake Francis, Johnston av.
Rake Lizzie, Johnston av.
Rake Mary Mrs, Johnston av.
Rake Maurice, laborer, Johnston av.
Raleigh Wm C (& Mrs), paper hanger, 1010
St Marys av.
Ramp William (& Mrs), 555 7th.
Ramsey Clayton, Nicely ville.
Ramsey G W, clerk, 557 West Virginia av.
Ramsey John, brakeman, 702 Jeannette.
Ramsey John, Nicelyville.
Ramsey L E (& Mrs), grocer, 119 Spencer
av (W Va 992). i
Henry Rauch
The One Price Clothier
Good Clothes, Good Shoes, Good Hats, Good Furnishings
233 Court Square
1 You can do better at Rauch's " W. Va, Phone 975
Ramsey L E, grocer, 428 4th (W Va 1793).
Rarrsey Wm (& Mrs), farmer, Nicelyville.
Randolph John, clerk, 1335 Spring.
Randolph John H, bookkeeper, 640 13th.
Randolph John (& Mrs), lab, 306 Central av.
Rankin J (& Mrs) telegraph opr, 312 11th.
Rankin Mayme, 622 Depot.
Rankin O W (& Mrs I, laborer, 620 Depot.
Rankin S C (& Mrs), oil driller, 620 Depot.
Rannells CVarence J, civil engineer, 709
Union Trust Bldg (W Va 1706), h 1602
Avery ext (W Va 1619).
Rapp Bena, S Side.
Rapp J, bartender, 323 Juliana.
Rapp Lena, 1329 Market.
Rapp Louisa, S Side.
Rapp M, S Side (W Va 540).
Rapp Emma, seamstress, 1023 Mary.
Rapp Paul (& Mrs), carpenter, 1023 Mary.
Rapp Susanna Mrs, S Side.
Rarden Robert (& Mrs), roller, 1232 22d.
Rardin T E (& Mrs), merchant, 1713 Oak
(W Va 628-1).
Ratcliff Laura, 105 1-2 2d.
Ratekin C E (& Mrs), bartender, 316 Ann
(W Va 1822-2).
Rathbone Francis V, student, 804 Ann.
Rathbone Guy, shipping elk, 1023 19th.
Rathbone Jeannette F, 804 Ann.
Rathbone J V (& Mrs), 804 Ann (W Va
Rathbone Marguerite L, 804 Ann.
Rathbone Mary, 836 Murdoch av.
Rathbone Mary E Mrs, 704 Ann.
Rathbone Monroe J (& Mrs), 704 Ann (W
Va 499). ■,
Rathbone S B (& Mrs). 1023 19th (W Va
Rathbone W P (& Mrs), overseer of poor,
909 Market (W Va 1685).
Rauch C M, clothing store, 233 Court sq tW
Va 975).
Rauch Henry Mrs, 614 Juliana.
Rauch Henry, clothing, 233 Court sq.
Rauch Minnie, 614 Juliana. ,
Rauckhorst Gertrude, 1507 Spring.
Rauckhorst George, oil refiner, 1507 Spring,
nauckhorst G J (& Mrs), bartender, 1507
Rauckhorst Louisa, 1507 Spring.
Rauckhorst Mamie, 1507 Spring.
Rauckhorst Marguerite, 1507 Spring.
Rauckhorst Theresa 1507 Spring.
Ray Chas (& Mrs), lab, Tracewell Flats.
Ray Ed (& Mrs), riverman, Lubeck av.
Ray John, delivery, Tracewell Flats.
Ray N H, 510 1-2 Market.
Ray Will (& Mrs), riverman, Lubeck av.
Raybould John (& Mrs), meat cutter, S Side
(W Va 470).
Rayburn Chas (& Mrs), teamster, 1323 Corn-
Rayburn Estelle, clerk, 1723 Park.
Rayburn Josie V, stenographer, 1723 Park.
Rayfield James D (& Mrs), 632 7th.
Rayfield Mary, clerk, 516 7th.
Reader Bertha, G20 Lubeck av.
Reader Martin (& Mrs), lab, 620 Lubeck av.
Reamer W M, Red Hill (W Va 31-B).
Reaves Dalpha, student, 16 Almeda.
Reaves Eva, seamstress, 16 Almeda.
Rebaut E A, painter, 1322 Ramsey.
Rebholz A (& Mrs J, stone mason, Marrtown.
Rebholz Carl (& Mrs), tinner and slater, S
Rebholz Christina, Marrtown.
Rebholz Theresa. Marrtown.
Reckard James L, grocer, 617 Market.
Rector Bros & Rardiu, 309 Market.
Rector N H, brakeman, 828 Jeanneite.
Rector William M, h Y M C A, 8th.
Redding C S, 1517 23d.
Redding Earl (& Mrs), 402 4th.
Redding Myrtle, 1517 23d.
Redding Ray, 1517 23d.
Redford Co The, steam boiler fixtures,
209 1-2 4th.
Reed B F (& Mrs), barber, 1411 Lynn.
Reed Chas P, delivery boy, 1411 Lynn.
Reed D A (& Mrs), lab, Tavennerville.
Reed Edna, 825 Lynn.
Reed E R, 825 Lynn (W Va 1539).
Reed Ezra, Tavennerville.
Reed H B (& Mrs), trav salesman, 1012 19th
(W Va 1186-2).
Reed Howard, laborer, Tavennerville.
Reed Oliver R (& Mrs), real est, 825 Lynn.
Reed, Smith & Co, bowling parlors, 318 Ju-
Reed Susan Mrs, 546 7th.
Reed W G, 2d-hand pipe and supply com-
pany, 3d and Avery (W Va 749).
Reed W G (& Mrs), oil well supplies, 111
11th (W Va 1204).
Reeder D (& Mrs), laborer, 710 2d av.
Reeder Dona, 716 2d av.
Reeder P B (& Mrs), painter, 1050 Cornwall
Reese Ada, Logan's av.
Reese Boyd (& Mrs), 900 7th.
Reese George, 3o8 Court sq.
Reese H V (& Mrs), druggist, Redwood (W
Va 3237-C).
Reese Jack (& Mrs), laborer, Bull Creek i .1.
Reese J L C (& Mrs), carpenter, Logans av.
Reese L G (& Mrs), carpenter, Bull Creed rd
Reese Mona, Redwooa.
Reesh I A, butcher, 134 Terrace av.
Keeves Frank A (& Mrs), motorman, Al-
meda (W Va 1249-4).
Reeves Grant W (& Mrs), laborer, 1006
Reeves Harry (& Mrs), carpenter, 507 19th.
Reeves Mary Mrs, 801 Murdoch av.
Reeves Pleasant (& Mrs), janitor, 534 4th.
Reeves Samantha Mrs, 1912 Ohio av.
Reeves Walter J (& Mrs), meat cutter, 1006
Reich Anna, 527 13 1-2.
Reich Daniel, stone mason, 527 13 1-2. ,
Reich Matthew (& Mrs), contr, 527 13 1-2.
Reich Samantha, 1408 St Marys av.
Reid E R (& Mrs), bowling alley, 318 Ju-
Reid Jessie, 204 1-2 3d.
Reid W H, jewelry store, 204 3d (W Va
1779). h 204 1-2 3d.
Reia W H Jr. watchmkr, 204 1-2 3d.
Reilly Agnes M Miss, 615 Green (W Va 1139)
Reives Collie (& M-~> bartender, 1905 Mu -
doch av.
Reitz L W (& Mrs), trav salesman, 1003
Reitz T G, 1218 Market (W Va 659).
Reitzenberg Florence, 918 Ann.
Reitzenberg Joseph, wines and liquors, 212
3d (W Va 381), h 91S Ann.
Reitzenberg S (& Mrs), wines and liquors,
918 Ann (W Va 639).
Remley Frank (& Mrs), stage carp, h
715 1-2 Market.
Remley J E, 715 1-2 Market.
Renforth Anna Mrs, 119 4th (W Va 1171).
Renforth Chas, laborer, 119 4th.
Renforth J C Jr, meat cutter, 119 4th.
Renforth John, laborer, 119 4th.
Renner Edward (& Mrs), car conductor, 1206
Reps Alma, 1721 Spring.
Reps & Co, 227-229 3d (W Va 31).
Reps Ernest, collector, 1721 Spring.
Reps Geo E, collector, 1721 Spring.
Reps Paulus, prop Reps & Co, 227-229 3d,
h 1721 Sprmg (W Va 935).
Republican Headquarters, Citizens Bank
Bldg (W Va" 1434).
Rengold Sam (& Mrs), Andrew.
Reynolds D K (& Mrs), 924 Mary.
Reynolds G R, 409 16th (W Va 1248).
Reynolds H R, 611 17th.
Reynolds J B, 119 1st (W Va 538).
Reynolds R E, clerk, 701 Market (W Va
Reynolds T R (& Mrs), oil opr, 409 10th.
Reynolds W N (& Mrs), 221 Susquehanna av
Rex Allena, 213 Ann.
Rex Lerona Mis, 213 Ann (W Va 1423).
Rex G A, mgr Rex Hdw Co, 200 3d, h 567 6th.
Rex Hardware Co The, 206 3d (W Va 544).
Rexroad Clarence, Thomas.
Rexroad J A (& Mrs), laborer, Thomas.
Rhodes Fred, wood wkr, SIS Market.
Rhodes L, laborer, Standard Oil Cu.
Rhodes Minnie, SIS Market.
Rhodes W M (& Mrs), lab, Blennerhassett.
Rhyne Chas H (&Mrs), bartender, 804 7th.
Richards Chloe, 202 3d.
Garnet or
Amethyst or
Bloodstone or
Diamond or
Emerald or
Agate or
Ruby or
Quartz Crystal
Sardonyx or
Sapphire or
Opal or
Topaz or
or Felspar
W, H, Reid & Son
204 Third Street
RINGS. — We have a nice line of Birthstone Rings, also Fancy Set Rings, Signet Rings
and Plain Rings.
WATCHES. — We handle all the Standard Makes of American-made movements and
Cases, and can save you money on each purchase.
JEWELRY. — Our Jewelry is all new styles and designs and the quality is the best.
We have a fine line of Bracelets, Lockets, Chains, Combs, etc.
REPAIRING. — Our Repair Department is in charge of a workman of 25 years ex-
perience at the bench. All work strictly first-tlass and fully guaranteed.
W. Va. Phone 1779.
Richardson & Smith
We Buy, Sell, or Trade— REAL ESTATE— We Buy, Sell or Exchange
Terms to Suit You
W. Va. Phone 1875 403 Juliana Street.
Rhynehart Ike (& Mrs), liquor dealer, 426
Richards E, baker, 576 6th.
Richards E M (& Mrs), prescription elk,
1102 24th (W Va 1123-1).
Richards Joseph, brakeman, 615 Depot.
Richards Myrtle, 1307 Murdoch av.
Richardson & Co, 310 1-2 Market (W Va
481). 1
Richardson Charles, student, 1334 Avery.
Richardson Emmet, bkkpr, 1703 St Marys av
Richardson John R (& Mrs), carp, 13-!8
Ramsey. I
Richardson Jonathan (& Mrs), 1703 St
Marys av (W Va 957).
Richardson J W (& Mrs), machinist, 803
Richardson Lena, 1104 Ann.
Richardson Mary E Mrs, 803 Swann.
Richardson Wm (& Mrs), real estate and
lumber, 1104 Ann.
Richardson Wm, student, 1703 St Marys av.
Richardson & Smith, real estate, cor 4th and
Juliana (W Va 1875).
Riddle Chas B, laborer, 1406 Covert.
Riddle C P (& Mrs), plumber, 1415 Gould av.
Riddle G M (& Mrs), merchant, 1406 Covert
Riddle Vide, dressmaker, 1406 Covert.
Riddell J C (& Mrs), supt L K R R Co, h
Marietta, O.
Rider Horace (& Mrs), driller, cor 16th and
Briant. v
Rieger Jos (& Mrs), foreman, 672 7th.
Riel C A (& Mrs), conductor, 311 9 1-2.
Rife Geo (& Mrs), rustic wkr, 1034 Eliza-
beth av.
Riff F T (& Mrs), tailor, 419-420 Union
Trust Bldg (W Va 871), h 1505 Covert (W
Va 362). /
Riffee G W (& Mrs), B & O baggage master,
567 6th.
Riggs C B (& Mrs), brakeman, 1022 George.
Riggs Edward (& Mrs), barber, 813 Clay.
Riggs Eliza Mrs, Vienna.
Rile Anna, 125 13th.
Riley Ada, 610 Marietta av.
Riley Frank M (& Mrs), stone cutter, Maple-
Riley John H. 835 Jeannette.
Riley S D (& Mrs), farmer, Central av.
Riley W M (& Mrs), lab, 835 Jeannette.
Riley Wort (& Mrs), teamster, 869 Chestnut
Rinehart John A (& Mrs), teamster, 1015
E 12th.
Ringer Elizabeth, clerk, 1114 Quincy.
Ringer John T (& Mrs), grocer, 1114 Quincy
(W Va 1555).
Ringer John T & Co, 1517 St Marys av (W
Va 1136).
Ripley Ralph R (& Mrs), clerk, 1317 Spring.
Ritton H Mrs, boarding house, 315 11th.
Ritton Mabel, 315 11th. |
Ritton M C (& Mrs), tailor, 317 11th.
Rittenhouse Marie C, 1719 St Marys av.
Parkersburg Transfer Co.
Livery and Storage.
All Kinds of Hauling.
101 to 111 Ann Street. W. Va. Phones: Office 346, Bams 823, Blacksmith Shop 65
Rittenhouse W T, secy Citizens Rldg Assn,
224 5th (W Va 39), h 1719 St Marys av.
Ritter John F. photos, G32 1-2 7th.
Riverside School No 1, cor 20th and Mur-
doch av.
Riverside School No 2, Smith near Keever.
Roach Agnes Mrs, 561 Leafy Glen.
Roach D C (& Mrs), 1903 Garfield a v.
Roach D C, laborer, 2009 19th.
Roach J H (& Mrs), laborer, 715 Latrobe.
Roach Leona, clerk, 715 Latrobe.
Roach Lowry D (& Mrs), brakeman, 704
Roach Maggie Mrs, Lincoln av.
Roach S C (& Mrs), marble and granite,
422 2d av.
Roach W E (& Mrs), conductor. 640 Mark
(W Va 1524).
Robb Flats, n w cor 8th and Juliana.
Robb Harry B, S02 Juliana.
Robb Wm Jr, 802 Robb 1< lats.
Robbins F W, laborer, 608 Marietta av.
Robersou Richard, 411 7th.
Roberts Carrie C, dressmkr, 701 1-2 Swann.
Roberts Clara B, 819 Wood.
Roberts D A Mrs, 1509 Spring (W Va 1132).
Roberts E L Mrs, teacher, 510 13 1-2 (W
Va 739-2). /
Roberts George (& Mrs), printer, Logans av
Roberts George Mrs, 1509 Spring.
Roberts Geo M (& Mrs), rig bldr, 819 Wood.
Roberts J F (& Mrs), carp, 620 Camden.
Roberts J K (& Mrs), dentist, 220 1-2 4th
(W Va 751), h 1713 Latrobe (W Va 1448).
Roberts J S (& Mrs), grocer, 2539 Garfield.
Roberts J W \& Mrs), 1013 Spring (W Va
Roberts Lewis R (& Mrs), oil producer,
1732 St Marys av.
Roberts Lynn, 510 13 1-2.
Roberts Ora D.cigar roller. Till 1-2 Swann.
Roberts Wm T (& Mrs), painter, 412 13th.
Roberts Wm, porter, 1509 Spring.
Robertson Addie C, 719 Juliana.
Robertson Harriet, student, 1707 Park.
Robertson Iddie, collector, 1707 Park.
Robertson Jessie, clerk, 1707 Park.
Robertson John J, baker, 1707 Park.
Robertson R W (& Mrs), 647 Depot.
Hobertson Thomas (& Mrs), 1707 Park.
Robertson & Robertson Bakery, 719 Juliana
(W Va 1195). !
Robinson Addie Mrs, bakery, 215 George.
Robinson Amanda Mrs, 1315 Cornwall.
Robinson Bert, boilermkr, Dudley av.
Robinson B O, physician, 615 1-2 Market
(W Va 622).
Robinson Edward (& Mrs), conductor, 1717
Robinson George (& Mrs), barber, 210 1-2 3d.
Robinson Helen, 1346 Market.
Robinson Henry (& Mrs), lab, 61 S Munroe.
Robinson I N (& Mrs), clerk, Foleys Lane.
Robinson J L Mrs, 629 Depot.
Residence of
J. N. Robinson
The Oldest Contractor in the City
Cement Specialist and Artificial Stone Paving Contractor
Mosaic Ash Floors a Specialty
W. Va. W. Phone 38-1 1316 Dilloway Street
Robinson J N, shoe maker, 227 Cth.
Robinson J N (& Mrs), cement paving and
sidewalk contractor, 131G Dilloway (W
Va 38).
Robinson John, steel worker, Dudley av.
Robinson J R, car repairer, 029 Depot.
Robinson J W (& Mrs), carpenter, Saun-
ders av (W Va 322G-C).
Kobinson L E, Kanawha Station (W Va
Robinson May, Dudley av (W Va 1435).
Robinson Minnie, 029 Depot.
Robinson OJ (& Mrs), 1.23 Park.
Robinson Philip B (& Mrs), 921 E 12th.
Robinson Sally. 400 4th.
Robinson Samuel B (& Mrs), 318 9th, rear.
Robinson Sawford, steel worker, Dudley av.
Robinson Sarol Mrs, Foleys Lane.
Robinson S M (& Mrs), lab, Atlantic av.
Robinson Wm H. Dudley av.
Robinson Wm, 919 Ann.
Robinson Willie, clerk, 1340 Market.
Robison Edward, student, 1127 Main.
Robison George W (& Mrs), porter, rear
1031 1-2 Market.
Robison J W (& Mrs), laborer, 1127 Main.
Robison Tennie, 1127 Main.
Roby C C (& Mrs), cooper, 001 George.
Roby Frank, 601 George.
Roby Iva, tel opr, 001 George.
Rockard Margaret Mrs, 041 Mark.
Rockenstein Anna Mrs, 553 Gth.
Rockenstein Albert, undertaker, 553 0th.
Rockenstein Andrew, molder, 810 Virginia.
Rockenstein Burga L. dressmkr, 553 Gth.
Rockenstein Catherine, type setter, 553 Gth.
Rockenstein Christopher, plumber, 553 6th.
Rockenstein F C, meat cutter, 1117 Lynn.
Rockenstein Gertrude, nurse, 553 01 h.
Rockenstein Joseph Mrs, 810 Virginia av.
Rockenstein Joseph, tailor, 1340 Lynn.
Rockenstein Martha, S Side.
Rockenstein Mary, 553 Gth.
Rockenstein Max (& Mrs), butcher, G33 7th
(W Va 1202).
Rockenstein Wm (& Mrs), butcher, 1340
Rockenstein Wm, meat cutter, 308 5th.
Rockhold Chas A (& Mrs), farmer, G30 De-
Rockhold Harry, G30 Depot.
Rockhold Lizzie, 630 Depot.
Rockhold Martha, 630 Depot.
Rockhold Nellie, 630 Depot.
Rockhold Ruth, student, 630 Depot.
Roden Hannah Mrs, 418 11th.
Rodgers Clara, 1035 Juliana.
Rodgers D R (& Mrs), 1035 Juliana.
Roe Philip, engineer, 1307 Murdoch av.
Roe Nettie M, bkkpr, 1307 Murdoch av.
Rogers Ada, 809 Juliana.
Rogers Dore, laborer, 5 Lulu.
Rogers Dora, teacher, 1815 Park av (W Va
Rogers Elizabeth Mrs, 5 Lulu av.
Rogers H E (& Mrs), finisher, 1G1S Staun-
ton av.
Rogers MA (& Mrs), 1815 Park av
Rogers Maggie, 5 Lulu.
Rogers Martha, 1815 Park av.
Rogers Sadie, teacher, 1815 Park av.
Rogers Vern, 5 Lulu.
Roha George, barber, 312 Till.
Roller Lillian, 1703 Park av.
Roller Gladys, 818 Market.
Rollins Dora, clerk, 321 8th.
Rollins D R (& Mrs), farmer, Kidwell av.
Rollins Floyd, laborer, 150G Lynn.
Rollins Henrietta Mrs, 618 Munroe
Rollins Milfred, driver, Kidwell av.
Rollins Wilson (& Mrs), laborer, 1506 Lynn.
Rolston C G (& Mrs), oil producer, 820
Quincy (W Va 1729).
Komine Adelbert S, merchant, 928 Swann.
Romine G R (& Mrs), 1334 Avery.
Romine J W, salesman, 1334 Avery.
Romine T E, insurance, 1334 Avery.
Rooney Anna, 715 1-2 Market.
vRooney C C, oil producer, 415 Green.
Root Monzella, clerk, 814 Avery.
Rose lien, window dresser, 412 11th.
Rose Hattie R, 1219 Avery.
Rose J H (& Mrs), conductor, 412 11th.
Rose 1, O (& Mrs), physician, 510 1-2 Mar-
ket IW Va 606-1), h 1219 Avery (YV Va
Hose L A (& Mrs), conductor, 1924 Ohio av.
Rose Mildred, 412 11th.
Ross A K, physician, 120 1-2 3d (W Va 812),
h 1718 Gould av.
Ross Charles (& Mrs), laborer, S Side.
Ross George C, civil engineer, 711 Union
Trust Bldg (W Va 1706), h 625 Ann.
Ross George, laborer, 838 Jeannette.
Ross H u (& Mrs), electrician, 914 Oak
Ross Lucy, 1718 19th.
Ross Lucy, 419 Green.
Ross Mick (& Mrs), G59 Depot.
Ross Nellie, 1211 Murdoch av.
Ross Ralph (& Mrs), 1718 19th.
Ross S F (& Mrs), carpenter contractor,
1713 Staunton av (W Va 108G-2).
Ross Wm (& Mrs), mattressmkr, 917 15th.
Ross Wm A (& Mrs), laborer, 317 Green
(W Va 1615-2).
Rosser C D (& Mrs), P O elk, 64S Harris.
Rosser Edith, bkkpr, 648 Harris.
Rosser Mary, bkkpr, 648 Harris.
Rosser W M (& Mrs), 1711 Staunton av.
Roswall A W (& Mrs), supt U S Tile
Works, 615 Camden (W Va S34-2).
Roth W H Mrs, 409 Ann.
Roth W H (& ..Irs), baker, 409 Ann.
Rothwell I A (& Mrs), 402 3d.
Rourke John J, supt Panversburg Rig and
Reel Co. 424 4th.
Roush C A (& Mrs), cashier P> & O, h 1707
St Marys av.
Roush Emmett, student, 218 1-2 Juliana.
Roush Florence A, 1725 Beaver.
Roush Henry C (& Mrs), conductor, 1507
Roush J A (& Mrs), conductor, 1725 Beaver.
Roush Roy, machinist, 1507 Beaver.
Roush Stuart S, clerk. 1725 Beaver.
Roush W M Mrs, 218 1-2 Juliana.
Row W D, physician. 615 1-2 Market I \V
Va 485).
Rowan Frank (& Mrs), cor 5th and Green.
Rowe AC (4 Mrs), supt river construction,
103 7 1-2.
Rowland Earl R, 624 7th.
Rowland Jos (& Mrs), engineer, 633 Depot.
Rowland J B (& Mrs), horse dealer, 923 Lu-
beck av.
Rowland Julia M, dressmkr, 526 George.
Rowland J W, Schaefer Hotel.
Rowland L M, railroader, 226 Ann.
Royal John S (& Mrs), driller, 1229 Latrobe.
Roy George, barber, 312 7th.
Ruble A B (& Mrs), laborer, cor Race and
Ruble Chas (& Mrs), lab, Terrapin Park.
Ruble Clarence E (& Mrs), Central av.
Ruble C O, laborer, 528 2d av.
Ruble Ona, Orchard av, Buena Vista.
Ruble Peter, 1112 Charles (W Va 291-2).
Ruble Sam, laborer, 528 2d av.
Ruble Sanford, 641 6th.
Ruble S D l& Mrs), laborer, 8011-2 Market.
Ruble T W (& Mrs), carpenter, 528 2d av.
Ruberry Wm (& Mrs), tinner, 711 17th.
Ruckman Angeline Mrs, 1106 Gould av.
Ruckman Sam, 1001 Virginia av.
Ruddell Cut Price Store The, 610 7th.
Ruddell Elizabeth, 1S09 Beaver.
Ruddell Fred K, 1S09 Beaver.
Ruddell Geo L (& Mrs), merchant, 1809
Kuddell Geo K, trav salesman, 1809 Beaver.
Ruddell Robert, clerk, 1809 Beaver IW Va
Ruddell Stephen, clerk, lSOd Beave, .
Rudge F N. 205 Blennerhassett av.
Rudge George (& Mrs), laborer, 205 Blen-
nerhassett av.
Rudman N O, vice pres Chancellor Hdw Co,
Jackson Hotel.
Rudy Foster F (& Mrs), bookkpr. 424 4th.
Rudolph C M, salesman, 314 5th.
Ruf Henry (& Mrs), 920 E 9th.
Ruf Henry (& Mrs), laborer, 921 Clay.
Ruf Julius M (& Mrs), salesman, 820 Wood.
Rule Albert B (& Mrs), presser, 865 Fair-
view av.
B. M. Rymer & Co.
E. M. Rymer W. H. Cecil H. F. Rymer
Fire, Health and Accident Insurance
Written in Reliable Companies
Your patronage solicited
W. Va. Phone 1366.
All business entrusted to us will receive prompt attention.
517'_> Market Street,
Parkersburg, W. Va.
Rule B 0 (& Mrs), cooper, 857 Fairview av.
Rule Elizabeth, clerk, 857 Fairview av.
Rule Granville. 857 Fairview av.
Rule Lyda, 857 Fairview av.
Rule May, 857 Fairview av.
Rule Samuel D, drug elk, 857 Fairview av.
Ruley F J (& Mrs), 2610 23d.
Ruley W J. foreman matrs factory, 2610 23d.
Rumbaugh Catherine, Smiths av, Riverview.
Rumbaugh John H (& Mrs), carp, Smiths
av, Riverview.
Rumbaugh Kenneth H, Smiths av, River-
Rumbaugh W Ernest, steel wkr, Smiths av,
Runion David (& Mrs), laborer, 553 4th.
Runion Lydia, 553 4th.
Runion James, 553 4th.
Runkle E S Mrs, Springdale av.
Runkle Jennie Mrs, West Virginia av.
Runkle L D, laborer, Springdale av.
Runkle N A, Springdale av.
Runkle N J. Springdale av.
Runner Arrie, 916 Juliana.
Runner Florence, 1213 Ann.
Rummer Frank, mgr billiard parlor Chan-
cellor Hotel.
Rummer Frank, bartender,932 Avery.
Rupart Chas S (& Mrs), 5361-2 Marietta av.
Rupart Ernest, laborer, 536 1-2 Marietta a/.
Rupart Geo Willis, lab, 536 1-2 Marietta av.
Rush Isaac, meat cutter, 134 Terrace av.
Rush K O 337 Ann.
Rush L D (& Mrs), miller, 134 Terrace av.
Rush Ollie, 134 Terrace av.
Rush W A R (& Mrs), butcher, 134 Ter-
race av.
Rush Will, clerk, 134 Terrace av.
Russell Carrie, clerk, 315 6th.
Russell Hayward A, salesman, 5G7 6th.
Russell Horatio W (& Mrs), lawyer, 3041-2
.Juliana, h 1040 Juliana.
Russell Jessie Mrs, 240 1-2 Court sq.
Russell Jos C (& Mrs), mgr Burroughs
Adding Machine Co (\V Va 1821), h
1046 Market (W Va 1810).
Russell L B (& Mrs), laborer, Queens Lane.
Russell Mabel, 114 Juliana.
Russell, Mitchell & Moon, lawyers, 304 1 -2
Juliana (W Va 1502).
Russell Nellie M, 705 Swann.
Russell N L, bookkeeper, 618 Ann.
Russell Rachael A, Midway (W Va 3202-F).
Russell W B (& Mrs), mach opr, 315 6th.
Russell W E, machinist, 315 6th.
Russell W H, railroader, 226 Ann.
Rush & McPherson, Lubeck (W Va 3207-A).
Rush J B, Lubeck (W Va 3207-C).
Ruth Carrie, musician, 1203 Lynn.
Ruth C Z & Co, wholesale fruits 110 3d.
Ruth C Z, fruits, 110 3d (W Va 540), h
Jackson Hotel.
Ruth Ed S (& Mrs), painter, 912 E 12th (W
Va 519-2).
Mrs, J. H. Safford
Bakery and Confectionery
Ice Cream and Ices. Soda Water, all Flavors. Hot Chocolate.
Cigars and Tobacco. 1100 Market Street, Parkersburg, W. Va. W. Va. Phone 319
Ruth John M (& Mrs), riverman,1203 Lynn.
Ruth Lloyd, student, 1203 Lynn.
Ruttencutter Catherine, 1723 Sping.
Ruttencutter Elizabeth, 1723 Spring.
Ruttencutter Eva, clerk, 1723 Spring.
Ruttencutter J H (& Mrs), justice of the
peace, 230 1-2 Court sq (W Va 104), h 1723
Spring (W Va 345).
Ruttencutter J H Jr, 1723 Spring.
Ruttencutter May, clerk, 1723 Spring.
Rutter Charles, clerk, 1706 Beaver.
Rutter Edward (& Mrs), blksmith, 1214
Rutter E E (& Mrs), plumber, 712 Charles
(W Va 1920).
Rutter Everett, lab, Blannerhassett av.
Rutter H B (& Mrs), clerk, Dudley av.
Rutter J W (& Mrs), 213 George.
Rutter Minnie, 1700 Beaver.
Rutter Talbert S (& Mrs), laborer, 1426 22d.
Rutter Victoria, student, 1706 Beaver.
Rutter W E, 1214 Quincy (W Va 1467).
Ryan Anna, 222 Avery.
Ryan B, driver, 413 Market.
Ryan Cafe, 419 6th.
Ryan E E, bartender, 211 3d.
Ryan G W, bartender, 222 Avery.
Ryan George, silversmith, 113 4th.
Ryan J H (& Mrs), farmer, 222 Avery.
Ryan T N, bartender, 222 Avey.
Ryan W H (& Mrs), saloon, 815 17th (W
Va 661).
Ryan Wm, plumber, 824 Jeannettt.
Rymer E M, gen insurance, 517 1-2 Market
(W Va 1366), h 1600 19th (W Va 1252-2).
Ryson Cordelia, 423 8th.
Sackett Charles (& Mrs), oil well driller,
117 7th.
Safford Mrs J H. bakery and confectionery,
1100 Market (W Va 319).
Safreed D M (& Mrs), 30 5th.
Safreed E H (& Mrs), laborer, 180S Gar-
field av.
Safreed G W (& Mrs), 45 5th.
Safreed Joseph W (& Mrs), lab, 919 14th.
Safreed Wm (& Mrs), forerun, 120 Smith av.
Sagar George (& Mrs), painter, 1407 24th.
Sagar Mary, 1407 24th.
Sagar Maud, 1407 24th.
Sager Dale, ship carp, Marrtown.
Sager F E Mrs, Marrtown.
Sager T M (& Mrs), carpenter, Marrtown.
Saik Alexander M (& Mrs), grocer, 1306 La-
trobe (W Va 441).
Saik A M & Co, grocer, 629 Green (W Va 17)
Saik Frank A (& Mrs), grocer, 702 7th (W
Va 250), h 1034 Swann (W Va 1016).
Saik Manie, 1034 Swann.
Saik William, 606 1-2 7th.
Saile Clarence, 1134 Lynn.
Saile Frank, cooper, 1134 Lynn.
Reps & Co,
Paulus Reps, Prop'r.
House Furnishers and Ladies' Ready Made Garments
A Complete Line to Select From
Call on Us before purchasing elsewhere. We guarantee satisfaction.
We can furnish your home completely. Easy payments
W. Va. Phone 31. North Side Court Square, Parkersburg, W. Va.
Residence of M. Oppenheimer, Market Street, Parkersburg.
Saile Gertrude, 1134 Lynn.
Saile Joe (& Mrs), supt barrel factory, 1601
Park av.
St Clair Carl, paper hanger, Marrtown.
St Clair Earle (& Mrs), machinist, 628 Bird.
SI Francis Xavier's Free Parochial. School
for Boys, cor 6th and Market.
St Francis Xavier's Roman Catholic Church
(Rev Father B M Hickey pastor), Market
near 6th.
St James Hotel Bar (John Kane mgr), 800-
802 7th (W Va 35).
St John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, cor
9 1-2 and Avery.
St Joseph Hospital, s e cor 4th and Avery.
Visiting days Sundays, Tuesdays and
Thursdays, 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p m (W Va
St Nicholas Hotel (W N Huff mgr), 601-603
Avery (W Va 74).
St Paul's M E Church South, n w cor 11th
and Market (W Va 900).
St Xavier's Cemetery, Park bet 14th and
Salkeld Grant (& Mrs), 3211-2 0th (W Va
Salvation Army Barricks. 112 3d (W Va
Sams Albert (& Mrs), laborer, 836 7th.
Sams Bessie, cashier, 656 7th.
Sams Chas, mail carrier, 1041 Cornwall PI.
Sams Delia, mach opr, 1225 1-2 Market.
Sams D L (& Mrs), laborer, 1214 Main.
Sams Estella, mach opr, 656 7th.
Sams Ethel, mach opr, 656 7th.
Sams Eva, 808 St James Court.
Sams Hattie, 1102 Market.
Sams Homer, laborer, Marrtown.
Sams J W (& Mrs), lab, S3S St James Court.
Sams Sam (& Mrs), sawyer, 707 Lubeck ;tv.
Sams L C Mrs, 321 Ann.
Sams M G (& Mrs), car builder, Marrtown.
Sams O A (& Mrs), oil and gasoline, S Side
(W Va 1745-1).
Sams' Place, oi8 6th.
Sams R J (& Mrs), 912 Ann.
Sams S D (& Mrs), laborer, Lauckport.
Sams Stella, seamstress, 056 7th.
Sams W C (& Mrs), brakeman, 1909 Gar-
field av.
Samuels Blanche, student, 1949 E 7th.
Samuels Cecil C, steel wkr, 1928 Ohio av.
Samuels Daniel (& Mrs), carpenter, 425 11th.
Samuels Dora, dressmaker, 555 1-2 7th.
Samuels Everett, matcher, 1949 E 7th.
Samuels Gale, physician, 603 1-2 Market (Vv
Va 475-1), 425 11th (W Va 475-2).
Samuels G B (& Mrs), carpenter, 1928 Ohio.
Samuels George, catcher, 1949 E 7th.
Samuels Green (& Mrs), carp, 1928 Ohio av.
Samuels G F (& Mrs), tinuer, 1805 Beaver.
Samuels Mary, student, 1949 E 7th.
Samuels' Meat Market, 220 Ann.
Samuels Stella, 1928 Ohio av.
Samuels Wm (& Mrs), butcher, 1949 E 7th
(W Va 440-2).
Samuels Wm, meat market, 218 Ann (VV
Va 1651).
Sand Plains Hall, cor Bull Creek rd and
West Virginia av.
Sand Plains School, Bull Creek rd.
Sanders Mabel, 1412 22d.
Sanderson E T (& Mrs), architect, 1915
Park av (W Va 658).
Sanderson L B, bookkeeper, 554 6th (W
Va 428).
Sanderson Mark, 554 6th.
Sanderson May, 554 6th.
Sanderson M L, miller, 554 6th.
Sandy A D Mrs, 1201 Murdoch av.
Market Street Tonsorial Shop
Under Central Banking & Security Co.
Hirsute appendages painlessly removed while you wait. Write, wire or phone for
appointment, or come anyway. The boys will be glad to see you
Sandy John H (& Mrs), conductor, 1049
Laird av.
Sanford Blanche, clerk, G21 Market.
Sansbury Theodore T. 213 Ann.
Santilli James, presser, 333 3d.
Sarber B S, 1712 Beaver.
Sarber C E (& Mrs), 1701 Avery (W Va
Sarber Lillian, stengphr, 1712 Beaver.
Sarber W C (& Mrs), conductor, 346 Lin-
coln av.
Sarber W S (& Mrs), stock dealer, 1712
Beaver, h Lubeck (W Va 3220-1).
Sarden Ed, 552 Marietta av.
Salter Emma, mach opr, 839 Main.
Salter P A (& Mrs), laborer, 1103 Lubeck av.
Sarver H A (& Mrs), conductr, 1410 Covert.
Satterfleld G G (& Mrs), deputy sheriff, G14
I (epol
Satterfleld Iseola, 1419 Covert.
Saunders H L (& Mrs), mgr T E Saunders
estate, 516 5th (W Va 836).
Saunders J Atwood Jr, clerk, 416 Market, h
Maplewood (W Va 53-2).
Saunders Joe, porter, SIS Clay.
Saunders Mary Mrs. 122 7th.
Saunders T E (& Mrs), 428 Green.
Saunders T E Estate, china and novelties,
iH L Saunders mgr), 604 Market.
Saunders Win (& Mrs), carp, Vienna add.
Savage Bernard (& Mrs), engineer, Hammat
av, Vienna.
Savage Carrie, 420 13th.
Savage Edward J (& Mrs), constable, 50G
13th (W Va 531).
Savage Ed (& Mrs), laundryman, 817 15th.
Savage Emma, student, 506 13th,
Savage Eva, student, 506 13th.
Savage Flats, cor 13th and Avery.
Savage G W Mrs, 2506 Clement av.
Savage Julia, student, 506 13th.
Savage Thos S, merchant, 420 13th (W Va
Savage T S, secy-treas and gen mgr Spring-
dale Ice Co, 1227 Avery (W Va 348).
Savage W T (& Mrs), clerk, 103 13th.
Sayers Bert, engineer, 416 4th.
Sayers Lewis, 1617 Staunton av.
Sayers T H (& Mrs), railroader. Redwood.
Sayles Clarence, pressman. 416 Susquehanna.
Sayles P C, Sand Plains (W Va 1416-2).
Sayre A (& Mrs), 404 E 9th.
Say re Addie, 1704 Park.
Sayre Alfred (& Mrs), harnessmkr, 404
E 9th.
Sayre Alta, 1704 Park.
Sayre Arthur (& Mrs), carp, 2013 Ohio av.
Sayre C C (& Mrs), lumberman, 1704 Park.
Sayre Hugh P (& Mrs), broker. Stonewall
av, Buena Vista.
Sayre Lawrence H, student, Stonewall av,
Buena Vista.
Sayre Mabel, 1704 Park.
Sayre N S (& Mrs), lab, 1316 Staunton av.
Scherf & Hodgkiss
Chas. E. Scherf Wm. Hodgkiss
Groceries, Provisions, Liquors, Etc. Headquarters for Limburger and Swiss Cheese
Fine Wines and Liquors a Specialty
W. Va, Phone 107 207 Market Street
Sayre Oliver (& Mrs), clerk, 1608 Staun-
ton av.
Sayre R E (& Mrs), 2d-hand goods, 616
Sayre R F (& Mrs), bag master, 1417 Covert.
Sayre R W, 1417 Covert.
Sayre Verlia, 616 Camden.
Scarlet George H, photographer, 673 1-2 7th.
Scarlott Lizzie, dressmaker, 557 7th.
Searlott Mary, dressmaker, 557 7th.
Schaad Emily Mrs, 1005 George.
Schaad Edward C, oil well driller, 1003
Schaeter Charles (& Mrs), 906 15th.
Schaefer Daniel, 527 13 1-2.
Schaefer D A, 423 6th.
Schaefer Hotel, 423 6th (W Va 293).
Schaefer Mary Mrs, 1614 Lynn.
Schaefer Nell, stengphr, 1212 Market.
Schaefer Thos (& Mrs), steel wkr, Dudley av
Schams (& Mrs), 324 4th.
Schauweckef Herman (& Mrs), machinist.
1610 Latrobe.
Scherf Anna V, 559 7th.
Scherf Bert, machinist, 559 7th.
Scherf Chas (& Mrs), clerk, 922 16th (W
Va 1623).
Scherf Irene M, student, 559 7th.
Scherf John N (& Mrs), plumber, 559 7th.
Scherf Laura, 559 7th.
Scherf & Hodgkiss, grocers and saloon, 207
Market (W Va 107).
Schiele Amelia. 916 14th.
SchieTe Margaret, 916 14th.
Schiele Morris Mrs, 916 14th.
Schilling Ernest (& Mrs), 1404 Spring
Schilling Sidney P Mrs. 1617 St Marys av.
Schirmer E E (& Mrs), salesman, 210 8th
(\V Va 1813).
Schlagel Jacob, laborer, 935 Lynn.
Schlagel Wm Rapp, laborer, 935 Lynn.
Schlagel Paul. 1207 Swann.
Schleicher D, Maplewood l\V Va 3232-C).
Schliff Frank A (& Mrs), book binder, 1010
Laird av.
Schmall Clara. 1235 Murdoch av.
Schmidt Clifford, laborer, 727 7th.
Schmidt Orpha, 727 7ih.
Schmulbach Brewing Co, 21S Ann (W Va
Schneider's Cafe (Mrs Eliza Schneider prop),
502 Market (W Va 859).
Schneider Dan, 502 Market.
Schneider E Mrs, 502 Market.
Schneider Harry (& Mrs), carp. 1817 Liberty.
Schneider Irene M, clerk. 502 Market.
Schneider James, 502 Market.
Schneider Ruby A, 502 Market.
Schofield August H, brakeman, 828 Lynn.
Schofield Lou, 1018 Virginia av.
Sc hull-Andre Printing Co, Camden Theater
Bldg (W Va 432 1.
Scholl J L, cashier Fruit Dispatch Co, 17:7
The Sellers Grocery Store
617 Harris Street
iW. Va. Phone 1703)
Scholl Charles L (<fe Mrs), pies and ingr
Scholl-Andre Printing Co, h 1435 Wash-
ington av (W Va HOG).
Scholl John (& Mrs), book binder, 1S03
Scholl Robt, printer, wks Scholl-Andre Prim-
ing Co, h 1803 Covert.
Schoolcraft Carrie, laborer, 5 E 12th.
Schoolcraft Martha .1 Mrs, 5 E 12th.
Schoolcraft Paul, laborer ."> E 12th
Schoonover Permilia, 012 Charles.
Schrader H M, draughtsman, 1009 7th.
Schrader John Edward. 2031 Dudley av.
Schrader J F, secy Hub Clothing Co, Oil)
Schrader John \V. trav salesman, 1009 7th.
Schieffele Win P (& Mrs), machinist, 1702
Schroth Estella, tel opr, 112 4th.
Schrolh George (& Mrs). 901 Virginia av.
Schroth George Airs, 412 4th.
Schultz Adolph, 602 Juliana.
Schultz Carl M, lathman, 818 2d av.
Schultz Delia Mrs, 818 2d av.
Schultz Fred, clerk, SIS 2d av.
Schultz Harry, clerk, 12G Spencer av.
Schultz Hattie Mrs, 619 Pike.
Schultz Homer, 1417 Staunton av (W Va
Schultz Olive. 126 Spencer av.
Schultz O M (& Mrs), 215 1-2 Juliana (W Va
Schultz Otto (& Mis), 126 Spencer av (VV
Va 1385).
Schultz Willie, laborer, 818 2d av.
Schwartz Albert (& Mrs), policeman, 1333
Schwartz J W (& Mrs), 908 Charles.
Scott Anna, 128 8th.
Scott Chas, mach opr, 512 Gale av.
Scott Chas J (& Mrs), physician (W Va
776), 222 5th, h 1111 Juliana (W Va 901).
Scott Ed (& Mrs), Standard Bottling Works,
311 5th (W Va 709).
Scott Floyd (& Mrs), 568 Gale av.
Scott H (& Mrs), polisher, 616 Marietta av.
Scott John M, salesman, h Y M C A.
Scott Paul J (& Mrs), conductor, 602 Ann.
Scott R E, railroader, 226 Ann.
Scott T J (& Mis), 1111 Juliana.
Scott Walter, laborer, 811 Clay.
Scott Winfleld N (& Mrs), grocer, 1401 19th
(W Va 1454).
Scott Winfield N, grocery, 1245 Lynn.
Scullin Jas B (& Mrs), clerk, 605 1-2 Market.
Scullin John (& Mrs), heading rounder, 1518
Staunton av.
Scullin Robert (& Mrs), heading jointer,
1518 Staunton av.
Scully L M (& Mrs), tool dresser, S10 Vir-
ginia av.
Seals P S (& Mrs), 323 9 1-2.
Seaman B Hoyt (& Mrs), steel wkr, 2409
Ohio av.
Interior View of A. H. Setron's Jewelry Store
A. H. Setron
Diamonds, Watches and Fine Jewelry, Clocks, Silverware, Cut Glass, Optical Goods, etc.
Cor. Market and Court Square, Opp. Jackson Hotel
(W. Va. 1565)
Seaman Arthur (& Mrs), steel wkr, 626 26th
Seaman Georgia, 2409 Ohio av.
Seaman Lee, carpenter, 1030 7th.
Seaman Mary Mrs, 1030 7th.
Seaman Winnie, steel wkr, 2409 Ohio av.
Seaman Edna, 1030 7th.
Seams Edward V, butler, 411 7th.
Sears Ephraim (& Mrs), real est, 1216 19th.
Sears Minnie, stengphr, 1216 19th.
Sears O A, coal and timber, 1216 19th.
Sears W E (& Mrs), trav salesman, 10
Park Place.
Seay A W, shoemkr, 221 7th.
Seckman David L (& Mrs), 1202 Lynn.
Second-Hand Clothing Store, 324 6th.
Second-Hand Pipe & Supply Co, 3d and
Avery (W Va 749).
Second National Bank, City Hall, cor 5th
and Market (W Va 375).
See Adam W, carpenter, 716 Latrobe.
See Arthur (&. Mrs), register clerk, 190G
Beaver (W Va 1664).
See Hattie, clerk, 716 Latrobe.
See Sallie, 716 Latrobe.
Seffens Anzie, seamstress, 1121 Murdoch av.
Seffens Channing, elk, cor Market and 13th.
Seffens C W (& Mrs), clerk, 1226 Market.
Seevers J J, farmer, Marrtown (W Va
1886-1). .
Seevers John W (& Mrs), painter, Marrtown
Sellers J L, grocer (W Va 1703), 617 Harris,
h 6th and Market (W Va 737).
Senate The, 607 Market (W Va 111).
Senseman George (& Mrs), 411 4th.
Senseman Planing Mill Co, George and De-
pot (J M Senseman prop) (W Va 229).
Senseman J M (& Mrs), planing mill, 1024
Market (W Va 532).
Senseman J Parker, planing mill, 1024 Mar-
Senseman Myrtle, 1024 Market.
Sentinel The, 21S-220 5th (W Va 1801).
Setron A H (.& Mrs), jeweler, 160S Spring
(W Va 1200).
Setron A H, Jewelry Store,, cor Market anl
Court sq (W Va 1565).
Setron Hannah, 160S Spring.
Settles G W, 401 Ann.
Seventh Day Adventist Church (Rev Philip
W Province pastor), h 1200 7th.
Seybert Virgie Mrs, tailoress, 315 11th.
Seyler Anna, clerk, 409 12th (W Va 1896).
Seyler Mary, dressmaker, 409 12th.
Seymour P M (& Mrs), gen freight and pas*
agt Little Kawawha R R Co, h Marietta, O
Shafer Anna, stenographer, 214 8th.
Shafer F C (& Mrs), laborer, S Side.
Shafer J W (& Mrs), bding house, 218 7th.
Shaffer Cora, boarding, 536 7th.
Shaffer Fred Mrs, 1614 Lynn.
Shaffer Ne lie A, stengphr, 1212 Market.
Shamen A S, railroader, 226 Ann.
Shannon Ernest (& Mrs), cashier, 1317 bt
Marys av.
Residence of W. H. Smith, Juliana Street, Parkersburg.
Shannon Cora, clerk, 216 nth.
Shannon James W (& Mrs), engineer, 1113
Shannon Leonora, 210 11th.
Shannon Lucretia .Mrs. 210 11th.
Sharader Bertie, 801 Julius.
Shaver A 1! (& Mrs), insurance, 822 Main.
Sharp Anna Mrs, 583 1-2 0th.
Sharp Harris T. 941 Market.
Sharp Irvin (& Mrs), plasterer, Dudley rd.
Sharp Janet, 941 Market.
Sharp John (& Mrs), painter. Saunders av.
Sharp Joseph (& Mrs), constable, 1110 Main
Sharp & Keai ns, 221 6th (\V Va 78!.).
Sharp Marion A, 941 Market.
Sharp Mary Mrs. Saunders av.
Sharp W II. physician (W Va 254-1). 529 1-2
Market, h 911 Market (W Va 254-2).
Sharpnack P M. collector, 1324 Spring.
Sharpnack J X I .*c Mi s). mgr Western Union
Telegraph, 1324 Spring (W Va 1888).
Shattuck Chas H. pre"; Shattuek & Jackson
Co, Citizens Natl Bank, P M & I-U Ry Co
and Colonial Plate Glass Co, h 910 Juliana
(\V Va I In i
Shattuck Farm, Redwood I \V Va 223).
Shattuck Florence, 910 Juliana.
Shattuck it Jackson Co, wholesale grocers,
323 325 Ann (W Va 349).
sliau Alice E, .".iM 13th.
Sl>a\v Arthur A, laborer, 918 I3tb
Shaw Ben, fireman, 222 Market.
Shaw Carrie 1.. bookkeeper, 512 6th.
Shaw Ella, 512 6th.
Shaw Elizabeth G, 918 13th.
Shaw Kiel (i (& Mrs), P O clerk. 817 1711).
Shaw I. I, (& Mrs), 220 Lincoln av.
Shaw l{ M (& Mrs I. laundry, 512 0th (W
Va 1382).
Shaw Sidney T, civil engineer, 501 13th ( '-V
Va 1048-1 ).
Shaw Sarah A, 501 Leafy Glen.
Shaw Thos J (& Mrs), lab, 918 13th (W -'a
Shaw Thomas, laborer, 610 Green.
Shaw Walter L (& Mrs), 914 14th (W Va 83)
Shearer David (& Mrs), plasterer, 122 7 1-2.
Shearon O C (& Mrs), carpenter, Dudley rd
Shears B F (& Mrs), lab, Tavennerville.
Shears H H, laborer, Tavennerville.
Shears Henry (& Mrs), watchmn, 323 Green.
Shears S S (& Mrs), salesman, 1109 Mary.
Shedon Mike (& Mrs), fruits, 1031 Market.
Sheets Clara, 307 Ann.
Sheets Edward, 136 Terrace av.
Sheets J M, laborer, Standard Oil Co.
Sheets J A, 242 Lubeck av (W Va 999).
Sheets Lewis (& Mrs), 223 Avery.
Sheehy Frank (& Mrs), machinist. 317 11th.
Shelleroft John W (& Mrs), physician,
3281-2 0th (W Va 1592), h XI 2 Tefft I \V
Va 1011-1).
Sheldon Agnes Mrs, 41 12th.
Sheldon Frank (& Mrs), teamster, 1517 1 -2
St Marys av.
Shepard Thomas (& Mrs), 101)4 E 12th.
Shepard Deborah A Mis. 911) Center.
Shepard Elma, S Side.
Sheppard Nora Mrs, 2518 Dudley av.
Sheppard Win L (& Mrs), timberman, 1029
Sheriff's Office. Court House (W Va 7Sii).
Sherwood Chas A (& Mis), railroader,
523 0th.
Sherwood F R, stenographer, 531 5th.
Sherwood R F, bookkeeper. 531 5th.
Shetts Clarence, 130 Terrace av.
Shetts Frank, teacher, 130 Terrace av.
Shetts James (& Mrs), 136 Terrace av.
Shetts Mary, 130 Terrace av.
Shields Frank M (& Mrs), hotel, 421
(W Va 1791).
Shields Frank M, mgr Senate saloon, 320
Shields G M Mrs, 1319 Market (W Va 1905).
Shields Inez, 1319 Market.
Shields J H (& Mrs), carpenter, 1905 Avery.
Shields J R (& Mrs), engineer, 1122 4th av.
Shields Okey E (& Mrs), steel wkr, 2411
Ohio av.
Shilling Orval (& Mrs), laborer, 101G 25th.
Shingleton Emma, 429 0th.
Shingleton Harry, laborer, 037 Bird.
Shingleton J M (& Mrs), teamster. 037 Bird.
Shingleton Laura, 429 Gih.
Shingleton L, 218 11th.
Shingleton Pearle, C37 Bird.
Shipley S L, fireman, 015 Depot.
Shively Benjamin (& Mrs), barber, 913 13th.
Shively Catherine, 910 13th.
Shively D (& Mrs), barber, 910 13th.
Shoeman Belle, insurance, GOO Juliana.
Sholl George R, 1612 Latrobe.
Shore John J (& Mrs), mgr J M Senseman
Planing Mill Co, 305 George.
Shotts Myrtle, 214 8th.
Shotts Rachael Mrs, 214 8th.
Showalter C C (& Mrs), State Commander
Knights of the Maccabees of the World,
1005 Avery (W Va 1445).
Showalter Chas M, judge Criminal Court.
Wood County, Court House (W Va 994),
h Glenville.
Showalter Howard, 40S 4th.
Showalter James (& Mrs), oil well driller.
1420 Washington av.
Showalter John, laborer, 408 4th.
Showalter Mary K, student, 1005 Avery.
Showalter Robert, laborer, 408 4th.
Showalter Ruth A, 1420 Washington av.
Showalter S E (& Mrs), N Parkersburg.
Shrewsbury Carrie, Christian Scientist, 1030
Shrewsbury C M (& Mrs), chief office deputy
II S Marshal, h 1030 Juliana (W Va 942).
Shrewsbury Etta, 1305 Lubeck av.
Shrewsbury George (& Mrs), 1305 Lubeck av
Shrewsbury Geo (& Mrs), 1113 Lubeck av.
Shrewsbury H (& Mrs), laborer, 1029 Laird.
Shrewsbury Joel A (& Mrs), gen insurance
and notary, 311 Juliana (W Va 527), h 1)139
Ann (W Va 917).
Shrewsbury M Q, individual bkkpr, 1030 Ju-
Shrewsbury Robert (& Mrs), real estate,
223 Gth.
Shrewsbury Veva, 14i3 Beaver.
Shreeves J R (& Mrs), railroader, 1906 Ohio.
Shriner Henry, driver, 930 Avery.
Shriner Walter (& Mrs). S Side.
Shriner Wm (& Mrs). Springdale.
Shrout L A Mrs, 117 Susquehanna av.
Shultz Dollie, 908 13th.
Shultz H M (Ac Mrs), fireman, 1417 Staun-
ton av.
Shultz Joseph Mrs. carpenter. Nicelyville.
Shultz O M, grocer, 215 Juliana.
Shuman Jake, fireman. City Fire Dept, li 328
Shumway Ernest, laborer, Saunders av.
Shumway Hannah, Saunders av.
Shumway W E (& Mrs), car repairer. 1511
Shutts Asa L, clerk, 42S 4th.
Shutts H, student, 218 Lubeck av.
Shuttleworth Laura, 1002 19th.
Shuttleworth Rama, 710 Ann.
Sialvas E J, laborer, 608 George.
Sieber Otto, baker, 236 Court sq.
Sigafoose Margaret E, 121 6th.
Siglar J H (& Mrs), cabinetmkr, Hull Creek
rd (W Va 1249-1 I.
Silcott J D, upholsterer, 1702 Beaver (W
Va 634).
Silcott J L, supt lease dept South Penn Oil
Co, 544 5th.
Silcott R A Mrs, 1723 Lynn.
Silcott T M (& Mrs), supt Beechwood chem-
ical works, 1702 Beaver.
Silvis T J, laborer, Standard Oil Co.
Simers Sam, clerk, 322 4th.
Simmerman F (& Mrs), 813 Charles.
Simmons L E (& Mrs), prop Gold Mine
Store, 135 7 1-2 (W Va 377).
Simmons Robert W, barber, US Ann.
Simmons Wm (& Mrs), brakeman, 900 7th.
Simpson Annie F, clerk, 133 7 1-2.
Simpson Bros, produce, 619 Market (W Va
Simpson Henry, oil well driller, Lehmann
Simpson Floyd, produce. 41S 12th(W Va 430)
Simpson Frank L (& Mrs), elk gen yard-
master B & 0, 818 Swann.
Simpson John H, Maplewood.
Simpson John (& Mrs). 911 14th.
Simpson Paul S, Maplewood.
Simpson Samuel E, (& Mrs), salesman,
Simpson W M (& Mrs), 35 Park Place.
Sims C A (& Mrs), car repairer, 151 Spen-
cer av.
Sims Felix Mrs, Saunders av.
Sims H M (& Mrs), car repr, 145 Spencer av.
Sims J (& Mrs), laborer, 114 Atlantic av.
Sims Lucy, 1024 7th.
Sims Nora, 1206 Latrobe.
Sine A G (& Mrs), pres Mountain State
Business College, 1700 17th (W Va 1785).
Sines Otho (& Mrs I. 1313 Latrobe.
Sines Wm L (& Mrs), carpenter, 1510 SI
Marys av.
Sinett W S, fireman, S28 Jeannette
Sindeldecker Anna, 012 Depot.
Residence of W. H. Wolfe, Ann Street, Parkersburg.
Singer Sewing Machine Co, 501 Juliana (W
Va 411).
Singleton A Mrs, 1309 Cornwall.
Singleton Lulu, printer, 1309 Cornwall.
Six Candace, 1500 Spring.
Six David, railroader, 1500 Spring.
Six H W (& Mrs), railroader, 1500 Spring.
Six Lola, student, Vienna.
Six Mary, clerk, 1500 Spring.
Six Peter (.<& Mrs), farmer, Vienna.
Six Samuel (& Mrs), 1302 14th.
SUidmore Annie Mrs, 720 Latrobe.
Skidmore C (& Mrs), paving contractor,
1035 Market.
Skidmore Frank (& Mrs), 7th.
Skidmore Gertrude, 1067 Avery.
Skidmore Ota, 10G7 Avery.
Skidmore Wm H (& Mrs), 1107 E 12th.
Skinner Walter, druggist, 521 Avery.
Skirvin W E (& Mrs), druggist, 902 Market.
Slack Oscar N (& Mrs), oil well contractor,
144G 20th.
Slash Charles, porter, GIG Marietta av.
Slash Harrison, GIG Marietta av.
Slash Nettie, GIG Marietta av.
Slash Sallie, 616 Marietta av.
Slater Anna, 204 Juliana.
Slater Samuel M (& Mrs), oil well driller,
1323 Spring.
Slaven A J (& Mrs), 1417 Market.
Slauton Geo W, rm 38 Citizens Bank Bldg
(W Va 1934).
Slayton C L (& Mrs), 1504 Avery (W Va
Sleeth Lulu, teacher, 1037 Avery.
Sleeth W P (& Mrs), 3081-2 5th.
Sleppy Chas S (& Mrs), oil prodr, 814 Mar-
ket (W Va 1265).
Sleppy & Warne, Citizens Bank Bldg (W
Va 1785).
Slevogl Che'.ioii.i Mrs, 1727 Park.
Sloan Mary. 1012 George.
Slusher W /. (& Mis), 1014 Virginia av.
Small W H Mis, G17 Ann ( YV Va 773).
Smart Eaile S (& Mrs), cabinetmkr, 1108
13th. | 33
Smart Elvene E, collector. 551 0th.
Smart H C (& Mrs), laborer, :',2i) W 10th
(W Va 1341).
Smith Abner, steel worker, 1915 Keever.
Smith Abraham (& Mrs), 1315 Market ( W
Va 1570).
Smith A C, Saunders av.
Smith A Hunter, 308 13th ( W Va 10G1).
Smith Alfred, 1043 E 7th.
Smith Alfred R (& Mrs), trav Salesman,
1605 Oak.
Smith A J (& Mrs), teamster, West Vir-
ginia av.
Smith A M (& Mrs), steel wkr, 1015 Keever.
Smith Anna E, teacher, Murdoch ax ext.
Smith Arthur, 1637 Gould av.
Smith Artie, 415 Green.
Smith Avery B, student, 1422 Gould av.
Smith Beatrice, seamstress. 300 Lubeck av.
Smith Beatrice, West Virginia av.
Smith Bertie, 1701 17th.
Smith Building, 30S-314 Market.
Smith C A (& Mrs), carpenter contr, 640
Bird (W Va 542-1).
Smith C A, lawyer, 319 Market (W Va 1214),
h 1343 Avery.
Smith Carrie, 1308 Dilloway.
Smith C B Mrs, 410 Ann.
Smith C C Mrs, 130S Dilloway.
Smith C E (& Mrs), brakeman, G38 Harris.
Smith Charles (& Mrs), carriagemkr, 531 5ih
(W Va 1917).
Smith Charles (& Mrs), 328 8th.
Smith Chas B, editor, 410 Ann (W Va 824).
Smith Chas E (& Mrs), oil well driller,
Grand Central av, Vienna.
Smith Chas T (& Mrs), real estate, 1102 7th
Smith Charles, 31G 9 1-2.
Smith Chas, howling alley, 318 Juliana.
Smith Chas F (& Mrs), janitor, 1500 Park.
Smith Clay (& Mrs), section man, 2414 Ohio.
Smith Clyde, laborer, Blennerhassett av i "V
Va 1152).
Smith Cuff, Gth.
Smith C W, Beechwood.
Smith D H (& Mrs), carp, 10 Saunders av.
Smith D M (& Mrs), 119 Ann.
Smith Dora, 1943 E 7th.
Smith Dorr, mgr Blennerhassett Pressing
Co, 310 9 1-2 (W Va 1495-2)'.
Smith Dovey, 1409 Murdoch av.
Smith E C, engineer, 1119 William.
Smith Edgar N (& Mrs), insurance, 125 5th
i\V Va 1068), h 543 5th (W Va 1398).
Smith Edward (& Mrs), conductor, 1637
Gould av.
Smith Edward, 552 Marietta av.
Smith Edward, laborer, Beechwood.
Smith Electa Mrs, 316 9 1-2.
Smith Ella Mrs, roomers, Blennerhassett av.
Smith Ellen Mrs, 818 Clay.
Smith Elizabeth, 1943 E 7th.
Smith Elizabeth, 1727 Spring.
Smith Emma O, Murdoch av ext.
Smith Erma, 315 2d.
Sm it h Ernest (& Mrs), laborer, rear 28 6th.
Smith Esther, 941 Juliana.
Smith Evan C, engineer, 1119 William.
Smith Mary C Mrs, 523 Thomas.
Smith Everett, laborer, 1324 Main.
Smith Ezra, laborer, 1118 13th.
Smith Frank, laborer, 194S E 7th.
Smith Frank S, jeweler, 312 Market, h
207 1-2 6th.
Smith Frank S, postmaster (W Va 451).
Smith Frederick, carriage trimmer, 520
Gale av.
Smith Freeman (& Mrs), carp, 714 26th.
Smith Garnet, 310 9 1-2.
Smith G W Mrs, 512 4th (W Va 324).
Smith George (& Mrs), oil well driller, 1023
Smith's G E Sons, jewelers, 312 Market (W
Va 733).
Smith Geo S (& Mrs), carp, 1013 Swann.
Smith Goldie A, stengphr, Murdoch av ext.
Smith & Good, insurance, 405 1-2 Market (W
Va G19).
Smith H A (& Mrs), bkkpr, 1701 17th.
Smith Hardware Co, 117-119 3d (W Va 330).
Smith Harold L, clerk, 706 7th.
Smith Harry, electrician, Spring.
Smith Harry (& Mrs), pumper, 605 George.
Smith Harvey J '(& Mrs), steel wkr, West
Virginia av.
Smith Hazel, 1315 Market.
Smith Helen, student, 118 12th.
Smith Henry E, machinist, 1727 Spring.
Smith Henry, porter, S41 7th.
Smith Henry (& Mis), water carrier, 11 Gth.
Smith Herbert, laborer, 523 Thomas.
Smith Herman O i& Mrs), 809 1-2 Market
i\\" Va 14(i9).
Smith H O, 1119 William.
Smith's Inn, 119 Ann.
Smith Isaac E (& Mrs), laborer. 1014 13th.
Smith Isaac M, grocer, 1301 St .Marys av (W
Va 433).
Smith Iva, 1324 Main.
Smith Iva. student, 1003 Oak.
Smith Jacob, waiter, 44 Gth.
Smith .las A, oil prodr, Murdoch av ext.
Smith Jas C. mail carrier, HH4 13th.
Smith Jas E (& Mrs), molder, 300 Lubeck av.
Smith Jas W Jr (& Mrs), grocer, 1422 Gould
Smith Jasper N (& Mrs), railroader, 1102
E 12th.
Smith Jennie Mrs, cigar roller. 912 13th.
Smith Jennie, clerk, 1124 Ann.
Smith J B. Mrs, 1119 William.
Smith J G (& Mrs), marble culler, 813 Lynn.
Smith J H P (R M Smith & Co), 1034 Aim.
Smith J H P (&-Mrs), 955 Market.
Smith J H, 530 4th (W Va 700).
Smith J K (& Mrs). 1845 7th.
Smith J M (& Mrs), oil well driller, 1022
Smith John H (& Mrs), Ilia 13th.
Smith John W (& Mrs), paper hanger, 1121
Smith John W (& Mrs), blksmith. Division,
Smith John, Saunders av.
Smith J, blacksmith, 80S; Swann.
Smith Josephine H, student, Smiths av.
Smith Jos C (& Mrs), timberman, Rosemar,
Smith Jos S (& Mrs), farmer, Smiths av.
Smith J P (& Mrs), steel wkr, 1915 Keever.
Smith J W Jr (& Mrs), groceries and meats.
1422 Gould av.
Smith Juliette, 115 12th.
Smith Kate A Mrs, 1429 22d (W Va 192).
Smith Katherine Mrs, 1124 Ann.
Smith Kate, 221 2d (W Va 434).
Smith Kinnie. 422 4th (W Va 7S3).
Smith Laura, 413 13th.
Smith Lawrence M, delivery, Club Grounds,
Smith Lena, 115 12th.
Smith Leslie, clerk, 415 Green.
Smith Levin (&Mrs), lawyer, US 12th (W
Va 249).
Smith Levin Jr, student, 118 12th.
Smith Lewis, 520 Gale av.
Smith L H, druggist. 111!) William.
Wm. F Smith
Practices in all (he Courts Attorney at Law
Notary Public with Seal
Office, Corner Fourth and Juliana Streets
< W. Va. Phone 638)
Smith Lillie, 1119 William.
Smith L K, 32] 6th.
Smith Loy M. student, Murdoch :i\
Smith Lucy, student, 115 12th.
Smith Lucy, 1024 7th.
Smith Luther W, 1114 Paden.
Smith Malcolm L (& Mrs), ens, 1109 13th.
Smith Martha R Mrs, Saunders av.
Smith Mary, 1203 Ann.
Smith Mary C Mrs, 523 Thomas.
Smith Mattie Mrs, laborer, 1324 Main.
Smith Maud. 300 Lubeck av.
Smith May C, 1114 Paden.
Smith Mildred E, student. Club Grounds,
Smith Milton. 1017 St Marys av.
Smith Nancy E, 1014 13th.
Smith Nellie, student, 1303 St Marys av.
Smith N E (& Mrs), baker, 1517 1-2 St Marys
av i\V Va L226).
Smith Norman, 1324 Main.
Smith Olhia, 44 Gth.
Smith Pearl, 208 Phillips Court.
Smith Percy, driver, 316 9 1-2.
Smith Phoebe Mrs, Marrtown.
Smith Pierre, clerk, 316 9 1-2.
Smith Poppie, 1727 Spring.
Smith Ralph H, slater, Club Grnds, Vienna.
Smith Robert, 803 1-2 Green.
Smith Robin, student, 307 Ann.
Smith R M (& Mrs) tR M Smith & Co),
Smith R M & Co (Robert M & J H P Smith).
manufacturers and wholesale lumber, GO]
to COS Union Trust BIdg (W Va 7.r.7).
Smith R S 410 Ann.
Smith Rush, 31G 9 1-2.
Smith Ruth, student, 307 Ann.
Smith S E. 1014 13th.
Smith Samuel, laborer, 523 Thomas.
Smith Sarah, 118 12th.
Smith Scott, laborer, 1501 Saunton av.
Smith S S (Spence, Smith & Kootz), 1st and
A \er\ ,
Smith Stella, clerk. 523 Thomas.
Smith Susan C, seamstress, Saunders av.
Smith Sue V, 321 Gth.
Smith Sylvester, mach, 638 Depot.
Smith T B (& Mrs), 1603 Oak.
Smith Theodore, driver. 13,0.8 Dilloway.
Smith T J (& Mrs), 911 Juliana (W Va 179).
Smith T P (& Mis), secy Exchange Bids
Assn. 307 Ann I W Va 848).
Smith Virginia O, clerk, 1124 Ann.
Smith W A (& Mrs), lieut police,
A\ erj
Smith W C, I kkeeper, 530 4th.
Smith W Dixon (& Mrs), lumberman,
Spring (W Va L253).
Smith Wm E (& Mrs), bkkpr,
Smith W F, undertaker. 1023
(W Va 1254).
Smith W E (& Mis), lawyer,
liana ( \V Va 1G3S). h 101:: E
4 th
Residence of S. Kahn, Ann Street, Parkersburg.
Smith Wm E (& Mrs), farmer, Nicelyville. Snodgrass Kinnard (& Mrs), lawyer, 1029
Smith W H Hardware Co The, 117-119 3d.
Smith Wm Jti (& Mrs), merchant, 1125 Ju-
liana (W Va GO).
Smith Wm M, bookkeeper, 1727 Spring.
Smith W M (& Mrs), lab, 1319 Lubeck av.
Smith W S (& Mrs), oil well supplies, 1049
Murdoch av (W Va 89G).
Smith W S (& Mrs), laborer, 520 Gale av.
Smith W W (& Mrs), bkkpr, 701 Juliana.
Smith W (& Mrs), 2003 Murdoch av.
Smith Zedie (& Mrs), plasterer, 121 1-2 Brad-
ley av.
Sniitherman Martha Mrs, 170G 19th.
Smithson Arthur, sorter, 1419 1-2 St Marys.
Smoot Advertising Agency, 71G-717 Union
Trust Bldg (W Va 1157).
Smoot A L (& Mrs), bartender, 512 5th (W
Va 1399).
Smoot C S (& Mrs), mgr Smoot Adv Agency,
1235 Murdoch av (W Va 155).
Smoot Cora E Mrs, 1504 Covert.
Smoot Edith R, stenographer, G Park Place.
Smoot Fayette C, clerk, 6 Park Place.
Smoot Harry T, secy Smoot Adv Agency, G
Park Place.
Smoot Julia, G Park Place.
Smoot W N (& Mrs), clerk. G Park Place (VV
Va 1053).
Smoot Wm N Jr, G Park Place.
Snead Rebecca, seamstress, 712 1-2 Market.
Snell Hattie Mrs, 410 Central av.
Snider E F (& Mrs), lab, 1335 Lubeck av.
Snider James, railroader, 22G Ann.
Snodgrass G L, gen agt L K R R, 1029 Mur-
doch av (W Va 12G8).
Snodgrass Herbert, brakeman, G10 Marietta.
Snodgrass John L (& Mrs), carp, 1010 17th.
Snodgrass Juliet, 1029 Murdoch av.
Snodgrass Kinnard Jr, elk, 1029 Murdoch av.
Murdoch av.
Snodgrass Lewis, agt L K R R, 1029 Mur-
doch av.
Snodgrass Lucy, 1029 Murdoch av.
Snodgrass Nan, 1029 Murdoch av.
Social Rebel The (Fritz Merrick editor),
525 1-2 Market.
Solley J W (& Mrs), 9(18 Virginia av ( VV
Va 7GG).
Sommers M E Mrs, 31G 1-2 4th.
Somerville Betty F, nurse. 1820 17tii.
Somerville Clyde, clerk B & O freight. 2410
Dudley av.
Somerville C W (& Mrs), Bull Creek rd.
Somerville Edward J(& Mrs), trav salesman,
1705 Lynn (W Va 383).
Somerville J H <& Mrs), stengphr. Bull
Creek rd.
Somerville J L (& Mrs), fireman. 2010 Ohio.
Somerville Lawrence P (& Mrs), heater. 593
Atlantic av.
Somerville Ola, mach opr, 1G21 Dewey.
Sorg Anna, G15 1-2 Market.
Sorg Elizabeth, tailoress, G15 1-2 Market ( W
Va 1591).
Sorg Lewis R (& Mrs), tailor, 712 Grafton.
Sorg Mabel, clerk, 712 Grafton.
Sorrell C F, carpenter, 330 9th.
Sorrell Edward (& Mrs), time kpr B & O,
807 Avery.
Sorrell J S, engineer. 330 9th.
Sorrell J L Mrs, 330 9th.
Sorrell L M (& Mrs), engineer, 1008 19th.
South Genevieve, physician. G04 1-2 Marks!
(W Va 1883).
South Parkersburg School, 4th av near Di-
South Penn Oil Co, oil producers (.1 B Greg-
ory supt producing dept), 714 Union Trust
Bldg (W Va 3222 and' G81).
Southern Express Co, 218 4th.
South erland Chas (& Mrs), 2d-hand oil well
tools, Laird and Charles.
Southerland H, cor Laird av and Charles.
Southerland Mabel, cor Laird av and Charks
Southerland M D, laborer. Standard Oil Co.
Southern Express Co, 218 4th. i
Southworth Bradford (& Mrs), 209 Avery.
Southworth Carrie E, 1220 Washingjon av.
Southworth Ralph C (& Mis), condr, 420 7th
Southworth Ray, clerk, 133G Lynn.
Southworth Veta, 1336 Lynn.
Speece James, merch tailor, G12 Markel ( W
Va. 1712), h 1117 Swann.
Speece Rebecca, clerk, 1117 Swann.
Speece W S (A; Mrs), 1045 Ann ( W Va 1081).
Speed W M (& Mis), laborer, 421 Lincoln av
Spence Benj T (& Mrs), carp, 140S 20th.
Spence Davis A .student, 1354 Market.
Spence Harvey M (& Mrs), window trim-
mer, 1408 20th.
Spence H M (& Mrs), oil producer, 1354
Market (W Va 1044).
Spence John (& Mrs), laborer, 921 E 9th,
Spence Joseph H (& Mrs), minister, 1002
Spence. Smith & Kootz, oil well supplies,
116-120 Ann (W Va S).
Spence, Smith & Kootz, boilermkr, 208 1st
(W Va 194).
Spence A L (& Mrs), 123 3d.
Spencer Anna L, tel opr, 902 Latrobe (W
Va 268).
Spencer Augustus (& Mrs), stockman,
Greenmount, Midway.
Spencer Benj F, plumber, 902 Latrobe.
Spencer Caven E (& Mrs), blksmith, 713
Spencer C Irene, student, 902 Latrobe.
Spencer Chas (& Mrs), teamster, 24 5th.
Spencer Clara C. student, Greenmount, Mid-
way (\V Va 410-3).
Spencer D E (& Mrs), carpenter, Central av.
Spencer Effie B, teacher, 118 Avery.
Spencer George, 5 Water.
Spencer Guy, steel wkr, Central av.
Spencer Henry A, plumber, 902 13th.
Spencer Hebert H (& Mrs), farmer, Green-
mount Midway.
Spencer H M, Greenmount, Midway.
Spencer H N (& Mrs), driver, 1721 Oak.
Spencer Ida, 118 Avery t
Spencer Isaac T, student, Greenmount, Mid-
Spencer Jessie, student, 612 Green.
Spencer J H (& Mrs), foreman, 921 Clay.
Spencer John, student, 24 5th.
Spencer John W (& Mrs), plumber, 902 La-
Spencer Mabel C, student, 902 Latrobe.
Spencer Mary Mrs, 52 6th.
Spencer Mayme, stenographer, 1110 Juliana.
Spencer Myra, prop Kanawha Hotel, 123 3d.
Spencer Robt H (& Mrs), laborer, 012 Green
Spencer Samuel S, stengphr, Greenmount,
Spencer Verna, forelady. Central av.
Spencer Wm Jr. 119 Ann.
Spicer Alice, 809 Market.
Spiker John H (& Mrs), blksmith, 8101-2
Spillman B D (& Mrs), pres Citizens Coal
Co, 717 Ann.
Spraggins Grace. 323 9 1-2.
Sprague Allen W (& Mrs), janitor. 712 13th.
Sprague Arthur. 1013 Beaver.
Sprague A W (& Mrs), paper hanger, 1712
Sprague Dutton, machinist, 1712 13th.
Sprague Jessie, 2502 Ohio av.
Sprague Leonard (& Mrs), 71 2 13th.
Sprague L R, cabinet maker, 1712 13th.
Sprague T J t& Mrs), 1013 Beaver.
Sprague Wm A (& Mrs), 2502 Ohio av.
Sprigg Charles (& Mrs), 1206 7th .
Sprigg Frank, packer, 423 8th.
Sprigg Mildred, 1206 7th.
Springdale Ice Co, Murdoch av ext (W Va
Sprouse Edward, lab, 642 Marietta av.
Sprouse Frank L (& Mrs), 419 16th.
Sprouse Jennie Mrs, 652 Marietta av.
Sprouse W F (& Mrs), steel worker, 2505
Ohio av.
Squires Harry, student, 565 6th.
Staan Ella. 709 1-2 Market.
Staats R W (& Mrs), 920 16th.
Staats W R, 920 16th.
Staats Zora, 920 16th.
Stafford Thos J (& Mrs), railroader, S03 Vir-
ginia av.
Stagg L, clerk, Riverview Cottage (W Vi
Stahlman Adolph, clerk, 502 14th.
Stahlman F A, clerk, 502 14th.
Stahlman F (& Mrs), merchant. 502 14th.
Stahlman Sarah, boarding, 914 Market (W
Va 1078).
Staib Edward (& Mrs), farmer, Tavenner-
Staley B F (& Mrs), engineer, 822 Lynn-.
Staley Carl, 1329 St Marys av. ;
Staley Elva, type setter, 1329 St Marys av.
Staley Fannie Mrs, 1016 Latrobe.
Staley R T, mgr Hotel Chancellor.
Stalnaker Edgar E (& Mrs), plumber, 1613
Stalnaker J D (& Mrs), pastor Phelps M E
Chapel, Bull Creek rd (W Va 1419-4).
Stalnaker, 936 Avery.
Stalnaker Roy B, 1333 Covert.
Stalnaker R A (& Mrs), 6 Camden av.
Residence of W. H. Ogden, Ann Street, Parkersburg.
Stalnaker S (& Mrs), 501 Division.
Stalnaker T G (& Mrs), carp, 1333 Covert.
Stalnaker W A (& Mrs), plumber, 910 16th.
Stalnaker Will A, Bull Creek rd.
Stamper E R, photographer, 412 1-2 Market.
Stanard Eugene, 223 1-2 Ann.
Standard Bottling Works, 107 Market.
Standard Grocery, G17 Market l W Va 967).
Standard Oil Co, office and works B & O
R R, s end Camden (W Va 344).
Standing Stanley, 310 0th (W Va 091).
Stanley Albert (& Mrs), 118 1-2 Market.
Stanley T G, 003 1-2 Market.
Stanley John (& Mrs), laborer, Thomas.
Stansbury A L (& Mrs), physician, 1635
Gould av.
Stansbury G H, plumber, 025 Juliana (YV
Va 82), 125 7 1-2.
Stanton C M (& Mrs), foreman Parkersburg
Chair Co, h 144 Bradley av.
Stanton Geo W (<& Mrs), Logans av.
Stapletou C J, clerk, Logans av.
Stapleton Margaret A, stenographer, ,1106
Stapleton O H Mis. 1452 7th I YV Va 1217).
Star Grocer Co, 317 Juliana (W Va 290).
Starbuck Theodore W, pres and mgr Park-
ersburg Supply and Plumbing Co, 717 Mar-
ket, h 515 10 1-2 (W Va S47).
Starcher Stella, 1319 Market.
Starkey Daisy, 2101-2 3d.
Starker Miner (& Mrs), 1217 Lynn.
Starkey R H (& Mrs), driver, 210 1-2 3d (W
Va 1449).
Starkey Zorah, 210 1-2 3d.
Starlin Jerome, shoemaker, 129 5th.
Starling A M, clerk, 1517 St Marys av.
Starling Art M. clerk, 1200 15th.
Starling E F (& Mrs), jeweler and watch
maker, 1200 15th.
Starling F E (& Mrs), carp, 1931 Ohio av.
Starling Walter, meat cutter, 1206 15th.
Starr Benj (& Mrs), motorman, 1119 15th.
Starr Frank ■(& Mrs), painter, 1614 Cove-".
Starr Frederick, painter. 1014 Covert.
Starr Richard (& Mrs), painter and conir,
1014 Covert <W Va 1598).
Starwalt E J (& Mrs), druggist, 30 8th (,\V
Va 1426).
State Journal The (daily and weekly). 320
Juliana (W Va 202-1), State Journal Co
publishers (Republican).
Staunton Lena, clerk, 525 Juliana.
Stealey B F, 822 Lynn I \V Va 1233).
Stealey Elie, 1012 Murdoch av.
Stealey Jacob, photographer, 1602 19th (W
Va 909).
Stealey Kate, 1012 Murdoch av.
Stealey Perry H (& Mrs), 842 St James Gt.
Stealey Thomas (& Mrs), 1109 George.
Stealey Thomas (& Mrs), judge, 1012 Mur-
doch av.
Stealey Wm M (& Mrs), merchant, 1018
George (W Va 1158).'
Stealey Wm M. merchant, 1119-1421 St
Marys av <W Va 196).
Stealey W M, photographer, 1002 19th.
Si* a' n Jacob, 322 4th.
Stebbins Mary A Mrs, 210 Sth.
Stee Carrie, 1400 Garfield av.
Steed C E (& Mrs), fireman, 39 19th.
Steed H M ,& Mrs), 1306 Staunton av.
Steele Annie Mrs, 5001-2 0th.
Steele Oscar, 500 1-2 0th.
Steffey W (& Mrs), engineer, 309 11th.
Stern Bros, clothing, 123 Market.
Sterling Paint & Glass Co, mi 40 Citizens •
National Bank Bldg.
Stiler Oscar (& Mrs), carpet layer, Brad-
ley av.
Steurer Algie E, clerk, 1100 Swarm.
Steurer George J (& Mrs), telegraph, 1100
Stephens Anna, 1004 7th.
Stephens A, secy Parkersburg Supply &
Plumbing Co, cor 10th and Juliana.
Stephens Bertha, 524 Lubeck av.
Stephens C A Mrs, 1224 Murdoch av.
Stephens Caroline, 1019 Ann.
Stephens Carrie, 116 Sth.
Stephens Carroll C <& Mis), 2430 Dudley av.
Stephens Carroll, 1214 19th.
Stephens Chas P (& Mrs), 810 1-2 7th,
Stephens Charles R (& Mrs), fireman, 1015
George (W Va 1210).
Stephens Charles (& Mrs), carp, Almeda.
Stephens Claire, 10i9 Ann.
Stephens E L, clerk, 116 8th (W Va 1G33).
Stephens ustelle, clerk, 621 Market.
Stephens Garnet G, tailoress, 201 Lincoln av.
Stephens G W (& Mrs), lab, 1316 Staunton.
Stephens Harry, teamster, 611 Harris.
Stephens Hattie, 120 Williams Court a'.
Stephens Herman C, bell boy, 1202 Swann.
Stephens Irvin, mail carrier, loll Cornwall
Place. i
Stephens J B (& Mrs), lab, 524 Lubeck av.
Stephens J M, driver, 113 4th.
Stephens John F (& Mrs), 1 Water.
Stephens John (& Mrs), gen rugr Parkers-
burg Iron & Steel Co, office Beech wood (W
Va 1099), h 1019 Ann (W Va 266).
Stephens Joseph C (& Mrs), engineer, 201
Lincoln av. I
Stephens Mary Louise, stengphr, 1015 George
Stephens Mattie, nurse, 116 Sth.
Stephens Maude, 1019 Ann.
Stephens Minnie, 1316 Staunton av.
Stephens Monroe, S Parkersburg.
Stephens Monroe, 108 4th.
Stephens Nanny, roomers, 108 4th.
Stephens Olive Mrs, 218 1-2 Market.
Stephens T A (& Mrs), trav salesman, 142
Terrace av. ,'
Stephens Thomas, 1316 Staunton av.
Stephens T .1 (& Mrs), farmer, Logans av.
Stephens W H, teacher, Logans av.
Stephens William, laborer, 1316 Staunton av.
Stephens Win, shipping clerk, 1019 Ann.
Stephens W L (& Mrs), carpenter, 1929 Mur-
doch av.
Stephens W L (& Mrs), 803 Lubeck av.
Stephens W M (& Mrs), 1202 Swann.
Stephens William P (& Mrs), lineman,
1004 1-2 7th (W Va 1377).
Stephenson A M. 1414 7th tW Va 14S7).
Stephenson Charles, clerk, 1313 Spring.
Stephenson Daisy, stenographer. 1414 7th.
Stephenson E G, 1131 7th (W Va 1039).
Stephenson Kenner B, 1414 7th.
Stephenson Mildred. 1414 7th.
Stephenson Monica, 1131 7th.
Stephenson Wm T (& Mrs), mgr Pksburg
Paint Store, 1313 Spring.
Steptoe Mary, 502 Ann.
Sterling Ida Mrs, 1220 19th.
Stern Bros, clothiers, 423-425 Market (W
Va 1201).
Stem Joseph, clothing, 1217 Market.
Stevens C E (& Mrs), Nicelyville.
Stevens David, 641 6th.
Stevens Louis, bill clerk, George.
Stevens O C (& Mrs), painter, 641 Gth.
Stevens W P (& Mrs), engineer, 1717 Spring
Stevenson Ethel, 551 6th.
Stevenson J E Mrs, boarding, 551 6th.
Stevenson Orlando (& Mrs), bkkpr, 1040 Ju-
liana (W Va 1270.)
Steward Sarah, 907 Clay.
Stewart Virginia, teacher, 502 4th.
Stewart Alice M, Vienna.
Stewart Andrew, barber, 912 Clay.
Stewart Ben, 402 Green.
Stewart B F Jr, civil engineer, 502 4th (W
Va 303).
Stewart Carl M, student, 1106 19th.
Stewart C G, driller, 321 Sth.
Stewart Elizabeth, 912 Clay.
Stewart Ethel, 803 Green.
Stewart Etta, 1807 Spring.
Stewart Florence, 30 12th.
Stewart Friendship, laborer, Stand Oil Co.
Stewart Geo (& Mrs), driver, 37 6th.
Stewart H B (& Mrs), grocer, 17th.
Stewart Helen E. 1807 Spring.
Stewart Henry, 1106 Gould av (W Va 1548).
Stewart James (& Mrs), Vienna.
Stewart J W (& Mrs), oil prodr, 1209 Mur-
doch av (W Va 724).
Stewart Lettie J. bookkeeper, 1106 19th.
Stewart Loren (oc Mrs), laborer, Lincoln av
(W Va 1507-1).
Stewart M H Mrs, 1807 Spring.
Stewart Milt (& Mrs), 563 6th.
Stewart Pauline, 1807 Spring.
Stewart Robert (& Mrs), florist, Terrapin
Stewart T W (& Mrs), secy Y M C A, 1614
Stewart W A (& Mrs), tel opr, 820 17th.
Stewart W A (& Mrs), 807 17th.
Stewart W H (& Mrs), trav salesman, Grace,
Stewart Wm, 422 Ann.
Steyer Lucy, 812 Race.
Steyner E R, 130 1-2 3d.
Sticha Anna, clerk, 817 Ann.
Steinbeck Addie Mrs, 1067 Avery.
Stienspring John (& Mrs), 540 Marietta av.
Stiles Bros, oil prodr, 519 Juliana (W Va 80).
Stiles A M, vice pres Stiles Foundry and
Supply Co, 519 Juliana.
, '^a.t-^,1 n« ii.mjwwi
Stern Brothers
W. Va. Phone 1201
Bell Phone 143
The largest and best equipped Men's and Boys'
Outfitting Store in West Virginia
Men's and Boys' Clothes, Hats, Shoes and Furnishings,
of the most dependable sort. The assortments are at all
times large and varied and absolutely correct in style.
Our merchandise is all moderately priced. Have but one
plain marked price and that is uniformly the lowest. Many
of the best makers of fine, select goods, confine their
product to us in this market — namely : The Stein-Bloch
Co., Distinctive Clothes for Men; The Manhattan Shirts;
Dent's and Meyer's Gloves ; Youman's and Stetson's Hats ;
Regal Shoes ; Mendel's Wardrobe Trunks ; Horn's Neck-
wear, and many other renowned makers.
423^425 Market Street
Parkersburg, W. Va.
Stiles Foundry & Supply Co, 100 1st (W Va
Stiles Robert <!, 519 Juliana.
Stiles S B (& Mis), lumber dealer, L351 Mar-
ket (W Va 154).
Stille Anna, 08 18th.
Stille James, G8 18th.
Stille Maggie, C8 18th.
Stille Samuel, G8 18th.
Stille W S, physician ( \V Va 711), 328 Gth,
h Ills 24th (YV Va 937).
StingeJ Matard, 223 Atlantic av.
Stoetzer Emma, G09 13th (W Va 1048-2).
Stoetzer Mabel, 129 Division.
Stoetzer Robt (& Mrs), barber, 429 Division.
Stoetzer Bird.
Stonaker Jennie, clerk, 817 William.
Stone Camilla, 1704 Covert.
Stone Carrie, 1704 Covert.
Stone Catherine, Rosemar.
Stone Hannah, 1704 Covert.
Stone L A, butcher, 1704 Covert.
Stone Marvin R, physician, Rosemar.
Stone Mildred, 1704 Covert.
Stone Samuel S, Rosemar.
Stone Victoria C Mrs, Rosemar (W Va
Stone Win, laborer, Standard Oil Co.
Stone Quarry, 007 7th.
Stoops Ford H C, catcher, 247 Blennerhas-
sett av.
Stoops Prances J, 247 Bleuuerhassett a v.
Stork Clara C, 917 13th.
Story Henry, 552 Marietta av.
Stout Benj D (& Mrs), 8 Park Place (W
Va S83).
Stout B F, lawyer, 1729 Spring.
Stout Geo (& Mrs), electrician, 1233 Mur-
doch av (YV Va 1339).
Stout Grace Mrs, 222 1-2 Juliana (W Va
Stout H B, physician, 000 1-2 Market (W
Va 124), h 1130 Market (W Va 1138).
Stout H L, secy Hudson Oil Co, 1719 Spring
(W Va 1272). '
Stout J I,, 101)7 Murdoch av ( YV Va 1321).
Stout Mary, 812 Race.
Si nut .Maud, 1729 Spring.
StOUl 0 .1 & Co (O J Stout, C A Neptune),
pharmacists, 000 Market (YV Va 140).
Stout O .1, 8 Park Place.
Stout Porter R. railroader,1102 E 12th.
Stout S J Mrs, 1729 Spring.
Stout S W, lineman/1729 Spring (YV Va 664),
Stout W A (& Mrs), brakeman, Dudley rd.
Stout Walter E (& Mrs), county clerk Wood
Co, Court House, h 1345 Market (W Va 101)
Stout W G, 1314 Juliana (W Va 10G9).
Stout W M Mrs, S07 Virginia av.
Stoyle Nellie Mrs, 315 1-2 5th (W Va 1S97).
Straley Carl, 906 Charles.
Straley Geo W (& Mrs), trav salesman, 906
Charles. >
Straus W M, real estate, 212 1-2 4th (W Va
801'. h 134:1 Market (W Va 1280*.
Stribbens Percy, asst tester Standard Oil Co.
Stroud Annie Mrs, 223 19th.
Strehli Chas (& Mts), cutter, 315 9 1-2.
Stretton Bertron S (& Mrs), 415 13th.
Stiibbling Cora, 009 Marietta av.
Stribbling P W (& Mis), pumper, 1323
• Staunton av.
Strickler John, laborer, Lincoln av.
Strickler Thos G, Chancellor Hdw Co, h
String Abbie, 260 W 10th.
String Alfred C, 200 W 10th (W Va 1070).
String A J (& Mrs), lumber dealer, 2G0 10lh.
Stroehmann Arthur C, mach, 80G Main.
Stroehmann C Mrs, 806 Main.
Stroehmann Milton W, mach, 806 Main.
Strong G W, prop Congleton, Boso & Strong,
239 Court sq, h 538 5th.
Strother George (& Mrs), 823 Green.
Strouse Flora.
Strouss H M (& Mrs), 1016 Markei.
Strubbe E H (& Mrs), 414 Green (W Va
Stukey M Mrs, 718 Juliana.
Stukey F M (& Mrs), laborer, 125 Bradley av
Stukey G, laborer, 125 Bradley av.
Stukey Harriet, 112 4th.
Stukey J E (& Mrs), clerk, 119 Bradley av.
Stukey Lulu, 125 Bradley av.
Stump Howard, laborer, Bradley av.
Stump J S (& Mrs), district secy American
Baptist Home Mission Socy, h 1705 17th.
Sturgeon C E, laborer, cor 19th and Keever.
Sturgeon Jacob (& Mrs), cor Keever and
Suck G E (& Mrs), secy and treas Brady
Construction and Engineering Co, h 2008
Dudley av (W Va 1824).
Suesey Ben (& Mrs), 306 Lubeck a\.
Summer-field Wm (& Mrs), carp, 1215 La-
Summers A H (& Mrs), Foleys Lane.
Summers Ernest (& Mrs), mail carrier, Fo-
leys Lane.
Summers M A Rev, 2004 Dudley av ( YV
Va 4ul).
Summers Wm F [& Mrs), plasterer, 2523
Grand av.
Summerville Clarence, laborer, Bull Creek rd
Sunimerville Clyde, 2410 Dudley av.
Summerville F (& Mrs), carp, 2410 Dudley.
Summerville H B, steel wkr, Sand Plains.
Summerville Herbert, laborer, Bull Creek rd.
Sumner School. Avery bet 10th and 11th.
Surprise Sore, 527 Market (W Va 203).
Sutherland J W <& Mrs), oil well driller,
1813 17th.
Stiles Foundry & Supply Company
High Grade Castings
Well Equipped Machine Shop
Only Complete Stocks in Radius of 100 Miles
Mill Supplies, Mine Supplies, Oil Well Supplies, Builders and Contractors Supplies
Machinery of all kinds
Structural Material
Only firm retailing the Celebrated Pure Natural West Virginia
Lubricating Oil (Zero Brand > from Well to Bearing without
Adulteration or other Machinery Destroying Treatments that are
common to manufactured oils.
Office: 519 Juliana Street. W. Va. Phone 80. Bell 319-J
Foundry and Warehouse: First and Market Streets. W. Va. Phone 648. Bell 299-J
' \ \ 9
^ .- •~'-\V.
L'tlMglTl'' V 7
■a| fjjU^JjHHJMMflp
Residence of Col. W. N. Chancellor, Juliana Street, Parkersburg.
Sutherland M D (& Mrs), 1813 17th.
Sutherland Oliver (& Mrs), rig builder, 1808
Sutton A M (& Mrs l. carp. Bull Creek id.
Sutton J P (& Mrs), Lumberman, 121 W 12th
(W Va 904).
Suit cm Percy. 121 6th.
-Sutton W C (& Mrs), merchant, 1630 19th.
Sutton W C (& Mrs), carp, West Virginia av
Swain Harry, 316 5th, h 220 1-2 6th.
Swain J S (& Mrs), carp. 140 Terrace av.
Swain T J, engineer. Standard Oil Co.
Swan Allen C, 712 13th.
Swan E W (& Mrs), commission merchant,
1110 William. |
Swan & Sanborn, wholesale produce, 207
Ann (W Va 179:'. I.
Swartz Albert N (& Mrs), 1012 17th.
Swartz, 402 4th.
Swearingen C A (& Mis), pies Chancellor
Hdw Co, h Beechwood.
Swearingen C A, agt New York Lite Ins Co,
517 1-2 Market (W Va 49).
Swearinger Chas (& Mrs), clerk, N Pksburg.
Swearinger Dean, student, N Parkersburg.
Swearinger, student, N Parkersburg.
Sweeney A C (& Mrs), farmer, Grand Cen-
tral av, Vienna.
Sweezey David (& Mrs), lab, 1333 St Marys.
Sweezey Edward, plumber, 222 Market.
Sweezey Everett. 104 4th.
Sweezey Geo (& Mrs), 805 Lubeck av.
Sweisher Gladys, 115 Market.
Swift Harry (& Mrs), trav salesman, 1029
Laird av (W Va 1413).
Swisher Ada, 814 Market.
Sykes David G <& Mrs), lab. 1332 5th av.
Sykes Gertrude, Lauckport.
Sykes R S (& Mrs), laborer, 111 F av.
Tabb E P, clerk, 1207 Juliana.
'iabb .lames N. bookkeeper, 814 Ann.
Tabb J B (& Mrs), trav salesman, 814 Ann
(W Va 884).
Tabb Juliette, 814 Ann.
Tabard Inn Library, 705-707 Market.
Tabler D C (& Mrs), supt city schools, 1114
24th (W Va 1175).
Taft John tx & Bro, dry goods, 404-406 Mar-
ket (W Va 5G7).
Taggart G W .(& Mrs), 1343 Avery.
Taggart W A {& Mrs), lab, Bull Creek rd.
Taitt Dora, 114 12ta.
Tait W F (& Mrs), 1038 Murdoch av (W
Va 12S2).
Tail W M (& Mrs) (Patterson & Tait), h
Findlay, O.
Talbott A R (& Mrs), lab, Tavennerville.
Talbott L D, music teacher, 322 7th.
Talifer Alice, 812 Race, i
Tallman Gray, 430 Division.
Tallmau J M (& Mrs), contractor, 430 Divi-
Tallman 01 to. clerk. 430 Division.
Tallman Silas B (& Mrs), dairyman, Pop-
lar, Redwood.
Tate John (& Mrs), elevator man, 1327 La-
Tate Ina, 1327 Latrobe (W Va 1474).
Tavern Hotel & Cafe (J J McNerney prop),
211 Market (W Va 309).
Tavenner Bess, student, 1308 Juliana.
Tavenner Iiettie, 1122 Avery.
Tavenner B F (& Mrs), trucker, 822 Divi-
Tavenner Ella Lynne, Old Tavenner Home-
Tavenner G W (& Mrs), insurance, 1120
Tavenner H W (& Mrs), asst supt Standard
Oil Co, 1308 Juliana (W Va 1357).
Tavenner James V, farmer, Old Tavenner
Tavenner Jessie, 822 Division.
Tavenner John M, news dealer, 407 Gth (W
Va 1124).
Tavenner Hon Lewis N, lawyer, 15-17 Citi-
zens Bank Bldg (W Va 1080), "h Warth-
moore (W Va 3232-D).
Tavenner Lucy, 1215 Murdoch av.
Tavenner Mary C, teacher, 414 7th.
Tavenner Mary S, student, Old Tavenner
Tavenner Nettie, seamstress, 822 Division.
Tavenner Ray, meat cutter, 605 Market.
Tavennerville School, Ash near Locust.
Taylor A A (& Mrs), machinist, West Vir-
ginia av.
Taylor A (& Mrs), brakeman, 1016 Virginia
av (W Va 1303).
Taylor Addie, 402 Green.
Taylor Addison, 1828 E 17th.
Taylor Allie, 2106 Latrobe (W Va 1547-1).
Taylor Alice J, student, 1612 Latrobe.
Taylor A M (& Mrs), 639 Bird.
Taylor Andrew, laborer, Bull Creek rd.
Taylor Anna E, 413 Ann.
Taylor Anthony (& Mrs), lab, 1607 Beaver.
Taylor Atwell (& Mrs), 1828 E 17th.
Taylor Belle, 1210 15th.
Taylor Bernie, 412 Ann.
Taylor Blanche, clerk, 1619 Beaver.
Taylor Calvin (& Mrs), candies, 810 Clay.
Taylor Chas, steel wkr. Bull Creek rd.
Taylor Chas T, 402 Green.
Taylor Clara, 1411 St Marys av.
Taylor Clarence, cooper, 647 Depot..
Taylor Cleve, 1619 Beaver.
Taylor Clyde (& Mrs), painter, 1010 17th.
Taylor David, pool and billiards, 203 Market
(W Va 1559).
Taylor Dennis (& Mrs), patrolman, 1619
Taylor E A (& Mrs), steel worker, 545 4th.
Taylor E C Mrs, stengphr, 405-406 Union
Trust Bldg, h 511 13 1-2.
Taylor Edward, steel worker, 614 17th.
Taylor Elias (.& Mrs), teamster, 1612 La-
Taylor Estelle, 1828 E 17th.
Taylor Fannie, Bull Creek rd.
Taylor Frank (& Mrs), 817 16th.
Taylor Geo W (& Mrs), bricklayer, 1411 St
Marys av.
Taylor Gertrude M, Club Grounds, Midway.
Taylor Grace, linotype opr, Dispatch-News,
'502 Market.
Taylor Hannah Mrs, Bull Creek rd.
Taylor Harry (& Mrs), engineer, 113 4th.
Taylor Henry, cooper, 647 Depot.
Taylor Irene, 402 Green.
Taylor James, liveryman. 614 17th.
Taylor J F (& Mrs), engineer, 1806 Spring.
Taylor J M (& Mrs), Bull Creek rd (W Va
Taylor J W (& Mrs), carp, 1331 Dilloway.
Taylor Levi L, collector, N Parkersburg.
Taylor Lottie B, 905 Ann.
Taylor Mabel E, 402 Green.
Taylor Marel, 312 1-2 3d.
Taylor Mary Mrs, 411 8th.
Taylor Mildred L, 1607 Beaver.
Taylor Moss, plumber, 402 Green.
Taylor Nina Mrs, 802 Avery.
Taylor Paul E, bell boy. Club Grounds, Mid-
Taylor Pearle V, laborer, 1607 Beaver.
Taylor R B, grocer, 242 Court sq (W Va
197), h 918# Market (W Va 523).
Taylor R R,*412 Ann.
Taylor R S (& Mrs), farmer, 412 Ann.
Taylor Rosana Mrs, 2106 Latrobe.
Taylor Roy H, lumber, 1016 Virginia av.
Taylor Roy, feed, 412 Ann.
Taylor Reuben, e'ectrician, 402 Green.
Taylor Sarah A Mrs, 1517 21st.
Taylor S J (& Mrs), lumber, 1046 Laird a/.
Taylor Theodore (& Mrs), 905 Ann.
Taylor Thos (& Mrs), cab drivr, 1019 Swann
Taylor Walter, bookkeeper, 1612 Latrobe.
Taylor Wm (& Mrs), liveryman, 614 17th.
Taylor Wm (& Mrs), cooper, 647 Depot.
Taylor Will, 213 4th.
Taylor Winifred, 1016 Virginia av.
Taylor Zachariah T (& Mrs), contr and
carp, Club Grounds, Midway.
Tefft Henry, grocery, 1321 Lubeck av (W
Va 120).
Tefft John (& Mrs), molder, 1325 Lubeck av.
Tefft John, mach, 1325 Lubeck av.
Tefft Morris, S Side (W Va 3232-1! ).
Telephone Building, 314 5th.
Temple B H (& Mrs), 1036 Juliana (W Va
Tennant Celia Mrs, 320 8th.
Tennant Erman, clerk, 320 8th.
Terel Chas (& Mrs), teamster, 1218 Quincy.
Terrapin Park, Dudleyville (W Va 928).
Terry Thomas, 810 1-2 7th.
Terry W H (& Mrs), lawyer, 417 11th.
Teter Benj, laborer, 1111 Lynn.
Teter Emma V, seamstress, 1133 Swann.
Teter Jester G (te Mrs), 815 15th.
Teter John, laborer, 1111 Lynn.
Teter John W, saw filer, 1133 Swann.
Teter May, 1111 Lynn.
Teter May. 1133 Swann.
Thayer A L (& Mrs), postal elk, 1332 Avery
(W Va 1130).
The Opera House Block, Market Street, Parkersburg.
Tbalhemer May. 61 1 Juliana.
Theis Carl, tel opr, 910 Laverne.
Theis Chas (& Mrs), shoemkr, 910 Laverne.
Theis G P (& Mrs), L06 William.
Theis Geo (& Mrs), driver, 106 William.
Tli. 'is Henry (& Mrs), 1006 Lynn.
Theis John J, tel opr, 910 Laverne.
Theis W H, 1006 Lynn.
Third Street Grocer Co (Jesse Wright prop),
116 3d (W Va 393).
Thirteenth Street School, cor 13th and
Avery (W Va 1540).
Thorn C H, railroader, 226 Ann.
Thomas B, 28 6th.
Thomas Cassie, 221 2d.
Thomas J, 1715 Staunton av.
Thomas Lucy, Luheck av.
Thomas Matthew S (& Mrs), carpenter, 815
Thomas O J, railroader, 329 Avery.
Thomas Robert M, 815 Swann.
Thomas R H (& Mrs). Justice of the Peace,
office Court House (W Va 412), h 130 bin
(W Va C44).
Thomas Wm B, laborer, 815 Swann.
Thompson A T (& Mrs), lab, 1101 Lubeck av
Thompson A J Mrs, G28 Camden.
Thompson A N. 1301 Market.
Thompson Catherine Mrs, 14j8 Covert.
Thompson Cora, clerk, 628 Camden.
Thompson Frances, 403 7th.
Thompson Frank (& Mrs), lab, 120S 14th.
Thompson Geo W Jr, 403 7th.
Thompson Geo W Mrs, 403 7th (W Va 951).
Thompson J K, engineer, 1301 Market.
Thompson JR (& Mrs), broker, 615 1-2 Mar-
ket (W Va 808).
Thompson J T (& Mrs), trav salesman, 1301
Market (W Va 4611.
Thompson J W (& Mrs), watchman, Taven-
Thompson J W, 628 Camden.
Thompson Mary, tailoress, 646 Mark.
Thompson M C, 1301 Market.
Thompson R (& Mrs), laborer, 1137 Latrobe.
Thompson R T (& Mrs), porter, B 12 al.
Thompson Sophia Mis, 111 Bradley av.
Thompson Stella Mrs, 432 13th.
Thompson W A, salesman, S Side.
Thompson Winifred, 831 14th. \
Thompson Zack (& Mrs), 831 14th.
Thorp Carrie, stenographer, 114 7th.
Thornburg G A (& Mrs), caller, 812 Oak al.
Thornton B A, laborer, 643 Harris.
Thornton E E, carpenter, 1516 20th.
Thornton Eva, seamstress, 1929 Garfield av.
Thornton Geo (& Mrs), foreman Pksburg
Furniture Co, 510 1-2 Market.
Thornton G B (& Mrs), steel wkr, 1929 Gar-
field av.
Thornton John, steel wkr, 1929 Garfield av.
Thornton Lillie, 1929 Garfield av.
Thornton Odessa M, 1516 20th.
Tibbs Sophia Mrs, 117 9th.
Tibbens Elmer, 326 Lubeck av.
Tice F P (& Mrs), carpenter, cor Dickel av
and Pine.
Tice Sanford (& Mrs), 1504 Gould av.
Tichner G E, clerk, 322 7th.
Tichnell Samuel, grocer, 1023 Main.
Tidd Myra Mrs, 1213 Lynn.
Tierney W H (& Mrs), bartender, 1620
Avery (W Va 866).
Tiffany Lynn (& Mrs), clerk, Savage Flats,
3d floor.
Tighe Martin J (& Mrs), engineer, 813 Jean-
Timms Anna, stenogrpaher, 315 11th.
Tilten Bessie, 312 1-2 3d.
Timms Harry, stenographer, 509 Ann.
Timms John D (& Mrs), trav salesman, 1812
Spring (W Va 1687-2).
Timms John, stenographer, 1812 Spring.
Timms J R (& Mrs), 1700 17th.
Timms W H, stenographer, 509 Ann.
Timmons Henry (& Mrs), 1616 Lee.
Timmons Henry, shoe shop, 306 3d.
Timmons Walter (& Mrs), conductor, 1925
Tinney Edward, 34 5th.
Tinney Mary, 34 5th.
Tippens J G (& Mrs), stenographer, US
Tippens L C (& Mrs), car repairer, 326 Lu-
beck av.
Tippens Rossie, student, 326 Lubeck av.
Titchener George, 1330 Market.
Todd Arch (& Mrs), laborer, 553 4th.
Tolles Brick Co, 16th and Sidney (W Va
Tolles Orie O, dentist, 712 1-2 Market (W
Va 845).
Toller Joe, 552 Marietta av.
Tolsen Jenny, Murdoch av ext.
Tolwell Virginia Mrs, 1012 E 12th.
Tomer Dale, heater, 146 Blennerhassett av.
Tomer Gordon Roy, rougher, 146 Blenner-
hassett av.
Tomer L J (& Mrs), roller, 146 Blennerhas-
sett av.
Tonge James Mrs, 512 13 1-2.
Toney Wm (& Mrs), pastor Zion Baptist
Church, 403 8th.
Tonge J W (& Mrs), baker, 512 13 1-2.
Tonkin Wade (& Mrs), mgr Mt State Gas
Co, h 1054 Market (W Va 735).
Toole Arthur W, baggage master, 1438 20tn.
Toole Thos T (& Mrs), bartender, 1438 20th.
Toothman C E (& Mrs), sexton I O O F
Cemetery, 1919 Avery.
Toothman Charles, bookkeeper, 40S 4th.
Torrence Blanche, clerk, 601 Harris.
Torrence J W, grocer, 601 Harris (W Va
Towles J E Mrs, seamstress, Johnston av.
Townsend E E (& Mrs), paper hanger, 575
5th (W Va 1686).
Townsend Frank, supt W Va Door Co, h
Savage Flats, 13th.
Townsend John, student, 837 Jeannette.
Townsend Maud, 837 Jeannette.
Townsend P A (& Mrs), laborer, 837 Jean-
Townsell J C (& Mrs), oil well contr, 112(5
Avery (W Va 1519-1).
Townsell Nell, 1126 Avery.
Townsell P J {& Mrs), oil well contr. ,513
E 10th.
Tracewell Amanda Mrs, 411 11th.
Tracewell Anna, dressmaker, 312 13th.
Tracewell Bessie, 1419 Covert.
Tracewell Block, 212-214 3d.
Tracewell Cecil, reporter, 1717 Park.
Tracewell C E, real estate, 5 Tracewell Blk.
Tracewell Florence, 312 13th.
Tracewell Helen, 1419 Covert.
Tracewell Joseph E (& Mrs), grocer, 1717
Park (W Va 1898).
Tracewell Leona, teacher, 312 13th.
Tracewell Mary Mrs, 312 13th.
Tracewell Robert G, butcher, 312 13th (W
Va 1089).
Tracewell W E (& Mrs), cabinetmkr, 1419
Tracewell W S (& Mrs), real estate, 545 6th.
Tracewell Wm, tile setter, 314 5th.
Traders Building Association of Parkera-
burg W Va, City Bldg (W Va 37).
Trader Ora, clerk, 727 1-2 7th.
Trainer Charles, 1817 Covert (W Va 945).
Trainer James (& Mrs), 1323 Cornwall.
Trainor John A (& Mrs), 1019 14th (W
Va 54).
Trough C V (cfeMrs), brakeman, 133 Divi-
Travis M L (& Mrs), real estate, 1814 Spring.
Treadway Sarah Mrs, 612 George.
Treadway S V, 229 20th.
Treadway Sherman, laborer, 612 George.
Tredway Frank C, 528 4th (W Va 1109-1).
Tredway Guy (& Mrs), lumber inspector,
916 14th.
Tredway Lewis (& Mrs), laborer, 528 4th.
Tredway M (&Mrs), 2003 Garfield av.
Tregolia Anna, 335 3d.
Tregolia Charles, 335 3d.
Tregolia George, 335 3d.
Tregolia's Hotel, 335 3d.
Tregolia James, 335 3d.
Tregolia Julia, 335 3d.
Tregolia Paul, hotel, 335 3d.
Treston W H (& Mrs), bartender, GOT Harris.
Trevor Florence, 1034 Juliana.
Trevor Wm M (& Mrs), 1034 Juliana (W Va
Trimble Woodbridge (& Mrs), conductor,
1113 George.
Trinity Hall, s side 5th bet Market and Ju-
Tripp R E, 10G7 Avery (W Va G53-:,.
Triplett J P, oil producer, 415 Green.
Triplett Nora, clerk, 1025 Swann.
Triplett Win M (& Mrs), 1025 Swann (W
Va 421).
Trisser John (& Mrs), boilermaker, 1310
Staunton av.
Trissler Henry A (& Mrs), 812 Wood (W
Va 1437).
Trissler Jas H (& Mrs), lineman, 1705 Lynn
(W Va 383).
Trissler Lulu, bookkeeper, 812 Wood.
Trissler Thos (& Mrs), 112 Tiers, S Side.
Truman F M (& Mrs), laborer, 408 4th (W
Va 459).
Truman Rose Mrs, boarding, 408 4th.
Truslow W F (& Mrs), real estate and no-
tary, 324 Lubeck av.
Tu.k A F (& Mrs), barber, 405 1-2 Gth, h
129 7th.
Tucker Arthur, 552 Marietta av.
Tucker Clarence (& Mrs), foreman oil well
supply, Tavennerville.
Tucker D W (& Mrs), machinist, 1G15 Spring
Tucker Earl, driver, 823 7th.
Tucker Edwin, physician, 1719 Oak.
Tucker Elizabeth Mrs, 218 1-2 4th.
Tucker Flora, 1006 Avery.
Tucker Frank, planer, 837 Mary.
Tucker Geo H (& Mrs), 1112 Latrobe.
Tucker Inez, 1G15 Spring.
Tucker Irvin (& Mrs), trav salesman, G18
Tucker Jas K (& Mrs), laborer, 1113 La-
Tucker Jas W (& Mrs), trav salesman, Vi-
enna av, Vienna.
Tucker John (& Mrs), porter, 28 Gth.
Tucker John (& Mrs), laborer, 811 Grafton.
Tucker Lillie E, 618 George.
Tucker Lizzie Sheffers Mrs, 208 7th.
Tucker Mary, 925 Avery.
Tucker Mattie, 1006 Avery.
Tucker Nellie, 100G Avery.
Tucker Ora, 1719 Oak.
Tucker Perry C (& Mrs), 1719 Oak.
Tucker R C (& Mrs), trav salesman, 1006
Tucker Roy H, collector, G18 George.
Tucker S A, 311 5th.
Tucker Wm E, delivery, 811 Grafton.
Tully Dan, clerk, 525 Market (W Va Hi:.).
Turk John (& Mrs), clerk, 1138 24th.
Turley Chas (& Mis), motorman, 1403 19th.
Turner Angre Mrs, 3 Almeda.
Turner Bertha, 1103 Murdoch av.
Turner B F <& Mrs), head janitor Union
Trust Bldg, 2G Ohio av.
Tinner C H Plumbing Co, 308-310 Juliana
(W Va 334-1).
Turner Chas H, plumbing, 1103 Murdoch av
(W Va 96).
Turner Cora, 1103 Murdoch av.
Turner Daisy, 1312 Avery.
Turner David F, Park Place.
Turner D H, merchant, 3 Almeda.
Turner D P (& Mrs), dentist, 5061-2 Mar-
ket (W Va 77), h 40 8th.
Turner E C, clerk, 2521 Murdoch av.
Turner George H, 1103 Murdoch av.
Turner H D, grocer, Dudley rd.
Turner John R (& Mrs), plasterer, 123
Spencer av.
Turner Jos D (& Mrs), 1705 Latrobe.
Turner Smith D (& Mrs), lawyer, rm 10-4.!
Citizens Bank Bldg (W Va 213), h Wash-
ington av (W Va 1051).
Tyce Nettie, 117 Williams Court al.
Tyler Ella Mrs, G04 George.
Tyler & Davis (R M Tyler, N E Davis), talk-
ing machines, 223 7th (W Va 1242).
Tyler Roy W (&Mrs), 1427 Washington av.
Tyson Marion (& Mrs), conductor, 1025
Uhl Carrye V, bookkeeper, 1340 Covert.
Uhl Clark (& Mrs), farmer, Pleasant av.
Uhl Eva, stenographer, Vienna.
Uhl Grantville (& Mrs), carp, 1344 Covert.
Uhl Mary Mrs, 1340 Covert.
Uhl Wm (& Mrs), molder, Walker, Milroy.
Ullom L H (& Mrs), printer, Redwood.
Ulrich O, timekeeper, 404 4th.
Umensetter D (& Mrs), blksmith, 115 B av.
Underhill Theo B (& Mrs), insurance. 1421
22d (W Va 178G).
Ungar Freda, 217 1-2 7th.
Ungar Elias (& Mrs), ladies tailor, 217 i-2
7th (W Va 1258).
Union Pressing Co, 233 Gth (W Va 782).
Union Trust Building, n e cor 7th and Mai-
Interior View of
The U. S. Grocery Company
H. D. Turner, Prop. F. B. Rutter, Mgr.
Staple and Fancy Groceries Produce, Mill Feed, Hay and Straw
Fresh and Smoked Meats We also carry Furnishing Goods, Granite and Tinware
(W. Va. Phone 90)
Union Trust & Deposit Co (J N Camden
pres, Sprigg D Camden vice pres, Wilbur
E Davis secy and treas), n e cor 7th and
Market (W Va 1125).
United Woolen Mills Co The (W A Hersch
prop), 317 Market (W Va 1001).
Upham Gas Co The (D A Upham pres, J E
Houke secy and treas), G0G-G07 Union
Trust Bldg.
Upham David (& Mrs), oil producers, 10U
Ann (W Va 1653).
Upham James A, student, 1011 Ann.
Upham Lucy K, 1011 Ann.
Upham, Rolston & Johnson, Union Trust
Bldg (W Va 1192).
Upson Chas N (& Mrs), vice pres Parkers-
burg Soap Co, Ml 14th.
Upson Leonard, clerk, 901 14th.
Upson Nora C, 901 14th.
Upson Norton L (& Mrs). 400 Green.
Upton Clyde B, bookkeeper, 1019 George.
Upton Henry S, 1019 George.
Upton Wm H (& Mrs), carp, 1019 George.
U S Circuit Court, Northern District of West
Virginia, Government Bldg. Sessions be-
gin 2d Tuesday of January and 2d Tuesday
of June. Judges Fourth Judicial Circuit
Nathan Goff, Clarksburg, W Va; J C
Pritchard. District Judge, Alston G Day-
ton, Philippi, W Va. Crier, Granville
Stout, Ashville, N C. Clerk, Samuel R
Harrison, Clarksburg, W Va. Deputy
Clerk L V G Morris (W Va 7G0).
U S Commissioners for the District of West
Virginia, Dorr Casto; Referee in Bank-
ruptcy. Thomas A Brown, L V G Morris.
U S District Attorney Office, Northern Dis-
trict of West Virginia, 3d floor Govern-
ment Bldg. District Attorney, Reese Bliz-
zard; Assistant, E M Showalter, Fairmont,
W Va. Law C'erk, W S Allen (W Va
U S Engine Co (H P Boyd pres, A L Wiit
tres), office 212 4th (W Va 471).
U S Express Co, B & O Depot (W Va 370).
U S Grocery Co, Dudley and Terrawanda
av (W Va 90).
U S Internal Revenue Office, Government
Bldg. Office hours, 9 a m to 4.30 p m.
Collector, William E Glasscock; Chief
Deputy, W E White; Office Deputies, A L
Hoult, E F Ball, C H Odbert; Field Dep-
uty, C A Musgrave; Cashier, W T Heaton;
Assistant Cashier, W H Morgan; Steno-
grapher, Edith R Smoot (W Va 117).
U S Marshal's Office, Northern District of
West Virginia, rooms 7 and 8, Govern-
ment Bldg. Marshal, C D Elliott; Chief
Office Deputy. C M Shrewsbury; Office
Deputy, H M O'Bleness; Field Deputies,
A T Barrett, New Martinsville, E D Hupu,
Clarksburg, W D Brown, Martinsburg (W
Va 204).
U S Pension Medical Examiners. Meet first
and third Wednesdays at 10 a m at 529 1-2
Varley Bros. Livery Stable
Fifth Street, between Ann and Juliana, Rear of Post Office
Everything kept in a first-class Livery Stable. Fine Horses for Sale
35 Years Experience in the Livery Business
( W. Va. Phone 486)
Market. President, W J Davidson; Secre-
tary, L Frank Keever; Treasurer, W F
Clung (W Va 398).
TJ S Post Office, Juliana and 5th (W Va 451).
U S Roofing Co, works foot Lee's Hill ( W
Va 1388).
U S Weather Bureau, Government Bldg.
Office hours from 7.30 a m to 4.30 p in and
from 7.30 to 8.30 p m. Section Director, II
C Howe; Observer, H P Powell; Messenger,
Harry C Dement (W Va 142).
Usher Anna, Susquehanna av, Beechwood.
Usher Minnie, student, Susquehanna av,
Usher Thos (& Mrs), bricklayer, Susque-
hanna av.
Utterback Edgar, 661 E 8th (W Va 271).
Utterback Isa M, 661 E 8th.
Utterback John R, 661 E 8th.
Utterback Oliver, 661 E 8th.
Utterback Ray, 661 E 8th.
Valentine Ernest, driver, 903 Latrobe.
Valentine Hattie, 903 Latrobe.
Valentine Herbert, 231 3d.
Valentine J M (& Mrs), lab, 903 Latrobe.
Valentine S W (& Mrs), bricklayer, 1119
E 12th.
Valentine Violet, 903 Latrobe.
Valentine Wm M, bricklayer, 1119 E 12th.
Vance Amanda Mrs, 1207 Skirven.
Vance Harvey S, fireman, 1207 Skirven.
Vance H R (& Mrs), brakeman, 612 Stout.
Vance M E, 810 Market.
Vance Osie Mrs, 229 20th.
Vance W H (& Mrs), laborer, Beechwood.
Vance W, Murdoch av ext.
Van Camp Beulah, student, 1348 Covert.
Van Camp S C (& Mrs), trav salesman, 1318
Covert ( W Va 258).
Van Cliff B F (& Mrs), contr, 1412 Covert.
Vandervort Edna B, 1136 Market.
Vandervort J W (& Mrs), lawyer, office
202 1-2 Juliana (W Va 326), h 1136 Market
(W Va 1441).
Vandervort Margaret, 1136 Market
Vandervort Maud S, 1136 Market.
Vandivert Wm J (& Mrs), oil producer,
1509 20th.
Van Devender Beryl, 1515 23d.
Van Devender C E, 1515 23d (W Va 151).
Van Devender Frankie, 1515 23d.
Van Devender Lulu, 1515 23d.
Vanderesch Gustave (& Mrs), dyer and
cleaner, 1440 20th.
Vankirk Clara, 117 Williams Court al.
Vanmater Nora, 114 W 10th.
Van Tvyspenback Wm, 1727 Park.
Van Vlack May, tailoress, 1015 Main, S
Van Winkle Donna, teacher, 1037 Avery.
Van Winkle Jennie Mis, 1037 Avery.
Van Winkle Mary, 112 13th.
Van Winkle Rathbone Mrs, 1126 Juliana.
Van Winkle W W, lawyer, 306 Juliana (W
Va S17), h 112 13th.
Varley Brothers (Patrick and Thomas), liv-
ery and sales stable, rear of Post Office,
bet 4th and 5th (W Va 48G).
Varley Patrick, livery, 416 Ann.
Varley Thomas, livery, 416 Ann.
Varner Catherine E S, 1439 Washington av.
Varner Caroline Mrs, 1026 Quincy.
Varner Nancy, 1026 Quincy.
Varner John (& Mrs), Phelps av.
Varner J P (& Mrs), minister, 1439 Wash-
ington av (W Va 442).
Varner W W (& Mrs), cor lith and Briant.
Vaughan B P (& Mrs), lab, Johnston av.
Vaughan Chas (& Mrs), tinner, 1002 Ju-
Vaughan Dora, 1136 Lynn.
Vaughan E A (& Mrs), tinner, 2412 Vaughn.
Vaughan Geo M, tinner, 1106 Lynn.
Vaughan Herbert C (& Mrsl, teamster, 2403
Vaughn av (W Va 335-2).
Vaughan Jas E, cor 25th and Vaughn av.
Vaughan John A (& Mrs), blksmith, 1017
Vaughan Lynette J, bookkeeper, 2506 25th.
Vaughan Mabel. 2506 25th.
Vaughan Mary R Mrs, cor 25th and Vaughn.
Vaughan Mildred, tel opr, cor 25th and
Vaughan av.
Vaughan T M, engineer, Atlantic av (W
Va 1417).
Vaughan Wilburn (& Mrs), lineman, N
Parkersburg (W Va 1335).
Vaught C R ■(& Mrs), Bull Creek id.
Vernon Charles, 1131 Latrobe.
Vernon Elem (& Mrs), brakeman, 1131 La-
Via L R (& Mrs), lawyer, 205 4th (W Va
810), h 605 iu Sth.
Vierheller Carl C, oil tester, 4281-2 Market.
Vierheller Clarence, 428 1-2 Market.
Vierheller Prank A (& Mrs), car repairer,
428 1-2 Market.
Villinger V W, oil well driller, 119 7th.
Vincent Fred (& Mrs) teamster, rear 1223
Vincent Janie, rear 1223 Skirven.
Vinton Nannie, teacher, 1015 Market.
Virden W W, 1109 19th.
Virgin N T, secy and treas Pksburg Mantel,
Tile & Manufacturing Co, h 314 5th.
Virts Henrietta M, 1721 Latrobe (W Va 821).
Vogel Lewis (& Mrs), barber, 114 5th.
Vrooman Arthur N, barber, 602 Harris.
Vrooman C S (& Mrs), wood worker, 602
Vrooman F M (& Mrs), railroader, 413 4th.
Vrooman Lavina L, 602 Harris.
Vrooman Wellington (& Mrs), 1019 Juliana
(W Va 59).
Wabash Saloon (John Burns prop), cor 2d
and Juliana.
Wade Betty, 1034 Ann.
Wade C A (& Mrs), pres Parkersburg Man-
tel, Tile & Mfg Co, and prop Farmers and
Merchants Mill (W Va 138), h 1034 Ann
(W Va 857)..
Wade Jas S, lawyer, 240 1-2 Court sq (W
Va 715). h 1342 Avery |\V Va L4S0).
Wade Sallie, 1034 Ann.
Wade T S, minister. 11134 Ann.
Wade Veronica, 1034 Ann.
Wademan J H, carpenter, 1624 17th.
Wademan Mary E, teacher, 1G24 17th.
Wagel Hattie, 216 7th.
Wagenknecht A W (& Mrs), cap) police B &
O. 1031 George.
Wagman Chas (& Mrs), blksmith, 3171-2
Wagman Chas, blksmith, 317 1-2 Green.
Wagner Cora, 1114 13th.
Wagner Clyde, molder, Engine Works.
Wagner G, fireman, 321 Ann.
Wagner Harry, stengphr, 01) William.
Wagner Jas A (& Mrs), barber, 1111 13th.
Wagner J R, 1114 13th.
Wagner Karl (& Mrs), Engine Works.
Wagner Martin R (& Mrs), bricklayer. 1G17
Staunton av.
Wagner Minnie Mrs, 1710 Staunton av.
Wagner O W (& Mrs), 1027 Mary.
Wagner F. 1114 13th.
Wagner Walter. Engine Works.
Wagoner Clara, tel opr. Bird.
Wagoner G W (& Mrs), laborer, Bird.
Wait A L (& Mrs), treas U S Engine Co, S04
Jackson av (W Va 1694).
Wait Bettie, 1245 Ann.
Wait John P, treas Traders Bldg Assn, 508
Green (W Va 987).
Waldorf Cafe (A G Hoblitzell prop), 60S
Waldschmidt E (& Mrs), 521 Aver.v .
Walker Alice, 506 Avery.
Walker Benjamin F. 1417 22d.
Walker Charlotte. 107 Lubeck av.
Walker Clarence, student, 714 Wood.
Walker Clarence, 107 Lubeck.
Walker C P, clerk, 927 E 12th.
Walker Cyrus P (& Mrs), 927 E 12th.
Walker Fred S, printer. 714 Wood iW Va
Walker Georgia, student, 927 E 12th.
Walker Geo J, machinist, 714 Wood.
Walker Harry E. clerk. 17(10 St Marys av.
Walker J G (& Mrsl. 638 Mark.
Walker J L \& Mrs), physician, 1001 Vir-
ginia av.
Walker Kate E, 714 Wood.
Walker Leslie (& Mrs), fireman. 1010 7th.
Walker's Lunch Room, 121 Ann.
Walker Merril, clerk, 1005 George.
Walker Olive (& Mrs), 1005 George.
Walker Ora, stenographer, 1417 22d.
Walker Sampson, 927 E 12th.
Walker Sampson, G20 7th.
Walker Thps E (& Mrs), maeh, 714 Wood.
Walker W H (& Mrs), 50G Avery.
Walker W I (& Mrs), docks, 107 Lubeck av.
Walker W P Mis, 929 25th.
Walker Wm (& Mrs), 130 Spencer av.
Walker Wm W (& Mrs), prop Blennerl.as-
sett Hotel.
Walker Wyates M (& Mrs), trav salesman,
1029 Swann.
Wallace Charles, 311 11th.
Wallace F C, tailor, 319 Juliana.
Wallace Fred, tailor, 113 4th.
Wallace John (& Mrs), driller. 1009 Swan.i.
Wallace M E Mrs, 311 11th.
Wallace Ola E, 1009 Swann.
Wallace Percy, 1035 Ann.
Wallace Stella, 1041 Juliana.
Wallace T Harris, 1009 Swann.
Wallace Wm H, fireman, 1009 Swann.
Waller Jos F l& Mrs), eng, 1201 George.
Waller Mary 930 Lynn.
Walsh B C, dressmkr, 1317 Latrobe.
Walsh John P, engineer, 1317 Latrobe.
Walsh Maria T, 1317 Latrobe.
Walters D G (& Mrs), mail carrier, 511
Walteis Elmer (& Mrs), railroader, 7011-2
Walthers Helen, clerk, 814 Charles.
Walthers Rudolph (& Mrs), baker, 5111-2
Walthers Wm (& Mrs), gardener, 814
Walton Hattie, 218 Avery.
Walton J C, laborer, 218 Avery.
Walton Mary Mrs, 218 Avery.
Wamsley Wm (& Mrs), 162G Latrobe (W Va
Wandless Asa Lee, teamster, Agnes av.
Wandless Wm Andrew, teamster, Agnes av.
Wandless W C (& Mrs), painter, Agnes av.
Wandling Emma, stengphr, Savage Flats,
Wandling Ethel, teacher, Savage Flats, 13th.
Wandling James. Savage Flats, 13th (W Va
Ward Alice, nurse, 61)5 East.
Ward B W, student, 2411 Dudley av.
Ward Bridget, 1010 Swann.
Ward C B Mrs, 1019 Murdoch av.
Ward Charles, 526 East.
Ward Clyde S, 2411 Dudley av.
Ward Dave, 220 Lincoln av.
Ward Florence, 1727 Beaver.
Ward Frank (& Mrs), conductor, 52G East.
Ward ueorge, laborer, G05 East.
Ward George L, clerk, G20 7th (W Va 410-4).
Ward Geo T (& Mis), grocer, 020 7th < \V
Va 5C3), h 941 Swann (W Va 139G).
Ward Harry N, clerk, 941 cwann.
Ward I M (& Mrs), laborer, Atlantic av.
Ward Joe (& Mrs), bricklayer, 132 Market.
Ward Michael, blksmith, 13z Market.
Ward Patrick (& Mrs), liveryman, 132 Mar-
Ward Patrick, collector, 132 Market (W
Va 744).
Ward Patrick, boilermkr, 1010 Swann.
Ward Patrick (& Mrs), 125 1-2 Market.
Ward Patrick, livery stable, 125 Market.
Ward Thomas, bricklayer, 132 Market (W
Va 1111).
Ward Wm G (& Mrs), carp, 2411 Dudley av.
Ward Wm (& Mrs), S Side.
Ward W W (& Mrs), laborer, Thomas.
Warden Neal, 429 Ann.
Warden S J Mrs, 429 Ann.
Warmen Harry (& Mrs), steel worker, 653
Warne Bessie, tailoress, 7th and Julius, St
James Hotel.
Warne Block, 716-718 Market.
Warne C S, 715 Market (W Va 881).
Warne J P, Lubeck (W Va 3226-H).
Warne Otto (& Mrs), upholsterer, 910 7th.
Warner Grace E, teacher, 1703 Latrobe.
Warner John C (& Mrs), minister, 1412 22d.
Warner Sarah Mrs, 1703 Latrobe.
Warnick E W (& Mrs), auditor, 1046 Mur-
doch av (VV Va 1663).
Warnick Fay. 1046 Murdoch av.
Warnick Jessie, 1046 Murdoch av.
Warnick John S (& Mrs), trav salesman,
832 Murd«cn av (W Va 64).
Warren Amelia, student, 824 17th.
Warren A M. grocer, 723 Lubeck av.
Warren A M (& Mrs), 725 Lubeck av.
Warren E S (& Mrs), lab, Bull Creek rd.
Warren Frank (& Mrs), railroader, 824 17th.
Warren H M (& Mrs), cooper, 717 Lubeck.
Warren Olive M, 725 Lubeck av.
Warren R H, timekpr, 824 17th.
Warthen Anna Mrs, dressmkr, G59 1-2 7th.
Warthen Freda, 659 1-2 7th.
Washburn Cornelius (& Mrs), paperhang..-.-,
1236 22d (W Va 1547-2,.
Washburn F F, paper hanger, 1236 22d.
Washington Anna Mrs, 543 4th (W Va
Washington Bernie, bill poster, 543 4th.
Washington Cash, laborer, 543 4th.
Washington Douglass, laborer, 543 4th.
Max Waxelbaum
High Art Tailor
217 Seventh Street
Parkersburg, W. Va.
Washington George, 593 5th.
Washington George, porter, 802 7th.
Washington George, packer, no 3d.
Washington Grace, 543 4th.
Washington Johnson C, 593 5th.
Washington Mary, 593 5th.
Washington Russell, laborer, 54:: lih.
Washington W H (& Mrs), 593 5th.
Washington Wm, Phillips Court al.
Waterman F E (& Mrs), insurance, 901 Ju-
Waterman Frank E (& Mrs), shipping clerk,
Chancellor Hdw Co.
Waterman Ira, bill clerk ,401 Ann.
Watkins Anna Mrs, 313 1-2 Market (W Va
Watkins Booker, porter. 811 7th.
Watkins Claudia, 1423 Gould av.
Watkins Frank. 1000 Lubeck av (W Va
Watkins Isa. C24 Ann.
Watkins James, 919 Ann.
Watkins James (& Mrs), 919 Ann.
Watkins Laura, 841 7th.
Watkjns Virginia, 841 7th.
Watkins Wm (& Mrs), barber, 1423 Gould av
Watson Frank (& Mrs), lineman, 1728 La-
Watson Frank S (& Mrs), 1728 Latrobe.
Watson Geo A (& Mrs), carpenter, 842 Mary
(W Va 131G-1).
Watson L Gilbert, oil producer, 1012 Juliana
Watson G L, director Y M C A. 1012 Juliana
(W Va 1358).
Watson G W (& Mrs), 1411 Covert.
Watson Harry, oil well driller. Col Juliana.
Watson Horace Mrs, 010 Juliana.
Watson Jas A (& Mrs), lawyer, 2505 Mur-
doch av (W Va 182).
Watson J D (& Mrs), machinist, 1016 15th.
Watson Jas H (& Mrs), motorman, i)05
E 12th.
Watson James R (& Mrs), 1312 Gould av.
Watson J K (& Mrs). laborer, 1312 19th.
Watson Mabel, 2505 Murdoch av.
Watson Maud, 521 5th.
Watson Oen G (& Mrs), teamster, 1215 Cth.
Watson Ray. clerk, 905 E 12th.
Watson Roy, 842 Mary.
Watson W S. 1009 Virginia av (W Va 1042).
Watterson Chas C, shipping elk, 1012 Spring
(W Va 17G3).
Watterson Jane Mrs, 1G12 Spring.
Watterson T B (& Mrs), lumber dealer. S19
Watterson WW (& Mrs), lumberman, 1720
Spring (W Va 110S).
Waxelbaum Max (& Mrs), tailor, 217 7th, h
321 8th.
Way Chas L, Central (W Va 3223-J).
Way Harry, laundry man, 1415 Lynn.
Way J J (& Mrs), 910 15th ( WVa 516-2).
Waj Walter, baker, 1515 St Marys av.
Wayt J E (& Mrs), laborer, 1118 Garfield.
Weakley Emma, 1141-2 3d.
Weaver A H (& Mrs), railroader, 312 9 1-2.
Weaver Bessie, 1025 Juliana.
Weaver B, barber, 2400 Vaughn av.
Weaver Bush N, carp, 1126 Latrobe.
Weaver Clifton (& Mrs), bricklayer, Lin-
coln av.
Weaver Dorcas, S Side.
Weaver E B, barber, 2400 Vaughn av.
Weaver Eva, cor 3d and Market.
Weaver Homer L (& Mrs), roller, 201 At-
lantic av.
Weaver Jacob (& Mrs), carp, 2400 Vaughn.
Weaver J L (& Mrs), clerk, 1107 13th.
Weaver John L (& Mrs), rnerch, 1107 13th.
Weaves John, porter, Williams Court al.
Webb Ann Mrs, Susquehanna av.
Webb B D (& Mrs), fireman, rear 530 7th.
Webb Charles, 904 Juliana.
Webb Charles, porter, 901 Clay.
Webb Charlotte, 429 6th.
Webb Ella, clerk, 509 Gale av.
Webb Elsie, 1208 Avery.
Webb Furniture Co The, 238 Court sq (W
Va 1.430).
Webb Jacob, barber, 901 Clay.
Webb J K. furniture, Elizabeth av.
Webb Laura, 901 Clay.
Webb Wm A (& Mrs), can'. 2307 Oak.
Webb W L, steel worker, Beechwood.
Webb Mrs, 509 Gale av.
Webber Effie T, 1007 Swann.
Webber Louise E,'l007 Swann.
Webber W A (& Mrs), teamster, 1501 Staun-
ton av.
Wedge G P, driver, 1511 Beaver.
Weed H C (& Mrs), engineer, 1201 Avery.
Week G P (& Mrs), barber, L704 L9th.
Weekly A J (& Mrs), driver, Dudley rd (W
Va 1405-1).
Weekley Austin t& Mrs), laborer, 024 Leafy
Glen Court.
Weekley C A t& Mrs), 1021 Mary (W Va
Weekley Clara, 624 Leafy Glen Court.
Weekley Claude M (& Mrs), bkkpr, 305 13th.
Weekley Geo W (& Mrs), tool dresser, 803
Weekley Milton L (& Mrs), photographer,
1600 19th (W Va 1252-2).
Weekly Rev M L, pastor United Brethren
Church, lmiT 17th.
Weekley R J (& Mrs), blksmith, 302 Lu-
beck av.
Weekley Silas B (& Mrs), yard conductor,
612 Marietta av.
Weeks George P (& Mrs), barber, 1704 19fh.
Weeks J F (& Mrs), barber, 575 5th.
Weil George, lab, Bradley av (W Va 872).
Weil John Mrs. Bradley av.
Wail Max (& Mrs), laborer. 2(0 Bradley av.
Weinberger C R, bkkpr, 1055 Cornwall Place
(W Va 1376).
Weinberger Robt C, student, 1055 Cornwall
Weinrich Sue, 810 Lynn.
Weinrich Dora, 810 Lynn.
Weisheit Albert, engineer, 411 Avery.
Weitzell Anna, 715 1-2 Market.
Welch & Co, 213 Juliana.
Welch D L, 1330 St Marys av (W Va 684-fc).
Welch D W, physician, 609 1-2 Market (W
Va 1327-1), h 1033 Juliana (W Va 1327-2).
Welch D W (& Mrs), engineer, 1330 St Marys
av (W Va 084-2).
Welch E E (& Mrs), 213 1-2 Juliana (W
Va 34(1).
Welch E E (& Mrs), railroader, 1111 Mary.
Welch George, 815 Ann.
Welch Harry (& Mrs), 601 6th.
Welch James (& Mrs), lumber, 637 Harris
(W Va 604).
Welch Lenua B (& Mrs), merchant, 1442 20th.
Welch L B, prop New York Bargain Store,
240 Court sq, h 1442 20th.
Welch Mary, dressmaker, 600 7th.
Wells A B, 1332 25th.
Wells Anna, clerk, 2000 23d.
Wells Archie G (& Mrs), trav salesman,
2 1ui; Clement av.
Wells Bessie, 828 Jeannette.
Wells Bridget, 820 Lynn.
Wells Catherine B, student, 1012 Latrobe.
Wells C E, driver, 912 Main.
Wells C B (& Mrs), dep elk Circuit and
Criminal Court, cor 22d and Oak (W Va
Wells Charles, miller, 915 Main.
Wells Charles, teamster. 2600 23d.
Wells Clara, clerk, 1056 Market.
Wells C W, lumber, 1227 Lynn.
Wells E (& Mrs), prop Monroe Hotel.
Wells E D, 1227 Lynn.
Wells E B Mrs, boarding, 828 Jeannette (W
Va 1670).
Wells Ella, Monroe Hotel.
Wells Emma. 909 Market.
Wells Ephiaim R, steel wkr, U S Engine
Wells Eska, 912 Main.
■Wells Eva L, teacher, U S Engine Works.
Wells Ezbai Jr, Monroe Hotel.
Wells Frank D (& Mrs), 563 6th.
Wells Frank (& Mrs), clerk Palace Hotel.
Wells Fred, brakeman, 828 Jeannette.
Wells G D (& Mrs), merchant, 535 William
( W Va 573).
Wells G D, merchant, 904 Mary.
Wells G E (& Mrs), grocer, 904 Mary.
Wells Gertrude. 641 Harris.
Wells Grace, 1511 Gould av.
Wells G S 1227 Lynn.
Thomas Shaw, President
B. D. Stout, Vice-President
•T. L. Stout, Manager
N. T. Virgin, Sec'y and Trens.
West Virginia Mantel Company
Manufacturers of Wood Mantels
Factory, 210-212 Avery Street, Parkersburg, W. Va.
W. Va. Phone 708
Office, 314 Fifth Street
W. Va. Phone 45
Wells G W (& Mrs), trav salesman. 807
Wells Harry (& Mrs), plumber, 1324 St
Marys av.
Wells J A, 1227 Lynn.
Wells .Tames E (& Mrs), L332 25th.
Wells John (& Mrs), laborer. L012 Latrobe.
Wells John, engine cleaner, 828 Jeannette.
Wells Lannie, laborer, 912 Main.
Wells Lewis (& Mrs), laborer, 49 19th.
Wells L J (& Mrs), 1227 Lynn.
Wells Lon, miller, 912 Main.
Wells L T Mrs. 1119 William.
Wells Margaret, Monroe Hotel.
Wells Meridah, 13:55 Avery.
Wells M Mrs, 912 Main.
Wells Oak, laborer, 260o 23d.
Wells Olive, 641 Harris.
Wells Olive. 1335 Avery.
Wells o L, tiav salesman, Monroe Hotel.
Wells Thomas, brakeman, 828 Jeannette.
Wells W B, grocer, Midway (W Va 3237-B).
Wells W 0 B (& Mrs), farmer, U S Engine
Works (\V Va 3237-J).
Wells W S (& Mrs), farmer, 2G00 23d.
Wells Win (& Mrs), engineer, 641 Harris.
Wells W W (& Mrs), grocer, 1335 Avery (W
Va 1315).
Welte Albert, cooper. 414 Lubeck av.
Weltz Thomas (& Mrs), 414 Lubeck av.
Wenmoth N, clerk. 1321 Lubeck av.
Wentz Chas C (Wentz & Gangwer), Red-
wood (W Va 50).
Wentz Restaurant, 210 7th.
Residence of C. C. Wentz.
Chas, G Wentz
Promoter and Dealer in Real Estate
Stocks, Bonds and Investments
310 ! i Market St., Parkersburg, W, Va.f
Washington Trust Building, Washington, Pa.
Ten years practical experience
Selling whole plans of lots on easy weekly payments a specialty
Parkersburg National Bank
Washington Trust Company
or any of my customers
West Virginia Veneer Door Company
Manufacturers of
Doors, Sash, Blinds and Interior Finish
High Grade Work our Specialty
Officers : J. H. P. Smith, President
Geo. P. Morgan, Vice-President
W. W. Watterson, Treasurer
P. O. Whitlock, Secretary
W. D. Osborne, General Manager
Office and Factory, Foot of Sixth Street, Parkersburg, W. Va.
W. Va. Phone 637 Bell 355
Wentz & Gangwer, 3101-2 Market (W Va
Werninger A W (Werninger & Nelson), 302
Union Trust Bldg.
Werninger Benj W, clerk, Hotel Jackson.
Werninger Chas (& Mrs), printer, 128 Ter-
race av.
Werninger Earle, baker, 128 Terrace av.
Werninger Forrest (& Mrs), baker, 414 Ann.
Werninger & Nelson (A W Werninger, N
V Nelson), insurance, 302 Union Trust
Bldg (W Va 187).
Wertenbaker Anna, 1504 Gould av.
Wertenbaker David, stone cutter, 805 Race.
Wertenbaker Leona, teacher, 1504 Gould av.
Wertenbaker Mary, 805 Center.
Wertenbaker M T, sawyer, 805 Race.
Wertenbaker Warren, stone cutter, 805 Race
West Albert, laborer, 326 Green. -^.
West Bush W (& Mrs), 508 Julius.
West J C, sales mgr R M Smith & Co, 1510
West W A (& Mrs), gardener, Marrtown.
Westtall A W (& Mrs), 1407 Gould av (W
Va 862).
Westtall Iva, 218 11th.
Westfall J M, 218 11th.
Western Express Co, B & O Depot.
Western Union Telegraph Co The, 205 4th
(W Va 840).
West Virginia Conference & Tract Society,
1200 7th (W Va 1222).
Weston R L, physical director Y M C A.
West Virginia Cream Co The (C C Wood-
yard prop), 1219 Murdoch av (W Va 460-1).
West Virginia Farm & Poultry Journal (Mc-
Glothlin & Ullom prop), 529 1-2 Market.
West Virginia Hotel (J A Rathwell prop),
400-402 3d (W Va 1429).
West Virginia Real Estate Co. (O S Haw-
kins mgr), 200 Union Trust Bldg (W
Va 333).
West Virginia Produce Co, 316 6th (W Va
West Virginia Veneer Door Co (J H P
Smith pres, Geo P Morgan vice pres, W W
Watterson treas, P O Whitlock secy), cor
Monroe and 6th (W Va 637).
West Virginia Western Telephone Co (A C
Davis gen supt), 214 1-2 4th (W Va 4).
We'st Virginia Mantel Company, manufac-
turers of wood mantels (Thos Shaw pres,
B D Stout vice pres, J L Stout mgr, N T
Virgin secy and treas), factory 210-212
Avery (W Va 708), office 314 5th (W
Va 45).
Wetherell Alice, 622 Juliana.
Wetherell Hall, 417 1-2 Market.
Wetherell James A, jeweler, 622 Juliana.
Wetherell James A, bank clerk, 630 Ann.
Wetherell J A, pres Citizens Bldg Assn, 224
5th (W Va 318).
Wetherell & Son, jewelers, 417 Market I W
Va 710).
\ m
/ i
gpjl *
r*Hw« *" ^^^BLsL2£
Interior View of the Offices of the West Virginia Real Estate Co.
To the Buying and Selling Public
We make a specialty of providing people with
homes. This includes the sale of cottages,
handsome dwellings, lots and farming land. It is
our business to get you what you want. If you
have property to sell we want it on our books.
West Virginia Real Estate Co,
Second Floor Union Trust & Deposit Building
Both Phones
Corner Seventh and Market Streets
Interior View of
J. Wetherell & Son
417 Market Street
Diamonds, Watches, Fine Jewelry, Rich Cut Glass
Complete Optical Department Prescription Work a Specialty
W. Va. Phone 710 Bell Phone 273-J
Wetherell Mary L, 630 Ann.
Wetherell T J (& Mrs), cashier, 630 Ann
(W Va 1422).
Wetzel U C (& Mrs), barber, 213 3d, h
2uo 1-2 3d.
Wetzel L E (& Mrs), barber, 128 Spencer av.
Wetzel W E (& Mrs), barber, 601 Market.
Wetzel Will (& Mrs), barber, 1109 Quincy.
Weyer Ada, teacher, 1404 Covert (W Va
Weyer Harry, tel opr, 1404 Covert.
Weyer J C (<sc Mrs), conductor, 1404 Covert.
Wey Lee, laundry, 312 5th.
Wharf boat, foot Ann (W Va 007).
Wharton Anna Mrs, seamstress, 512 7th.
Wharton A M (& Mrs), blksmith, 1210 16th.
Wharton Freda, 512 7th.
Wharton .las R (& Mrs), steel wkr, Green-
mount, Midway.
Wharton L A, blksmith, N Parkersburg.
Wharton Lucy E, stenographer, 1405 Covert.
Wharton Leonard (& Mrs), machinist, Bull
Creek rd.
Wharton WM, livery man, 110 Lubeck av.
Whealdon J P (& Mrs), stone cutter, 1229
5th av.
Whealdon Nellie, 1229 5th av.
Whealdon W H (& Mrs), watchman, 2d av.
Wheeler E (& Mrs), plasterer, Dudley av.
Wheeler L Mrs. 1711 Park.
Wheeler O F (& Mrs), tinner, 1729 Beaver.
Wheeler W H (& Mrs), 930 Lynn.
White A B (& Mrs), insurance, 1019 Mur-
doch av.
White C E (& Mrs), printer, 1909 16th (W
Va 177).
White C E (& Mrs), baker, 1909 E 16th.
White Charles, heater, 1907 Beaver.
White Charles, 1623 Gould av.
White City Baseball Club Grounds, Blen-
nerhassett Island.
White Clara, 222 Avery.
White Dorothy, 222 Avery.
White Eleanor, 916 Ann.
White Ethel, 1019 Murdoch av.
White Grace, 1019 Murdoch av.
White Harry, 1623 Gould av.
While Havana, 1623 Gould av.
White, Hull & Co, shoes, 418 Market (W Va
White Jessie, 115 Market.
White J F (& Mrs), Johnston av.
White Lawrence, clerk.
White Martin (& Mrs), hod carrier, 1623
Gould av.
White M D (& Mrs), carpenter, 626 2d.
White Minnie Mrs (White, Hull & Co), 1015
While Robert, 1623 Gould av.
White R P <& Mrs), carpenter, 1708 Covert.
White Star Steam Laundry, cor 14th and St
Marys av (W Va 17S).
White W (& Mrs), chief deputy U S Inter-
nal Revenue, 916 Ann (W Va 487).
White, Hull & Company
Sell Kreppendorf-Dittmann Co.'s Ladies Shoes, Manss Urfit Shoes for Men,
S. L. Pierce & Co.'s Children's Shoes
Ask for them
(W. Va. 755)
White Walter W, machinist, 821 ISth.
Whitaker W H (& Mrs), train dispatcher,
512 Ann.
Whitehead Lottie, Redwood.
Whitehead Dan (& Mrs), restaurant, S Side.
Whitehead Nelson, laborer, 222 19th.
Whit. -head Tillie, 584 5h.
Whiteman Granville D, shoemkr, 708 7th, h
703 Swann.
Whiteman Jas T (& Mrs), clerk, 705 Swann.
Whiteman J F, clerk, 904 Mary.
Whiteman R M, laborer, 705 Swann.
Whitlatch Adeson M. teamster. 1221 Swann.
Whitlatch Amy, 1717 E 7th.
Whitlatch Charles W (& Mrs), pipe fitter,
Whitlatch Edward J, laborer, 1221 Swann. .
Whitlatch James (& Mrs), carp, 07:', 1-2 7th.
Whitlatch .1 W (& Mrs), clerk, 1717 E 7th.
Whitlatch Mary Mrs, 1221 Swann.
Whitlatch Samuel, 1221 Swann.
Whitlatch R E, mail carrier, 1045 Avery.
Whitlock R H (& Miss), real estate, rm 2
Guaranty Hldg (W Va 157). h 1045 Ave.-y
(W Va 409).
Whitlock P O, 1001 Avery.
Whitlock P O, bookkeeper, 1045 Avery.
Whitney A E (& Mrs), city salesman, 1220
Washington av (W Va 017).
Whitstead Andrew, grocer, llo 5th.
Whitstead P Grocery & Bar Room, 420 Mar-
ket (W Va 730).
Whitstead Andy, clerk, 410 5th.
Whitstead Andrew, bartender, 420 Market.
Whittier C M (& Mrs), clerk, 213 11th.
Wiant Alma, 1225 Juliana.
Wiant Mabel, 1225 Juliana.
Wiant Wm T, merchant, 1225 Juliana (W
Va GS).
Wible G M (& Mrs), contractor, 419 4th.
Wible Howard, postal clerk, 419 4th.
Widget E W Mrs, 226 Ann.
Wigal Alonzo, teamster, 19 12th.
Wigal Cairo, clerk, 1347 Covert.
Wigal Deana. 19 12th.
Wigal Elisha (& Mrs), 219 Ann.
Wigal Harvey (& Mrs), .painter, HOG Main.
Wigal H C (& Mrs), laborer, 522 2d.
Wigal H J, patrolman, 1347 Covert.
Wigal H L (& Mrs), painter, 832 Main.
Wigal John (& Mrs), 83G Main.
Wigal Kate, 103 Kramer.
Wigal Maud, 1016 Market.
Wigal Philip (& Mrs), farmer, 811 Lubeck av
Wigal Roxie Mrs, 400 Green.
Wigal Samuel, railroader, 103 Kramer.
Wigal Sarah L, 19 12th.
Wigal T J (& Mrs), teacher, West Virginia
av (W Va 1419-3).
Wigal Walter <& Mrs), plumber, 811 Lu-
beck av.
Wigal William (& Mrs), 1624 Dewey.
Wilcox A C. cash store, 217 Juliana (W Va
Wilcox Cash Store. 217 Juliana.
Wilcox & Co, 5251-2 Market (W Va 1654).
Wilcox Ethel, teacher. Central av.
Wilcox Lyda Z, teacher, Central a\'.
Wilcox P K (&'Mrs), trav salesman, 1701
Covert (W Va 5111.
Wilcox Ralph S, steel worker, Central av (W
Va 9391.
Wilcox Richard, signs, 525 1-2 Market, h
Central av.
Wilcox S V Mrs, 203 8th (WVa 1482).
Wilcoxson Chas A, bartender, 1328 St Marys.
Wilcoxen Rose, 513 Gale av.
Wild Adolph G, bookkeeper, 710 Ann.
Wild A G, engineer, 710 Ann.
Wild Carrie, clerk, 214 7th.
Wild Clara, clerk. 214 7th (W Va 1G40).
Wild Cornelia, 214 7th.
Wild Louise M Mrs, 214 7th.
Wild Marcus (& Mrs), 224 Bradley av.
Wild O W (& Mrs), steel wkr, 1803 Plum.
Wild R (& Mrs), bakery, 115-117 Ann (W
Va 301), h 710 Ann (W Va 248).
Wild Walter AV, clerk railway mail service,
214 7th.
Wild Wm Wallace, 710 Ann.
Wildman Ella, 1G17 Latrobe.
Wilts Charles (& Mrs), barber, 424 Till.
Wildt Christian (& Mrs), clerk, 1013 7th.
Wildt Edward N (& Mrs), tailor, 727 1-2 7th.
Wildt Francis J (& Mrs), lab, 1027 Latrobe.
Wildt Robinet, 1027 Latrobe.
Wildt Theo (& Mrs), cooper, 1705 E 7th.
Wildt Wm (& Mrs), oil refiner, 1013 7th.
Wildt Wm N {& Mrs), fireman. 917 13th.
Wile Albert G (& Mrs), carpenter, 810 Wood.
Wile C E Jr, 611 Harris.
Wile C E (& Mrs), teamster, 611 Harris.
Wile David (& Mrs), laborer, Tavennerville.
Wile Eva, stenographer, 810 Wooq.
Wile Jacob, 1437 2nth.
Wile Mary A, 1437 20th.
Wile U G (& Mrs), clerk, 1437 20th (W V.i
Wiley T H (& Mrs), railroader, 1121 Mur-
doch av.
Wiley T H, bartender. 1121 Murdoch av.
Wilkinson A J (& Mrs), real estate, 1616
Wilkinson Alice, 1616 Lynn.
Wilkinson A M, Redwood.
Wilkinson Florence, seamstress, Forest av.
Wilkinson H W i& Mrs), driver, 1913 Ohio.
Wilkinson J E (& Mrs), salesman, Forest av
(W Va 3233-E).
Wilkinson Louis, driver, 1901 Murdoch av.
Wilkinson Mamie, student. Forest av.
AVilkinson May, 1616 Lynn.
Wilkinson Mary, 1616 Lynn.
Wilkinson Walter, 1616 Lynn.
Wilkinson Wr W, student, 1616 Lynn.
Will Frank (& Mrs), 215 1-2 Juliana.
Willard School, Ann near 13th (W Va 630).
Wilfong Herschel. 1637 Gould.
Wilfong Sarah, 1637 Gould av.
Williams Albert, laborer, 615 Depoi.
Williams A L (& Mrs), steel worker. Lo-
gans av.
Williams Alex (& Mrs), 803 1-2 Green.
Williams Alexander, janitor, 576 5th.
Williams A M (& Mrs), druggist, 542 5th.
Williams A M Jr, cement inspector, 542 5th.
WTilliams A N, druggist, 701 Market (W
Va 775).
Williams A N Drug Store, 701 Market.
Williams Anna, stenographer, 415 4th.
Williams Bertha. Blennerhassett Hotel.
Williams Building, 712-714 Market.
Williams Catherine Mrs, 1721 Plum.
Williams C C, bookkeeper, 542 5th.
Williams Charles, 917 Avery.
Williams C L (& Mrs), 1022 Ann.
Williams C L, 1022 Ann.
Williams Clarence O, 1811 16th.
Williams C O (& Mrs), laborer, 1018 Main.
Williams C C, clerk, 542 5th.
Williams Dale, porter, Smith Bldg.
Williams Dana, 1130 Market.
Williams Edith, boarding, 615 Depot.
Williams Edward, railroader, 917 Avery.
W'illiams Edward, patrolman, 122 7th.
Williams Elizabeth, 1022' Ann.
Williams Elizabeh H, nurse, 516 13th.
Williams E (& Mrs), foreman, 1048 Laird av
i W Va 291-1).
Williams Emma Mrs, 906 Monroe.
Williams F D (& Mrs), prop Monroe Hotel,
605 Ann (W Va 1827).
Williams Florence Mrs, 1029 Murdoch av.
Williams Florence S, 542 5th.
Williams Frances, clerk, 917 Avery.
Williams Geo (& Mrs), fireman, 1907 Ohio a v
Williams Geo (& Mrs), carp, 571 5th.
Williams George, clerk, 509 Ann.
Williams Goldie, 1811 16th.
Williams Harriet Mrs, 1022 Ann.
Williams Hettie Mrs, 917 Avery.
Williams H R, clerk, 818 Market.
Williams James E. blacksmith, 122 7th.
Williams Jane, 544 Marietta av.
Williams Jesse C, 122 7th.
Williams J L, Tavennerville (W Va 794-2).
Williams J M (& Mrs), laborer, 1114 Main.
Williams Jos (& Mrs), hod carrier, 609 Mar-
ietta av.
Williams John W (& Mrs), stone mason,
1514 Staunton av.
Williams Kate A, 542 5th.
Williams Kate Mrs. Smiths av.
Williams Kenneth F, bookkeeper, 542 5th.
Williams Lester H, 1811 16th.
Williams Lulu M, 544 Marietta av.
& W m \
The First National Bank Building, Market Street, Parkersburg.
Williams Luther M (& Mrs), boilermkr, 1128
Williams Maggie, 571 5th.
Williams Mamie, C44 Harris.
Williams Mary E Mrs, 415 4th.
Williams O, driver, 576 6th.
Williams Parker, 544 Marietta av.
Williams Pearle. mach opr, 1114 Main.
Williams Priscilla .1 Mrs, 142!) 22d.
Williams Ralph, clerk, 577 6th.
Williams Ray, 1209 Avery.
Williams Sylvia, 1811 16th.
Williams & Stamper, photos, 412 1-2 Market.
Williams Taylor (& Mrs), stone mason, 65G
Marietta av.
Williams T S Mrs, 1713 Oak.
Williams W E (& Mrs), steel worker, Lo-
gans av.
Williams William (& Mrs), carp, G44 Harris.
Williams Will, clerk Jackson Hotel.
Williams Winnifred, teacher, 1713 Oak.
Williamson Alice M Mrs, 1014 E 12th.
Williamson Clarence, 20G 4th (W Va 42), h
rm 4 Muhlman Block (W Va 1828).
Williamson Clarence, clerk, 1109 Avery.
Williamson D H, bookkeeper, 1203 Market.
Williamson Edna, 1203 Market.
Williamson E K (& Mrs), carp, 1109 Avery.
Williamson Harold, driver, 719 Juliana.
Williamson J A, physician, 902 Market.
Williamson Jennie, clerk, 823 71 h.
Williamson Julia, 1203 Market.
Williamson Olga V, tailoress, 1014 E 12th.
Williamson Oliver (& Mrs), clerk, 1719 St
Marys av.
Williamson Sarah Mrs, 1203 Market.
Williamson T, engineer, 1203 Market.
Williamson Wynnye, linotype operator,
1203 Market.
Willing Abbie, G15 Juliana.
Willis Anna, hair dresser, 827 Green (W
Va 1626).
— 24£—
Willis Anthony (& Mrs), transfer, 827 Green
Willis E J Mrs, seamstress, 921 14tn.
Willis George, 827 Green.
Willis George H, 827 Juliana.
Willis Mary, 827 Green.
Willis Wm B (& Mrs), merchant, Vienna.
Wilmarth Horatio S (& Mrs), oil well dril-
ler. 020 1-2 7th.
Wilmarth R A, railroader.
Wilson A H (& Mrs), saloon, GOG Market (W
Va 474), h GOG 1-2 Market.
Wilson Albia, teamster, N Parkersburg.
Wilson Allen, clerk, 207 7th.
Wilson Art Shop, mgr M S Wilson, 315 51 h
(W Va 2).
Wilson Asa, S4G Chestnut.
Wilson Bailey, laborer, 84G Chestnut.
Wilson B, janitor, 415 Market.
Wilson Cora, 111 Market.
Wilson Commans, laborer, 846 Chestnut.
Wilson Dave B, tool dresser, 620 1-2 7th.
Wilson D H (& Mrs), gardener, N Pksbur.j.
Wilson E D (& Mrs), laborer, 27 ISth.
Wilson E E (& Mrs), lumberman, 1213 Ann.
Wilson Effie P, student, N Parkersburg.
Wilson P K (& Mrs) .engineer, 925 Lynn.
Wilson Geo S i& Mrs), oil well driller, 1502
Wilson Grace, 129 1-2 3d.
Wilson Henrietta Mrs, 848 Mary.
Wilson Helen, 115 Market (W Va 91).
Wilson H S (& Mrs), lumberman, 1213 Ann
(W Va 612).
Wilson H S Jr (& Mrs), lumber, 1039 Mur-
doch av (W Va 239).
Wilson Ira (& Mrs), carp, Club Grounds,
Wilson James, 35 18th.
Wilson Jas W (& Mrs), conductor, 207 7th.
Wilson J C (& Mrs), foreman, Lock 18.
119 6th.
Wilson J E (& Mrs), laborer, 1055 Avery.
Wilson Jennie, 122 Williams Court al.
Wilson Jessie, 1019 Murdoch av.
Wilson John, 531 5th.
Wilson John R (& Mrs), 19 1-2 6th.
Wilson Lena B, stenographer, 808 Wood.
Wilson M H (& Mrs), laborer, 35 18th.
Wilson Miles S (& Mrs), photographer, 919
Wilson Myrtle Mrs, 719 Jeannette.
Wilson Norma, N Parkersburg.
Wilson Ocie, 808 Wood.
Wilson Otis, furniture, 601 7th, h 925 Lynn
(W Va i018).
Wilson Robert (& Mrs), lumber, 916 Juliana
(W Va 409).
Wilson & Son H S, Worthington rd (W
Va 105).
Wilson Wm ( &Mrs), farmer, 846 Chestnut.
Wilshaw Rose, 106 Atlantic av.
Winans Ashby, miller. 523 Gale av.
Winans J H Mrs, 523 Gale av.
Winans M (& Mrs), Tavennerville.
Winans Wm, miller, 523 Gale av.
Winding Alice M. 1809 Beaver.
Wingrove Mary E. 2411 Dudley av.
Winepress C W (& Mrs), lab, 654 Marietta :, .
Wines Anna, 1907 Beaver.
Wines Ethel, 1907 Beaver.
Wines Fred, catcher, 1907 Beaver.
Wines George (& Mrs), 1907 Beaver (W
Va 636-1).
Wines Gertrude, 1907 Beaver.
Wines Grace, 1907 Beaver.
Wines Harry, 1907 Beaver.
Wines James, engineer, 1907 Beaver.
Wines John (& Mrs), tinner, Dudley rd.
Wines J M, 1907 Beaver.
Wines Laura, 1907 Beaver.
Winter G F (& Mrs), salesman, Commercial
Winter John (& Mrs), barber, 57S 5th.
Wires Charles, molder, 209 George.
Wires C F (& Mrs), hammer driver. S Side.
Wires Fred, 209 Juliana.
Wires W H, S Side.
Wise Basil, carpenter, 814 Avery.
Wise Emma, clerk, 1506 Beaver.
Wise G H, bookkeeper, 1021 19th.
Wise Rev Henry, 1707 St Marys av.
Wise J H (& Mrs), bookkeeper, 1021 19th
(W Va 1223).
Wise John W, stone mason, 822 1-2 Wood.
Wise Seva, 1021 19th.
Wise S D H (& Mrs), physician, 222 7th (W
Va 415-1), h 1907 St Marys av (W Va
Wrise William L (& Mrs), 1729 E 7th.
Wiseman Don E, teacher, 1108 E 16th.
Wiseman Nora, Juliana.
Withee Bessie, stenographer, 1901 Avery.
Withee Elmer (& Mrs), engineer, 1901 Avery
Withee Frank, condr, 1820' Garfield av.
Withers John S,120 1-2 3d.
Withers & Vandevender, timber and ties,
120 1-2 3d (W Va 141).
Witney G M, 21G Juliana.
Withey James, 216 Juliana.
Witney Jennie, 216 Juliana.
Withey Leander (& Mrs), prop East End
Transfer, 907 13th (W Va 418).
Withey Lillian, 216 Juliana.
Wadkins Booker, porter, 841 7th.
Wolfe's Bargain Store, 513 Market.
Wolfe Bessie F, 1906 Garfield av.
Wolfe Charlotte Mrs, 121G Swann.
Wolfe China Co (C C Ruth pres, T E Gra-
ham vice pres, W A Hibbard secy-treas
and gen mgr), 422 Market (W Va 67).
Wolfe Clarence, tailor, Marrtown.
Wolfe Dell, stenographer, 640 13th.
Woodward Mfg. Co.
Harness and Saddlery
Buggies, Driving Wagons and Surreys
209-211 Fourth Street
Parkersburg, W. Va.
Wolfe Earle (& Mrs), trav salesman, 1021
Wolfe B S, 513 Market (W Va 1567).
Wolfe Frank (& Mrs), carpenter, 1003 Avery.
Wolfe Harvey J, Monroe Hotel.
Wolfe Heber, laborer, 1216 Swann.
Wolfe John (& Mrs), Orchard av, Bueaa
Wolfe J W, mgr Pksburg Transfer Co. 1 2 17
Juliana ( W Va 1236).
Wolfe L (& Mrs), laborer, 8 Lulu.
Wolfe Marvin, driver, 1134 4th.
Wolfe Matilda, 316 9 1-2.
Wolfe Sam (& Mrs), railroader, Marrtown.
Wolfe W H (& Mrs). 1245 Ann (W Va 541).
Wolfe W H Jr (& Mrs), lawyer, office Court
House (W Va 600), h 1409 Murdoch av (W
Va 1887).
Wolfe William, tinner, 408 4th.
Wolfe W M, L13 1th.
Wolfskill Raymond, 417 Avery.
Wolverton Mary L, music teacher, 624 1-2
V oodburn E E (& Mrs), 1009 Latrobe (W
Va 1697).
Woodyard Burdette D (& Mrs), clothing,
1611 Latiobe (W Va 1098).
Woodyard Dick (& Mrs), laborer, 917 Mary.
W Ibridge W D (& Mrs), 1032 Market.
Woodford Isaac C, mgr Jackson Hotel.
Wood County Bar Association. Meets at. call
of president.
Wood County Bank, cor 5th and Market
(W Va 366).
Wood County Charity Society, Court House
(W Va 931).
Woodring G M (& Mrs), carp, 228 Bradley a/
Woods Andrew, insp of street cars, 509 Anil.
Woods Daniel (& Mrs), barber, 917 Latrobe.
Woods D H (& Mrs), barber, 615 Market (W
Va 1520), h 917 Latrobe.
Wood George O, clerk, 417 Market.
Woods Jennie, 221 2d.
Woods J Fred (& Mrs), bkkpr, 1424 Wash-
ington av (W Va 1048).
Woods J W (& Mrs), contractor, 12171-2
Woods Roy, laborer, Marrtown.
Woods R R, clerk, 1801 Pearcy av.
Woods Sy'via, clerk, 1217 1-2 Market.
Woods Walter S (& Mrs), 550 6th.
Woods W H (& Mrs). Marrtown.
Woods W R (& Mrs), machinist, Pearcy av.
Woods W R. 1801 Pearcy av.
Woodson Jesse ( &Mrs), 019 Munroe.
Woodward H L, hamessmkr, 1500 Avery.
Woodward Manufacturing Co (H L Wood-
ward and M E Woodward props), 209-211
4th (W Va 247).
Woodward Mary, 1500 Avery (W Va 1147).
Woodward M E, 1500 Avery-
Woodward Ada C, 2031 Dudley av (W Va
Woodward Albertus Mrs, tiding, 614 Green.
J. Young Plumbing Co.
J. Young T. B. Smith
Sanitary Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters. Prompt Attention Given to Repairs, Etc.
Estimates Cheerfully Furnished. Gas and Combination Fixtures a Specialty
W. Va. W. Phone 466 Bell Phone 373-R 808 Sixteenth Street
Woodward Annie, Tavennerville.
Woodward B A, laborer, Atlantic av.
Woodyard Chas C (& Mrs), creamery, 1404
St Marys av (W ""■>. 1479).
Woodyard C H (& Mrs), clerk exp office,
1018 William (W Va 803-2).
Woodyard Clarence (& Mrs), driver, 1911
Woodyard Clarence, driver, Model Laundry.
Woodyard Ella, N Parkersburg.
Woodyard E N, 1212 15th.
Woodyard Fred, electrician, 124G Murdoch av
Woodyard Florence, teacher, 614 Green.
Woodyard George, clerk, Tavennerville.
Woodyard G B, farmer, N Parkersburg.
Woodyard Harry, 1221 Murdoch av.
Woodyard Harry, elk, N Parkersburg.
Woodyard Henry G (& Mrs), carpenter,
1012 13th.
Woodyard Henry, 1018 William.
Woodyard Jennie, 1323 Cornwall.
Woodyard J (& Mrs), bridge inspector, 1221
Murdoch av (W Va 460-2).
Woodyard J P, laborer, Tavennerville.
Woodyard Julia, N Parkersburg.
Woodyard L Mrs, boarding house, 614 Green
(W Va 765).
Woodyard L J, cooper, Tavennerville.
Woodyard L R Mrs, 1145 Swann.
Woodyard Nicholas C, carpenter, Susque-
hanna av.
Woodyard R L, N Parkersburg.
Woodyard R L (& Mrs), 917 Mary.
Woodyard T J (& Mrs), laborer, Marrtown.
Woodyard Villa, 614 Green.
Woodyard Wm M (& Mrs), trav salesman,
1402 Covert.
Woofter T J, Washington Bottom |\V Va
Woofter W P, Washington Bottom (W Va
Woolard Clara M, stenographer, 1316 25th.
Wooley C C (& Mrs), 48 18th.
Wooley Frank (& Mrs), barber, 1425 19th.
Woolivine Edgar, railroader, 524 4th.
Woomer Effie, Beechwood.
Woomer Emanuel, Walnut, Beechwood.
Worden H D (& Mrs), prop Chancellor Hotel
Barber Shop, 316 7th (W Va 1819).
Worley A J (& Mrs), 324 8th.
Worley & Dils, sand and gravel dealers, cor
23d and Fairview av (W Va 440-1).
Words Ralph, clerk, 1801 Pearcy.
Work R C (& Mrs), mgr Case Mfg Co, 1020
Work R C, foreman, 1029 10th (W Va 955).
Worley A J, watchman, 324 Sth.
Worley John, fireman, 400 Green.
Worley Nora, bookkeeper, 324 8th.
Worth E M (& Mrs), insurance. 1133 Market
Wrights A W (& Mrs), farmer, 20th.
Wright Charles B (& Mrs), 118 18th.
Wright F M, grocer, 2d and 4th.
Wright Grace, 1757 E 7th.
Wright H H, Garfield av.
Wright S H (& Mrs), clerk, 411 Green.
Wright Jesse, clerk, 319 3d.
Wright Lillian, 210 Juliana.
Wright Polly, clerk, 932 7th.
Wright R (& Mrs}, clerk, 1022 George.
Wyatt Carrie, 1120 13th.
Wyatt Chas V (& Mrs), painter, 421 Susque-
hanna av.
Wyatt Chas W (& Mrs), carpenter, 1120 13th
Wya'tt Dot, Saunders av.
Wyatt Geo C (& Mrs), lather, 405 Susquo-
hanna av.
Wyatt H F, 421 Susquehanna av (W Va
Wyatt Jas A, laborer, 421 Susquehanna av.
Wyatt Lulu E, 421 Susquehanna av.
Wyatt Oscar (& Mrs), carp. Country Club.
Wyatt R (& Mrs), engineer, 1313 Cornwall.
Wyett, book binder, 1027 Lynn.
Wynn U C (& Mrs), plumber, 300 11th.
Yarnell Clara, 121 Market (W Va 919).
Yarnell May, 121 Market.
Yates A P (& Mrs), horse trader, 913 Dickel.
Yates Clarence, 1309 St Marys av.
Yates Win H Mrs, auditor, 1309 St Marys av
Yeager C L, shipping elk, G14 Depot.
Yeaton W C Mrs, 924 Juliana.
Yoho C T, grocer, 315 3d (W Va 1302).
Yoho C T (& Mrs), grocer, 710 Lubeck av.
Yoho Jacob (& Mrs), blksmith, 1415 1-2 St
Marys av.
Yoho Minnie, S Side.
Yoss Albert J J, salesman, 923 Swann.
Yoss J A, 923 Swann.
Yost Edward M (& Mrs), cabinetmkr, Green-
mount, Midway.
Yost D M, carpenter, Midway.
Young C C (& Mrs), shoemkr, 132 Spencer
av (W Va 1717).
Young Chas F, druggist, h City Park.
Young C J Mrs, 224 1-2 6th (W Va 1371).
Young E B (& Mrs), policeman, City Park.
Young Edward D, bartender, 224 1-2 0th.
Young Harry C, clerk B & O freight office,
132 Spencer av.
Young Henry, laborer, City Park.
Young Ida J, 132 Spencer av.
Young .J (& Mis), Young Plumbing Co, 1509
Young J Plumbing v^.o (J P Young, J P
Smith, E E Stalnaker), 808 lGth (W Va
5foung .1 VY, 718 Juliana.
Young Men's Christian Association, 8th (W
Va L328).
Young Mary, 332 7th (W Va 1579).
Young O S, laborer, City Park.
Young Samuel W (& Mrs), 1132 Swann.
Young Sarah, City Park.
Zell Lola, SI 2 Race.
Zeigler H H, 809 Market.
Zanesville, Marietta & Parkersburg Rail-
road Co, Guaranty BIdg.
Zimmerman Frank (& Mrs), lab, 813 Charles.
Zinn Thurman, machinist, Maplewood.
Zinn Grant (& Mrs), engineer, Maplewood.
Zippel Emil (& Mrs), foreman, 1015 7th (\V
Ya 1305).
Belpre, Ohio
Mayor — J. D. Browning.
Clerk — Albert Weatherbee.
Council — John Dana, Dr. B. L. Van Wink] \
Charles McNeil, Harry Clark, W. J. Whar-
ton, R. C. O'Neal.
School Board — John Dana, President; Dr.
J. V. Athey, Clerk; E. R. Kiehl, Charles
Dressel, Porterfield Simpson.
Main Street.
Sunday services, 7.30 p. m.
Sunday school, 2.30 p. m.
Pastor, Father Rooney.
Sexton, John Smith.
Corner Main and Second Streets.
Sunday services, 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m.
Sunday School. 9.30 a. m.
Ep worth League, Sundays, 6.30 p. m.
Prayer meeting, Wednesdays, 7.30 p. m.
Pastor, Rev. J. G. Laughlin.
Sunday School Superintendent, N. B. Adams.
Epworth League President, W- S. Nichols.
President Ladies* Aid Society, Mrs. P. T.
President Women's Foreign Missionary So-
ciety, Mrs. H. Daniels.
Board ot Trustees, Z. S. Gorby, President;
E. R. Kiehl, D. M. Alderman, Frank Wil-
son, F. T. Murphy, E. M. Halsey.
Board of Stewards, E. R. Kiehl, President;
Dr. J. V. Athey, Recording Steward; John
McCiure, Hattie Daniels, Belle Seffeas,
John Callander, Edward Seffens.
Sexton, F. T. Murphy.
Class Leaders, E. R. Kiehl, John McCiure.
Exhorteis, Z. S. Gorby. W. S. Nichols.
Corner Main and Third Streets.
Sunday services. 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m.
Sunday school, 9.30 a. m.
Christian Endeavor, 7 p. m.
Prayer meeting, Wednesdays, 7.30 p. m.
Pastor, Rev. C. E. Dickinson.
Sunday School Superintendent, Will M. Coe.
Epworth League President, Ernest Coe.
President Ladies' Aid Society, Mrs. Rosa
President Women's Foreign Missionary So-
ciety, Miss Elizabeth Armstrong.
Clerk, H. H. Glazier.
Treasurer, William Armstrong.
Deacons, A. W. Glazier, Milton Patton, Wiil
M. Coe and John Dana.
Church Committee, Mrs. J. B. Waterman,
Miss Elizabeth Armstrong.
Trustees, J. M. Stone, Milton Patton, Wil-
liam Armstrong, John Dana, E. R. O'Neal,
Porterfie'd Simpson, C. W. Dressel and F.
J. Dressel.
Florence Street.
Sunday services, 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m.
Sunday school, 9.30 a. m.
Prayer meeting, Wednesdays, 7.30 p. m.
Pastor, Rev. J. N. Gibbs.
Sunday School Superintendent, S. M. Taylor.
President Ladies' Aid Society, Mrs. Charles
Trustees, John Rudy, S. M. Taylor, John
Sexton, John Rudy.
Abbott Arthur, Depot.
Abbott David (& Mrs), plasterer, Depot.
Ahmer W H (& Mrs), oil contr, Florence.
Ailer O E (& Mrs), carpenter, Walnut.
Alderman D M, merchant, Blennerhassett av
Alderman S J Mrs, Blennerhassett av.
Allender C L (& Mrs), insurance, Elm.
Allen A L, laborer, John.
Allen Anna, Walnut.
Allen C H (& Mrs), laborer, Walnut.
Allen F P, carpenter, John.
Allen George, laborer, Walnut.
Allen Harry, retired, Elm.
Allen Mrs Jane, Walnut.
Allen L P (& Mrs), carpenter, John.
Allen Pearl, collector, John.
Archer A E (& Mrs), collector, Elm.
Archer Earl H, student, Elm.
Archer Mabel, student, Elm.
Arnold Mrs Cora, dressmaker, Maine.
Armstrong Lizzie, 134 Walnut.
Armstrong Richard (& Mrs), Elm.
Armstrong Wm (& Mrs), asst cashier First
Natl Bank, 134 Walnut.
Athey J V (& Mrs), physician, Main.
Athey Pearl Mrs, grocer, Blennerhassett av.
Bailey Dorothy B, tel opr, O'Neal.
Bailey J P (& Mrs), O'Neal.
Barkley W H (& Mrs). Depot.
Barringer Glenna, John.
Barringer M L (& Mrs), John.
Bennett Delia, Florence.
Bennett John G (& Mrs), laborer, Florence.
Bennett Silas, teamster, Florence.
Bettes George (& Mrs), farmer, John.
Black Henry (& Mrs), poultryman, Blenner-
hassett av.
Black Lewis (& Mrs), Florence.
Blasser Sophia, Florence.
Boome Mary, Walnut.
Booth Mary, Blennerhassett av.
Boothby J T (& Mrs), Lambert.
Boothby Margaret Mrs, Lambert.
Bosworth & Athey, grocers.
Bosworth Frank (& Mrs), grocer, Main.
Bosworth Jennie, Main.
Brabham Hazel, student, Worth av.
Brabham Leonard (& Mrs), Worth av.
Brabham Raymond, machinist, Worth av.
Brackney L E (& Mrs), oil duller, Maine.
Brackney Ralph, Main.
Brookhart J H (& Mrs), pilot, Elm.
Brooks Albert (& Mrs), section hand, Depjt.
Brooks George (& Mrs),- checker, Elm.
Brooks Hugh Jr, Depot.
Brooks Hugh (& Mis), stockman, Depot.
Brooks John, Depot.
Brooks W C (& Mrs), O'Neal.
Brown C A (& Mrs), contractor, Maine.
Brown Elmer {& Mrs), postmaster, 315 Wal-
Brown John, salesman, Main.
Browning Frank, Blennerhassett av.
Browning J D (& Mrs), Blennerhassett av.
Browning Julia, Blennerhassett av.
Browning Laura, Blennerhassett av.
Browning Louise, Blennerhassett av.
Bruny George, foreman, Florence.
Buckner Noah (& Mrs), ferryman, Walnut.
Buries Charles (& Mrs), Elm.
Burton A W (& Mrs), brick contr, Florence.
Burton Bernard, Florence.
Byron W M (& Mrs), collector, Main.
Cady Catherine Mrs, Walnut.
Callander John (& Mrs), blksmith, Pomeroy
Campbell Lina, Pomeroy Pike.
Campbell Lum, teacher, Main.
Casley D R (& Mrs), machinist, Main.
Casley Edyth, student, Main.
Casley Pauline, Main.
Chambers Gracie, Main.
Chambers Lee (& Mrs), carpenter, Main.
Chambers Mary Mrs, Main.
Chambers Ethel Mrs, 302 Main.
Chambers Floyd L (& Mrs), F'orence.
Channel O (& Mrs), laborer, Main.
Charter C A (& Mrs), agt, G09 Walnut.
Charter Elizabeth, 609 Walnut.
Charter Frank, clerk, G09 Walnut.
Charter Ida, student, 609 Walnut.
Charter Lelia, student, 609 Walnut.
Cherry J W (& Mrs), molder, Elm.
Cherry J W (& Mrs), cigar mfr, Elm.
Christopher Allen, student, Main.
Christopher C L (& Mrs), laborer, Main.
Cilles Bertram, student, Walnut.
Cilles Bessye, stenographer, Walnui.
Cilles Captain (& Mrs), pilot, Walnut.
Coe Ernest, packer, Walnut.
Coe Grace, Walnut.
Coe Loring, Walnut.
Coe Wm (& Mrs), insurance agt, Walnut.
Corapton Robert (& Mrs), carpenter. Main.
Compton R L, helper. Main.
Costola Carrie, student, Walnut.
Costola Charles (& Mrs), watchman, 5th.
Costola Ellen, seamstress, Clement av.
Costola George (& Mrs), machinist, Walnut.
Costola Lon, plumber, 5th.
Costo'a Mabel, tel opr, 5th.
Costola Patrick (& Mrs), ticket ast, Clem-
ent av.
Costola Wm (& Mrs), watchman, Main.
Cox Ernest H, bell boy, Walnut.
Cox W E (& Mrs), merchant, Main.
Ciamer Flora, stenographer, Main.
Cranston Sarah A Mrs, Main.
Cunningham I C (& Mrs), Walnut.
Cunningham Mary J, Main.
Curtis Alice Mrs, boarding house, Walnu.
Curtis Bernice, clerk, Walnut.
Curtis Mabel, Walnut.
Cutler Robert R (& Mrs), engineer, Blenner-
hassett av.
Dana George R, student, Walnut.
Dana John (& Mrs), mtgr, Walnut.
Dana Lockwood, student, Walnut.
Dana Marian, student, Walnut.
Daniels Hattie Mrs, Walnut.
Daniels J J (& Mrs), engineer, Main.
Darnold F H, bricklayer, Main.
Darst Ada, student, Clement av.
Darst C J (& Mrs), Clement av.
Davis F D (& Mrs), laborer, Main.
Davison J W (& Mrs), Main.
Deeble Ella, Walnut.
Deem David (& Mrs), Main.
Deems Joseph (& Mrs), engineer. Elm.
Dickinson Rev C E (& Mrs), Walnut.
Dittman W S (&Mrs), oil driller, Blenner-
hassett av.
Dixon Ella, Main.
Douglas Ada, tel operator, Florence.
Douglas Carl M, iron worker, Florence.
Douglas Greek, milliner, Florence.
Douglas M W (& Mrs), contr, Florence.
Dovener Albert (& Mrs), 603 Walnut.
Drake Charlotte, Depot.
Drake Dessie, Depot.
Drake J H (& Mrs), foreman. Depot.
Diake J K, railroader, Depot.
Dressel Charles (& Mrs), supt, Elm.
Dressel F J (& Mrs), 316 Main.
Dressel G M (& Mrs), salesman, Walnut.
Dressel Harry, clerk, Blennerhassett av.
Dressel J M (& Mrs), Blennerhassett av.
Dugan Amos (& Mrs), postman, Elm.
Dunbarger Capt A C (& Mrs). Main.
Duncan C H (& Mrs), saloonist. Main/
Dye Ross (& Mrs), engineer, Pomeroy Pike.
Dyke Richard (& Mrs), teamster, Elm.
Dyke Thomas, pipe layer. Main.
Ellenwood Da'e, liveryman, Blennerhassi it.
Ellenwood 0 N (& Mrs), liveryman, Blen-
nerhassett av.
Ellenwood Willard, Blennerhassett av.
Ellenwood Weir, Blennerhassett av.
Ellison Casto (& Mrs), laborer, 5th.
Ferguson E H (& Mrs), Main.
Ferguson E M (& Mrs), Main.
Figley Frank (& Mrs), oil driller, Main.
First National Bank (B C Van Winkle pr.'s,
D M Alderman vice pres, F A Van Duren
cashier), cor Main and Blennerhassett.
Fich J W (& Mrs), engineer, Main.
Fitch Ruth, Main.
Fittro Harry, marble cutter, Blennerhassett.
Fittro Moore, delivery boy, Blennerhassett.
Fittro Samuel (& Mrs), Blennerhassett av.
Flaherty Michael (& Mrs), foreman, Depot.
Flanagan J W (& Mrs), blksmith, Florence.
Flanagan Mary, Florence.
Fling Dosha, Main.
Fling S B, miller. Main.
Ford Lee L (& Mrs), plumber, Walnut.
Forbes Julia, Elm.
Fowler Jane, waiter. Main.
Frederick Susana, Depot.
Fry A C (& Mrs), John.
Fry I N (& Mrs), teamster, Walnut.
Fry Jessie, planer. Walnut.
Fry Roy, planer. Walnut.
Fuller E F (& Mrs), salesman, Walnut.
Fulton John (& Mrs),- Florence.
Fulton Thomas (&Mrs), laborer, Florence.
Furben Lydia Mrs, Main.
Gainer M E, plumber. Main.
Gallagher C H (& Mrs)', foreman, Main.
Gallagher Mary, Main.
Gallagher Philip (& Mrs), Main.
Gamble W W (& Mrs), Elm.
Gardner John (& Mrs), grocer, 5th.
Garloch Bernice, O'Neal.
Garloch Guthrie, machinist, O'Neal.
Garloch J W (& Mrs), engineer, O'Neal.
Garloch Ralph, O'Neal.
Garloch Winifred, O'Neal.
Gearheart H (& Mrs), engineer, Florence.
Gerhold A M, freight man, Depot.
Gettle C (& Mrs), teamster, Florence.
Glazier A W (& Mrs), Main.
Glazier Arthur, student, Main.
Glazier H H (& Mrs), clerk, Walnut.
Goodno Dr C W, physician, Main.
Gorby Z S (& Mrs), Walnut.
Gorby Lulu, teacher. Walnut.
Gould Harry (& Mrs), gardener, Main.
Haddox Duncan, night ferryman. Blenner-
hassett av.
Haddox D D, watchman, Blennerhassett av.
Hale P I Jr (& Mrs), salesman, Main.
Hale P I (& Mrs), Walnut.
Hall Andrew (& Mrs), Elm.
Hall George, student, Elm.
Halsey E M, undertaker, Main.
Hamilton M R (& Mrs), freight agt, Flor-
Harden Samuel (& Mrs), Walnut.
Harrison Chester (& Mrs), Elm.
Harrison F J (& Mrs), machinist, Elm.
Harrison Jackson, Main.
Harvey Anna, laundress, Main.
Harvey Emma, laundress. Main.
rtarvey Roxana, ironer, Main.
Hawk S M, meat market, Walnut.
Hazlerigg Frank (& Mrs), 603 Walnut.
heflin Anna, seamstress, Florence.
Heflin Enoch H (& Mrs), pumper, Florence.
Heflin Frank, student, Florence.
Henderson Jane Mrs, O'Neal.
Henderson Mary Mrs, Main.
Henderson Sherman, Main.
Hendershot Jack, farmer, Main.
Hendershot L (& Mrs), teamster, Main.
Hill Elizabeth Mrs, cor 3d and Main.
Hill Frank Jr, engineer. Elm.
Hill J W (& Mrs), shoemkr, 503 Main.
Holden Martha Mrs, Main.
Hufford John (& Mrs), Elm.
Hugh Katie, clerk, Depot.
Hugh Willie, yard clerk. Depot.
Hull Frank (& Mrs), engineer, Blennerhas-
sett av.
Hull Robert Jr, clerk, Blennerhassett av.
Hulbut A Mrs, Depot.
Hurlow Chas H (& Mrs), brickmason, Clem-
ent av.
Hurlow Delma, expressman, Clement av.
Hurlow Stanley, student, Clement av.
Hurlow Willie, Clement av.
Hutchison Geo, carpenter, O'Neal.
Hutchison James, pilot, O'Neal.
Hutchison Lara, O'Neal.
Jackson Blanden, 521 Main.
Jackson C S (& Mrs), salesman. Main.
Jackson Josephine, 521 Main.
Jackson Thos, insurance, Blennerhassett av.
Jackson T B, grocer.
Jamison W W Jr, oil man, Walnut.
Jenell Charlie, helper, Main.
Jones Alpha, helper, 5th.
Jones Cornelia, Florence.
Jones Eugene, Florence.
Jones Henry (& Mrs), blacksmith, Walnut.
Jones Henry (& Mrs), teamster, Walnut.
Joyce Anna, seamstress, Walnut.
Joyce Margaret, Walnut.
Kelly Erma, student, Main.
Kennedy B L (& Mrs), pilot, Main.
Kent Roy, carpenter, Elm.
Kent Samuel (& Mrs), junk dealer, Elm.
Kiehl E R (& Mrs), contractor, Walnut.
Kimes Howard, student, 302 Main.
Kimes Wm J (& Mrs), produce man, 302
King D A Mrs, O'Neal.
King J G (& Mrs), 402 Florence.
King Jas K (& Mrs), engineer, 14G Main.
King Lena Mrs, Main.
King Virginia, 14G Main.
Knee P H (& Mrs), foreman, Walnut.
Knowles Ralph (& Mrs), woodwkr, Flor-
Kraft Harry W (& Mrs), pilot, Florence.
Kraft Harry, Florence.
Lacy Emma C, Florence.
Lacy Fred (& Mrs), chef, Florence.
Lang F A (& Mrs), Florence.
Laughlin Rev J G (& Mrs), pastor M B
Church, Main.
Lewis W H (& Mrs), laborer, Walnut.
Lupardus Anna, O'Neal.
Lupardus John, laborer, O'Neal.
Luzader Bruce, clerk, Florence.
Luzader Charles, student, Florence.
Luzader Mary Mrs, Florence.
Maddy S S (& Mrs), clerk, Florence.
Mankins Rufus (& Mrs), Main.
Marsh Mary L, Main.
McCard Alex (& Mrs), Elm.
McCray Floyd (&. Mrs), carpenter, Walnut.
McCray P A (& Mrs), farmer, Walnut.
McClure John (& Mrs), postman, John.
McDonough Deliah.
McDonough Patrick, salesman.
McDonough Patrick.
McGrew H D (& Mrs), carpenter, Main.
McGrew Jesse (& Mrs), marshal, 400 Walnut
McGrew Mabel, 400 Walnut.
McGrew Mike (& Mrs), Main.
McNeal Chas Mrs, asst postmistress, Main.
McPherson E C (& Mrs), laborer, Elm.
McPherson John (& Mrs), laborer, O'Neal.
McPherson Minnie, dressmaker, Elm.
McPherson W R (& Mrs), carpenter, Elm.
Merville A V (& Mrs), oil driller, Florence.
Miller Clyde, brakeman, Elm.
Miller Florence, Elm.
Miller Mary B, student, Elm.
Miller Myrtle, student, Elm.
Miller Henry (& Mrs), plasterer, Elm.
Miller Rebecca Mrs, Elm.
Miller Stella, Elm.
Miller T B t& Mrs), carpenter, Florence.
Miller W A (& Mrs), jeweler, Main.
Mitchell George (& Mrs), foreman, Depot.
Mitchell Harry (& Mrs), Depot.
Mitchell Nettie, nurse, Walnut.
Monroe James (& Mrs), cook, Florence.
Morgan William, Walnut.
Morris Allen C (& Mrs), packer, Elm.
Mummy T J (& Mrs), eng, Walnut.
Mummy Willis R, Walnut.
Murphy T T (&Mrs), Justice of the Peace,
128 Main.
Oliver Laura, student, Florence.
O'Neal Dora H Mrs, Main.
O'Neal E R (& Mrs), farmer, 612 Main.
O'Neal J C (<£ Mrs), farmer, Main.
O'Neal Josie. G12 Main.
O'Neil J J Mrs, engineer, Main.
Packard J H (& Mrs), druggist. Walnut.
Packard 0 H (& Mrs), carpenter. Elm.
Packett Margaret Mrs, 402 Florence.
Patton Milton (& Mrs), carpenter, Main.
Patton Minnie, teacher. Main.
Pearcy James A (& Mrs), miller, Florence.
Pearcy G W, miller, Florence.
Pennock Eleanor, Main.
Pennock Lucy, Main.
Pennock Mrs, Main.
Pennock Sadie, Main.
Peters Clara, clerk, Main.
Peters John (& Mrs), carpenter. Main.
Pinnell Mason, clerk, Main.
Pinnell R L Mrs, Walnut.
Totter Elmer (& Mrs), deliveryman, Main.
Powell Andra. milliner, Main.
Powell Blanche, milliner, Main.
Powell James (& Mrs), gardener. .Main.
Prereton James, student, O'Neal.
Ptereton Marian, O'Neal.
Piunty T J (& Mrs), physician, 322 Main.
Needham Dana (& Mrs), merchant, Blenner-
hassett av.
Needham D R (& Mrs), Walnut.
Nicho's Malissa Mrs, Clement av.
Nichols Wm (& Mrs), carpenter, Clemen:.
Noland Reuben (& Mrs), Walnut.
Northrope Chas (& Mrs), shipping clerk
Northrope Doris, Main.
Northrope George (& Mrs), Main.
Northrope George, shearer, Main.
Northrope Ida, student, Main.
Northrope Paul (& Mrs), carpenter, Main.
Nuzum David (& Mrs), grocer, Elm.
Oliver David (& Mrs), contr, Florence.
Oliver Janette, Florence.
Oliver John '& Mrs), Florence.
Rankin O W (& Mrs), oil man, 5th.
Rathbone Frances, music teacher, E'm.
Ray Emily, 224 Florence.
Reed James, 224 Florence.
Reid Jessie M, Walnut.
Reid W H Jr, engineer, Walnut.
Reid W H (& Mrs), jeweler, Walnut.
Rice C L (& Mrs), laborer, Main.
Richards J H. engineer. Main.
Riffe SP A Mrs), brakeman, Main.
Riley J E (& Mrs), liveryman, Main.
Robinson C E, barber, Walnut.
Robinson Effle Mrs, G04 Walnut.
Rogers S F (& Mrs), clerk, Florence.
Rone Mike Mrs, Main.
Root Anna, 503 Main.
Root C E, 503 Main.
Ross Ellen, Walnut.
Rounds Edward (& Mrs), tinner, Depot.
Rounds Leonard, farmer, Depot.
Rounds Myrtle, Depot.
Roush Minnie, Florence.
Rudy Jack, Florence.
Rudy John (& Mrs), riverman, 408 Florence.
Saddler Vivian, prin of schools, Walnut.
Sanborn .1 W (& Mrs), Florence.
Sciance James (& Mrs), 2d-hand store, Bel-
pre Hotel.
Scott Anna, dressmaker, Elm.
Scott Charles (& Mrs), packer, Elm.
Scott Matilda Mrs, Elm.
Scott Julius, farmer, Walnut.
SCott J N (& Mrs), farmer, Walnut.
Scott Raymond, farmer, Walnut.
Seffens Edward (& Mrs), carp, 523 Main.
Seffens Lena, student, 523 Main.
Settle G W (& Mrs), shipping elk, Main.
Shaw J W (& Mrs), Main.
Shaw Win (oc Mrs), engineer, Florence.
Shock Worth (& Mrs), teamster, Main.
Simpson Alpha, student, Walnut.
Simpson Anna, student, Walnut.
Simpson Porterfield (& Mrs), carp, Walnut.
Simpson Rhea, Walnut.
Singer Charles (& Mrs), millman, Elm.
Singer Dessie, student, Elm.
Singer Erie, student. Elm.
Singer Lulu, student, Elm.
Six Effle Mrs, Main.
Smith Carl, bkkpr, Blennerhassett av.
Smith Ellen Mrs, Florence.
Smith T H (& Mrs), merchant, Blennerhas-
sett av.
Smith John F, tinner, Florence.
Smith Joseph, steam shovel, Florence.
Smith Mary J Mrs, Florence.
Smith Susan Mrs, Florence.
Smith W H (& Mrs), laborer, Clement av.
Sparhawk Caroline, seamstress, Main.
Spencer G R (& Mrs), painter, Florence.
Spencer Joe, car inspector, 5th.
Spencer Samuel (& Mrs), pilot, 5th.
Stalnaker Win (& Mrs), miller, Main.
Stalnaker \vm (& Mrs), engineer, Main.
Starling D E (& Mrs), carpenter, Main.
Steward Dan (& Mrs), fireman, 608 Walnut.
Steward Florence M, student, Main.
Steward Harley (& Mrs), minister, Main.
Steele R. M (& Mrs), train dispatcher, Elm.
Stone H L, druggist, Blennerhassett av.
Stone's Drug Store, Blennerhassett av.
Stone Elliott, furniture, Blennerhassett av.
Stone Frank (& Mrs), farmer, Clement av.
Stone John (& Mrs), ferryman, Blenner-
hassett av.
Stone J M (& Mrs), produce, Walnut.
Stone Lena, Clements av.
Stone Northrope, farmer, Blennerhassett av.
Stone Rowena Mrs, Blennerhassett av.
Stone Sidney, Clement av.
Sturm Homer (& Mrs), bridge builder, John.
Sturm Muriel, Main.
Sturm W P (.& Mrs), foreman. Main.
Sutton L L (& Mrs), carpenter, Walnut.
Suiny R B (& Mrs), engineer, Blennerhas-
sett av.
Suiny Wm, Blennerhassett av.
Taylor Charles, stableman, 604 Walnut.
Taylor G E (& Mrs), carpenter, Clement.
Taylor H B Mrs, Clement av.
Taylor Jas E, grocer, Clement av.
Taylor R W, expressman, Clement av.
Taylor S M (& Mrs), barber, Main.
Trautman Lee (& Mrs), tool dresser, Main.
Turner Charles, laborer, O'Neal.
Turner Frank (uc Mrs), laborer, O'Neal.
Turner Nina, clerk, Florence.
Turner Robert, student, O'Neal.
Turrell Esther Mrs, Elm.
Turrell James (& Mrs), teamster, Florence.
Tyler James (& Mrs), Florence.
Ullum E R, Florence.
Ullum Frank (& Mrs), carpenter, Florence.
Van Duren Frank, cashier.
Van Metar Clara Mrs, Blennerhassett av.
Van Metar Frank, Blennerhassett av.
Van Metar, Fred, printer, Blennerhassett av.
Van Metar Sadie, Blennerhassett av.
Van Winkle B L Dr, Blennerhassett av.
Wakefield Judy, Main.
Ward James (& Mrs), fireman, Main.
Warfield Frances, teacher. Main.
Warfield Margaret, Main.
Warrass Evaline, Florence.
Warrass Ida, Florence.
Warrass Maud, Florence.
Waterman Frank (& Mrs), shipping clerk.
Waterman J B (& Mrs), insurance, Blenner-
hassett av.
Watson Anna, Main.
Wayman Douglas, Elm.
Wayman Grace, student, Elm.
Wayman W E t& Mrs), steamboat elk, Elm
Weatherbe« Albert (& Mrs), teacher, Elm.
Weatherbee Carl, driver, Elm.
Weatherbee Claude, student, Elm.
Weatherbee Walter, student, Elm.
Wetzel Maude Mrs, 5th.
Wetzel Vivian, machine opr, Elm.
Wharton Lloyd H, student, Walnut.
Wharton W J (& Mrs), Walnut.
White H C (& Mrs), millwright, Florence.
Whitehair A S (& Mrs), farmer. Main.
Wigner A J (& Mrs), stone mason, 50C Elm.
Wigner Ethel, 50G Elm.
Wigner Eva, student, 50G Elm.
Wileoxen Wm, teamster, Walnut.
Wilcoxen Bill, teamster, Walnut.
Wileoxen Harvey (& Mrs), butcher, Walnut.
Wilcoxen .1 H (& Mrs), teamster, Blehner-
hassett av.
Wilcoxen Samuel (& Mrs), liveryman, Wal-
Wilcoxen T J (& Mrs), Blennerhassett av.
Wilcoxen Wm, mill hand, Walnut.
Williams Amanda Mrs, Main.
Williams Anna, Main.
Williams Bertha, Main.
Williams Bessie, Main.
Williams John (& Mrs), Main.
Williams Lena, Main.
Williams Mattie, Main.
Williams T E (& Mrs), mechanic, Elm.
Wilson Emma, Main.
Wilson Prank (& Mrs), shipping clerk,
Wilson Fred, Walnut.
Wilson Henry (& Mrs), fruit tree agt. Main.
Witherspoon J F (& Mrs), tel opr, Main.
Witte Florence, student, Walnut.
Woodruff Luther (& Mrs), yardmaster, Main.
Wolf Fred, Main.
Wolf Wm (& Mrs), sign painter, Main.
Wright De'la, student, Walnut.
Wright Geo (& Mrs), engineer, 517 Walnut.
Wright Helen, student, 517 Walnut.
Wright Isaac (& Mrs), janitor, Walnu.
Wirght Mabel, student, Walnut.
Additional Addresses
Street and Avenue Guide to Parkersburg
A, from Ceiar south 1st west of Elizabeth
pike, Tavennerville.
Addison, now 24th.
Agnes, from Worthington creek north 1st
east of Kenner.
A.1 la, X Parkersburg.
Andrews, from 1380 Till to Worthington
Ann. from Little Kanawha River north io
Murdoch av, 1st easl of Ohio.
Atlantic av, from Springdale av, west to
Pond lane, Beechwood.
Avery, from Little Kanawha River north i <
Odd Fellows Cemetery, first east of Mar-
It, from Lubeck av. south, lsl west of Kra-
mer, S Side.
Bartlett av, from Hull Creek Road to Hem-
lock, 1 s Wesl Virginia av, N Parkersburg.
Beaver, from 14th north, 1st west of St
Marys av.
Belle, from Worthington Creek n. 2nd wesl
of while bridge.
Baxter, from Short west to Pond Run, I
north of Park place.
Bird, from Andrew south to Staunton av,
1st e of Mark.
Blennerhassett av, from Pond lane, Beech-
wood, east to North A-very, N Parkers-
Bradley av, from Juliana st bridge west, S
Briant, from 17th south to Tib, 1st east of
Park av.
Brooklyn, from 23d north, 1 east of Mouut
Olivet Cemetery.
Brown av, from 10th to 11th bet Ann and
Bryan, now Pearcj av.
Hull Creek Road (25th) from Pottery Junc-
tion northeast, N Parkersburg.
Bush, from 12ih bet Avery and Quincy,
south and east to Quiney.
C, from Lubeck av, south 1st west of B,
S Side.
Camden, from 1210 7th south to S O Co',;
Camden av, now 26th.
Carney, from 13th north. 1 east of Dillowav.
Cellar, from Elizabeth av west, 6th s of
Kanawha River. S Side.
Central, from 24th n. 1st w of Garfield av.
Center. Quick's addition east of City Park.
(Vntial av. N Parkei slmrg. from Foley laic
south, 1st e of Dudley road.
Central av, from Juliana st bridge southeast,
2d south of Kanawha River also from Lu-
beck av e, lili s of Kanawha river, S Side.
Chancellor av, from 6th to 7th bet Market
and Avery.
Charles, from 1041 Swann east to Laird av.
Chestnut, from 23d s 1st w of Fairview av.
Chestnut. Grand View Ktights, 1st north of
City Hall Place, west from 511 Market.
Clay, from 8th north, 1st east of Avery.
Clement av from 23d, north, 1 west St
Marys av.
Columbia av, from in 1-2 to Jackson av, 1st
west of Swann.
Columbia, from 1(114 Swann west to Jack-
son av.
Copen, from 12th n along O R R R.
Cornwell Place, from 11th south 400 f 1 , 1st
east of Avery.
Court sq. from 211 3d east to Market.
Covert, from 1 :', 1-2 north, 1st east of Spring
Curry, from Gale av wesl bet 5th and 6th.
I), from Lubeck av, south, 2d west of li, S
Depot, from Harris east to S O Co's refiner/.
DeSalles Heights, Murdoch av and Ann ext.
Dewey, now Maxwell a v.
Dickel av, from 23d south, 2d east of City
Dillowav, from 12th north to 11th, 1st east
of Latrobe.
Dils, now 23d.
Division, from 24th north to city line, 2d
west of Murdoch av.
Division, from 1040 Elizabeth av south, S
Dudley av, from 19th n e to N Parkersbuifj.
Dunbar, from Staunton pike n, 1st e of Vic-
toria (Stone add).
E, from Lubeck av south. 3d west of B, S
East, from Marietta a'- north to 7th, 1st
east of George.
Eighteenth, from O R R R west to Ohio
River and from Market e to St Marys av.
Eighth, from Park Place east to Green and
from Swann west, 1st north of 7th.
Eleventh, from Murdoch av e to Quiucy.
Elizabeth Pike, from Neals Run n along
Kanawha River, S Side.
— 26C—
Elm, from Park to Chestnut, 1st s of 23d.
F, from Lubeck av south, 4th west of B, S
Fairview av, from 7th n to 23d.
Farrow av, west side Prospect Hill, n of
Fifteenth, from St Marjj av east.
Fifth, from Ohio River east to 1? & O R It,
1st north of 4th.
Fifth av, from Division east, 5th south ■/'
Central av, S Side.
Finley, from 8th north, 1 w of Murdoch av.
First, from Ann southeast, 1st north of
Little Kanawha River.
First av, from Division north, 1st south of
Central av, S Side.
Florida av, now 25th.
Foley's Lane, from Bull Creek Road ea-sf.
N Parkersburg.
Fourteenth, from Spring east to Catholic
Cemetery and from Catholic Cemetery
Fourth, from S30 Ann east to R & O R R.
Fourth av. from Division east, 4th south of
Central av, S Side.
Franklin av, from 120 8th, north to 10th.
Front, now Ohio av.
G, from Lubeck av south. 5th west of I!, S
Gale av. from 584 5th north to 6th.
Garfield av, from 12th north to 26th, 1st
west, of .Murdoch av.
George, from Little Kanawha River n to
Stewart's addition, 1st east of William and
from 16th north, 1st east of Oak.
George, from Elizabeth av s, 3d n of Divi-
sion, S Side.
Gould av, Ohio River to City Park.
Grafton, from 921 Swann east to Latrobe.
Grant, fiom Gth n, 1st west of Ann.
Green, 1st east of Avery from Little Ka-
nawha River north to Prospect Hill.
H, from Lubeck av south, Gth west of B, S
Hall, now 19 1-2.
Harris, from 600 6th north to 7th, 1st east
of Gale av.
Hemlock, from West Virginia av south, 6th
east of Springdale av N Parkersburg.
High, Grand View Heights, 3d n of 25th.
Highland, from 23d north, 2d east of Mount
Olivet Cemetery.
Holly, from Highland west, 1st north of 23d.
Hopkins, from Marietta av north to 7th b •
Green and Harris.
Jeannette, from Swann e to Oakwood, 1st n
of B & O R R.
Jeannette av, from Julius to William and
from George to East bet Jeannette and
Jersey av, from Elizabeth Pike east, 4th from
Kanawha River, S Side.
John, from Quincy east to Jackson av, 1st
north of 7th.
Johnson av, from Bu'l Creek Road west to
North Avery, N Parkersburg.
Juliana, from Little Kanawha River n to
ICtli, 1st west of Market.
Julius, from Marietta av north to 724 7th.
Juniata, from West Virginia av south, s east
of Springdale av, N Parkersburg.
Keever, from 18th north, 1st east of Ohio
River, Riverside.
Kenner, from River north to Andrews, 1st
east of Lulu.
Kramer, west from Lubeck av, 1st south of
Central av, S Side.
Laird av, from 7th north to Stewart's addi-
tion, 1st east of George.
Latrobe, from 823 7th north to 24tn.
Lavassar, now 23d.
Laverne, from Dilloway west, north of 13th.
Leafy Glen Court, from 551 Gth, north to
Marietta av.
Lee, from lGth north, 2d west of Park av.
Lenore, from 4th av north, 1st e of George,
S Side.
Liberty, from 16th north to 23d.
Lincoln av, from Springdale av, west cO
Pond lane, Beechwood.
Linden, from Blennerhassett av north to
West Virginia av, 2d east of Springdale av,
N Parkersburg.
Logan av, N Parkersburg.
Lubeck av, 1st south of Kanawha. River
from Juliana st bridge southeast, S Side.
Lulu, from Staunton north to Andrews, 1st
east of Bird.
Lynn, from 784 7th north to 19th and from
23d north to 25th, 1st east of Dudley av.
.Madison av, from Jackson av east, 1st north
of 7th.
Madison av, from Bull Creek Road west, 1st
north of Foley's lane, N Parkersburg.
Main, from near Neals Run west, 1st south
of Lubeck av, S Side.
Maple, from 23d south, 1st east of Dickel a v.
Mark, from Andrews, south to Staunton, 1st
east of Camden.
Market, from Little Kanawha River north
to 16th, 1st east of Juliana.
.Mary, from 812 7th, east to Camden.
Maxwell av, from lGth north, 1st west of
Park av.
Michigan av, from Elizabeth pike east, 15
Monroe, from Gth north, 2d west of Ann.
Mount, from Harris east, 1st south of 7th.
Jlu doch, from Park Place north, 2d west of
Murdoch av.
Murdoch av, from 805 Ann north to Spring-
dale av.
Newton, from 24th north, 3d west of Gar-
field av.
Nine-and-a-Half, from Market east to Avery.
Nineteen-and-a-Half, from O R R R west,
1st north of 19th.
Nineteenth, from Ohio River east to City
Park, 1st north of 18th.
Ninth, from Ann east to Avery.
North Avery, from West Virginia av south.
-1th east of Springdale av, N Parkersburg.
North Cornwell, bet Avery and Spring from
13th north to 11th ext.
North Grand av, from Summit north.
Oak, from St Xavier's Cemetery north to
23d, 1st east of Park.
Oak, from 841 7th north to Virginia av.
Oakwood, from Mary south, 1st east of
Ohio, from 1st to 2d, along Ohio River.
Ohio av, from 19th north to limits, 1st west
of Murdoch av.
Paden (14th) from Dilloway east, 1st north
of 12th.
Park, from 15th north to 19th, 1st east ot
Park av, from Foley's lane south, 2d east
of Dudley road, N Parkersburg.
Park av, from 7th north to 23d.
Park Place, west end of 8th.
Pearcy av, from lGth north, 3d west of
Park av.
Pennsylvania av, from Division east, 2d
south of Kanawha River, S Side.
Phelps av, from Phelps Chapel west, N
Phillips Court Alley, from 315 1st, north
to 9 1-2.
Pike, from Marietta south, 1st east of Harris.
Pine, from Race to Dickel av, east of City
Pine, from West Virginia av south. 1st west
of Springdale, Beechwood.
Plum, from 10th north to 23d, 1st. east cf
Pond Lane, from West Virginia av south,
4th wesi of Springdale av, Beechwood.
Poplar, from West Virginia av south, 3d west
of Springdale av, Beechwood.
Post, 1st east of Ohio River from Ohio av
Queen, from Copen south to Ohio River, Is:
north of 12th.
Queen Lane, from Springdale av west to
Pond lane, Beechwood.
Quincy, from 7th north to Kith, 1st east of
Race, from 7th north, 1st east of City Park.
Ramsey, from 13th north, 2d east of Dillo-
Randolph, from 24th north, 4th west of Ga"-
field av.
Ridge, from Blennerhassett av north *o
West Virginia av, 3d east of Springda'e
av, N Parkersburg.
Riley, from 24th north, 2d w of Garfield av.
River, from Belle west. •
River Road, from Elizabeth pike 1st east of
Scott, Tavennerville.
Riverview, from 12th north to Queen, 1st
west of O R R R.
St Clouds al, from Little Kanawha River
north to 5th bet Green and Avery.
St James Court Alley, from 1st north to 3th
bet Ann and Juliana.
St Marys av, from 514 13th. north to 19th.
Saunders av, N Parkersburg.
Scott, from Elizabeth west, 1st south of
Wood, S Side.
Second, from Ohio River southeast to Grem,
2d north of Little Kanawha River.
Second, from Pennsylvania av south, 1st
east of Division, S Side.
Second av, from Division east, 2d south of
Central av, S Side.
Seven-and-a-Half, from 034 Ann east ro
Seventeenth, from Market east to Fairvirw
Seventh, from Ann east to city limits.
Shattuck av, Prospect Hill, west of Quincy.
Short, from Park place north, 3d west of
Murdoch av.
Short Oak, Latrobe to William bet Virginia
av and Charles.
Sidney, now Garfield av.
Sixteenth, from Murdoch av west to 0 K
R R shops and from .Market east to Fair-
view addition.
Sixth, from Ohio River east to B & O R R,
1st north of 5th.
Sixth av, from Division east, 6th south of
Central av, S Side.
Skirvin, from 12lli north, 1st. west of Gar-
field av.
Smith, now lsth.
Smithfield, from Columbia north, 1st east of
Jackson av.
Snakeville Road, now Fairview a\
South Grand av, from 25th north to Sum-
Spencer, from Staunton pike north, 1st west
of Kraft school.
Spencer av, from Juliana st .bridge west, S
Spring, from 13th north to old corporation
line, 1st east of Avery.
Springdale av, from Murdoch av ext north.
Spruce, from Blennerhassett av north to
West Virginia av, 1st east of Springdale
av, N Parkersburg.
Staunton av, from 1200 7th east to Worth-
ington Creek.
Staunton Pike, from Worthington Creek
Stephenson av, from 1120 Tth south to U &
O R R.
Stewart, from 23d north, 1 west of Dudley av
Stone, from Staunton pike north, 1st east of
Kraft school.
Stout, from Staunton pike north, Stone add.
Stout, west from Murdoch av, bet 13th and
Summit, north from South Grand av 10
North Grand av. Terrapin Knob.
Susquehanna av, from Springdale av west to
Pond lane, Beechwood.
Swann, from 700 Jeannette north to 13th.
Tefft, from 1145 Swann east to Laird av.
Ten-and-a-Half, from Quincy east to Smith-
Tenth, from Murdoch av, east to Avery.
Terrace av, from Lubeck av east, 2d from
Kanawha River, S Side.
Terrawanda av, N Parkersburg.
Third, from Ohio River southeast to Green,
1st n of 2d.
Third, from 1st av south, 2d east, of Division,
S Side.
Third av, from Division east, 3d south ...f
Central av, S Side.
Thirteen-and-a-Half, from Spring east to
St Marys av.
Thirteenth, from Ann east to old corpora-
tion line.
Thomas, from Staunton av south to S 0
Co's refinery.
Turner, from Park place north 4th, west of
Murdoch av.
Twelfth, from Ohio Riyer east to Juliana,
from Avery east to Quincy and from La-
trobe east to Stephenson estate.
Twentieth, from Ohio River east to Murdoch
av. and from Dudley av east to City Park.
Twenty-first, from Dud'ey av east to City
Park, 1st north of 20th.
Twenty-second, from Dudley av east to Oak.
Twenty-third, from Dudley av east to Pair-
view av.
Twenty-fourth, from Ohio River east to La-
Twenty-fifth, from Ohio River east to Riley
and from Dudley av east to St Marys av.|
Twenty-sixth, from Ohio River east to Mur-
doch av.
Valley, Grand View Heights, 4th north of
25th. .
Vaughn av from 23d north, 1st east of La-
trobe to and beyond limits.
Victoria, from Staunton pike north (Stone
add), 1st east of Stout.
Vine, Grand View Heights, 2d north of 25th.
Virginia av, from Latrobe east to Laird av.
Virginia av, from Neals Run east, 1st north
of Central av, S Side.
Wade, from Worthington Creek north, 1st
west of White Bridge.
Walnut, from West Virginia av south, 2d
west of Springdale av, Beechwood.
Walnut, from Elizabeth pike west 2d north
of Central av, S Side.
Warne, from Lubeck av west, 1st north of
Central av, S Side.
Washington av, Dudley av to City Park.
Water, from 12th north, 1st east of Ohio
West Virginia av, from Ohio River east to
Bull Creek Road, Beechwood.
William, from Marietta av north to Stew-
art's add, 1st west of George.
Williams Court Alley, from 208 1st north.
Wood, from S25 Swann east to Latrobe, 1st
north of 7th.
Wood, from Elizabeth pike west, i Side.
Second, south from Lubeck av, bet Central
av and 3d.
Third, south from Lubeck av, between 2d
and 4th.
Fourth, south from Lubeck av, between 3d
and 5th.
Fifth, south from Lubeck av, between 4th
and 0th.
Sixlh, south from Lubeck av, between 7tn
and 5th.
Seventh, south from Lubeck av, between
0th and 8th.
Eighth, south from Lubeck av, west of 7t'i.
Hooker, in Sheffield, along L K R R.
Thomas av, south of Hooker, southeast and
Sheridan av, south of Hooker, southeast and
Sherman av, south of Hooker, southeast and
Grant av, south of Hooker, southeast and
Lee av, southwest of Central av, Sheffield.
Early av, southwest of Central av, Sheffield.
Jackson av, southwest of Central av, Shef-
Johnston av, southwest of Central av, Shef-
Hancock av, southwest of Central av, Shef-
Meade av, southwest of Central av, Sheffield.
Bell, Central av to L K R R.
Ward, Central av to L K R R.
Edison, Ward to Thomas av, northeast.
Whitney, Ward to Thomas av, northeast.
Franklin, southeast of Whitney to L K R R.
Neal av, Maplewood, east from Springdale w
Martin av, south of Neal av, east to Plum
from Springdale av.
Summit, east, from Springdale av, south of
Martin av.
The Home of The W. M. Barnes Directory Company, Parkersburg.
Chestnut, north from Summit to Neal.
Olive, north from Summit to Neal av, east
of Chestnut.
Plum, north from Summit to Neal av, east
of Olive.
Ash, north from Summit to Neal av, east of
Kendall av, west from Springdale av to
O R R R.
Jackson av, west from Springdale av *o
0 R R R.
Shattuck av, west from Springdale av to
O R R R.
Poplar, north, bet Pond lane and Spring-
dale av.
Pond Lane, bet High and Poplar, north be-
tween Kendall and Shattuck av.
High, north, bet Kendall av and Shattuck
av, between Pond lane and Blazer.
Blazer, along O R R R, between Shattuck av
and Kendall av.
Neal av, N Parkersburg, west from Bull
Creek Road north of Saunders av.
Saundeis av, N Parkersburg, west from Bull
Creek Road, between Neal and Smith av.
Smith av, N Parkersburg, e from Second,
south of Saunders av.
Second, from West Virginia av north to
Neal av, 1st west of Bull Creek Road.
Third, north, between Saunders av and Nei'l
av, 2d west of Bull Creek Road.
Fourth, north, between Smith av and N^i.1
av, 3d west of Bull Creek Road.
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